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Rollo_the_Ax 19:38:16 CST 

Casting a long look at galah, and raising one eyebrow...... "" EQUAL "" "" RIGHTS "" ?????? for slaves ???? Well, why not ??? I mean, you already HAVE it.... ALL slaves are EQUAL.... they have the right to do EXACTLY what they are told to do... and they have the RIGHT to be punished if they DON'T ..... so where is the problem ???? 


galah{RA} 19:39:35 CST 

well, that was certainly a short subject Master hehehehehee no discussion about it? nooooooooooooooooo problem Master hehehehee 


Laroona 19:39:39 CST 

laughing with Captain Rollo 


yalena{Sg} 19:41:05 CST 

~*~grins hearing Master Rollo, nods as that about sums it up~*~ 


Zoran 19:42:28 CST 

lol at Rollo words 

think the whips know difference on a slaves back LOL 




Rollo_the_Ax 19:47:06 CST 

Okay folks, we have our first topic....

**What recourse does a FW have for being continually threatened for unsubstantial things? Can a FM be "brought up" before the Council for abuse? Can He be "censured" in any way if the situation is proven? ** 


Ramses 19:48:43 CST 

an interesting question ... and one that strikes to the essence of who we are 


Laroona 19:48:57 CST 

mmm a tough one Captain 

if the actions breach protocol I would think it is anyone’s right no matter the gender or status to bring to the attention of Council... 

maybe some mentoring may or may not help 


Zoran 19:49:23 CST 

sit Back it like I have always said he is a Free Man 

but as a free Man he must no he might get repcusion 

if he is will to live with those then who is to say 

I could see a Master standing up for his FW if not his if she a friend 

but how can the Captain say it is wrong? 


Orion - The_Silent_Jarl 19:49:28 CST 

-can't wait to hear the thoughts on this one- 


Ramses 19:51:46 CST 

Laroona, can I lend you one of My typists? *L* 


The_Skullsplitter 19:51:51 CST 

Threats are Threats, Actions are Actions. 


Laroona 19:52:50 CST 

I consider we are all supposed to abide by the rules and not as I read on the boards some made up rule of as it appears of one 

that irked me no end 


Orion - The_Silent_Jarl 19:53:21 CST 

I think it boils down to this Rollo. There ARE rooms designed to let the FW be who they are and they are a no kill/capture room. It is REALLY very simple, if the FM does not like the FW's attitude or what she says, then stay the hell out of that room and come to the Tavern. I mean, I THOUGHT that was WHY we set aside a separate room almost a YEAR ago and banned the FW from the Tavern, so THEY would not have to see the goings on IN the Tavern. Well it should be the same way in the Piazza for the FM. If you do not like the FW or what she is saying; (1) Put her on ignore or (2) GO to room the FM REALLY control, The Tavern.. 


Ramses 19:53:32 CST 

in the case of most Women though, Skullsplitter, threats can occasionally carry the weight of action 


Ramses 19:54:25 CST 

*nods in agreement with Orion* 


Laroona 19:54:27 CST 

thank you Ramses *S* 


KUURUS}~silks 19:55:57 CST 

~wonders just how *free* slaves are to speak in forum 


Laroona 19:56:47 CST 

silks as long as it is respect all are permitted to speak freely as per the guidelines *S 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:57:26 CST 

Well.... lets see... To * ME * this boils down to a simple question.... "" It is written in the Codes, that a man shall do as he wishes, and only the limits of his sword will set how far he may go ..."" Does that truly mean that a guy can be and act like a TOTAL ASSHOLE to those weaker than himself ??? or even just to those we THINKS are weaker ???? Gorean society says that women are weaker .... but is that always true ???? some guys may have something hanging between their legs, but that does NOT make them strong... a MAN... or deserving of the title MASTER !!!! 


galah{RA} 19:57:33 CST 

**nods in agreement with Jarl Orion** there are separate rooms to deal with what each person wants to be, and those FW still need to be themselves somewhere without fear unless they get flat out nasty 


{KUURUS}~silks 19:58:48 CST 

well as a silly arse mind seriously wonders about all of this 'action' to take place in long as silks be here shes yet to see any type of active role play short of complaining n bicker....colour me nuts...but is just a thing shes 'noticed' 


Orion - The_Silent_Jarl 19:58:50 CST 

My friends, it happened a year ago when FW were allowed in the Tavern that it was brought up that they needed a room of THEIR own so they could be FW without worry of the furring and the type of things that go on in the Tavern, YET we have FM going to the Piazza and ACTING like it is the Tavern in how they treat the FW. I KNOW that a FW is only FREE cause as FM we ALLOW it. But you can NOT go INTO someone’s home and tell THEM they are wrong in being what THEY are.. Lets face it; FW are opinionated, loud, and VERY outspoken. It is what MAKES them a FW.. BUT, they DO have the right to be that way in their OWN room.. AND it is WHY we as FM both LOVE and LOATHE them.. -lol- For being what they are; that lil itch in the middle of our backs that we can not quite get to scratch but love knowing it is there cause it means we are still alive. 


