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Rollo_the_Ax 19:12:30 CST

Shall me get this show on the road ??? LOL.. Welcome all to this weeks GS Forum...... same rules as always.... Okay ????


Rollo_the_Ax 19:17:28 CST

Well....does anybody have a topic that they wish discussed ????? any earth shattering matters that need taken care of ??/ any general questions that have gone un-answered ??? LOL...


galah{GS} 19:18:17 CST

gal only wishes to take a moment to tell those that don't yet know, that GS has been very very very quiet lately, hopefully it will pick up again once school is on, but meantime, if ppl are looking in GS and not seeing ppl here, then they need to see if we are over at poolside at the Thassa Inn....we are having some great get togethers with poolies and even playing games like truth or dare, so come on over and join us


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:20:40 CST

speaking of the Thassa Inn...why is it we are not allowed to serve there???.....was stunned to hear that


Rollo_the_Ax 19:21:02 CST

Okay, it seems that we have our first topic...... " To what extreme can a pledge enforce the laws of our home? "


Zoran 19:21:22 CST

galah it was moving last night eve watched a branding


galah{GS} 19:21:30 CST

gal knows what your all thinking...truth or dare is not gorean....well the Thassa Inn is only gor lite heheheheheee heheheheheheee and as such, we don't serve there and use it as an information room to let those in poolside know and learn of gor


Laroona 19:21:32 CST

GS is quiet because all are over at the Thassa INn lately I have noticed *S*


lina{Harkon} 19:21:48 CST

~listens quietly to the conversation about the other room~


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:21:56 CST

Adds to galah's statement....

Yes the Thassa Inn is a bit more playful and such, but please know that THIS is Our home and I do expect that We attend to Our home as well as enjoy the games. *S*

I have noticed that some tend to spend more time there than here, and though that is fun and nice, We have to remember the goal here is to make GS grow. *S*

topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:22:30 CST

keeps quiet until Master Rollo brings up the Thassa Inn...


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:23:25 CST

but it is a Gorean Room, and if a master desires a serve, why is it not allowed?? can they learn of Gor if we do not do anything Gorean?...confused


Zoran 19:23:34 CST

nods to Peadur 

then waits for talk of the question


galah{GS} 19:23:52 CST

because miss paz, if one is serving, they can not be answering questions in whispers and doing a serve tooo...can always bring one that is interested from there to GS piazza or tavern to serve them...have actually done that...many times, there are lots of new ppl, tooo many to help them all and serves just take up to much time


Zoran 19:25:35 CST

that makes sense galah lure them here


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:25:41 CST

ok….then topaz would like to ask….who made up these rules and where are they posted??


galah{GS} 19:25:47 CST

you know well miss paz, that NEW ppl do not have the knowledge or the patience to sit through a serve, and when they leave part way through a serve, it just takes to much out of a girl that is trying to do it


Rollo_the_Ax 19:27:13 CST

As I understood it to be, the Thassa Inn at Poolside is meant to be a kind of link between Poolside and GS.... a place where non Goreans can perhaps get their first look at Gor or even just a place to try and recruit NEW folks to Gor...... The GS Council has NO say on how things are done there, it is still just another room of Poolside


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:27:23 CST

sighs and shuts up...knowing this will go nowhere


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:27:28 CST

topaz, adding to galha's statement.

The Thassa Inn is simply an introduction and discussion place for Gor.

No serves will be done there because far too many do not understand nor yet grasp the depth of a serve.

Even some are having a hard time calling a slut a slut.

So if they wish to see a serve than that is one way to get them to come to GS. *S*

galah{GS} 19:27:42 CST

yes Master Zoran...that is what gal is trying to has always been a recruiter and our home being at poolside at one time makes for a perfect place to do so, for other gorean sites frown upon that, whereas garym won't care as he owns both places


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:28:27 CST

topaz, I am working on these rules.

and they have not been posted yet because I am not done with them.

