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Dak 19:31:56 pm CDT

if any have a topic, whisper to Me, and I will open the forum 


Dak 19:36:47 pm CDT

this for everyones info on the forum 


Forum Protocols and Rules and Times 



Forums commence at 7. pm Poolside Chat time on Forum nights or USA 8.00pm Eastern; 7.00pm Central; 6.00pm Mountain; 5.00pm Pacific Australian times are the next morning at EST 10.00am; CST 9.30am; Western 8.00am Canada at PDT 5pm; MDT 6pm; CTD 7pm; EDT 8pm; ADT 9pm; NDT 9:30pm 


follow the link to:_ World Time Zones 

Please note during daylight saving hours for each country people will need to add or deduct the hours to match the Forum times. 



The following Protocols and Rules are to be followed in all future forums at soon as the forum is called to order, this is allow a free flowing forum. 


1) Please PM /whisper the moderator with any topic(s) you wish discussed; 

2) All greetings/departures, chatting, and other actions can be made in PM's (whispers). Any person who has a problem with slaves whispering during a Forum please take your problem to the Council of Captains. 

3) It is not necessary for any to post an entry or departure to and from the forum; 

4) All persons whether Free or kajirae are ENCOURAGED to speak what is on their mind. All should always be respectful no matter what their station on Gor; 

5) Mutual respect is the only RULE at the forums; 

6) Each topic will be addressed by any that wish to speak on it, but in order to save time, it is suggested you type your post in a separate text format and then simply cut and paste it into the chat window; 

7) The forums are intended as both a learning experience for all and intended to promote unity amongst all of Gorean Shores and others, so come and listen as well as contribute; 

8) Words/thoughts spoken at the forum are a separate entity from the daily protocols of Gorean Shores. Please remember there is to be no retaliation of any words, including thoughts spoken by any slave during the forums, as it goes against the principles of the forum; 

9) Please keep all other posts to a minimum, your words and thoughts are more important; 

10) The Forum Notes are kept for future reference of the forums and many scribes work hard at saving the posts, please keep the work they do behind the scenes in mind. 

Most importantly enjoy the Forums and Gor! 


Lita, Physician 19:39:17 pm CDT

Dak, I was under the impression the time had been changed to 7:30 GS time Same as Book Club. Am I mistaken? 


Dak 19:40:18 pm CDT

I have a topic, so will open th forum, same rules as always, keep chitchat and greetings to whispers, to make it easier for the scribe 1st topic 


Slave Chains Quotes For This Week 

"When more than one slave girl stands in a relationship of slave girls, as when they serve in the same shop or house, or adorn the same rich man's pleasure gardens, it is common for the master, or masters, to appoint a "first girl." Her authority is then to the other girls as is that of the master. This tends to reduce squabbling. The first girl is usually, though not always, the favorite of the master. There is usually much competition to be first girl. First girls can be cruel and petty but commonly, they attempt to govern with intelligence and justice. They know that another girl, at the master's whim, may become first girl, and that they themselves may then be under her almost absolute power."

- Explorers of Gor - Page 77 

"The suspension of brush-and-comb privileges is also used, upon occasion, by the first girls as a disciplinary measure, within the coffle. Other disciplinary measures practiced among girls themselves involve such things as bonds, the control of rations and switchings. Girls, thus, under the control of first girls, reporting to the masters, commonly keep a good order among themselves. All, of course, including the first girls, are in all things subject, ultimately, to the total authority of the master."

- Savages of Gor - Page 231 

"It is common to set a first girl over others, to see that work is done, to see that discipline is kept, and such. Whereas this is not always done, it is sometimes done even when two slaves leave the house, as on an errand, one then being designated as "first girl." In this way authority is clearly defined. Goreans like this. And woe to the other girl if she should gainsay the first, prove troublesome or be in any way displeasing. Goreans, you see, tend to be great believers in rank, distance and hierarchy. These things stabilize society."

- Prize of Gor - Page 167 

"You may not carry such things from here, Master," she said.

"Who has said so?" he asked. 

