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Dak 19:36:47 pm CDT

if anyone has a topic, whisper to Me, and I will open the forum 


Dak 19:41:42 pm CDT








Quotes For This Week 


"More broadly, order and structure in human life, stability in society, even, in a sense, civilization itself, depends on sanctions. A civilization must be willing to impose sanctions, and to impose them reliably and efficiently. A lapse in such resolve and practice is a symptom of decline, even of impending disintegration. Ultimately civilization depends upon power, moral and physical, upon, so to speak, the will of masters and the reality of the whip and sword." ---Magicians of Gor, p.124 




1) How do you view the laws of Gor? 

2) Do you in play mention the laws if a situation were to arise? 

3) Some laws are muddy while others clear ie... Free Women without veils in some cities, but if she were to show too much flesh then she could be enslaved. 

4) What is too much? Follow up question does the avi of the player also represent to you how they dress? 

5) Last question is there a law that you wish to know more about? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:46:06 pm CDT

Well as a bondsmaid, the Laws do not really relate to flicka, she only has two laws she must obey. Obey all Free Persons and obey her Jarl above all else, even Other Free Persons. 


shimmer{GS~t~} 19:46:25 pm CDT

shimmy has not seen any really breaking rules on gor here and has never seen any inappropriate avies especially for FW now other places yes avi's are a huge problem. 


Bretval, Merchant 19:47:12 pm CDT

I found some of the laws interesting ... particularly concerning the laws of the property of the slaves... 30m day and all claim on a stolen slave is gone no matter what it had cost! 


marieve {GS}~t 19:47:39 pm CDT

The rules of Gor are in place to give Our society structure, the same said for Gorean Shores. As a slave there are rules that apply only to the kajirae. One needs to read the Council Decisions frequently so one knows all the rules and abides by them. 


ruby~{Randolph} 19:48:59 pm CDT

a girl has but one law..her Master Law..there is no negociation of His think otherwise would be a grave error indeed 


Lita, Physician 19:49:30 pm CDT

Bretval, that is only if the slave is not recovered within a certain time period, to My understanding. And in Port Kar, with it's Caste of Thieves, it would probably be pretty difficult to recover them in time. 


Lita, Physician 19:50:12 pm CDT

But if you kill Another's slave, you need only pay the Owner the 2 coppers her dead body is worth, regardless of her cos t and training, etc. 


Bretval, Merchant 19:52:19 pm CDT:

Exactly, Lita, 30 days... not long for a slave like Doreen/Tuka who cost 5 silvers 


Bretval, Merchant 19:54:30 pm CDT

Better to one kill then get caught stealing one... 


Dak 19:59:18 pm CDT

one think I noticed each place had their own rules, and for the most part the rules were for slaves were pretty consistent! 


Lita, Physician 20:00:09 pm CDT

I have been lucky with my avatars. sorcha likes to work with green, and few wear green, so she has made most of mine. aura made one, and a few others, and they are all very proper, thank goodness. 


marieve {GS}~t 20:00:26 pm CDT

Gorean shores is very consistent about the rules for slaves. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:04:46 pm CDT

well flicka's icons are always the epitome of decorum. 


Bretval, Merchant 20:04:49 pm CDT

I would assume the rules would vary to some amount based on what area of Gor the site relates to... difference between the desert and the far north 


Bretval, Merchant 20:09:10 pm CDT

the rules about slaves are pretty standard... do as told or your Master may earn two coppers 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:10:06 pm CDT

in my time here I have never seen a FW dressed improperly 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:12:16 pm CDT

Master Bretval 

with due respect..most personally owned slaves..have a not kill ones property, nor permanently scar a girl, thus reducing value 


galah{GS} 20:12:29 pm CDT

on urth, cattle stealing is still a hanging offense, so certainly there would be some value in a slave if she was killed? **shrugs** 


Bretval, Merchant 20:13:04 pm CDT

I have mentioned the laws/rules as they apply to Gorean Shores... on occasion ... 


