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What is the proper way of training slaves? 


Thorfinn FS_of_GS

Alrighty, I think we should get started ~chuckles~ Lets try NOT to make topics last for two hours this week. I am not going to be here for more than a Ahn tonight so message your topics to Shadowglade 



*chuckles as he gets his first topic* Ok, first topic is one that has been on the boards of late. The question is: What is the proper way of training slaves? 

I will hold my own opinions on this til I've heard from some of you... 



isn't that the job of slave trainers? 



well Master Shadowglade, topaz is a Trainer for Gorean Shores...and she has always believed it depends upon if You are speaking of GS slaves or privatly owned ones...*grins* 


~ Blade

Well as long as the training is gorean I do not see any real wrong way to train a slave. 


ingrid {Harkon}

~isn't really sure since she is self taught and has never been trained~ 


Thorfinn FS_of_GS

standard slaves or personal slaves? 



and who or what determins what is Gorean Blade ~sassy smile~ 



speaking from her own experience, she finds the most basic thing to get the new girls over is their fear of messing up, and reassure them... then the rest flows easier... training and learning is hard on a girl, there is so much to learn, but if commited, any girl can make an awesome kajira, but needs the fire as well... it is the trainers job to make sure they learn og "GOR" and all it entails, it is the Masters job to make the fires burn brightly in them...*LOL* 



*chuckles at Blade* Well, Blade, the flaw in your thinking is that what is "Gorean" has never been clearly defined, not even by it's creator. Certainly any slave can be taught in the manner of the novels, but the novels change their minds about every other book, so even that's not a good guage...but the question was "What is the proper way to train a slave" not a GS slave, or a private slave, but a a Former Slave Master of GS I have opinions on this, but then....I have opinions on everything, so that's no great surprise... 



We have a really good slave manual which helps girls alot...and topaz also sends them the link to CentralFire....but nothing beats practice, practice, practice...and asking any question at all without fear of worrying about it being silly 



aye akeria has always used the slave manual 



I think from a Masters perspective, it varies from Man to Man on how a slave should be trained. There is no set guideline or order in which a female should be trained but there is certainly a common foundation and structure set in which all females are generally taught and these can vary from positions, to serving, to dancing, to psychology, to understanding the concept of Domination/submission and where your role lies within Gor and how it affects you and some people might go as far to educate females on the basic concept of Gor as a whole from the History of the planet, to the geography, the homestone, the castes, etc, etc, etc 

But again, different people train different criteria and rarely do two men train the same order of things. 



alright, for MY two tarsk bits, the proper way to train a slave is: Correctly. *tongue in cheek* there IS no "proper" way to train a slave. If you own a slave, and you choose to train her to stand on her head and quack like an Earthen duck, you've trained her you see it. GS slaves have trainers, and a manual to help them be trained in the manner that we the Council wish to see our slaves, in that, it is proper....but does that make US right and everyone else wrong!? 

The answer is no, it just makes ours the only "correct" way to train a GS slave... 


shirin {Thorfinn}

actually, a girl thinks there are as many ways to train a slave as there are Free, each will always be different, especially in this format of one slave has every been trained like the next 



I use the slave manual to train my slaves as well. I think it is a good way. 


shirin {Thorfinn}

~*~nods listening~*~ and the same goes for slaves training slaves too, no one is gonna do it the same every time, although we try to follow somewhat of a format 


Rast Dulan

I think a Master should utilize those resources available to him. For me that includes a FG to deal with the basic elements... 



*nods to those speaking* Ok then we all pretty much agree, that there is no "proper" way to train a slave, everyone has their own style, and way of doing it, and so, we should not cast aspersions on someone else's's one of those agree to disagree situations, because not everyone trains their slaves in a way that I would Mine, and hell, the only thing I can do is think to myself what I wish, and leave it be....*shrugs* 



so if there are any other comments on this, please speak up now...and if there are other topics, please PM them to me...othewise this is gonna be a very short forum....because Im just a simple Warrior, I can't think up topics like my Brother Lemuel used to.... 



Placing names in the tag line during forums



Ok, our scribe has requested that we place our names in our tags for ease in editing. I have no problem doing that for forums, how do the rest of you feel about doing that? 



sounds good to me Master ~soft giggle~ 



Not a problem 


lara {K}

sounds good to lara...just dont kill her if she needs to be reminded... 



sure, why not 



*nods* alright then I need another topic, before ingrid hurts herself....and before I get a cramp...I don't use that particular muscle enough... 



Slaves begging release when slaves are added to their private chain? Why? And any ideas on how best to deal with these slaves 



Alright, here's our next topic: Slaves begging release when slaves are added to their private chain? Why? And any ideas on how best to deal with these slaves.... 



how to deal with them?... well some girls do better on a chain and others do better without that type competition.. and a girl should know which she is and if unhappy beg release... 



for some i think it is jealousy and/or insecurities that cause them to beg release when another slave is added to the chain. 