"Pausanias, master of the Wagons," she said. 

"I herewith countermand his order," said he.

"I fear to report Master," she said. 

"You are first girl?" he asked.

Surely he knew that, from the talmit, from the switch on her right wrist. 

"Yes, Master," she said. 

He put down the sheets, and strode to her. She cowered back. 

"Talmit!" he said. 

She reached behind her head and undid the talmit, and handed it to him. He cast it to the floor. 

"Camisk off!" he said. 

"Master?" she said. 

"Now," he said. Then he said, "Switch." 

He then looked down upon her, as she now was, the switch in his hand. 

"Please, no, Master!" she said. 

I then saw the proud Nora under the switch. In a moment she was only a cringing, beaten slave, no different from others.

- Conspirators of Gor - Pages 507 - 508 

"Men were the masters. Did they not know that? Why did they not enforce their power, their will upon us? Could they not see what we wanted, what we needed? Were they so inattentive and so insensitive? Were they so stupid, so blind?"

- Kajira of Gor - Page 152 



1) What makes a chain successful? 

2) What is the purpose of a Man having a chain? 

3) Should slave chains be only city owned slaves? Why or why not? 


Dak 19:40:58 pm CDT

I don't believe it ever has been officially, *smiles* 


aura{Hunter} 19:44:13 pm CDT

reads over the quotes and thinks 


Ramses, Captain of GS 19:44:49 pm CDT

*waits for some of the responses* 


Hunter{aura} 19:46:12 pm CDT

the answer to question one My view..*the people in it* 

that is a simple answer of what can be a very complex set of circumstances and yet it is at the same time a simple truth 


Dak 19:46:29 pm CDT

finding slave that can handle sharing a Master is probably most important 


aura{Hunter} 19:47:03 pm CDT

Master Ramses maybe some of us could say plenty but some things are better left unsaid ....smiles soft as she blinks her long sooty lashes 


nasreen{TH} 19:47:09 pm CDT

it all depends on the people involved 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 19:47:27 pm CDT

What makes a chain successful .... a strong Master is mostly needed. Astrong and strict MAster who keeps His slaves in their place and doesn´t let them doubt about what they are .. slaves who have to obeye. The first girl is just to be His eye (and hand with a switch if needed) on the chain when He is not around to do it personally or doesn´t want to be disturbed by slave squabbles. 


aura{Hunter} 19:47:42 pm CDT

beams as the girls Master speaks so well 


Ramses, Captain of GS 19:48:02 pm CDT


forum is an open .. forum, aura 



Dak 19:48:56 pm CDT

that is ok, by the books, but it takes more than that online ! 


shimmer{GS~O~} 19:49:34 pm CDT

well i was a slave of a slaver... and was his first girl of his chain... it was he who ruled his slaves... and then he would turn to me to make sure the duties he assigned were done... he was the one in command of his slaves.... but he looked to me to know the feelings and the going on of the slaves... and what was or was not being done in his absence... 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 19:49:50 pm CDT

chuckles at aura´s remark 

typical woman ... saying i know something but i don´t tell 



Lita, Physician 19:50:46 pm CDT

I would say definitely that the answer to question 1 is the Master. For slaves have no choice. they either obey His rules and play nice with the other children, or risk being sold or killed. 


Hunter{aura} 19:51:41 pm CDT

if the Master chooses wisely...carefully....with enough time to really know each girl...then much of whT Thorrn says will take care of itself ..would any agree with that? 

thats a very good point Dak 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 19:51:47 pm CDT

an online chain of slaves??? 

That is very delicate to handle because most slaves in a chain don´t act online as the Gorean books writes it about slave chains. 

Jealousy is nearly always around even though a slave is not allowed to be jealous *LOL* ... i know what i´m talking about *grin* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:52:25 pm CDT

well flicka has never been in a chain, but concurs, it is the people involved who would make it successful. A strong Master, compliant slaves. 


