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Jarl Thorrn - Captain 19:48:10 pm CDT

time to start forum. 

So remember the forum rules 

stop private talking and greetings in public. Do that in whisper. 

Whisper any topic you wish to be discussed to Me. 


flicka - you are ready to scribe again tonight? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:48:55 pm CDT

Yes Jarl Thorrn, flicka is scribing. ~warm smile~ may flicka make a small announcement? 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 19:53:40 pm CDT

First to start with. 

There will be a special Forum initiated by Jarl Keeper. 

He posted His questions and suggestions already in the corks in the General Board. 

So pleas read those two postings and think about the topics so Wwe can have a interesting Forum next week with some results to improve this place, if possible. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 19:54:23 pm CDT

small flicka may make a small announcement 

*sweet smiles* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:55:08 pm CDT

Thank You Jarl Thorrn, 


~deep breath~ 


All of the forums have now been posted onto the web pages with the exception of the year of 2011, flicka does have quite a few of those forums and will eventually place them on the web pages. 


Secondly we are having a Games night on Monday the 6th of July. So could everyone please circle that date and come along to enjoy the fun. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 19:57:19 pm CDT

sweet small flicka .... 6th of July is a Sunday, at least this year *S* 


peanut{Lita} 19:59:06 pm CDT

7th for the rest of us 


ruby~{Randolph} 19:59:11 pm CDT

this girl appreciates all your hard work...flicka, blows a kiss 


Hunter {aura} 19:59:14 pm CDT

excellent news and do take a well earned bow flicka girl..we are in your debt 

whispers...2011 dont matter...I wasnt at them....*Laughs*


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:59:18 pm CDT

oh shoot ~chuckling~ Monday 7th of July, flicka gets so danged confused cause for her it is now Monday. 

Thank You Jarl Thorrn, ~low chuckle~ that is why flicka is a bondsmaid and not a Mistress, the world would cease to spin on its axis, were she. Um, Games night will be next Monday, American night. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:00:17 pm CDT

Thank you flicka 

for making up all those forums so that they can be posted and that you put them on the web so Wwe all can read them now and learn from them - at least from some of them 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:00:18 pm CDT

Master Hunter, ~laughing~ flicka can see that unlike her Jarl You are not a Historian, He shudders at the lack of every single Forum that is not there. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:01:49 pm CDT

Thank You Jarl Thorrn. ~wicked little grin lifting the corners of her mouth~ 

You may start Forum now. 

~waiting for the explosion from The Captain~ 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:03:57 pm CDT

~thinks flicka likes to live dangerously~ 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:05:49 pm CDT

~smiling in utter innocence at mistress snowrose.~ 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:06:24 pm CDT

whisper to the sassy scribing slave ... you may have missed it, i started forum already and there have beentwo topics already. 

1 was the hint about the posting of your Jarl and Owner to the special forum and to think about those topics to be prepared for next forum. 

2 was a small aanouncement of a bondmaid flicka about game night next monday (it is ALWAYS GS-time!) 

the next one will already be topic no 3 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:07:28 pm CDT

Yes Jarl Thorrn. As always flicka was all of a dither. ~smiling sweetly at The Strong Jarl~ 


Hunter {aura} 20:07:45 pm CDT

so exploding captains areant a topic?....nods with grin 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:09:13 pm CDT

hmmmm Hunter ... exploding Captains are a topic for two ... or three 



flicka-slave of Keeper 20:09:26 pm CDT

~Master Hunter, ~begging eyes~ a girl implores You to not make it worse for flicka. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:11:50 pm CDT

anyone having another topic as that no 3? 

Please whisper. 

If not i will use a leftover topic from the former forum .... nothing gets lost here *l* 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:19:30 pm CDT

this one has no topic 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:21:19 pm CDT

ok, as the pin awoke Me from all the whispers i´m doing i will take a topic i got and form the words more general. 

What are the rules and procedures to make a killing of a person in GS valid and conformed by the council of Captains. 

