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Dak 19:35:21 pm CDT

if anyone has a topic, whisper to Me and I will open the Forum 


Dak 19:43:07 pm CDT

topics, anyone? 


Dak 19:47:10 pm CDT

ok, I have a topic, and will open the forum, same rules keep chit chat and greetings to whispers, have mercy on the scribe, here goes, 1st topic, The morality of being on-line while at this not a form of theft from your employer? He is paying you to do a job which is not being done while you are playing on-line. 


Ramses 19:49:10 pm CDT

to Me it depends on whether or not you are getting your job done .


Lita, Physician 19:49:13 pm CDT

Good topic. Especially as Gor is all about honor, not just about furring slaves. 


Sheadon~ Pirate 19:49:32 pm CDT

I agree with you Dak 


Kazar~infamous pirate 19:50:45 pm CDT

Dak since i am on straight comm ~``i pay my own way i use my cell to be on line ~~~` not their puter 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 19:50:54 pm CDT

Master Dak, this girl agrees with that statement, unreservedly. Her belief is that her employer has bought her time, she is in effect a wage-slave. In every position this girl has ever held she has had more work than she has hours in which to fulfill the tasks. 


Sheadon~ Pirate 19:50:59 pm CDT

and Ramses I agree as well depends on the job


Ramses 19:52:13 pm CDT

exactly Sheadon ...

flicka has the truth of it as well

it depends on what you are paid to do and how you are paid

Kazar raises a good point 


Dak 19:52:27 pm CDT

I've never had a job that it was possible to have a computer, I suppose it would be possible now, to have one 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 19:53:09 pm CDT

Master Kazar a girl would assume if You worked on straight commission You are effectively working for Yourself? That is a different matter. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:54:20 pm CDT

snow was a receptionist, so if there was no one to receive, no phone calls, then she would check email, but always on her own little pc 


Ramses 19:55:05 pm CDT

exactly snow 


Sheadon~ Pirate 19:55:11 pm CDT

If your bringing your laptop to work and you work in a kitchen some one will not be happy *L* 


Dak 19:56:07 pm CDT

it would have to be an awfully slow kitchen, *smiles* 


lilith {GS} 19:56:24 pm CDT

*giggling as she nods in agreeance with Master Sheadon* 


Ramses 19:56:44 pm CDT

I think a kitchen would not work out very well 


Kazar~infamous pirate 19:57:22 pm CDT

Ramses exactly ~

~`basically ~~~ i work for myself ~`~~ on draw against comm 


Lita, Physician 19:59:00 pm CDT

Personally, I have a phone line job, and sometimes things are slow and the boss doesn't have any projects we can work on, we are allowed to read a book, play a card game on-line, knit, or whatever. Because those things we can drop immediately if a call comes in or something is needed. But I would never get involved in role-play from work, because that requires too much of My attention, and I wouldn't be able to drop it immediately should a call come through. 


Sheadon~ Pirate 19:59:26 pm CDT

but if you have a desk job and your work is done or caught up then maybe at your expense not the company's


Ramses 19:59:45 pm CDT

I agree with that as well, Lita 


Bretval, Merchant 19:59:56 pm CDT

Comes down to are you using time that would not be filled with your own duties anyways.


lilith {GS} 20:00:46 pm CDT

a girl agrees with Mistress Lita as well, depending on ones job and what said job entails, etc. 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:01:54 pm CDT

also agree with Lita 


Dak 20:03:02 pm CDT

ok, have we discussed that enough, I do have more topics 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:03:48 pm CDT

looks as though we're all downright upright 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:04:03 pm CDT

Lita ~~~ am one of like 4 who sell high end appliances i have a desk phone next to me i use my cell to be on line ~~~if noone is in my area ~~`~~ can always answer phone next to me or let me time out and come back later 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:04:17 pm CDT

also depends when you work grave yard shift 


Dak 20:04:54 pm CDT

so it seems, snow 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:05:34 pm CDT

~chuckling~ mistress snowrose that is why we are Goreans. 


Ramses 20:06:53 pm CDT

*nods in agreement with flicka 


Dak 20:07:24 pm CDT

ok, next topic


Assassins & Warriors: Codes vs Codes

Quotes For This Week

"But you are of the Assassins," I said.

"We are tenacious fellows," he smiled.

"I have heard that," I said.

"Do you think that only Warriors are men?" he asked.

"No," I said. "I have never been of that opinion."

"Let us proceed," he said.

"I thought you were too weak to be an Assassin," I said.

"I was once strong enough to defy the dictates of my caste," he said. "I was once strong enough to spare my friend, though I feared that in doing this I would myself be killed."

"Perhaps you are the strongest of the dark caste," I said. He shrugged.

"Let us see who can fight better," I said.

"Our training is superior to yours," he said.

"I doubt that," I said. "But we do not get much training dropping poison into people's drinks."

"Assassins are not permitted poison," he said proudly.

"I know," I said.

"The Assassin," he said, "is like a musician, a surgeon. The Warrior is like a butcher. He is a ravaging, bloodthirsty lout."

"There is much to what you say," I granted him. "But Assassins are such arid fellows. Warriors are more genial, more enthusiastic."