Ramses, Captain of GS 19:52:26 pm CDT

*nods in agreement with Thorrn 


Lita, Physician 19:53:02 pm CDT

Dak, again, even on-line, slaves have no choice. A Master does not have to keep a slave who causes difficulties of any kind. He can kill them and get 2 coppers for their body at the slaughterhouse. 


Dak 19:53:11 pm CDT

I know well, what it's like, *smiles* 


shimmer{GS~O~} 19:53:19 pm CDT

sorry ummmmmmam not use to speaking in third person and was told that third person speach is spoken here.... this is a new change and will try hard to learn how to do this. 


Dak 19:53:42 pm CDT

oh, they have a choice or obey or quit ! 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 19:54:06 pm CDT

online it is very important to attend enough time for each slve in the chain so that none will feel neglected ot being behind the other ... but even when a Master does so it can be very different hwo the slaves feel about it, each fo them tends to feel that she got less time to spent with the Master, it is in their nature 


nasreen{TH} 19:54:17 pm CDT

online the Master has to have time for each girl in the chain for some private time also if it is needed... 

this one thinks... 

and she knows how difficult that can be considering her Master is the slave Master 


Lita, Physician 19:54:30 pm CDT

I would agree with You Hunter. Choose wisely, and equip Your First Girl with a very large slave goad! 


Hunter{aura} 19:54:36 pm CDT

not just a strong master...or at least ..shall we say... strength has many forms 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:54:36 pm CDT

~smiles to shimmer~ it becomes second nature shimmer...sometimes even slips into memos in r/t, as does capping pronouns 


aura{Hunter} 19:56:32 pm CDT

this girl has been in a chain ...with a first girl she never accepted the title but she was and she was also the Masters favorite and she spoke down to this one and her sister .... dont think the Master ever knew how she could be cos the sweet side would show when he appeared from furring elsewhere on the site *S* 


nasreen{TH} 19:57:08 pm CDT

2nds what mistress snowrose said to often slips into rt even when talking to another person.... 


Lita, Physician 19:57:56 pm CDT

This was also true sometimes in the books, aura, but, being slaves, they just had to deal with it. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:00:19 pm CDT

Master Hunter, yes, strength does take many forms, flicka was thinking strength of will, of character, and first and foremost the most crucial trait of being a Master, Control of Self. Regarding what has been said about slaves must obey, well, this is true, a Master may, even online, discard or slay a slave who displeases Him, but, we slaves can be very manipulative, are "mistresses" at getting our own way.

Online especially, a girl feels, it would take a very perceptive Master to realise what was happening if a clever girl was manipulating things her way. 


Ramses, Captain of GS 20:00:52 pm CDT

well said, flicka 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:01:09 pm CDT


That is in the books that way and it works well in the books.

Online there is some small but important additional fact ... there are persons behind the screen and I´m afraid Wwe are ALL just Gorean to a certain amount 

Jealousy is not such a problem for the Males, I guess, but a lot with the females, it is often the reason why a chat place goes down, the jelleaousy between some women causing trouble., whether slaves, subs or vanilla 


aura{Hunter} 20:01:22 pm CDT

Mistress Lita from what this one has read it seems so 


Hunter{aura} 20:02:21 pm CDT

and I would say that the greatest strength towards a long term succesful chain is honesty...and each knowing the hearts of each....without that all the rules mean little ...brute force alone may work in a Gorean book...but will probably fail in Gorean chat very quickly 

of course it depends on wether the chain is only something which exists here in GS..or if it is a wholistic online thing 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:03:10 pm CDT

nods to flicka 

even slaves soemtimes don´t stop to try to be manipulative and it needs an experienced Master, experinced with the ways of women. to see that and not fall for that 


Lita, Physician 20:03:37 pm CDT

Tue Jarl, and any woman would be wise NOT to allow herself to fall prey to jealousy. Not only on-line but in real life. Jealousy can, has, and does ruin lives, if they but realized it. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:04:45 pm CDT

