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vina  – YELLOWS


Rollo the Ax 19:05:44 pm CDT

Welcome everybody to this weeks edition of the GS forum.... we will follow the same rules as always... everybody gets to have their say...even slaves, as long as it is done in a respectful manner.. once we start, keep the personal chit chat and greetings and such in WHISPERS so as to take some of the burden off of the scribes... anybody with a topic, question, or anything they wish to discuss, PM it to ME, and I will bring them up as time allows.. Okay ??? lets begin......


Rollo the Ax 19:14:13 pm CDT

LOL...LOL.... Lets not bury Me with topics right from the start here, folks........ LOL...LOL... Or more to the point .. does ANYBODY have a topic, question, item, or what have you that you wish discussed today/tonight ?????


Rollo the Ax 19:15:03 pm CDT

I do not remember any carry over topics.... were there any ???


Laroona 19:15:43 pm CDT

Captain Rollo nothing carried over from last hand


Xertog 19:16:26 pm CDT

If nobody has a topic Rollo. I have some GS business I'd like to take care of while people are considering topics.


Rollo the Ax 19:16:46 pm CDT

Okay... thanks Laroona for clearing that up


Rollo the Ax 19:17:19 pm CDT

Then by all means, brother Xertog..... the floor is yours.....


Xertog 19:17:55 pm CDT

vina come to me.


vina{GS} 19:18:16 pm CDT

yes Master...


vina{GS} 19:19:49 pm CDT

~with her heart hammering within her chest, she rises to her feet, arching a delicate foot, she steps forth toward Him...her head swims with anxiety and wonder as she quickly makes her way to Him..kneeling before Him, she closes her thighs and rests her ass to her soft heels, laying her hands to her lap, she keeps her gaze down...


Laroona 19:22:08 pm CDT



Xertog 19:24:22 pm CDT

looks down at the girl and smiles 

You have done very well in a short amount of time. I am impressed. 

Reaches down and removes the white-silk ribbon from her collar and replaces it with a yellow. 

I expect you to continue to work hard and continue to grow and learn. Well done girl.


whisper s19:24:34 pm CDT

Sits and awaits for what is about to happen~


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 19:25:11 pm CDT

*lush lips smiling as she watches the beautiful slave kneel before the Slave Master.. not taking the deep emeralds of her eyes off the two.. *


rhian{GS} 19:25:44 pm CDT

*grinning from ear to ear, rhian claps her hands* congratulations, sis


najla{GS} 19:26:40 pm CDT

~smiles as she hears the news... congratulations sis


galah{RA} 19:27:36 pm CDT

congratulations vina **sincere smile**


Bhoamar 19:27:40 pm CDT

*striking My right fist to My chest* congrats girl.


whispers 19:27:46 pm CDT

~smiles as she sees the girl gets her yellows~


vina{GS} 19:27:48 pm CDT

~lifts her glistening eyes up to Him as a tear slowly slides from her eyes...her throat contracting she swallows... 

this girl is very happy You are pleased with her Master, her heart swells with such happiness...she thanks You Master ... 

~lifts a small hand to wipe the tears away and smiles through them to Him...


she begs to change Master...

bijou 19:28:26 pm CDT

~kneels quietly, smiling to vina~


Xertog 19:28:45 pm CDT

Hands the girl a plain wrapped package.


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 19:29:26 pm CDT

*bouncing on the cups of her upturned feet clapping soft palms together.. * 

congrats vina! oh shadow is so proud of you! and you have worked so hard! so well deserved... shadow can feel the heat fixing to rise in the Tavern! *winks laughing*


jessenia{Bh} 19:29:57 pm CDT

*smiling softly as her head rests on His shoulder* 

congrats beauty....


vina{GS} 19:31:09 pm CDT

~smiling to her sister .. 

you have helped this one so much beautiful shadow..she truly loves you for it..


sadiyah{GS-O} 19:31:14 pm CDT

congrats vina *smiles*


Rollo the Ax 19:31:24 pm CDT

Well done, vina..... we will look forward to seeing your further progress and training.....


Laroona 19:32:47 pm CDT

congratulations vian I hope you serve GS well *S*


vina{GS} 19:33:14 pm CDT

~taking the package, she opens it very slowly...a reverent feeling invades her soul as she begins to open it...slowly she smiles and the dimple in her left cheek creases deeply...freeing the silks from the prison of the package, she lifts them to her cheek before sliding them to her parted lips and places a loving kiss to them...her eyes lifting to the Slave Master...


