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Xertog 19:22:07 pm CDT

Let get the forum started. Welcome to the GS weekly forum. The regular rules will be in place.. Please add your name in my settings if you have not done so. 


During the forum please keep greetings, role play and other talk unrelated to the forum to whispers. 


Send me topic suggestions. 


We need a volunteer to scribe.


Laroona 19:24:22 pm CDT

Please for the sake of scribes add name only in tag lines 

slaves of course add collars


Xertog 19:28:38 pm CDT

First topic: 


"What does people really believe role playing is? and why is it not done more, instead of just coming in to chat like regular chat site and use Gorean terms?.. role playing has been lost"


Cavy 19:30:12 pm CDT

roleplaying has been wasn’t until a Free came in the other day I realized how much....


Laroona 19:31:17 pm CDT

do some really know how to play their caste?


ShadowHawk 19:31:20 pm CDT

for Me, role playing is done minute an entry is posted 

not just walk in and say hello, but describe entry how Oone looks 

invent a character and go with it..


tamara of {GS}~O~ 19:32:00 pm CDT

roleplay has been lost cause there is a lot that is mixing rt and vt, and people are getting hurt, and i have seen some whine to get their way, rp has turned disney when i watch slaves push Masters around, i have not seen it here, but have seen it in other places i have visited


ShadowHawk 19:32:26 pm CDT

good question Laroona, do some even know what their caste entails?


tamara of {GS}~O~ 19:32:54 pm CDT

no a lot don't know how to play a caste, they just decide hey Im going to be this, I have never done this, and it makes the Ones that are of that Caste look bad


Xertog 19:33:10 pm CDT

We still need someone to scribe.


ShadowHawk 19:33:18 pm CDT

well put tamara and exactly what is going on.. 

when entering a Gorean realm... rt is left outside 

as well as personal issues


OriginalSandman 19:33:41 pm CDT

In my opinion it is becuase it is so easy not to,, rp takes some effort .. but it is worth it,, I know I enjoyed the interchange with Laroona and Xertog over the building of a new bath for Xertog ,, as well as the construction of the half tarnship in the training yard we have used for three festivals


tamara of {GS}~O~ 19:34:28 pm CDT

yes Master Shadow, that is true but a lot bring their personal issues into the Home


Loki 19:34:41 pm CDT

hmm, Im not here as often as I would like to be, but here Ive seen r/ping down, some as Shadowed said, from the moment a person enters, some a lil less, I come here to r/p, not to chat.... 


and yes, I know My caste, I play My character


Laroona 19:34:51 pm CDT

I often enter with scrolls, make notes etc... 


Khaled will recall two scribes r/ping not long ago about drafting agreements *S&* 

that was fun and kept the room buzzing for some time


Cavy 19:35:38 pm CDT

I agree with that tamara


ShadowHawk 19:36:20 pm CDT

here couple years back.. Sandman were building add on to Tavern.. from drawings to getting wood to tools... piece by piece, that was great watching to see how and what He did next..


tamara of {GS}~O~ 19:36:35 pm CDT

since i have been in this Home when i can find Some in here, i see Free Men, really being Gorean, FW the same, and They remember Their places, the slaves are great here, now i go into other Homes, i see FW running them, Men stepping back, and slaves over everything, i love Gor but at times like that you really wonder what happened to the fun in rp?


ShadowHawk 19:38:06 pm CDT

no arguement from Me, tamara... I agree completely 

its pretend.. role playing.. tv and or movies, whatever 

or however you want to look at it.. done with rules 

created by John Norman.. but when it comes down to 

dont like He or Her or she cuz they did this to Me.. instead 

of creating scene to deal with situation is when it all gets 

lost... then you seen restricting.. fade outs.. ignoring 

and such, which should not be done.. but instead create 

scene to handle the situation


Khaled 19:37:26 pm CDT

LOL yes Laroona that was fun


Laroona 19:38:07 pm CDT

if people r/p in the rooms and a summary on the boards is that not feasible? 

instead of just posting some r/p on the boards? 

that way people will see people in and enter to join in or watch


OriginalSandman 19:38:18 pm CDT

looking to Loki ,, I recall we did some trading over a cart for you and some ironwork for the holdings Deirdre and i have


Deirdre 19:39:45 pm CDT

*nodding to Sandman's comment to Loki* 


I think of You, Giant Loki, every time I look at the beautiful scrolled metal work on the gate of Our dwellings......


