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Slave classes -  Free Discussions

Laroona_Scribe 19:17:24 CST

thanks seafora 

Ok keep greetings and non topic related to Pm's please *S*



slaves have slave classes each hand, often many Free are in the Tavern should slaves leave the classes to tend to Free or should they learn 

the other option is maybe Free could have discussion to learn some of the serves, positions etc to bring more r/p into GS


Laroona_Scribe 19:20:47 CST

my thoughts on it are 

the slaves have to learn and know so much, classes are one place they also learn and get to know each other as a sisterhood


Ramses 19:20:52 CST

during slave class, if I am in the Tavern, I am perfectly cognizant of the fact that class is taking place and that I will not be served ... and have no problem with that


Laroona_Scribe 19:21:28 CST

Tal Captain Kyoto handing over to you *S*


Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:22:14 CST

I could address that right away, Laroona, the slaves stay where they are. At least the tavern owned ones. I would suggest the trainers also remain to keep up with new events.


 yalena{Sg}~t 19:22:18 CST

oh, yalena thinks slave class is much too important to have some possibly having to leave, not that the Free are not more important, but this is our one and only time to all meet together and share views and ideas, learn together and bond as sisters!

she thinks the Free having a 'class' at the same time as slave class is an awesome idea!!


 galah{GS~fg} 19:22:53 CST

i think it would be good if the frees interested could come to the forum room while we are in slave class, and have gorean discussions, topics associated with the free being there should be no slaves about


 Ramses 19:23:34 CST

Laroona, I will also say that I consider slave important enough that I insist that chey attend, although I have called her out at least once recently ..


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:23:47 CST

Taking the reins from Laroona and nodding.

Just a warning though, I need to leave at the top of the hour, roughly forty minutes.


 _{GS} 19:23:51 CST

*nods in agreement


 galah{GS~fg} 19:24:26 CST

instead of sitting in a tavern with no one to bring a drink, its the perfect time and opportunity for a Free class per-say? there are lots and lots of new Masters around and needing some hints and help


 sen{HoK} 19:24:31 CST

~settles off towards the side to listen~


 Laroona_Scribe 19:24:54 CST

The Free having discussion I consider would be great too *S* 

like slave we also need to learn, and learn more about each other, as we all are one family in GS *S* 

my thoughts on it *S*


Grizzly 19:25:35

galah,,,,I resemble that remark.*S*


 galah{GS~fg} 19:25:40 CST

so if some of the pledged Masters attended, they could be the teachers per-say?


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:26:01 CST

Sounds good to me galah.


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:26:48 CST

Grinning as I see the Senior Captain enter, waiting to hand the proverbial reins over to him.


 galah{GS~fg} 19:27:03 CST

you know, would be good for the free to use one week and study positions even....for slaves need to know these but are seldom if ever required to use them for most Masters don't know them


 Ramses 19:27:15 CST

*smiling at galah and Laroona* ... not a bad idea


 Laroona_Scribe 19:27:44 CST

*chuckles as the reins are moved from hand to hand*


silken pleasures {KU} 19:28:17 CST

~sits silently listening aware of All who have entered~


 galah{GS~fg} 19:28:52 CST

then another week would be good for the free to discuss how they might be able to punish a displeasing slave, say as to give them a cuff across the face, or a kick, that kind of thing, for most Masters wouldn't think they could do anything to a slave, and it makes slaves think they can get away with stuff


Laroona_Scribe 19:29:01 CST

I would be willing to help, I think it would be great not only for Free to learn, but introduce more r/p 

example slaves a table,  slave b leisha etc


Fred 19:29:33 CST 

*muffled cough* At the risk of being rude, it's been my observation that men aren't quite as comfortable (for lack of a better word) at chatting amongst themselves, no matter what the topic, as females are.


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:29:45 CST

As Captain Kyoto says...... slave class is a REQUIRED item for GS owned slaves to attend if they are on-line at that time.... and any/all personal slaves are welcome to come and take part also.... but GS slaves will STAY in class for the allotted time simply because it is the will of the Slave master and the Council... if a Free has to go and grab his/her own drink for an hour or two, they will just have to do so....


 galah{GS~fg} 19:29:56 CST

yes, lessons on gorean money, so some Master don't offer a hundred gold for a slave hehehehehehehee


Grizzly 19:30:35 CST 

Fred,,,thats cause them men are always Looking for women no matter what the topic is.*S*


 Ramses 19:30:39 CST

*chuckling ... another good point galah*


rosa {GS} 19:30:58 CST

may girl ask a question Master Rollo?


