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Rollo_the_Ax 19:09:19 CST Well...... we may as well get this show on the road, hey ?? LOL... Welcome all to this weeks GS Forum...same rules as always, okay ???? and for a first topic we have this ...... ** GS is a Home but where do all the people sleep? Homes? Cylinders? camps? cabins?... when we leave and head out to RT and say we are heading Home for the night do people roleplay a sleeping abode? and if so where? 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:11:40 CST well, topaz and her Master always speak of going to His "cabin"...chuckles...well hidden of course, due to His "trade" of being a "Merchant of sorts"….laughs softly 


Laroona 19:11:50 CST Captain I believe we could roleplay out more where our sleeping quarters are... but if one looks at the tavern layout there are rooms to rent for Patrons 


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 19:13:03 CST liq has always played that Master Banker has rooms in the Tavern...since He is always's much better than sleeping on the streets 


Kyota 19:13:30 CST And I have always chosen My chambers at the end of a night.. there I can keep what is Mine -- motions the larl-- and it gives a quite place for furring 

-- smiles -- 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 19:15:28 CST I always role play bout heading back to a flat.. heading "home" 


sorcha{Orion} 19:16:31 CST sorcha always returns to Master Orions bed.... it is part of her duty to keep Him warm during the night ~g~ 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:17:24 CST Okay.... where do folks * live * on-line ??? LOL..LOL.... I would say that such details are part of any persons personna or character, and as such are open for a great deal of latitude...... but that they should strive to keep such details within reason...... 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:18:12 CST I personally call My shop Home... it is where I sleep and work.. and usually am at when not in the Piazza 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:18:44 CST but where is that bed sorcha???? ~grins at her as I play with her hair~ 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 19:19:18 CST that is what I am talking of Rollo.. 

I role play bout returning to My flat and cot of furs that await Me.. haven't seen many trailers in Gor.. LOL 


~es_belle~{T} 19:19:47 CST i always roleplay walking down the street to Masters holdings, that of course leads to wherever Yyour mind wants it to be. This way i just show moving to and from Home 


Kyota 19:20:01 CST I've never positioned it exactly but My chambers were only used when I was pledged to GS so I would go with the chambers being in a "well-to-do" room of the Tavern itself, I keep My steel near My heart Rollo_the_Ax 19:20:30 CST The captains have it easy, in that we have rooms upstairs that we can call *ours * and so can literally call GS * HOME * ....LOL...LOL... but still and all, such detail is dependant on just how much any person wants to add to the color of their character.... 


sorcha{Orion} 19:20:30 CST Mistress, sorcha has never thought to ask exactly where Masters holding are in relation to the Tavern, she has just always said she is returning to her Masters home.... her best guess is somewhere in Port Kar!!! ~g~ 


kath {J} 19:22:14 CST kath sleeps in the kennels until Master decides to build or purchase a home. Master is gone so much 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:22:42 CST I wonder how many people who are actually pledged to GS would stay here at GS.. if they live in Port Kar and are pledges to GS seems they would have a holding outside of the Tavern? 

Just my thoughts on it 


Laroona 19:22:45 CST Captain Rollo would it not be that all who are pledged to GS have some holdings in or around GS?... thusly calling GS Home *S 


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 19:23:24 CST liq thinks of the Tavern as one would if say in old england...or even the wild west...with rooms to either rent for a night or two...or for those Who require....long term rentals..... 


galah{RA} 19:24:04 CST good kath, i was just wondering....does the tavern lease out kennel rooms for personal owned slaves? my Master lives upstairs, but many times gal comes from the kennels, now i wonder 


Laroona 19:24:12 CST There is a great descritption of the tavern and its locations/surroundings located at 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:24:19 CST A ship, a room at an inn, the Gorean equivalent of an apartment, a holding.... any would be within the story bounderes.... Port Kar would NOT have * cylinders * per say, as those are the tall buildings of the major cities such as Ar or Koroba and such.... 


Kyota 19:24:51 CST I also have private dwellings further with the Port City.. but I don't stay there often. Why would I when I have a chamber above fine food, company and entertainment 



~es_belle~{T} 19:25:38 CST *looking at the map beaming with joy* 


kath {J} 19:25:41 CST ~chuckles and then gulps~ Hope Master has paid to kennel His property! 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:26:08 CST Not including the nights that people are too inebriated to leave... ~chuckles~ 


galah{RA} 19:27:11 CST seems to be 8 rental rooms upstairs heheheheee plus captains quarters 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 19:27:30 CST well when that happens Kayla.. I sleep where I lie.. LOL.. 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:27:45 CST sees the map and winks at belle....then looks back to Mistress Laroona... 

thanks for posting that, there are those who have not seen it yet on the homepages.... 


Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:28:10 CST Laughing.. I am sure many do Hawk *ss* 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:28:30 CST LOL..LOL... well, lets see... LOL.... as *I* see it, the Council has enough work just trying to keep things working INSIDE the tavern, piazza, etc.,...... so if ANY patron wishes to say that they own anything from a small room to a huge holding.... with docks, warehouses, and what ever close by or even next door, I can't see how we could say any different......LOL..LOL... It's not like I can sell y'all the ground and make any money on the deal......LOL...LOL... 


Blade~xXx~Advisor~Warrior~ 19:28:32 CST I do not recall an indoor and outdoor Piazza. I thought there was only an indoor one 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:29:50 CST chuckles hearing Master Rollo! 


~es_belle~{T} 19:30:09 CST as far as i was told Master Blade, there is two sections to the Piazza, one covered one not, hence the indoor/outdoor piazza, personally i believe the "indoor" one to be covered by a roof but have glass walls (or large windows) to the outdoor one so that you can see all 


Paedur-Captain-Slavemaster 19:30:31 CST Aye Rollo, THERE is enough Work in side the Tavern, I am glad You did not volunteer ME to look into outside the Tavern. LOL 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:31:12 CST Laughs.. Well Blade I thought there was only one open to the air.. and the slave kennels still show a trap door but are not in the basement any more so how does that work???? 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 19:31:53 CST well darn Rollo.. does that mean, You are not coming over to build Me a patio now?...LOL 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:32:25 CST It all boils down to a matter of how much any individual is willing to color their OWN story.... if you walk out into the street, and that is it, then so be it.... if you own a shop or house, so be that also......and if you want to rent one of the rooms here in the tavern, then why not ????? it is not like we can run out of cyber rooms to rent....LOL...LOL.... and if y'all can sleep past all the noise that happens around here, then great ......LOL..LOL.. 


~es_belle~{T} 19:32:26 CST as far as the trap door goes Mistress Kayla i put that there before the change was done back when there was a trap door to the kennels from under the Dias 


galah{RA} 19:32:32 CST lets see....if that is a pic of the front of the tavern, the piazza would have covering from the weather beneath that balcony....therefore not open to hostile weather conditions...due to the tree coverage, can not see far enough back to see the tavern with the flat roof and tarn cot...all we see is the front...the balcony could be for the rented rooms **trying to picture all this in her head** 


Laroona 19:32:56 CST those are the maps and legends that have been available for some time 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:33:10 CST but there is still a trap door...the slaves can still move along the basement... remember the new Tavern was built onto the existing one Mistress Kayla..*smiles* 


Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 19:33:20 CST ~laughter ripples from her lips at the thought of Master Rollo building a patio~....hmm...more likely a bunch of naked kajira doing that work 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 19:33:45 CST I also thought there was only one open to the a sidewalk cafe.. ooops.. then I sure explained wrong to Ruilan today.. *shrugs dumbfounded* 


squishy{Sg}fg 19:34:22 CST the girl thinks at the description looks damn good... whoever has been working on it... to the girl the homepages are looking better then they EVER have *smiles* 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:35:17 CST ~smiles as I touch the girl's golden hair thinking of the striking pair the two girls make with Me and then looking back to Rollo~ 

I guess you are right Captain it is just a matter of fleshing out some roleplay *ss* 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:36:31 CST grins at squishy and winks... 

aye tis nice to have things updated finally isn't it... 

most of the changes were made last January, but have only been getting put up in the last few weeks....*grins* 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:36:41 CST The Piazza was designed as an outdoor setting...... there is a covering for part of it... like a sun sail or large tarp/tent/roofed section for cover from the rain and sun...... but the usual climate of Port Kar allows for year round usage ....... 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 19:37:09 CST as far as role play.. every now and then…. Laroona and I take it a bit further with activities on the pier.. as far as sailors and such.. 


Laroona 19:37:40 CST as Captain Rollo says….it is how we all role play what ever as in all we do in GS, no matter where one is *S* 


~es_belle~{T} 19:38:30 CST the only reason i made it look like an indoor and outdoor is because since the FW are not allowed into the tavern they will need something to keep them warm in case it rains or snows or what not right? 


Kyota 19:39:00 CST Myself and the Lady Healer walked the docks.. this day or was it Last Night? 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:39:04 CST ~Nods to the outdoor setting as the Captain says~ 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:40:05 CST this Morning Kyota *ss* How soon the mind goes ~grinning at Him~ 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:40:38 CST The REAL question here, I feel, is really * what the hell difference does it matter, as long as the other person keeps it * real * (???) and stays within THEIR character ????? 


