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Rollo_the_Ax 19:07:09 CST

Welcome everybody to this weeks GS forum....same rules as always...... and PLEASE keep greetings and chit chat to WHISPERS from this point on....the\scribes have a hard enough job without needing to remove a bunch of small



Rollo_the_Ax 19:10:26 CST

If anybody has a topic they wish to bring up, whisper it to Me and I will present them to the forum......




Rollo_the_Ax 19:15:08 CST

for our first is more just a reminder than a whole topic..... GS has some pretty specific lists of what IS available to be served, and what is NOT..... common sense would agree that water to drink is a * given * item........ so just because it is NOT on the list, does NOT mean that it is not available....... but lets keep our collective heads screwed on straight folks, okay ????? If you want a wine spritzer... or a shooter, or a martini.... take your ass to a NON Gorean chat......Okay ??? 



Rollo_the_Ax 19:16:40 CST for our real first topic....."" Assassins in GS. How are they to be treated, the same as any other Free unless they wear the mark denoting they seek a kill?  and if the mark is noted... how does one react " 


Deirdre 19:18:55 CST

Captain Rollo...........Uhmmmm.........for the record........if I see an Assasin WITH a mark........I'm..........well.............heading OUT OF it were. *chuckling* 

Run fast first..........ask for clarifications later.....MUCH later. *S*


alyena_{GS}~c 19:19:59 CST

may alyena ask what is meant by Them having a mark?? as she's never seen One to know?


Laroona 19:20:08 CST

Captain Rollo if they enter wearing the mark as I understand it they must at least state who the mark is....  if I am the mark I would be gone in flash LOL 

as far as treating them I would expect no different than any other Free if unmarked IMO


Rollo_the_Ax 19:20:36 CST

An assassin is no different than any other Free when it comes to how they should be treated by any slave.... if you fear them a bit more, that is your choice.... but they have NO POWER to take a mark IN GS....without Council approval FIRST......


galah{GS~fg} 19:20:38 CST

slaves would not have much worry when it comes to a marked assassin Master? for anyone could kill a slave anyways, no one is gonna pay perfectly good money to have a slave done away with?


Orion 19:21:01 CST

Rollo, I think we need to make it known what the mark is in case some do not know.


Deirdre 19:21:32 CST

aly........An assassin WITH a mark means that They are hunting for a specific Person to kill. No mark means that They aren't hunting.......


galah{GS~fg} 19:23:06 CST

speaking of marks, might be a good time to cover other markings, such as that of a thief, after all, we do live in port Kar


Rollo_the_Ax 19:23:17 CST * mark * I meant that they could NOT kill the one that they were * hunting * in GS without permission.... as the Council has final say in EVER death within GS......


MDKnight 19:23:20 CST 

True Rollo. And as for an Assassin with a mark and my reaction, I'd treat them no differently


galah{GS~fg} 19:24:16 CST

also perhaps the marking of punishment brands?


Laroona 19:24:36 CST

Deirdre we may both get stuck in the doorway as we sprint outa Dodge LOL


Deirdre 19:25:21 CST

*laughing at Laroona* 

No way, Sister..........We wouldn't get stuck because I can run WAAAAYYY faster than You.....*winking*


galah{GS~fg} 19:25:23 CST

would an assassin kill a fw? wouldn't it be more likely that if someone wanted a fw dead that they would enslave her


Rollo_the_Ax 19:25:36 CST

The mark that assassins wear when they are * on the hunt * is a small dagger drawn on their forehead....this warns all to basically * stay out of My way or suffer the results of messing with Me *


Laroona 19:27:23 CST

I see no value in an Assassin taking a FW 

I also am disturbed one threatens slaves harm in GS 


galah{GS~fg} 19:28:11 CST

what kind of harm Mistress?