Laroona 19:33:43 pm CDT

vina even *slaps that typist HARD**


Xertog 19:34:13 pm CDT

You may change girl.


rhian{GS} 19:35:09 pm CDT

*giggles* uh-oh. there goes another typist. *smiles at Mistress Laroona*


Laroona 19:36:26 pm CDT

rhian I hope he learns fast LOL


vina{GS} 19:36:26 pm CDT

yes Master... 

~smiling, she lays her body down and places a warm and tender kiss to His boots, taking the long tresses of her dark hair, she wipes away her kiss and moves back away from Him...standing, she turns and moves swiftly out of the Forum to return shortly...grinning wide to her sisters


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 19:36:38 pm CDT

dear vina.. 

as shadow has said 

you are your best trainer.. shadow only guided you 

you made this happen, your desire to not just be great but superb 

and you were a superb white silk slave.. shadow looks forward to watching you become a superb yellow silk one..


rhian{GS} 19:37:40 pm CDT

he, Mistress? all of Your typists are male slaves? *grins* that would figure


rhian{GS} 19:40:20 pm CDT

one would have to, Mistress. *nods* the urts in the canal must be getting full by now


vina{GS} 19:40:30 pm CDT

~grinning because she is truly happy, she lifts adoring eyes up to the Slave Master 

thank You Master


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 19:41:12 pm CDT

~smiles softly 

clapping her hands 

congratulations vina!


Ulrich 19:44:07 pm CDT

Congratulations vina. good job. 

Looks like I got here just in time. *smiling to the girl*


vina{GS} 19:44:45 pm CDT

~smilesss to Master Ulrich... 

this one thanks You Master...




Xertog 19:38:18 pm CDT

So Rollo did you get any good topics? Lol


Rollo the Ax 19:44:00 pm CDT

LOL...LOL.... you mean did I get ANY topics ??? LOL... and the answer is still NO..... so I guess that we will just be subjected to a topic I can pull out of the old hat... or should I say the old sleen fur covered captains helmet ... ???? LOL....


Laroona 19:45:02 pm CDT

ohh ohhh *hearing Captain Rollo**


Rollo the Ax 19:46:44 pm CDT

How about this ?? ..... ** The right or wrong of * on-line-isms * ... ??? What ones do we feel are right and which ones do many consider too much or over the top ....???


rhian{GS} 19:47:32 pm CDT

rhian thinks the H/he or S/she thing is way over the top


vina{GS} 19:47:57 pm CDT

this one is confused, what are on-line-isms Master?


Ulrich 19:48:51 pm CDT

rhian the H/he S/she thing isn't done in GS


Laroona 19:49:06 pm CDT

IMO if we of GS are following the books then most or all onlisms should be discarded 

that would include maybe even bazi tea service as being like a ceremonial serve.... 

the use of some red savage language 

umm thinking LOL


rhian{GS} 19:49:41 pm CDT

girl knows, Master Ulrich, but she has seen it done elsewhere and has found it just really hard to read.


Laroona 19:50:26 pm CDT

well dang 

did not mean to post it twice LOL


Bhoamar 19:50:42 pm CDT

it also requires way too much typing although I have been guilty of it Myself at times. Old habit and all.


galah{RA} 19:51:01 pm CDT

what of third person speech? it was done in the books as a reminder to a slave, or as punishment, but it was not an always thing


Ulrich 19:51:34 pm CDT

vina an on-line-ism is something that we do online that isn't necessarily true to the books


Xertog 19:51:41 pm CDT

One of the onlinisms that we do in GS is one that I just did. In the books girls were white silk, virgins or red silk. I have never read in any of the books yellow silks other then the color a girl may wear. I do like having 3 tiers of training levels.


rhian{GS} 19:51:48 pm CDT

rhian still has not found anything where the bazi tea was served as a ceremonial thing in the books.


Laroona 19:51:56 pm CDT

correct galah it is a punishment


Rollo the Ax 19:52:29 pm CDT

An on-line-ism, is simply any action, rule, or condition that is NOT necessarily found in the books but accepted or required in an on-line Gorean chat room or site......


galah{RA} 19:52:39 pm CDT

many other places online now allow first person speech, makes it alil hard for visiting slaves to revert back, so slaves really need that as a reminder of what they are?


Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 19:52:51 pm CDT

shadow doesn't believe it was just done as punishment but more of a way to remind a slave of their place..