Laroona 19:39:55 pm CDT

Khaled trust me it will be carried further LOL


tamara of {GS}~O~ 19:40:28 pm CDT

Master Shadow, here is a example of what i have seen recently visiting other Homes, i seen a slave released from a vt kolar, cause she wouldn't call One on the phone so she was called a player, a gamer, and the Master booted her out of the room, she was trying to keep rt and vt separate


Loki 19:41:05 pm CDT

Aye Sandman, that We did, and I made some stuff for Nerius a while ago, collars are on the decline now, it seems no one needs them anymore, its hard to r'p when there's not another to do it with


Laroona 19:41:10 pm CDT

Sandman yes that was a long time ago and now sadly all that is missing in the rooms (as I have noticed anyway)


ShadowHawk 19:41:18 pm CDT

there.. perfect.. entering in RP.. an entry describing work done by Loki or SAndman and being admired or recalling what had been done, even mentioning it where someone like Myself that were not here would know what to see instead of thinking we see blank building...


Xertog 19:42:19 pm CDT

Here the free person would have been booted from GS if they tried and force RT on a girl.


Loki 19:42:41 pm CDT

thank You Deirdre~nods with the grin~


tamara of {GS}~O~ 19:43:32 pm CDT

Master Xertog, You wouldn't believe how many times that goes on in Other sites, it happens a lot 


Laroona 19:43:59 pm CDT

beats entering the tavern, ordering a paga and furring


Laroona 19:44:53 pm CDT

tamara that shit is against the internet laws and is international


ShadowHawk 19:44:56 pm CDT

gawd, tell Me bout it Laroona 

not much creation there


tamara of {GS}~O~ 19:45:32 pm CDT

they are getting away with it, Mistress Laroona


Deirdre 19:45:38 pm CDT

You are most welcome, Loki....*smiling sweetly*


Laroona 19:46:44 pm CDT

then that is other sites 

here it is well written it is a no no


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 19:47:04 pm CDT

agreeing with tamara . Mistress Laroona it happens..


aurora{Ulrich}-t 19:47:32 pm CDT

can we focus on what happens in GS please?


Laroona 19:48:10 pm CDT

thank you aurora *S*


Loki 19:48:28 pm CDT

what do we think is our r/p problems here? besides not enough interaction.....imho


tamara of {GS}~O~ 19:48:31 pm CDT

Mistress Laroona, i come to Gor to get away from rt issues, and come online to rp, instead ilisten to rt problems, whinings, and others pretending they know what is going on, whats the use in even trying?


aurora{Ulrich}-t 19:48:47 pm CDT

and thank You Master Loki ~smiles~


aurora{Ulrich}-t 19:49:21 pm CDT

then come to GS tamara


ShadowHawk 19:49:52 pm CDT

from what I seen Loki.. there is none happening.. I have not yet walked in to see a slave doing chore.. or Free doing anything more than idle chit chat.. bout day and such.. havent even seen one posted entry.. well I take that back... Laroona still does Hers


tamara of {GS}~O~ 19:50:42 pm CDT

aurora, i have been here, i can never find Aany here, i love it here, i really do, it is what Gor should be,in other places i am beginning to think i should be asking where the rides are...LOL...but seriously, Eeveryone i have met here, has been great


Laroona 19:51:39 pm CDT

I always try and post an entry as Kyoto often said until one has posted an entry one is not really in the site


ShadowHawk 19:53:04 pm CDT

I recall Laroona when there were rule.. GS rule that none could be greeted without an entry... had to wait to see what a Free or slave would do.... seems that rule has kind of vanished


Laroona 19:53:41 pm CDT

and it irks me no end when people greet before that entyry is posted even greeting slaves... 

it is well written under protocols not to greet till one is really in the site 


that opens up a r/p depending on the entry.,.,.. 

who knows some one maybe dragging a slave behind or a bosk to be skun ...