Zoran 19:59:02 CST 

I agree Rollo 

I think if they wish to talk the talk they need to make sure they can back there action 

that why men die in this word of Gor lol 


{KUURUS}~silks 19:59:34 CST 

oh yes indeed...those words were meant with such respect....nada to cause ire in Any...please 


galah{RA} 19:59:53 CST 

i think it was a whole different ballgame back when we only had one room to share for everyone....but that was the reason to have all these different rooms, even the slaves have the kennels to talk of things and be themselves, the Piazza is all that the FW have to be themselves 


Ramses 20:00:42 CST 

Orion, here and I thought You were silent! *G* 

well said My Friend 


Laroona 20:00:50 CST 

*listening and nodding at the responses* 


Penny 20:01:21 CST 

I, for one, hate the piazza. It's lonely, and the girls who end up coming out there tend to think it's a chore... eeep. 


Orion 20:01:27 CST 

-lol- Well Ramses, I am Silent, no dumb.. -grins- MAYBE I should change it to The Wise Jarl.. -lol- 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:02:15 CST 

so when silks 'hear' stuff...FM say this.....FW do this...i just all good...nada to change...nada to happen....just a day in GS...a feather was tossed it floated it sank....alls the same.....sighs 


Ramses 20:02:24 CST 

*chuckling* .. indeed, My Friend 


Laroona 20:02:36 CST 

Penny in response to that then those slaves who think that way need to look within themselves as slaves 


Xertog 20:02:55 CST 

May be it should read: Orion The_Outspoken_Jarl ?? LOL 


Orion 20:03:06 CST 

-nods- I AGREE with you galah as it was what I meant. If we REALLY wanna boil it down to brass tacks, then the FW REALLY need a room like Gorean Chat had in the Walled Gardens where a FW can go and be just that, A FREE WOMAN. 


The_Skullsplitter 20:03:45 CST 

The Gorean Series has provides several examples of "Assholes" who bully others, but, they always tend to end up dead in the end because sooner or later, they push the wrong person. 


In the online context, if someone is being overly abusive, or a general fuckwit and is disrespecting a home, or persons of a Home, you have the option of banning them. 


If that person is a Member of a Home, then they can be warned, punished, exiled, or, as Orion says, just make them stay away from the other person they have problems with. 


I just dislike how half the time everyone sits in the Piazza or Men flock because a FW is online and there is no atmosphere or wench in the Tavern when you are actually in the mood to have that interaction. 


Orion 20:04:00 CST 

-lol at Xertog- Well I can add that as well. -lol- The Outspoken YET Wise Jarl. 


Penny 20:05:15 CST 

I've never seen anyone flocking to be with FW... 



Laroona 20:05:16 CST 

Thorfinn I do try and ensure that Men are served before myself and as soon as they are free to serve are sent to the Tavern.... *S 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:06:04 CST 

Well.... lets see... To * ME * this boils down to a simple question.... "" It is written in the Codes, that a man shall do as he wishes, and only the limits of his sword will set how far he may go ..."" Does that truly mean that a guy can be and act like a TOTAL ASSHOLE to those weaker than himself ??? or even just to those we THINKS are weaker ???? Gorean society says that women are weaker .... but is that always true ???? some guys may have something hanging between their legs, but that does NOT make them strong... a MAN... or deserving of the title MASTER !!!! 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:06:15 CST 

I mean come on, folks... if we could kill off EVERYBODY that pissed us off in ANY way, * I * would be the ONLY person driving on Aussie highways.... ALL elected offices would be open because political types are lying bastards... and most churches would no longer exist. 


Deirdre 20:06:29 CST 

silks........Threats are real........threats are matter whether they are directed toward a slave or Free. That is abuse, in My opinion.....or maybe misuse would be a better term.......and not something that I feel should be taken lightly in the course of an average GS day. 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:06:34 CST 

silks can honestly say shes have hear Mistress Laroona send slaves to Tavern to serve.... 


roni{GS} 20:07:15 CST 

*listening to Mistress Penny, remaining quiet but knowing this one feels different but has learned a lesson about speaking out* 


galah{RA} 20:07:33 CST 

well, maybe thats something to look at....a garden instead of a piazza? for of course slaves don't wanna go to the piazza, they feel like nuthin but a waitress in there...with it being a coffee shop type of setting, not somewhere where a slave can go just to enjoy the company of free women 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:07:46 CST 

well Mistress Deirdra...i no say no take serious...i say is no change in GS.....always same.....nada to get tended to..... 


Laroona 20:07:49 CST 

roni all can speak without fear of reprisals little one *S* 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:08:13 CST 

Well said Jarl Thorfinn 


Penny 20:08:53 CST 

Roni, maybe FM are flocking to be with *other* FW... heh. 


I think the piazza is a drag, yucky boring. 


Laroona 20:08:56 CST 

smiles at galah and often a serve is conversation 

or we try and incorporate some r/p into out times *S* 


Zoran 20:09:01 CST 

if they threat and take action in the Piazza then yes they need to feel repercussions 

to threaten lol I use to do it all the time in play to FWs 

lol I got a bad rep for a while 


Laroona 20:10:51 CST 

silks unfortunately when you are ordered and threatened as a FW with a posting you think that is right? 