"An Assassin goes in and does his job, and comes out quietly," he said.

"Warriors storm buildings and burn towers."

"It is true that I would rather clean up after an Assassin than a Warrior," 

I said.

"You are not a bad fellow for a Warrior," he said.

"I have known worse Assassins than yourself," I said.

Beasts of Gor, Chapter 35

"Honor," I said, "has many voices, and many songs."

He looked down at me startled. "That is a saying of warriors," he said.

"It is from the codes. It is a long time since I have heard it. I had almost forgotten it."

Witness of Gor - Page 711


1)Are one set of codes any better than the other? Why or why not?

2)Each caste vows to uphold their codes. Should this be roleplayed? How do you know if the character you're roleplaying with truly made the vows?

3)Each caste goes through training. Should that be roleplayed? Why or why not?

4)Have a favourite quote about the Scarlet Caste to share? 


Lita, Physician 20:07:41 pm CDT

right Kazar, and that is good. 


Dak 20:12:43 pm CDT

we have so few warriors and assassins around, I'm not sure it is much of a concern 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:13:26 pm CDT

Master Dak, for question 1 this girl would say no. To say one set of codes is better than another would be to say that a rose is better than a daffodil, each is perfect in what it is. 


Bretval, Merchant 20:14:40 pm CDT

as long as they pay the tab and no dead slaves show up...*g* 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:16:06 pm CDT

both flicka and Bretval have good points 


Dak 20:16:17 pm CDT

I think that is pretty much a given, in Gor, flicka 


Ramses 20:16:31 pm CDT

those are some pretty broad, daunting questions I think most here are having trouble wrapping their head around the exact topic 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:17:12 pm CDT



snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:18:22 pm CDT

As a slave snow does not feel qualified to respond to such questions..she can't put herself in a Free's mind 


Lita, Physician 20:19:01 pm CDT

But that is sort of the point, Dak. Do We need to portray Our Castes more than we do? And why do We not have more Warriors, maybe even more Assassins? Is it because we won't take the trouble to portray Our Castes, and things get kind of boring with nothing more than furring or serving or dancing going on? 


lilith {GS} 20:19:37 pm CDT

*nods agreeing with mistress snowrose* 


Dak 20:21:36 pm CDT

well, it seems to Me, that not many have the time to delve that deep into the roleplay, *smiles* and even if one did, there is so seldom an occasion for it ! 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:21:59 pm CDT

agreeing with Lita 


Lita, Physician 20:22:08 pm CDT

Each caste did have their own codes and their own training, and yes. I think to an extent they should be role-played. However, parts of the training and codes of each Caste were secret to the Caste Members alone, so it would not be possible to play out the training or the codes in full, as one could with slaves. Still, I think it would add to oour role-play if We tried as much as we could to portray some of Our training and Our Codes. 


Ramses 20:25:17 pm CDT

*agrees with Dak

role play with multiple, intersecting story lines

requires an investment of time and energy that can be draining

not impossible, but demanding 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:26:14 pm CDT

assassins should come try to kill people as roleplay the tavern should get raided every so often or people should try to defending our home but there is nothing to defend it from 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:29:20 pm CDT

as a Pirate I'm not going to loot my own home *L* 


~zoya~{Thadron} 20:30:04 pm CDT

~*~recalls a day the tavern was raided as fear fills her to the core~*~ 


Ramses 20:31:03 pm CDT

that had to have been a LONG time ago zoya 


Dak 20:31:40 pm CDT

*laughing*, at Sheadons's comment 


Bretval, Merchant 20:31:53 pm CDT

Well, Lita and I are working on a role play... and yes it takes a little time... ten or 15 minutes a day or so 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:31:57 pm CDT

like people from poolside if that is there home they would try to raid us here kinda thing


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:32:16 pm CDT

Ramses ~~~ who was the one that cam in a week or so ago gave flicka a hard time ~ 


Dak 20:32:30 pm CDT

aye, back 11 years ago, there were things like that, but there were more Gorean sites, too 


Dak 20:33:22 pm CDT

I wouldn't think a "hard" time would be a problem, for flicka, *smiles* 


Ramses 20:33:36 pm CDT

Kazar I have no clue

but that was far from a raid

he was just an ignorant idiot as far as I M concerned 


Lita, Physician 20:34:29 pm CDT

No, Sheadon, but You might want to do a bit about warning and protecting Your Home from the victims of Your looting, who just might have decided to chase You and take it back.! *LOL* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:34:43 pm CDT

it was a slave...or rather a lowercase person, wasn't it 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:35:21 pm CDT

Ramses aye ~~ always have my sword ready ~ 


Ramses 20:35:43 pm CDT

not really a slave,snow

just a jerk 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:36:02 pm CDT

ah yes Lita never thought of that thank you 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:36:14 pm CDT

yes Master, that's what she meant 


Dak 20:36:24 pm CDT

I thought pirates did their looting at sea, *smiles* 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:36:47 pm CDT

Lita grins i just send Phoenix after them grins 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:36:49 pm CDT

a person of no consequence. 