Laroona 19:28:51 CST

to place slaves in the 'cooler" or remove tongues


Deirdre 19:28:53 CST

Though contracts HAVE been drawn up on a common practice, it doesn't usually happen. Mostly an Assassin is hired to kill a FM........which I think is cowardly anyway, but that's My opinion.


MDKnight 19:30:45 CST 

Ah, but Deirdre, what chance would say, a Male Scribe have against a Male Warrior? That is the reason for the Assassin.


amira{GS~sg} 19:31:05 CST

and what if the Assassin demands serve. and then threatens to punish the slave for not serving Him the ~right way~ 

is there a difference in the way a Member of the Black Caste should be served?


Deirdre 19:32:22 CST

*nodding to MDKnight* 

I do see Your point, Sir......but........well.........even as a FW I would not send an Assassin to do something that I am quite capable of doing Myself. A Scribe is a learned Man.......especially in deceptive ways.....poison, for ensure the death of an Enemy.


galah{GS~fg} 19:32:59 CST

aaaaaaaahhhh such a good point Master MDKnight...that would be sooo true....and there is NO justice system on gor? for murderers and such


MDKnight 19:34:36 CST 

But even in that way Deirdre, it could be considered dishonorable if the one the Scribe wished dead, was a Warrior. To a Warrior, the most honorable thing to die in, is in battle. At least, that's how I am. 


MDKnight 19:35:06 CST 

Exactly galah. 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:35:26 CST

To be honest, folks.... assassins have been a fact of life both on gor and in RT for as long as we have had society.... they kill for those without either the ability or courage to do so for themselves.... or to cover up the identity of the one that wished the * mark * gone... be it personal or political reasons...... 


galah{GS~fg} 19:35:28 CST

as assassins are a caste? what would happen if someone wanted an assassin done away with?


Deirdre 19:36:10 CST

*nodding in agreement with MDKnight* 

I agree with You. I am not a Warrior.....just a lowly Physician.......and I see it as dishonorable.


Ak_Scribe 19:36:29 CST

just so All know, as a Male Scribe? I will be doing all My own killing..


galah{GS~fg} 19:36:30 CST

if paid enough money, would an assassin turn on one of his own to do the job?


Laroona 19:36:36 CST

galah I believe one hires another assassin the fore-ever ending circle *S*


sen{HoK} 19:37:35 CST

galah...sen knows that during the training, there are usually partners. At the end of training, one partner kills the other partner and is gifted the black dagger by the one who was training them. 


Laroona 19:38:31 CST

To an assassin there is a quote along the lines (not looking it up)  he has no home, nothing is of value except gold in his pocket


MDKnight 19:38:40 CST 

Twas just an example, AKFishman. Nothing more. 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:38:43 CST

But remember, MDK... we ALL may have ways we * wish * to die .....LIFE gives no assurances that it will happen that way.... some will die on the battle field, while others will die slowly in bed of old age or ill health.... remember the Stone's song.... * you don't always Get what You want * 


Ak_Scribe 19:38:47 CST

*nods* to MDKnight


galah{GS~fg} 19:39:01 CST

well.....gggeeeeeeeeeeezzz, gal better read that book, sounds interesting sen, thank you


MDKnight 19:39:32 CST 

Aye, that is true, Rollo.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:40:53 CST

True, sen.....they train and live as FRIENDS......then in the end, one must kill the other...... kind of makes you wonder about * friends * ....right ????? LOL... 


Orion 19:42:30 CST

Remember Rollo, in Gorean "FRIEND" also can mean enemy... -lol-


Ak_Scribe 19:42:50 CST

"The sword of the warrior, commonly, is pledged to a Home Stone, that of the  assassin to gold and the knife." (Beasts of Gor, p.136) 

"The Assassin," he said, "is like a musician, a surgeon. The Warrior is like a  butcher. He is a ravaging, bloodthirsty lout." (Beasts of Gor, p.413)


Rollo_the_Ax 19:43:48 CST

I think you mean * stranger * Orion....... an unknown person.....not one known enough to be called * friend *.... 