Loki 19:53:45 pm CDT

Aye Shadow, then how can we fix this? 


I for one would like to be involved more, leave me a message on the boards if something needs to be made, if I cant be found in here, no sense in buying a collar somewhere else, or pulling it out of thin air...


Xertog 19:56:07 pm CDT

Hawk I think what you are saying is in the GS web pages as a basic protocol.


ShadowHawk 19:56:10 pm CDT

just what Laroona said Loki.. wait for entry.. so someone can write one instead of just saying 


*enters waving*... hello 


that is no different than saying going to the pool, which most has fallen into doing 


slaves are not allowed or offered time to create entry for fear of being reprimanded cuz they did not greet soon enuf... 


Free are afraid of losing slaves attention cuz there are others in room..... 


lets be characters not say... typist behind Loki and Shadow.. but be the ones we want to create... 


I said couple weeks back.. sit down.. create profile for your character.. what he she lookslike.. and go from there.. keep adding til you have someone to portray and be that person every time


 Laroona 19:57:09 pm CDT

From the website under Free Persons Manual 

2. Greetings: 

“All FP greet other FP first, with "Tal" the gorean equivalent of hello, slaves are greeted with "greetings". To show the proper respect, if there is a Captain of Gorean Shores present, He should be greeted first before all others. Any of the Council of Captains would be happy to help you and answer any questions you may have. An Advisor would also be able to help you with questions. Do NOT greet a personal slave before she is granted permission into the tavern and a tavern slave before she has posted an entrance. Its also best to save your "Tal" or greeting until a free person has posted an entrance.”


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 19:57:32 pm CDT

this girl has always been told wait for the post before greeting


ShadowHawk 19:57:47 pm CDT

Loki, you more or less came in after I was gone.. so I have no clue what You are.. but yes, with Profile on boards.. now that I know you are metal smith.. could place orders whether collars or dagger or swords..or what not.. BUT thing is.. for Me.. I know not who is what... as far as newcomers


Loki 19:58:08 pm CDT

Shadow, from what Ive observed its been done, maybe not by all, but by most, any other suggestions besides posting on entering? 


(playing devils advocate here


ShadowHawk 19:58:16 pm CDT

aye Xertog.. that is what I am trying to say... *nods


ShadowHawk 19:59:07 pm CDT

((winks to the devil, chuckling)) 

describing ones self always helps.. entices or entails a comment of some sort.. rather than.. "lixx lips grabs girl and furs" 

come on.. where is rping there??


Xertog 20:00:22 pm CDT

Thanks Laroona.. That is what I was referring to.


Loki 19:59:20 pm CDT

so, Your saying, We have not properly met till just now Shadow? I find that hard to believe


Laroona 20:01:25 pm CDT

a suggestion 

how about those pledged patrons have a mini profile that can be put on the boards 

and maybe the website.... 

(say no more than 50 words) 

((pages and sections easily made) 


example Loki the best metal smith around in GS 

I own the girl fidget 

I can supply you with all your metal needs, from collars to gates etc


nese{ SF } 20:01:33 pm CDT

walks in quietly not to disturb


Loki 20:03:29 pm CDT

Aye Laroona, dont we have something sorta like that on the Free pledged patrons list?


Laroona 20:05:29 pm CDT

Loki we have castes only next to names of pledged 

unless a warrior they are no listed


Loki 20:06:25 pm CDT

Aye, castes are listed, as in Metalworker~nods~ 


I do like Your idea though


ShadowHawk 20:07:05 pm CDT

here is thought.. what say everybody, not just slaves, but All sit back think write something in form of essay... as to what can be done.. put it on boards.. then talk and roll over it there.. either way we all would get idea and see some good suggestions.. I believe anyways.. thing is.. get EVERYBODY involved.. GS is not just bout slaves doing chores.. performing serves of drink or sexual nature.. but GS bout everybody being involved.. from Captain on down


Xertog 20:07:49 pm CDT

It be easy to add a new board for profiles on the message board.


Laroona 20:08:31 pm CDT

after Forum is over I will make a Profile section 

if all agree


STORMFRONT 20:09:03 pm CDT

what if one doesnt even have a profile as such?