Fred 19:31:39 CST 

Good point Grizzly *L*


dove_GS_ 19:32:06 CST 

~puts hand over her mouth as she giggles at mistress galah's words


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:32:27 CST

By the way, while I think of it.

The slave orli was never opened, so the tavern is raffling off ostraka to the men of the tavern. The lucky winner will be the first to use this beautiful, fully trained red silk slave.

The tickets will be two copper tarsks per with a maximum of ten tickets per man. I'll be posting it on the boards tonight.


  galah{GS~fg} 19:32:49 CST

**looks to Master Ramses and tucks her supple shoulders** gal has lots of good points Master? heheheheheheheheheee


 rosa_{GS} 19:32:58 CST

what if a GS slave misses classes?


 Laroona_Scribe 19:33:01 CST

laughing Grizzly FW can bumble serves if you all go to the Piazza LOL


ania_GS_ 19:34:12 CST 

*glances around the room smiling...quickly crawls next to yalena and rests back on heels wigglin close*


 yalena{Sg}~t 19:34:39 CST

mistress galah switches you, rosa, hehehehe, no just teasing sis....nothing will happen, but you should read the c+p of class so as to keep up on things


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:35:31 CST

LOL...LOL... If I may say, Fred.... that rings true ONLY on some subjects.....LOL...LOL... guys will shoot the shit about a LOT of things.... just not personal stuff....LOL... now guns, dogs, sports ???? it is hard to shut some of us up


Grizzly 19:35:44 CST 

Laroona,,,,I should have gone in on the one night I actually saw some people in there then.


 rosa_{GS} 19:35:54 CST

it's just that girl's job makes it hard to attend sometimes


Fred 19:36:52 CST  

*L* I thought of that too Rollo, but didn't think it quite appropriate to the conversation here *L*


Grizzly 19:37:26 CST 

Rollo's right there,,,,I just got a New gun .& I Like talking about the thing.*S*


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:37:36 CST

rosa.... these Forums are here for EVERYBODY.. if you have a is as good a place to ask it as anywhere....


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:38:13 CST

Grinning at Rollo.

That's right, don't get me started on Deinococcus radiodurans.


 Ramses 19:39:19 CST


prefers talking about basketball ...


 yalena{Sg}~t 19:39:54 CST

~*~tilts her head to Master Kyoto and looks blankly~*~ huh...


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:39:55 CST

College football for me


dove_GS_ 19:40:05 CST

grinz and scratches her head *s


Fred 19:40:35 CST 

My point was that men aren't too likely to sit around for an hour and talk about proper etiquette and behaviour of Masters as well as learning a few dos and don'ts without starting to yawn and nod off.


 galah{GS~fg} 19:40:59 CST

this is all a good example...perhaps the new free just don't know what to talk about to keep it in gorean context? that comfort zone has not yet found its niche like with the old timers, or those that been on gor for so very long hehehehe


 cheyenne{Ra} 19:41:04 CST

~chuckling~ as this slave thinks sports is always a great topic to talk about.....


 ~Mariposa~ 19:41:11 CST

Somewhat quietly I slip into the forum, looking for where in the world little miss seafora might have nmyphed off to, or with whom


 Ulrich 19:42:02 CST

Not necessarily Fred. Some of us are anxious to learn, and what better place to learn than a "Free class" so to speak.

I would come, time permitting.


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:42:07 CST

????? LOL...LOL.. Okay brother Kyoto, I won't get you started on ?? what ever that is....LOL...I'll take the dog part....LOL...LOL... 9 new pups yesterday...LOL... My family got BIGGER quick.... mom and kids doing FINE, and they all look like MY side of the family....LOL...LOL... not really, they look CUTE !!!! while I am as ugly as SIN...... LOL...LOL.... roaring with laughter


 yalena{Sg}~t 19:42:07 CST

but if You are learning on how to bring out the best in a slave You like...~smiles nodding~...that might be interesting, Master Fred


 seafora~{Emerald_Forest} 19:42:39 CST

taking her writing stuff seafora moves over to kneel with her Mistress...looking up to her offering a warm smile.. as she continues to scribble


Grizzly 19:42:51 CST 

I prefer playing football,,,,I can't watch or talk about it with out wanting to play,,,,& No one wants to be on the opposite side of the Old Bear anymore


 ~Mariposa~ 19:43:34 CST

albeit scribbling be sure that it is indeed legible seaforita... otherwise I'm sure you will never be able to use that hand again for any other pleasures it may afford.. ~teasing, of course~


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:44:10 CST

Laughing about the pups.