True about the effect of jealous, Lita 

But still it goes on and on with most people 


shimmer{GS~O~} 20:05:00 pm CDT

well my old Master if one of his chain messed up well the umthe first girl would get the same punishment as the offending slave.. as she allowed it to happen... unless she tried to stop the slave but the slave would not stop. but with his on line chain.. we never went private.. he furrer me in public right next to my chain sisters.. then would go and have her serve him paga.. then woulg start playing with her... he really shared his girls no not all would get furred in one night... but he really tired to r/p with all of his slaves together... he would draw circles in the ground and we would do positions in our circle until he was pleased with how we presented our self... 


nasreen{TH} 20:05:02 pm CDT



Ramses, Captain of GS 20:05:25 pm CDT

jealousy is VERY common, particularly on-line 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:05:40 pm CDT

Nods to Hunter Honesty is very important in a chain and a wise choice of the matching members of the chain 


Lita, Physician 20:09:05 pm CDT

o.k. Question 2. What is the purpose of a Man having a chain? 


Ramses, Captain of GS 20:09:28 pm CDT

greed .... 


nasreen{TH} 20:09:56 pm CDT

different girls meet different types of the Master's needs 


Hunter{aura} 20:10:08 pm CDT

ultimately if a chain is more than the will only work if all involved care for each other more or less evenly that seems to be always the impasse ....are we talking about reality or fantasy?...because online can be both 


Dak 20:10:20 pm CDT

online it is in hopes one can be available when Master is online 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:10:23 pm CDT

~impish little grin~ 

Mistress what a question. 

The first response that flicka has is to think of a little boy in a candy store, wanting all the boxes of chocolates. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:10:41 pm CDT

grins at Lita as answer to 2. 

Varietas delectat .... varity is pleasure 


Lita, Physician 20:11:32 pm CDT

*chuckles* So, Captain Ramses, You are saying that Women fall prey to jealousy, and Men to greed? Kinda balance out in a way, huh? *evil grin* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:12:00 pm CDT

~laughing at the honesty of Master Ramses.~ 

Jarl Thorrn so Masters wish for soft centres and hard centres? 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:12:23 pm CDT

chuckles at Ramses and His open commitment of greed 

That is truely a strong reason for enjoying to own many slaves ... like owning mayn things of other pelasurable possings 

Some are also colectors of different kinds of slaves, different characters, different colours, different tempers 


aura{Hunter} 20:12:30 pm CDT

Master so so so true .....rubs her soft cheek on Masters legs purring ...He is so wise 

flicka giggles aura was thinking the same thing .... 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:13:11 pm CDT


W/we all have O/our good and O/our bad sides 


Ramses, Captain of GS 20:13:13 pm CDT

Lita, that's the way of it 




Lita, Physician 20:13:28 pm CDT

True, Jarl. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:14:10 pm CDT

Soft and hard match perfectly to each other, flicka 



flicka-slave of Keeper 20:14:16 pm CDT

Master Dak, must a Master always have a slave collared to Him when He is online? 

May He not also take pleasure in talking, interacting with other Masters and slaves collared to Others? 


shimmer{GS~O~} 20:15:01 pm CDT

truthfully it allowsmore good slaves to have good Master's or if a Master only has one slave... then well there is a lot more un owned slaves out there... if a Free really cares about slaves... and has the time and patience to care for them... then it allows more slaves to be we all know there are a lot more slaves than Free and if slaves were smart they would see it as a good thing to be part of a chain... rather than sitting around... unowned and lonely... would much rather have a Master to look after even as the lowest slave... than to be all alone and not have anyone to touch me.... 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:15:03 pm CDT

so true my Master ..and Your girl loves all of them 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:15:37 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, flicka seldom has experienced "soft" when interacting with a Master. 


Hunter{aura} 20:15:53 pm CDT

the purpose is an interesting question....and again the gap between the fictional storyline of the books and us earthly humans complicates it still more 


Ramses, Captain of GS 20:16:00 pm CDT


that is very true shimmer 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:16:19 pm CDT

The pleasure to hunt and to conquer is another important impetus in Man rt and vt 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:17:08 pm CDT

they are owned shimmer...girl in the GS collar are as well and truly owned as any...They are owned by 4 very strong and sxy Captains 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:18:42 pm CDT

smiles to My slave as enjoys all of the sides of her Master 

she has no other choice anyways 


The soft side is not so often at the Master, more on the slave 


Lita, Physician 20:20:25 pm CDT

snow, that kinda brings Us to the 3rd question: 

3) Should slave chains be only city owned slaves? Why or why not? 


