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Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 19:35:57 pm CDT

Nice big crowd in tonight, so Forum can start already. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 19:36:56 pm CDT

Only waiting a few more ehn to let the crowd grow a bit more *l* 

Tal Kazar, fine old Pirate 

greetings karma *S* 


karinda {GS} 19:37:00 pm CDT

hushes and listens 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 19:44:41 pm CDT

Quazir, I hope You will enjoy the fourm as what it is, a place to ask questions about Gor, put in Your 2 cents and don´t be shy to post your opinion on whatever gets discussed. 

The forum is a place and time where the peopel are ooc (out of character) though slaves still have to be respectful but they like Guests or newbies can talk freely and taking part in the discussion is very welcome. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 19:46:02 pm CDT

Looks like A/all are in now who will come tonight, so i declare the Forum opened. 


Qazir 19:46:13 pm CDT

Thanks Thorrn I am sure i will enjoy the conversation


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 19:50:58 pm CDT If anybody has a topic, a question which should be discusssed whisper it to Me. I hope My reds get flooded now *l* 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 19:51:24 pm CDT

flicka, looks at the bondmaid 

you are scribing? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:51:59 pm CDT

yes Jarl Thorrn. ~smiling and holding up an ink besmattered hand~ 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 19:53:02 pm CDT

Then use that ink, flicka 

Put it on the scrolls and not on your lovely fingers *l* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:54:46 pm CDT

yes Jarl Thorrn, um there is a smudge on her nose also. ~wicked smile~ but a Master or a Jarl could possibly kiss that off. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 19:54:55 pm CDT

Here is the first topic of tonight, it is about third person speak in GS. girl has more a question of quandary.. as why we speak in third person here... in the books it was mostly used as a punishment... so girl was wondering why the home choose to use this form of speech...this is the only home girl has been around that makes girls speak in third person unless they are punished... is there a place where it tells why we speak this way? 


Dak 19:56:20 pm CDT

it is to separate free from slave, and another reminder of a slaves place ! 


nasreen{TH} 19:57:10 pm CDT

it is one way to distinguish slaves from Free

it impresses our slavery upon us 


Lita, Physician 19:57:36 pm CDT

sojur, a Gorean slave's purpose is to serve the Free. NOT to have fun! 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 19:58:09 pm CDT

karma thought collars were to shgow a girl slavery...third person speech was hardly ever used in the books 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:58:09 pm CDT

yes is on the webpage, which should be read by every does say it is not required at the forum, but as you see, slaves of GS find it comes naturally after a short while 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 19:59:13 pm CDT

Here is what i found in Lutther´s scrolls about that: 

"Speak as a slave" is a command for a kajira to speak in the third person. Some wrongly believe that all slaves must speak in the third person. The novels though contain a multitude of examples where slaves commonly speak in the first person. It is also common that slaves do speak in the third person but it is not an absolute. It all depends on each kajira's master and her training. It is not wrong for a slave to use the first person unless she is under specific orders to speak in third person. 


nasreen{TH} 19:59:23 pm CDT

collars show Who we belong to 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 19:59:25 pm CDT

lol...yes mistress...even when in RT...its second nature 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:59:34 pm CDT

and many, if not most sites, have the slaves speak in third person 


karinda {GS} 19:59:46 pm CDT

lifts up and excuses girl, for she is not feeling quite well. good night all 


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:59:47 pm CDT

for this girl it is an emphasis, when she is Gorean bondsmaid she speaks in the third person, when she is "the Aussie mumma" she uses personal pronouns. 

When she uses the third person a funny little twist happens in her tummy, she can feel her submission welling up. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:00:56 pm CDT

In that scroll it is mentioned that third person speech happens in the books but it is not mandatory. 

So it is more an onlinenism which is not strictly in all online Gor places. 


nasreen{TH} 20:01:17 pm CDT

this is from our page and what each slave is to go by 

Use of Slave Language 

Slaves never speak of themselves in "first-person" except for the slave kennels and the forum room, white silk slaves ALWAYS speak in third person though. An exception to this is when the ‘i’ is used in the slave litany or when personal slaves use ‘my Master’. A slave, when describing her actions, will always say something such as: "this girl kneels" or "vella kneels". Slaves will always speak in third-person while in the Tavern, Bath House, Training Yard, Market Bazaar and the Piazza. The first offence should carry a warning. After that, punishment will depend upon whichever Free Person wishes to enforce this Rule. 