~es_belle~{T} 19:41:21 CST well as far as the weather thing goes Master Rollo i have a question, in the last slave class i suggested for a weather report, kinda like a weekly report of what it will be like to add some spice to the role play, if the Captains agree then i already have one week finished, its written in the Gorean calendar so that each day coincide 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:41:29 CST agreed Master Rollo...*grins...scribing furiously* 


squishy{Sg}fg 19:43:09 CST smiles to Jarl Rollo.... completely agree *s* 


Laroona 19:43:48 CST Agreed Captain Rollo *S* 


Paedur-Captain-Slavemaster 19:44:21 CST Aye Brother, keep it real in the roleplay. *VBS* 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:44:59 CST ~nods at the word of the Senior Captain~ 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 19:45:11 CST *nodding*.. true 


Laroona 19:45:46 CST belle as long as it never rains LOL 


kath {J} 19:45:48 CST ~agreeing with Master should be real to make online interesting...not everything needs rules 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:47:07 CST ????????? bell.... are you suggesting that we try to set an arbitrary * weather * pattern for GS and Port Kar ????? fair today and rain tomorrow ????? While such detail might add to roleplay on some level.... I think that the actual * making it happen * is WAY out of our control ........ too many details to keep straight.... and who is gonna be the one to do all this work ????? 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 19:47:12 CST agrees totally with Master Rollo 


~es_belle~{T} 19:47:13 CST but then what fun would that be Mistress Laroona *gigl* 


~es_belle~{T} 19:48:30 CST *smile* i was Master, i was going to make a weekly report of temperatures, if it might rain might not, wind chill factors, all kinds of stuff, since just about Everyone checks the boards this would be a weekly report that will say what the days might do ... *bits lip* just thought it might be fun 


Kyota 19:49:50 CST I've often commented on leaving the tavern for the Night into the winds of Port Kar.. while the city itself may not be windy as we are situated near the docks I've found they are particularly windy... 


and it fills out my cloak haha 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:50:15 CST aye Master Rollo, two hands ago, it was brought up at slave class...grinning….as some enter saying it is cold, another says it is hot, since we have a Gorean calendar, belle offered to do a weekly *weather* update*...chuckles....thought it might be fun and add to the RP 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:51:07 CST If you want to live in a palace, on-line.... then do so.... and if y'all want a one room flat on the lower east side, then do so ...... hell, give me a corner to prop a chair in and let me snooze there ...... LOL...LOL..... a * HOME * is NOT a room or is a place within your HEART........ be it Castle or cardboard box on the street.... if YOU are happy there, what else matters ???????? 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:52:01 CST what is fun is to come in and say good morning when it is night to those in Aussie and vise versa.. It is hot here in Georgia and cold in Canada.. and try to apply it to what is happening in Port Kar... I know I have come in to sunrises and sunsets and rain and heat.. but usually I find I RP what is happening outside My RT door.. LOL 


squishy{Sg}fg 19:52:34 CST very true Jarl Rollo *smiles* 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:53:54 CST chuckles....but then Mistress Kayla, you have 10 people with 10 different saying the weather in PORT KAR is different….kind of strange no?... 


Paedur-Captain-Slavemaster 19:54:16 CST Aye Rollo, Home is where You put Your heart, and offer Your Heart as well 


kath {J} 19:54:31 CST Well this little kajira has lived in everything from a barred cage to a villa on a bluff but as Master Rollo says, it is where your heart lies that makes it home and being around those that are important to you. 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:54:43 CST I agree pazzie *ss* .. 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:54:47 CST nods in total agreement with Master Paedur, His words ringing strong and true 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 19:55:02 CST well.. always rain here.. wanna go with that?...LOL.. I am more than willing to move to where the sun shines 


Rollo_the_Ax 19:55:29 CST Okay then...... how about this...???? If there is no objection from our Slave master or any of the other Council members, I see no harm in letting some tentative * weather * report or forecast being posted on the message board each week, ...... the trick will be to get folks to READ it and follow it......LOL..LOL.... But hey, give it a shot as far as I am concerned...... Okay ????? 


~es_belle~{T} 19:55:35 CST *nodding with paz* what i had in mind was to take the general weather world wide (kinda geeky here *giggl) and make it as close as possible, like if in Scotland and England it was to rain then it would rain here, but keeping in mind that the Gorean Calendar is set to the Northern hemisphere weather, for according to it its springtime now, late spring 


sorcha{Orion} 19:55:43 CST ~grins at topaz~ 

that happens in her RT environment. just today we went from rain to snow to tropical heat in the space of 90 minutes.... 


