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Lita, Physician 19:51:35 pm CDT

I guess I will open the forum, as None of the Captains have arrived. 


Lita, Physician 19:52:05 pm CDTToday's Topic

Investment in Gor and Role Play

Quotes For This Week

"The Code of the Warrior is, in general, characterized by a rudimentary chivalry, emphasizing loyalty to Pride Chiefs and the Home Stone. It was harsh, but with a certain gallantry, a sense of honor that I could respect. A man could do worse then live by such a code." - Tarnsman of Gor, pg 41

"Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people." - Michael W. Smith

"Those that spend their time looking for the faults in others, have no time to correct their own." - Author Unknown

"Be happy. Talk happiness. Happiness calls out responsive gladness in others. There is enough sadness in the world without yours...never doubt the excellence and permanence of what is yet to be. Join the great company of those who make the barren place fruitful." - Helen Keller

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." - Steve Jobs

"To share the kettle of a friend," I said, "is to dine with a Ubar." - Blood Brothers of Gor



1) How do you invest in your Gor?

2) How does investment in your role play affect your character?

3) Why is giving time to your character important?

4) What sorts of limits should there be in Gorean role play time investment? 


Lita, Physician 19:54:42 pm CDT

Oh. And snow would like to request someone to take over Game night as karinda is gone. It can be postponed to next week if someone can take it. 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 19:58:08 pm CDT

HHhmmm.....some very nice quotes. 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:00:52 pm CDT

This one, unfortunately has not had a lot of time to invest in Gor of late. *pouts* But she is trying to learn more about it, and read up on information. There are many things about Gor she does not know. 


shimmer{GS} 20:02:07 pm CDT

1) How do you invest in your Gor?girl felt she use to invest alot more time in Gor... but it is not as fun and exciting as it use to be she has really been struggling...

2) How does investment in your role play affect your character?well shimmers fire she once felt is all but gone right now... and she has a hard time even coming into the tavern right now...

3) Why is giving time to your character important?well it use to be my release from r/t it use to be where i could be owned adored and wanted... controlled and felt like a slave... girl honestly does not feel that any more...

4) What sorts of limits should there be in Gorean role play time investment? when it totally consumes you you need to back away... or like shimmer is doing since she has lost her fire it is hard to invest time... girl as she said is truly struggling... 


Lita, Physician 20:03:31 pm CDT

so what is different about Gor now, shimmer, than when it was exciting and fun for you? 


Lita, Physician 20:04:28 pm CDT

shuri the best way to learn about Gor is to read the books. 


shareen{Rm} 20:04:28 pm CDT

this girl doesn't have a lot of time right now, rt is quite busy, so her ability to invest is limited.


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:04:46 pm CDT

shimmer your bravery and honesty is refreshing to read. While flicka is saddened to read your words, this girl holds your hand tightly and with deep friendship, as she has always done. And whispers to you to take heart, the night is always darkest before the dawn. 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:07:10 pm CDT

*nods to Mistress Lita* This one began reading Players of Gor when it was started by the book club some time back. However, though she loves to read, and some it is interesting about the faires.......she had a really hard time reading the books and staying interested most of the time. 


Hunter{aura} 20:07:22 pm CDT

I think shimmer girl that would be something all face at one time or another....its human nature and there are all sorts of reasons...*S* 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:08:08 pm CDT

maybe shimmer came back looking for something to light her fire, instead og coming because she had the fire to serve?

snow thinks we all go through down times when it's hard..we have to find it for ourselves though...and that's not easy...she knows 


Lita, Physician 20:08:38 pm CDT

I know some of the books are hard to get through. The hardest for Me was Priests of Gor. But it was also the one from which I learned the most. 


shimmer{GS} 20:09:08 pm CDT

shimmer misses Master so badly it hurts last week was his one year anniversary since his death... she miss having a Master that girl can tell her every secret... her every desire... to have that one person that she can go to when she is scared... is wanting to show her devotion... shimmer is not a good tavern slave... this has been the hardest time shimmer has ever had on Gor she is really struggling to keep her fire lit.