Gorean Shores does not support or encourage the use the supposed "old gorean language" like "jashi or niden" as these are not from the John Norman books.... but gorean words from the books are encouraged (refer to Language) Remember that Gorean Shores is situated in Port Kar so wagon peoples or savages language would not be heard here. The use of A/all, H/he, S/she etc as this is used more in a BDSM environment. 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:01:22 pm CDT

isn't that the truth flicka 


Lita, Physician 20:01:31 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, You are correct there. And I have always been told the rule here was 3rd person as has already been said, to remind slaves of their place, and to make it easier to distinguish slave from Free. Personally, I'd prefer to do it the Book way, but I understand the reasoning behind there rule as it is here,. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:01:52 pm CDT

from the slave manual 

Slaves never speak of themselves in "first-person" except for the slave kennels and the forum room, white silk slaves ALWAYS speak in third person though. An exception to this is when the ‘i’ is used in the slave litany or when personal slaves use ‘my Master’. A slave, when describing her actions, will always say something such as: "this girl kneels" or "vella kneels". Slaves will always speak in third-person while in the Tavern, Bath House, Training Yard, Market Bazaar and the Piazza. The first offence should carry a warning. After that, punishment will depend upon whichever Free Person wishes to enforce this Rule. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:02:28 pm CDT

oops, nassy beat a girl to it 


nasreen{TH} 20:03:46 pm CDT

great minds mistress that's all 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:04:23 pm CDT

Online Gor and also rt Gor can never be as John Norman Gor is, so for the Gorean feeling, which gives Mastrs and slaves fun ~looks over to sojura~ it is helpful to have some substituts for what lacks. 

Speaking in 3rd person is one of them, reminds a slave to be slave, makes her pay attnetion and remember her of her status. 


shimmer{GS} 20:07:20 pm CDT

girl so struggles with this it is very hard for her.. she feels she is a good slave.. and treasures her slavery it is her heart.. it is so hard for girl to switch to third person... to the point at times girl does not even see the i or me... until after she posts it. 


Lita, Physician 20:09:22 pm CDT

*soft smile* you will get used to it, shimmer. trust Me. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:09:27 pm CDT

thanks nassy and snowrose for posting the rules of THIS place. 

So what is it about rules ... slaves enjoy to have rules, follow them and obeye, that makes them feel to BE slaves. 

How many ways do Wwe have online to put rules on slaves and give Masters freedome from that? 

Much limited in respect what can be done in rt .... so having an online rule in minor things is fun for slaves and makes the r/p nicer .... as long as the rules are in agreement with the books, and 3rd person speech is in the books.


nasreen{TH} 20:11:16 pm CDT

give it time shimmer it will come to you. as mentioned by another here tonight sometimes it even crosses over to real time 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:11:22 pm CDT

shimmer ... there is ALWAYSomething a slave has to elarn and to strife to become a more perfect slave *S* 

so this will be your point where you have to feel that you are slave, follow a rule you haven´t in your heart and customs yet .... and when you learned that there will be more to learn *grin* 


nasreen{TH} 20:11:46 pm CDT

You are welcome Jarl Thorrn 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:12:39 pm CDT

Learning what you can´t do yet, that shows that you are slave, shimmer 

you have to bow to a will, that is required from slaves 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:12:47 pm CDT

shimmer the other day Jarl Thorrn made a very wise statement. He said "not all Masters are Jarls, but all Jarls are Masters." 

And so, flicka feels it is with the third person speech. Just by speaking in the third person a true slave is not made. Conversely if a girl does not speak in the third person it does not mean she is not a true slave. 