ShadowHawk 20:09:20 pm CDT

honestly think even those that visit should be allowed to add their profile also..


OriginalSandman 20:09:29 pm CDT

I think that is a good idea Laroona


Laroona 20:09:46 pm CDT

ooops adding that on the message board 

then up to each to decide if they want to post something or not


Laroona 20:10:29 pm CDT

OK do we want one for Free and another for slaves?


Laroona 20:11:30 pm CDT

slaves can put such thiungs up as their owner 

chain sisters 

date collared 

brand type 

etc etc


Cavy 20:13:02 pm CDT

most of the slaves have done that in the restriction boards


ShadowHawk 20:14:24 pm CDT

actually Cavy not one slave has given a brief bio... just let us know who they belong to.. markings and such.. but none if they are of Gor.. Urth... PortKar or were they FW.. caught.. born into slavery... not one yet has created character


Laroona 20:14:46 pm CDT

this is different idea Cavy 


do not see their brands on restriction boards as one example


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:16:37 pm CDT

so shall the slaves put ...{PK} after their name for example


Laroona 20:16:44 pm CDT

there is an option 

make the sections 

or make a post asking for a vote


aurora{Ulrich}-t 20:17:33 pm CDT

brandings if any are posted with the restrictions 

and their Master's as well 

but bio


Laroona 20:17:39 pm CDT

carriann as an example as you asked 

what brand do you have?


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:18:27 pm CDT

Mistress Laroona this girl is owned and restricted by Master Cavy


ShadowHawk 20:18:11 pm CDT

nay carrieann.. that would mean you are collared to city.. but brief bio bout where you came from and such.. if you had prior Masters.. if you were Free or what.. are you from PortKar..Ar.. Torvald.. Turia.. or what


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:20:21 pm CDT

surely that would be like a birth certificate though


ShadowHawk 20:21:10 pm CDT

thats the whole idea carrieann.. create a character to portray.. THIS is why rping has been lost, nobody wants to take time.. just wanna come in and get involved not really knowing where or what they are


aurora{Ulrich}-t 20:21:22 pm CDT

aurora thinks this is a tad overboard, might as well start from when we were born and go from there, how is how many Masters a girl has had going to aid in role playing?


ShadowHawk 20:21:50 pm CDT

exactly My point aurora.. involvement is whats missing


Laroona 20:22:09 pm CDT

other sites have slave papers 

and that is what we are suggesting 


the same also for a Free to do a brief bio....


Deirdre 20:22:35 pm CDT

*nodding in agreement with aurora's comment*


ShadowHawk 20:23:18 pm CDT

I have been to some sites that have the entire 9 yards where in order to join or pledge.. you HAD to come up with profile.. like GS once did long ago..



The Previous boards had Bio's posted. I see nothing wrong with the suggestion, those who want to participate can. Those who don't, don't.


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:23:48 pm CDT

so that all slaves have Masters/Mistresses names previous and present then updated....? is that right Ma'am


Laroona 20:23:51 pm CDT

aurora as an exmple 

she is owned by Master Ulich 

on ??? date 

and has a ??? brand on her left thigh 

she is red silk...


ShadowHawk 20:24:30 pm CDT

when I first pledged.. Shadowglade wanted to see a written out profile before it were given to Counsel to vote on accepting


jale{Jake} ~Master's wench~ 20:24:36 pm CDT

a suggestion if jale may? 


make up a brief questionaire so that the questions can be answered briefly 


such as 


place of origin? (answer) urth, born into slaver, Torvaldsland 


simple answers that could be elaborated on in rp 


*shrugs~ just a suggestion if a girl may be so bold to speak it


Deirdre 20:25:11 pm CDT

To My knowledge GS has never required paid Patrons or slaves to have a profile. I think that the brief profile idea is a good one. But I have been on online Gor for almost 10 years....and it's never been a requirement. I've seen them done as posts on a part of the board, though.


Laroona 20:26:04 pm CDT

thank you Captain Thorfinn 

it is a suggestion and those who want can, those who do not well do not LOL


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:26:53 pm CDT

but in one way if this girl can be so bold........ 


to keep track of slaves names and how they change


Laroona 20:27:12 pm CDT

it has never been required 

but on the old site before some one had it pulled down some had profiles 

I know all Council did


aurora{Ulrich}-t 20:27:52 pm CDT

for what reason carrieann?