Especially when there is no valid reason 


KUURUS}~silks 20:11:46 CST 

Mistress Laroona...if You so wish...can look down at silks last post.. 

of course not 


roni{GS} 20:12:13 CST 

Yes Mistress Laroona roni knows this but roni has to find a way to put it without seeming like she is arguing with a Free 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:12:53 CST 

i guess what silks is b*tch this no rp in GS....just issue after issue..... 

well....silks spewed.....was very nice to see All...silks wish well... 


Orion 20:12:56 CST 

Zoran, there are SOME that would still do it. Trust me. No matter WHAT you say or do, they think they are ABOVE reproach and still show their silly asses to anyone and EVERYONE cause nothing will be done to them or so they think. I remember a wise man telling me "A LOT of people see us as Assholes, some are right and with others it is simply an opinion. And OPINIONS are THEMSELVES like ASSHOLES, everyone has one and they ALL stink.." So I usually sit back and see if the ass will hang themselves before the worst thing can happen to our home. 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:13:23 CST 

no i go find site to rp 


galah{RA} 20:14:22 CST 

maybe the forum room needs to be used for more than just forum day....a place where those of gor can come and chat without the role play or fear of the other rooms? 


Deirdre 20:14:40 CST 

silks......I wasn't aware that We were discussing roleplay.....which WAS discussed last week. 


Zoran 20:15:13 CST 

lol well then someone step up and take him down a notch lol 

tell me who it is 

I do it putem up putem up I not scared grrr 

imitates the cowardly lion from OZ 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:16:25 CST 

The one common thread that I see here, that most of y'all agree on is that * EACH room has it OWN way of shit happening * and so it should be.... So what needs done or said ???? the Piazza is FW domain, and unless you WANT to play with them and by THIER rules, stay the HELL out !!! ???? the same for the Tavern ??? if MEN want a tavern setting, and slaves want to serve MEN, then the tavern is the room !!!!! And for CHRIST's sake people..... EVERY LAST one of us here...from the BIGGEST warrior to the lowest slave.... CHOSE what room they want to * play in *... so QUIT trying to tell who to go where.... if a guy wants the Piazza, FINE, let him go there.... if a slave wants the tavern, she DON'T want the Piazza, so quit trying to force her in there.... 


Laroona 20:16:28 CST 

galah that was discussed last week too about using the forum room if ppl want a quick RT fix and bitch LOL 


galah{RA} 20:16:48 CST 

silks, don't go getting mad and leave....stay and try to make things right for gs sis.....thats what the forum is all about, there does need to be more interactive role play is gs, but everyones idea of role play seems to be different, so instead of role playing, they all fight instead 


The_Skullsplitter 20:18:14 CST 

I don't think Myself, or anyone else, Rollo is or has tried to tell people where to go 


Zoran 20:19:13 CST 

Rollo I think the problem is your preaching to the choir here 

we follow the rules and wish it to be better or we would not be here 


Ramses 20:19:38 CST 

very true Zoran 


Deirdre 20:20:12 CST 

Captain Rollo..........My question was.......and was MY do I do as a FW when I am continually being threatened? What do I do? 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:20:17 CST 

galah...silks have bad mood all over her this like stux on her....i just make issue for silks if shes stay.....wish never to dishonor Master KUURUS in this fashion....i wish things to be just nada happen...i love the people in GS too much to screw with them 


galah{RA} 20:21:27 CST 

guess the subject matter floated away some, it was if fw should be able to speak anyway they wish when in the piazza....and can a fm go there and purposely try to egg a fw to a face stripping 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:22:28 CST 

oh silks adding to the 

i have been with JAG of late...finding a more Gorean setting...i so know 'next week' JAG will be 'disneyland' gor...but this week is rp....when silks say week is no no literal... 



*there is only one option for the FW is to C@P the incident and let the council deal with it,I know it might take some time but in the end it will be dealt with S* 



*plus They can always place the person on ignore S* 


galah{RA} 20:23:45 CST 

silks, the word slave and bad mood don't belong in the same sentence heheheheheeee we are not allowed bad moods and Masters have ways of fixing bad moods....just stay calm and speak of the changes you would like to see in a respectful way...and i will remind myself to do the same? hehehehee 


Ramses 20:23:56 CST 

that is probably the best option, EF 


The_Skullsplitter 20:24:15 CST 

Safest and easiest way EF. 


Laroona 20:24:31 CST 

Captains would it be wise also for the FW to leave the Piazza if so threatened and or abused either in the open or in whispers? 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:24:44 CST 

The truth of the matter, and the unfortunatly also the fact of the matter, is that WAY too many folks come in here...( or any other site ) with just that.... an AGENDA !!!! instead of coming in to have FUN or RP.... QUIT taking yourself so friggen seriously, and learn when to let GO of petty SHIT !!!!! 


Ramses 20:25:19 CST 

*nods in agreement with Rollo* 

yes ... 


Laroona 20:25:43 CST 

there is a limit we reach after all we are human beings behind the screens *smiling* 



*well to Me a FW shouldn't have to leave because of some dope, but it all depends on each person as to what they wish to do Laroona S* 


orli_{HoDW} 20:26:15 CST 

*nods in agreement in a heap of slaves 


Zoran 20:26:32 CST 

Laroona I know it is a bad word but I do remember Kayla use to sit near the door way for that very reason for quick escape lol 


The_Skullsplitter 20:26:47 CST 

If you leave, they will know they have gotten to you, and will probably continue to do so for their own twisted amusement. 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:26:55 CST 

i was just with wonder.....was a FW ever face stripped in GS??? 


galah{RA} 20:27:35 CST 

there was some talk at one point about free classes so that new free would get some help at what it is to be gorean, and that there is more to being a Master or a Mistress than to order a drink, and there is more ways for a slave to serve than to serve a drink tooooo 


Penny 20:27:46 CST 

Yes, silk, I can remember my husband face stripping at least one FW. 