Laroona 19:53:19 pm CDT

Xertog if I recall a red silk was when a girl was opened 

no testing of her ability to serve LOL


jessenia{Bh} 19:53:34 pm CDT

jesse thinks some online-isms are good.. and necessary even in this setting... (online)


vina{GS} 19:53:44 pm CDT

this one thinks H/he S/she is a lazy way of speaking... 

the third person speech, this one agrees with her beautiful sis galah, it was done as a punishment or a reminder...however, this girl believes that by enforcing it online as a constant way of speech, it is imperative because of the transitioning from online to real life...if that makes sense?


rhian{GS} 19:54:07 pm CDT

as a newer slave it has helped with getting into the mindset of slave thinking to use third person for rhian anyway


Xertog 19:54:17 pm CDT

Yes it was Laroona.


galah{RA} 19:54:24 pm CDT

and another onlineism is silk training levels of even personal slaves, but personal slaves wore whatever color their Master liked and gave them to wear and they did not adhere to the silk colors of tavern slaves


Rollo the Ax 19:56:00 pm CDT

These are some good examples... the H/he or A/all thing was simply a typo way of covering your butt when speaking so that you talked to both free and slave..... It was done a lot in the old days, but I don't even know of any where it is still done NOW.....


rhian{GS} 19:56:00 pm CDT

rhian likes the tiered training. it gives a girl something to work towards


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 19:56:14 pm CDT

silks in the books were not connected to any training


bijou 19:57:19 pm CDT

bijou likes 3rd person for serving...puts her in the zone, so to speak...but for speech it is so awkward to her...


Laroona 19:57:34 pm CDT

a few people still use H/he S/she etc and to me it is hard to read... LOL 

heck I got issues typing and that would really have me using more typists LOL


sadiyah{GS-O} 19:57:47 pm CDT

this one tends to agree with the tier training as rhian stated as for the 3rd person speech this one thinks it re-affirms even though she knows that she is a slave/kajira that she is always in that position and may know where she stands below her Master as all times


galah{RA} 19:58:19 pm CDT

i think the tier training is a good requirement for tavern slaves, and if there is only the three colors, it makes for it to look uniform in the chain, instead of having all sorts of colors....and if a Master contracts with the Captains to have a new girl trained up, she would adhere to those tiers but not necessarily those colors


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 19:58:26 pm CDT

very well stated sadiyah..


bijou 20:00:03 pm CDT

is kissing the vessel and holding it to one's belly in the books?


galah{RA} 20:00:22 pm CDT

gal thinks the third person speech would be good for white silks, or girls training to help get in the "zone" but a red silk? does she really need reminded by speaking that way? **slight shrug**


Laroona 20:00:36 pm CDT

old soapbox being dragged out LOL 

IMO it is expected of slaves to go through testing and moving from one silk colour to another 

Free should have something similar...


rhian{GS} 20:00:57 pm CDT

the kissing the vessel is. rhian thinks the belly is too, but will have to look


Kristian.. speak softly, but carry a big stick 20:01:41 pm CDT



Rollo the Ax 20:01:52 pm CDT

I have often wondered if the whole * slave silk color * or other such tiered levels of slave ranking was not some sort of attempt to carry over the rank or caste system of the Free for the slaves that came to on-line Gor also ???? I mean the Free can be high caste or low caste... scribe, warrior, or merchant... so I wonder if the silk color was not started as some sort of one-ups-manship or social higherarcy for slaves also ???????


jessenia{Bh} 20:01:58 pm CDT

"They called for more wine and paga and Eta, and I, too, hastened to serve them. We, two, moved among them. I, too, now served then in the firelight. I would pour paga, which I carried, into a goblet, kiss it, as was expected, and give it to the man. 

"Paga!" called my captor. 

I almost fainted. I went to him and, shaking, poured paga into his goblet; I was terrified that I might spill it; it was not only that I feared, should I spill the beverage, that I might be beaten for my clumsiness; it was even more than I wished to appear graceful and beautiful before him; but I shook, and was awkward; the paga sloshed in the goblet but, as my heart almost stood still, it did not spill; he looked at me; I was a clumsy girl, and a poor slave; I felt so small and unworthy before him; I was not only a girl, small and weak before these mighty men; I was not even a good slave. Trembling, I extended the goblet to him. He did not take it. I shrank back, confused. I did not know what to do. I realizes then that I had, in my confusion and distress, forgotten to place my lips upon the goblet in subservience. I quickly pressed my lips to the goblet, kissing it. Then, suddenly, as I was to hand it to him, I boldly, again, lifted the goblet’s side to my lips. Holding it in both hands, I kissed it again, lovingly, delicately, fully, lingering, my eyes closed. I had never kissed a boy on Earth with the helplessness and passion that I bestowed upon the mere goblet of my Gorean captor. I belonged to him. I was his. I loved him! I felt the metal of the cup beneath my full, pressing lips. I opened my eyes. I proffered, tears in my eyes, the cup of paga to my captor. It was though, with the cup, I was giving myself to him. Yet I knew I needed not give myself to him, for I was his, and a slave girl; he could take me whenever he wished me. He took the cup from my hands, and dismissed me." 