But here at Gorean Shores it is a custom/tradition that has been wrought for a long time. Here it is something we do. And maybe after a while it will be for you as it is for flicka, a way of her mind entering into the place she wishes to be. At the feet of a Master, totally and utterly submitted to His will. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:13:45 pm CDT

this has been a topic in class more than once 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:15:30 pm CDT

nods to flicka who put the same thought into different words 

It is abourt a slave doing what she gets ordered to do and what the habits are ... even if it makes her feel a bit or more uneasy ..slaves please, serve and obey 

Nothing in the slave duties says they have to understand and comply *sweet smile* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:16:31 pm CDT

but one thing all slaves have to learn.. Gorean Shores is not going to change for them they must conform to the rules as they are


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:16:53 pm CDT

I think that topic has been discussed enough now if nobody wishes to make a further, no mentioned aspect of it. 

Then i will come to the next topic. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:17:23 pm CDT

~turns attention to the next topic 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:18:09 pm CDT

Something what got posted already comes now: 

I was wondering if we can discuss at all the proper ways fighting is done in GS. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:19:21 pm CDT

~very interested always in a topic about the Free 


Dak 20:20:19 pm CDT



Gorean Shores is to be a kill-zone of Free Persons only in strict accordance with the Rules of Battle. 


As it is neither fair nor honorable for the fastest typist and the one with the faster server to win in a "Post First" "3 Post" or a "Race" battle, such a battle will be judged. The Captains and Advisors of Gorean Shores are the only individuals who may judge a battle. Three judges must be present for the battle. The battle will be judged on Realism, Description, Honor (such as Honoring a blow), Form, and Agility. The three judges will then, upon completion of the battle, vote in secret and then publicly announce which participant won the battle. Majority vote wins. If the battle is to the death, the victor will then be granted permission to slay his opponent by the judges.


This is Gor. Realistic fighting is expected on Gor. Realistic being the key word here. Leaping through the air for 20 feet, flips, amazing and almost magical agility, and skills with multiple, and improbable, weapons which not even the best trained Warrior would realistically have is neither Gorean nor honorable. Realism is the foremost criteria. There is a fine line between being an "expert swordsman" as everyone on Gor claims to be, and being a braggart. The judges will be very careful to ensure that the line is not crossed.


Battles must be fought hand to hand; no missile weapons are permitted. Combatants should familiarize themselves with the "Weapons of Gor" section in the "Information about Gor" portion of the Home Page. Combatants should also familiarize themselves with the map and description of the tavern, as all battles are to be fought in the sand pit. The challenged party, if he desires, has the right to choose the weapon(s) which may be used in the battle. 


The battle will be fought post by post, back and forth, in the sand pit of the tavern. The combatant who was challenged will post first, when the judges tell him to begin, by saying "Fight". Once the challenged party posts his first posts, the challenger may then review the post, draft a response and post next. The first party must wait until a response is posted before transcribing his next post. In other words: A posts first, then waits for B. Once B posts, A may then post again, etc... Thus, computer refresh time is irrelevant. The battle will consist of 5 posts from each, each post consisting of no more than 10 lines of text. What you post, and what you choose to honor from the other's posts, is up to you. But the judges will be carefully examining each post for the criteria list above. None of the 5 posts should have a "kill" or a permanent impairment (such as chopping off an arm). You may cause whatever other injury you wish to your opponent, but if there is a "kill" or permanent impairment it will not be recognized and will count against you. When the 5 posts are complete, the judges will vote in secret and a decision will be publicly announced. 5 posts means 5 posts. Do not waste them whining or protesting. If your opponent posted something that you disagree with, either mention it in your next post along with your next attack or disregard it. Any posts after the first 5 posted once the command to "Fight" is given will be disregarded and counted against the combatant. 


Battles need not be to the death. The combatants should declare prior to the battle whether the match is to the death or not. If a battle is not to the death, a victor will still be announced. If a battle is to the death, it is advised that the victor take the vanquished party to the roof of the tavern for the honorable "Death of Blood and the Sea", as the Gorean Shores tavern is located in Port Kar. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:20:29 pm CDT

That si something which got already discussed a bit a few times and sometning i never saw being done in Port Kar since i came , first as Guest than as Pledged Patron ... a fighting or sparring in Port Kar ! 

