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Rollo_the_Ax 19:30:53 CST

Okay, I guess that our first issue that needs addressed may not be a true forum topic to discuss, but perhaps more of a reminder and shall we say STERN reminder, that unless they have a VERY good and valid excuse for NOT attending..... ALL GS slaves are required to attend slave class.. attendance has been some what * lacking * of late....


Rollo_the_Ax 19:35:01 CST

the class is also open to all personal slaves that wish to take part.... and they are all very welcome to attend... As it should be, the Council can NOT force any Master/Mistress to force their own personal slave to attend... but they are welcome to do so if they feel it will in anyway help or improve their slaves knowledge or ability


Rollo_the_Ax 19:38:00 CST

Also.... very often.. having both tavern and private slaves both attend, it seems to help them build relationships and learn to accept each other as sisters in their slavery....


Rollo_the_Ax 19:41:42 CST

Looking towards luscious.... ** An honest effort and willingness to do what is required is all that can be asked for, girl.... Everybody understands that RT life has to be taken as FIRST priority......


Rollo_the_Ax 19:44:39 CST

Okay then... if we have covered the issue of slave class enough, shall we move on to another ???




Rollo_the_Ax 19:47:40 CST

No one has PMed another issue to me yet, so if nobody has one, perhaps we can use the time until somebody does, to field any complaints, or positive input about the Festival ????


luscious_{Marie} 19:48:58 CST

no complaints here Master.. but maybe a suggestion if the girl may?

Rollo_the_Ax 19:50:07 CST

LOL.. that is what we are here for, girl.... I would not have asked for them if they were not welcome


luscious_{Marie} 19:51:48 CST

*smiles* well, if someone was going to be at the events, say the dances, or the oar dance or sparring.. maybe they could Scribe it, and put it up for the ones that were unable to be there because of some reason or another, (mostly for those that had to work) could read it later...


Xertog 19:52:02 CST

I think it be good to know what people liked and didn't like. So we can do it better the next time around.


jale{Jake}_~t 19:53:30 CST

the only issue jale has with the events being scribed for others to read later 

is that the attendance will drop even more 

some will think....well its being scribed....can read about it later 

so why bother showing at all


aurora 19:53:41 CST

not usually being one to speak up ~ Master Rollo if i may having not attended the last forum but reading the scrolls ~ it was very upsetting to see one owned girl attack the GS slaves for not doing chores, not posting them, citing them as being lazy and slaves who sit on their asses and flirt ~ how awful to read this, considering it all came from another slave, not the GS Captains or Slavemaster ~ how those girls must have felt ~ how discouraging for the girls owned by GS


Laroona 19:53:58 CST

the dances are all sent in before being performed 

and all winning dances are posted on web site


luscious_{Marie} 19:54:09 CST

Nods at jale, yes, that is true... *sighs*


aurora 19:54:43 CST

apologzies for speaking out of context


Loki 19:56:12 CST

true jale, for some, not most, if the some are that lazy and choose not to attend and join the fun thats there problem....


Laroona 19:56:37 CST

plus attending every event is hard enough on the scribes


Xertog 19:58:07 CST

I don't know if anyone scribed the oar dances this year. But the ones from last Decembers festival can be found here:


luscious_{Marie} 19:58:40 CST

sorry, it was just a suggestion.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:59:18 CST

Okay.... jale and luscious you both have valid points..... and either side can be debated pro or con... somebody would have to scribe instead of take part so they would miss out.. but also the record could be looked at later by others so BOTH points have merit....


