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PORT KAR - New Room - Information & discussion


Xertog 19:35:13 pm CDT

Instead of opening it up for topic suggestions I'd like to start with talking about the new room.


Xertog 19:39:22 pm CDT

The new room, Port Kar still needs to be added to the Whos Where page. It will be a kill/capture zone. I have asked Gary to make it so the posts stay for at least a day or two so people can follow what is going on.


nassy{GS} 19:40:49 pm CDT

nodding her head that is a good idea Master Xertog...


Laroona 19:43:07 pm CDT

Xertog a good idea, but if one wants a following story line and say they are away for a few days maybe it be a good idea to have them post on the role play board,, and have that section of the board open for those who are non registered of the boards.. 

if Council think that keep it closed then they can register LOl


galah{GS} 19:45:14 pm CDT

will ppl post on the board about the scenrio and where it is?


Xertog 19:45:18 pm CDT

I think that may have been Loki's suggestion. One of his other suggestion to me was to schedule a forum night to use the room. I would prefer setting a aside a time on another day to use the new room. Especially for its kick off but that is yet to be decided and I'm tossing it out for discussion.


galah{GS} 19:45:54 pm CDT

and maybe how long that particular scenrio should last?


Xertog 19:46:56 pm CDT

galah I the RP board should be used to post that so people have an idea of what they are walking into and where.


Laroona 19:47:18 pm CDT

I think another day would be good.... 

if people are interested they will play so to speak IMO


galah{GS} 19:47:47 pm CDT

and being its could be a strange location and such, the normal greeting does not apply Master? gal thinks on a role play, just kindda go in and catch up and what is happening and move in from there


nassy{GS} 19:49:25 pm CDT

listening trying to pay close attention to how the new room will work....and if she will need to go there before say entering either the Piazza or Tavern...


Xertog 19:49:38 pm CDT

The word 'think' should have been after the word 'I' and before the word 'the'. I must have Laroona's typest.. lol


Laroona 19:49:55 pm CDT

leave my typist alone geeesh


Xertog 19:52:26 pm CDT

galah I think the room rules for the Market Bazaar fit this room too, just some words need changing. 


Market Bazaar 


1. No kill zone. Capture zone for uncollared slaves. (see capture rules below) 


2. Slaves don't need to beg entry or to leave 


3. Slave greetings: Slaves would NOT * call out * greetings from the other side of a real market, so they do NOT have to greet EVERY Free that enters. They only need to greet at the appropriate time as called for by the role playing be carried out.


jessenia 19:52:45 pm CDT

maybe since Forum attendance has been dwindling some, we could divide it up for a month or two... 2 Forums 2 r/p nights on opposite weekends?


Laroona 19:53:49 pm CDT

nassy slaves live under the tavern .. so you IMO would need to r/p ""moving out to the streets etc etc" to get to the room 

same as you do if in Tavern and go to the Piazza... as an example


nassy{GS} 19:54:31 pm CDT

nodding thank You Mistress...


Laroona 19:55:29 pm CDT

grre should be GS slaves live


snowrose{LT}'s pleasure 19:54:59 pm CDT Has joined the room


Laroona 19:59:36 pm CDT

nassy thatis how I see it.... I could be wrong though LOL 

It would make a lot more r/p for the slaves ....


nassy{GS} 20:00:59 pm CDT

yes Mistress it would make for more role play for the slaves...


Xertog 20:01:28 pm CDT

Any more thoughts or ideas on the new room?


Laroona 20:01:53 pm CDT

personal slaves would or could be there and could post "coming in from Masters holding and moving to the tavern".. or runnning etc etc 

those are just my thoughts how the room could be used to get to it


Xertog 20:02:42 pm CDT

People are going to have to be creative with stuff like that.


Laroona 20:03:44 pm CDT

exactly the reason I understand for the room to be set up... to get the creative juices flowing so to speak *S*


stormy 20:03:57 pm CDT

what is allowed Master ? when stormy was in Kar we had different canals , bridges and holdings that belonged to those who held districts in Kar .. will one Captain be in charge or will districts be allowed


Xertog 20:10:37 pm CDT

stormy it is pretty wide open of where and how you want to RP.. This room is to offer a venue to role out side of a tavern environment. It is for role play in or around the city of Port Kar. Which would include the streets, canals, the Arsenal, the wharves,,on Thassa or in the marshes of the delta. Use your imagination 

The GS Council will be the governing authority in the new room.