But they shall be.

galah{GS} 19:29:28 CST

Master Rollo wondered long ago about GS having its own homeland, for it has no passing traffic like it had at poolside, and moving here has been damaging for that reason, we get very few new ones anymore and GS sits empty much of the time


lina{Harkon} 19:30:27 CST

so then if the the Inn is Gary's room and not the Council of GS's, why is a Captain making rules for the Inn?

sorry just curious

galah{GS} 19:31:45 CST

gor lite is not going to suit the proper gorean....but we have a whole site here of proper gor rooms, and those that find interest, will come here when they can find ppl here, everytime gal gets someone to come here, they come back to gal later and say that no one is every here


blossom 19:31:56 CST

this one would just like to say as far as rules go.. a few on certain matters would be good to have in Thassa.. and is very glad to see Gary has put up a no kill capture zone having had a not so nice experience on that matter there...


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:32:00 CST

One thing though, and I know I am probably stepping over My boundaries here as Slavemaster and Captain.

But if I continue to see a lot more activity in the Thassa Inn versus GS, I will put My foot down and say the GS slaves will not be permitted in the Inn.

We will keep this playroom in perspective, regardless.

The Council has worked far too hard to make GS grow and be strong.

We will remember that this is Our Home, and will make sure that time is spent here

Rollo_the_Ax 19:32:12 CST

If the Thassa Inn is to be kept as a simple link to GS, then ANY slave that goes there could simply invite any potential NEW master/mistress over to the Piazza with the promise of showing them how REAL Gor works.... A legitimate version of the old Bait and Switch ploy....


caitlin_restricted_{GS} 19:32:33 CST

i have more questions and had more people get interested in gor by entering the inn while i was serving than any other time.. now they enter and there nothing there to interest them any more than any of the other rooms.. caitlin wanted to serve Master Dakota in there today but now she is not allowed ... that rule makes no sense at all


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:33:39 CST

lina, We are making rules for Our slaves.

Nothing more.

So as Harkon's slave, you are free to do as you please there.

We are only going to set rules of behaviour for Our slaves, and recommendations for Our Free.

Nothing more, as the room is Gary's to run.

Jaegers_kath 19:33:51 CST

kath would just offer that in her opinion, the Inn makes perfect sense as a place for people to come and be at ease to ask questions about Gor, about GS, about Mastery and slavery and to learn that without barging in on an established setting with serving going on and rules up the wazoo. After a little knowledge, as galah says, those who ARE interested will come to the tavern or the piazza. Gor is very intimidating to the uninitiated


galah{GS} 19:33:58 CST

because the girls of GS are there and need some guidelines lina, probably more like guidelines than actual rules Master Paedur? and as much fun as we might have there, know that much of the time isn't fun at all, you might just imagine all the HNG's one has to put up with hehehehehehee so we need some type of protection with these guidelines or rules


Laroona 19:34:44 CST

I have seen GS empty and more slaves in The Inn than GS.... I even came to GS and sat and was left sitting, as I waited for newcomers to coem over


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:35:16 CST

i agree caitlin...last week i served a Master...and the people there were well pleased!!...only later on IM did galah tell me i was not allowed to serve there…that was the first i found out about it and was shocked


lina{Harkon} 19:35:25 CST

oh ok Master Paedur 

i misunderstood and thought you making room rules for the room

thank you for the answer

Paedur-Slavemaster 19:36:08 CST

caitlin, if Dakota wishes a serve then you invite Him to GS and serve Him well.

That way, We get visitors to come into Our home at your enticement

~es_belle~{T} 19:36:11 CST

*confused about the no serving*


Rollo_the_Ax 19:36:39 CST

In answer to some of this.... Gary M made the Thassa Inn room in an attempt to maintain the link between Poolside and the GS domain.... so far, he has allowed the Council a limited role in kind of * overseeing * it, but we do NOT control it as we do GS.... so that is why Paedur has been trying to make a set of rules that will work there....


Jaegers_kath 19:36:46 CST

Agreeing with Slavemaster Paedur ~ yes, home must come first. kath hopes that time will free up and a girl can be more active online once again


galah{GS} 19:36:52 CST

caitlin, just ask the Master if he would accompany you to the tavern or to the piazza so that you may serve him a proper is the storyline gal uses at the Inn

this inn is a no service room as its just the ramshackled remains of our old home before it moved to the sister site to this one, they took all the drinks and such with them to the new place and we just come here to chat with passerbyers as this place sits on a much more busy street than the GS tavern Master 


at our regular home Master HardWood, it would be common for a gorean Master to use his girl well...but this room has been dedicated to help others learn of the gorean ways in readiment to go to that place that offers such wonders Master


Dakota 19:37:18 CST

just so it is clear...I visit both places...I have sat here in the empty Tavern many times...