Laroona 19:44:06 CST

thank you AKFisherman that is the quote I was referring to *nods*


Orion 19:44:18 CST

Ahh, you are right Rollo...


Rollo_the_Ax 19:46:21 CST

sen.... it may be so...but I think it is more like * to be willing to kill ANYBODY that the guild says to, you must be able to kill ANYBODY....even a close friend.. * .... to prove their commitment and resolve to the guild......


galah{GS~fg} 19:47:22 CST

so would a Master of power, say a council captain, would he more likely be a marked man than that of a commoner?


MDKnight 19:48:10 CST 

Either is just as common to be a mark, galah. The biggest factor on who, would be the one that hired the Assassin. 


sen{HoK} 19:49:45 CST

That could be very well true to Master Rollo. 

~nodding softly~ 

It would make sense. For One to be an Assassin, They would have to be willing to kill anyone, even if they were a Friend..or someone else close.


MDKnight 19:50:07 CST 

Aye, that is true, Rollo. 


Ak_Scribe 19:50:10 CST

Many people do fear the Assassin Caste and try to avoid the presence of an  Assassin, often leaving a location if an Assassin enters it. Such people worry that  the Assassin might be after them, or that the Assassin might take offense at  something they do and kill them.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:51:28 CST

Those quotes are correct, as far as they go... one was made by a person that explained that assassins had no Home stone and so in Gorean terms had little or no honor to speak... the second was FROM an assassin that wanted to make their ilk seem more or better than warriors..... in truth, there are warriors that are like surgeons.. and assassins that are like ravaging louts......LOL... Always consider the source of a quote to determine the degree it should be considered valid.......


Ak_Scribe 19:51:57 CST

The Black Caste  definitely prefers that people fear them as it makes many things easier for them.  Despite their fearsome reputation, Assassins are still the most hated caste on Gor  though it is not considered the lowest of Castes. It is a Low Caste but its exact  place within the hierarchy of Low Castes is never given.


MDKnight 19:52:24 CST 

Too true, Rollo


Laroona 19:53:10 CST

AKFisherman are you quoting another? 

if you are please acknowledge the author... as it is a legal requirement 


galah{GS~fg} 19:53:39 CST

it seems then that an assassin has NO conscience at a will mean lil to nuthing for him


MDKnight 19:53:54 CST 

Exactly galah. 


Ak_Scribe 19:54:07 CST

of course Laroona.. your watchful eyes is noted.. Luthers..


Laroona 19:54:09 CST

only gold means anything galah *S*


Lady_Vanessa 19:55:00 CST 

In 'Assassin' IIRC the guards at the gates of Ar were keen to find out if 'Kuurus'(sp?) was after the 'first kill' - which might be them, never know..a gate-guard might offend anyone for little or no reason - or the 'second' ie a revenge killing. 


lara{Zor} 19:55:46 CST

has there ever been and assassin in GS with the mark???


MDKnight 19:56:43 CST 

Not that I've known of, lara. 


Laroona 19:57:12 CST

lara geesh digging into my memory I think once but it was invalid... if I recall correctly 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:57:36 CST

as to the original question.... If an assassin is served, a slave should do so to the best of her ability...just as she should do so to ANY Free.... in GS, he can take whatever offence he wishes... if he KILLS anybody WITHOUT prior Council approval... it is a * non-event * and has NO lasting meaning in GS...... remember assassin that lets you SEE him, is either NOT hunting, or is just trying to screw with your mind... trying to get a buzz from your FEAR.... if they instill fear in you, then show it.... if not, treat them as any other person....No more...No less....


alyena_{GS}~c 19:57:56 CST

reposting on request the following question.. as we slaves would like to know

what we are to do? 

amira{GS~sg} 19:31:05 CST 

and what if the Assassin demands serve. and then threatens to punish the slave for not serving Him the ~right way~ 

is there a difference in the way a Member of the Black Caste should be served?