That's quite a litter...


 yalena{Sg}~t 19:44:12 CST

~*~just warms smiling loving Master Rollo's laughter filling the room, snuggling with sisters, and everyone being happy~*~


Fred 19:44:50 CST 

I'm not saying it wouldn't be a good opportunity to learn, just that a lot of men (present company excepted of course) just don't take to being told too's kind of like asking for road directions..and we all know that real men just don't do that *L*


 ~Mariposa~ 19:44:55 CST

I have heard, although I would beg behind my veils to say that I wouldn't have the experience to say this is trie, but isn't that rather like being cannot watch or talk about without wanting to play? or is that reserved alone for football?


 seafora~{Emerald_Forest} 19:45:19 CST

aye Mistress


 galah{GS~fg} 19:45:23 CST

as slaves are sooooooo well trained, they really need to be challenged to stay interesting, if that makes sense....and many times, because the free are not trained and haven't a clue, it leaves a slave feeling most bland...not sure thats the word, but hope i am getting the point across...for i would hazard to say that no slave here feels that blandness when say Master Kyoto is in the room, or Master Sarakai, or Master Shadowglade, many others tooo


 Ulrich 19:45:47 CST

lol Fred.... well being told to, and having it available on a voluntary basis are two different things.


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:45:53 CST

Ulrich, it is a sad but true fact that * Master classes * have been tried a few times, and never seem to catch on or keep going...... apathy or bull headedness seem to be the main barriers..... Nobody cares to learn, or the others seem to think they know it ALL already.....LOL...


Fred 19:46:16 CST 

yes yalena it might, but myself, I'd feel more comfortable asking somebody for instruction one-on-one..if you understand what I mean


 Ramses 19:46:43 CST

yes you are getting the point across galah ... and it makes perfect sense


 ~Mariposa~ 19:47:26 CST

ah Fred, isn't that why GPS's were created, so that men who won't ask for directions, can actually play at a game, which is virtually asking for directions, without having to verbalize to someone...


 Laroona_Scribe 19:47:31 CST

galah well said


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:47:49 CST

Well, galah, that's when you have to train them by example. Showing them what to look for.


 galah{GS~fg} 19:47:57 CST

any of the older well established Masters realize how important it is to stay on track with the slaves, to push them further in there slavehood, in there abilities, not just let them get by with it


 Ramses 19:48:17 CST

*chuckling at Mariposa's wit


 Ulrich 19:48:20 CST

Aye Rollo, I can see that happening. You might have many interested, but just not at the same time, then it fades away.

And aren't we born with the knowledge anyway? LOL


dove_GS_ 19:48:24 CST 

~smiles at mistress galah..her words so elequent and true...~


 jasma{LB} 19:48:57 CST

~quietly listening~


Fred 19:49:15 CST 

That's my point Ulrich..if a Free has the option to ask for direction, that's great, and should be much appreciated, but to sit in a classroom type setting and be expected to listen and absorb is probably expecting a bit too much.


 silken pleasure{KU} 19:49:55 CST

ya mistress galah silks to was asked to tell a story last week and that was a change...finally!!


 Ulrich 19:50:22 CST

Point taken Fred


 Laroona_Scribe 19:50:29 CST

Fed I think any one interested has options to attend a discussion group *S* 

the GS slaves have zero options


Fred 19:50:30 CST 

*laughing* That's exactly why GPS's were invented Mariposa!


 galah{GS~fg} 19:50:33 CST

slackedness is BAD for a slave, they soon will lose there desire to serve and to be found pleasing, they start to think no one cares what they are doing anyhow....i have said it so many times before, and here i go again, there is so much more to being gorean than serving that fake drink, imagination is a MUST


 _{GS} 19:50:53 CST

*sits back on her crossed ankles and listens to the room*


 Ramses 19:51:32 CST

agrees with what Fred has to say, but can also say that I have had more than one conversation with Kyoto that learned much from ... no matter how brief that talk was

so perhaps as long as it is voluntary, I'd find such a forum very useful


Fred 19:51:34 CST 

OK *putting away my soapbix for tonight*

I'll just shut up and listen now *g*


 {KU} 19:51:41 CST

silk also sang a song at the Inn 2 weeks ago....


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:51:43 CST

LOL...LOL... I, Myself, never have to ask for directions...I never get lost.... I may not know exactly where i am or how to get where I am going, but I am NEVER lost....LOL...LOL... I learned from experience that next to the enemy, the most dangerous thing you could deal with was a second Lt. with a map...... if they didn't get you lost, they called in fire on YOUR position instead of the enemy....


 cheyenne{Ra} 19:51:49 CST

laying her cheek upon Master's thigh as she sits and listens to those talking......