Hunter{aura} 20:20:59 pm CDT

is the purpose to allow a Master to prove he is of great prowess? 

is it greed? 

is it because of caring for more than one just happens as a natural byproduct of time spent talking..and the three..or more...all wish it is it out of pity? 

could be any or all of those 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:21:04 pm CDT

shimmer, aye, but the operative word here is Good, there are many not good Masters, Men Who are pretenders, and alas, because it is in our nature to seek to be owned by a One, we can rush into a collar. 

Rush in for the very reasons you say, that is: 

"rather than sitting around... unowned and lonely... would much rather have a Master to look after even as the lowest slave... than to be all alone and not have anyone to touch me..." 

Here in Gorean Shores, the Captains, and the Pledged Members are very attentive to the Tavern owned slaves. 

Not the same as a personal Master's collar a girl agrees, but far better than an absent Master's collar, or a Master who destroys a girl's will to serve. 


shimmer{GS~O~} 20:21:21 pm CDT

yes i mean in general... not here... mistress snowrose... have seen lots of slaves come to the room... to observe but when the time was up would not take the home's collar... said nope im holding out for a Master of my own so you would see her around surfing for a Master instead of being part of any type of chain... be it a home chain or a personal chain. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:21:37 pm CDT

don't think there would be any way to tell a Master that He can't have as many as He wants 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:21:43 pm CDT

Why that restriction Lita? Any Master can have a chain, each tavern in a city can hace a chain, better should have a long chain of slaves ot the guests would not be amused. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:25:45 pm CDT

Listen to the words of My slave .... makes a note to show her these words if needed *grin* 


Lita, Physician 20:26:06 pm CDT

Several reasons, Jarl Thorrn. Some might think it best as privately owned slaves do not always get to serve Other Free if thier Owner is present. A City-Owned chain makes sure there are slaves free to serve All. Secondly, privately owned slaves may have restrictions City-owned slaves do not. I would see no problem with a privately-owned chain, but again, that would depend on their willingness and ability to serve All, and, again, on the strength fo their Master. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:26:17 pm CDT

well then that girl does not truly have a slave want any old collar for its own sake shows that...that's playing at being a slave, and if the girl leaves, rather than wait for her true Master, it's really no loss to the home...because she has seen it more times than she can count...and jumping into a collar rarely if ever works 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:26:47 pm CDT

Mistress, that is a moot question. Does it matter what is right or wrong. If a Master wants a chain He will have a chain, as shimmer says, there are plenty of girls "Master surfing".


shimmer{GS~O~} 20:27:27 pm CDT

have been in a home where Masters would not touch any that were not their own even camp slaves.... that was when my Master took oover and he included the camp slaves as his... he hated to see a slave sit... while the owned slaves were played with in camp... it has been nice to see that so far that if i was to become a tavern slave i would still be played with... that is my fear is if i get collared to the tavern... all of a sudden no one wants to play with me any more... and i am brushed off for the owned girls or the new toy... 


nasreen{TH} 20:28:28 pm CDT

that doesn't happen her shimmer the Free here are very attentive to all the girls 


aura{Hunter} 20:29:05 pm CDT

smiles to mistress snowroses words ....thinking how true they are and understanding more and more each day whey she is first girl of gorean shores 


Lita, Physician 20:30:02 pm CDT

shimmer, they are missing out then. Because if they become part of a chain in a good home, then they have a better chance of meeting a good Master, and being bought by Him. And they keep their skills as slave up to snuff. I tend to feel that those girls who insist they will only take a private Owner, and only ONe who has only them, suffer from the Golden Twat Syndrome. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:30:40 pm CDT

Lita, with that i agree 

It depends on the willingness of the Master to not restrict His slaves beyond a certain way and make them available for serving others too .. or swap the service, that can also be pleasure. 

