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Xertog 19:48:23 pm CDT

Ok lets get the forum started folks. 


Xertog 19:49:40 pm CDT

Send me any topic suggestions. Please follow our regular rules of no greetings or RP. Keep them to whispers. 


Lady Lita 19:49:45 pm CDT

*composing Herself, assuming a l.ook of feigned innocence above those veils*


Xertog 19:52:49 pm CDT

Our first topic:


Should slaves be given basic medical training? 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure 19:54:18 pm CDT

this one thinks so....the Physician cannot be there 24/7, so it would be good if slaves could do first aid at least 


Laroona 19:54:37 pm CDT

Interesting topic Xertog

I myself have tended to slaves when collared, and slaves present do not know the basic treatment. even though there is med kits located in the the kitchen area...

When I have done this slaves have learnt how to tend to another 


shaina 19:54:48 pm CDT

shaina took it upon herself when she first came to GS.. to read up on some basic medical treatments.. since we have so many warriors, it's logical to think (if some actually roleplayed) that someone would have injuries... and it was at a time when there wasn't always someone of the green caste around...


Laroona 19:55:15 pm CDT

We have a physician who could set a basic program up if Council agree. This would help many slaves, who can at least tend to slaves after whipping and brandings, also should it go so far as basic tending to wounded Free?

I understand it is wrong for slave to touch a Free without permission, but a wounded Free would this be one time when such permission is not needed and could not have slave subject to punishment 


marsh{GS} 19:55:44 pm CDT

why do we need to know first aid? 


Xertog 19:55:49 pm CDT

I have had girls help out after brandings. 


Lady Lita 19:56:28 pm CDT

My concern would be whether or not slaves would be able to treat the Free. I would think they could certainly assist. But, logical, just how much Green Cste information would the Caste allow to be given to slaves?


marsh{GS} 19:56:33 pm CDT

oh nm.... 


Laroona 19:57:04 pm CDT

marsh say there was no one around to help out.. except a slave. IMO this is somehting I believe all slaves should know how to help a fellow slave at least... 


Lady Lita 19:57:12 pm CDT

And yes, I would think a slave could do that. After whippings too.


Dak 19:58:16 pm CDT

there's actually quite a bit of info online about training for slaves taking care of wounded and what not, I just was reading some of it online 


Laroona 19:58:44 pm CDT

Lita I think basic how to stitch up a Free who is wounded, and bandage, not everything as there is much a physician needs to keep secret, such as making salves and dishing out medications etc.. 


Xertog 19:58:44 pm CDT

Some may have been born into the green caste and made a slave latter on. 


shaina 19:58:52 pm CDT

shaina has once tended to a Free.... years and years ago... someone who wandered in with an injury.... so she treated it and bandaged it....

shaina of course wouldn't perform surgery... lol 


marsh{GS} 19:58:57 pm CDT

is there a special Gor "first aid" or is the first aid that of our time? this girl is a nurse and could help out if needed. 


Laroona 19:59:44 pm CDT

heee shaina I bet at times you would like to 


Lady Lita 20:00:00 pm CDT

marsh, as has already been said, things sometimes happen when None of the Green Caste are present or reachable. and first aid from a slave could help prevent further damage being done to valuable property (other slaves)


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure 20:00:55 pm CDT

but here you are a slave with no special training marsh...we all should be able to in an emergency... 


Laroona 20:01:06 pm CDT

marsh there is many Gorean medicines that differ from Earth,

when I was slave I learnt basic medical treatments, but I cannot recall ever having had to assist a free 


Xertog 20:01:15 pm CDT

Dak if you have links that pertain to the topic please feel free to post them. 


Lady Lita 20:02:41 pm CDT

marsh,. by the books, opn Gor medicine was the one field in which the Priest Kngs did not forbid "technology" and advances. Actually, because of the stabilization serums and other things, it is likely Gorean Medicine was ahead of earth medicine, at least in some things.


Lady Lita 20:03:42 pm CDT

That is also true, Xertog. Vika in the books was one example. Though She was freed again later.


Lady Lita 20:04:07 pm CDT

Whoops! I seem to have the hiccups! *chuckle*


Dak 20:04:53 pm CDT

here's only a couple I found on first aid , on Gor 


marsh{GS} 20:04:53 pm CDT

but are we not just speaking of first aid not extraordinary life saving measures? 