Grizzly 19:52:34 CST 

Mariposa,,,,Were women are concerned,,,,I always want to play,,,,Just sometimes I may be to tired,or to braindead,,,depending were Im at.*S*


Grizzly 19:53:26 CST

I just say screw it,& go ask for directions. 

Im to broke to buy the extra gas.*LOL*


 galah{GS~fg} 19:53:27 CST

Master Rollo never gets lost? he only takes the long roundabout way of getting there sometimes? heheheheheheee heheheheheheheee


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:54:05 CST

Ok... what topic are we discussing?


Fred 19:54:22 CST 

WE're not lost, we're just taking the scenic route! *L*


Grizzly 19:54:37 CST  

galah,,,with you sitting next to him,its a wonder he can keep the car on the road at all.*EG*LOL*


ania_GS_ 19:54:54 CST 

*chuckling with galah* 

thats the scenic route, sometimes the best way...*grins


Grizzly 19:55:16 CST 

Kyoto,,,,Probably pretty far off what ever topic we are supposed to be talking about.*S*


 galah{GS~fg} 19:55:40 CST

whats a car Master Grizzly? heheheheheeee hehehehehehee


ania_GS_ 19:55:52 CST

*covers mouth laughing* 

good one Master Fred


 Laroona_Scribe 19:56:13 CST

galah a tarn with wheeels LOL


yalena{Sg}~t 19:56:14 CST

~*~grins as she listens enjoying the conversation~*~


 galah{GS~fg} 19:56:59 CST

yes Master Grizzly, gal also thinks we have digressed hehehehehehe or plain lost, anyway have a map to get back?


Grizzly 19:57:05 CST 


Its an Urth thing.*S*


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:57:52 CST

No Laroona, it's a wagon with the tharlarion tucked out of site... a tarn with wheels still flies.

Which might be what we have when Penny drives it...


 galah{GS~fg} 19:58:33 CST

galah is here so often on gor, shes nearly forgot what a car is hehehehehehehehee hehehehehe


 Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:58:36 CST

Ok, all, I need to be going for a bit. I'll be back in about an ahn.


 yalena{Sg}~t 19:58:56 CST

~*~chuckles hearing Master Kyoto


 Laroona_Scribe 19:59:13 CST

Captain Kyoto ohhhhhhh that what happens when I hit a bump I fly LOL


Grizzly 19:59:14 CST

galah,,,sometimes getting lost is fun.*S*


 Phen(R) 19:59:18 CST

*Slipping in quietly I move to a low table


 ~Mariposa~ 19:59:37 CST

hoping that Kyoto doesn't get lost and need directions.


dove_GS_ 19:59:44 CST 

dove wishes Master Kyoto safe travels...*smiles


 galah{GS~fg} 20:00:33 CST

heheheheeeee next? heheheheheeee


galah{GS~fg} 20:01:10 CST

would that depend on what your trying to find Master Grizzly? heheheheheeeee


Grizzly 20:03:04 CST 

galah,,,,In some cases,,,,I already know were what iwant is at,,,,just that the search is almost as fun as the finding.*EG*




 Rollo_the_Ax 20:00:46 CST ...... THIS folks, is the addy for the * Gorean Top 100 sites * and GS is # 1 right now..... will EVERYBODY keep voting every 24 hours and lets see how long we can stay there,,, Okay ???


galah{GS~fg} 20:02:21 CST



 Ramses 20:02:52 CST


I have voted every day since I saw Kyoto's post thus far 

and voted from multiple locati0ons as well  *L*


 jasma{LB} 20:03:18 CST

~finished voting~


ania_GS_ 20:06:24 CST 

*scurries behind jasma to vote*


 cheyenne{Ra} 20:06:51 CST

~looks around as she sees everyone rush to go vote~

girl is thinking about handing out stickers as they come back in saying "i voted today"


 Ulrich 20:07:11 CST

I need 2 of those chey


 galah{GS~fg} 20:07:24 CST

that voting is kindda unfair, its not like each person can vote, for Master Rollo and gal have the same ip, so only one of us gets to vote each day


 galah{GS~fg} 20:08:03 CST

am sure there are a few others that have that same problem tooo


 Ramses 20:08:08 CST

Gal, I have ya covered .. I voted from home and from work


 tassa {HoK}~Penny~ 20:08:10 CST

yes galah, but then there are people like Master Ramses, that vote several times in a day, cause he goes to different places..*chuckling* all evens out