Lita, Physician 20:14:32 pm CDT

The books specifically say that if One kills An other's slave, He has only to pay her Owner the two coppers her dead body is worth.


Lita, Physician 20:16:10 pm CDT

And as far as on urth, Cattle stealing is apparently not a hanging offense if One is the Government harassing some poor rancher who has grazed his cattle on public land for 130 years. 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:17:10 pm CDT

yes Mistress Lit a ..of course Your word is true..per the books 

however at GS..this one believes..a Master would honor a pleadged Brothers wish 


galah{GS} 20:17:26 pm CDT

would Mistress be so kind as to let us know which book and which reference please? 


Bretval, Merchant 20:18:11 pm CDT

Within the roleplay that applies, ruby... in Gorean Shores... *shrug* two coppers are those of the rules in the books and I have no idea abut the rules in other sites 


Lita, Physician 20:18:22 pm CDT

ruby, I would assume a pledged Master would not be killing the slave of a pledged Brother without His consent. 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:19:36 pm CDT

aye Mistress Lita ..agrees fully 


galah{GS} 20:19:46 pm CDT

as far as GS slaves, it use to be that a slave could be caged or put to the post but not killed, has that changed recently? 


Lita, Physician 20:20:20 pm CDT

falah, I lost my books and my ability to do a word search in them when my old computer died, plus all the files I had on it , so I cannot give you the reference, but you are free to search it yourself if you like 


galah{GS} 20:21:07 pm CDT

gal did witness a gs slave being thrown into the canal for the urts but that was long long ago, and it was the Captains doing so to their own property 


Bretval, Merchant 20:21:10 pm CDT

Only a Captain can... terminate... a slave in Gorean Shores 


Lita, Physician 20:21:18 pm CDT

not that I know of, galah. My understanding is the rule until her Owner can be contacted to determine punishment. 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:23:12 pm CDT

aye Bretval the Council is the final arbiter of Death in GS... the Captains of old didn't want idiots flying thru the air ninja style and killing folks 


Lita, Physician 20:23:47 pm CDT

Good idea, Captain Sandman 


galah{GS} 20:24:33 pm CDT

and that would just be for the GS chain Master Bretval? for each personal slave would be at their own Masters whim 


Bretval, Merchant 20:25:13 pm CDT

But that is why we must be careful to differentiate between the books and role play... some rules just cannot make the jump between the two 


galah{GS} 20:26:31 pm CDT

even the hired killing by an assassin must be judicated through the council, or it use to be so, not sure how rules have changed 


marieve {GS}~t 20:26:41 pm CDT

Very true Master Bretval. The slave restrictions give direction from Those with personally owned slaves 


Bretval, Merchant 20:26:55 pm CDT

*g* As one did a couple of years age... as I recall Lita was the one being killed 


Lita, Physician 20:28:46 pm CDT

*laughs* Ah, yes. HOw does it feel to be attended by a Physician Who is a ghost? 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:30:04 pm CDT

yes Master Bretval..Your words are insightful.~s~ 

what has been Honor..Honor to ones Home, thus the Pledged Free..the Honor of Caste. 


Bretval, Merchant 20:31:54 pm CDT

Of course it would be up to the Owner to decide whether or not He wants one of His slave... but only He can do so according to our rules... as you said , galah, all we can do is cage or whipping post... I bow to Captain on whether or not He could kill a personally owned slave... but it would be rude in My opinion 


Dak 20:32:29 pm CDT

if anyone is interested, I have another topic 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:32:59 pm CDT

~smothers a giggle at Master Bretval's last line 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:33:36 pm CDT

I don't think any Captain would kill a personally owned slave,, if they were displeasing they would be caged to be dealt with by their Owner 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:33:59 pm CDT

listens to the Senior the killing or maiming a personlly owned slave 


Lita, Physician 20:34:33 pm CDT

of course, Dak-. 


galah{GS} 20:35:02 pm CDT

many differences between the world of gor in the books and online, cause even if a slave...or a free for that matter is killed online, they just return as a new person, new name, start all over again...that would not have been the case in the books, dead was dead 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:35:08 pm CDT

whew..wipes beads of sweat from her brow..dark eyes twinkle to Master Sandman 


Bretval, Merchant 20:35:36 pm CDT

That was also My thought on the matter, Captain... 