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:09:30 pm CDT

we begin Players of Gor on Tuesday...the first 2 chapters 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:10:14 pm CDT

This one invested a LOT of time when she was here before, and was actually not all that interested in coming back until she met Master ShadowHawk and His enthusiasm for roleplay and Gor. So beyond school and work, it has been hard for her to be here without Him. 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:11:17 pm CDT

*laughs hearing Mistress Lita* This one has only read a few books, but Priests of Gor was actually the most interesting of them for her. 


Lita, Physician 20:12:58 pm CDT

I can understand, shimmer, but again, sometimes the things that are hardest for us are the things from which we learn the most. And being a tavern slave is one good way to meet all the Masters, and perhaps find the right one for you. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:15:08 pm CDT

and, going all fg on you all...GS slaves have to be in red silks and serve the tavern a time in them before they can be sold...sooooo, you never know when Master Right will come to be ready...just a thought 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:16:41 pm CDT

snow grins~ 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:16:50 pm CDT

Of course giving time to your character is important because it is how we develop and grow. With that, we become better at whatever we choose to play or do.

It is like as we grow up, we learn from our mistakes, we gain a clearer picture of who we are by out experiences and the people we meet. And this one thinks, for a lot of us, there is probably a large piece of ourselves in our characters. 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:17:39 pm CDT

*grins at.....Master Right* 


shimmer{GS} 20:18:18 pm CDT

sorry girl needs to leave now...well wishes all... 


Hunter{aura} 20:18:52 pm CDT

the question goes to why does one invest?... is it by force of habit that one it because somethings lacking in it because its a fun way to escape a happy it because one feels drawn to a romantic ideal...I think that matters more than how much one has read 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:21:04 pm CDT

For flicka and Jarl Keeper it is a way to reinforce what we deeply enjoy in our real lives. It is a place to interact and have fun, enjoyment with like minded people. 


angelsigh {HOK} 20:21:17 pm CDT

1) How do you invest in your Gor? this one spends time in forum slave training.

2) How does investment in your role play affect your character? Learning more of how to be a better slave

3) Why is giving time to your character important? becase this one would not improved on her serves of know the basic of a Gor slave

4) What sorts of limits should there be in Gorean role play time investment? when rt is conflicting.. real time always comes first. 


Hunter{aura} 20:22:32 pm CDT

for Me I enjoy the banter...between people....dont really care how many books theyve read....if that makes me a phillistine so be it...grins 


shareen{Rm} 20:23:56 pm CDT

~has rt, slips out quietly~


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:24:10 pm CDT

*nods slowly thinking on what Master Hunter says*

This one has always enjoyed writing and playing characters. Many of them she has played for years outside of this venue and they have taken on a life of their own. For this one it is a form of expression.

And from creative writing/roleplaying is how she was introduced to BDSM and Gor. So naturally when they peaked her interest they became a part of her creative outlet as well. But there is piece of her in every character she has every portrayed. Though she wouldn't exactly call her BDSM a character, though there was a time it started it out that way, and then Gor just became a natural online progress of that. *Wonders if that made sense* 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:26:07 pm CDT

But this one does put a lot in the characters she plays, and therefore she likes to know as much about the world she plays in as possible. This one has roleplayed r/t as well and studied everything from sign language to tarot cards, to voodoo......herbalism.......many, many things to play those characters. she likes total emersion in her roleplay. 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:28:02 pm CDT

*smiles hearing angelsigh* Yes r/t should always come first, even we don't want it to.......*grins* 


Hunter{aura} 20:28:27 pm CDT

nods....well said shuri....and on the last part I think the natural progress to gor is more common than most think...perhaps because its the only place where standards are enforced 


Hunter{aura} 20:30:21 pm CDT

I doubt many start at gor and work away from it....I would imagine most only read some books once theyve found the chat...not the other way around


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:30:51 pm CDT

smiles at his ```~` 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:31:31 pm CDT

*smiles to Master Hunter* Just because this one prefers to do so doesn't mean she expects everyone else to. she does it because she enjoys it not because she wants to beat others with it. *Grins* Of course, there is a certain amount of protocol that has to known and observed to interact in Gor.

BUT, with that being said......the more people know about Gor, well maybe people would use others rooms and it wouldn't be only the Tavern with serving drinks that would transpire, or furring in private. *Grins* Not that this one has anything against that....... 