Laroona 20:05:21 pm CDT

Vika was one slave Freed, a very good example of slaves having medical knowledge 


Dak 20:05:33 pm CDT 


Lady Lita 20:06:49 pm CDT

Yes, and Vika used her medical knowledge on Tarl WHILE She was enslaved. She even had the Ointment of the Priest Kings. Which I would not think would be very available elsewhere, despite what you sometimes see on-line.


Laroona 20:09:01 pm CDT

marsh basic could be used until a Healer or Physician can come in and take over

as was said it is not always possible for one to be online al the time *S* 


Lady Lita 20:09:25 pm CDT

Ummm. Dak, I cannot access that website for some reason. Is the link broken?


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure 20:10:26 pm CDT

girl ia able to access it Mistress 


Xertog 20:12:04 pm CDT

I had trouble with the first link he posted but the second one worked for me. 


Laroona 20:12:09 pm CDT

sometimes posting links here one needs to add first http://www when opening the link


marsh{GS} 20:12:48 pm CDT

girl agrees Mistress Laroona.....the first aid done by slaves should stay simple and shouldn't need the advancements of Gor ....earthly first aid should be quite sufficient for a slave to learn. 


Laroona 20:12:52 pm CDT

I had to delete most of the link for the first one 


Dak 20:13:21 pm CDT

oh, that is 2 sites let Me separate it 


Laroona 20:14:32 pm CDT

marsh that is what I am trying to have discussed and how far should slaves go *S*

Also would Council agree to Lita as she is a both a good trainer and a Physician to undertake this training or we can set up a page with what GS wants slaves to know.. 


Laroona 20:17:04 pm CDT

snowrose exactly and I cannot see why this could not be used say in Port Kar room *S* 


Dak 20:17:42 pm CDT

take those to an address bar, I can't get then to open here either 


Laroona 20:18:07 pm CDT

((open in new tab usually works)) 


Xertog 20:20:38 pm CDT

Any other topic suggestions? 


Xertog 20:23:45 pm CDT

I'll make a quick announcement while I wait for a topic. 


Lady Lita 20:23:58 pm CDT

And I would also say that should a slave come across a Free so severely injured that life-saving measures need to be used until a Physician can get there, the slave should secxure permission of the Free if the Free is conscious. If the Free is not conscious, she should seek permission from Other Free present.


Laroona 20:25:59 pm CDT

if no other Free present and unconscious then go ahead would be my thoughts especially if it is a part of slaves official training 


marsh{GS} 20:26:51 pm CDT

girl is not understanding why a slave would need permission to save a Free Person's life....isn't the job of a slave to serve? If a slave has to go wandering about to ask for permission that wastes valueble time in life saving measures.


marsh{GS} 20:27:33 pm CDT



Xertog 20:28:28 pm CDT

The turn out for the first week of the book discussion for Assassins of Gor wasn't good. A fair amount of people did show up about 90 minutes after it was scheduled to start. The people that were there did have a nice chat but I have put off starting Assassins of Gor for August 3rd and I will edit the reading schedule to reflect that. I hope we get a better turn out this week. Well at least a timely showing of people. If the interest is not there the Tuesday book discussion may be discontinued. 


Lady Lita 20:28:34 pm CDT

Because, marsh, normally a slave wouldn't be permitted to touch a Free without permission. Also, r/t even traind "First Responders" are taught to ask permission of the patient before treaating, if at allpossible. If the patient is unconcious, then permission is assumed.


Lady Lita 20:29:48 pm CDT

also, marsh, seeking permission of the patient, if they are concious, helps the responder judge the condition of the patient. Whether they are rational, what their state of comprehension is, and so on.


shaina 20:30:33 pm CDT

shaina had r/t engagements this past week.. and in a few weeks she may be starting classes... AGAIN..... but if there is nothing in her schedule.. she'll be here for them 


Dak 20:31:12 pm CDT

Lita that one site has a physician's pay scale , *smiles*


Laroona 20:31:38 pm CDT

marsh as an example if slave touched my arm I could knock them into the canals


Lita I agree you can judge state of mind and extend of injuries if conscious 


Lady Lita 20:31:47 pm CDT

*chuckle* I shall have to check on that, Dak.


marsh{GS} 20:33:15 pm CDT

girl has to agree with Mistress Laroona........slaves don't touch Free but girl thinks They would like to be touched if it saved their lives. Did slaves do any medical assistance in the books without asking? If so, there's the answer....slaves can. If not, then there's our answer.....slaves cannot girl would think. 


Lady Lita 20:35:35 pm CDT

That's a really good site, Dak. I thank You.