Dak 20:36:28 pm CDT

ok, new topic , 


11.Slave Girl of Gor, Pg. 125 


Suddenly, angrily, I kicked her. 


She cried out, startled. I stood straight, as though I had done nothing. The soldier with the coffle, who was gathering jewelry into a scarf from various coffers in the tent, pretended that he had not noticed my action. Masters do not much interfere in the squabbles of slaves. Let them impose their owninternal order among themselves. On the other hand, they would not approve if one slave seriously injured or marked, or reduced in value,another. That would be serious, and not tolerated. 


the question is when and where does the Free draw the line between slave squabbles? 


Lita, Physician 20:37:26 pm CDT

galah, years ago when I first came to on-line Gor, you did not do that. As a matter of Honor, if your character was killed, you left on-line Gor never to return. 


galah{GS} 20:37:37 pm CDT

when it annoys the Free? 


marieve {GS}~t 20:38:11 pm CDT

The Free don't want to be involved with slave squabbles. This is a responsibility of the first girl. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:38:47 pm CDT

what galah said? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:39:22 pm CDT

flicka would think that a Free Person would not care about minor squabbles between slaves, as long as, as the quote says, they do not "damage" each other, unless, that is it annoys the Free Person. Thou shall not permit an annoying slave to continue to annoy. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:39:31 pm CDT

Sometimes girls go over the head of the fg. 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:39:52 pm CDT

when the Captains or Pledged Frees property are put in bodily peril..that slave squabble must firmly be addressed 


galah{GS} 20:39:53 pm CDT

yes Mistress, those with Honor feel that way....but gal knows of many that just started new characters, gal would never get away with that, she thinks her ways are to noticeable, she thinks she wouldn't want to do so anyways, her slaveheart would be dead in any case so she may as well crawl off and be done with it 


Lita, Physician 20:40:00 pm CDT

When the squabble reached the point where it annoyed the Free, or, as you said, when it got to the point where the slave might be injured and/or reduced in value. It was pretty much up to the Master when and if He felt like intervening. 


galah{GS} 20:42:06 pm CDT

not necessarily marieve, for if the squabble was between a gs slave and a personal slave...the fg could not punish the personal slave, only take it to the girls Master, and then he would certainly be annoyed 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:42:16 pm CDT


Bretval, Merchant 20:43:17 pm CDT

I would say that if one slave permanently maims/injured or disfigures another that has gone over the line... all else is transitory 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:43:22 pm CDT

~waits with baited breath for Master Sandman's words~ 


galah{GS} 20:44:29 pm CDT

fg is only responsible for the chain, and then if needed, she can wield a willow and beat the girls as long as she didn't leave permanent marks...when gal was fg, she only once had to whip a girl 


marieve {GS}~t 20:45:05 pm CDT

Aye, galah. mistress snowrose is the first working up the chain of command and would be informed first and foremost. She would of course inform the girl's Master and discipline the gs slave. 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:45:31 pm CDT

snorts as I see flicka raising an eyebrow slave squabbling is displeasing, but the level of punishment would be meted out commensurate to fit the offense 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:47:25 pm CDT

~chortling~ ah it is good to hear Your words Master Sandman, flicka is relieved that the punishment should fit the crime. ~sweet smile~ flicka in that case will never receive more than an admonitory pat on the head. 


Cause, flicka is a good girl. 


shimmer{GS~t~} 20:47:32 pm CDT

shimmy is very confused and that is one of shimmys worries now.. shimmy spends alot of time alone that often she plays with the kettle slaves.. some shimmy gets along with and some shimmy does not.. due to this last weeks punishment shimmy is not wondering should she stop playing with the kettle slaves.. and such she does not know what is allowed for her to do with the kettle slaves now and what is not. 


marieve {GS}~t 20:49:31 pm CDT

marieve is unaware that there are permanent kettle slave, shimmy. The tasks fall to all those doing chores unless one is being punished by being a kettle slave. 


