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Shadowglade 19:13:57 CST

*waits for everyone to become situated before he begins with his announcement*


Shadowglade 19:18:09 CST

*stands, and clears his throat* Ok, just a couple of things to announce. As galah just mentioned GaryM has attatched our new message boards.....HOWEVER.....he has not yet been in touch with me about getting things situated on it as was agreed, and as such, please do not begin USING the new message board until all that's done.


Second.....*he looks to Xertog, gesturing him to stand and join him on the dais* It is my distinct Honor, and pleasure, to announce that The Council of Captains of Gorean Shores has seen fit to punish my good friend Xertog by asking him to serve as an Advisor to our Council.....I have spoken with him earlier, and he has agreed....the poor poor join me in off3ring him my extreme condolances, and then please, feel free to bring any complaints, problems, or issues you have to him.....cuz he now gets to do all the crap stuff none of us Captains wants to do.....*smirks*


Thank you Paedur for giving me the floor. That's all I wished to cover


Laroona 19:20:12 CST

Congratulations Xertog *smiling at my Man*


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 19:20:04 CST

~smiles at the announcement~


~*Elektra*~ 19:19:59 CST

~*clapping and smiling*~


galah{GS} 19:19:54 CST

congratulations Master Xertog **dark sparkling eyes dance happily as the council that owns a girl grows**


Deirdre 19:19:23 CST 

*listening to the Captain's announcement......smiling and nodding in agreement* 


Zoran 19:20:51 CST

claps his hands then beating his chest 

Congrads Xertog


galah{GS} 19:20:44 CST

it will be most wonderful to have a board that will let gal speak tooo, that other board hates gal....gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr so frustrating, it won't let her in


Jaeger 19:21:41 CST

well earned Xertog....congrats....*presents Him at once with a list of items that spill out to cover to floor*....kidding


Xertog 19:22:42 CST

Walks up to the dais and extends my arm to Shadowglade ... Thank you Captain. I am honored and will do my best to give the position all it deserves. 


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:22:42 CST

Rises to offer My hand to Xertog.

Welcome aboard. *S*


Sorry for Your luck. Laughs.



*I give Xertog a salute,cograts S*


sev'rain{Sg} 19:22:34 CST

*smiles softly* sev wishes to give her congratulations as well Master Xertog.

Laroona 19:22:57 CST

*thinking now I will have more coins to spend on cloths*


caitlin{GS} 19:23:38 CST

congrats Master Xertog


Shadowglade 19:23:10 CST

*clasps Xertog's hand and then gestures to the man's chair on the dais* take your seat my friend


Rollo_the_Ax 19:24:55 CST

Welcome, Xertog, as Advisor to the GS Council..... may it take a LONG time for you to regret agreeing to do so.......LOL...LOL... No, really, you are very welcome and it is a pleasure to have you join Us...... Congratulations....


Shadowglade 19:24:43 CST

*sits down and once more pulls sev'rain's head to his thigh, relaxing into his curule chair*


sorcha{Orion} 19:25:50 CST

congratulations Master Xertog.


Xertog 19:25:21 CST

Thank you Paedur. ..grins . . . taking his hand


Xertog 19:26:40 CST

Thank you all for your well wishes. 


Deirdre 19:26:17 CST 

Xertog.....Congratulations, Sir. I know You will do a wonderful job......'tis a good move by the Council. 


Xertog 19:26:14 CST

Laughs .. Thank you Rollo


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:26:57 CST

NO Thank You Xertog. *Wink*

moves and motions Him to His pale now on the Dais.


Moves to Mine and settles back to My place. *S*


Council Rules Changes or Clarification

Paedur-Slavemaster 19:32:49 CST

Waits fro the well wishes to settle.

Ok please send Me topics.


I have one already.


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:38:18 CST

OK a few changes by way of Council rules.


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:40:14 CST

First off, a question was asked in slave class about greeting order, having not known about where a Captain Emeirus falls.



this is the proper greeting order.


Captains (1st to 4th Chair) 

Captains Emeritus 


Pledged FM

Visiting FM 

Pledged FW 

Visiting FW 



Paedur-Slavemaster 19:42:16 CST

Additionally, and this will be posted in more formal form...