We discussed it for last Clebrating of the Sea Procession but again it didn´t happen. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:22:15 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, with respect, there was going to be some sparring practise run by Master Ramses, in the Port Kar room, but alas it did not eventuate. 

This girl would love to watch Masters spar. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:22:57 pm CDT

Unfortunately the First Sword of Port Kar, Captain Kyoto is missed since a long time already. Rumours, which fir to what I know about Him, tell about health problems. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:23:23 pm CDT

1. Sport Spars These spars are for practice and tournament competition. These spars are light contact. No serious wounding and no death blows are allowed. These spars may be entirely hand-to-hand combat if both combatants agree. These spars shall be three to five posts in length, although extra rounds may be added to break a draw (if agreed to by both combatants). 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:24:35 pm CDT

As i said, flicka

It got discussed a few times but it never happened. 

So maybe it is time to tke this up again and install something like the slave classes for slaves, combat/sparring classes resp a fixed time and day for that in Port Kar to give this a chance. 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:25:14 pm CDT

karma would love seeing some sparring between the Masters here...perhaps my Jarl would get better and not suffer from so many cuts.....cutting down on the Doctor bills....winks to Him 


nasreen{TH} 20:26:06 pm CDT

it would be a delight to see the Free spar 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:26:31 pm CDT

So Qazir, are You interested in such a fix jour for the proper ways of fighting?

No, not to be responsible but one more to take part **S 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:26:52 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, that would be awesome, but may flicka please make one tiny little request? Can it be, unlike slave class, open for all to come? As this girl has said she would love to watch it. 

Also as it is a physical thing, maybe the Masters would enjoy the ministrations of we slaves after They have finished. Perhaps adjourn to the Bathhouse. 


shimmer{GS} 20:27:42 pm CDT

so you all do not do prodigy rules? smiles girl saw some amazing spars before.. would be fun to see spars again... the Free men all dressed int heir armor... with their weapons drawn out licks lips at the thought... 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:28:01 pm CDT

If nobody knows something better I suggest, I bring this up to the Captains and then make a posting on the corks about the fixed date and time and hope to see many Free Man to come and join and DO what got discussed so often. 


Qazir 20:28:19 pm CDT

yes I like to play by the rules sometimes 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:30:24 pm CDT

grins at Lit and accepts the axe. 

chuckles at sly little flicka ... she knows how to sugar her proposal 

really good idea as i think, will bring up to the Captains that way *S* 

Thinks, what about Masters being present at slave classes too and afterwards comfort them for all the scoldings they got from the fg 



snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:30:39 pm CDT

snowrose too would love o far as she understands, slaves are permitted to observe quietly in the arena 


Lita, Physician 20:32:02 pm CDT

Sounds good to Me, Jarl Thorrn. Though of course as a Free Woman I have noting in the sparring except to stitch up an clean up ther mess afterwards! *LOL* 

And shimmer, I think most of Us don't even know what prodigy rules are. I don't even know what or where prodigy is. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:32:28 pm CDT

~chuckling at Jarl Thorrn~ 

aye but Jarl if Masters were at slave class, a girl fears that little learning of a first girl variety would get done. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:32:40 pm CDT

wowww .. ALL the F/females are eager to watch the Men fight *L* 


shimmer{GS} 20:32:58 pm CDT

they are the rules for sparing on most HTLM Gor sites... 


Lita, Physician 20:33:25 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, wouldn't comforting the slaves after the first girl's scoldings kind of defeat the purpose OF the scoldings? 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:33:52 pm CDT

when aren't all of us ready to see Masters do anything? 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:34:36 pm CDT

true would be the forum redux on Wednesday 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:34:44 pm CDT

so true karma, we hang on Their every utterance and action. Well flicka does anyway. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:34:56 pm CDT

I had to look up prodigy too and it tells Me something about (re-translated) a miracle. 