My profile was practically a book. 




ShadowHawk 20:29:32 pm CDT

nodding.. as was Mine.. one I read for Shadowglade were too.. in fact most had created site for just such a thing..


Laroona 20:29:33 pm CDT

LOL heeeee Captain Thorfinn


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:31:10 pm CDT

to keep track of name changes ...aurora....for not every slave keeps their original name and some Masters might want to trace back....



So anyways... looks like the jist of things is... you want a section on the Boards created for profiles and Bio's, including some Background History, RP, dates, names, trades, Hollywooded up a bit. I don't see this as a problem so I am sure we can get that done pretty sharp.


aurora{Ulrich}-t 20:32:16 pm CDT


if a Master wants to know aurora's previous names 

she can tell Him


ShadowHawk 20:32:45 pm CDT

that is not needed carrieann.. just a simple brief bio.. not so much changes of Master.. but where she came from.. perhaps couple happenings and how she ended up here.. or with her Owner...


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:32:51 pm CDT

its better on paper than word ~shrugs~



aurora, at the end of the day, no one is forcing you, your Owner will decide for you if he wants you to have a bio or not. 




ShadowHawk 20:33:35 pm CDT

exactly Thorfinn... create character and go with that.. for role playing to become a part of GS again.. instead of just simple chat site using gorean terms


Karima 20:33:43 pm CDT

~shrugs... just to follow suit~


aurora{Ulrich}-t 20:35:26 pm CDT

keeps her mouth shut!


  aurora{Ulrich}-t 20:34:04 pm CDT

aye Jarl


 tamara of {GS}~O~ 20:38:19 pm CDT

something like this ? 



Name is: 

Previous names: 

Date Collared: 

Previous collars: 




Ears pierced: 

Distinguishing marks: 



Hair color: 

Skin color: 

Eye color: 

Time Zone: 

Where born: 

Slave Wine: 


Skills and Talents: 

Brief Bio: 



 Laroona 20:38:22 pm CDT

so 3 Captains have agreed it can be done 

I will add the sections in later 

and maybe make a post direct from the notes of some examples *S* 

and that it is a personal choice to post or not post *S*


Xertog 20:38:23 pm CDT

Any other topic suggestions?


Laroona 20:39:11 pm CDT

tamara not quiet that long but something similar yes *S*


aurora{Ulrich}-t 20:41:30 pm CDT

unzips her lips 

laughs...and the first subheading on that was ...previous names 


a girl thinks its a wonderful idea Jarl 

but disagrees with posting of previous names 

that will not have a bearing on roleplaying 

how does it? 

it is simply being nosey 



Laroona 20:42:37 pm CDT

aurora to help out I will make sample posts or rather the scribes will LOL


jale{Jake} ~Master's wench~ 20:43:44 pm CDT

*rises up and blows a kiss to Mistress Deirdre before skipping to the door and slipping out~



Again, noone is forcing you... 


However, slave papers would, in roleplaying terms, include records of all owners, costs of trade, houses of training, skills, etc. which would include names.


aurora{Ulrich}-t 20:44:04 pm CDT

its not about aurora...aurora has been around for dogs ages 

known as clover before 

its about slaves not feeling they should or are required to do so 

collared or not


ShadowHawk 20:44:39 pm CDT

the idea is not to answer questioinaire.. but create bio... 


"slave was first captured by Master SonSo of Ar, he called her pickle.. etc, etc, then down the road He was killed by Master Him of Turia, in turn she belonged to him and were renamed thistle.... so on and so forth* 


that is a bio... not questionaire..


Laroona 20:45:14 pm CDT

aurora I know you have I used your name as an example only *S*



And for the 3rd time... noone would be forcing you, it would be the decision of your owner.


nese { SF } 20:45:35 pm CDT

rises up requests permision to leave


Cavy 20:45:54 pm CDT

then going back to carrieanns earlier post past names are to be included


ShadowHawk 20:46:16 pm CDT

aye.. agrees with Thorfinn.. if slave has nothing to hide, why be worried, especially personally Owned slave



nese, this is forum, permission not required.


nese{ SF } 20:47:27 pm CDT







Xertog 20:46:34 pm CDT

New topic. If this topic is an issue in GS it is news to me. But I'll toss it out and see what people think. 



new subject.. Free should keep their threats or such in public to slaves. Instead of constantly whispering to them what they are going to do once they reach certain silk status. Its alright to role play.. 