A Captain Emeritus is a disticntion here in GS, an Honoary title.


It holds no more weight than a pledged Free Man holds.


Greet in the correct order, but thay have no rights of Council, no voting rights, no right to set policy or precedence here.


It is an honorary title, nothing more or less


Laroona 19:43:18 CST


I have but one question and it may appear silly or stupid, but how are slaves to know who is pledged as the new pages will not have pledged patrons names appearing there *S*


Zoran 19:42:25 CST

trys not to laugh


Zoran 19:43:21 CST

may I ask who holds this title here?


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:44:56 CST

I will assume that Most Captains Emeritus will make note of it if it is important to them to do so.

AS Marius is one but does not parade the title around as some others do.


But We can discuss placing a page with it the GS pages to give the list of Captains, Advisors and Emeritus.


Shadowglade 19:45:34 CST

Sure Zoran

Currently the Captains Emeritus are: 








Bolt Sarakai 

and Kyoto 


(I think that's all of them, hope I remembered correctly)


Laroona 19:48:00 CST

The Captains and Captains Emeritis are already on the web page ... BUT not the Pledges 


Shadowglade 19:47:52 CST


I forgot 3 very important names


Rast Dulan 


and Thorfinn Skullsplitter


Zoran 19:47:24 CST

LOl as I was not going to say anything as Peadur has said worse to ME lol 

not much worse but worse LMAo


~*Elektra*~ 19:46:40 CST

That is an excellent idea...I had no idea there were so many.


Zoran 19:46:28 CST

nods to Shadowglade 


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:51:14 CST

I know there is an item on slaves, and Pledges being posted.

We will discuss this at the Captains meeting.


Bue to the fluidity of it, it may be a bit difficult to keep a link up and regular.


But give Us the time to see how all this new stuff works, and We will decide from there.


So slaves, that means being up on things, so ask as you can if you have questions as to who the pledged are here


Zoran 19:53:01 CST

Peadur might you give a list of the pledges to are home stone now so we are all up to date 


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:54:40 CST

I do not have it right now Zoran but We will get it for certain.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:56:24 CST

things are still getting worked out with the new home page and new message board.... and just what WILL and WON'T be included is still up in the air to a degree.... but be there a list of pledged patrons or NOT, I can't see how it will make or break any situation...... if a slave makes a mistake, I'll bet that the sky does NOT fall down on anybody's head.... most folks know the * regulars *.... and if a mistake is made, a simple FYI to those concerned should be enough, I feel........


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:56:35 CST


With the Council dealing with so much information and trying to get the new pages and boards and what nots set up.


We have re-instated the rule to allow the Advisor to take pledges for GS.


So a new right and duty of the new Advisor. *S*


Zoran 19:59:16 CST

so is this a rule from now on or one till the system is rebuilt?


Jaeger 20:00:59 CST

My understanding is any FM pledged to Gs can take pledges...with the intent of notifying a Captain....and an advisor as of now....correct?


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:00:23 CST

It is a new rule ZOran, until the Council changes it.

I do not think We shall change much along these lines.


as the horse is dead and buried. LOL


Rollo_the_Ax 20:00:18 CST

LOL..LOL... Paedur, I thought that the slaves were ALWAYS up on * things * ....LOL...LOL.. but does that mean they should be * on top * ????? LOL...LOL... roaring with laughter at my own puns....LOL... 


Shadowglade 20:00:16 CST

so far Zoran, as is always the case, every single rule that is created by this Council IS subject to change as is appropriate, or needed


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:59:42 CST

There will be a posting on the old boards.

Here is the link if you need it. 


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:02:11 CST

Jaeger... that rule was changed a bit ago due to some issues.

Currently only Captains and the Advisor can now take pledges.


Pledged Free though can now kolar slaves for GS. *S*


Zoran 20:02:57 CST

lets the horse lay 

and smiles 


Shadowglade 20:02:53 CST

No Jaeger, a pledged Patron has never had the right to take pledges in GS.....for the longest time only Captains and Advisors were allowed to....however, we chose to change that a short while ago, to only Captains, now however, only Captains or Advisors can accept Pledges to GS


Jaeger 20:02:49 CST




*it was only Captains that could take pledges Jaeger, but now Advisors can,You are thinking of kolaring slaves,any pledged FM can kolar a slave to the council S*


Jaeger 20:05:48 CST

clear..and clear


Rollo_the_Ax 20:08:29 CST

There have, over the years, been some changes to just how things are or are not done in GS........ so it is always best to try and make sure that any rules that you wonder about is made clear ...... who can take pleades, who can collar slaves for GS ???? etc., etc., ........


