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Paedur-Slavemaster 19:18:30 CST

Smiles moving to My chair, drawing the blade from the left and right side, setting them across My lap, prepared.


Oh All let us let this forum begin.


Please whisper any questions.


and know this if I rise, My blades in hand, I will be going without any excuse Me's. *S*


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:21:37 CST

feels the tension in Master Paedur, and as a kajira, her instincts have her ready to run in an ihn if need be....though she is ready to scribe....


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:23:40 CST

OK all, there is something I know I need to bring up having nothing been whispered to Me just yet. *S*


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:25:23 CST

OK there has been some issues raised at the Inn that need to be addressed here and now.


First off the rules are not yet posted but will be by weeks end.


That is My fault and issue.




topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:25:23 CST

listens carefully......


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:27:29 CST

Secondly, there has been a question about the ignore of those who have been banned from GS.


If there is any question or insult by one banned from GS, they are to be placed on ignore.




Paedur-Slavemaster 19:28:31 CST

If any GS slave is punished because they do not serve by anyone, they will report that to the Council and the Council will handle it fully.


IS that understood, and more specifically to your slaves?


tassa{Paedur}~t 19:30:05 CST

nodding softly as Master speaks


Rollo_the_Ax 19:30:40 CST

Paedur... as a point of information..... gary M just said that there is no longer a * Thassa Inn * at Poolside..... he has renamed the room..... * Gorean Inn * any rules and such need to reflect the new name....


 galah{GS} 19:30:57 CST

if someone was on ignore, and then they punished us, we wouldn't even see that we was being punished though, would we?


 Paedur-Slavemaster 19:31:47 CST

Aye Rollo, and will this room no longer be "Gor lite" ?


 Xertog 19:31:52 CST

What will a name change change Rollo?


 Paedur-Slavemaster 19:32:06 CST

No I guess not galah. LOL


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:34:03 CST

Also, to My understanding, this should end ANY debate about who/whom * runs * said room........ GARY M does, until HE sees fit to announce differently..... so remember, WE are guests there, and I would expect EVERYBODY to act accordingly......


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:35:06 CST

topaz thinks GaryM changed the name as the "Thassa Inn" has been in so much contention... 

so by renaming it, it starts fresh....and plain and simple...He runs it, not others...


 Laroona 19:35:16 CST

that certainly solves the issue of who owns the rooms in Poolside *smiling*


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:35:24 CST

waves to Those entering as she continues to scribe


 Paedur-Slavemaster 19:37:12 CST

Chuckles softly there was no issue in My mind. but then I am not that simple. LOL


Rollo I will leave the forum in Your hands. *nods*


Rollo_the_Ax 19:38:22 CST

the name change should once and for all remove ANY debate about whom * runs * the room now....... GARY DOES !!!!! as for the * Gor lite * issue ???? unless and until Gary sees fit to make or post any rules, we will continue to set our OWN list of does and don't for there, and follow them as WE see fit....... if others chose not to, then tough shit..... we will do what WE see as right, and let others do the same....... if Gary posts rules, then by the Gods, we will abide by them in THAT room.......FULL stop, end of debate......


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:39:10 CST

agrees 100% with Master Rollo...well said!!


 Laroona 19:39:12 CST

*nodding as the Captain Rollo speaks*


 Azah 19:39:39 CST

listens quietly


 Dakota 19:39:39 CST

nods silently


 galah{GS} 19:40:08 CST

Master Rollo, do we still greet those that are banned from gs when we at the Inn? or put them immediatly on ignore?


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:41:41 CST

Okay then..... on with the forum..... are there any topics that were being dealt with ???? any new ones to deal with ???? anybody have any questions that need answered ??? LOL...