stormy 20:12:01 pm CDT

whispers about the scary alleys and then offers " thank you Master "


Xertog 20:12:30 pm CDT

LOL.. yes scary alleys too.


galah{GS} 20:13:00 pm CDT

maybe even a dark alley? heheheheeeee have something scary to get the imaginative juices flowing  


jessenia 20:13:32 pm CDT

*hears dark... scary... and thinks maybe she's glad she cant go in there*


galah{GS} 20:13:33 pm CDT

ooooooooohhh stormy, now thats scary, you and galah thinking alike at the same time heheheheheheheeee


stormy 20:15:08 pm CDT

stormy loved the kar she was in , It was raided all the time and the she urts and other strange people .. Kinda like california beaches


Laroona 20:15:23 pm CDT

every time galah thinks it is scary LOL 



nassy{GS} 20:15:42 pm CDT

scary dark alley...thinks nassy is going to need a lot of sisters with her....or a strong Master....


stormy 20:16:10 pm CDT

gasssssp ..Master .. stormy and galah are old souls.. we know the good things and the good times with Masters in them alleys


galah{GS} 20:16:23 pm CDT

we use to have a lot of interesting scenerios here, once had a kur come in, now that was scary!!!!


stormy 20:17:16 pm CDT

in kar !! must have been lost .. nods sagely


galah{GS} 20:17:17 pm CDT

and another time, we had a dar kosis Master come in, that made for interesting fun


stormy 20:18:00 pm CDT

ack !! I would have ran


galah{GS} 20:18:01 pm CDT

gal had to serve that beast, the kur, in a bucket no less, he was really thirsty hehehehehee


stormy 20:18:34 pm CDT

hehehe.. for flesh gal for flesh


Laroona 20:18:47 pm CDT

I think it may bring back the old GS ways when we only had one room In many respects....


galah{GS} 20:19:22 pm CDT

and one time, it was so funny...a slave came to the door, she must of been hundreds of years old, she was trying to kneel with sore knees, her boobs hanging to her waist etc hehehehehehheeee gal will never forget that one


nassy{GS} 20:20:06 pm CDT



stormy 20:19:54 pm CDT

cracks up !


galah{GS} 20:20:22 pm CDT

and the old slave still had the hots for Masters....the Masters didn't seem to know what to do about her hehehehehehee


jessenia 20:20:35 pm CDT

you saw jesse's twin gal?


nassy{GS} 20:20:54 pm CDT

surprised One didn't cart into the Tavern and skin her....


Laroona 20:21:26 pm CDT

LOL I remember her LOl she served too if I recall 

almost fell off my chair laughing in RT


stormy 20:21:38 pm CDT



galah{GS} 20:21:39 pm CDT

maybe your great granny jesse hehehehheheeeeee she was so descriptive, gray long hair, missing teeth and still wanting a Masters kiss hehehehehehehehe


Xertog 20:22:18 pm CDT



galah{GS} 20:22:27 pm CDT

me too was just stunned but the serve was perfect


stormy 20:22:53 pm CDT

well gal no one could complain her teeth hurt them


 jessenia 20:23:17 pm CDT

sounds like a prank em would come up with.. *L*


Laroona 20:23:33 pm CDT

BTW I found a slaves perfect serve the other day it is a hoot old but good 

I will post on boards somewhere maybe the joke board


nassy{GS} 20:23:46 pm CDT

laughing out loud...ooppss...disturbed r/t...


galah{GS} 20:24:03 pm CDT

use to have assassins come in, wearing a made it interesting and scary, so want those days back again


Laroona 20:24:33 pm CDT

I think she went from site to site tying her luck LOl


Laroona 20:25:50 pm CDT

tying should be trying


Xertog 20:26:05 pm CDT

Today our pooly assassin who pops into GS on occasion is more of a dopey HNG then anything else.


galah{GS} 20:26:36 pm CDT

maybe for the sake of interesting, we could each have a second persona? heheheheheheeeee have an alter ego, like gals other persona could be an innocent virgin, gal could pull it off heheheheheheee NOT!!!!