Punishiment of a Free Woman


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:07:55 CST

OK if this is done.

I have a topic to discuss...


Waits to see a moment or two.


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:13:48 CST

OK the question is this...

How far does a Free Man have the right to push a Free Woman.


And more specificaly, any punishment that may be doled out for behavior unbecoming, how far does or can that be taken?


and how much does the Free Woman have to take before ti becomes to much.


In other words, what is the place and power of a Free Woman in this Man's world?


tassa{Paedur} 20:14:47 CST


W/women have no power in this world..Gor is a Mans world...a Free Woman is only Free because Men allow her to be


Zoran 20:15:22 CST

leans back as afree Man you can take it as far as you wish 

But also must be ready for consquences 

As this is a Man's world


Shadowglade 20:15:40 CST

you're right tassa, a FW is only free because strong men allow her to be. However, the question I think that's being asked is what delnieats a FW and a slave?


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:16:02 CST

Well, technically, she has a good amount of power in her own city...


Deirdre 20:17:28 CST 

tassa.....That is true.....VERY true....but also very vague. I would like to know how Oothers see the "line of protocol".... 



*it would all depend on the FM as to how much He lets Her get away with S*


Laroona 20:19:39 CST

There are several quotes that state differently, but I always defer to the Males.... unless one is busy I will not even permit a slave entry or departure in most instances

the only execption would be a RT 


~*Elektra*~ 20:18:47 CST

~*Listens quietly and intently*~


Rollo_the_Ax 20:18:25 CST

I feel that there will never be any * clear cut * or easily defined answer for this question.... if speaking about the books, there were examples of both ends of the spectrum..... from allowing them NO real say or right to be heard, to the case of a FW going ON, and ON about how a slave should NOT be doing something in public, for a long time until she basicly got tired of complaining......


lara{Zor} 20:18:21 CST

she leans back against her Master, her hands move His and wrap His arms around her...

this one believes a Master should do as He pleases no matter what..but He has to be Master enough to stand up and defend His choices...


galah{GS} 20:20:37 CST

sounds like the FW should be familiar with whom she might open her mouth around and will know if its one she can push or one she can't?


Zoran 20:20:33 CST

smiles in agreement with his



*in the books there was one incident where a FW was complaining about a slave playing a FW and the FM let Her go on for a while till They had enough and told Her to shut up,it all depends on each FM's patience S*


Shadowglade 20:21:50 CST

Alright, well, here's my take on it: 

FW are free because we allow it, we allow it, because frankly we don't all wish to be slaves. FW bare our children, and run our households while we're off being Men. They handle the "woman's work" of paying the bills, stocking the larders, seeing to keeping the "homefires burning" 


So....all that stated, when one gets out of line, where do we draw the line at what's an appropriate response?


Here's my answer: A FW is to be treated with deference, and respect, even by us Men. Why? Because without them we would die out with no heirs, our homes would run rampant with slaves who may go awry because Master's away, and they can do as they plase. 


A FW should never be treated like a slave UNLESS she is going to be MADE a slave.....that's my opinion....either piss or get off the pot so to speak. Put her in chains and make her a slave, or don't play at it


galah{GS} 20:21:45 CST

if she isn't familiar with one, she better tread lightly to make that determination if she is safe to speak or not?


Aleron's_slut 20:22:02 CST

~impish lil grin~ 

along galah's line of test the waters like slaves sometimes do? ~chuckling~


Dak 20:22:32 CST

I haven't read all the books, yet, but have read 19, and only one FW I remember ever remained free was the Tatrix, all others that got to vocal, or haughty, ended up in Kolars 


Jaeger 20:23:05 CST

Caste enters into it....a Merchant will respond differently than a Scribe....there are 3 FW's that come to mind that are Gorean....Laroona...Elecktra....and sure there are more....