1 Free persons 

2 slaves 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:21:57 pm CDT

oooh a deep and dark topic. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:22:13 pm CDT

looks over My slave and whispers in her ear ... you are special topic of your own - when your Master has the time to deal with His pet *wg* 


peanut{Lita} 20:22:38 pm CDT

free persons...actual fighting 



Dak 20:24:37 pm CDT

*laughing*, I can only imagine where that topic came from, *smiles* 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:24:55 pm CDT

uncollared slaves may be killed at will 

collared slave not without her Mastr's permission 


Hunter {aura} 20:25:02 pm CDT does happen....certainly in the books ...and certainly around gor sites from what one hears 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:26:06 pm CDT

That it is flicka but rememebr there are Kill & Capture rooms and there are rooms where this is not valid. 

#But what are the rules to kill a person in one of those rooms, One can not just step up to someone and kill a person. 


Lady Lita once got threatented by a slave 

I remmeber a big fuss in hhere several years ago when a pledged member wnated to cjhallangeb a Captain for a death-daring duell. 

A slave onec got killed by a Captain because she misbehaved. 

A FW once got killed - She wnated that because She wnated to have Her return to the place being blocked. 


SO there are several very different reasons and actions i already witnessed in here in that killing topic. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:26:17 pm CDT

Phew, with a slave, well flicka has actually seen a slave killed. It was horrible, truly horrible. As we all know on Gor a slave may lose her life on a Master's whim. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:26:17 pm CDT

~hears Master's whisper...decides to be optimistic, since she such a gooood girl~ 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:26:31 pm CDT

a slave can be killed at any time just toss a copper to the Master... 

Free it should be a spar to the death with someone judging it 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:26:32 pm CDT

slaves..personally owned..ones Master kills..if done by Another..compensation must be made 

GS slaves..up to the Captain of decide fate 

Free..the Captains of Council decide fate..or victor in battle 


peanut{Lita} 20:26:56 pm CDT

laffs...we slaves dont usually have a death wish..but girls heard some enjoy the sleen pit at times...smiles 


Kuurus-Assissan 20:28:52 pm CDT



flicka-slave of Keeper 20:29:45 pm CDT

Curious. Would a Gorean use an Assassin to kill an opponent? 


Assissan 20:30:01 pm CDT

slaves are expendable... pieces of merchandise 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:30:26 pm CDT

ruby, if a Master kills another slave, owned by another Master, that is not already the ultimate deciison about the fate of that slave. The death can be judged as invalid and the slave goes on to live. 

That is in online certainly different form Gor in the books, there a dead slaves remains dead. 


Assissan 20:30:37 pm CDT

Assissan kill for money flicka..and the enjoyment of seeing Another/another bleed and die 



snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:31:03 pm CDT

"Collared slaves may not be killed without the permission of their Master, but may be temporarily banned if necessary" From the GS rule page 


peanut{Lita} 20:31:16 pm CDT

looks to flicka...yes, peanuts seen it happen 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:31:19 pm CDT

assassins were used a lot in books lol even slaves were used to trick and some were even suppose to kill Free but not sure it ever really happened. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:32:07 pm CDT

My question in that topic was aiming more on online Gor and the resp rules and habits in GS. 

The killing in the books is in somewhat different, it is even for gorean physicians final. 

They can heal a lot but not awake dead persons. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:32:35 pm CDT

~shivering a little~ 

So Master Kuurus, sometimes Gorean Men hire Assassins? 


Hunter {aura} 20:32:51 pm CDT

Aye indeed ...laughs also as Kuurus appears 


Assissan Kuurus 20:33:01 pm CDT

All the time flicka 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:33:27 pm CDT

was killed once in another home shivers not a fun experience. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:34:13 pm CDT

oh shimmer. oh really? 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:34:31 pm CDT

slaves in here can anytime be killed by the Owner. 

Misbehaving free neck slaves and GS-collared can be killed by decision of the Council of Captains. That happened to a slave for repeated dualing. 


Assisan Kuurus 20:34:46 pm CDT

did I kill u shimmer? 


Hunter {aura} 20:35:19 pm CDT

thats true enough the books dead is dead 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:35:35 pm CDT

yes does not recommend really effects the mind of a girl.. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:35:51 pm CDT

I also know about a gorean couple which had been killed for some reason in another place and came in here. 

