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Dak 19:32:45 pm CDT

if any have topics whisper to Me and I will open the forum 


Dak 19:41:46 pm CDT

any topics anyone ? 


Dak 19:49:42 pm CDT

ok, I have a topic, I will open the forum, same rules keep chit chat and greetings to whispers, have mercy on the scribe , first topic ;



Quotes For This Week

"Honor," I said, "has many voices, and many songs."

He looked down at me startled. "That is a saying of warriors," he said. "It is from the codes. It is a long time since I have heard it. I had almost forgotten it."

Witness of Gor - Page 711

"The High Castes in a given city," said my father, "elect an administrator and council for stated terms. In times of crisis, a war chief, or Ubar, is named, who rules without check and by decree until, in his judgment, the crisis is passed."

"In his judgment?" I asked skeptically.

"Normally the office is surrendered after the passing of the crisis," said my father.

"It is part of the Warrior's Code."

"But what if he does not give up the office" I asked. I had learned enough of Gor by how to know that one could not always count on the Caste Codes being observed.

"Those who do not desire to surrender their power," said my father, "are usually deserted by their men. The offending war chief is simply abandoned, left alone in his palace to be impaled by the citizens of the city he has tried to usurp."

Tarnsman of Gor - Pages 42 - 43

Had I now become so much the Gorean warrior that I could disregard the feelings of a fellow creature, in particular those of a girl, who must be protected and cared for? Could it be that I had, as the Codes of my Caste recommended, not even considered her, but merely regarded her as a rightless animal, no more than a subject beast, an abject instrument to my interests and pleasures, a slave?

Priest-Kings of Gor - Pages 47 - 48

In the codes of the warriors, there is a saying, "Be strong, and do as you will. The swords of others will set your limits.". . . "Within the circle of each man's sword," say the codes of the warrior, "therein is each man a Ubar"

"Steel is the coinage of the warrior," say the codes, "With it he purchases what pleases him"

Marauders of Gor - Page 10


1)Of all castes, Warriors are the most prevalent in online Gor. Consequently, they dictate the play and the behavior of many. Is this good, bad, ugly and why?

2)Many castes have codes of conduct but it seems that only those of the Warrior have weight. Acceptance seems universal. Is that a good thing and why or why not?

3)Warriors are high caste so does that set them above the laws of a homestone? Should they be given special dispensation just because they are warriors?

4)Have a favourite quote about the Scarlet Caste to share? 


karinda {GS} 19:59:24 pm CDT

enters quictly and borrows knees into the fur....and listens 


Bretval, Merchant 19:59:43 pm CDT

It can be a problem if others are not considered no matter what caste... this is supposed to be a social event... without some consideration given to others, what is the point? 


Dak 20:01:03 pm CDT

for the most part, warriors don't push the point of their circle, unless they have to not knowing the abilities with a sword by the other person 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:01:50 pm CDT

are they not the lowest of the high Caste, albeit the coolest... 


Dak 20:02:27 pm CDT

aye, they are, *smiles* 


Lita, Physician 20:03:40 pm CDT

They are the lowest of the High Cstes, snow. Though Some might claim that Assassins are the "coolest" *giggle* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:05:04 pm CDT

yes Mistress...she meant of the High Castes...~laughs~ think Everyone knows of her crush on Assassins 


Lita, Physician 20:07:09 pm CDT

*(trying ton look insulted* You don't think Physicians are cool? 


Dak 20:07:42 pm CDT

only when they are needed, *smiles* 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:07:52 pm CDT

~dreamy eyed~ This girl has been chatting with an Assassin lately. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:08:21 pm CDT

girl has the utmost respect for the green Caste Mistress...and when she doesn't feel well, They are definitely the coolest 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:09:15 pm CDT

~smiles at the perfect diplomacy of mistress snowrose~ 


Lita, Physician 20:09:28 pm CDT

really flicka? Interesting. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:10:39 pm CDT

Who is that flicka? 


Dak 20:11:01 pm CDT

due tothe fact of the stabilization serum, and there being little illness, I would think the bulk of a aPhysicians work would be injuries and maintenance 


Lita, Physician 20:19:03 pm CDT

Truer, Dak. And, of course, accidents, and delivering babies, and of course research and delivering babies, and being prepared to handle outbreaks of Dar Kosis or Bazi Plague. 


marieve{GS} 20:20:16 pm CDT

don't forget the distribution of slave wine, Mistress ~grin~ 


Lita, Physician 20:20:22 pm CDT

And of course Those Who are breeding Exotics might consult with a Physician for those. 