Laroona 20:24:43 CST

Jaeger that is also correct a Physcian can do more than say a healer in the way she acts *S* 


~*Elektra*~ 20:24:36 CST

I am Merchant Caste, Jaeger. ~*said quietly and respectfully, dark eyes gleaming*~


galah{GS} 20:23:59 CST

FW might get away with saying much, but if a FM was to tell her to shut up, she better be shutting up quick smart? hehehehehehe


Rollo_the_Ax 20:24:00 CST

The true heart of this matter, * I * feel, is a case of honor and respect...... NEITHER is due to ANY person simply because they have a capped name... respect is won by actions and words, it is earned over time, not * gifted * like a cheap toy or piece of jewelery...... and honor is shown not by how much you THINK you have, but by how much you SHOW others...... 


Aleron's_slut 20:23:36 CST

~gazes~ towards Master Shadowglade as He speaks...her mind wanders back in time...that time so long ago.......a dreamy smile paints her lips~


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:25:48 CST

So then what about punishment of a Free WOman, how does that play into Gor, if She is to remain Free.

as the kolar is the lastline of punishment until She fully accpets Her place> 



*that would depend on the FM,Paedur,plus if She has a protector also comes into play S*


Laroona 20:29:11 CST

I understand all Pledged FW are protected in GS by all other males of GS if threatened ... 

again it also comes down to the actual behaviour.... 

and would be ruled on by Council *S*


Aleron's_slut 20:28:47 CST

va believes FW were punished in different ways in the books...she seems to recall One even being used as bait and for sex to help make their way to their destinations...but it has been long time, she could be wrong too.


Shadowglade 20:28:33 CST

Paedur, the books speak of penal brothels for FW who have been caught doing some crime or another, or cannot pay their debts.....however, I don't imagine the FW in the Penal Brothels are kept as slaves, Im sure they each have their rooms, and are simply forced to perform as whores....that doesn't make them slaves....but other than that instance. Public mistreatement of a FW in my opinion is wrong. Simply that. 

A FW gets out of line, give her some bit of dignity as her status as a FREE woman demands, and keep it private.... 


Jaeger 20:30:46 CST

it is a judgement call....anyone can make a mistake.....words said in heated discussion cannot be taken back.....FW and FM know this......unless fatal...they are only words.....


Zoran 20:29:24 CST

so if they have a protector 

you go to him 




*right Zoran S*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:30:30 CST

Yes, FW are free because men allow it...... but it also should be said that no man should enslave a FW simply because he CAN.... that is an abuse of power, and as such, belittles the one doing so.... Do the STRONG have the right to pray on the weak ??? or is it more truthful to say that an HONORABLE man wil only use his strength to do what is right and proper ???? in other words, just because I CAN beat up somebody, or enslave a FW.... do I need to do so to SHOW others I can ???????


Jaeger 20:32:16 CST

*agrees with Rollo...totally*


Laroona 20:34:40 CST

Captain Rollo said it earlier it often comes down to respect, and that is again another issue of conduct no matter what station one is in Gor *S*


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:34:15 CST

OK then what are the choices of a Free Woman then if placed in such a predictament that her neck is in danger?


Laroona 20:36:02 CST

1 would depend on the predicament 

2 C&P and let Council decide 

3 run like all heck and log out 


Shadowglade 20:36:01 CST

*chuckles* if a FW's neck is in question, what options does she have!? Not really many. She either flees or she becomes a slave....simply that. 

FW NEED to be able to rely on their protectors to make sure and keep them safe. However, if a FW has made herself SUCH a problem that her Protectors turn away from her, then she is on her own....however.....if she's made such a HUGE problem of herself to have enraged her own protectors....then she should be collared and it should be done with....that's where I stand



*beg for mercy LOL*


~*Elektra*~ 20:36:37 CST

I have seen certain FW say and do some very outrageous things since I have been on Gor...and they were never called to task for their behavior. So what "crime" does a FW commit that is punishable? 


Zoran 20:37:08 CST

lol learn to be a slave WEG


Laroona 20:37:55 CST

*looks at Zoran and laughs*


Jaeger 20:37:47 CST

Elecktra....perhaps the "Men" around her were mice...