Ramses 20:27:49 CST 

all the more reason to check off "ignore", Skullsplitter ... a good point 


Laroona 20:28:01 CST 

silks if I recall there has been some yes 


Zoran 20:28:10 CST 

I not seen it 


Deirdre 20:28:25 CST 

Yes silk..............there was a FW named Molly that was facestripped in GS. She was facestripped even though She was the Woman of an acting Captain. 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:28:37 CST 

thanwaad for the answer....~smiles 



*but now that FW do not come into the tavern it is rare now LOL* 


Laroona 20:28:55 CST 

so true leaving is not the answer 

but often for sanity and to remain calm it is an option as a last resort maybe *S 


galah{RA} 20:29:09 CST 

yes silks, i have seen fw face stripped in gs, but it would of been back when gs was one room, one tavern only 


Zoran 20:29:21 CST 

ah Molly what a ummm 

well Molly lol 


Penny 20:29:54 CST 

Silk, back when GS was just one room, a large proportion of the slaves that ended up in Kyoto's collar were face stripped FW... heh 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:29:56 CST 

silk....??? have you ever heard of the * Pendulum * theory ???? simple stated, is says that EVERYTHING * swings * back and forth.... good now, bad later, then back to good once the pendulum swigs again.... it goes for morals, laws, feelings.... everything... today, GS may be in turmoil... tomorrow JAG may be...... like I keep saying... SHIT HAPPENS... no ONE thing or person can cause OR fix EVERYTHING.... 


Zoran 20:30:18 CST 

I did try to put the sign up that said detour to the piazza pointing threw the Tavern lol 


Laroona 20:30:41 CST 

Captain Forest if we were there more often we may need out FW running slippers on LOL 

actually it would be good r/p,,,, but most FW of GS are of high class and standards we would really need to trip up big time *S* 


galah{RA} 20:30:43 CST 

has dividing gs into separate rooms ruined that role play? is that what the problem is here? 


Deirdre 20:30:52 CST 

*chuckling at Penny's observation about Kyoto* 


Aye Pens........that is very true. 


Penny 20:31:40 CST 

Honestly, I've been going into the tavern, because the piazza has absolutely no sense of adventure. Who wants to sit where it's absolutely safe? Yuck. 

*wrinkling my nose* 


Keene 20:32:11 CST 

I am curious why FW are not allowed in the Tavern. Especially if they are FW of GS or of pledged GS FM? 


Laroona 20:32:34 CST 

good question galah *S* 

as there really are only 2 rooms used much as I have observed 

except on forum and slave class days *S* 


Zoran 20:32:55 CST 

lol we need more like Penny that take the risk 

you can always run to the Piazza lol 


Deirdre 20:33:07 CST 

Keene.....Just a fairly new ruling of GS protocol 


Penny 20:33:30 CST 

*lifting the hem of my skirts to show off my super duper Gorean Reebox... hehe* 


Keene 20:34:18 CST 

Yes I know that Deirdre but I am curious why? It would seem that mingling together in the environment might curb some of this "miscommunication" of how to act and where...act as you are. FW, slave, FM...whatever. Why the need for separation? Just a question not an accusation 


Zoran 20:34:44 CST 

but they can come in 

lol but must be on guard I know me and Penny joke all the time lol 


galah{RA} 20:35:07 CST 

Master Keene, it was decided a while back that even though gor had FW, they would not be found in a rough and tumble tavern....but suppose if fw are willing to take such a risk, it makes for good role play 


Penny 20:35:16 CST 

Keene, I think it was done to put FW in their place... a yucky, boring place. 

But men can do as they please 


tavelia{EF} 20:35:34 CST 

Master Keene... to tave's knowledge... the rule was put in place a while ago... because... the FW were complaining of how the slaves handled themselves in the Tavern... and... plus... by the books... FW were not permitted in paga Taverns... unless they wished face stripping and kolared 


Keene 20:35:51 CST  

*chuckles @ galah* yes it would but that is neither here nor there...thanks for the answer. 


Penny 20:36:01 CST 

*winking to Zoran as I drop my skirts back over my running shoes* 

Yep, yep, life is nothing without a few risks 


The_Skullsplitter 20:36:29 CST 

Keene, common examples of the Gorean Series, a Free Woman who entered a Paga Den, full of drunk Men who were high on lust and testosterone, was hardly safe, there are many examples where a Free Woman would have been taken, and there is one such example of a FW being fooled and later made slave, because she was in a Paga Tavern. Similarly, a FW is hardly going to enjoy the sight of Men fucking slaves over the tables, or singing War songs, brawling and whatnot. 


This is Port Kar, the City of Thieves, of Slavers, of River and Sea Pirates, the City that once had no Home Stone. That, just makes it even less plausible. 