"Slave Girl of Gor" p.68-69


Ulrich 20:02:04 pm CDT

Well there is certainly no requirement for a Free to put their slaves through our training program, or to give their slaves the same silk colors as our tavern slaves. 

I see it as a good idea to have them go through the same training so we have consistency in our slave behavior in our home whether they are owned by the Tavern or by a pledged Free. 

As far as what color silks they wear, purely their owner's choice. If they want to make it easily known as far as the level of training for their personal slaves, then by all means, they are entitled to giving them white/yellow/red silks whatever they see fit.


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:02:11 pm CDT

kissing the side of the vessel is 

not the rim 

and there were no 7 step serves


Bhoamar 20:02:18 pm CDT

what would Ya propose Laroona. *listening*


Laroona 20:02:24 pm CDT

does speech matter as long as slaves are respectful and serve with their hearts and do their best to be pleasing?


galah{RA} 20:02:35 pm CDT

but that is never gonna happen Mistress..would be good if there was some role playing classes or something like that, but its never gonna happen


Ulrich 20:03:17 pm CDT

a slave needs to know her place no matter what color silk she wears


Xertog 20:03:18 pm CDT

Perhaps we could continue to use 3 levels of training but just change how we word it. White / red silk could refer to a girls status of her virginity and the levels of training could be something else.


bijou 20:03:29 pm CDT

a girl knows she has no standing, but has read a lot of web pages...and it makes the serves robotic to spontaneity..


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:04:59 pm CDT

and shadow has seen many red silk slaves through the years here that needed that reminder..


Laroona 20:05:37 pm CDT

Bhoamar first would be a Free is tested before pledging I believe that was tried.. 

but it never going to happen LOL


sadiyah{GS-O} 20:06:45 pm CDT

agreed shadow, this one has seen red silks in other place who think that they should be equal to a FW and sometimes need to know where they stand, not that that rule applies to all slave, but some get a taste of "power" so to speak and they use it to their advantage whether or not they are actually allowed to do so


galah{RA} 20:07:06 pm CDT

a red silk that needs that reminder mistress, needs to be put to the post to be reminded, not made to speak in that way...if a red silk fully trained slave is forgetting her place, third person speech is gonna have nuthin to do with it, its gonna be something else going on in her life


Rollo the Ax 20:07:53 pm CDT

Nothing says that * WE * have to change the way we do things here, Xertog.... if the Council chooses to use the silk color as OUR way of doing things, then so be it... it does have a certain flow or order to the way the training levels go.... just because it was NOT done EXACTLY the same way in the books does NOT mean that we can't still do it the way WE want....


Bhoamar 20:08:05 pm CDT

*shruggs* at least being able to interact in the appropriate fashion and classes are not a bad idea for rping


Laroona 20:08:52 pm CDT

be a few slaves kissing the post or sitting in a cage LOL 

but it is Free who need to be aware what slaves should or should not do... 

sad thing is many do not..


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:09:25 pm CDT

listens to Master Rollo's words carefully 

so much of what is done in GS 

distinguishes us from other sites 

its the beauty in our slaves, our manual, our training, our home 

our manual is used in other gorean sites as examples


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:10:16 pm CDT

aye but Mistress 

there are many new Free around 

as well as new slaves 

and they are trying to learn as well as the slaves are


Xertog 20:10:41 pm CDT

That is true Rollo, like with everything we do.


galah{RA} 20:11:18 pm CDT

would be really good if there was more RP going on, even the rp on the board, the last one posted there was Master Bhoamar and that was two and a half months back, and before him, it was March, we can't always get into gs, would be good if there could be a running role play going on there,,,in my opinion anyways


Bhoamar 20:11:26 pm CDT

it is easier to keep slaves in any Gorean location than slaves. The HNG's go where they can be HNG's and do not have to even try to be Gorean.


najla{GS} 20:11:29 pm CDT

"Similarly, the expression 'red-silk,' in Gorean, tends to be used as a category in slaving, and also, outside of the slaving context, as an expression in vulgar discourse, indicating that the woman is no longer a virgin, or, as the Goreans say, at least vulgarly of slaves, that her body has been opened by men. Its contrasting term is 'white-silk,' usually used of slaves who are still virgins, or, equivalently, slaves whose bodies have not yet been opened by men. 