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:46:11 CST

waits for a topic, the rence papers neatly in her lap


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:46:16 CST

galah..... that issue will need to be decided by the Captains... yes, we should ignore banned ppl, by then again, if visiting a different site/room, then we should also show the site the respect IT deserves if not the I would say, until or unless they get shitty, speak to them...if they start shit, IGNORE their ass..... simple, I know, but that is how * I * see it..... 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:48:59 CST

nods as she hears Master Rollo...


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:50:36 CST

but like I said, that is only my personal opinion...any set rule will have to be voted on by the council.....


 Paedur-Slavemaster 19:53:04 CST

Smiles well for now We will honor Rollo's opinion until the Council votes. *S*


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:53:47 CST

LOL..LOL...Looking about.... " Y'all seem to be quite content and happy about EVERYTHING.....LOL... no issues to discuss ...????? LOL....LOL... How do we keep things like this ???? LOL...


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:54:11 CST

laughs as she hears Master Rollo speak of the quiet contentment....


 Paedur-Slavemaster 19:54:21 CST

laughs why Rollo, I guess the little vacation made everyone appreciate Our home. LOL


 ~es_belle~{T} 19:54:39 CST

well Master Rollo with the trouble makers gone GS runs smooth as ice


 blossom{Kuurus} 19:54:45 CST

~nods vigorously with Master Paedur's statement~


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:54:51 CST

thinking we are all just happy to have our home back!!....chuckles


 Triash's~mischief~ 19:55:18 CST

heyyyyyy mischief's still here...


~hearing belle's words~


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:55:58 CST

^5 belle...nodsssssss...LOL


 ~es_belle~{T} 19:56:14 CST

*winks to mismis* well but your a special kinda trouble maker *giggle*


 caitlin_{Xg-L} 19:56:15 CST

yea mm is still here ROFL


 Laroona 19:56:19 CST

I think it did, many of us suffered from Gor withdrawals LOL


 tassa{Paedur}~t 19:56:29 CST

Wwe have our home back, now we just need people to fill it..*chuckling softly*


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:56:33 CST

dang...forgot about mm...winks


and of course caitlin is on a short leash so she is not as bratty...winks


Laroona 19:57:00 CST

well yes there is m's but she is a "special" trouble maker LOL


 Mikala 19:57:25 CST 

Smiles listening


Deirdre 19:57:30 CST 

*grinning and nodding to Laroona's assessment* feels so much better to be back here........*clicking the heels of My ruby red slippers (uhm.....beneath the hem of My robe)*


 Paedur-Slavemaster 19:57:37 CST

Seeing carolyn enter, and Thorrn not close behind.


carolyn, come girl and sit at My feet with the other girls already here.


come and feel welcome girl. *S*


Thinking being Slavemaster is good at times. *WEG*


Rollo_the_Ax 19:57:57 CST

LOL..LOL... Aye, brother Paedur... I think that having all the kajira do their * dorothy * bit with the ruby slippers and the * Theres no place like HOME * mantra must have helped BIG TIME.....LOL...LOL..


 Triash's~mischief~ 19:58:00 CST

~whooooooooo~ thought topaz was saying that m's was on a short leash for a moment!


 galah{GS} 19:58:21 CST

and gal is always just so angelic heheheheheheee


 caitlin_{Xg-L} 19:59:06 CST

caitlin leash is long enough to reach you thou topaz grinning~


 Triash's~mischief~ 19:59:13 CST

~rolling eyes at galah~


yeah, about as angelic as mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmischief...


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:59:26 CST

LOL as topaz looks up at Master Paedur from leaning into His legs, then winks at tassa and tehya who are also here


 galah{GS} 19:59:30 CST

**gets ready to duck any unidentified flying objects**


 carolyn_{Master_Thorrn} 19:59:31 CST

eyes sparkle hearing her name, places her hands in front of her crawling next to the other girls.


thinks soooo much for trying to be quiet and going unnoticed


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:59:39 CST

Umm Rollo, I promised Gary some personal and private Ummmm TIME with each one of the GS slaves.