Sure, a Guard works, but who is going to enter a Tavern just to Guard a FW, unless she was of High Station, and even then, why would she WANT to visit a lowly Paga Tavern? 


galah{RA} 20:36:44 CST 

would it be an automatic okay for a fw to be face stripped just for coming in the tavern? or would she need to do something out of line? 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:36:44 CST 

slaves must behave in a different fashion when FW are present 


Laroona 20:36:49 CST 

Port Kar taverns are rough and tumble and most FW would not be found in them *S* 

but then that is the books this is online and as I see it we adapt the books to make our online more realistic... *S* 


Laroona 20:37:55 CST 

Thorfinn said it better than I could *S* 


Zoran 20:37:55 CST 

if they come in 

there fare game 


but some of you FW"s dam I think I give you your robes back LMAO 



Penny 20:38:40 CST 

That's true, in the Jason Marshall book, whats her name went cheerfully into that tavern, and thought she had the upper hand when talking with those men, and ended up getting drugged. 


galah{RA} 20:38:58 CST 

silks, in the tavern when it was all one room, there was still open scening, if fw didn't like it, they had to leave....slaves was really no different except that if they was called to serve, they served fw in tower 



*nothing wrong with a bit of drugs to get a slave LOL* 


tavelia{EF} 20:39:29 CST 

silks... in a paga tavern... slaves are not there to please the FW... they are there to please the Men... as stated... FW rarely entered a paga tavern... tavern slaves... are... bold... brazen... and taunt Masters... why should they have to change... what they are... how they are... because a FW dared to enter?? 


Laroona 20:39:48 CST 

or they ignored it... the choice was theirs 

smiling at galah 


Zoran 20:39:58 CST 

lol at EF 

I pull out a club who need drugs lol 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:40:23 CST 

LOL...LOL... Throwing my bald head back and laughing ......... Who was it that said " you can fool some of the ppl some of the time, but you can't fool All of the ppl all of the time ???? " Or better yet, who was it that first said " give the ppl just what they want, and they will surely turn on you .." Men wanted FW out of the tavern so they could fool around with kajira .... FW wanted OUT of the tavern so they were safe from collaring.... NOW ???? FW want to be scared again , and men don't mind FW around ???? LOL...LOL... IF I had any hair on my head, I would yank the shit out by the handfull.... but I refuse to start pulling my beard hair out...... shaking my head at a LOSS ...... 


Kristian 20:40:37 CST 

laughing with E,F. about drugs 


Penny 20:41:02 CST 

And in many of the books, FW were curious about taverns... the book with Shelia in it... the girl who wasn't really Shelia... she had Drusius take her all over the place to see things that FW shouldn't see. 


Keene 20:41:25 CST  

Sorry Rollo, I am not saying either way which I prefer as I dont really care either way. I was just asking a question. 


Zoran 20:41:49 CST 

lol Rollo I will stop lol 

you look scary with no beard 

and were would those urts live then lol 


Laroona 20:42:37 CST 

eeek maybe the FW need to hide all the capture scent LOL 


Penny 20:42:40 CST 

*whispering loudly to Rollo* 

Kyoto just shaves his head, saves time and trouble with pulling the stuff out... hehe. 


Deirdre 20:42:49 CST 

Captain Rollo......The ruling about the Tavern wasn't made at the request of the FW of My opinion it was in retaliation for the actions of ONE FW of GS. I understood the ruling....because I saw the havoc that one Women wrought. I think it is still a good ruling.........though I miss like hell being part of the action and roleplay in the Tavern. 


Caitlin 20:43:35 CST 

Rollo You have the wrong the FW never wanted out of Tavern ...the FM wanted them out and the council ruled on it... If you remember that was another huge battle 


{KUURUS}~silks 20:44:16 CST 

well now silk must truly go...rt wish all well indeed.... 

(kisses galah) 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:44:25 CST 

laughing at Rollo's words


Deirdre 20:42:49 CST

Captain Rollo......The ruling about the Tavern wasn't made at the request of the FW of My opinion it was in retaliation for the actions of ONE FW of GS. I understood the ruling....because I saw the havoc that one Women wrought. I think it is still a good ruling.........though I miss like hell being part of the action and roleplay in the Tavern.


 Penny 20:44:43 CST

*agreeing with Deirdre*  

I remember it that was as well... though I wasn't about much. It was done to put FW in their place, or a particular FW...


galah{RA} 20:45:18 CST

see ya soon silks, or i hope tooo anyways


 {KUURUS}~silks 20:46:06 CST

(winks at galah n hummmmmmms a lil tune as shes leaves)


Deirdre 20:46:15 CST

*looking at silks incredulously........noticing the miraculous recovery of her mastery of the English language in just one post*


Deirdre 20:47:10 CST

*grinning at silks teasingly with a wink*


 {KUURUS}~silks 20:47:18 CST

silks n enigma Mistress...~winks n goes~


Deirdre 20:48:03 CST

Aye enigma wrapped around a conundrum......*grinning*


Laroona 20:48:21 CST

that is also my understanding was the removal of a cancer from GS


Zoran 20:49:23 CST

sit back think this topic has digressed


The_Skullsplitter 20:50:11 CST

Don't start on that Topic, too much can be said, we are here for a GS forum, not a Bitching session...