Laroona 20:27:13 pm CDT

or to check on fresh meat *shrugs*


stormy 20:27:18 pm CDT

I was an Assassins slave , they are very hard with slaves .Lucifer took no crap


galah{GS} 20:27:22 pm CDT

ooooohh no, these was proper assassins, in the cast and knew well how to do their part Master


nassy{GS} 20:27:35 pm CDT

nassy has hard enough time being nassy let alone trying to come with another personality galah ...


galah{GS} 20:28:43 pm CDT

but nassy, your other persona could be a naughty slave, always up to, wait, that is galahs persona heheheheheheheee


Laroona 20:29:12 pm CDT

we cannot bring back the old days 

BUT we can create new days along the old days 

(now that is Irish)


Xertog 20:29:16 pm CDT

Are you talking about when they had an Assassins Guild galah?


galah{GS} 20:29:39 pm CDT

yes Master, thats the one


nassy{GS} 20:30:08 pm CDT

galah hun....ermmm this one knows how to be nassy....and that is all she knows....she wouldn't have been able to make it as an actress...*laughing*.....well maybe if she had a script...


Laroona 20:31:13 pm CDT

just keep galah from washing kettles and tankards and stuff *chuckling*


galah{GS} 20:32:16 pm CDT

don't think of it as acting nassy, just using your thinks that is getting to be a lost art, remember back, if your an oldie, to when you was sent out to play and you had to use your imagination and come up with cowboys and indians or something like nowdays have lost that, they have video games and require no imagination anymore


nassy{GS} 20:33:01 pm CDT

true galah....she remembers...she is an oldie....


Xertog 20:33:23 pm CDT

Any other topics for the forum?


jessenia 20:33:54 pm CDT

jesse never thought she could r/p much either.... but one day a ship sailed in and the Master posted to the role play board.. and jesse went for it.... she may not have been very good at it.... but it was fun getting involved for a change...


galah{GS} 20:34:02 pm CDT

if there is no other topic Master, we could always talk about sex, never get tired of that subject heheheheheheheee


nassy{GS} 20:34:58 pm CDT

nodding at jessenia....nassy didn't mean to say she wouldn't try.....just kinda likes her head attached to the rest of her body...


galah{GS} 20:35:33 pm CDT

it don't matter if one is good or bad at it, RP that is....just so everyone is having a fun and interesting time of it, isn't that the main point?


Laroona 20:36:52 pm CDT

Xertog one other issue I consider not covered is: 

will the new room follow the kill/capture rules of GS? 

so Council would need a C&P to rule on?


jessenia 20:37:22 pm CDT

at any rate.. jesse hopes some of the action get's posted to the boards so she can see what's going on in there.. LOL


Xertog 20:37:31 pm CDT

Yes that is the main point galah and people will likely get better at the RP as they do more of it


Laroona 20:38:31 pm CDT

I like the idea and concept.. makes me think....


Xertog 20:38:37 pm CDT

Yes Laroona. I see no reason to reinvent the GS rules.


Laroona 20:39:55 pm CDT

thanks Xertog 

that would go in the room rules on the website I assume *S*


Laroona 20:40:39 pm CDT

(more work for the underpaid scribes 

darn do not get paid now)


Xertog 20:40:59 pm CDT



nassy{GS} 20:42:43 pm CDT

shakes her head..thought she had seen No kill but a capture zone of slaves...


Laroona 20:43:45 pm CDT

nassy your head is safe 

ever seen Masters Rollo and Xertog recover a captured slave heeee


nassy{GS} 20:45:41 pm CDT

no she can't say she has Mistress....


Laroona 20:47:35 pm CDT

not a pretty sight for the captors LOl


stormy 20:48:21 pm CDT

I am sorry to have to go , but I work very early .. Thank you for allowing me to be part of the forum and to wear an observation collar


Xertog 20:48:34 pm CDT

The last slave Rollo went to get was killed by him and left there.


nassy{GS} 20:49:31 pm CDT

gulps....nassy has no desire to that to be killed...


Laroona 20:49:40 pm CDT

be well stormy and hope to see you soon


stormy 20:50:05 pm CDT

goodnight Mistress ..


stormy 20:50:18 pm CDT

Goodnight Master ..


stormy 20:50:29 pm CDT

night girls , serve well


nassy{GS} 20:50:35 pm CDT

night stormy take care..


Xertog 20:52:57 pm CDT

Any other topic suggestions?


Laroona 20:54:40 pm CDT

Xertog the scribe is getting tired LOl


Xertog 20:57:59 pm CDT

Well I guess will wrap up this weeks forum.. Thank you for coming and thank you Laroona for scribing.


nassy{GS} 20:58:28 pm CDT

thank You Master Xertog and Mistress Laroona...

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