Laroona 20:39:19 CST

Seriosuly I think the current concept that GS has is working well and the Council should be applauded for their actions for bringing GS in line to Port Kar *S*


~*Elektra*~ 20:39:26 CST

~*Looks to you and smiles my lop-sided smile*~

Aye, perhaps they were, Jaeger...


Jaeger 20:39:42 CST



Shadowglade 20:40:22 CST

Think about this Elektra, if a FW acts like a slave, she should BE a slave. If she speaks out of turn, in a manner TOTALLY disrespectful of a Man and he chooses to correct her then the Man should enslave her, and be done with it. 

More than that is merely cruel, and an abuse of power, as Rollo stated, in my opinion. Let the punishment fit the crime. If a FW belittles someone and embarrasses a Man, then the Man should pull her aside, and let her know his displeasure in private, or enslave her and be done with it.


Aleron's_slut 20:41:16 CST

nods in agreement with Master Shadowglade..this one knows from first hand experience!


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:42:03 CST

OK let Us step outside of GS.

What of Free Companions and the roles they play.


What rights, powers, and limits does the FW have in that instance and role?


Dak 20:42:02 CST

aand if that FW has the "ear" of the council, then what ? 


Shadowglade 20:43:04 CST

ANY man that treats a FW as a slave, but does not MAKE her a slave has no honor in my opinion. Regardless of the justification he might offer, that is an abuse, and seems more like a game than anything else to me, and I simply cannot, nor will I ever respect that.



*it would be no different Paedur*


Deirdre 20:42:48 CST 

I agree with Laroona and SG......when in doubt, leave. I've been a FW on Gor for almost 8 years...and I've been lucky in that I have only seriously faced being face-stripped once......and the FM in question wasn't being rational and was quite drunk at the I apologized to Him on My knees as He demanded Me to......but I was still in My veils. It was a close call. 


~*Elektra*~ 20:42:35 CST

~*Nods quietly*~

I hear your words, Shadowglade and understand where you are coming from. 


Shadowglade 20:43:53 CST

Dak catch up with the current times. Your question might have been relevant 2 years ago


Webmaster 03/25/04 20:44:02 CST

How was that Rollo? *S*


My announcement is brief: 

I have a sale on memberships happening right now and no one is buying. Thats bad. Remember to help support your homestone or hangout by clicking to 


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:45:20 CST

Shadowglade, that very thing happened on a number of occasions in the books.


Aleron's_slut 20:45:06 CST

unable to keep quiet about it much longer......she takes a deep breath and ....

in her opinion Online FW are coddled and pampered way more than Most should be! Too many DO step out of line, way out of line and Men do nothing about it....this has been going on for as long as i can remember.


if they step out of line......they should be taken care of there and then.....regardless of Her status. in books they have been chained, bound or whatever.....i seem to recall instances where the FW was displayed in public as well as punishment...cause i recall slaves fearfully teasing Her.


va does not believe they should be pubically humiliated, however, she DOES believe a Man should act quickly and put the Woman back in Her place, whether it be with words, threats or binding/chaining whatever He sees fit. 


shrinking back, and watching quietly again. 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:46:07 CST

The simply facts and truth of the matter is that WAY too often, even though many/most men that come to on-line Gor believe in the basic tenents and philosophy of * Gorean * life style and actions, they are still used to dealing with ALL women like Earth men.... putting them on pedistils and treating them like RT women...... we were taught that from childhood....and old habits are hard to break...... 


Dak 20:45:51 CST

aye, but I can see it going that way again , and it was questioned 2 years ago 


Shadowglade 20:46:57 CST

Yes, Kyoto, that may be true, but FW were also know to be made slaves, and then made FW again in the span of days in the books, do you support THAT happening online?


Zoran 20:47:11 CST

no there are two now that have such Shadowglade 


Aleron's_slut 20:48:09 CST

va sees more and more FW and FM flirting and furring in the open....

to this one that is simply not acceptable behavior for a FW. Simple flirting ok...but pawing, kissing, furring in public? That is total disrecpect for a FW and slave like behavior....