For example: "when you get yellow or reds I am going to...... 


but to keep telling slave over and over your going to do something to her because she is about to get yellow in whispers. This is uncalled for and stalking.


OriginalSandman 20:47:59 pm CDT

frowning ,, thats the first time I have heard of that one Xertog ... but I concur ,, its uncalled for


Laroona 20:48:43 pm CDT

not guilty 

but this is so wrong if it is happening.... IMO 

I agree with Xertog it is stalking





If the slaves have informed the person they are uncomfortable with that, and the person continues, then the slave should contact the Council with the posts mailed as evidence for the Council to deal with it. Not rocket science.


lara {Cavy} restricted 20:49:32 pm CDT

slips over to sit with her sis to catch up on the forum


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:49:57 pm CDT

Master just because the girl is in yellows or reachin does not stop the threats....


Laroona 20:49:59 pm CDT

no wonder some slaves are reluctant to be here, or even try for other silk levels if that is going on...


ShadowHawk 20:50:09 pm CDT

nodding.. its very uncalled for and aye.. not rocket science... *nods*


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:50:19 pm CDT

~whispers hi~


ShadowHawk 20:51:40 pm CDT

agreed Laroona.. I feel it goes with post Xertog made bout fast collaring.. this in itself is uncalled for and will definitely keep new girls out or old girls tired of constant harassing


Xertog 20:51:40 pm CDT

If something like that happens I want a C&P of it.


Cavy 20:51:51 pm CDT

then questions are raised why the restrictions...perfect example


blckrose{Zor} 20:52:19 pm CDT

quietly slips over to sit with carrieann and lara


ShadowHawk 20:53:21 pm CDT

this is not restrictions but constant harrassing in whispers.... 

threatening girl of raping her or such when she become certain 

silk... that is not rping.. rping is done in public and creates 

an act.. not stalking..


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:54:09 pm CDT

some Masters have no respect for a girls kolar


Cavy 20:54:36 pm CDT

Im aware of that My girls have told Me of this happening to them


Laroona 20:55:49 pm CDT

if it is external to GS then it is external 

but internal to GS then Council will deal with the situation


ShadowHawk 20:56:47 pm CDT

and restrictions do not stop stalking....


Karima 20:56:48 pm CDT

I have grown accustomed to that ignore button, I must say.


Cavy 20:57:25 pm CDT

agreed Shadow but it stops Them being able to carry the threat out


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 20:57:33 pm CDT

Mistress Laroona may i ask a question..... 


If its extternal GS outside of the site 


but what happens if it the Masters...that are pledged


ShadowHawk 20:58:32 pm CDT

Laroona, I believed Pledged Members should uphold standards even when outside GS.. its what makes others interested, but when this takes place outside.. it also brings GS down and should be subject for penalty or punished...


Laroona 20:59:39 pm CDT

that would be for Council to decide if the offence was stalking but if it is at poolside then GaryM could be involved as stalking is a site wide offence


ShadowHawk 21:00:45 pm CDT

well Laroona, and I can say this being one that been harassed on boards and such.. Gary does nothing so long as it brings in a buck


{KUURUS}'silks-RESTRICTED 21:01:46 pm CDT

Gary does n will ban ...depending on reasons


Laroona 21:01:55 pm CDT

GaryM has been known to warn and place a temporary bann


Cavy 21:02:27 pm CDT

aye I agree one has been banned this week...all be it temporary


ShadowHawk 21:02:41 pm CDT

*Just shakes head n goes quiet*


Laroona 21:03:31 pm CDT

and that banning can be selective depending on his mood LOL


Loki 21:03:33 pm CDT

Gary does what he can.......... 


be well Free and beastes


{KUURUS}'silks-RESTRICTED 21:03:37 pm CDT

i know of one gurl still banned over a year now


Karima 21:04:28 pm CDT

~Wonders why the conversation has turned away from the issue~



Ok back on track. 