Fred 20:08:40  

ever heard of a proxy server galah


 {KU} 20:08:53 CST

chey...thanks for the sticker


 galah{GS~fg} 20:09:06 CST

suppose it does.....anyways, gal thinks we deserve it, for we are the busiest and most attended to site at the moment it seems


sen{HoK} 20:09:19 CST

~thinks sen needs a good kick in the tush everyday to remind her to vote~


 cheyenne{Ra} 20:09:23 CST

peeling off two stickers as she unfoils herself from her kneeling postion and walks over to Master Ulrich......and where would You like girl to stick these at Master? ~smiling as she swallows her giggle~


 galah{GS~fg} 20:10:08 CST

dunno bout those kinds of things Master Fred...proxy server could be when a Master has a tavern slave serve him instead of his own personal slave? heheheheheee


 cheyenne{Ra} 20:10:13 CST

silk the sticker looks beautiful on you.......~smiling~

placing a sticker on tassa's cheek.....


 Ulrich 20:10:53 CST

Right here will be fine chey *pointing at my chest chuckling*


Fred 20:11:01 CST 

*L* Not the server I was thinking of, but I like yours too.


 {KU}-voted_today! 20:11:20 CST

maybe it should say 

'did you vote today'


cheyenne{Ra} 20:13:04 CST

~biting her lower lip as she wonders to put stickers on both sides or to even them out~ thinking two on one side would look so much more important she presses her thumb against the sticker making sure it sticks........and then she does the same to the other....

there you go Master Ulrich.... You look splendid now....

as she walks back to her Master furs and settles herself down upon then......curling up against His boots...


Gorean Inn and Gorean Shores - Rules

Rollo_the_Ax 20:11:48 CST

the next topic should not take too long to cover..... * As of late food was been squandered by slaves in the Gorean

Inn.Is the Inn owned, operated, or ran by the Tavern? And what exactly are the rules

for the Inn as far as GS is concerned?


 tassa {HoK}~Penny~ 20:12:20 CST

tassa wanted the sticker that says "I gave blood today"...*chuckling*'s red, and prettier


 jasma{LB} 20:12:37 CST

~listening quietly as Master Rollo speaks a new topic~


Grizzly 20:13:05 CST 

I'd Like to kow that myself.


 Ramses 20:13:12 CST

there always seems to be confusion surrounding the Inn


  {GS} 20:14:24 CST

~the girl listens quietly, having never been to the inn~


 Laroona_Scribe 20:15:46 CST

Captain Rollo would the food belong to GaryM 

or are they taking GS food to the Inn


 Zoran 20:15:54 CST

walks in and sit down as not to disturb the forum


 seafora~{Emerald_Forest} 20:16:53 CST

there has to be some food items and drink in the Inn...we arent required to serve unless when a serve is required the stuff comes from somewhere


 galah{GS~fg} 20:17:25 CST

galah admits, she does things at the INN, she would never do in GS, for its gor lite, its fun, its only somewhat gorean, and its mainly used to recruit new goreans to GS, you can't have it a firm hardcore gor to do that, i often tell ppl its a three step program, the Inn, gets one interested, then he finds his way to the Piazza and the many there that are willing to help new ones, and then the hardcore tavern


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:18:14 CST

The Gorean Inn is in Poolside.... GS is in GS.. the * Inn * is NOT under the control of the Council of GS... Gary M made it as a place where new folks could find Gor, and learn a bit there BEFORE coming into GS and our rooms... We have a set of rules that GS slaves must follow there.... and we ask our pledged patrons to have their private slaves follow the same.... But the Council can NOT make or enforce rules in a place we do NOT control......


 Ramses 20:18:45 CST

galah, thinking it worked for Me ...*L*


 Zoran 20:19:17 CST

are the rules posted Rollo?


Grizzly 20:19:28 CST 

Ya,but I went straight to the tavern.*LOL* 

But My Yrs of Role Playing helped a lot there.Plus i listened to the slaves when they passed on info.


 orli{GS}~t~ 20:19:43 CST

*entering quietly and moving through the shadows to the back...easing down quickly beside ania and fidget~


 Ramses 20:19:55 CST

Rollo, as a pledged patron of GS, I would expect chey to follow those same rules


 Phen(R) 20:20:04 CST

So if there is a private slave that is ordered to stay at the inn by her Master can a FRee Woman go and order her out of there to the Piazza or the tavern?


 seafora~{Emerald_Forest} 20:20:28 CST

shouldnt slaves behave as slaves at all times even in the Inn?