I admit this didn´t help Me to understand that part of shimmer´s posting. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:35:28 pm CDT

~laughs softly~ aye mistress, rather redundant a girl thinks. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:35:51 pm CDT

Ok, Lita, then We will whip the slaves for the flaws they do in slave classes 



karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:36:46 pm CDT

nods so does karma 


shimmer{GS} 20:37:09 pm CDT

laughs then girls would not be able to learn as they would be to afraid to ask questions for fear of being punished... 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:37:43 pm CDT

snow has read f prodigy rules under gogle, but the rules here are what is are many sites, and each has its own set of matter what other places do 


Lita, Physician 20:38:12 pm CDT

*winks at the Jarl* Some of these slaves would like that even better, Jarl! 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:39:08 pm CDT

blushes softly hearing Mistress Lita :


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:39:48 pm CDT

flicka fears the whip. : 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:40:42 pm CDT

whips yes...floggers are a different matter all together but this is gor and lil slaves cant talk that way : 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:40:59 pm CDT

Punishment is something that flicka never seeks, for it means not just pain, but also that she has been displeasing, and while flicka does like to be playful, she never wishes to be displeasing. : 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:41:09 pm CDT

As Dak posted the rules of THIS place earlier i think the case of WHICH rules are to follow is cleared. 

Of cause a kind of intor will be fine when sparring classes may really start. 

If there is no other aspect of this matter to mention i will stick to My proposal to bring this up to the Captains and then go on for a practical solution of date and time, so this topic is closed now and ears will perk up for the next topic. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:41:32 pm CDT

~hears what karma is saying~ 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:42:30 pm CDT

chuckles to Lita as i hear the slaves ... can We agree to flogegrs to make it bit more joyful for them, as REWARD for flaws? 



karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:43:25 pm CDT

looks too Jarl Thorrn...You can fix karma's flaws anytime You wish...winks 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:45:40 pm CDT

There was a remark , also done earlier 

What can slaves do to have fun? 

Well, Lady Lita already made a reamrk about it, a good reamrk. 

But i think it isn´t all what can be said to that. 


shimmer{GS} 20:45:48 pm CDT

has a feeling his kurt will spend plenty of time on girls ass cheeks... with the 1st person thing... 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:48:41 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, flicka thinks it depends on Your definition of fun. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:49:50 pm CDT

This remark is related to soemthing which has been discussed a few times. 

What do you like about Gor, what brings you in to Gor/GS, what makes you feel most to be slave resp Free Person. 

Because aren´t Wwe alll here for FUN, something to enjoy or in whatever one expresses it? 

Nobody would stay for long if it would not be fun for that person. 

So waht can a slave to resp what HAS a slave to do to have fun in here, what is it that touches a slave´´s heart and makes her feel well? 

Slaves to thr front, get on your soap boxes and tell your sister in chains. 


shimmer{GS} 20:50:25 pm CDT

to girl well furring is fun... spending time with animals are fun... serving Free are fun... to girl chores are not fun but a needed thing to be done to keep the home clean and function and slaves busy and out of mischief... 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:50:45 pm CDT

flicka ... a slave asked that question 

so tell her YOUR defintion of your fun in here 



snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:53:18 pm CDT

snowrose enjoys a chore...alone with her thoughts, able to be a little more creative in the way she does things... 


shimmer{GS} 20:53:33 pm CDT

blushes she did not say furring is fun as she is not to have furred yet and has not here but in the past furring was fun... before she came here. 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:53:38 pm CDT

karma loves serving as a bondmaid simply because she can be more playful and have a joyous evening with the homes Masters 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:55:02 pm CDT

now that is opening the floodgates Jarl Thorrn, but here goes. 

For flicka "fun" is using her wits to play with Masters, to interact with Them , push boundaries a little, but never showing disrespect.

Enjoying Gor is another matter, flicka derives great pleasure in being a "good bondsmaid" in pleasing Masters, in serving Them, in all ways. 

Gorean Shores serves a purpose for a flicka in that it deepens her submission to her Beloved Jarl, it refocusses her, keeps her in the mindset where both He and she wish to be. 

And lastly flicka loves all the Masters and furring is FUN!!!. 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:55:56 pm CDT

yes flicka that's it exactly!! 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 20:56:23 pm CDT

A few answers already and they have one in all of them. 

A slave serves, otherwise she wouldn´t be a slave. 

The furring can be done by any person, but the slave fun is to serve, to bow to a strong will, to learn about her place at the feet of a stronger person who controls her. 