Paedur-Captain-Slavemaster 19:55:53 CST Hears SHadowhawk and wonders if that was an offer for an invitation to go to sunny Georgia with Lady Kayla? LOL 


Laroona 19:56:01 CST heck it is hard enough to keep up with the weather in different parts of the world..... were here online we are all under the same weather 

Her in VT we are all as fit and healthy and have no problems at all... as RT is left behind as soon as one logs on 


Kyota 19:56:17 CST Aye Captain Paedur.. 

I have travelled all over known Gor and some unknown -heh- 

and in all my travels and all my adventures I have never truly called anywhere Home as I call the Tavern that lays upon the Gorean Shores.. This is my home 


~es_belle~{T} 19:56:24 CST *big smile nodding* 

oh yes thank You Master Rollo!! 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:56:31 CST agreed Master Rollo...grins....and as You say, it is there simply as a "guide" and for fun, those who choose to follow it or not makes no matter...will be interesting reading though....LOL 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 19:56:32 CST smiles up at Master Paedur and agrees totally with Him 


lara{Zor} 19:56:47 CST well its dang cold here...dont know what is up...dang KY derby is goin to be chillie 


Laroona 19:57:19 CST agreed the Home is where the heart is *S* 


kath {J} 19:58:18 CST How about a little weather pull down added just for fun? 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:58:45 CST ~looking to Paedur with a look that says that I just can not believe His words and just shakes My head~ 


Paedur-Captain-Slavemaster 19:58:50 CST Hears Kyota. 

Nods, then welcome Home Friend and Warrior. 

It is good to meet Another who feel so for Gorean Shores. *nods* 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:59:41 CST winks at belle...grinning 

oh goodness sorcha!!….well today was weird here as second was sunny, then snow, then hail, then sun, on and on all day like that...LOL 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 19:59:45 CST lmao.. smart Ass.. was thinking more Arizona.. 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 19:59:47 CST she beams hearing bijii can do the weather...knowing how much work she has been putting into it 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 19:59:52 CST kath? I think that would involve GaryM and not sure how willing he is to do those kind of things 


Blade~xXx~Advisor~Warrior~ 20:00:39 CST *Laughing when I hear Paedurs words about Kayla and ShadowHawk* 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 20:00:53 CST ~hearing Hawk and wiping My brow thinking Georgia is safe for awhile still~ 


Paedur-Captain-Slavemaster 20:01:45 CST Laughs heartily as I settle and continue to listen. LOL 


galah{RA} 20:02:00 CST its easy to RP the time and just go by GS timestamp, i must be a slave that stays up all night and sleeps all day heheheheeee but it sure is hard to RP that one is freezing when it stifling hot here heheheheheheeee 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:02:19 CST Hey folks.... the overall intent of coming on-line is to ENJOY our time here...... if we try to over regulate EVERY item, we will only drive ppl away.... lets worry about the BIG stuff, and let the small details take care of themselves.... Okay ????????? rain, hail, fog, or sunshine outside........what COUNTS is what goes on in HERE !!!!!!!! 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:02:53 CST kath...belle will be posting it weekly on the will be for the entire hand, then the next hand, etc....smiles at the beauty 


Zoran 20:02:57 CST try not to laugh as he hears the Georgia comment lol 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 20:03:29 CST LOL.. nodding in agreement indeed 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:03:48 CST Okay......lets move on to the next topic....Okay ????????? 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 20:03:54 CST rests her head...upon Master's thigh as she listens 

i agree Master is all about having fun and enjoying the time.... 


liata_{Zor} 20:04:30 CST ~brows raise ...head turns slowly toward sorcha...eyes of blue stare at her~ 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:04:31 CST well said as always Master Rollo...grins 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:05:52 CST This next topic is one that has been a real concern for Me since first coming on-line......... ** slaves should not be pressures into revealing RT information if they do not wish to....** 


Kyota 20:07:54 CST -- nods agreeing-- 

I do not believe any slave or Free Woman should have to answer any rt questions if they don't wish to.. the rt info is a privilege given open between slave and Master, a trust that builds as your relationship here builds 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:08:29 CST *lifts amber eyes, shocked at hearing the topic* 

goodness, NO!! 