You notice how quickly it got back to being opened. LOL


I think promising Him galah twice was what really drove Him over the edge. *wink*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:00:05 CST

DAMN.......beat out of the Oz bit by just a few seconds.....LOL...LOL... Oh well, Deirdre..... I guess great minds think alike.....LOL...LOL...


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:00:26 CST

ohhhh....ruby red slippers...grins at Mistress Deirdre...thinks she shopped at Master Zoran's of late as He had some like that!....winks, complements of .....errmmm....never mind how...LOL


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:01:28 CST

Smiles thinking I could make Me a chair of the slaves at My feet, Hmmmmmmmmm


wondering exactly where I would rest My Ummmmmm head. *WEG*


Deirdre 20:01:34 CST 

*laughing with Rollo* I just HAD to say it, Cap..........but it's funny You were thinking it too.....


 galah{GS} 20:01:36 CST

red slippers? ooooooooooohhh that would look sooooooooooo good with gals red sash hehehehehehehee heheheheheee


 Azah 20:01:49 CST

laughs at Paedur's comment


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:02:03 CST

near chokes as gal says she is angelic...laughing so hard 

and mm...short leash??....not in this lifetime...but hopefully one day on a GS leash!


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:02:23 CST

listening to all this from the girls, and wondering if the PKs had considered *hip waders * as forbidden knowledge.....cause I sure as HELL am going to need a pair here soon.......LOL..


 Deirdre 20:02:26 CST 

*laughing hard at topaz* No baby girl......purchased from a different Merchant at a very different time. Not Zoran......though I'm sure that His inventory is just as nice......


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:02:29 CST

laughing so hard RT!!!


 galah{GS} 20:02:54 CST

maybe we should start calling Master GaryM, Ubar Gary? Heheheheheheheee


 Triash's~mischief~ 20:03:00 CST

~chuckling at topaz~ m's think's she'd just gnaw through a leash...although she has been walked on them before (made for quite a scene in Vegas *L*)


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:03:27 CST

looks to caitlin...her leash...gauges the distance and shakes her head as she grins at Master Xertog and Mistress Laroona...nope sis...not quite long enough!....LOL


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:04:01 CST

LMAO...Ubar Gary...He would so laugh at that!!...thinking it a great idea galah!


 Mikala 20:04:21 CST 

Can't help myself,, laughing hearing Rolla and the hip waders


 galah{GS} 20:05:02 CST

a light goes off every once in a while miss paz hehehehehehee hehehehehee


 carolyn_{Master_Thorrn} 20:05:15 CST

looking wide eyed at caitlin ... then belle ... then eyes lowered in respect to Mistress Laroona ...


mouths quietly ... carolyn is confused ... didn't we settle this angelic stuff the other night ... confused ... this girl thought it was agreed that it was carolyn who was angelic.


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:06:09 CST

Chuckles and then hears carolyn speak of her being angelic.


Simply grins. *WEG*


galah{GS} 20:06:40 CST

**wrinkles a tiny nose at carolyn** doncha think there can be more than one angelic slave around? looks like we all carry these halos around our purdy lil necks hehehehehehee heheheheee so the halo slipped alil, means we don't have fat heads hehehehehehee


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:07:04 CST

Well We know tassa and topaz are not angelic in any sense of the word, except maybe that they have wings. *WEG*


but then those wings are NOT on their backs soooooo. *S*


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:07:26 CST

Perhaps not as funny as some may think...... Gary M * IS * the Ubar of Poolside... and could very well be called such..... a small sign of both respect and acknowledging his position and power..... I LIKE the idea........