Lita, Physician 20:20:48 pm CDT

That too, marieve 


Dak 20:20:56 pm CDT

aye, not sure in the primitiveworld of Gor if they were much involved with the deliverance of babies, *smiles*, I don't remember reading much of the Healers in the books 


karinda {GS} 20:21:34 pm CDT

scrunches girl's nose thinking of slave wine.


Lita, Physician 20:22:25 pm CDT

I would imagine, Dak, that at least on occasions there would be difficulties with delivery which might call for a Physician's expertise. 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:22:31 pm CDT

flicka is quietly listening Master Bretval, an unusual occurance for her she knows, but still she is listening. 


Dak 20:22:56 pm CDT

possibly, *smiles* 


Bretval, Merchant 20:25:07 pm CDT

The books were written for Warriors... any body else was a throwaway character 


~zoya~{Thadron} 20:25:47 pm CDT

zoya is listening but does not have anything to contribute on the subject, Mistress 


Dak 20:26:13 pm CDT

aye, pretty much, Bretval, since Tarl was botha warrior and had been a trained assassin, also 


karinda {GS} 20:26:15 pm CDT

girl is listening as always 


Bretval, Merchant 20:28:24 pm CDT

So most of what would have happened if it was a real world was ignored... including most of the castes... 


natira{GS} 20:29:14 pm CDT

natira is trying to listen just having rl issues with lil Master ~laughs 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:30:24 pm CDT

listening and scribbling...she likes to hear about the Free more than about slaves...the Free's thoughts on their own lives and roles 


Lita, Physician 20:31:38 pm CDT

Give him his toy sword and tell him to go play Warrior, natira. *LOL* 


natira{GS} 20:33:26 pm CDT

Mistress Lita, he tried flying without the tarn last night gave this girl a heart attack 


Bretval, Merchant 20:33:48 pm CDT

it obvious to Me, Lita, that the Scarlet Caste was taken from the Greek Spartans and Roman Legioneers 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:36:05 pm CDT

it's the same in any book or movie really...the life and times of the protagonist are in the forefront..TC happens to be a warrior 


Bretval, Merchant 20:36:14 pm CDT

"Return to me with your shield or upon it' 


natira{GS} 20:37:37 pm CDT

nods to mistress. doesn't matter what caste he claims because didn't he change castes, knows he pretended to be assassin and then went to Port Kar...though at heart he is still a warrior 


Bretval, Merchant 20:40:57 pm CDT

And yet without the others... the Warriors would not have anything to eat, a place to get out of the rain or medics to heal them... or all the other things that make a civilization that they depend on 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:41:04 pm CDT

He became a pirate after the rencers enslaved Him, but He was always a warrior really, she thinks 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:42:18 pm CDT

yes Master Bretval...all workers are important in a society 


Dak 20:42:37 pm CDT

although in making it to Port Kar He was saddened He had soiled His warrior codes by accepting slavery over death with the rencers 


Bretval, Merchant 20:42:57 pm CDT

Yes, snow, he could still kill and enslave 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:44:17 pm CDT

But Master Bretval is it not the same in all books. Very few authors tell us about the day to day arrangements, this girl always wants to know what kind of toilet paper they use and do they have flush toilets, but seldom does an author even mention those bodily functions. 


Dak 20:45:22 pm CDT

He does some in the book Vagabonds 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:45:56 pm CDT

and snow gives everlasting thanks for that flicka..~laughs~ TMI 


Bretval, Merchant 20:45:57 pm CDT

Granted... few go into those details of life, flicka *g* 


karinda {GS} 20:48:22 pm CDT

listens intently 


Bretval, Merchant 20:56:01 pm CDT

As for the actual topic.. #3... no thay should not be given special dispispensations... 


Dak 20:56:36 pm CDT

well, is there anymore to talk about on this subject ? 


Lita, Physician 20:59:53 pm CDT



karinda {GS} 21:01:17 pm CDT

shakes the head no 


Dak 21:01:30 pm CDT

if thereis nothing else I will call the forum to a close, thanks to all that showed up and contributed, and thanking snow for scribing, 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:02:49 pm CDT

Thank You for moderating Master Dak... 


marieve{GS} 21:02:54 pm CDT

thank You Master Dak for leading forum thank you mistress snowrose for scribing 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 21:02:55 pm CDT

thank You Master Dak and mistress snowrose. 

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