NO ONE should ever give out RT information unless they choose to!!!! period! 

this is VT, though i must admit, i am pretty much the same person RT, still...never would i think of giving out RT info unless i choose to and would be shocked if anyone demanded it!!... 

heck, few even know my real name...not that it matters...LOL 


Zoran 20:08:41 CST agreed that is a fine line and should be left alone if asked to be left alone this is vt not rt 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:09:00 CST THIS topic is one that I have ZERO tolerance for...... NO DAMNED WAY *ANY * slave is required to gave personal RT details or info to ANY person she doesn't want to freely........... END of frigging story...... 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 20:09:15 CST Rt is totally OFF limits unless both sides want it.. slave or not! 


galah{RA} 20:09:33 CST **nods head in agreement with Master Kyota** no information until someone gets to know someone well first 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:09:45 CST claps loudly in total agreement with Master Rollo.. 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 20:09:47 CST i agree totally with that....a slave...NOR Free....should be pressured to reveal any r/t information....but i have seen and experienced first hand....when i first came to Gor.....that some Masters...will use the "you are not a slave because you won't answer my questions about your r/t" has nothing to do with being a slave.....but more to do with trust.... 


Laroona 20:10:38 CST maybe it should be added on the entry page of GaryM could put something there also *S* 


Paedur-Captain-Slavemaster 20:10:41 CST No girl should EVER be forced to reveal ANYTHING about their R/T. 


This is role play, and should remain that way unless they choose to make it otherwise. A Free Man or Woman Who does so, is simply being a bully, and not Honourable in any way 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 20:10:58 CST I agree with that statement completely Rollo..*nodding* 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:11:07 CST not just trust...but also personal info is exactly that...personal...not of GS or Gor...period 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 20:11:15 CST and any Free that is trying to force it should be reported to the Council... Post HASTE!.. this always becomes an issue.. usually only one or two but it can be so harmful.. 

and that includes Im's phone numbers.. anything outside of a Gor chat room is off limits unless agreed on 


galah{RA} 20:11:34 CST we must keep in mind that many of our gorean Masters came from bdsm roots though....and in bdsm, all that information is part of the control issue...just need to help new Masters understand that gor does not operate the same as bdsm 


Zoran 20:11:43 CST in BDSM I was in a relation ship for 4 year it was not till the 2 nd year did I know any of her rt and I still to this day do not know what she looks like 


Blade~xXx~Advisor~Warrior~ 20:11:47 CST I agree. When I ask them something of their RT its normally just Country or state they are from. If they wish to share more with me then that is up to them. But I never force or threat them to answer me. 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 20:12:35 CST paz...i agree....but there are a few here....that know personal things about myself....only because i trust them....and are comfortable with them knowing those things....nods nods....but....a slave should never be pressured...or made feel that she is less of a slave because she doesn't comply to revealing anything about her r/t 


Kyota 20:13:11 CST -- laughs softly -- 

Does that make you a stalker Kayla I gave you my Im 



Laroona 20:13:15 CST I refuse to give out any RT information unless I CHOOSE to... it is my right to deny anyone asking no matter what their status is.... it is also illegal under poolside rules which we all enter under that umbrella 


galah{RA} 20:13:23 CST can't count the times gal has been ask what she is wearing rt heheheheheeee i don't think they would like the rt answer to that anyways...heheheheeeee i always just say skyblue silks to try and get them into gorean mode heheheheee 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:13:28 CST galah, i come originally from a BDSM chat room in Poolside...DM...and sorry hon, but even there….NO INFO RT or personal is ever demanded or expected….same rule applies...exactly as Master Rollo stated!! 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:13:37 CST There is NO reason for any slave to be pressured into revealing RT info to ANY person...... Good God ppl, we have a hard enough time keeping things going smoothly in a roleplay setting, without worrying about some Rt sexual predator using OUR VT home as his * hunting grounds * ........ 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:13:59 CST winks at Zoran and whispers...i do!!!...LOL.... 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 20:14:43 CST LOL.. only if You are willing to say I forced it from You Kyota *ss* 


galah{RA} 20:15:04 CST they wish to know what a slave looks like only need say she looks like the icon, for that is the slave galah, rt has NOTHING to do with it 


Kyota 20:15:14 CST but seriously I know what Zoran means .. when I first owned a slave I knew nothing of her besides her name... after a year or more we had become so close I could tell how she felt just from the why she typed "greetings Master" 


galah{RA} 20:16:46 CST found some at poolside and that’s the kind of questions they ask at first...**deep sigh** recruiting is such hard work hehehehehehehee 


Zoran 20:16:54 CST yes on can have a good VT relation with out this info 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 20:17:32 CST Ohh yeah I love the ASL question... almost as good as wanna fuck? 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:17:37 CST LOL...galah, those are the HNGs hon...they thrive at PS...winks..... 


