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*ok then I will start the forum till Rollo gets here, then I declare this weeks forum open and if any have anything they wish to bring up whisper them to Me and We can get this ball rolling S*




*after this one telaise S,

the subject is this,

Is babies and or children being brought into GS? Is this acceptable or not or just plain stupid?*


telaise_{MDK} 20:11:51 CST

tela is just going to plainly say she thinks "online babies" are stupid period.. in GS or not....


Laroona 20:12:05 CST

IMO and I will be blunt

NO it is stupid, it is riduculous and just not on

GS has a rule about NPC's

so for that to happen it would mean some dual as either a Free or slave to be the child

 I might say I almost flipped when one said a slave could bing in their child


{Ruilans_ariel} 20:13:18 CST

*quietly votes for the stupid regarding on line babies or children in GS*


Laroona 20:13:22 CST

I might say that the two who said this have also been disruptive and have no concern or regard to GS rules


Kringe 20:13:32 CST

I agree no place for them


Ulrich 20:14:52 CST

It makes no sense to me to have them.



*why would anyone wish to bring a baby or a child in a place where they could get hurt?*



*We all know that babies were born on gor,but I don't think I ever saw in any of the books where a baby or child was taken into a tavern?*


Kringe 20:17:47 CST



Laroona 20:18:14 CST

Captain all I know is it will end up in the damn canal

and I add this they have already brought the pretend child to a forum and involved a GS person

yes I am angry.... that these people show little or scant respect for GS


Laroona 20:19:50 CST

babies were born... but never in a r/p

first if the authorities saw that and they do monitor sites we could be in danger of losing the site as it could be seen as having underage children in the site.... that is the other legal aspect


~Mariposa~ 20:19:56 CST

well, and not that any of the warriors present qualify, there are plenty of adult child-like activities already occurring here without having one that has dirty britches.. wait, we have those here too, now eyeing a couple men


{Ruilans_ariel} 20:20:10 CST

have to be 18 to enter GS or the Pool. why would we allow VT babies and kids to come here if the real thing can't?



*well if they don't follow the rules of GS then it is no use making one to ban a baby or child from GS then, but maybe put them on ignore when they come in with the baby or child?*


telaise_{MDK} 20:21:36 CST

tela knows that someone at poolside mentioned the issue of the icon that had the baby in it... and said something about contacting Gary about it... for the legal purposes... but she doesn't know if it was ever done... if Council would like she could contact Gary to see and perhaps follow up on it and get His view on it...


dove{GS} 20:22:09 CST


 no idea why someone would want to come to GS with babies...



*very true Laroona and ariel, so what can we do about it?*


Laroona 20:22:58 CST

Captain with all due respect that is like doing zip

the pppl doing so need to be banned as they KNOW the rules


Laroona 20:23:12 CST

oops that last post was my own opinion


~Mariposa~ 20:23:20 CST

I think there isn't any question over the legalities of the issue. The liability risk is plain. Even an implied minor in role play is prohibited and can risk a severe penalty or fine. It's in code.


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:28:47 CST

Okay... just jumping in here... it looks like the topic is the issue with that * VT * baby ...correct ???


Rollo_the_Ax 20:38:52 CST

Okay folks.... after a quick vote, the Council has decided to give those that are trying to pull this * VT baby * business notice, and/or will post it on the message board that GS has to comply with the NO CHILDREN issue of Gary Ms web site, so even a VT baby is NOT allowed .... NO BABIES in GS.... hell we already have enough GROWN UPS acting like babies, we sure as hell DON'T need any VT ones also.....LOL..


Laroona 20:40:28 CST

*clapping and nodding as I hear Captain Rollo speak**


Kringe 20:41:26 CST

nods in agreement


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:41:52 CST

striking my staff on the floor... well done Rollo


Ulrich 20:43:08 CST

Good plan Rollo *nodding in agreement*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:46:04 CST

Okay then, it is official.... NO BABIES in GS... real, VT, or anything else.... so if anybody sees the folks that are doing this, just inform them that the GS day care centre is CLOSED.... NO babies... NO small children... Nobody under 18 gets thru the door.....


Laroona 20:47:14 CST

LOL well I would prefer to kill it but unfortunately the Piazaa is a no kill zone

so means I ain't baby sitting LOL


Rollo_the_Ax 20:48:01 CST

okay... anything else up for discussion ??? I believe that telaise had some question ???




 telaise_{MDK} 20:50:07 CST

Aye Master... tela knows we touched on the tobacco subject a few weeks ago.. and there was a no smoking policy decided she believes... are we to enforce that when Masters bring their own tobacco?? and have us fetch their "light"?


telaise_{MDK} 20:51:59 CST

~thinks maybe she shouldn't have said enforced particularly but hopes everyone understands what she was meaning~


Laroona 20:54:03 CST

well when ppl are puffing on pipes I have decided to ignore them.....