Deirdre 20:51:07 CST

*nodding in agreement with the Northman*

 That's a dead horse issue, for sure.


galah{RA} 20:52:09 CST

dead horse? dead sleen maybe? heheheheheheee


Rollo_the_Ax 20:52:49 CST

Folks.... for YEARS... the Council has TRIED to make and keep GS a place where EVERYBODY can come and take whatever role they see fit to use.... I * TRULY * can NOT see how ANY on-line Gorean site, room, domain, or whatever.... could possibly be totally true to the books .... it just ain't possible in RT chat rooms.... and still allow EVERYBODY in... so the Council has TRIED to make GS cater to ALL.... you can NOT have it ONLY for men, or less slaves seem to come in... you can not have it for FW, or men don't come... you can't have it just for slaves or FW don't come...... So ????? WHO out there can give ME their answer ???? PLEASE !!!! Tell me what we need to do ????? Christ knows I have been trying for what ???? 10 years ???? TELL ME ..... How to make GS PERFECT of EVERYBODY ??????


 yalena{Sg} 20:53:37 CST

~*~spots the waterclock and dashes out in a flurry of shimmery chestnut whipping down her back, rushing back to rt for a lil bit to tend to the Man~*~

 please be well, hope to return soon...


galah{RA} 20:54:15 CST

GS was one of the most fun places ever and then everyone started bitching and quickly it became no fun at all....complaining about stupid things like greetings order or some slave not offering to serve a drink quick enough, lets get back to things the way it should be and quit the nit picking? pleassssssssssssssssssssssssse


Laroona 20:54:28 CST

Captain cannot please all the people all the time

as hard as you all try *S*


 The_Skullsplitter 20:54:42 CST

Collar every FW and put them into a GS collar, bing, we win



tavelia{EF} 20:54:58 CST

~looks at Master Rollo~

it will never be perfect... someone will always find something to bitch about... someone will not be happy... with something... that was said... a decision that was made... but you know... tave feels... if it is that big of deal... why are they still here... if they don't like it... they have choices... be them Men.. Women or slaves..


 Zoran 20:55:28 CST

lol Sullslpitter

think that not be good lol


The_Skullsplitter 20:55:29 CST

In all seriousness, I think the current Set Up works and has worked.


galah{RA} 20:57:03 CST

and to treat slaves like they should be, if found displeasing, cuff um or kick um aside, add some fear to the role play instead of some slave feeling invincible cause her Master said that NO one can touch his slave....geeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz ppl, Captain Xern wouldn't have cared who the slave belonged tooo, he would of done what needed done


Penny 20:57:46 CST

There is no perfect, that's how the real world works.


And I agree with galah, everyone should just enjoy themselves.


Laroona 20:58:04 CST

I for one would straighten up in my chair even now if Xern entered


Deirdre 20:58:59 CST

Damn straight, Roo.......*nodding to Her in agreement*......Xern scared the hell out of Me.


Rollo_the_Ax 20:59:24 CST

That's funny.... I don't remember the change being caused by any ONE person... maybe one started it down the slippery slope... but FW were removed because they both didn't like open scening, AND too many guys thought that FW were there only to force collar... ???? It is too damn easy to try and blame any ONE person for EVERY problem.... if such were true, everything would go back to perfect as soon as that ONE person was gone... but it don't work that way, do it now folks ?????


 galah{RA} 20:59:42 CST

if the slave is pleasing, then reward her as you would your pet shouldn't have to be an automatic shuffling the slave back to the furs after she served a drink, i for one was sick of feeling like a waitress around here instead of a slave **deep sigh** probably blabbering more than i should be


Kristian 20:59:48 CST

still love the pendulum theory..


Zoran 21:00:09 CST

well said Rollo

well said


orli_{HoDW} 21:01:59 CST

*nods in agreement with galah~


 Laroona 21:02:22 CST

LOl galah you want some of my "special candy"


tavelia{EF} 21:02:24 CST

~looks at galah~

we are... what Men want us to be... if they want us to be a waitress... then we should jump at the opportunity... we are here to please... be found pleasing... and bring honor to our Owners... no??

it is NOT about what we want... it is about what they desire... what they need... to fulfill that burning you have... to serve... to please... even if it is just serving a drink... a slave doesn't deserve a reward for anything... unless that Master sees fit... we are... just mere.. animals in the eyes of Men...


galah{RA} 21:05:09 CST

that all sounds very slavelike tavilia and to a degree its true from a slaves standpoint....but now, here at forum, we are ppl behind these screens, we pay out internet bills and pay for our own computers, we spend our precious time here at times, taking our time from out loved ones to be here, it should be enjoyable and add something that we want in our lives, or why be here, we all, slaves included can just turn off our computers and be gone


ranaa_GS_o 21:06:03 CST

tavelia, ra'naa agrees completely an could not have said it better herself


 galah{RA} 21:07:14 CST

no, they don't have to reward us with anything if they don't wish too, but even a pat on the head it nice and to be able to stay there for a lil conversation after serving a fake ass drink.....i don't come online to be ignored and if that is wrong, then i can go back to rt where i have been the past few months....this is gonna go back to being enjoyable or its not gonna be at all **shrugs**


tavelia{EF} 21:08:06 CST

galah... exactly... if you are THAT unhappy being a slave in GS... you have a choice... if not... then serve with your heart... serve to please... and strive to always be your best... I am talking as the person behind tavelia... I myself... have taken a break and came back... why... because it wasn't fun for me... because... I had to learn again... what being slave meant to me... do I have to fur... no... do I have to have a Man touch me... no... why... because I am slave... and a Master's words of being pleased with my service... is enough for me... being slave... is about pleasing the Free... not... what I feel it should be... I guess we all see things differently... but that is how I see myself being a slave...