Laroona 20:17:56 CST LOL aye galah, what do you look like?? when told 300 lbs and got no teeth, and all wrinkly they drop off fast LOL 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:18:16 CST LMAO @ Mistress Kayla!! 

topaz remembers some of the whispers she used to get at Poolside….goodness....RME 


lara{Zor} 20:18:41 CST ~blushin she looks down~ 

sorry to say, but if this brat doesn’t want to give out personal info, she tells them if that doesn’t work, she knows how to hit the power button...after a few times the person will get the clue 


Laroona 20:19:01 CST oops should be I tell them LOL not galah 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:19:12 CST many of you may not have been around on-line Gor as long as I have or others here now..... but years ago, there has a specific case of an on-line man passing himself off as a Gorean Master that lured several women to him...... they found their bodies stored in 55 gal drums in a private storage place he rented.... and ever since then, * Goreans * have had a bad rep with many folks...... 


Zoran 20:19:26 CST mmm that sounds sexy Lar lol 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:20:00 CST giggles hearing Mistress Laroona!! 


squishy{Sg}fg 20:20:10 CST nodding sadly... remember that happening 


galah{RA} 20:20:13 CST they want age info, i just tell them i'm ancient, but thanks to age serum, i still look goooooooooood!!!! Heheheheheheheee 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 20:20:39 CST Hush Zoran.. it was not a come on though you like large women with no teeth.. LOL 


Laroona 20:20:48 CST nodding Captain Rollo indeed that one person gave all Goreans a bad reputation but still I see over and over, not so much in GS slaves being forced to give out RT information of ASL 


lara{Zor} 20:20:50 CST lara remembers that, she got a lecture from her Mom Dad and lil Sister about meeting people from here.. 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 20:20:51 CST laughs at Mistress Laroona 


Zoran 20:20:56 CST that is sad but predators are every where in this world we live in lara you gave to me very quick lol 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:21:59 CST *hears Master Rollo, mouth drops open...shocked…never having heard that before....* but Master Rollo, tis not only Goreans....look at the sick people in the world today...all walks of life! 


Kyota 20:22:20 CST I found the reply of Old enough to know better .. young enough to do it again works well 


Zoran 20:22:47 CST lol at Kayla you know my likes lol 


Laroona 20:23:08 CST I am currently in a group study on sexual predators in RT, and some of the information we have found is sickening.... 


Zoran 20:24:20 CST I know of one at poolside that was arrested for stalking 


Laroona 20:24:26 CST adding of internet use only.... this study is being conducted on .... damn my old mind is slipping 


Paedur-Captain-Slavemaster 20:25:31 CST There is a case right now being investigated over a Predator on line, so far I believe the count is above 40 killings 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:25:35 CST And I have known men that * role played * the Gorean Master well enough on-line ...... but when given the chance in RT, didn't know when VT stopped and RT began......... No folks.....I don't gave a rat's ass WHO the person is...... new guy, or old time Master...... if he asks for info that you don't feel like sharing.... DON'T !!!!!!!!!! and don't let him make you feel bad for not doing so...... 


Blade~xXx~Advisor~Warrior~ 20:26:13 CST Damn that is a lot of killings. 


Zoran 20:26:27 CST very sad one ruins it for all 


Kyota 20:27:32 CST -- sighs-- 

it been so long since a young man has asked me anything person 

lol I'm kidding but I do agree with Rollo completely.. 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:27:33 CST feels sick just hearing of all this, but also knows, that is the world we live in…..sighs sadly 


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 20:28:12 CST yes...very very sad how one can ruin it for all...*her green eyes hard, lips set in a straight line, disgust with several things plain on her features~ 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:28:41 CST looks to liq, and smiles softly, hearing her, understanding 


lara{Zor} 20:31:00 CST she pokes her Master...lara can say she is guilty of giving out personal info quickly...she will learn on day...but she doesn’t meet but very few online.. 

of course she has been know to follow a Master around site to site before 


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 20:32:17 CST no do not understand....*seething with anger* 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:33:46 CST liq...want to talk about is beautiful?...asking softly...something others may benefit from? 


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 20:35:29 CST i'm not sure A/any would benefit.....and liq is about this close to leaving this place for good...*thumb and forefinger a hairs breath apart*...and she knows of a few that would love to see her go...maybe that's why she never left totally before...just to piss off some others...*grumbling...crossing arms beneath ample breasts*..and now...liq will shut up 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:36:45 CST tis your decision of course liq to say no more hon....but, this is also forum, a place to talk of many things...and frankly, i would like to know of why you would want to leave GS????....hugging her sexy sis tight 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 20:36:46 CST why is that liqs babe... you are always welcome as far as I know 


Blade~xXx~Advisor~Warrior~ 20:36:51 CST I would hate to see ya go liq. you are too much fun to have around. ~S~ 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:38:22 CST The simple facts, to * MY * way of thinking are this...... NO body should be REQUIRED to release ANY info they do not wish to anybody on an * on-line * situation...... NO woman should be made to place herself in a position of possible harm.... and lastly.... if ANYBODY here ever IS accosted by such a person in GS, they need only inform ME with proof, and I will do My DAMNEST to get rid of the offender.... end of story........ 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:38:36 CST agrees with Master Blade, but more than that...liq you have a HUGE heart, and a way about you that is awesome!!!...adding the fun is mega bonus! 