 galah{GS~fg} 20:20:29 CST

we are not required to offer serve, but should a gorean come in and wish served, we are to do a one post serve, a good one post serve, but keep it short....we are to encourage those learning to come to gs to find out what real gor is really like, letting them know that they may not find the true gor at the inn....we don't beg entrance but if there is a gorean present, we beg leave


 cheyenne{Ra} 20:20:35 CST

~nodding at Master Zoran~ girl has never seen the rules for the Inn either and would like to know what she can and can not do there......


 jasma{LB} 20:20:48 CST

~eyes lifting as Mistress Phen speaks~


ania_GS_ 20:22:26 CST

*wiggles next to orli smiling*


 sen{HoK} 20:23:04 CST

sen knows when she was in the Inn, the first time she was in. she was keeping an eye on GS to see if any were to enter, and if someone was to enter in GS she would have left the Inn.


  Rollo_the_Ax 20:23:42 CST

In a word. HELL NO !!!!! a PRIVATELY owned slave follows the will and orders of her OWNER..... No FW or MAN has the right to tell her to do otherwise......


 galah{GS~fg} 20:24:07 CST

yes sea, but not with the seriousness of GS....we still must remain respectful at all times, but perhaps at times, some rt talk flows through, and thats alright too...i personally think it can be very fulfilling to recruit from the inn, its that challenge thing....a slave must strive to be interesting without being able to serve a drink, now that can be tricky


Grizzly 20:24:30 CST 

Rollo,,,thats two words.*S*


 galah{GS~fg} 20:25:11 CST

oooooooohh yes, thats the other rule, slaves are to watch the whos/where for gs in case ppl go in there


 Zoran 20:25:28 CST

nodding to Rollo as I my slut is mine to order


 orli{GS}~t~ 20:25:38 CST

*scrolls back trying to catch up....knowing she has only been to the Inn twice~


 Phen(R) 20:25:48 CST

*Smiling to the Captains words* Thankyou Captain that is what I thought but as Ive only been back nearly two hands just wanted to make sure*S*


 seafora~{Emerald_Forest} 20:26:01 CST

can privately owned slave do needs danmces in the Inn?


  {Zor} 20:26:40 CST

slides in takin her place at her Masters feet


 yalena{Sg}~t 20:27:08 CST

yalena has been to the Inn for recruiting and finds it a nice lil break and she loves meeting new people, hehehehe, but she sometimes gets so excited about telling new people about GS, she forgets to watch GS ~lowers eyes~ sorry, Masters


 Zoran 20:27:10 CST

smiling to my lilone


 galah{GS~fg} 20:27:12 CST

Mistress Phen, thats always been a hot topic, for slaves are told if they are not in the frame of mind to serve, then not to come in, and yet a slave might come to the kennels to speak of heart ache or such with a fellow sister, and then the free get up in arms cause they are in the kennel and not in serving


Rollo_the_Ax 20:29:10 CST

LOL...LOL.. Okay, I never was much at counting ....LOL...LOL...


 galah{GS~fg} 20:29:20 CST

it can be difficult yalena, for you might have a few free at the inn that truly are interested, then suddenly a free shows at the piazza....what to do, drop the newbies immediately and dash out the door? or stay long enough to explain and find that the free left gs before you could get there, then they complain cause no one come fast enough


Grizzly 20:29:42 CST 

Rollo,,,just Picking on you.*S*


 alyena_{GS} 20:30:30 CST

~moving quietly.. finding a place to kneel~


 yalena{Sg}~t 20:30:36 CST

that is such a touchy subject, mistress ~nods~ know this one sometimes has not been in the right mindset but yet she needed to be near a sister or two to work thru it and just felt better sitting in the kennels ~nods~


 galah{GS~fg} 20:30:44 CST

its a two edged sword to be sure....sometimes ya can't win no matter what ya do heheheheheheee


 Phen(R) 20:31:12 CST

Aye galah but as you said they can serve there a one post serve and if that is the wish of the owner shouldnt that be the case*S*


 Zoran 20:32:02 CST

so do it and just see how bad the cut is LOL


 yalena{Sg}~t 20:32:03 CST

Exactly, mistress galah!! wouldn't it be rude and deterrent to leave the new one when they might possibly come and visit GS?


 galah{GS~fg} 20:32:14 CST

thats right yalena, and i agree....although problem arises when several slaves get in the kennels and it turns into a party and there are leaves a dilemma for sure