Some girls are just not mentally prepared for chains, it can take years for them to get over the whole jealousy thing or never at all. It can be brought in through a gradual process but again, at the end of the day, a Master should have a general idea of who can live on a chain and who cannot. 



might be ingrid... but that is a part of nature.. and the good difference about this NOT being really Gor is girls do have a choice rather or not to be a part of a chain... 



I have an opinion on this...(I know, try not to be so shocked) 

If a slave does not wish to be part of a chain, then she will not be happy if she becomes part of a chain. An unhappy slave becomes a problem for everyone involved. It creates friction, tension, and over all really screws with other people's fun, if they sense the tension. Thus, before One even collars a slave, one should be sure that the slave can handle being in a chain (if that One intends on owning a chain)...if they can't...then don't collar the slave, simple as that. We all have wants and desires...we're all on Gor for reasons of our own, we all seek something. Even the slaves....happy slaves are better slaves as I always why keep a slave who wasn't happy, and who you know doesn't wish to go on living in your steel? *shrugs* 



I have a problem with Owners who add to a chain with no regard to how it makes the slave feel... they should know but it is obvious that they have no clue 



because slaves feel that Owners pick favs, and she has seen some try to get all the attention of the Owner, there is jealousy, and competition for attention 



maybe the Master doesn't know how it makes the slave(s) feel because the slave(s) have never really said or thought they could handle a chain only to discover they were wrong 



Honesty should be the basis of any M/s relationship, even if it's VT, if a slave can't be honest with her Master, and her Master can't be honest with his slaves, then they have no business's naive to say "what if the slave thinks she can handle it but can't" then the slave has no one but herself to blame, and should in that case explain these things to her Master....if he cares at all for the wellfare of his property, he will release her... 



Honesty, Trust, you could have a forum for hours on that subject alone 



alright...seems Im a conversation stopper tonight...any other thoughts on this topic? 



can't think of any Master 



Ok, if no one has more to say on this, I'll move on to the next last chance to get comments or thoughts in on this one....going once.... 



I aplogise Shadowglade, normally I contribute in topics but tonight I am tired (15 hours) and I still have a few things to do after I leave here before I get to rest. 



*nods to the First Sword* Going twice.... 



Possible dance contest 



Ok, that topic has died a slow and painful death. Next one up on the chopping block: What do we think about setting up a dancing contest for the slaves, and when might be a good time for doing something of that nature? 



Excellent idea, Normally 4 weeks is a good time to prepare if going outside of a Home, i.e. making it a world wide contest so other homes can enter, but also, right now, with the inactivity of some slaves, 4 weeks might also be needed for them to all know what is going on. 

It will certainly encourage activity. 



that sounds great for the slaves that can dance and like to dance ~soft smile~ 



I like the idea...and would think that perhaps we might do that. Perhaps offer something to the owner/owners of the winning girl....and if the girl is unowned, then it's the Master's who get the prize...*WEG* 



and for those who don't to learn ~smiling at sorcha~ 



man I think Im just gonna shut up, seems like I keep killin' conversations.....anyone have any more thoughts on this one!? *whispering loudly to Thorfinn* is it me? 



~Leans in~ you need a Bath My friend 



would this be just for slaves of GS or for any slave from any site? 



we could just set a date Captains? 



*grinning at Shadow* 

I really haven't had much to say about any of the topics.....but......uhmmm.......I'm contributing in My spirit..... 




*glances at the First Sword* Really? I thought the women liked a good healthy stink.... 

Well, I don't know about Captain Skull splitter, but I'd like to hear from my great hulking Brother Rollo before we make a final decision on it...but I think it should be open to any girls 



Aye, Rollo will be back midweek I think, it will not take long to discuss and then we can set a date and a form of structure to it. 



Ok, well, if no one has any other topics, or ideas, Im gonna call this forum early. No offense y'all, but Im not really into sitting here and staring at you without at least a slave dancing or something...(more interesting to watch IMHO) 



if a prize(s) are needed and the Council would like to give a 3 month membership as a prize there are still four 3 month memberships left out of the ones i had bought for the past Council to gift out to new people 



Thankyou for hosting Shadowglade, I need to depart Myself. 

I wish you all well 



*nodding to ingrid* noted little one, thank you, we'll keep that in mind....*winking* 


Deirdre 20:39:31

You did a fine job, Shadowglade. Thank You. 



Going once.... 



Your welcome Master and thank You for a wonderful forum 



Going twice 



Alright, and that's the Forum folks, thanks for comin' out tonight, and for letting me feel all self important again like the old days.....I wish you well, please feel free to collect your parting gifts (fresh air) at the door on the way out *winking* 

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