Needless to say, slaves seldom spend a great deal of time in the 'white-silk' category. It is common not to dally in initiating a slave into the realities of her condition." 

Book 18, Blood Brothers of Gor, page 472


Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:11:33 pm CDT

shadow personal thoughts on 3rd person speech is that slaves should always speak it *shrugs* maybe cause girl loves the feel or the sound, or the fact that it helps her remember that she is always in service to the Free, that she is always just an animal and can be sold at any moment she is found displeasing.. or maybe she just feels its a sign of respect.. and it is, in shadow's eye.. ~glancing up to her Master~ shadow wishes to never be at the same level.. and her favorite line is.. 

speak as a slave.. 

and shadow will, always..


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:11:47 pm CDT

aurora has given out the links to our pages to several new Free 

she even admits to doing some *cheat sheets* 

for some new Free ~grins


Ulrich 20:12:05 pm CDT

We've proposed having "classes" or training sessions, or Free forums for the Free. 

Of course, since they are Free, we can't exactly require them to show up as we can with slaves in slave class. 

Some are just not willing to try to learn and grow as Free.


bijou 20:12:47 pm CDT

but speak as a slave doesn't mean anything, if you always speak in 3rd person...why would it ever be said?


Ulrich 20:13:17 pm CDT

well said shadow. *s*


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:13:41 pm CDT

that was part of a quote bijou.. 

girl was too lazy to retrieve it all lol


Laroona 20:14:00 pm CDT

LOL I give all Free the website.... 

reading it well that is up to them


bijou 20:14:23 pm CDT

yes, a girl was to tell her to speak in third ...for a reason


Ulrich 20:14:51 pm CDT

That is a line from Captives of Gor bijou 

"Who!" she demanded. 

"I did," I cried. "I did!" 

"Speak as a slave!" demanded Ute. 

"El-in-or betrayed Ute!" I cried. "El-in-nor betrayed Ute!" 

Captive of Gor, page :287


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:14:54 pm CDT

to remind her of her position..


Bhoamar 20:15:02 pm CDT

maybe picking up some of the threads in the Free discussions again.


sadiyah{GS-O} 20:15:48 pm CDT

this one agrees with shadow on the 3rd person aspect completely but that is just her humble opinion


bijou 20:15:53 pm CDT

do the forums get posted on the boards...or somewhere...a girl needs to go and rest...but would like to know what happens...~smiles~


bijou 20:15:53 pm CDT

do the forums get posted on the boards...or somewhere...a girl needs to go and rest...but would like to know what happens...~smiles~


jessenia{Bh} 20:16:17 pm CDT

"Master," she whispered. 

"Yes?" I said. 

"May I be taught to dance?" she asked. 

"Who is 'I'?" I questioned. 

"Alyena, your slave girl, Master," she whispered, "begs to be taught to dance." 

"Perhaps she will be taught," I said. 

"She is grateful," said the girl. 

Tribesmen of Gor - Page 91


"Do you want Darlene branded?" she asked. 

"No," I said, "of course not!" I was surprised that she had spoken of herself as she did, using her name. This is not uncommon, of course, among Gorean female slaves. 

Fighting Slave of Gor - Page 147


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:16:52 pm CDT

shadow confuses herself sometimes gal.. ~laughs~


Laroona 20:17:38 pm CDT

bijou they are put up on the website *S*


Rollo the Ax 20:18:24 pm CDT

Okay.... My own PERSONAL feelings or position on several of these... silk colors make it simple for NEW ppl to keep it straight, it also shows at a glance the supposed training level of a slave... third person speech ??? for NEW slaves YES... or even as a punishment for red silks if they are found displeasing .... the H/h or A/a thing.. NO WAY..... requiring NEW free persons to train or be ranked or such ?? good idea but it NEVER has worked and NEVER will simply because most NEW free are just too damned lazy and don't feel that THEY should have to go thru training like some slave..... new Free tend to think that their asses are studded with diamonds .... until they stay around long enough to LEARN just how little they REALLY KNOW.....