 Zoran 20:32:52 CST

lara can't serve in one post she trips a least to times a serve and that take a little writing lol


 jasma{LB} 20:34:18 CST

~dark gems turning from one person to another as they speak~


lara  {Zor} 20:34:31 CST

blushin she looks down...lara has never been able to do a serve in one post...she would fall flat on her face for sure and be tongue tied


 Ramses 20:35:00 CST

*chuckling at Zoran


 yalena{Sg}~t 20:35:59 CST

aye, do agree with you on that mistress, but at least one girl should step up and know to leave to serve the Free if that happens...a girl truely feels we have the best of the lot in slaves and none would blatantly not serve unless there is a good reason ~nods~


  {KU}-voted_today! 20:36:53 CST

galah...if silk to be around and not in service....can to ask her and shes happy to doing this


 _{GS} 20:37:03 CST

*fidgets listening to the room*


 Kringe 20:38:21 CST

Tal to the free 

and greetings to the slaves


 galah{GS~fg} 20:39:04 CST

yes yalena, that is what i would hope for....cause thats true, the GS slaves know better but it has happened before...the free would still have the right to yell down to the kennels and order us up, in GS, not from the inn


 yalena{Sg}~t 20:39:59 CST

~*~nods agreeing completely~*~ aye mistress


 Laroona_Scribe 20:40:46 CST

I was trying to shove slaves from the Piazza to the Tavern and a FM had to come down and yell for service...

this points directly to slaves being alert to all Free in GS at any given time


Grizzly 20:41:07 CST

I have'nt had a problum with the slaves staying in the fact I Instructed one to stay in the kennels 7 injoy,& she came up to serve anyway


 orli{GS}~t~ 20:43:34 CST

if orli may add......there have been a couple of instances where girl has been in the Piazza and has asked to be released to the Tavern....sometimes this may take a couple of minutes for posts to cross perhaps a few ehn could be given before a Free yells for service?....maybe?....pleaaaase


 galah{GS~fg} 20:44:39 CST

okay, what happens is this....two ppl end up going to the inn, then a gorean comes on and sees no one at gs, so they go to the inn, so on and so forth, purdy soon there are a dozen at the inn and no one in gs....the Slave Master herded everyone back to GS then, and so should any Master do so when they see that happen, as slaves, we can't get away with that, might suggest it though


 Laroona_Scribe 20:44:52 CST

I also think as a FW I also should keep in mind the men come first and be aware and release slaves *S*


 tassa {HoK}~Penny~ 20:45:11 CST

orli, when that happens to me, I always whisper the free in the tavern adn tell them i'm begging permission to come serve them, that way they KNOW they are not being ignored..


 Zoran 20:45:28 CST

well said Laroona


 orli{GS}~t~ 20:45:47 CST

*looks to fidget with a smile after hearing her whisper~

fidget has a valid question....

white silks are not allowed in the Tavern unless accompanied by their trainer...mistress galah or amira.....or if the SlaveMaster is present......if a white silks are ordered to the Tavern to serve...and they are the only slave around...what should they do?


 Phen(R) 20:46:02 CST

Turning to Laroona yes I was there and that was at the Piazza not the inn and there were GS slaves in the Piazza I was talking about a Privately Owned slave ordered from the inn to the Tavern....


ania_GS_ 20:47:27 CST 

*perks up hearing fidgets question


 tassa {HoK}~Penny~ 20:48:11 CST

they should explain that they are white silk orli...and aren't allowed in the tavern without the mentioned people...the Free of GS understand that, and know that rule, so, the white silk slave isn't going to get in trouble for not going to the tavern, as long as she's respectful in saying she is white silk and can't.


 Laroona_Scribe 20:48:16 CST

Phen I do that all the time, am aware of the Tavern


Grizzly 20:48:48 CST 

fidget,,,whats that spinning triskilleam mean?


 seafora~{Emerald_Forest} 20:48:56 CST

that question has been brought up before And the answer then was they could not...the Free can equally be served in the piazza


 fidget {GS} 20:49:44 CST

Master Grizzly, it is a reminder of where the girl comes from, she hopes to be changing it soon


 Ramses 20:49:45 CST

agrees with tassa .. I already understand that white silks are not allowed ... so would never demand it


 orli{GS}~t~ 20:49:50 CST

*smiles at tassa~...thank you for the most helpful hint sis...orli will most definitely do that from now on


Grizzly 20:50:30 CST 

fidget,,,what are you changing it to?


  fidget {GS} 20:50:45 CST

~aborbs tassa's words with an understanding nod~

fidget thanks you tassa


 fidget {GS} 20:51:14 CST

the girl does not wish to have a symbol anymore Master Grizzly


 Zoran 20:51:20 CST

weg I try not to keep much white silk in stok in my store 

as I hope most slaves fly threw that level 



 Rollo_the_Ax 20:53:35 CST

I must have missed the question the first time......BUT white silks girls have that set of directions for a reason.... No trainer, no fg, no Slave master, No captain... NO ENTERING the Tavern..... if ordered to do so by somebody NOT on that list..... DON'T do it and C+P the order, and contact the fg, trainer or the Council....