Zoran 19:37:20 CST

I have answer many question in the DM 

room of poolsidebut i have always try to get them to come to the Piazza as it is a safe room 

telling them to sit and watch


caitlin_restricted_{GS} 19:37:35 CST

i agree with you topaz.. you have to first spark their interest... if they enter the inn and nothing is interesting they will keep moving .. why should they enter GS .. they have just entered what they believe to be a gorean room and see nothing but the same ole poolside stuff


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:39:11 CST

Everyone please remember that this new room is very dynamic, and things may change in the future.

But for now, once the rules are set, they will be followed.

I do have some free time from My school load so I will have these completed in the next few days.

and Once Council approves We will post them

Rollo_the_Ax 19:39:32 CST

Looking about the room at those speaking ...and those not.... OKAY folks... y'all want some good ole home TRUTHS here... then fine...... y'all are gonna get BOTH barrels......


Jaegers_kath 19:40:18 CST

~giggles and grins to Master Rollo~


galah{GS} 19:40:24 CST

Master Dakota, have you found the Inn of no interest because it doesn't serve you a drink? **wishing another opinion on this issue**


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:40:47 CST

Nods listening to Dakota.

THAT slaves is completely unacceptable, a Free left alone in the Tavern and yet not in the Thassa Inn.

We will improve on that.

topaz, please make note that We will discuss this issue at slave class. *S*

Dakota 19:41:28 CST

I have found the Inn of interest because there were people in it....I am not that interested in serves...but that is Me...


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:42:36 CST

good idea Master Paedur, topaz shall, as she also as FG would like to know is going on...chuckles


galah{GS} 19:42:44 CST

very rarely would gal see ONE person in GS while she has a room full at the Inn, she can't just leave all those wishing information and run to gs?? and when she does run to GS, 9 times outta 10, she is to late and the person has left


Zoran 19:43:13 CST

well Dakota the tavern was fun last night


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:43:43 CST

Aye topaz, that lack of passing on the info is completely My fault.

Did you wish to punish Me ? *wink* LOL

caitlin_restricted_{GS} 19:44:00 CST

today caitlin stayed in poolside because she was at work .... she might have to leave at any time.... when she is online at work she enters there to recruit... so there is reasons why some do not always enter gs


galah{GS} 19:44:11 CST

gal has told the girls for years and years, there is more to serving as a gorean slave, than serving a fake drink....the Thassa Inn is a perfect example of that way to feels she is doing her home more service there than she could ever do by serving a fake drink at GS


Rollo_the_Ax 19:44:24 CST

NOBODY can make anybody log on, and go to ANYPLACE they don't want to be in.... if the question is WHY one room over another, it is as simple as " WHERE the hell do * I * want to be right now ????? If we can't make GS a place where folks WANT to be, then how can we expect them to be here ???? If you meet with bickering and crap every time you walk in the door, how long you gonna keep doing it?????


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:44:33 CST

smiles...yes it was master Zoran...smiles warmly to sorcha...winks...reminding her to see topaz after the forum for the changing of her bandaging


Zoran 19:45:30 CST

smiles to topaz


lina{Harkon} 19:46:24 CST

~smiles softly in greetings to the Master while listening to the sexy One speak~

well said Master Rollo..

topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:46:34 CST

chuckles...and then cringes at the thought of punishing a master...grins up at master Paedur...and winks....

aye galah...there is indeed way more to being a slave and serving than a fake drink...but that more...also should include being Gorean in some ways, in topaz's it is supposed to be a Gorean room.....

topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:47:07 CST

well said Master always....smiles


Rollo_the_Ax 19:47:20 CST

the COUNCIL says what goes on HERE in GS.... after that, we can only HOPE that folks act in accordingly proper ways in other rooms...... the Thassa Inn is NOT GS.... so far it has been a place to try and get NEW blood into GS from Poolside.... if the Council has to make up a list of rules for over there too, then if Gary M okays it, we will....


galah{GS} 19:48:36 CST

its only a gorean room miss paz, cause there are some goreans there heheheheheheee its simply a first step to gor and is not intended to be full blown gorean, we have all that here at GS, we don't need more of the same at the Inn


Zoran 19:48:51 CST

nodding to the words of Rollo


caitlin_restricted_{GS} 19:51:46 CST

here it is required to serve .. there a slave is not.. but to not allow it if a slave wants too.. or it will interest someone.. many there will not enter GS because they have heard it is rough and are scared too... if its a recruitment room then it should be the slaves choice how to try and get someone to actually the hit the link at the bottom


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:51:52 CST

galah, and to all the girls, and topaz make perfect note of this.

I do not care if there are 50 in the Thassa Inn, and 1 in GS.

There had better be a salve who will attend to that 1 Free and leave the Thassa Inn behind.

galah, even if that is you.

and topaz We will make that perfectly clear in slave class and I will make that perfectly clear in the rules.

I appreciate what the Thassa Inn might bring to GS, but the Free is GS and will be taken care of appropriately

Rollo_the_Ax 19:52:39 CST

I am a firm believer in the old saying * Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it *..... if we can't use the old Air Force honor system in the Thassa Inn, then by God we may well have to set some boundaries .... but don't get your knickers in a knot when they don't agree with what YOU may have thought...... for Christ sake, I don't give a rats ass if y'all paint your asses blue and walk backwards in there, as long as it gets MORE folks in GS and makes it better for us ALL !!!!!!!


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:54:35 CST

caitlin, the Piazza is protected, and that is where they should come first... to learn and see more of Gor where they can feel and be safe.

Plus in the Piazza We the Council have control and enforcement fully

Zoran 19:54:43 CST

lol dam I thought i was alone in there when I did that Rollo


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:54:51 CST

not wanting to piss off the wookie as galah said the other day, laughing, but topaz sees it still a gorean room, lite Gor, whatever you want to call it...but gorean...if people wish to learn of gor, they go there...but it is also hopefully a place to bring them here as we have no more link to PS... 

what do you think brought new people here to GS when we were there??...the feel of the place...the fact is was gorean...the slaves...beautiful, appealing, wishing to serve...the masters strong and manly…a world that is different, not simply another chat room....IMO


caitlin_restricted_{GS} 19:55:22 CST

so now if im at work and have some time in between things to chat online recruiting or not.. because i use caitlin everywhere im not allowed to enter there because someone may enter GS.. is it better i sit in GS and not serve or fade out in the middle of it


Zoran 19:55:40 CST

aye Peadur I was glad to see that are guest when treated bad that the person was dealt with nods to Peadur


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:55:54 CST

agrees with caitlin!...totally...knowing from experience, many become interested by different ways


Zoran 19:57:27 CST

talk to them and bring them to the Piazza


galah{GS} 19:57:54 CST

before gal started going to the Inn, no one was around GS or at the Inn **shrugs**


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:58:55 CST

Smiles here is how I see it.

THe Thassa Inn is an introduction to Gor... like a movie trailer.

The Piazza is a safe full introduction to Gor, like kick boxing in full pads.

The Tavern is fully Gor, like bare knuckles full contact fighting in the alley ways. Where One may die

galah{GS} 19:59:22 CST

now that gal is at the Inn, everyone wants to be there and even tell gal what she can and can't say **shrugs**


lina{Harkon} 19:59:44 CST

~tilting her head as she listens quietly~


galah{GS} 19:59:58 CST

yes Slave Master, a great comparison


caitlin_restricted_{GS} 20:00:21 CST

actaully galah i was in the inn the first day it was started and continued to be there . while kayla got the name changed and started to run it. until the shit hit the fan with kayla and her Master forbid her in there until it was dealt with


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:02:25 CST

Might I ask... what is the current ruling in regards to a slave being in the Piazza with someone and then noticing there is someone in the Tavern, do they leave the Piazza to attend to the needs in the Tavern?