Ulrich 20:18:49 pm CDT

I've often wondered if Norman actually intended for the slaves to always speak in third person, but the publishers could have fought him on that, causing him to have to compromise. 

It seems there are several references to slaves commonly speaking in third person, but when they are speaking, they very often are not.


galah{RA} 20:19:13 pm CDT

but shouldn't the first person/third person speech be a Masters choice? if the council wants ALL their slaves to speak in that manner, then so be it, it is there wishes...but what of a personal slave, have

seen visiting slaves come and they get in trouble for speaking first person here when their own Master gave them permission to do so


Laroona 20:19:09 pm CDT

well said Captain Rollo


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:19:42 pm CDT

*smiles to jesse* 

great job jess! 

excellent.. both of those were not for punishment 

but just a reminder of a girls place 

the second even saying.. 

"This is not uncommon, of course, among Gorean female slaves. " 

so because *other* sites slaves speak first person make them right? 

*shrugs* maybe just maybe it is GS thats right.


Jake 20:20:51 pm CDT

removes a diamond stud and grins 

Tal and Greetings all


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:21:20 pm CDT


and you don't think pledged Free should follow the rules of the home they are pledged to


Laroona 20:22:26 pm CDT

if they are pledged it is what they pledge to .... 



{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:23:08 pm CDT

*nods to Mistress* 

shadow agrees, why pledge if you don't want to follow the rules of a home?


galah{RA} 20:24:22 pm CDT

i did say visiting slaves mistress...those that come from some other home, ones whos Masters do NOT call gs home


Laroona 20:25:35 pm CDT

visiting slaves or not 

they should know their place in gorean society


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:25:58 pm CDT

oh, visiting, shadow missed that.. 

don't see how GS could force a visiting Master to follow the rules 

if He choses to pledge, girl would think..


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:26:40 pm CDT

well thats just it 

if aurora were to visit another home 

she would want to know the rules there 

before even entering, to respect their rules


jessenia{Bh} 20:26:49 pm CDT

if a GS slave were to visit another home.. wouldn’t the Council expect them to follow that homes rules??? 

really it comes down to this... if the Council says it's okay for visiting slaves to speak that way then fine.. it should be posted.. just as if they expect all slaves to speak 3rd.. it should be posted


Jake 20:27:18 pm CDT

visiting Master should still have honor if not decorum for customs in new places..shrugs


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:27:23 pm CDT

and lets face it 

many of those visiting slaves 

were probably once trained here *lol*


Ulrich 20:27:25 pm CDT

Use of Slave Language 

Slaves never speak of themselves in "first-person" except for the slave kennels and the forum room, white silk slaves ALWAYS speak in third person though. An exception to this is when the ‘i’ is used in the slave litany or when personal slaves use ‘my Master’. A slave, when describing her actions, will always say something such as: "this girl kneels" or "vella kneels". Slaves will always speak in third-person while in the Tavern, Bath House, Training Yard, Market Bazaar and the Piazza. The first offence should carry a warning. After that, punishment will depend upon whichever Free Person wishes to enforce this Rule. 

That's the rule as it's stated for our home. IMHO if you're pledged here, you should abide by that rule and direct your slaves to follow it. 

A visiting Free, they may not be familiar with all the rules, so if that is their preference then so be it. If they want to pledge, they should be familiar with rules and protocols before making such a decision.


Laroona 20:28:38 pm CDT

I misread your post galah 

I am not big on third person speech if a visiting slave knows what she is doing .. if visiting often then I would think GS rules should start to apply .... just my thoughts


Xertog 20:29:27 pm CDT

Yes they should Jake and have their slaves do so as well.


Ulrich 20:29:44 pm CDT

galah perhaps speaking third person doesn't make a difference, remind you of your place in your mind. 

However, not everyone's mind works the same, and for some I would guess it is a good solid reminder, that helps them keep the proper frame of mind and remember exactly where their place is.


jessenia{Bh} 20:30:01 pm CDT

if jesse can say this.. 

and not be seen as being bitchy or disagreeable... but.. 

isnt what makes a girl feel like a slave and know her place really up to that girl and what's in her heart.... some may not need to speak 3rd person to "feel it" while others may not "feel it" unless they do,.... jesse thinks it's a little unfair to speak for all slaves on what makes them "feel it" or not


Laroona 20:30:18 pm CDT

Jake well said *S*


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:30:56 pm CDT

thank You Master Jake


Rollo the Ax 20:31:18 pm CDT

It seems to Me that some if not many here are forgetting a little thing called ** tolerance **... if a visiting slave has rules placed on her by her Master, who the hell are anybody else to try and FORCE her to do things differently just because she walked in OUR door for a visit ??? YES, it is common courtesy to try and abide by the rules of the place you visit.... but if they mess up, or simple keep doing as they are used to, do we jump down their throat and make an enemy ??? FIRST impressions are the MOST important.... and if GS gets the rep of being a bunch of tight assed over bearing RULE sticklers, then how can we ever hope to attract NEW members ???????