leda{GS} 21:09:47 CST

*warm smiles glanced at galah*


tavelia{EF} 21:10:07 CST

galah... that is your choice... but not everyone looks at it that way... it is about pleasing... and not expecting anything in return... because being pleasing... is what it being slave is all about...


Rollo_the_Ax 21:10:18 CST

Y'all want some plain ole TRUTH, that many may NOT want to hear ????? Shit would be a whole lot BETTER here... if men started acting like MEN... slaves acted like slaves... FW acted like FW.... and if we are going to RP GOREAN ways here, then by GOD do so..... too many.... * men want FW AND slaves as their own little princesses * ... slaves want to be long as they can lead the master around by his nose.( or dick ) .... and some FW want to be both woman, man, slave and Free.... play slap and tickle when it suits them yet DEMAND respect when they feel threatened...... LOL...LOL... Folks, I have SEEN this shit for more years than I care to count....


galah{RA} 21:10:32 CST

well tav, you know as well as i do, that not all Masters of online gor, are truly don't lay that bunk on me, i have been around for along time, and many Masters don't know anything more to do with a slave than to have them serve a drink or to use them sexually and there is much more to gor than that


kyss{HoDW} 21:10:32 CST

its hard for any one person, Free or slave to come in and enjoy when T/they have to deal with people that only want to talk to those in their little "group" we may be out of high school but some people seem to forget it.

i come back to serve, to please as i can and to remain current in my knowledge. so its easy to get on a soapbox and say if you don't like it leave but what ever happened to making people feel welcomed?


Deirdre 21:11:52 CST

*standing up and the Berseker speaks His peace*

Well said, Captain Rollo.........and DAMN STRAIGHT.......


Caitlin 21:12:16 CST

tavelia .... galah knows what being a slave is all about....


galah{RA} 21:12:31 CST

yes, its almost a slave feeling as if she is being pleasing, and how does she know shes pleasing when she serves a drink and gets the customary that was good slave, now go back to the furs


tavelia{EF} 21:13:06 CST

~smiles at galah~

 and I totally agree with that... but... as a slave... are we not to yeild to the desires of the Master... no matter what they may be... unless we have restrictions??

gor is much more than serving and furring... I do agree 100%... but... till those Masters learn that... what can we do... perhaps they need a mentor to help them see what Gor is... I remember some new Masters that came to GS... that... were just like that... BUT now... have become very respectable gorean Men


tavelia{EF} 21:14:28 CST

~looks to kyss~

perhaps interacting with others is a good way to start??

~smiles to Mistress Caitlyn~

I know galah knows what being slave is all about... and she knew what I meant by the post... it was in no way... toward her... it was a statement... galah is one... that I have the greatest respect for... and she knows it


leda{GS} 21:14:48 CST

*giggles as she hears Master Rollo's words*


tavelia{EF} 21:15:32 CST

galah... then perhaps... that is something that can be discussed... between the Free and the slave in private... perhaps the slave... can ask to whisper... and express in private how that makes her feel... a Free is not a mind reader... just as slaves are not... this may be Gor... but communication is also needed


galah{RA} 21:15:36 CST

i remember back in the days when Master Sabrewolf played meat toss, and when Master Rollo rolled ta grapes on the floor and made the slave push the grapes about by their noses back to him, i remember when Master Xern danced on the tables and i remember when Master Kodesh threw girls on the table then and there and used them before even swilling a drink....i remember those times and i miss them


kyss{HoDW} 21:15:59 CST

i do tavelia... but there are those that seem to go out of the way to undercut and make people feel unwanted. and unfortunately for most i am stubborn. cut me all you want i only have to please One


Rollo_the_Ax 21:16:10 CST

LOL...LOL.. slaves serving drinks ???? It has lost ALL of its meaning... it no longer shows the girls desire ... it is only a drudgery...Hell, the Council may as well give the tavern girls pill box hats, and roller skates.... at least THEN they would look the part of carhops .... "" You want fries with that paga, master ???? ""


Deirdre 21:16:47 CST

*eyes growing soft as I hear galah's words*

 I remember those times too, honey.....and I agree with you......I miss them as well. Very much


ranaa_GS_o 21:16:50 CST



Caitlin 21:16:52 CST

~nods toward tavelia hearing her words~


 tavelia{EF} 21:17:34 CST

~head lulls a bit~  

but that cutting goes both ways kyss... it isn't just one side or the other... I welcome everyone to GS... I am friends with all and try to help in anyway I can... because that is how I am...