When wanting to own a slave chain according to the habits on Gor a Master should also be consequntly seeing that the gorean rules about sharing the slaves freely gets done. Jealousy is not becoming in a Master either and it is not truely Gorean 


nasreen{TH} 20:30:47 pm CDT

giggles at Mistress Lita's last part of statement... 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:30:49 pm CDT

yes, the Masters here are very sexy...girls are used in public as's a bawdy Port Kar tavern.. 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:31:09 pm CDT

~sighs a big sigh~ 

I really try to play with the toys as often as I can... but if you ask any Tavern slave I think they would agree that would like even more attention... but they do not sit around... and I also agree, that they need to be touched ~nods~ 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:32:18 pm CDT

~bows her head, shoulders shaking as she laughs at` Mistress Lita's words 


Ramses, Captain of GS 20:32:22 pm CDT

*chuckles as I do My best to keep the Tavern sluts ... busy* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:32:40 pm CDT

shimmer, that is the joy of Gorean Shores, no girl is ever brushed off. If a girl is being petulant or unpleasing she may incur the displeasure of a Master, but here all the slaves are treated in ways that will deepen their slave bellies make then feel joy in serving. 

This girl too has been in homes where, because she was a personally owned and fully restricted slave, she would be totally ignored by the Masters, or worse, would be in the middle of a serve when a sexually available slave arrived, and would be discarded in the middle of her serve in favour of the sexual one. 


Lita, Physician 20:32:51 pm CDT

flicka, not really "moot" Yes, Masters can and will do as They please. About having a chain, or anything else. However it is good to consider all the possibilities, and the advantages and disadvantages of all. So that We can know what might be best in the long run. I don't necessarily think a site should be limited to one way, or the other. It's just something to think about. 


Hunter{aura} 20:32:52 pm CDT

not sure the last quesion is serious in comparison to the others....surely a chain isnt for the satisfaction of others ...only of the Master and hopefully the slaves also....wether the slaves are in or out of circulation to all is irelevant to all the other things discussed 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:33:53 pm CDT

Don´t be afraid, shimmer 

in here the tavern owned slaves are used well by Masters who personaly own slaves. The personaly owned slaves in here know that they are not allowed to restrict their Masters and keep them from other slaves. 


karinda {GS} 20:33:58 pm CDT

shimmer, karinda has been in the home for 2 years as a Paga slave. she is not personally owned, and she is loving it. she gets to slave all Free here with kindness and quirkiness that is all typical day girl would like to be personally owned.....but karinda feels shimmer would miss a lot of joy serving all the Free...and becoming a great slave with an emormous slave heart.....then find the Master that makes girl anything for Them.......karinda thinks shimmer should try it. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:35:16 pm CDT

~chuckling at the thought of golden twats.~ 

~looking to the courageous Master Ramses, knowing He is always willing to do His duty~ 


shimmer{GS~O~} 20:36:14 pm CDT

smiles quietly listening... 


Lita, Physician 20:36:16 pm CDT

Thadron, Everyone needs to be touched. I read once that studies had been done, and it had been found that often old people, especially those in nursing homes, fail to thrive simply because everyone avoids touching them, in even the most routine or casual way. As if they were poison or something. Sorry, I digress. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:37:26 pm CDT

chuckles at flicka 

Masters have duties? 


Hunter{aura} 20:38:15 pm CDT

actually Lita ...thats a very relevant point...and far more important than if we follow the ramblings of the book series closely enough 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:38:20 pm CDT

thanks for sharing that, Lita.... 

we all thrive with personal attention, that is for certain 


Lita, Physician 20:38:36 pm CDT

Hunter, I think the 3rd question is more a matter of which is best for a role-play room. In reality of course, Master would probably have chains, and so would the Taverns. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:38:46 pm CDT

and babies in some of the orphanages in feastern bloc countries actually died of it... failure to thrive...the staff were overworked and didn't realize how important it is..she thinks it has changed now 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:39:41 pm CDT

Mistress Lita, flicka so agrees with You. 