 Laroona 20:07:58 CST

hearing slaves call themselves angels .... all too much for one to comprehend *dumb look*


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:08:45 CST

LOL...topaz does so have a halo...and wings too....pouts...looks at her icons...laughing


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:08:51 CST

Aye so do I Rollo. *S*


 tassa{Paedur}~t 20:09:02 CST

shaking her head


tassa never claimed to be angelic in any way


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:10:18 CST

I work very hard to keep you that way tassa too. *S*


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:10:28 CST

aye master Rollo well said...thinking we could do up a nice lil note on the boards??...posting the title and it's meaning...and we will be calling Him Ubar Gary from this day forth....smiles


 Zoran 20:10:31 CST

weg as I look to topaz lol and I admit I am a demon lol 

but all seem to believe me LMAo


 Zoran 20:12:43 CST

Ubar Gary that sounds painful JK


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:13:24 CST

nods at master Zoran and grins... 

aye Master..we do love You....LOL


 galah{GS} 20:13:28 CST

Ubar WebMaster? is that better?


 Zoran 20:14:15 CST

grins to topaz


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:14:18 CST

well...thinks topaz deserves to be considered angelic as a red pleasure silk restricted her whole time, and never broke that.......laughs and then GROANSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


 galah{GS} 20:14:32 CST

if there is no other subjects, how bout alil gorean jeopardy?


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:15:00 CST

Virginal topaz but not angelic. LOL


no angel can dance that way and move her hips like that. LOL


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:15:12 CST

like them both galah!!....perhaps we could avail of someone to write it up al pretty and official...nice colors...type...border...the works!....grins at Mistress Laroona


 galah{GS} 20:15:40 CST

angels in red heheheheheeeee thats funny


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:15:47 CST

WEll something We all need to consider is exactly how We wish to thank Gorean Chat for Their hospitality in Our time of need.




topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:15:51 CST

blushes as Master Paedur speaks of her dancing, knowing only then can she let out what is deep within..... 


Zoran 20:16:12 CST

Peadur a dark angel can LOl


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:16:21 CST

that was fun at slave class gorean jeopardy wasn't it galah!...grins


 blossom{Kuurus} 20:16:27 CST

if that be the case blossom will be re~virginized any day now...


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:16:47 CST

personally Master Paedur, topaz bought a membership to their site as a small way of saying thank you


 Zoran 20:16:48 CST

lol angels in red 

there called devils LMAo


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:17:04 CST

Devils and Angels.....sinners ands saints....... are there really such differences between either ???? Is not Satan but a fallen angel ???? and when it comes down to the crunch, have we not all fallen at one time or another ????? Just strive to be the BEST at whatever you choose...... and lets others do the same........


 galah{GS} 20:17:51 CST

it was miss paz, and if we played it here, even the free would probably learn stuff they don't know, maybe...just maybe, they are all so smart already though heheheheee


 Mikala 20:17:53 CST 

Nods listening to Rollo, very well said indeed


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:18:51 CST

I am going to do the same topaz. *S*


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:19:35 CST

Rollo I prefer the sinners to the Saints.


The Saints seemed to like boys all too much. LOL


Rollo_the_Ax 20:20:26 CST

Hurrah.....we finally have a question ..... * why does it seem that Gor sites all over the computer seem to be dying out ???? *


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:21:33 CST

nods as she hears galah and grins


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:21:47 CST

As for the issues of saying thanks to GC and such..... I feel that each person should proceed in whatever fashion they feel is right.......but yes, we should offer a formal THANK YOU from GS and the Council.......


 Zoran 20:22:54 CST

Rollo may I say something not related to the question Captain


 galah{GS} 20:23:45 CST

maybe one day, they will need the favor returned....and then we can be as hospitable as they was at GC


 Laroona 20:24:49 CST

I would like to think we could invite those of GC and maybe have a festival of thanks.... just an idea


 galah{GS} 20:25:59 CST

perhaps its dying out cause there are soooooo many other role play type of games that are probably alot more exciting to play than to be on gor where its more serious like?


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:26:33 CST

Mistress Laroona...what an awesome idea!!!...claps...aye a festival of thanks!!...nodsssss


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:26:45 CST

It could just be that it is Summer time in the States?