Laroona 20:35:51 pm CDT

Xertog it was a shame many never turned up... 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure 20:36:34 pm CDT

girl has been moving all week Master...hope to be here this week 


Lady Lita 20:37:00 pm CDT

marsh, as I said, one rule of medical treatment is toi ask permission, even for Physicians. In addition to other things, what thenpatient has to say can help judge both their mental and physical condition.


Xertog 20:37:49 pm CDT

Unless a free is unconscious they could simply refuse aid if that was their wish. If they are that foolish, let them keep bleeding. 


Dak 20:38:03 pm CDT

here is another site on slave training for injuries 


marsh{GS} 20:39:16 pm CDT

girl is talking about unconscious patients Mistress Lita 


Laroona 20:40:10 pm CDT

heee and then slaves would need to wash the tiles and urts feed well on the body 


Lady Lita 20:44:42 pm CDT

if there are other Free present Who can give permission, Marsh, it's best to ask. Compare it to r/t. If you are hurt and taken to the ER, they will if it is at all possible, get someone to sign permission if you cannot give it. There are many reasons for that.


marsh{GS} 20:46:54 pm CDT

if there is another Free about shouldn't they know first aid as well and then they do the first aid instead? 


Dak 20:47:44 pm CDT

do they have law suits on Gor ? 


Lady Lita 20:48:50 pm CDT

Not necessarily, marsh. Just as in real life, not everyone would know First Aid. We had an incident last summer at one of our reservoirs where aan 8 year old girl died because no one present at the time knew enough first aid to help her, and it took the paramedics 210 minutes to get there from town, and it was too late by then


Laroona 20:49:42 pm CDT

Dak short answer NO . no civil damages suits persay

but by the same token Magistrates ccan rule on certain matters involving Free disputes and each Free is entitled to representation .. so Courts are and can be held in Gor 


Lady Lita 20:49:49 pm CDT

I'm sorry, typo. 20 minutes


Laroona 20:50:26 pm CDT

marsh not all Free are healers 


Lady Lita 20:50:59 pm CDT

Dak, they have worse than law suits! *chucle* If one Free doesn't like something another did, He can always call Him out for canjellne


Dak 20:51:07 pm CDT

I didn't remember reading anyting in the books on it , *smiles* 


Xertog 20:51:14 pm CDT

We have a sand pit instead Dak. 'chuckles' I know they had magistrates and a criminal justice system in the cities but a law suit? I don't recall ever reading about that. 


marsh{GS} 20:51:28 pm CDT

but this is a matter of the Free not wanting the slaves to touch them. All the Free knowing first aid would cut down on slaves touching them. The only time a slave would do first aid without permission then is if there were no Free about and if the injured Free were unconscious. 


Laroona 20:51:40 pm CDT

heee or to the sandpits and lop off his head or even hire an assassin to do the job LOL 


Dak 20:51:57 pm CDT

aye, *smiles*, it's called sword justice, *smiles* 


Lady Lita 20:52:14 pm CDT

marsh, you cannot ORDER all Free to learn First Aid. They are FREE, remember?


Laroona 20:53:14 pm CDT

heck marsh many Free do not know the serves they order LOL 


marsh{GS} 20:53:47 pm CDT

girl isn't ordering anything....girl thought this was a forum for all to discuss things. she is only putting out thoughts Mistress Lita. 


Dak 20:55:36 pm CDT

I would assume any warrior wounded would welcome first ais, and usually from His slave if they were available, if I'm not mistaken that IS one of their duties 


Lady Lita 20:56:17 pm CDT

I didn't think you were ordering the Free, marsh. you stated that if all Free knew firt aid, the slaves wouldn't have to treat the Free. However,I am saying that since no on can order All Free to do anything, you would always have Free Who chose not to for whatever reason.


marsh{GS} 20:57:40 pm CDT

girl has to agree with Master Dak.....only seems reasonable 


Lady Lita 20:58:25 pm CDT

I would agree there, Dak. However, if the Warrior's bone were badly broken, or He had, say, abdominal woulnds that needed complicated surgery, that would be something requiring the attentions of a Physician. the slave could do whatever they could to stop the bleeding, or stabilize the bones or whatever, to make the Warrior comfortble until the Physician arrived.


Laroona 20:58:25 pm CDT

that is why GS slaves could/should know basic first aid 


Laroona 20:59:03 pm CDT



Xertog 21:02:09 pm CDT

It is late enough that I will end the forum. Thank you for scribing snowrose. Thank you all for coming. 


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