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Dak 19:44:14 pm CST

if any has a topic, whisper to Me and I will open the Forum 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 19:56:44 pm CST

*Listens to the crickets chirp in the quiet.* How is everyone this evening? 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:01:55 pm CST

*smiles* Just talked to Him today. He finally got the cast off though He says He cannot make a full fist yet. The doctor said His arm is healed and is doing well, so that is good. However, He informed this one today that He won't have an internet connection for a bit. *sighs* 


Dak 20:02:59 pm CST

good to hear, hopefuly He will be back soon, smiles* 


Dak 20:09:38 pm CST

I have a topic, I will open the Forum, same rules as usual, keep greeings and chit chat to whispers, to make it easier on the scribe

the Topic

. . . in a group of female slaves, for example, in a pleasure gardens, a fortress or a tavern, there will usually be a girl appointed First Girl. Indeed, if there is a large number of slaves, there are sometimes hierarchies of "first girls," lower-level first girls reporting to higher-level first girls, and so on. The lower-level slaves will commonly address their first girl as "Mistress."

Magicians of Gor - Page 123

The suspension of brush-and-comb privileges is also used, upon occasion, by the first girls as a disciplinary measure, within the coffle. Other disciplinary measures practiced among girls themselves involve such things as bonds, the control of rations and switchings. Girls, thus, under the control of first girls, reporting to the masters, commonly keep a good order among themselves. All, of course, including the first girls, are in all things subject, ultimately, to the total authority of the master.

Savages of Gor - Page 231

Tutina's blond hair was bound back with a woolen ribbon, or fillet, which went completely about the head, across the brow, and was knotted behind the back of the head, two ends then dangling downward, each about six inches in length. It was a talmit, indicating some authority among slaves, rather as "first girl." In her right hand she carried a long switch.

Prize of Gor - Page 67

Too, Tutina now held authority over her. Tutina wore the talmit, and was to her and, indeed, to several others, it seemed, "first girl." And that authority was exercised over her charges, and particularly over her, it seemed, with a malicious pleasure. She, as the others, had learned to fear her switch.

Prize of Gor - Page 79

"Who is first girl?" asked the man.

"We have lost two slaves, to tarnsmen, Master," said blond-haired, blue-eyed Ina. "We could not return to the interior of the cylinder. The hatch had been secured from within. Nelsa and Laura, slaves of the house. Of those upon the roof, Laura was first girl."

Prize of Gor - Page 163 

The guard turned to his left. "What is your name?" he asked.

"Ina," said Ina.

"You are first girl on the roof," he said. "The work-master can arrange matters differently later, as he might please."

"Yes, Master," she said.

Prize of Gor - Page 165

It is common to set a first girl over others, to see that work is done, to see that discipline is kept, and such. Whereas this is not always done, it is sometimes done even when two slaves leave the house, as on an errand, one then being designated as "first girl." In this way authority is clearly defined. Goreans like this. And woe to the other girl if she should gainsay the first, prove troublesome or be in any way displeasing. Goreans, you see, tend to be great believers in rank, distance and hierarchy. These things stabilize society.

Prize of Gor - Page 167

"Insolent slave!" said the woman. "I shall order you beaten!"

"Not unless you have the talmit, or the switch, or unless you are first girl," said Ellen, angrily.

Prize of Gor - Page 467

"Is she First Girl, Master?" asked Cecily, angrily.

"No," I said. "If she were I would have you at her feet."

"Hear that?" asked Cecily, angrily, of the other girl.

"Stir the soup," snapped the other girl.

"Do not quarrel," said Pertinax, affably.

Masters seldom interfere in the squabbles of slaves.

Swordsmen of Gor - Page 44

Suddenly the door had been unbolted from the outside, and Tela, first girl, entered. All of us in the small room immediately, went to our knees, and put our heads to the floor, the palms of our hands on the floor beside our heads.

"I am frightened," said Tela. "something is wrong."

We dared not change position, as we had not received permission to do so.

"Be as you would," said Tela.

We looked up.

Usually Tela's switch dangled from her wrist.

It was not there now.

Conspirators of Gor - Page 56 

Who is first girl?" asked the man.

"I am," said Tela "if it pleases Master." She was trembling.

Conspirators of Gor - Page 58

Had there been a "first girl," I might have assisted her in her tasks, done much of her work, flattered her, cultivated her, petitioned her, and so on, but there was no first girl. The nearest thing to a first girl was Marcella, who did not care for me, and was the favorite of the kitchen master.