Lita, Physician 20:37:11 pm CDT

yes it was, snow, and from what I have heard about the incident, it was just an HNG causing trouble, not someone attempting proper roleplay. 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:37:38 pm CDT

yes Lita I have done that a few times running in and out of the tavern being chased 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:37:43 pm CDT

~laughing~ and now we all need to be afraid, very afraid, that parrot is a menace. ~thinking of the danger to slave's nipples.~ 


Lita, Physician 20:38:34 pm CDT

No, Dak. Historically, Pirates sometimes attacked small settlements on the shores, if the opportunity arose. 


Dak 20:39:42 pm CDT

I suppose, but not much ever said about it in the books , *smiles* 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:39:45 pm CDT

flicka yep ~`~ grins `~ 


Lita, Physician 20:41:38 pm CDT

Pirates could even role-play examining and distributing Their loot in the Tavern, Or even planning Their next raid there. 


Ramses 20:42:25 pm CDT

that I do agree with Lita 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:42:41 pm CDT

I would do it more often but.... being so new did not want to get in trouble or I would role play more often I have the time to do it..


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:44:00 pm CDT

Lita I do that as well but I guess not in enough detail *L* 


Lita, Physician 20:44:30 pm CDT

there was the scene in the books, Dak, where Bosk got cross-wise of the Pirate in a Tavern, and fought and fatally injured Him, and "inherited" the Pirate's Men and Holdings because Bosk let the Pirate view the sea as He died. 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:44:58 pm CDT

this girl would be amenable to watching pirates examine Their loot, and role-playing a slave's love of pretties. ~chuckling~ 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:45:27 pm CDT

that was a very touching scene Mistress...


Lita, Physician 20:45:29 pm CDT

I guess i'm not around all that often when You happen to be in, Sheadon. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:45:43 pm CDT

Lita yep ~


Dak 20:45:58 pm CDT

aye, but, I would be hard pressed to see how to roleplay that in our Home 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:47:45 pm CDT

flicka I have talked to you about raids and loot and other Pirate doings have I not? 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:47:57 pm CDT

but she can see a scene of a pirate coming home, the slaves all excited, parading around in the jewels...until He took them back of course 


Lita, Physician 20:48:24 pm CDT

Well some NPC players might have to be used, Dak. 


Lita, Physician 20:48:48 pm CDT

sounds good snow. 


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:49:26 pm CDT

Like I said Lita I do not do it when there is alot of people in the tavern do not want to get in trouble *L* 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:49:42 pm CDT

You have yes Master Sheadon, but You didn't have any baubles that this girl could salivate over, even if she couldn't have them. All You had was boring Master stuff like blackwine beans and weapons and ale and stuff. 


Bretval, Merchant 20:49:55 pm CDT

*shrug* We expect the slaves to be creative can't We do the same 


Lita, Physician 20:49:57 pm CDT

When Katrina she-urt was here, she did quite well,. with role-playing bringing back information to the Captains about what was going on in the port, and any plots against Us.


flicka, slave of Keeper. 20:50:57 pm CDT

a girl was playing out a scene the other day with marieve about a Merchant in Town Who had some bolts of beautiful red silk. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:51:05 pm CDT

we could drape ourselves in jewels and pretend to be haughty FW.. 


Dak 20:52:09 pm CDT

*smiles*, that's a little to complicated , for Me


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:52:47 pm CDT

in the Port Kar room?...that's the place for pretend roleplay.. 


Lita, Physician 20:52:53 pm CDT

Maybe the slaves could role-play reporting Ships just in from their raids, carrying lots of loot, or ships preparing to go out on a raid, that they heard about from their "clients" who wandered in from the port. 


Lita, Physician 20:53:55 pm CDT

No reason some of it might occur in the Tavern itself, is there snow?


Sheadon~ Pirate 20:53:58 pm CDT

I can role play... 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:55:26 pm CDT

if the Merchant isn't real, the bolts aren't real, sounds like Port Kar roleplay...that room doesn't get used very much anymore 


Bretval, Merchant 20:57:23 pm CDT

But that puts it back in the hands of the slaves, Lita... 


Lita, Physician 20:59:14 pm CDT

some of it yes, Bretval, but then would it not be up to the Free to act upon the information provided by the slaves? 


Bretval, Merchant 20:59:46 pm CDT

I would hope so, Lita 


Dak 20:59:58 pm CDT

well, with everyone leaving, I will close the forum, thanks all for coming , *smiles* 


flicka, slave of Keeper. 21:01:57 pm CDT

where is the Port Kar room? 


Sheadon~ Pirate 21:03:55 pm CDT

being kinda new to this if I come running in the tavern saying I'm being chased and attacked by other ticked off Pirates... what would happen 


Dak 21:05:24 pm CDT

depends on whether anyone else is there, *smiles* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:06:50 pm CDT

well if there was danger, the slaves would all go to the hidey hole..hmmm just in case it hasn't been mentioned to new slaves, she will send an email 


Sheadon~ Pirate 21:07:14 pm CDT

true Dak 


Kazar~infamous pirate 21:11:16 pm CDT

snowrose Sword is always ready 

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