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:27:07 CST

oh yes..the question 

dying out...well topaz would not know about other sites dying out as she rarely ever travels.....


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:27:10 CST

For My part, and based on the fact that I have been around on-line Gor for a fair few years now, It seems to me that it is a case of the * pendulum theory * in action.... things go well for a time, then die out, then build up again... one site closes, another opens... ppl leave, new once come or the old one return....... it is like the weather.....if you don't like what it is like right now, wait a few minutes and things will change.......


 Xertog 20:27:10 CST

Paedur and I made posts on the GC board thanking them. Others could add thanks to the thread. It's on 'The Public Cork Board' at GC


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:27:22 CST

Hmmm that is a good idea Laroona, writes it down


 brenna{GS} 20:27:38 CST

-hearing Master Paedur, brenna nods her head, knowing that she, herself, gets way more busy during the summertime-


 galah{GS} 20:27:46 CST

maybe just to many rooms are made and its spread so thin? but we are moving up, if everyone just remembers to vote heheheheheheheheee this is a recording hehehehee


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:28:41 CST

Aye, Zoran..... speak your mind.......this is a forum and open to ALL.......


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:29:17 CST

Laughs thinking that for every vote, galah gets a swat might make everyone vote. *WEG*


 Zoran 20:30:03 CST

lol speak my mind I do that well 

I just want you all to Meet Azah 

he is new to Gor and is trying to learn are ways and is a good friend of mine


 Zoran 20:30:45 CST

and thank you Rollo


 Mikala 20:30:49 CST 

Smiles politely to Azah


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:31:03 CST

needs galah to smack topaz up the side of the head to remind her to vote al the time...LOL


Rollo_the_Ax 20:31:25 CST

Another theory of mine is that it is human nature to want to be the * BIG * fish in any pond for most/many..... so for some that find Gor, they all feel that * THEY * know what is better or best for they go off and start their OWN room/site, and then can't understand why very few others come and make it their home........


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:31:31 CST

Tal Bahrook. *S*


We did welcome Him Zoran, but can do so once again.


Tal and welcome Azah.


Sorry about that black mark already, being claimed to be Zorans good Friend. LOL


Zoran 20:32:22 CST

lol at Peadur I have such a reputation LOL


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:32:26 CST

Chuckles and bites My tongue hard after hearing Rollo's comment. LOL


Nope not even gonna say a single word to THAT end. LOL


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:33:07 CST

smiles at master Azah...and then Master Zoran... 

aye, topaz has already had the pleasure of meeting Him a few times....grins


 Zoran 20:33:18 CST

wonders how Blade is doing in JAg lol


 galah{GS} 20:33:20 CST

so for every smack gal gets for ppl voting, you get a smack upside the head tooo miss paz? Heheheheheheee


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:34:14 CST

Simply laughs.


 Azah 20:34:21 CST

I do wish to thank all for warm welcome and assistance....


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:34:58 CST

nooooooooooo....LOL @ galah!!...your smacks are different galah!....topaz's would not be good.....winks...


 Laroona 20:35:33 CST

I have met Azah in Poolside and now in GS 

welcome Azah *S* 

adding a Very warm welcome to Mikala *smiling*


 Xertog 20:35:39 CST

Welcome Azah amd also welcome Mikala


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:35:44 CST

Hmmm maybe if We lined up all the slaves nose to ass, and for every vote, they all gave the slave in front of them a swat, Hmmmmmmmmmm


 Mikala 20:36:03 CST 

Nods in thanks to Laroona ~s~


 Azah 20:36:24 CST

all assistance is welcome caitlin as I make this a new home


 Mikala 20:36:25 CST 

Nods, thank you Xertog


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:36:39 CST

The fact they many come to find out is that being the BIG DOG of any place also means that you spend more time * taking care of business * than you ever do having fun..... some of us are just too damn dumb to learn that..... LOL...LOL.... Rank and/or position are never just owed.....they are earned or they are worth nothing...