Zoran 20:02:37 CST

wonders who that was catlin lol


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:03:04 CST

There is no need for hard feeling here.

We the Council and I the Slavemaster will be working on the rules for the slaves of GS.

What I deem appropriate for the slave will be so.

That will be the end of it until I am convinced otherwise.

and unless I give specific permission there or one of the other Captains, the rules will be followed once they are posted

galah{GS} 20:03:20 CST

and then you was away for along while don't matter, its not gals room, its not your room, its just a room....all gal is saying is that no one was in GS, so she started going there in hopes of getting new ppl, slaves and Masters alike to come enjoy gor...and some of those slaves wasn't quite ready to come to gs yet, and gal was there to make them comfy and to answer questions for them


Jaegers_kath 20:03:23 CST

Master Rollo has responded, Slavemaster Paedur has responded and said rules will be up regarding the Inn....kath would like to hear the original topic discussed so that a girl will also know what the Free are allowed to do to enforce GS rule and what must be referred to the Council


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:03:53 CST

Kyoto, if they are in service, they are to PM the One in the Tavern that they are in service and shall be there once released.

Other wise they are to beg to leave the Piazza to go to the Tavern to serve.

Zoran 20:04:28 CST

lol was wondering if we get to that question kath too lol


Jaegers_kath 20:04:46 CST

Hears Master Kyoto...a good question.


caitlin_restricted_{GS} 20:05:28 CST

as you wish Master Paedur


blossom 20:05:42 CST

~nods to gals statement~ she is the one who made this on feel more at ease there about coming here without Master Kuurus along...


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:06:19 CST

aye galah...and you have worked hard for GS...smiles 

but so have a lot of the slaves here as well... 

they all try to do their best to bring people to GS, and to keep GS a happy place a place where the masters can say wow...the slaves at GS are great!.....smiles softly


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:06:26 CST


So in order of priority for the slaves, it's Inn, Piazza and at the top, the Tavern.

Stated matter of factly, not as a question.

Rollo_the_Ax 20:07:16 CST

I don't know about the rest of you folks...... but I have gotten damn sick and tired of having to spend way too much of MY time on-line, being either the cop that enforces rules, the lawyer that dreams them up, or the target of hate or whatever because it was My job to do either.... If we are all adults here, what ever happened to the idea that EACH person should be able to act in an HONORABLE manner, and do what is RIGHT, simply because it IS right and not because they have some set of rules hanging over their head ???????? Do we need to legislate common sense and honesty now ???? are Chaos and anarchy what the masses really want ????


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:07:59 CST

Aye Kyoto, it is, and should be for slave or Free the like.

But then We can not and do not rule the Free elsewhere. *S*

galah{GS} 20:08:02 CST

thank you blossom...and gal thinks the same could be said for carolyn tooo? and it was wonderful to be able to make you feel comfy sis, that first step is a hard one to make


Dakota 20:08:28 CST

Nods to Rollo


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:08:54 CST

Here, here Rollo...


Zoran 20:09:30 CST

nods to Rollo


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:09:39 CST

not in topaz's opinion Master should be Tavern, then Piazza, then Inn...


lina{Harkon} 20:10:05 CST

~nods gently to Master Rollo's words~


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:10:26 CST

smiles and claps as she hears Master Rollo


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:10:45 CST

I went from least important to most, paz...


Laroona 20:11:18 CST

Listening to Captain Rollo and nodding*


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:11:50 CST

grins as she realizes she answered exactly as Master Kyoto had posted....


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:12:10 CST

so she saw master Kyoto...smiles


Rollo_the_Ax 20:12:56 CST

Here are some questions that were brought up for today’s Forum.... " How far can a pledged patron go in enforcing the rules in GS " ....." why a Master pledge to one home would leave his slave in the care of another Master not of his home while he has to be away due to rt for awhile.. wouldn't it make more sense to leave the girl with a member of his own home?"...