Bretval, Merchant 20:49:43 pm CDT

of course a squabble could be ended by a master grabbing them by the collars and lifting them into the air... when they passed out from lack of oxygen .. fight over 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:49:43 pm CDT

snowrose thinks that playing with imaginary figures is better done in the roleplay room, other than a passing reference to one now and then.. 


galah{GS} 20:50:13 pm CDT

**she scratches her head** so shimmy, are you referring to a NPC? a character that is not really there and interacting with you? gal knows that NPC was done away with long ago? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:50:46 pm CDT

marieve, flicka thinks that shimmer is referring to a role playing kettle slave, just as there are not really any urts in the Tavern, and yet Jarl Keeper often cleaves an urt in two.


Lita, Physician 20:51:48 pm CDT

In the books, many First Girls were given a slave goad. similar to an electric cattle prod, and allowed to use it at will. And there was one case, in a Wagon Camp I think, where a Master inquired of the first girl about a certain slave, and the fg said the girl was in the tent, being punished. The Master asked why, and the FG said the slave annoyed her. The Master asked if the FG whipped the girl. The FG said yes, and the Master said, "Good. There must be peace within the tent" 


galah{GS} 20:52:08 pm CDT

NPC was only to be done in the Port Kar room, or use to be knows that some girls think the tavern is always full of ppl and work their way around them to get to the one they serve, but to galah, if no one is in the tavern, then its this wrong way to think of it? 


marieve {GS}~t 20:52:50 pm CDT

flicka, the urts do make their present known as we can all attest to. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:54:01 pm CDT

That is how snowrose has always done it galah...the tavern and other rooms are our reality, the PK room for fantasy. yes, she knows that sounds crazy, but it's real to her 


galah{GS} 20:54:04 pm CDT

well, gal thinks urts or hinti's are different than having persons....or non persons in this case...would be good if it could be clarified here at the forum 


marieve {GS}~t 20:54:11 pm CDT

Aye galah. How would we get any chores done if the tavern isn't empty. 


shimmer{GS~t~} 20:55:26 pm CDT

see when shimmy thinks of a tavern it would have guards in it it would have kettle slaves fixing food and keeping the fires going that is why she gets confused so is the tavern not a r/p room? is it only to be serving food and drinks and dancing and all other r/p should be in the port Kar room sorry shimmy is very confused as yes shimmy uses [NPC} often in her r/p. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:55:31 pm CDT

galah, flicka thinks you have put it in a nutshell. This girl has never pretended that there are Patrons in the Tavern Who are not really there. 

So, flicka will confine any "alone" interaction with non existent people to the Port Kar room, that room is under utilized. 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:55:47 pm CDT

nods to mistress..makes perfect sense to ruby ~s~ 


Lita, Physician 20:56:02 pm CDT

marieve, if you notice, in a restaurant, the staff still manage to clean the floors, tables, etc., even when the restaurant is busy. when one table is vacated they clean it and sweep around it, or mop if necessary, before seating a new party. Slave can do the same. 


Bretval, Merchant 20:57:11 pm CDT

I'm in agreement with you, galah... we will not impress visitors by talking to or playing with ourselves 


Lita, Physician 20:58:15 pm CDT

I would think that when there are a number of folks in the Tavern, but all have been served a slave could and should play out cleaning vacant tables, etc. It provides for more activity, which makes the room m ore attractive. 


marieve {GS}~t 20:59:18 pm CDT

Personally marieve doesn't have time to play with even with her chain. She is always busy with chores, serves and creating dance customs. 


Lita, Physician 21:00:48 pm CDT

I think making the tavern a place only for serving and dancing and offer to serve makes it boring. 