Laroona 20:31:38 pm CDT

aurora that is more than likely true *S*


galah{RA} 20:32:24 pm CDT

i so well remember previous forums where someone said that GS was not very welcoming and we all scoffed and said that was untrue....GS has ALWAYS been my home, forever and yet i have NEVER felt so NOT a part of it, stabbed in the back and became a walking wounded and hanging on by a thread...well, the thread is broken, i will be on my way and never grace these walls again, i wish you all well


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:33:36 pm CDT

aurora never suggested such intolerance or extreme measures

she was merely putting forth her opinion and what she would do 

if she were visiting another home


vanessa{GS} 20:34:09 pm CDT

~ not even knowing if she should speak~ this one is very much new to this all, but she finds speaking “thirdperson” enforces her slavery. secondly, is not not just as easy to respect the rules of the Home. if One does not agree entering Anothers home, They do not have to return, for it is not a slave choice.


sadiyah{GS-O} 20:35:27 pm CDT

what if it were made to the kajira's discretion or her Masters discretion whether or not to talk in 3rd person this one thinks that would be a great compromise it would let all decide on their own


Jake 20:36:02 pm CDT

ut oh


sadiyah{GS-O} 20:36:13 pm CDT

that way those who wished to enforce themselves could do so and those who do not think they need it could enforce that upon themselves as well unless made a rule by their Master


Ulrich 20:37:10 pm CDT

~looking at galah puzzled~ 

I don't understand. What has anyone done to you to make you feel stabbed in the back? 

I thought we were having an open forum discussion here. I don't see any personal attacks


sadiyah{GS-O} 20:37:17 pm CDT

just an opinion *smiles*


najla{GS} 20:38:30 pm CDT

~slumps a lil as she watches~ mumbling softly to herself that she is happy to speak third person~


Bhoamar 20:40:05 pm CDT

The way in GS is third person. Pledged or other wise it is the way. Unless council changes it it is a mute point.


Rollo the Ax 20:43:03 pm CDT

Perhaps the lesson here should be to NEVER say never..... I have been a member of the Council ... FOREVER... and in that time have seen many rules flip flop... change from one extreme to the other end.... so TRY and not get so uptight or stuck in ONE way of thinking about things..... it is written .. ** SHIT HAPPENS ** .... so be willing to listen to other ideas and when needed change .... The oak is strong and mighty, the willow is small and weak... but in high wind, the oak breaks while the willow simply bends and then returns.....


najla{GS} 20:44:11 pm CDT

well said Master Rollo ~g~


sadiyah{GS-O} 20:44:31 pm CDT

good analogy Master Rollo *smiles*


rhian{GS} 20:45:06 pm CDT

*grins* so poetic, Master Rollo *swoons*


jessenia{Bh} 20:46:40 pm CDT

*lifts her Master's hand to her lips.. adoringly kissing and nibbling His fingers to keep her mouth busy*


Rollo the Ax 20:46:42 pm CDT

Another favorite saying of mine is ** Remember... as you climb the ladder of success, every back you step on, on your way UP, you will also have to step on, on your way DOWN..... and backs have LONG memories... **


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:47:17 pm CDT

aurora must have missed something 

no one suggested a jump down anyone's throat 

or make anyone feel uncomfortable 

if a girl takes that route 

than she needs to take a look at who she is as a slave 

and her behavior 

never has she ever treated anyone unwelcoming 

but she has always supported and taught the rules of her home


Laroona 20:47:40 pm CDT

damn my post got lost 

I have been around GS for many many years ..over time things have changed as we became more knowledgeable..... 

It is my observation that GS is strong as Council makes it strong and does listen to the populace


vina{GS} 20:49:58 pm CDT

~looks confused...always getting lost in the conversations, which is not hard for this slave...


Ulrich 20:50:16 pm CDT

I for one have always been very tolerant, and for the most part, the patrons of GS have been tolerant to newcomers when they mis-step. 