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:37:33 CST

aye and a warm welcome to You as well Mistress Mikala, hoping we have the pleasure of seeing You around lots like Master Azah has been...smiles


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:37:51 CST

Oh I learned it Rollo. LMAO


Now I can not get out of it. ROFLMAO


Mikala 20:38:22 CST 

Laughs softly behind the veils, thank you topaz, I will be around much more as my time allows, Im very much enjoying GS


 Zoran 20:38:46 CST

aye respect is earned Rollo very well said


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:39:07 CST

so very well said as always Master Rollo!


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:40:43 CST

then topaz hopes to have the pleasure of serving You Lady Mikala!....smiles softly


grins at Master Azah, already having served Him, smiles, and hopes to serve Him again as well


galah{GS} 20:40:45 CST

a big warm welcome to Master Azah, gal looks forward to serving you well Master **sassy sensual smile** 

and warmest welcomes to you also Mistress Mikala, galah hopes to refresh you with a drink soon **sincere flutter of long lashes**


 Mikala 20:41:48 CST 

Nods, and I thank all for the warm welcome smiling behind the veils


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:43:11 CST

What I am trying to convey to everybody is that no matter how big or important anybody THINKS they are, they should remember that they are just ONE person...and always use a simple bowl of water as their gauge..... peasant or king.....slave or free..... dip your finger tip in the water and then remove it.....and see just how deep an impression you leave....... Any home is the sum of ALL the parts, not just one or two....... Life would go on without any single person here..... the whole might de diminished, but the body of the home would survive.....


galah{GS} 20:43:14 CST

did galah remind everyone to vote yet? heheheheheheee hehehehehee


 Zoran 20:43:27 CST

think of what Peadur said about lining the slaves up lara would have to bee in that line lol


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:43:41 CST

LMAO...aye galah...twice now...maybe trice!...winks


 Mikala 20:43:57 CST 

Nods agreeing with Rollo


 galah{GS} 20:44:04 CST

oooooooohhh sooooooooo well said Master Rollo


 lara{Zor}His_brat..gigglin 20:44:38 CST

wiggles in her Master, she looks up to Him...not sure she wants to be included...she doesnt trust the look on His face...


 Azah 20:45:14 CST

responding in kind with a smile to galah


 Zoran 20:45:19 CST

one man does not make a site lol


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:45:36 CST

winks at lara...giggles


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:45:46 CST

Chuckles having already voted long before galah suggests it. LOL


 Zoran 20:45:49 CST

lol at lara


Laroona 20:45:56 CST

well said Captain Rollo *S*


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:46:33 CST

nods hearing Master Rollo, smiling


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:48:12 CST

laughs thinking maybe lara would like the look of the ass in front of her in THAT line. LOL


 lara{Zor}His_brat..gigglin 20:49:52 CST

~pouts~ not sure she likes bein picked on...gigglin


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:50:05 CST

hmmm...nope...topaz not interested in looking at another slaves ass...but now...if it was slave Master, slave's butts are better to look at...nods, grinning


 Zoran 20:50:17 CST

ah you love it lara kisses her cheek


 Zoran 20:50:58 CST

I think topaz has and idea there lol


 galah{GS} 20:51:21 CST

**agrees with miss paz** mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:51:29 CST

grins at master Zoran...nodding...


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:52:02 CST

winks at galah…knowing the heat in gal would sizzle the whole line.....grins!!


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:52:14 CST

Hmmm Maybe THAT can be arranged topaz. *WEG*


 Azah 20:53:00 CST

well put topaz


 galah{GS} 20:53:34 CST

gal don't count tabuk jumping over the fence to get to sleep miss paz, she just counts Masters clothing pieces being thrown over the bed heheheheheeeee


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:53:35 CST

wonders when we will schedule this "congo" line....laughing


Rollo_the_Ax 20:53:43 CST

LOL...LOL... visions of a Gorean * daisy chain * coming to mind.....LOL...LOL.... Y'all just keep doing what you want to..... this old dog will stick with ONE ass to keep in sight and take care of at a time.....LOL...LOL.. that is enough work for THIS old man.....LOL.....