Deirdre 20:47:40 CST 

va'lain.....I'm sure that's a valid point of view from where you sit. Me....well......I see slaves coddled and allowed to speak to the Free in ways that are inappropriate. I see FM taking up for mouthy slaves. I even have seen a FM threatening a FW because She verbally chastised a slave. That is pure bullshit, in My opinion.....okay.......bosk shit, as it were. *grinning* 


Jaeger 20:48:21 CST

it is cyber....remember that...yet the chaff will fall away...and the wheat remain....strange that in all things....cyber and r/l walk hand in hand


Rollo_the_Ax 20:51:09 CST

LOL..LOL.. short and sweet, Webmaster....LOL...LOL... Anybody close to needing to renew their membership, or needing to get one in the first place, do it NOW !!!! LOL..LOL.... menberships in Poolside made GREAT presents too....LOL.. birthdays, barmitsvas, anniverseries,.. or just for FUN........LOL.. BUY now and avoid the rush....LOL.. 


Jaeger 20:50:24 CST

*throws poor Webmaster a bota of paga*


Deirdre 20:50:13 CST 

Dak....What the hell are You talking about? Going back in that direction? The problem 2 years ago is gone. The only FW who frequent GS are Laroona, Mariposa, Elektra and I. Are You saying that One or more of the four of Us have some kind of hidden clout with the Council? *emerald eyes blazing* I'm really tired of having to deal with the crap that a rogue FW put out. My opinion. 


Shadowglade 20:49:55 CST

Which two do you speak of Zoran, and are you referring to GS, or Gor in general?


Aleron's_slut 20:49:26 CST

that is true as well Mistress, va agrees with You at that as well...too many brats now a days than slaves.

the bottom line is Men should step up and do what needs to be done WHEN the offense happens FW or slave.


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:49:26 CST

Not normally, but unfortunately, I see that happening, too. I suppose that is why I find myself growing tired of the stuff I see in jag and spending more time here.


caitlin_GS 20:51:58 CST

caitlin is tired of hearing the same old FW talk about the past also Mistress Dierdre


Zoran 20:51:57 CST

well are new Advisor Xertog is protector of LAr 

and EF is that to MAriposa 

I am not saying the same problem is there but I just saying that Dak's question relvent to the time at hand


kalia{Alex}~t 20:51:53 CST

her lips curl as she sees her Master


Deirdre 20:51:39 CST 

*nodding in agreement with va'lain*.....I agree completely..... 


Laroona 20:54:42 CST

I am going to say something here 

Xertog was a Magistrate as GC, NOT ONCE did He ever discuss any Magistrates business with me then and I am damn sure he will NOT discuss GS business with me

ALSO If I act stupid then he deals with me, if it is really bad then Council will...I WILL NEVER pull rank or ask favours


Deirdre 20:54:38 CST

caitlin.....Then Wwe agree, sugar....*smiling broadly* 


galah{GS} 20:54:36 CST

**claps lil hands for Mistress Deirdre**


Dak 20:54:14 CST

aye, Zoran , very relevant 


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:54:04 CST

Pauses to make this statement as it has been a question that has been asked a lot.

Regardless of appearances, both old with Kayla and new with any other FW.


This Council is fully standing on its Own as Men of Gor.


Although We do not allow any FW to have the ear of COuncil as it has been said.


We also understand that they too are role playing here and so are accorded and affored rights due to a Free Woman.


As long as she behaves as a Free Woman here , She will remain so, and treated as so, until such time as that changes.


NONE and I repeat NONE of what goes on in GS is set agaisnt or for FW in any way shape or form.


It is done simply and completely for the betterment of GS.


Aleron's_slut 20:53:47 CST

~giggles~ as Mistress Deirdre's firey temper shows, just like it should.

va does have to say there are some FW that do behave, and follow protocol of a FW and KNOW Their place


Mistress Deirdre, Mistress Elektra and Mistress Mariposa have always to va's knowledge conducted Themselves as They should do so. 

she is sure there are some she is leaving out...but still if a FW steps out of line, deal with it swiftly, same as would be done with any woman, slave or otherwise ~lil shrug~


Deirdre 20:53:45 CST 

Zoran....So You are saying that Xertog and EF cannot handle Their Women? How interesting. 