I see no problem with pointing them to the pages, rules, protocols. It's not necessary to jump down their throats right away, and I can't say that I've seen that done. If someone has to be reminded repeatedly, then of course, it becomes more appropriate to be more of an enforcer. 

Sure, as the need arises, we may tweak a rule here or there, 

The purpose of the rules are to provide a structure and consistency. Not for excuses to punish or admonish someone. But they should be enforced to provide that consistency


Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:50:43 pm CDT

curious whose back was stepped on? 

this is a forum, right? 

we are allowed to state our thoughts, right?

how is that stepping on a back? 

look through the years of GS notes.. shadow has always fought to keep 3rd person speech and always will.. if that is back stepping so wondering why that quote was added to opinions given?


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 20:51:50 pm CDT

*tries to understand* 

wonders if she is supposed to be able to read between the lines 

*lost too*


vina{GS} 20:53:00 pm CDT

~listens intently...peaking a glance to her yellow silks every now and then and then smiling adoringly to the Slave Master... 

when this one first came here, she was very appreciative to have had members of GS point her in the right direction...she remembers her fingers shaking and well...her whole body in real life...~grins...remembering that delightful feeling of submissive fear...


Laroona 20:55:22 pm CDT

yeah vina you had to tolerate the GOF 



Rollo the Ax 20:55:56 pm CDT

Everbody should know that Rollo often speaks in GENERAL terms about many things... and what I say does not have to be aimed at any single person or group..... I jusy lay some thoughts out there and let folks take what they want and leave the rest..... rest assured, shadow, or anybody else.... when * I * have anything specific to say TO are ABOUT, anybody.... they will KNOW it full well...... okay ???


vina{GS} 20:56:08 pm CDT

~grins to Mistress...whispering...what is GOF?


rhian{GS} 20:56:15 pm CDT

but we still love You, Mistress *grins, eyeing Your skirts*


Ulrich 20:57:06 pm CDT

GOF = Grump Old Free Woman lol


Ulrich's}shadow GS~fg 20:57:21 pm CDT

*nods not lifting her eyes.. * 

yes Master


Laroona 20:57:34 pm CDT

vina Grumpy Old Free Woman


vina{GS} 20:57:51 pm CDT

~grins wide to Master Ulrich... 

ahhh...this one thanks You Master


rhian{GS} 20:57:56 pm CDT

yes, Master Rollo *nods her head* girl understands


najla{GS} 20:57:57 pm CDT



vina{GS} 20:59:08 pm CDT

~smiles to Mistress...


Laroona 20:59:41 pm CDT

Captain Rollo you have always said it how it is 

and as an ex slave I know that and as a FW I know that... 

your role has always been a leader and yet one of the fairest I have ever known and I wanted to express this


Laroona 21:02:02 pm CDT

adding and as a Person I know you say it like it is 

and do generaliee 

until one stuffs up *S*


Laroona 21:05:26 pm CDT

I remember the days when there was a travelling froum 

I learnt a lot from them... 

I would say I know the GS site well as making and remaking the website I read every page for little tweaks to make it read better....


rhian{GS} 21:06:05 pm CDT

which we appreciate, Mistress *smiles*


Laroona 21:07:13 pm CDT

rhian how I became the GOFW LOL


Rollo the Ax 21:07:40 pm CDT

LOL...LOL... a word to the wise or even a quiet reminder is often much better, and taken better, than a kick in the ass ..... LOL.. I have no axes to grind with anybody right now... and I like it that way.....


alana GS 21:09:22 pm CDT

~is really lost so just kneels quietly~


aurora{Ulrich}GS~sg 21:09:25 pm CDT

~a girl needs to deal with r/t 

thank You Master Rollo for forum 

and allowing this girl to express her opinions 

thank You Mistress for scribing


rhian{GS} 21:09:48 pm CDT

but girl wouldn't want You any other way, Mistress. *laughs*


vina{GS} 21:14:43 pm CDT

~lifts her soft glistening eyes up and smiles adoringly...wondering if this topic is closed and if there is another..


Ulrich 21:15:20 pm CDT

Rollo thanks for running forum tonight. I'm assuming you're about to call it to a close. lol 

My time is up for this evening. 

Thanks Laroona for scribing 

~tossing shadow over my shoulder~ 

I wish you all well.


Rollo the Ax 21:19:50 pm CDT

We had better call it a night/day...... Thanks to all for taking part..... I hope to see you all again next week.....


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