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:53:54 CST

LOL @ galah!!


lara{Zor}His_brat..gigglin 20:54:15 CST

hmmmm Master, now sure about love it..gigglin


 lara{Zor}His_brat..gigglin 20:54:23 CST

lust maybe..gigglin


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:54:32 CST

aye master Rollo...You would only have ONE ass before You...winks...and one behind You...


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:55:21 CST

????? thrown OVER the bed ???? all I ever get accused of is letting them fall straight on the floor ....... LOL..LOL.. which is it girl ????????


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:55:39 CST

LMAO at topaz as she gives Rollo the idea and image. LOL


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:56:35 CST

looks up at master Paedur and winks 


galah{GS} 20:56:54 CST

heheheheeee thats for sure, then leaving them right where they lay heheheheheheeeee


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:57:05 CST

LOL...LOL.. aye, but the ass that is behind me is the one that is hooked onto the rest of me......and believe me, it is huge enough that I NEVER lose track of where it is.....LOL...LOL...


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:58:15 CST



 galah{GS} 20:58:17 CST

its about time for forum to be done, but can those that want to hang around for alil bit play gorean jeopardy pleassssssssssssssssssss Master Captains?


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:59:12 CST

laughs...thinking oh no...topaz got galah hooked on Gorean Jeopardy now....LOL


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:59:23 CST

LOL...So I should leave whatever I LAY right where it is when I am done with it, galah ?????? LOL...LOL.. or NOT ?????


 Zoran 20:59:31 CST

lol Takuk as usal you timeing is great LOl


 Takuk~Warrior~ 21:00:27 CST

*grins* I see that Zoran, nothing like walking into a conversation about slave ass. *lol*


 galah{GS} 21:00:30 CST

heheheheheeeee heheheheheeeee well gal knows shes not moving when your done with her Master Rollo heheheheheee heheheheheheee


 Paedur-Slavemaster 21:01:02 CST

I think that the slaves You lay Rollo will lay right ever where ever You leave them, exhausted and fully spent. *WEG*


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:02:10 CST

Well, it is that time, folks....... shall we cal it a forum ???? LOL... My thanks to all that came and took part.....same time, same place next week.......


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:02:54 CST

thank You Master Rollo for hosting another great Forum!...*S*


 Deirdre 21:03:27 CST 

Thank YOu for doing a fine job as Mediator, Captain Rollo........YOu really are the best.....*smiling at My old Friend*


 Laroona 21:03:43 CST

Thank you Captain Rollo *smiling*


 galah{GS} 21:04:01 CST

thank you Master Rollo, just for being YOU!!!!


 Paedur-Slavemaster 21:04:37 CST

Thank You Brother, another fine and fun forum. *nods*


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:05:40 CST

Well, brother Paedur..... if the gods made women able to have multiple orgasms, then why should I not do my best to see that they become all that they can be ?????? LOL...not like many of us guys that are one shot wonders without a rest between.......LOL...


 Laroona 21:06:21 CST

yanks on caitlins chain to see if she is awake *sniggers*


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:06:32 CST

claps...well said galah!


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:06:39 CST

Laughs Hard... Aye Rollo I am of the same mind leave her cumming and cumming and cumming then My one shot will be forgotten and made to be multiples while she dreams. ROFLMAO


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:07:11 CST

LOL..LOL.. perhaps, but the best at WHAT ??????? LOL..LOL... many ppl might have different ideas on THAT topic.....LOL..LOL...LMAOAMS


 caitlin_{Xg-L} 21:07:22 CST

~feeling the tugg .. she raises her face and smiles to her Mistress~ she is awake Mistress .. sort of lol


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:08:01 CST

giggles as caitlin's chain is yanked

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