Not just humans, look at most animals, mutual grooming, snuggling together. 

This girl is a very tactile person, and that is one thing she has found a little difficult in a Gorean context, that she must have a Free Person's permission before she touches Them. Very difficult for flicka to abide by. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:39:48 pm CDT


That is a strange thing these days, touching someone became a kind of dangerous because very easilly bad intentions ate assumed. 

People ´need to be touched, to be embraced and caressed ... of cause only when it is welcome, besides when they are slaves *l* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:40:52 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, aye They do, but not all duties are onerous. Neh? 


nasreen{TH} 20:41:48 pm CDT



Lita, Physician 20:42:13 pm CDT

True Jarl Thorrn. I grew up in the south, and whenever we went to visit relatives, first thing all the women would the the kids to "Come here and give me some sugar!", followed by all kinds of hugs & kisses, regardless of whether the kids were in the mood for it or not! *LOL* And looking back, I think it was probably a good thing. You didn't have so many kids feeling unloved or unwanted. 


Hunter{aura} 20:42:15 pm CDT

If I may say I feel that this home is a family ...and thats why it survives while other places wither...a family with enough of common sense to keep it real without losing sight of its purpose....I see that very clearly 

you should all be proud of this 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:43:07 pm CDT

snowrose, due to all the organistaions for being more cost effective this abids also to much of the treatment in hóspitals of today. The stuff is so overworked that they hardly can do more for the patience thean to apply what is medically absolutely necessary bot the personal attention anymore as Wwe like to think about what nursed do to sick people. 


karinda {GS} 20:43:09 pm CDT

smiles hearing Master Hunter's words. 


Lita, Physician 20:43:49 pm CDT

That is why you make such a good bondsmaid, flicka. Bondsmaid could and did touch in many ways without permission. 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:44:08 pm CDT

it is a home, Hunter... your words are well received and deeply appreciated 


nasreen{TH} 20:44:43 pm CDT

thank You Master Hunter 


Lita, Physician 20:45:09 pm CDT

Why thank You, Hunter. We do tend to have a sense of family here, that I know. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:45:20 pm CDT

True Lita

even when the kis screams and especially little boys don´t enjoy the wet auntie kisses I think it is good for them in the long run, they feel they are part of a community, a family, they are loved and get attention which spoils whether they protest or not They will know many years laters that it is good and did them good. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:45:22 pm CDT

~smiles to Master Hunter~ snow thinks so too Master...the slaves care about each each other 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:45:35 pm CDT

yes Mistress and thank You, but alas we are not in Torvaldsland, but ~brightening~ at least flicka can snuggle Skybee without His permission, as long as she makes sure that Jarl Thorrn has fed Him first. 


shimmer{GS~O~} 20:47:10 pm CDT

just tonight when Jarl Thorrn touched me it sent a r/t shiver of happiness down my spine... i think alot of the reason we all r/p is to have the feelings of as a slave... to really feel your slavery.... remembering somewhere int he books being kept in a stimulation cage with all kinds of tactile stimulation... but still the touch fo a Freee she would beg to be used.... the longer she was in the cage..... now in r/p how can we do a stimulation cage in ehre.... well if a girl gets touched and feels that thrill of being wanted... she will serve with all of her heart.... if she sits in the cage with no touch she withers and thinks why am i here no one wants me... a touch of a Free's hand can mean the world to a slave... 

and i would say the touch of a slave on a Master would send mighty nice things through him also.. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:48:16 pm CDT

Listens to Hunter and enjoys the Man´s opinion It was a long way to get back to this in GS and it was worth to go this way after some changes in people being in here, which happens for a chat place from time to time, some die about such changes of people. 


lilith {GS} 20:49:26 pm CDT

girl must agree with shimmer...she knows she desires to serve and strive to perfection more when she is touched and wanted by a Master... 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:49:40 pm CDT

Master Hunter, here in Gorean Shores a girl would say we are blessed, but she thinks rather it is the hard work of The Captains and the first girl, and the good will of all the members of the Home. 