Conspirators of Gor - Page 151

She had tied a narrow folded strip of cloth about her head, to hold back her hair and keep sweat from her eyes. This could be interpreted as a talmit, which is a common sign of a first girl, the girl in charge of other female slaves, who usually reports directly to a master. First girls are common when there are many slaves in a group or household. They keep the other girls in order, assign tasks, settle disputes, and such. Many masters, if several girls are involved, do not care to involve themselves in such matters. It is enough for him to issue instructions to the first girl, usually in the morning, as she kneels before him, and she, according to her lights and biases, her choices and favorites, sees to their implementation. In a house containing a hundred or more slaves, there may be more than one first girl, there being various groups of slaves, and these first girls, in turn, will report to the first girl of first girls, so to speak. She in turn, of course, reports to the master, or the master's representative. In such a household the lower first girls will wear a talmit of one color, and the high girl, or first girl of first girls, she who reports to the master or his representative, the kajira sana, will wear one of a different color. The colors depend on the customs of cities, the whims of particular masters, and such. In any event, Jane, who was not first girl, as we had no first girl, had seemingly, without permission, arrogated to herself a talmit, commonly understood as a badge of authority. I had no doubt this was done in all innocence, and I am sure Astrinax himself thought it to have been done in all innocence, as well, but, still, it had been done, and the prestige of the talmit was deemed to have been compromised. Certainly Jane and Eve and myself, who, to our misery, were forced to be present at the lashing, had had well impressed upon us the significance of the talmit. One lives in terror of it. She who wears the talmit is as Mistress to the other slaves, who will address her as Mistress. Slaves often live in terror of the first girl, speak deferently to her, kneel to her, and such. As is often the case, as with free women, we hope that men, given our beauty and sex, will protect us. Jane, like Eve, it seemed to me, should have known better. It is easy enough to knot a cloth about one's neck and use it to wipe away sweat, and men , for some reason, seem to find sweat-wet hair, loose about a kajira's features, attractive. Are they not lovely, even when hot and working?

Conspirators of Gor - Pages 399 - 400... 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:14:20 pm CST

Oh my goodness......okay.....*reads* 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:21:22 pm CST

Hmm, intersting.......Masters seldom interfere in the squabble of slaves......not that we see that much around here. *grins* From a role play perspective though would be kindof fun. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:22:49 pm CST

snow doesn't think she inspires terror in anyone...~laughs~ not even the urts 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:23:44 pm CST

*grins to mistress* mistress is firm but not harsh with the girls. 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:24:18 pm CST

*grins and thinks Mistress Lita is having connections issues because She is way to quiet.* 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:25:56 pm CST

Suddenly the door had been unbolted from the outside, and Tela, first girl, entered. All of us in the small room immediately, went to our knees, and put our heads to the floor, the palms of our hands on the floor beside our heads.

"I am frightened," said Tela. "something is wrong."

We dared not change position, as we had not received permission to do so.

"Be as you would," said Tela.

We looked up.

Usually Tela's switch dangled from her wrist.

It was not there now.

Conspirators of Gor - Page 56

Interesting.....have not seen before where the first girl was bowed to. 


Lita, Physician 20:29:43 pm CST

apparently she was, shuri. Not unreasonable either, considering first girls couold and did carry whips, or slave goads (similar to a cattle prod), or both 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:31:02 pm CST

Another interesting quote......

It is easy enough to knot a cloth about one's neck and use it to wipe away sweat, and men , for some reason, seem to find sweat-wet hair, loose about a kajira's features, attractive. Are they not lovely, even when hot and working? 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:34:09 pm CST

HHhmm, have never seen these worn or reference made to them.......

She had tied a narrow folded strip of cloth about her head, to hold back her hair and keep sweat from her eyes. This could be interpreted as a talmit, which is a common sign of a first girl, the girl in charge of other female slaves, who usually reports directly to a master.

In such a household the lower first girls will wear a talmit of one color, and the high girl, or first girl of first girls, she who reports to the master or his representative, the kajira sana, will wear one of a different color. The colors depend on the customs of cities, the whims of particular masters, and such. 


Lita, Physician 20:34:35 pm CST

So, anyone else have thoughts or comments on first girlsaccording to the books? 