The Master lost a spar about some thing of honour and as He got killed they had to leave that place. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:36:00 pm CDT

~looks to shimmer and shudders~ 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:36:17 pm CDT

no Master Kurrus a tuchuck warrior did. well his sleen did that is. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:37:30 pm CDT

Nods to Hunter, in the books dead is dead. 

In here the vote of the Captains can overrule such thing when it is decided that the killing was not justified or not done in the proper precdure according to the rules e.g. killing someon in a non-killing room. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:37:30 pm CDT

oh, shimmer 


Assisan Kuurus 20:38:04 pm CDT

Killing is an honour 


Assisan Kuurus 20:39:43 pm CDT

and should be done honourably 


Hunter {aura} 20:39:58 pm CDT

its fair in chat to give people another chance elsewehere I believe if they are honest about their past to the new place...we all get it badly wrong sometimes ....but its a risk also 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:40:24 pm CDT

~taking comfort from the other slaves, flicka listens to the Free Men~ 


Assisan Kuurus 20:40:50 pm CDT

turning towards flicka 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:42:04 pm CDT

~wilts under the gaze of Master Kuurus.~ 


Hunter {aura} 20:42:42 pm CDT

its also true that the death or banishment of one can mean life for the far as a chat home goes 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:42:47 pm CDT

Nods to Kuurus, that is a strong point in this topic. 


I rememebr a pledged Member who made a lot of fuss in here about 8 years ago. It culminated in challinging a Captain of that time for a death-spar and the Captain refused this because the reasons of thet interesting but a bit foolish young Man where silly and not honorable mform a death-challange. There muste be some serious problems to solve them in such a spar and not just any silly quarrel. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:43:06 pm CDT

well was when shimmy was new to gor and laughs she wandered into the wrong room lol... 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:47:25 pm CDT

This is a serious, dark topic and it isn´t taken lightly in GS. 

So the Captains have the last vote in such a case, besdies when a MAster kills His own slave. 


I think this topic has been discussed now and some points have been made clear about this and i can close it if nobody insist to add more comment to this *looks over to Kuurus the specialist* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:47:25 pm CDT

What we always need to remember is there is a flesh and blood person behind the persona we show in Gorean Shores. 


Shimmer, flick reckons that even if you were new to Gor and had not yet really developed or had a Master develop you as a slave, even then it would have been shocking to have been killed. 


Imagine how terrible it would be if you had been shimmer, or flicka for years and for some reason, a valid in the eyes of the site reason, you were killed. 


Unless you were totally game playing, flicka feels it would be shattering to one's self. 


Hunter {aura} 20:48:26 pm CDT

Honour is paramount....even the deceased deserves that as a (former)Gorean...its not neceassarily personal honour...but certainly ritual to speak 


Assisan Kuurus 20:48:33 pm CDT

topic closed 


Hunter {aura} 20:51:59 pm CDT

Aye it was at My suggestion Dak...though wuite different wording as I gave Thorrn freedom to fram a question from some words of Mine...but My accidental whisper to you made that clear of course so it was no imagining...but dont be mistaken in thinking it was simply about you...its an interesting topic at any time in such a harsh realm 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:51:59 pm CDT

if the Council declares One dead..then imagines the Council of Captains may resurrect the One declared deceased??? 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:52:03 pm CDT

here is a topic - no need to say from which kind of gorean persons this came up. 

I think slaves will like this topic much more *S* 


What can the Free do to make us slaves be more attracted to them? 


Assisan Kuurus 20:53:11 pm CDT

Free be respectful kind.. to slaves... 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:54:31 pm CDT

Why Jarl Thorrn, why the answer to that is nothing, we are already like a magnet to an iron filing, like a honey -pot to a bee are we not? 

~spoken in a husky, deep , Southern drawl, betokening the mind to think of warm molasses oozing in the sun.~ 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:54:39 pm CDT

It depends on the slave truthfully and what she is looking for in a Master. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:55:07 pm CDT

That never happened so far , to what i know, ruby 

When the Council validated a death then this emans dead in here forever. 