Laroona 19:58:02 CST

LOL though I may recall wrong LOL old age and all that LOL 


Ak_Scribe 19:58:47 CST

so, everything quoted needs to be signed or represented by ab author? since when? *shaking My head*


Ramses 19:59:24 CST

Under what circumstances WOULD the Council allow a "kill" to stand?


Laroona 20:01:13 CST

hearing the question 

I would assume no differently than any other Free of GS


sen{HoK} 20:01:38 CST

aly, sen believes you are -not- to look the Assassin in the eye. but sen serves Them the same she serves other Free. 


MDKnight 20:01:55 CST 

Treat them as you would an Free. Mark or no mark. 


Phen(R) 20:02:45 CST

Well basically wouldnt they be bound by the rules of each room?


alyena_{GS}~c 20:03:28 CST

~nodding~ alyena knows that the most recent vistor of the black caste has indicated that there was some certain way a girl should serve or suffer severe consequences... or so she believes she was told... 


MDKnight 20:04:01 CST 

That they would be, Phen. I mean, at least to Me. If just being of the Black Caste gave Them free roam and could do as They please, then, don't You think there'd be a lot more running around? 


Ulrich 20:05:27 CST

aye alyena I have seen the ends of conversations between him and a girl, but have not seen exactly what was done that he considered incorrect


galah{GS~fg} 20:05:36 CST

aly, perhaps he was served differently at some other site he resided in for a time, and when you know the ways of that place, sometimes its hard to get past it...just like us feeling alil lost if we go elsewhere to serve


Phen(R) 20:06:24 CST

So then what is the problem*L* Sorry still trying to catch up...If an Assasin enters the Piazza and tries to kill someone then this goes back to last week do we just put Him on ignore?


galah{GS~fg} 20:07:55 CST

good question Mistress....should something happen, do we role play it out, since the council has to decide if it really happened?


Laroona 20:11:01 CST

Phen the Piazza is a no kill zone so I would ignore it that is only me though  if one of the men were there of GS I would obey his order *S*


Ak_Scribe 20:11:23 CST

Well, it's clear something has happend.. whose next in Comand?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:11:25 CST

* I * only intended to explain that EVERY * quote * is in some way or another basically biased or made by a person with their OWN point of view.... Not that we had to explain every quote.... quoting ANY book or person is only SHOWING what THEY thought or felt about the topic.........nothing more,,,,,,


Ak_Scribe 20:13:01 CST

right Captain.. 


galah{GS~fg} 20:17:08 CST

might we speak of these other kinds of markings Master Rollo? thieves and penalty brands 


Phen(R) 20:17:40 CST

*shaking My head8 Also isnt their rules in Place where the Assasin has to approach the Council then it has to be a three post kill or something say in the Tavern?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:20:49 CST

Okay... as for the * role playing it out * idea ..???? * I * feel that to do so is to only ask for MORE of the same CRAP...... If you KNOW that the rules say * NO KILLING HERE *... an assassin could stab somebody all day until his fingers got too sore to type, and it STILL would not why not simply tell the schmuck that he is barking up the wrong site, and send him on his merry

way...... ???? to respond to ANY such action would only make him want to do MORE......IGNORE his ass just as soon as he breaks a rule...and TELL him so.... ** " There is the door, go play your silly bugger GAMES some place else,,,""


Deirdre 20:21:00 CST

Hey Folks......I have a personal policy........that might be good to listen to. If an Assassin KILLS someone in GS. This Woman is not going to wait around for the Council to make a ruling (no offense, Captain Rollo).......this Woman is going to break the Gorean Land/Speed record on how fast She can get Her patootie out of the site..............Run First........question later.....*nodding*


MDKnight 20:21:33 CST 

Well said, Rollo. 


Ak_Scribe 20:22:05 CST

Why Assassins," asked the pit master. "Why those of the black caste?" 

