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Rollo_the_Ax 19:47:09 CST

I would like to welcome you all to this weeks GS forum.... most, if not all of you have been here before, so no need to repeat the rules.... same as always.... So.... does anybody have a question or subject they wish to start off with ??? first one in gets the prize....LOL..LOL.. or PM me and I will start it off......either way....



Rollo_the_Ax 19:55:37 CST

The first question is one about the home page... at this time we are still trying to get a * user friendly * system together so that those helping the Council maintain the Home page can interface with Gary M to get it updated and keep it current...... Translation: Who knows when or how it will get fixed..but we will just have to live with it the way it is until it IS fixed.... Okay ???



Rollo_the_Ax 20:14:39 CST

Okay folks.... does ANYBODY have a topic they would like to have discussed ????


 GS  & Free Companonships

Grizzly 20:16:09 CST

Whats the odd's Of getting GS to recognize FC's?*S*


Laroona 20:17:01 CST

LOL Grizzly as odd as hens teeth


 Xertog 20:18:33 CST

FCs didn't take place in Port Kar in the books. So we have followed that.


jasma{LB} 20:18:47 CST

~offering softly to Master Grizzly~.. it's not so much about GS, Master, but since GS is located in Port Kar, in the books, Port Kar never recognized a FC, it was more this is the Woman of this Man..


Laroona 20:19:35 CST

which is effectively the same thing under a different name


~Mariposa~ 20:20:48 CST

yes..but when you have a hungry vicious slave, willing to take what she wants with her teeth, makes a "woman of someone" feel awfuly helpless. It's a terribly powerless feeling, and for someone who is assertively dogmatic in many things, it's quite difficult at times.


 Grizzly 20:20:55 CST

jasma,,,oh,,,OK,,,,I have'nt gotten to far into the first book yet,,,,so thanks.*S*


 Laroona 20:21:58 CST

Mariposa the same could apply to any FC too *S*


Grizzly 20:22:28 CST

Laroona,,,least I came up with a topic,,,,even if a short one.*LOL*


jasma{LB} 20:22:36 CST

and why, Master Barachowski.. not sure if that was every mentioned as to why, but i believe it has alot to do with the type of people that live in Port Kar, thieves, outlaws, etc..


Rollo_the_Ax 20:22:55 CST

Well, Grizzly..... I will not say that it will NEVER happen, because never is the kind of word that gets taken wrong all the time.... but I would NOT want to be the one to set the odds at anything but VERY HIGH... that things will not change... GS is set in Port Kar, where FCs are NOT recognized or set... On Gor, a proper FC is a legal contract that gets renewed every year, or forgotten at the end of that year.... it is much the same as a marriage license... a bit of paper that makes little difference unless BOTH sides live up to the rules and limits


~Mariposa~ 20:23:55 CST

I know you are right Laroona. I read once a statement, well written actually and triangulated with other resources, so I felt compelled to read it, that compared Free to nothing of worth.

and in some sad aspects I must agree. What does a Free Woman offer?.. I shop well..


jasma{LB} 20:24:00 CST

~listening to Master Rollo.. ~.. i totally forgot that part.. ~it's been awhile~


Grizzly20:25:22 CST

Rollo,,,,OK,,,,sounds very similar to a hand fasting.

***Wonders if the auther had a bit of pagenism in him.*S***


Laroona 20:25:59 CST

Mariposa the saying is a FW is more precious than a slave comes to mind *S*

A FW offers companionship, the mother of children so they are born free etc... (of course that never happens online))


Mariposa~ 20:26:05 CST

I think he must have been a free mason, although there is little evidence of that.


dove{GS} 20:26:06 CST


turning to Master Grizzly..

dove think it a great topic...and Mistress Mariposa brings up great topic as well..

 the FW dichotomy of feeling better than slave..more worthy of a person than slave meat...better breed..

and fighting with her sexual feelings as woman competing for the same flesh of a Master...