I know about slaves who became Free persons and after that again slave and such changes, that happened sledome but it happened . But i never noticed a dead being declared alive again. 


peanut{Lita} 20:55:16 pm CDT

for a slut like peanut...a man that can write well always gets me flustered! 


Dak 20:55:32 pm CDT

interesting, I always thought it was the slave's job to make themselves more attractive Masters, *smiles* 


Hunter {aura} 20:55:36 pm CDT

now theres a interesting slaves already smell good....and ...and look good ...near not much to improve on 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:55:40 pm CDT

be here more...order something beside chilled ale..order a dance sometimes ...and do not let us us on our mistakes...we're human...we need to have our slavery reenforced sometimes..we need to be mastered 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:57:05 pm CDT

It may be surprising but in some ways a slave shoud be handled with respect, respect to her status as slave. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:57:21 pm CDT

Hmmm for a moment there, flicka thought that she was the only one who misunderstood the question. ~smiling at Master Hunter~ But Master You also took it the way flicka read it. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:57:23 pm CDT

~looks around~ oh oh, wrong answer? 


Assisan Kuurus 20:57:43 pm CDT

no answer is wrong snowrose 


Hunter {aura} 20:58:49 pm CDT

slaves could take us to the bath house...and wash us....that would make Free more attractive...but by the slaves own efforts 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:59:21 pm CDT

very true Dak, that is all the rules and laws about gorena slaves - you be the pelasdure and delight of your MAster and do whatever you can do to make Him happy and long for you. 

hhmmmmmmm ... in online Gor this works only in parts because the slave has the so ungorean option to run away. 

That makes it a bit of interest for online MAsters to think about this what the slave asked in her topic *S* 


Hunter {aura} 21:01:43 pm CDT

yes I did read it that way flicka...even after a second glance....laughs...what we need in Port Kar is an optometrist and pronto 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:02:19 pm CDT

What can the Free do to make us slaves be more attracted to them? 

flicka did misunderstand it, mistress snowrose, you read it the right way. 

To flicka's mind it is not a one way street, Masters Who make no effort to address the needs of a slave will find themselves continually without a slave in Their collar. 


Dak 21:02:44 pm CDT

also, slaves are trained to be sluts, and wanting us, by whatever is available ! 


Dak 21:03:20 pm CDT

needing use 


Hunter {aura} 21:03:38 pm CDT

throws each of the Free present a can of brut...cos we are brutes right...that might help 


peanut{Lita} 21:04:27 pm CDT

exactly flicka...some women are Free to...what can they do to fetch a slave?...we have mostly men about 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:05:36 pm CDT

chuckles at Hunter 

Great idea to combine all of aspects of that question - in the bathouse. 

It is indeed something to think about, to use the other rooms of GS too, to bring variety into the role play going on. Bring more excitement in here by doing more than ordering/serving drinks and that usual thing going on. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:05:57 pm CDT

peanut, flicka for one is very excited to see how your being in The Mistress' collar will pan out. 


peanut{Lita} 21:06:06 pm CDT

a Master can know everything about gor but without the right mental attitude he justs floats...that make sense? 


Kazar~infamous pirate 21:07:09 pm CDT

Hunter grins too have ones sword cleaned i the bath house 


Hunter {aura} 21:07:48 pm CDT

peanut has to pray that Lita doesnt mistake the chanel no 5 for the chlorophorm 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:07:56 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, alas Jarl Keeper has a strong liking for the Bath house, ~rueful little smile~ He tends toward the boisterous while in there, takes great delight in semi-drowning flicka and causing her nipple to resemble little frozen rosebuds by chucking her into the cold bath all the time. 


Hunter {aura} 21:08:20 pm CDT

wrong sword Kazar....Laughs 


peanut{Lita} 21:08:33 pm CDT

peanuts never been laid on the docks...perhaps we can try it...weg 


Kazar~infamous pirate 21:09:04 pm CDT

Hunter lol aye my freind 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:09:05 pm CDT

Catches the can of brut ... it smells like Mastership Hunter 

Points to the posting of My snowrose .... shoing MAstership and not letting the slaves forget that they are slaves and the MAster is MAster is very helpful in handling slaves. 