Rollo_the_Ax 20:55:04 CST

Okay, I guess that I am already on a roll here so lets keep it going..... Smoking ???? on Gor or in GS ??? While it WAS mentioned in the books, SLIGHTLY !!!, it was always ppl from earth that brought the habit with them to Gor... normal Goreans would NOT think of sticking burning leaves between their lips and destroying their lungs....



*I would say if they wish to smoke they take it outside as they do on urth LOL*


Zoran 20:58:12 CST

it goes back it a Master choice


no one will tell me what I can and can't well except bring in babies lol


telaise_{MDK} 20:58:46 CST

well Free can tell other Free that easier than slaves.. that's more the issue this one thinks the girls are having.... the fear of telling a Master He cant smoke..


Laroona 20:59:41 CST

I think what telaise is trying to ask

how do slaves respond to a request for tobacco

or a light for their pipes?



*so do we do the same thing as with the babies, post a message on the boards stating that if someone wishes to smoke they do it outside?*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:00:19 CST

* I * think that smoking IN GS is just one more step to turning the place into a bar or coffee club rather than a Gorean tavern.... If some wanker is hooked so bad that they think they need VT cigarettes, pipes, or cigars.... I feel that they can smoke them someplace else.... Besides, if I post some signs that look like a red circle with a line thru it and a cig in the middle, we may just get a better deal on our liablity insurance....LOL... GS should be a Smoke Free zone.......


{Ruilans_ariel} 21:00:33 CST

*softly* actually, this particular incident was my bad. today, the Maste asked for an ember to light a pipe. i obeyed. didn't even think to say no. or suggest that Gorean Men do not smoke. Master Ruilan was their, He let it slide as well.

 i'm not afraid to gently suggest that a Master has made a mistake. next time, i will mention it.


Zoran 21:00:39 CST

lol let them tell me no I don't smoke but I may light there ass up instead lol


aurora{Orion} 21:02:55 CST

~a slave could simply pretend to look oddly at what a Master put into His mouth...and not have a clue what He was asking for...and suggest something far more healthier


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:04:36 CST

Maybe I should make that a * Tobacco Smoke * free zone..... LOL..LOL... If i say NO SMOKE, it might cause too much confusion.... after all, there are folks here that spend all their time trying to blow smoke up somebody else's skirt or ass... so lets just say NO tobacco smoke .....LOL....LOL...


dove{GS} 21:05:52 CST


know that this has been talked about but..

 two things..

 if slave was taken from earth and brought here she would know what it was and perhaps be drawn to it...

 and two if slave not know what a Master was doing..even if looked strange or smelled bad...her curiosity would be peeked perhaps...

 just a thought if the subject is to be discussed~


Zoran 21:06:03 CST

loL true Rollo I couldn't talk to a FW if you made it a no smoke zone lol



*so folks,are we going to finish this forum the right time or do you'se wish it to go over since Rollo and Myself was late to it?*


aurora{Orion} 21:07:52 CST

Goreans would not smoke...they live a far healthier lifestyle than urtherns


Rollo_the_Ax 21:08:29 CST

no, is/was NOT just your case or anybody elses.... this issue has come up several times..... It just needs to be made clear to everybody that SMOKING in GS is NOT tobacco, no wacky weed, no burning anaything ..... not even in the alcoves after sex..... LOL... tobacco smoke nor friction smoke....LOL...


telaise_{MDK} 21:09:17 CST

so the understanding is officially that a slave would just inform the Master politely that GS is a smoke free site and hope that His lack of nicotine doesn't send him into a rage?? 'L'


{Ruilans_ariel} 21:09:53 CST

not a problem Master Rollo. ari has never had a problem saying No.

 *s* in the most unobvious of ways.



*thats about it telaise LOL*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:11:35 CST

yes, telaise.... just tell any free that it is a GS rule about no smoking.....if they continue to do so, it is out of your hands.....


Rollo_the_Ax 21:16:37 CST

Okay, if folks want to keep talking, that is okay... but lets stop the scribing, so that those oding the work can have a break, okay ???? So right now, the * Official * forum is over, and no more records need to be kept.... but Y'all can keep on talking and discussing things as long as y'all want to.

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