Inform person of discomfort. 


Inform Council with posts if it continues. 




ShadowHawk 21:06:03 pm CDT

aye, next topic..


Xertog 21:07:36 pm CDT

I'd like every bodies attention. I have some GS business I'd like to do and then we'll call the forum to a close.




OriginalSandman 21:08:29 pm CDT

looking to Xertog


blckrose{Zor} 21:08:51 pm CDT

turns eyes to Master Xertog


ShadowHawk 21:09:01 pm CDT

*goes quiet turning attention to Xertog*


najla {GS} 21:09:04 pm CDT

~perks up ~listening~


 *tamara of {GS}~O~ 21:09:03 pm CDT



Xertog 21:10:32 pm CDT

Stands and steps in front of the dais I motion to Karima to come forward.


Karima 21:11:50 pm CDT

~Raises to My feet and steps quietly toward the Captain, smiling softly beneath hidden veils~


Xertog 21:13:51 pm CDT

Smiles at the Lady. 


Karima do you pledge your honor and loyalty to the Council of Captains of Gorean Shores, your obedience to the Decisions of the Council, and your support of the tavern to the best of your ability? Do you pledge to make Gorean Shores your Home and to put no other loyalties above this tavern?


Karima 21:16:14 pm CDT

~Looking to Him with crystal blue orbs, shining brightly as My answer is whispered with grace~ 


Aye, I pledge My honour and loyalty to the Council of Captains of Gorean Shores and My obedience to the Decisions of the Council. I will also support the Tavern and pledge Gorean Shores as My home.



Welcome to GS.


blckrose{Zor} 21:19:33 pm CDT

claps for Mistress Karima


OriginalSandman 21:19:50 pm CDT

well done Karima


lara {Cavy} 21:20:28 pm CDT

smiles to Mistress Karima, glad GS is Her home


 caitlin 21:20:28 pm CDT

welcome home Mistress Karima


carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 21:20:26 pm CDT

smiling this girl knows not what to do ...but 


congratulations Mistress Karima


 najla {GS} 21:20:25 pm CDT

welcome home Mistress Karima


 Karima 21:20:08 pm CDT

~Smiles at the Captain and nods My appreciation~ 


Thank You, Captain Xertog.


Cavy 21:21:43 pm CDT

winks to Karima*....congrats


 Deirdre 21:22:45 pm CDT

*smiling at the beautiful Lady.....tears welling* 


Congratulations and best wishes, Lady Karima. I am happy for You to officially be with Us.


Karima 21:22:50 pm CDT

Thank You Everyone. 


~winks back at Cavy, wondering why My feet are void of flower petals~ 




Laroona 21:22:56 pm CDT

Welcome to GS Karima


 ShadowHawk 21:23:41 pm CDT

well done Karima..*nods


Karima 21:23:37 pm CDT

~Returning the smile at Lady Deirdre~ 


Thank You Sweet Lady. Your wishes are most welcome.


 *tamara of {GS}~O~ 21:23:31 pm CDT

congratulations Mistress Karima


Cavy 21:23:57 pm CDT

LOL@Karima.....because Your bowl is empty after throwing them at My feet


 carrieann {Cavy}~r~ 21:24:21 pm CDT

chuckles thinking another party


 Karima 21:26:21 pm CDT

~chuckles at Cavy~ My mistake, I was aiming for the sink. 


~Gasps at carrieann~ tsk tsk.. one was plenty, sweetness.






Xertog 21:23:37 pm CDT

That concludes todays forum, thanks everybody for attending. Thank you Laroona for scribing. Also note: 



The book discussion for Tuesday September 18th we will cover Priest Kings of Gor. Chapters 28 - 31 Pages 229 - 277 



It is held every Tuesday at 7:30PM GS Time.. (US Central time.) 


We will be starting Nomads of Gor in October.







Formerly My favorite book.


Xertog 21:29:17 pm CDT

Formerly your favorite JT? Did you end up liking a later book better? It is my favorite book. Magicians would be #2.

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