That makes her belly burn and her mind race with joy. 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 20:56:29 pm CDT

nods lots...furring is fun...way fun! 


shimmer{GS} 20:57:12 pm CDT

yes Jarl smiles brightly 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:00:35 pm CDT

yes my Master...that is so true 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:02:30 pm CDT

smiles to flicka 

I love the bantering with a witty, clever and funny mind 

Nobody will be surprised when i say i don´t hate furiing *s* That is what i can find in many places, more or less, better or worse. 

But what do i enjoy as Master / Jarl .... domination, have a slave bowing to My will, making her do what she didn´t think of because that shows her she is in My power. 

When i only do what she expects or likes it is like her acting mutual, not so much domination. So bringingher further and further in submisison whtou asking her if she agrees, though of cause paying attention not to brake her mind but to let it grow deeepr into submission, tach and train her beyond what she expected it may be, make her obeye ... and have fun in that. 

To Me that is kind of the mirror what is fun for a slave, the fun a Master finds as Master. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:07:59 pm CDT

~presses back close, feeling how deeply her Master has taken her~ 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:08:01 pm CDT

karma ~s~ 

nothing to critize about your fun 

furring and serving as bondmaid, having playful evening. 

That is fun ... fun which can one can have also outside of the Gorean word. 

My question - in the discussion of the topic what fun a slave can have, is ... what is your fun as slave in difference to the fun a non-gorean will have 

*S**S karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 21:09:20 pm CDT

smiles...karma's confuzzled at the moment.... 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:13:09 pm CDT

perhaps the problem is with the word fun, that word conjures up an idea of frivolity. 

For most of we slaves Gor and our feelings as slaves is not frivolous. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:13:56 pm CDT

smiles to karma 

Didn´t want to confuse you or critize your opinion 

Just tried out to carve out the core of it .... what decides the fun of a slave from the fun of a non-gorean person. 

What is the fun a slave feels ... beyond being a woman enjoyng to be estimated and cherished for her being a woman, beautiful, adorable, loveable.... what is the specific fun of a slave? 



snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:14:35 pm CDT

but we have good times...just in banter...then there is game night and book club...snow loves them...and can't speak for the other girls, but some classes are fun... 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:15:34 pm CDT

fun, pleasure, desire, joy, satisfaction, happiness .... i think what got asked about was any shade of all of those aspects 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:16:33 pm CDT

~nodding to mistress snow~ 

yes and that is it too, the Games nights, the laughter in class, the fun we have. it is the levening to the more serious aspect of feeling our slave bellies. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:16:35 pm CDT

may be it was even a question about 

why does someone long to be a slave? 

Volunteer to be a slave and like that? 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:17:32 pm CDT

Or the question was - why be a slave and not a Free Person? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:20:25 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, flicka cannot even imagine being a Free Person, for her it comes back to Your earlier words.

"What is the fun a slave feels ... beyond being a woman enjoyng to be estimated and cherished for her being a woman, beautiful, adorable, loveable.... what is the specific fun of a slave? " 

As a slave flicka is cherished for her femininity, she does not have to prove anything. This girl adores being adored. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:20:43 pm CDT

the simple answer is that she is a slave because she is a's her nature to surrender to strong powerful men she is grateful for Gor 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:20:47 pm CDT

the people fade away ... the discusssion fades away 

though that question, why volunterring to be a slave and not be a Free Person took Me much time to udnerstand as i gotta admit 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 21:21:43 pm CDT

they need that control...its what brings her freedom...serving a Master brings about that may be even an inborn thing...ive always held jobs in the line of service to others...its what makes karma happy! 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:23:51 pm CDT

smiles as i hear karma 

i see, there is submission in you, naturally 

And i admit it is not easy to express this, to mould the feeling into words 



karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 21:25:37 pm CDT

nods as He spoke... 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:26:15 pm CDT

smiles to My snowrose and to karma 

I think both of you expressed it very well 

and they are good final statements fro tonight 

~kisses My snowroses neck~

and blows a kiss to karma 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:27:03 pm CDT

Any more topics for tonight? 