Kyota 20:39:01 CST I admit I am... new .. in a way about here again but from what I have seen of the forums and the interaction of the others liq' you are certainly not disliked 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:40:25 CST hears Master Rollo and smiles... 

thank You Master, tis good to hear that! 

also knows GaryM would stand behind it as well 


Kyota 20:40:31 CST -- Nods at Rollo's words -- 

Aye I agree Captain 


Zoran 20:42:11 CST aye liq as I know you a long time would be a bad thing for you to go 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:43:24 CST agrees with Master Zoran, having known liq a long time now as well 


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 20:44:49 CST *thinks mainly she just stays around for comic relief* 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:46:03 CST no way!!...liq, you are so much more than comic relief...grins... 

i have been so grateful to see you return to GS, and have cornered you time and again to help serve remember...winks... 

your sensual ness and knowledge as a kajira are wonderful, many could learn a lot from you! 


Zoran 20:46:08 CST liq I think your better for other types of relief lol 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 20:47:17 CST liqs I wish you would say what is bothering you and why you feel that way babe... I can't think of anyone who doesn't enjoy being around you 


Laroona 20:47:18 CST New topic:: 

RT talk by members, indeed the entire conversations have been about RT issues, and not one of those has been of Gorean nature as outlined in the GS Policy. of course I am not aware of RT talk in the tavern as I never enter LOL. 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:47:18 CST LOL @ Master Zoran....that too topaz is sure!!...but of course would not know!! 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:49:05 CST Role play aside...... and master/slave relationships aside........ NEVER, never feel that you need to allow yourself to be pushed or forced into a situation that you are NOT comfortable with or are willing to go along with...... NEVER let * Gorean * ideals be used to make you do things against you OWN nature or best interests...... 


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 20:49:20 CST wanna find out paz...*soft laugh* 


galah{RA} 20:49:36 CST even though the piazza is an easier, kinda lighter non strict kind of place, its still gorean role play? 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:50:04 CST RT talk??? 

tis not allowed!!....this is GS and stated in the rules, period.. 

sure now and again, something may come out, as topaz lives with her Master RT, such as He is tired, sleeping, at work, whatever....but tis also Gorean in nature, as just because it is true RT, does not mean she would not say that in a VT situation when asked about His whereabouts... 

but to simply chit chat about RT stuff??...NAY! 

not unless one can put it into a Gorean context 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:50:32 CST LOL @ liq...winks...not allowed sis!! 


galah{RA} 20:50:54 CST it takes alil thinking and alil imagination to come up with the same subject in gorean terms? 


Laroona 20:51:46 CST galah it is supposed to be... and yet it is not and to be frank it is not making people comfortable to sit and listen to RT talk 

I have RT issues... and they are either in private Pm's or in IM's.... 

once my cat was injured.. I r/p he had to visit the gorean vet... etc... but it was gorean.... 


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 20:52:45 CST poor poor paz 

one last comment...this is Gor and this is roleplay...Y/you pick a character and decide what Y/you want to by the rules...or don't play 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:53:33 CST all the rooms are still Gorean galah...aye! 

and true...but it can be has done so....such as saying she was planting in Master's garden out back of the cabin...or attended a physician about an ailment, thinkssssss.....ummmm....was hit ion the head by a rowdy sailor as she ran along the docks, so her mind is scrambled...LOL 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:53:46 CST The age old * RT talk within a roleplay setting ...* ..... as always, this issue is a * Sword of Damocles * type of thing...... at should NOT be done, but always gets done anyway.... 