Shadowglade 20:53:29 CST

well, Dak was refering to a "Voice to the Council" which is how Advisors are described, and have always been described Zoran.....and since FW are no longer eligible to be Advisors, it's not a relevant question...unless you are questioning the strength and honor of our Advisor, and my're not doing that are you?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:56:16 CST

flirting is only it FW or slave....but open furring by a FW around THESE parts is a SURE way to get her neck locked up.........



*yep Xertog is protector to Laroona and I am protector to Mariposa,but if either step out of line They will be koilared,thats is only My opinion,but I am sure Xertog would agree with Me,just because the FW have someone on the council does not mean that They get special treatment Zoran S*


Webmaster 03/25/04 20:55:42 CST

Tell you what. 

Anyone close to renewing.. say within the next 3 months... 

I'll add SIX months to the annual if you renew RIGHT NOW. 

At 7-for-1 you can tell I'm savin up for that new kidney for my mom *S* 



Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:55:11 CST

I don't see either of the men in question allowing such to pass. Just because they have opted to protect a woman, does not mean they are led by thier short hairs


Shadowglade 20:57:40 CST

*LOL* I think there is a common misconception about "relationships" as well here.....just because a Man offers his protection to a FW does not mean that she has any sway with him.....I am protector, and have BEEN protector of several women over the years. Some of them still remain free....some don't. *shrugs* I remember a particular woman I protected now wears a collar and it is a collar I placed on her neck so long ago....


Zoran 20:56:46 CST

sit Back 

I am not questioning anyones honor her 

lol I just saying that dak ask is one is with a member has the ear of a council meber friend 

I love how so many want to twist my words 


Laroona 20:58:37 CST

Captain Shadowglade I recall that one FW *S*


Dak 20:58:07 CST

I do on rare occasions go, but i still wait to see if this place is gonna change, or be more of the same, aand due to this dicussion, how long will it be before FW's are allowed back in the taveren , becuz of ties to the council 


Zoran 20:57:46 CST

nods to EF that is all I was asking freind


Laroona 20:59:36 CST

Dak are you saying I expect to be treated different? 


Xertog 20:59:31 CST

I agree with what Emerald Forest said completly


Aleron's_slut 20:59:23 CST

she smiles knowingly......eyes sparkle....


Aleron's_slut 21:00:09 CST

~winks~ to Mistress Laroona.....


Deirdre 21:00:04 CST 

Zoran....Your words were not being twisted. Period. You said it. We responded. Simple. Do the slaves of the Men on the Council have "advisor Ears" too? Think about that. It's the same thing. 



*thats what I thought You meant Zoran S*


Shadowglade 20:59:53 CST

*LOL* Dak some of US keep waiting to see changes as well, and actually give it a chance to do so before we start questioning....perhaps we're all wasting our time


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:59:52 CST

Dak, as long as I have My vote it will be NAY for that.

If you have read the boards, I am working very hard to make the TAvern a place for Men of GOr.


the slaves have been set to task to be paga slaves.


and I have placed a challenge to the Free Men to act as Men of Gor there.


and from what I have seen it is slowly turning to aplace truly for Men of GOr.


and hot slaves fully serving.


Dak 21:00:17 CST

I'm not sayin anything about you in particular 


Laroona 21:01:30 CST

well said Dei *S*


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:01:50 CST

...and how long till a known dissident and trouble maker is banned from GS? If GS is to grow as a home, then past misdeeds and circumstances must be left where they are, in the past.


Rollo_the_Ax 21:02:31 CST

I think that most everybody here can see and admit that EVERYBODY had mistakes in the PAST.... SHIT HAPPENS, folks...... that was THEN, this is NOW !!!!! anybody here so friggen PERFECT that they are ready to cast the first stone ??????? Remember, when you point a finger at another, you have the other 3 pointing right back at yourself.... 


Zoran 21:02:20 CST

nods to Xertog aye friend


Zoran 21:03:40 CST

Deidre I was accused of dishonoring 

that is twisting 

striaght up


Aleron's_slut 21:03:35 CST

True words Master Rollo! and may she add PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE LEARNS FROM MISTAKES! right? ~s~


Dak 21:04:21 CST

just becuz I speak up does not make Me a dissadent or trouble maker , I just see things heading down the same path as before


Jaeger 21:05:22 CST

for every Gor site that opens...three fail...why?...because HNG's see free sex....and play acting....GS thrives...why?...because of its' philosophy....


lara{Zor} 21:04:47 CST

looks at the leg...bits my lip..nope not gonna buy anymore memberships till i get more


Jaeger 21:06:09 CST

buy glasses Dak...