What Mastership means depends a lot on the individual, there are many ways to show Mastership.


Kazar~infamous pirate 21:09:26 pm CDT

peanut umm works for me 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:12:46 pm CDT

well stated Jarl Thorrn and His mistress snowrose 


Hunter {aura} 21:13:07 pm CDT

perfect sense peanut...*smiles to you* 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:13:17 pm CDT

I think peanut, snowrose and flicka gave some hints about what makes a MAster attractive to them. 

Though they are slaves they are also females - and it is always good for the Males to learn about that female brain of thinking and feeling ... it helps, sometimes *s*


Dak 21:14:15 pm CDT

*smiles*, not according to the books I've rad of Gor, *smiles* 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:22:12 pm CDT

The question of how a MAster can attract slaves is going into the direction of that special Forum Jarl Keeper will guide next Forum. So i think with the hints of flicka and peanut and snowrose Wwe can discuss it more next week. 

Anyone having another topic to discuss? 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:25:34 pm CDT

girl is shy..has nothing more..swallows down giggles clotted in her throat.. 


Assisan Kuurus 21:26:04 pm CDT

ruby shy.. hummmmmmmmmmmm 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:26:44 pm CDT

hides a grin about ruby being shy 


Hunter {aura} 21:27:23 pm CDT



ruby~{Randolph} 21:28:07 pm CDT

uncrosses her over laughing 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:28:33 pm CDT

flicka has nothing more Jarl Thorrn. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:28:43 pm CDT

girl has nothing more Master 


Kazar~infamous pirate 21:29:02 pm CDT

gemstone is as shy as Stud one i grins lol 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:29:26 pm CDT

~chuckling at ruby, wondering if the sky is about to fall due to her fibs about being shy.~ 


Assisan Kuurus 21:29:47 pm CDT

chicken little says so 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:30:11 pm CDT

dips flicka's pigtail in the ink well...oooppps 


Assissan Kuurus 21:30:17 pm CDT

try that again 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:31:42 pm CDT

I clsoe the forum for tonight and thank A/all who whispered and posted topics. 

Thank you for scribing small flicka 

*squeezes the scribing slave girl very tightly so that she drops scrolls and pens* 


Dak 21:32:45 pm CDT

Thanks for leading Captain, 

thanks for scribing , flicka 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:33:28 pm CDT

thank You Jarl Thorrn for leading Forum 

thank you to the bond from Oz..for scribing 


Hunter {aura} 21:33:56 pm CDT

Thanks Thorrn....and pretty flicka 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:33:58 pm CDT

tThank You Jarl Thorrn. 

~a little gasp at the hug, but loving it all the same. 


~looking askance at the dropped scrolls the splattered ink, that has besmirched Jarl Thorrn's boots and trousers.~ 

Oh dear 

~mock horror~ 

mistress, guess what your next chore is going to be. 

~cackling like an old witch~ 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:34:01 pm CDT

Thank yout for overcoming your shyness and being in tonigth, shy ruby 



snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:34:31 pm CDT

Thank You for leading this interesting forum my Master 

And thank you for scribing, pretty flicka 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:35:07 pm CDT

Impeccably Convened as always Jarl Thorrn. a girl dips 'er lid to You. 

~smiling at Master Hunter, knowing He will understand her vernacular.~ 


peanut{Lita} 21:35:28 pm CDT

smiles...nice forum...okies...peanuts making like a baby!...heading out! 



Hunter {aura} 21:35:42 pm CDT

a bondsmaid? old witch? poses the question which Oz is flicka 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:35:54 pm CDT

girl needed humbling..thus when her Jarl. reads this scribe..imagines her flesh will feel His delicious torment..just smiles 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:36:42 pm CDT

she will love cleaning the leathers, as long as Master is still in them ~wiggles eyebrows~ 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:37:36 pm CDT

mistress snowrose!! 

~laughing~ the ink did not quite reach that high. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:38:12 pm CDT


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