"Efficiency, anonymity." Said the officer." 


Laroona 20:24:35 CST

thank you Captain Rollo for your words of wisdom 

we pledge by the rules we support the rules to defy those IMO is defying the Council *S*


Ak_Scribe 20:25:32 CST

okay Rollo, how does an assasain make a *kill* legal here?


Phen(R) 20:30:14 CST

*Laughing at Dei* 

Tarl Cabot speaking of Iksander Physician of Turia ) "He had in the course of his practice in Turia once given treatment outside the walls to a young Tuchuk warrior, whose name was Kamchak, for this aid given an enemy he had been exiled." (Marauders of Gor pg. 18) 

But maybe if You hung around You could bring our own back*wink* 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:34:02 CST

LOL...LOL... but as Deirdre makes her point....* discression is often the better part of Valor * ... Do what YOU feel is right, and deal with any fallout later.... how about the old saying... Better to be judged by 12, than to be carried by 6..* 


Phen(R) 20:37:01 CST

*L* Ok Ill always carry a bottle of capture scent and just make sure it hits whoever in the forehead and breaks letting the liquid cover His face...If the whack dont knock Him out the Capture scent will*wink*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:38:44 CST

In GS... the * ONLY * way that an assassin can legally kill ANYBODY is for them to come to the Council and ask for permission to do so in GS.... if for any reason the Council permits it, the assassin can proceed....if we do not allow it, it aint a gonna happen LEGALLY here, in GS.... he might hunt the person in another site should they go there, and the Council would have NO SAY in

it......Okay ???


MDKnight 20:39:11 CST 

Understandable Rollo. 


Rast_Dulan 20:41:20 CST

I know I have been away some...but when was the last time anyone caught sight of an assassin anywhere near GS?


Laroona 20:42:25 CST

Rast earlier today and often lately *S*  though unmarked *S*


Deirdre 20:42:28 CST

Rast.......There has been a visitor of late that is an Assassin........Drusus of the Black Caste. That is probably where the conversation stems from. Drusus hasn't caused a bit of trouble at all. This is merely speculation.


Phen(R) 20:43:04 CST

Rast there have been two in here and I was lucjt to meet them both at the same time*wink


Rast_Dulan 20:45:15 CST

Nods..seems if I am to avoid the assassin I need to avoid the FW...winks...


Laroona 20:46:28 CST

*chuckles* Rast they enter all rooms LOL


Phen(R) 20:46:39 CST

*Looks to Rast* But You could be so helpful in protecting us*S*


Deirdre 20:46:41 CST

*laughing at Rast's comment* 

Probably wise advise, Sir Warrior/Merchant.........


Rast_Dulan 20:47:19 CST

Looking to're right..I probably could....


Rollo_the_Ax 20:48:16 CST

LOL...LOL.. You may be right, Rast....LOL.. Perhaps it IS the FW tat are drawing the Black caste members here....????? Hummmm... 


Deirdre 20:49:20 CST

Geez Louise......*looking from Rast to Rollo*.........Now THAT is a very scary thought.


Rast_Dulan 20:49:27 CST

Just the obesrvation of a simple Merchant, Rollo...shrugs...


Laroona 20:50:38 CST

ack we that good looking or challenging LOL


Phen(R) 20:50:51 CST

*Looking to Rollo* Nope for once I havent done anything wrong...Nope Not Me *Looking to Laroona and Dei* Mmmmmmmm what about You two*L*


Laroona 20:51:55 CST

Phen look at these innocent eyes LOL


Rast Dulan20:52:05 CST

Raising my hand...hey...don't disaster's usually happen in 3's..?


Deirdre 20:53:26 CST

*shaking My head at Phen* 

\Nope.......Not ME.......I'm the Woman that's gonna run........FAST.........remember! 



galah{GS~fg} 20:55:35 CST

**bites her bottom lip to keep from bursting out in laughter**


~*elektra_{Harkon}*~ 20:55:50 CST


You Mistresses are not so innocent as ele recalls...hehehe...!