*each person sees things differently Dak,S*


Deirdre 21:05:35 CST 

Read back, Zoran. You weren't. Perhaps You didn't mean what You wrote...I dunno. I responded to what You said. I don't think You were dishonoring anyone...but I do think You were questioning the ability of some of the Council to keep control of Their Women. Was I mistaken? 


Deirdre 21:07:23 CST 

Dak.....Okay.....let's call a spade a spade. How is it heading back that way? Are You intimating that FM on the Council shouldn't be allowed to have a FW because that makes Him more suseptible to Her influence?


Dak 21:08:31 CST

maaybe I should get rid of My glasses and be blind to what is seen 


Zoran 21:08:00 CST

lol as i here mine mumble 

Deidre I speak very striagth forward 

there is no reason to try to read into and add to my questiond 


Rollo_the_Ax 21:10:26 CST

The ONLY way to say it clearly is this... * The COUNCIL can only deal with any REAL problems that come up.... and that takes enough of our time...... if anybody expects us to waste MORE time on * what if's * and * how about's * then they are sadly mistaken.... * what if GS get invaded by Martians * ... what if tarsks start speaking French and asking for baggettes in the tavern * ?????? GET FRIGGEN REAL, FOLKS !!!!!!!!


Deirdre 21:10:23 CST 

Zoran....You don't know Me well at all. If You did You would know that I don't mince words and I don't play headgames. I didn't add to Your question. Period. If You didn't mean it the way You wrote it and I read it then I apologize. 


caitlin_GS 21:10:45 CST

The PAST IS THE PAST LEAVE IT THERE .. when is everyone going to get over it and move on 


Zoran 21:11:57 CST

leans back I don't know you Lady I will leave it at that


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:11:45 CST

Dak, I did not say you ARE a dissident and trouble maker. I'm referring to the past, which is where that should stay. Both you and GS have had less than good reps in the past, yet I see that GS is not only on the rebound, but is growing stronger daily.

I would hope that you are doing the same. There is nothing wrong with questioning something if you sense trouble, but be open minded enough to accept the word of the people of GS that such is not happening.


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:12:12 CST

OK let Us all remember that Forum is a discussion open to any and all opinions.

and that NONE are to be set aside or excused or attacked for it.


Express your ideas and opinions and be respectful to any here.


This is not the place to begin or end any argument or disagreement.


Only to discuss the questions and issues as presented.


We have the right to agree or disagree.


Zoran 21:13:41 CST

nods to the wisdom of Peadur 


Deirdre 21:13:26 CST 

Zoran....Fair enough... 


galah{GS} 21:14:52 CST

or even agree to disagree? 


Deirdre 21:14:49 CST 

*nodding respectfully to the Captain* 


Shadowglade 21:16:21 CST

*nods to Paedur* Indeed you're right....*glancing to Dak* Accept my apologies Dak, I meant no disrespect, I spoke out of turn....your opinion is as relevant as my own


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:18:22 CST

OK are there any more questions for this evening?

Pausing a bit to see if anything else comes to Me.


Dak 21:18:21 CST

thank you Shadowglade, apology accepted 


Rollo_the_Ax 21:19:55 CST

YES, galah...... that is always an option that many forget about...... nobody says that you must LIKE or LOVE EVERY other person around here...... but how hard is it to agree to allow the other person their OWN opinion even if it is not yours, as long as it isn't against any rules or laws ??? be willing to give as well as get mutual respect even if only on a limited level........


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:20:50 CST

OK all let Me introduce you to blossom, as she is visiting and considering GS as a place to learn of Gor.

PLease make her welcome andhelp her learn as best she can.


Give her what ever allowances for a slave who is unfamiliar with Gor.


but not too much as it is Gor. *VBS*


We will also have other visitng from tiem to time as We grow.


Pointing out Craig who just stopped in.


Lets help make then welcome and to learn.

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