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:14:37 CST

Chuckles, as far as they think they can go and survive Rollo. LOL


Zoran 20:14:44 CST

listen to the question 

I ask what is a limit of a pledge and when they should bring in a Captain is a good question 

looks to the 2 captains


Jaegers_kath 20:15:10 CST

Aye Master Rollo and even a slave making an honest mistake is not going to get fed to the sleens in GS, so again common sense in an unknown situation, tempered with the level of knowledge of Gor a slave has, should be adequate...yes?


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:15:20 CST

AS for the second half, ask the Master and He can explain Himself to Y/you. *S*

she is His property to do as He wishes.

Zoran 20:15:22 CST

lol as I here Peadur 

you know I would die defending the honor of our home


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:16:44 CST

Smiles Zoran in Your case knowing You are learning to spar, I would say not very far My Friend. *wink* LOL


Zoran 20:16:50 CST

but I am more concern with if we see a slave of are home dishonouring are home what is consider as to much


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:17:30 CST

Chuckles Zoran do You know the term cannon fodder? LMAO


Zoran 20:17:54 CST

shakes head as I here Peadur and lol 

yeah yeah I told you i been practicing my friend lol


Laroona 20:19:23 CST

IMO... I think a pledge should at all times try to be friendly to Newcomers, and show them the web site and answer questions no matter what station,,,,

If a slave behaving badly, then Free have more say how slave should act...

The final enforcing the rules should as last resort be ruled on by Council...


as for one leaving slave in another site and pledged to GS, I feel that the Owner demonstrates GS is not good enough for the slave ... my thoughts *S*

Zoran 20:20:16 CST

the second question 

seem it would be weird position for the slave 

were does the loyalty lie to her masters home or to the master that is watching her 

sounds like a hard place to put a slave 

in a bad way weg


Rollo_the_Ax 20:21:08 CST

The simple answer is that each person can only choose to do what ever THEY think is right or wrong.... In GS, the Council has the FINAL say on issues such as death, capture of FW, and what level of misconduct requires punishment...... other than that, do what you think is FAIR and PROPER...... but be willing to back up your actions with your very life...... so, most of the time, it is better to TRY negotiation and tack, BEFORE you get your ass against a wall with the dogs on your ass...... Okay ????


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:22:34 CST

If the slave were from another site initially and hasn't had the opportunity to become used to GS, perhaps it is a matter of comfort?


Zoran 20:24:21 CST

nods to Rollo answer


Xertog 20:25:19 CST

I think this is another common sense thing.. There can't be rules to deal with every situation


Jaegers_kath 20:25:54 CST

*can't help it....starts singing "who let the dogs out....who who let the dogs out....*


Zoran 20:26:13 CST

so act in honor and have reason behind your action i understand 

thank you Rollo


Rollo_the_Ax 20:31:49 CST

Again, this issue is what I call an * onion * question.... layer after layer of issues...... one is that he has the right to do whatever he wishes with his own slave, another is that he wants her * looked after * by somebody he trusts... another is that like many children, he doesn't want anybody else * playing * with HIS toys, another is that perhaps the slave is treated more like a princess than a slave, shall I keep going ???? LOL..


lina{Harkon} 20:32:52 CST

~chuckling at the "princess" part~


Zoran 20:33:02 CST

lol I like the way Rollo put it


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:33:37 CST

winks at lina....grinning


kalia{Alex} 20:34:39 CST

takes a breath

since....i happen to be the "one" in question...

lina{Harkon} 20:34:43 CST

~winks back to topaz...still chuckling~


Rollo_the_Ax 20:37:47 CST

NO !!!! kalia, you where NOT intended as any sort of target,,,,, and I swear to you and all here, that your name or even any inference to YOU was NOT made when this topic was put to Me......


kalia{Alex} 20:38:21 CST

it really isn't anyone’s business WHY my Master decided what He did....BUT...i will explain....

i...right not feel comfortable in GS....for reasons spoken to with Master Paedur and mistress Master did....what He felt....was best for me....NOT...because i am a "princess"...but to find my fire again....and become my true self again....yep...i need to do that in another realm....just as some others have had to if any have any problems with it....i can give Yyou my Master's email....and He will get back to Yyou when He can....

has nothing more to quiets

kalia{Alex} 20:39:55 CST

Master Rollo....with all due respect..."I" am the only one that is being protected in another another Master....not of it NOT me that it was intended about??