Rollo_the_Ax 20:57:00 CST

You know..... there is always the option to just * wait and see * what these assassins may be interested in ???? They may want nothing more than a place to sit and get a drink..??? if they want more, they will have to decide if it is worth it..... and WE will have to decide if they are worth the effort....LOL..LOL... Don't go LOOKING for trouble, folks...... more than enough will find US on its OWN......LOL...LOL...


Deirdre 20:57:36 CST

*grinning at ele* 

Be careful, My have actually seen Me kick a different Panther Girl's ass before........remember? 

*laughing hard*


Phen(R) 20:57:45 CST

Now Ive got it...Laroona You catch their eyes with that innocent look of Yours I throw the bottle and Dei runs but trips Him over on the way out*L* Now theres a plan....


Raven..Renegade_Warrior 20:57:57 CST

I agree with Captain Rollo trouble will find you


~*elektra_{Harkon}*~ 20:59:20 CST

~*nod, nod, nod*~ 

Oh yes, Mistress were very ferocious! Uh huh...hehehe... 

~*grins impishly, dark eyes twinkling*~


MDKnight 20:59:33 CST 

Aye, Rollo. 


Rast Dulan 21:00:12 CST

With all the FW fighting...wondering how they got the jello out of their hair....


Phen(R) 21:00:16 CST

*Smiles to The Captain* Damn just when I had it all worked out*wink*


Lady_Anglic 21:02:00 CST 

~Thats why We wear head coverings Rast~LOL 


Rast Dulan 21:04:43 CST

Ummm..Lady...was not talking about your head...winks...


Ak_Scribe 21:06:19 CST

The  books do not specifically prohibit vampires on Gor so does that mean they too can exist on Gor? Every reference in the books to Assassins, where gender is  mentioned, refers to men. Ancillary evidence concerning the status and roles of  women on Gor further supports their prohibition from the Caste. The weight of  evidence, when everything is considered, falls upon the side of disallowing their  presence within the Caste.


Rollo_the_Ax 21:07:19 CST

LOL...LOL... Rast, like at the beach...right...???? the sand gets into least jello tastes better than sand...... correct ????? LOL...LOL....LMAO....


Xertog 21:08:47 CST

Where did you C@P that from Akfishman? 


Laroona 21:09:01 CST

geesh remind me not to sit next to anyone with jello


Rast Dulan 21:09:11 CST

Looking at Rollo,,,why is it the men always pick up on the jello context before the women...other than the fact we are 


MDKnight 21:10:30 CST 

I honestly think it's because They're minds are near as deep in the gutter as Ours, Rast. *LOL*


Phen(R) 21:10:37 CST

No Rast with Me its called Jelly *L* But I wanted try and keep My mouth shut for once but know its opened next Event we have why cant we have a FW jello fight off?*Innocent Look*


Ak_Scribe 21:11:11 CST

luthers scrolls as I stated earier, Xertog..


Rollo_the_Ax 21:12:53 CST

Fishman.... I do NOT recall a female assassin in the books... and as we base our site as much as possible on the books, I would have to agree that there are NO female assassins on Gor.... until I can be shown a quote to say that there were ..... as for vampires ???? the same basic concept holds true.... the books never made mention of a * vampire * so it would be assumed that they did NOT have them...... so NO unicorns... no trolls.. no elves ....etc., etc., .......


Ak_Scribe 21:13:52 CST

right Rollo.. 

no vamps.. *lol*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:16:07 CST

LOL...LOL.. for ME, Rast.. it is a simple matter.... just as with Art... I may not know what is GOOD art....but I know what * I * like.... I guess that FW and jello are much the same.... I don't like ALL flavors of jello either.... but I DO know what ones I like to EAT.... nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more......LOL...


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