Or any more remarks to the fun thing in it´s shades? 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 21:27:09 pm CDT

catching His kiss to place against her own lips... 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:27:13 pm CDT

thank You Jarl Thorrn for a very interesting Forum. ~smiling~ 


Dak 21:27:17 pm CDT

I have a question of slaves, when serving in the tavern what is her purpose ? is the serve only about fetching food or drink ? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:28:20 pm CDT

ooops sorry though we had finished.. 

~flicka turns away to sulk big time cause she didn't get blown a kiss~ 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:28:29 pm CDT

~shivers at His kiss and purrs softly~ she has no more to say my Master 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:29:57 pm CDT

Good question Dak 

As most are gone will it be ok with You when i c&p that question as topic for the next forum? 


Dak 21:30:28 pm CDT

that would be fine, *smiles* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:30:59 pm CDT

well guess she does 

no Master Dak..her purpose to to make her serve pleasurable to the Free she serves, all the while conveying the need inside to be pleasing in her beauty and movement and attention to detail 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:31:00 pm CDT

chuckels at flicka .... the scibe gets kissed whe her work is done so she can enjoy the kiss better off duty *wink* 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 21:31:20 pm CDT

service goes way beyond food and drinks...slavery is the driving force within her very drives us to submission...karma thinks there is a need inside a girl to serve...karma loves taking care of people..animals and whatnot...its just who she is 


Dak 21:31:34 pm CDT

I learned typoease many years ago, I seldom see typing mistakes,*smile* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:32:36 pm CDT

Master Dak flicka's answer to that question would be an emphatic no. 

The girl's serve should be an expression of her desire to serve, to be pleasing, for the Master to feel that the girl wants more than anything else to be submissive, that His pleasure and happiness is of overriding importance. 

She can do this by attention to detail, by pouring all of her heart into the serving of Him. By showing her devotion in the best way she can. 

Serving is not about the girl showing off her "tricks" it is about serving a One to the best of her ability and from the depth of her heart. 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:33:07 pm CDT

Thanks Dak 

I think discussing that topic will have more effect when more slaves and Free are present to learn resp to add ones opinion on that. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:33:37 pm CDT

a slave who does not serve as often as she can, will not grow, ..each serve is a moment in time where she is doing what she was born to do. 


Dak 21:33:52 pm CDT

aye, and I can add My point of view, also , *smiles* 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 21:34:23 pm CDT

genau mistress 


Dak 21:34:32 pm CDT

those have been very general answers ! 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:35:31 pm CDT

A servcie is defintely more than just provoding a hungry or thirsty person with what the moment requires. 

The girls expressed it already very well ... and the Masters should homnour that and react matching to that spirit of the girls.

I will bring this topic up again next time. 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 21:36:34 pm CDT

karma thinks its a great topic...she will have to think more clearly next time for maybe a better answer 


Dak 21:37:24 pm CDT

when I came to Gor, it was a given, that girls serving were to be enticing, , not meaning every enticing serve end up in the furs, but to definitely get a Master thinking of it ! 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:39:20 pm CDT

So i close forum for tonight and than A/all for topics and for the discussison. 

it has been so vivid and interesting that i didn´t have to come up with any i had prepared. the best what can happeen at forum night 


looks over to flicka ... thank you for scribing .... bends over her and kisses her deeply, long, passionately and lustfully with My tongue in her mouth .... i hope that was a sufficient servcie from the Master *smiles with a giggle* 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 21:39:42 pm CDT

karma would think that most Masters in GS think of it quite often Master Dak 


Jarl Thorrn - Advisor 21:40:27 pm CDT

Very good, Dak 

That will be worth to be heard by more of people being in the forum. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:40:42 pm CDT

~smiling at Jarl Thorrn, His kiss will be all the sweeter for a girl having to wait.~ 

~whispers~ Thank You Jarl, flicka can only speak for herself, but she did try to answer the question from deep within herself. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:40:44 pm CDT

snowrose thanks her Master for leading this lively discussion. 

and gives thanks to the lovely flicka for scribing 


karma [Q] ~ süß küsse~ 21:40:57 pm CDT

thanks Jarl for leading the forum this evening...and dear flicka for scribing 


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