Zoran 20:43:38 CST

kalia as I seen in past it was only a question as you might have been the reason they thought about it but was not meant to directly at you


lina{Harkon} 20:44:31 CST

kalia it wasn't about you. i asked the question or brought the topic to Master Rollo.. you think you're the first slave or will be the last to be put under protection in a different home? NO i highly doubt.. sure know you aren't the first 

if you are offended i'm sorry.. but if i have question i ask


Rollo_the_Ax 20:45:01 CST

kalia...... If * I * am the only asshole that is out of the loop on this issue, then that is MY fault.... I say again that I didn't NOT bring this issue up in any way to target YOU or your master........ if this is the case, then once again, I am SICK and tired of ppl sniping and doing shit behind ppl's backs...... for Christ sake, folks, have the BALLS or GUTS or what ever term you wish to use to confront others FACE to FACE......


kalia{Alex} 20:46:22 CST

Master Zoran....i honestly don't know if i am or not....all i my Master is doing what is best for a His property....because He is going to be away for a while....and He needed to know....i was going to be alright where i was.... 

lina....that is fine....partly...yes i was offended by the question....but at the same time...i KNOW how minds reel about i felt it clarify....smiles


tassa{Paedur} 20:46:29 CST

*listening with wide eyes*


Laroona 20:47:38 CST

kalia it was a general question not directed at anyone

I will use lina as an example in the same position and left here in GS, while her Owner was away, there is no difference IMO

*smiles at lina* no offence to your Master *S*

kalia{Alex} 20:48:30 CST

looks at Master Rollo

i agree wholeheartedly with that....and i know You didn't mean to target my Master or i with this topic....but to just seems funny....and no offence lina....that all of a sudden the topic is brought up....when my Master leaves for a war....and i am left in Raven Wolfs protection

lina{Harkon} 20:49:00 CST

i apologise Master Rollo. my question wasn't meant to bring disharmony to Your home.. 

i'll stick with asking my questions or seeking my answers at home from now on to avoid causing GS any further problems


Zoran 20:49:05 CST

nods to kailia 

and as I have always said it his a master choice and none of anyone elses business 



topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:50:20 CST

giggles..thinking wayyyyyyyyyyy back when master Anubis of the Gates of Ar had topaz in His kolar..and she was allowed to stay at GS all the time...went to His home only once....chuckles


lina{Harkon} 20:50:39 CST

~smiles at the Mistress~

no problem

tassa{Paedur} 20:50:48 CST

*shaking her head*


kalia{Alex} 20:51:50 CST

Mistress Laroona....was her Master of GS??...was there others in her home to protect her??...

i am not trying to come across as a bitch....but this just struck a cord with me....

Paedur-Slavemaster 20:52:33 CST

lina, this is Forum and you are permitted to ask what ever you wish


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:53:14 CST

moves to hug lina...hoping she does not stay away, topaz already misses her so much!!!


Rollo_the_Ax 20:54:26 CST

WELL, this has been a FUN forum hasn't ???? Anybody got any more topics that we can discuss ???? We want to have a poll and decide once and for all just which slave is the BEST lil slave on ALL of Gor ???? maybe we should have all the Masters flop their dicks out on the table and measure them to see who is the biggest ????? Is THAT the kind of crap that y'all are REALLY interested in ??? Who is the BIGGEST DICK, or who thinks that she is the BETTER than all her other slave sisters ???? Folks, y'all can finish THIS shit on your OWN........ Be well, and have a nice day....


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:56:53 CST

topaz rolls up the rence papers carefully....hearing Master Rollo...


tassa{Paedur} 20:56:57 CST

*blinking at the outburst of the Captain, thinking she must have indeed missed something*


Zoran 20:57:02 CST

Rollo i come here every week to learn 

I don't like to flop my dick out I can do that in rt LOL


kalia{Alex} 20:57:22 CST

just goes


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:59:08 CST

Smiles as Captain here as well.

Reminds all that this is forum and so opinions are welcomed as are what ever discussion.

But mush as Rollo has shown, there are always limitations to what will be tolerated

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