Akfishman 20:26:45 CST

"Free Companionships may either be arranged or entered into voluntarily  by both parties. If it is an arrangement, there is often a Companionship Price also  known as a bride-price. This is the amount of money or goods that the prospective man  must pay to the father of the woman he desires to be his Free Companion. The  bride-prices of High Caste women are often in gold or tarns. A beautiful women might  cost as much as forty tarns while the daughter of an Administrator could go as high as  one hundred tarns. The daughter of a Ubar might even cost one thousand tarns. Low  Castes also arrange Free Companionships though the bride-price would be much  lower. The woman is often not consulted concerning the matter. She must accept what her father arranges for her. Some women might not even see the face of their intended until the Free Companionship ceremony. Many Low Caste women will though know their intended Companion though they will pretend otherwise. It will often be someone of

their Caste, someone they might see in the market or on the city streets. The woman might be "…the same girl who slapped him with a fish yesterday and hurled such a stream of invective at him that his ears still smart,…" (Outlaw of Gor, p.68)


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:27:50 CST

I never read anything in any book about * community property * or child support .... so to be honest, what REAL difference is there between an FC contract, and a man declaring that * THIS is MY Woman * ??? chalk it up to local color or lack of carrying for LEGAL documents.... Okay ??


Laroona 20:29:00 CST

I think being the Woman to a Man is more binding than any legal contract that must be renewed each year *S*


Penny 20:31:39 CST

Does it really matter whether a man calls a woman his companion, his woman, his partner, or his wife? It's all just nomenclature, though I don't know that the Gorean people really felt the sense of union that a husband and wife feel for each other unless it was between a preferred slave and a Master... women were for bearing children. Or maybe the peasant families were more like what we think of as a husband and wife...


 Grizzly 20:31:53 CST

Rollo & Laroona,,,,ya,,,,,I think I Like Mine & Kha's arrangement better then FC's anyway


Akfishman 20:32:28 CST

is not the deed recorded Rollo in Port Kar, so in words it is legal?


 ~Mariposa~ 20:32:56 CST

It is binding, regardless of the words. However at times, I feel the power stripped from me, the power of knowing I am first and foremost in his life when I cannot move about freely, and truly the only one who can move about from one room to another without question is a slave. It's awfully binding.. hating to being confined or imprisoned in such ways.


Rollo_the_Ax 20:36:36 CST

Who can say what draws one man and woman to each other ??? What makes one couple last a few months or a year, and others still remain strong after 30-40-or more years ??? VALUE ???? a FW is worth MORE than a slave girl ??? Perhaps in the books, Norman says so... but in truth, who put the person involved can TRULY place a value or cost on ANY other ??? To be candid, and NOT meaning to insult ANY FW or slave here... I have known FW that would NOT be worth a tarks bit... and I have known kajira that truth be said would be sold too cheaply if they cost twice their weight in diamonds...... what something is WORTH is a very personal thing......


dove{GS} 20:37:57 CST

lifts the greens to Mistress Mariposa~

 sometimes Mistress the binding is good protection...

this is why the slave wears the kolar...

for protection and to press upon her her role..and Mistress has Hers as well..

all are binding in different ways~ slave has more to fear dove thinks~

*shrugs~ then turns her lips back to a smile


Penny 20:39:05 CST

I agree with that, Rollo... what seems worthless to one may be precious to another.

Value is subjective.


Grizzly 20:40:02 CST

Im going to have to agree with Rollo too.*S*


 sen{HoK} 20:40:59 CST

one man's junk is another's treasure, so to speak.


Akfishman 20:43:10 CST

But a vital function of the free women of Gor is to reproduce, to provide children to give longevity to their family and Caste. The child of a slave is most often legally considered a slave. Few free men will thus have children with their slaves. That is considered a privilege of free women. In general, it is free women who care for and teach the children in their crucial beginning years of development. Slaves are not permitted to teach free people so they could not teach even children. Slaves are limited to lesser roles with children, more a playmate than much else. Children will thus learn a lot from their free mothers so it is the obligation of their mothers to ensure they learn the proper information. It is likely they are the ones that begin to teach children about the Caste Codes, their proper modes of behavior.


Rollo_the_Ax 20:53:43 CST

Okay then.... is everybody happy with where we are leaving the FC issue ????


Rollo_the_Ax 21:03:56 CST

Well, it is almost time to end the forum anyway...... if there is no pressing issue to discuss, what say we call it a night, and we can cover any other issues next week.... Okay ???


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