 Laroona_Scribe 20:54:32 CST

well said tassa *S* if a Free wants service then they can always go to the room the white silks are permitted in, ie the Piazza under the current rules *S*


 orli{GS}~t~ 20:54:52 CST

girl thanks You Master Rollo for answering her question

*looks to fidget with a smile~ 

there you go fifi


  fidget {GS} 20:55:06 CST

thank you Master Rollo, the girl will remember should the situation arise


 Zoran 20:55:08 CST

sit back in my chair letting my hand run threw my lara's hair


 Phen(R) 20:55:12 CST

*Turning to Laroona* Sorry Im confused telling the slaves to go to the tavern from the Piazza or from the inn?

And it seems I also buggered up Thay day as you did as we didnt tell a slave to go to the Tavern as Marius had to yell from the Tavern door to get a girl in there....


MDKnight 20:55:29 CST

*Slowly the Warrior enters and moves to an empty seat


 alyena_{GS} 20:55:52 CST

~her head lifts slightly as she hears the door open... a smile crossing her lips~


 galah{GS~fg} 20:56:12 CST

and if there are free in both rooms, the tavern and the piazza, the white silk should be in the Piazza where they can acually serve without being found displeasing


  {Zor} 20:56:20 CST

leans against Him...know if one goes in the tavern when not allowed they will be in big troubles


 Zoran 20:56:21 CST

lol as i am a stubborn Master I sit in the Tavern till a non white shows up


 Phen(R) 20:56:30 CST

*S* I am girl and thankyou for asking*S*


 Laroona_Scribe 21:00:09 CST

Phen from the Piazza


 Phen(R) 21:08:41 CST

So FWs are allowed to order slaves from the Piaza to the Tavern if they are GS slaves?


 galah{GS~fg} 21:08:42 CST

trainer meeting to follow when forum is over **looking to yalena, orli and tassa**


 yalena{Sg}~t 21:10:16 CST

aye mistress, but a girl needs to slip off for a few to wake up the sleepy One ~winks~ be back shortly, promise

girl wishes all the Masters and Mistress' well....serve well girls...

~*~runs off~*~


 Laroona_Scribe 21:10:32 CST

Phen we are Free and if the slaves is not white silk 

I would prefer to see the men served than not be served and have the men of GS even more angry at FW 

we still live under the cloud of one


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:11:37 CST

Well, folks....... it looks like we have done our dash once again......LOL... Thanks to everybody that came and took part in the forum this week....same time, same place next week......


 galah{GS~fg} 21:13:03 CST

only the slaves in the tavern know if they are busy or not, and if not, should ask to be excused to the piazza before anyone has to call for them


dove_GS_ 21:13:55 CST 

mistress be sure....can white enter Tavern or Piazza only with her trainer or SlaveMaster? or with any trainer that may aid her in her serve *wondering


 Laroona_Scribe 21:14:18 CST

galah a quick PM ascertains if they are busy and I am aware they also maybe typing long posts etc etc.....*S*


 tassa {HoK}~Penny~ 21:14:40 CST

ANY trainer can help you dove...


MDKnight 21:14:47 CST 

Guess I'll have to try and get here sooner, Rollo. *Chuckling softly*


alyena_{GS} 21:15:51 CST

~blushes ever so profusely~


Rollo_the_Ax 21:16:06 CST

LOL...LOL... You know what they say, MDK.... * Time and Tide wait for no man ....*


 galah{GS~fg} 21:16:18 CST

dove, we will have to clarify that with the Slave Master, but i would think that any trainer could watch over you while your there to learn, that is IF there are NO free in the piazza though...and also any captain would surely protect you as you are their property....main thing is don't be going in there when you see some strange Master that you don't know...for even the long timed pledge would protect you


Phen(R) 21:16:49 CST

Tell Me about it Lar thats why Im asking so many questions on these issues....


MDKnight 21:16:57 CST 

Aye, Rollo. That is SOO true. *Chuckling* It's been awhile. I do trust that You are well, old Friend?


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:23:11 CST

Okay then folks.... it is officially over here ...... thanks again for taking part, and thanks to the scribes....


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