Laroona 21:17:45 CST

laughing at the Captains words... and agreeing


tilara_GS_o 21:17:42 CST



galah{RA} 21:17:45 CST

tav, i only bring this up cause this is forum, this is where changes could be made, this is where a group as a whole can say how things could be, but the ideas have to be put out there before that can happen


tavelia{EF} 21:19:16 CST

galah... then why not... use forum... to ask the Masters to try and bring those things back to GS... to make it like it was before??... to tell them how we feel about how things have changed... most have not been here that long... they don't know how things were... perhaps they may... make an effort to do more things like that???


galah{RA} 21:20:20 CST

and as for making ppl feel welcome kyss, i haven't been here to do sooooo, that at one time was my biggest and most concern to make all feel welcome at gs, for thats what makes a home feel like a family


tavelia{EF} 21:20:34 CST

~giggles cause it seems galah can still read her mind~

 exactly galah... this is where it should be brought up...


Laroona 21:21:36 CST

all we as Free is try and create more interaction

some just do not want to

that is a long time issue

slaves train hard

free learn little

it was refreshing to see how much thought was put into a collaring last night *S*


galah{RA} 21:22:18 CST

tav, i have begged and pleaded for as long as i know in forum for things to change, saying there is more to being gorean than to serve drinks, ask anyone here thats been around, this is not a new i'm trying hard to return home, i don't wanna return to the same thing, i want better, is that sooo wrong?


The_Skullsplitter 21:22:43 CST

I do not think the Community here is as close as it once was galah, back then you all knew everyone, you knew how to relax and have a good time, and still be Gorean, I used to visit the old GS back and forth to visit such friends as Bolt and Sabre pre-Thorfinn, one of the reasons I decided to come back to Gor and then to GS years later.


Not many of the Men are really close these days I think, and people go, people come, sometimes the atmosphere in that respect is a lot colder.


People will forever, and do forever go on about the old days, but every site on Gor goes through change, Gor going mainstream sometimes forces change, all you can do is keep things to how you perceive them to be, or believe them to be and focus on a future, instead of dreaming about the past. It is all very well saying "I did this, that or the next," what is more important is saying "I am GOING to do this, that, or the next."


Rollo_the_Ax 21:23:04 CST

Quite simply, folks.... if ANYBODY has a suggestion for the Council.... think it thru, write it down, and send it to us... if most folks want the OLD ways, it might just happen...... the ONLY thing I would remind EVERYBODY is to remember.... * Be CAREFUL what you wish for....because you might just GET IT !!!! **...


 tavelia{EF} 21:23:11 CST

~grins at galah~

no... that is not wrong... not at all... actually... I think it is great...


tavelia{EF} 21:24:55 CST

~grins hearing Master Rollo... thinking the old ways... wouldn't be so bad... would actually be... quite fun~


fidget_{HoL}_(t) 21:24:59 CST

~fingers reaching up to her new collar as Mistress Laroona mentions the events of last evening~


 galah{RA} 21:26:49 CST

i beg of my Master here and now, if i deserve a kick or slapping, that a Master has the right to do so, i don't wish to be treated like a princess and if i can be an example to all that i'm not invincible, then i would be much pleased that i might be a teaching tool


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:30:11 CST

galah... THAT is how ANY slave should be treated.... a cuff or slap is only that... a reminder .... it SHOULD be how a SLAVE is dealt with.... BUT NOT killed or marked/scared... for that, I would twist the head of ANY man off, and shit in his neck...... you, and other slaves are OWNED, not enthroned....


 tavelia{EF} 21:29:20 CST

~smiles hearing galah... knowing she feels the same way... is not a princess... and wants corrected when she does wrong~

 Master Rollo... thank You for moderating forum tonight


 galah{RA} 21:31:57 CST

wearing a collar around ones neck is not a shield of invincibility so that a slave can poke a tongue and na na, you can't touch me, lets be gorean and stop hiding behind the steel on our necks, be responsible for yourselves and take what you deserve **shrugs**


Rollo_the_Ax 21:33:17 CST

a cuff, a slap, a kick.... that and more you can and will suffer from ANY Free, if you are found displeasing.... but NO slave of mine or of a GS collar will be ABUSED beyond allowed limits, without the one doing so facing ME to whatever end is needed......




 Rollo_the_Ax 21:44:00 CST

One last thing before I leave....looking to galah.... So that this is said openly, and can be recorded with the forum notes...... galah, until * I * say differently, you are ordered to NOT serve ANY drinks or food in will lap, kneel beside chairs, fur, speak with all.... and when not doing so will kneel beside MY chair on the dias.... by MY order... and if ANY have words about this, direct them to ME.... if ordered to disobey, LEAVE the room.... again, by MY order...... END of discussion....


Rollo_the_Ax 21:26:07 CST

And so saying that.... I would like to call this weeks forum to a close.... I hope that everybody enjoyed themselves...or at least got a few things off their collective chests......LOL....


Laroona 21:26:54 CST

thank you Captain Rollo for moderating


Deirdre 21:27:13 CST

Thank YOu, Captain was a very open, enlightening forum......and was enjoyed at least by this FW.


aurora{Xg-L}-t 21:28:09 CST

~this girl thanks You Master Rollo ~and Mistress Laroona for scribing *s*


Laroona 21:28:54 CST

roni scribed in part so thanks go to her *S*


 tavelia{EF} 21:30:12 CST

~she smiles~

Mistress Laroona... roni... thank you for scribing this night...


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