Dak 21:02:24 pm CDT

what else would you have them to do in the Tavern, Lady ? 


galah{GS} 21:02:50 pm CDT

gal thinks that if there are many slaves and only one or two free and they are served, then obviously the other slaves should be doing something, not twiddling their thumbs, but gal has always said, there is more to serving and being found pleasing than to serve drinks...if one is entertaining the free by being funny or silly, and making them laugh, then galah has truly served her very best 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:03:25 pm CDT

flicka spends a lot of time alone in the Tavern, this is due to the time differences between where she is and the popular times in GS. Flicka's Jarl has ordered her to make the most of these times by catching up on the scribes work. A girl remains in the Tavern and posts on a regular basis in the hope that someone, not necessarily a GS Patron or slave will come in and flicka can "sell" our home to them. 


Bretval, Merchant 21:03:39 pm CDT

True enough, Lita... but only applies when the Tavern is busy... 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:04:38 pm CDT

snowrose teases flicka now and then with a spider...and loves to see how flicka responds. reaction she writes herself would be boring to her.. 






[note to self:...think she saw some spiders in the rafters] 


Lita, Physician 21:04:42 pm CDT

If no one is in need of service, Dak, they can stoke the fires, re-fill the kettles, sweep the floors, put out urt traps, go to the kitchen and cook something. The activities that would go on in any Taver or eating. place. Wash dishes, fold and put away towels, any number of things. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:06:39 pm CDT

like galah, flicka thinks there is more to making a Free Person happy than serving or doing chores. 

We come into GS to be entertained, and each of us has a different way of it. 


galah{GS} 21:06:42 pm CDT

and can make those chores fun can have a great time dealing with wood on the fire and warming her bum...doesn't need to be mundane to get the job done hehehehehee 


Bretval, Merchant 21:07:19 pm CDT

Amusing the patrons should be added to Lita's list, galah *g* we all need to laugh 


shimmer{GS~t~} 21:07:37 pm CDT

will do chores and such and just not involve the kettle slaves in the chores again.. now she knows.. not use them in her chores and shimmy never used then when the tavern was busy only in down times and when doing chores.. but she will stop doing them at all now. 


Dak 21:07:40 pm CDT

I see it is after 9pm, I will call the Forum to a close, and thank all for coming and participation , 

thanks ruby for scribing 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:08:03 pm CDT

conversation is considered being in service, entertaining the Free 


galah{GS} 21:08:28 pm CDT

as long as your painting a picture in the Free persons head about what you are doing, and if its entertaining them, they certainly aren't going to punish you for that, or one would think not, although it is the risk we take 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:08:35 pm CDT

~stifling a little scream, disciplining herself as mistress snowrose holds that dreaded eight legged monster~ mistress, look into the rafters you will see that your little gift is still up there, no way, no way will flicka ever be enticed up that ladder again. 


Bretval, Merchant 21:09:39 pm CDT

A good forum Dak... well done 

Thank you for scribing, flicka


galah{GS} 21:09:50 pm CDT

**claps excitedly at the mistress** right on mistress!!!!! 


shimmer{GS~t~} 21:10:11 pm CDT

thank you for leading Master Dak and thank you for scribing flicka smiles 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:10:14 pm CDT

flicka has been a good girl, so snowrose will vanquish the spiders 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:10:26 pm CDT

Thank You Master Dak for convening forum. 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 21:10:54 pm CDT

thank you for running forum Dak and for scribing pretty flicka 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:11:00 pm CDT

Thank You for leading Master Dak 

thank you, flicka for scribing 


Dak 21:11:16 pm CDT

thanks for scribing, flick 


galah{GS} 21:12:47 pm CDT

just to top it off, being forum and can speak freely, or so it is thinks we all have the love of gor, but at days end, we are all here by choice, even the slaves pay there money and time to be here...the time is spent to enjoy common ground with others that think alike, and to have fun, otherwise, why be at one point spent wayyyyyyyyyyy to much time crying behind this screen and when she come home here, she said that wasn't gonna happen anymore 


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