Bitchiness is kept to a minimum, Masters are ~chuckles~ very sharing with Their slaves and everyone seems to truly wish for the home to be a happy place and to thrive. 


Hunter{aura} 20:49:47 pm CDT

Thanks in return....Just saying how it is... aura and I have been welcomed ....not judged...and W/we are grateful beyond words 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:50:25 pm CDT

snow has read abut the stimulation cage shimmer...and she does things in r/t to bring out those feelings ~smiles~ no not just that...but kneeling before the looking glass and doing positions being naked with just a silk scarf sliding over her while in the taver....other things to keep that tingle even when not engaged sexualy...we have to be proactive to some extent 


Lita, Physician 20:51:28 pm CDT

Hunter, We are always glad to welcome good and sensible people. *soft smile


Dak 20:51:46 pm CDT

the object of a slave should be to serve the Master in a fashion He is pleased with, to entice Him to use her ! 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:52:28 pm CDT

yes Master Dak's always in her mind 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:52:48 pm CDT

smiles to shimmer ... be sure the Masters enjoy to feel the touch of the slaves, also in r/p , that is why We come in here. 

That idea about r/p that stimulation cage which is mentioned 1 or 2 of the books is an idea which should not be fogotten, whould be interestint to relaize that in a r/p and part as the traning of the slaves ... with help from ther Masters 


shimmer{GS~O~} 20:53:29 pm CDT

i think Jarl Thorrn had fun watching me try and find the chill pits grins as the Jarl. 


Lita, Physician 20:53:31 pm CDT

Sounds good, Jarl Thorrn 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:54:11 pm CDT

I agree there are many good ideas of r/p opportunities that we could get involved in.... 

anybody volunteering to get it going and keep it going? ~grins~ we can always use volunteers 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:56:14 pm CDT

a girl has mentioned getting a stimulation cage for the Tavern, the coin box is very very heavy now. ~flickers bambi eyes to Master Thadron~ 

This girl has a stimulation cage at home, and can attest to its efficacy in ahem, stimulating. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:57:50 pm CDT

That simulation cage is such idea to keep up, Thadron. 

I may think about it how to r/p it with slaves. 


shimmer{GS~O~} 20:58:41 pm CDT

i saw you have a game night what kind of games do you play. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:58:42 pm CDT

thinks it was mostly used by Slavers, and in private homes, to train new slaves, earth girls, rather than in a Pk tavern...we're supposed to always be ready...and with these Masters, this one is 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:59:17 pm CDT


it is always pleasure for a Master to watch a slave react to what He ordered her to do, that is the why He orders her to do things, because enjoys her submission and the effect it has on her ... that is what makes Him to feel being a Master like the it makes the slave feeling to be a slave. 


nasreen{TH} 20:59:43 pm CDT

this girl is getting one ready based on the urthern game of wheel of fortune shimmer... 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:00:13 pm CDT

nods to snowrose 

the simulation cage is part of the traning of slaves, to make them be more sensual to different feelings. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:00:33 pm CDT

that sounds like fun nassy wish this one could be there 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:00:55 pm CDT

looks back, 

we have played stones... and name the slave... 

but are always looking for good ideas, shimmer 


shimmer{GS~O~} 21:01:23 pm CDT

oh that was fun one of our favorite to play was bolo run. 


Dak 21:03:21 pm CDT

if there is nothing left to discuss, I will close the forum ! 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:04:00 pm CDT

Thank You for leading Master Dak 

fare well to all who are leaving and have left .


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:04:11 pm CDT

Thanks for leading Dak and thanks to flicka for scribing, as I assume she did 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:04:38 pm CDT

Thank You for leading Master Dak 

thank you for scribing flicka 

~smiles warmly to both 


Dak 21:04:57 pm CDT

ok, I will close the forum, thanks t all that came and participated in a lively forum, 

thanks ficka for scribing 

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