Dak 20:35:59 pm CST

it's tough job usually in the books, and fg's seldom have any friends 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:38:39 pm CST

snow hasn't either....that is from one of the later books? she has only read up to Players..goes at the book club pace 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:39:25 pm CST

but it sounds cute...maybe she will wear one sometimes, if the Slave Master permits 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:41:17 pm CST

Can understand a the fg would have a hard time with friends. Especially if she let the position go to her head and beat the girls often. Though if she had a lot of girls beneath her, it would be hard to keep order without being mean and strict. Usually fear induces cooperation more than being nice unfortunately. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:43:38 pm CST

yes that's true...but it's different online...nothing to be gained from having a mean or bullying fg in her mind...she thinks it's her job to help the girls be the best they can be... 


Dak 20:43:49 pm CST

well, along with all that goes on with the girls she has to maintain perfect discipline of them or she is in trouble with her Master *smiles* 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:44:15 pm CST

*smiles to mistress* Considering it a Gor custom, would be nice to see mistress wear one, and give the other girls a chance to learn something new about Gor. 


Lita, Physician 20:44:18 pm CST

Well first girls with a large number of slaves under them could divide them into sub-groups, with a girl in charge of each group and reporting to the First Girl 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:46:13 pm CST

Yes, and the fg would not want to be in trouble with her Master, and probably would not want to lose her position either. It is not often that a slave gets to have any kind authority over another. *little smile* 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:46:15 pm CST

she will write to the Slave Master....girl loves something new to wear now and then 


Lita, Physician 20:47:21 pm CST

Sometimes, if a slave erred., it was the First Girl who was whipped, as it is her job to see that they are properly trained and do NOT err. 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:47:28 pm CST

Mistress Lita: Yes, one of the quotes says that happens, with each subgroup wearing a talmit of a different color. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:48:03 pm CST

well, she will ask about trainers wearing one too... 


Lita, Physician 20:48:11 pm CST



shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:48:29 pm CST

*Grins hearing mistress snowrose* Yes, there is that as well.... 


Lita, Physician 20:48:31 pm CST

Good idea snowrose 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:48:56 pm CST

~looks at Mistress Lita and whispers~ Shhhhhhhhhhh 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:49:31 pm CST

*hears Mistress Lita* Ah, that makes sense, though had not seen anything about that from the books yet. Only about the fg having permission to whip those she is in charge of. 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:51:51 pm CST

*nods softly* Yes, the trainers wearing a talmit is a good idea. 


Dak 20:53:15 pm CST

not sure that is necessary online, *smile*, they are identified by their tag ! 


Lita, Physician 20:55:17 pm CST

True Dak, but I think it might enhance the roleplay a bit. give the girls something to work with, You know? 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:55:36 pm CST

*nods to Master Dak* True.....but a lot of the girls know little or nothing of the customs of Gor outside of serving. This one always like to learn more about the customs of Gor. For her, it makes the play much more meaningful and rich. *smiles* 


Dak 20:55:49 pm CST

aye, possibly in their descriptions 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:55:58 pm CST

yes Master, but still would be interesting to wear it


Dak 20:57:04 pm CST

well, it's not My decision, *smiles* just My thought *smiles* 


Dak 21:00:18 pm CST

maybe a girl could note if she were cleaning in the tavern or something of that sort ! 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:00:42 pm CST

yes Master, work it into roleplay 


Dak 21:00:54 pm CST



Dak 21:04:51 pm CST

is there anymore to discus on this, it is after 9 


Lita, Physician 21:06:28 pm CST

Oh I think we've pretty well beat that Tharlarion to death! *chuckle* 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 21:07:32 pm CST

*smiles* Always consider it a win when learn something new! 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 21:08:40 pm CST

*looks to mistress snowrose, waving goodbye to Mistress Lita* 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:09:01 pm CST

~smiles to shuri~ snow does too... 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:09:37 pm CST

Thank You for leading the forum Master Dak...

thank you for scribing shuri 


Dak 21:10:35 pm CST

ok, I will call the Forum closed, and thnk all for coming and participating,

thanks shuri, for scribing 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 21:12:00 pm CST

*smiles and dips head in a nod*

Thank You for leading Master Dak. 


ember{Dak} 21:12:58 pm CST

Thank You for leading Master


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:15:01 pm CST

it was very nice to meet ember, and she hopes to meet ophelia soon 


ember{Dak} 21:15:44 pm CST

nice to meet mistress snowrose also.

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