Lita, Physician 20:31:45 pm CDT

Probably, Hunter 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:32:00 pm CDT

for snow it was to explore a part of her nature that she didn't even understand it is part of her, through ups and downs 


Lita, Physician 20:32:56 pm CDT

shuri we did a while back have the annual Port Kar Procession to the Sea. That was fun. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:34:09 pm CDT

this one has never been anywhere but here, has never had a desire to go to other places...nor the time really 


Hunter{aura} 20:35:03 pm CDT

smiles....thats lovely aint missing much believe Me 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:35:04 pm CDT

*nods to Mistress Lita* This one remembers when Master Thadron lead festival. *Grins* And several Masters did the Oar Dance.....and all the girls danced......some with their Masters. 


Lita, Physician 20:37:01 pm CDT

Well, Our time is about up. Gotta put my dogs to bed.! *LOL* 


Hunter{aura} 20:37:14 pm CDT

I fear in time there will be no Gor ....the young folks arent interested...and we are all getting inexorably older...having said that its not exactly an ancient tradition either....all of this......happened since the pc was invented 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:37:19 pm CDT

we havmt done that in a while grins 


Lita, Physician 20:39:02 pm CDT

Alas, you may be right, Hunter 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:39:58 pm CDT

it's actually time to talk about another festival...that always perks Everyone up...and just seeing the Masters do the Oar Dance makes it all worthwhile 


Lita, Physician 20:40:00 pm CDT

I wish All well, enough, and great joy.


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:40:35 pm CDT

*nods to Master Hunter* It does seem.....even outside of BDSM or even the creative writing sites......seem to all be mostly older people. Younger people these days do not seem so interested.....or maybe have the attention span? To hold lengthy or creative conversations. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:41:48 pm CDT

heyyyyyy, snow is youngish 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:42:43 pm CDT

*grins to snow, nods and laughs* Yes, that is true.....this one does forget sometimes mistress...... 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:43:40 pm CDT

To bad Master Shadow Hawk does not have the time. He know a lot about Gor is very good at facilitating interesting play in many different venues. 


Hunter{aura} 20:44:04 pm CDT

I think its not something I would have done at their age either shuri...sitting down for hours pretending to be someone those days the primal urge said go forth and procreate 


Hunter{aura} 20:44:45 pm CDT

well your just special snowrose...grins 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:44:57 pm CDT

so it looks as if we won't have game night this month...snow would do it, but she has study group on Monday... 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:46:16 pm CDT

to be honest, having her baptism of fire here, so to speak, made her better at r/t when it happened 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:47:02 pm CDT

*Grins and laughs* Maybe......this one has always loved it though and she started out pretty young but that is her. But then again she did things here and r/t. Has always enjoyed both. However, she has probably learned much more online than she ever would have had the never to learn about r/t. 


Hunter{aura} 20:48:19 pm CDT

the trouble is when all said and many folks jump in without thought..and invest more time and energy than is healthy ...only to then find after a time the novelty worn off...and as a consequence the faces change over and over 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:48:45 pm CDT

Game night is the first monday of every month? 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:49:36 pm CDT

same here, shuri she'll never regret it 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:49:46 pm CDT

Hunter `~ some just come here too cyber ~ gor is much more than that ~~ furring is a small part 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:50:18 pm CDT

yes, but it is sometimes postponed to the second week ... interested shuri? 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:50:28 pm CDT

*nods to Master Hunter* That is probably true.....and unfortunately, for those of us who have been around a long time. We all have r/t at one time or another that takes us away whether we want to or not. That always sucks. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:50:31 pm CDT

shuri which would be tomorrow but dont haveanything planned ~ 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:52:39 pm CDT

*Bites bottom lip softly, thinking.* Well this one does not know games well......and has been hesitant to commit because of r/t. But might be able to swing once a month. At the moment is not to busy on Mondays. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:53:49 pm CDT

well Gorean trivia is always fun...can suggest a few other games ... stones.. 


Hunter{aura} 20:54:34 pm CDT

certainly is Kazar 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:54:50 pm CDT

*nods* Would need some instruction on games and how to play them. Unfortunately, games is something she has never done much in Gor. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:55:34 pm CDT

we can play stones ~lol ~` big boy hasnt been shriveled in the lol ~ 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:55:48 pm CDT

well, can shuri stay after class Wednesday for a little while we can talk about it... 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:57:05 pm CDT

*nods to snowrose* Okay.....that would work. 

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