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 19:59:23 CST

oh silks had such fun last night n this day....the meat toss was fantastic....and well the oar dance was a delight....nada same to read it as to be there


jale{Jake}_~t 19:59:43 CST

jale wasn't knocking the idea of scribing the events 

just giving a possible reaction fomr some 


and a girl agree's that yes indeed it is not the opinion of most 

*glances to aurora~


Laroona 20:00:11 CST

FI for all 

the winners will be put up on page 

at the very least


jale{Jake}_~t 20:01:11 CST

luscious....its an excellent suggestion 

please don't feel bad because of the points being Master Rollo said...they carry as 

much merit as your suggestion does


Rollo_the_Ax 20:01:00 CST

and aurora.... no need for you to apologize for voicing your thoughts.... that IS what these forums are for....


luscious_{Marie} 20:00:54 CST

luscious would be willing to scribe the events that she attends, if needed.


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:00:22 CST

oh if silks nada change icons shes could to go back n scribe it ...but...


aurora 20:03:32 CST

thank You Master, i feel if slaves are to be reprimanded it should come from their owners not from a mouthy slave in a forum ~ just a mere opinion of a free neck girl


aurora 20:04:19 CST

~please excuse me~


Deirdre 20:04:53 CST

aurora........she was stating her opinion in forum.......just as you are stating yours. you both have that right.


Laroona 20:06:30 CST

If people want to scribe events and Council want the up then there is no problems


Rollo_the_Ax 20:07:34 CST

But to put a thought on what you referred to.... As I said, these forums are SUPPOSED to be a place for folks to voice their opinions... And as I have said MANY times before... * Opinions * are like assholes.... EVERYBODY has one.. be it right, wrong, or not correct.... the trick is to weed out the valid ones, and discard the others.... Okay ??


Rollo_the_Ax 20:16:08 CST

LOL.. LOL.. that would teach Me to take so long to answer a question, you would think.... LOL... The old saying IS right.... ** Grampa was slow, but he was OLD...** I fit BOTH now....LOL...LOL...


Rollo_the_Ax 20:24:05 CST

aurora.... you left before I had chance to post this, so I will do so again... 

But to put a thought on what you refered to.... As I said, these forums are SUPPOSED to be a place for folks to voice their opinions... And as I have said MANY times before... * Opinions * are like assholes.... EVERYBODY has one.. be it right, wrong, or not correct.... the trick is to weed out the valid ones, and discard the others.... Okay ??


aurora 20:25:20 CST

aye ~ smiles and thanks You Master



Xertog 20:32:14 CST

I'm curious if a day was set up to use the Market Bazaar room once a month if people would use it for at least that one day. It was set up because people at the forums expressed an interest in it but it doesn't get a lot of use.


Laroona 20:34:59 CST

think all are asleep 

but sounds like a good idea Xertog


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:35:34 CST

excellant Idea Xertog


Loki 20:35:23 CST

perhaps its slow like the other rooms Xertog?


jale{Jake}_~t 20:35:02 CST

Master Jake misses the bath houses but if He was around....jale is sure she could persuade Him to spend some of His hard earned coin *grins and nodsnods~

would be fun Master Xertog


Xertog 20:36:39 CST

It be something different jale which might make it intersting.


luscious_{Marie} 20:36:22 CST

would it be open to everyone .even the white silks? or just the yellow and reds?


MarcusAurelius 20:36:05 CST

I would visit, if there were others to speak with


jale{Jake}_~t 20:36:55 CST

jale would visit even if there weren't others 

*ss~ she still needs to find that Merchant with the Urt-B-Gone 

*rubs her temple trying to remember~


Xertog 20:37:59 CST

It would be open to everyone lucious but under the current rules free necks could be captured.


MarcusAurelius 20:38:31 CST

I hear the urts dragged Him into the canal, seems His Urt-b-Gone, made Him an Urt-B-Goner


luscious_{Marie} 20:39:04 CST

Nods at Master Xertog..


jale{Jake}_~t 20:39:14 CST

*snickers and giggles.....cheeks infused with a pinkish glow at Master Aurelius' silliness~


Loki 20:44:57 CST

Captain, how goes the Mentoring process that was spoken about months ago?


Xertog 20:46:47 CST

The forum normally ends in about 15 minutes. I think the festival the last two days has drained a lot of us so I'll call the forum over and we'll you the same time next week if not sooner.

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