Laroona 20:54:40 CST to me RT stays in a general chat room, such as The Pool, if I so choose.... but in Gor lets be gorean at least try 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:54:51 CST well said liq!...and true! 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 20:55:18 CST well said liquid...smiles and nods 


galah{RA} 20:55:32 CST lets get some examples...what if one had to go tend to the in gorean terms would one do so? 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:56:01 CST even Goreans have babys galah...chuckles.... 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 20:56:44 CST shoot galah.. not any different then seeing to your baby as it is.. save for maybe wrapped in a fur instead of it a sugar tit instead of pacifier 


Laroona 20:56:55 CST *the little master/master needs feeding* 


~es_belle~{T} 20:57:44 CST hehe, little Master 


Laroona 20:57:57 CST darn poor scribe should read the little master/mistress/potential slave needs feeding* 


gemm 20:58:00 CST *grins at Master Shadowhawk's example* 


Kyota 20:58:13 CST -- chuckles -- 

I'm yet to see a pregnant FW :) 

Would make things a little interesting as normally the dosage is stopped when a slave makes the transition from slave to FC 


galah{RA} 20:58:25 CST not slaves sis, and not slaves in the tavern for sure heheheheee and what if someone is leaving just long enough to have a smoke? how could they do so in gorean terms? 


Rollo_the_Ax 20:58:26 CST The GS standing is that open RT talk is NOT allowed ...... if it can be * shaded * within a gorean context then okay.... but it should NOT happen in the open.... take such conversations to whispers or MSN or where ever...Okay ???? 


Laroona 20:59:17 CST LOL galah..... smoking kanda again LOL 


Zoran 20:59:32 CST nods to Rollo 


Kyota 20:59:53 CST -smiles at galah-- 

I know that problem how do I explain a vacant look for 5 mins as I go afk... Dam no smoking laws! 


galah{RA} 20:59:59 CST here’s a common gets a phone call, how to be away long enough to talk on the phone without asking to leave, what kind of gorean term could get one the few ehns needed 


Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 21:00:02 CST laughing at the samples.. 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:00:24 CST winks at galah.. 

well they don't have to say smoke.. 

they could simply say going to visit the bushes outside...LOL 


galah{RA} 21:00:51 CST it is a problem, so how can it be fixed so that slaves don't get into trouble and so that others don't come off as being rude 


Laroona 21:01:35 CST *hears a messenger coming with an urgent message for my Master, she will be but a few ehns* 


galah{RA} 21:01:59 CST but taz, that one is for potty breaks heheheheheee if a Master is leaving to visit bushes every half an ahn or less, someones going to see him as having a terrible bladder problem hehehehehehee 


Rollo_the_Ax 21:02:12 CST LOL..LOL... many phone calls are a pain in the ass, and only waste time... so maybe use the excuse that you have to leave the room to break wind ?????? LOL..LOL... 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:02:12 CST and with that galah.. I usually say there is a whisper in the winds I need to tend too...or just received scroll. a moment to Myself 


galah{RA} 21:02:28 CST paz, not taz hehehehehee 


Kyota 21:03:04 CST See I have the problem from the other side.. you girls put a lot (or are meant to) of effort into a serve but if I have been hanging for a coffee or a smoke I feel guilty that I wasn't there to watch the full serve 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:03:19 CST can say the truth, and RT has arisen, may a girl be excused for a few ehn? 


galah{RA} 21:03:54 CST i have said on occasion about phone calls that i have voices in my head....heheheheheeeeee but then that could be a problem hehehehehehee everyone is going to think gal is psycho heheheheheheeee 


Laroona 21:04:35 CST LMAO we won't travel that path galah *laughing* 


galah{RA} 21:04:41 CST by the way, my Master stepped away to go find one of those bushes heheheheheheheheee 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 21:04:51 CST why would that change galah? we already do *ss* 


Kyota 21:05:10 CST nonsense galah... we already Know that 



galah{RA} 21:05:38 CST i just think its very hard to come up with gorean context at times....but there should be some way around those rt distractions 


kath {J} 21:06:03 CST what ever happened to {rti}....without an explanation! Shoot not everyone needs to know the purpose of it, which as shown can be many many things *LOL* 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:06:27 CST reading back, seeing some very good responses indeed...grins 


galah{RA} 21:06:28 CST heheheheheheee well gee thanks everyone heheheheheeee hehehehehehee 


kath {J} 21:07:31 CST Well for this one, if slave is in a middle of a serve and gets a call from her lawyer, it's rti and gone until business is concluded, serve or not serve. Life is life 


Kayla Loudest_&_Mouthiest_FreeWoman 21:07:54 CST kath I think it is more about roleplay and how to keep the flow.. not about what needs to be said.. 

and yes galah it takes a little more imagination but I think most here can find it in them 


Laroona 21:08:20 CST I usually post ((AFK)) 

and when I return usually ((returning from AFK)) 

that shows respect to all present.. 


galah{RA} 21:08:23 CST some places use OOC....would that be an option here? 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:08:44 CST it seems we veered away from the topic though...which was about talking in a Gorean room about RT things.... 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:08:49 CST true kath.. there is always the trusty 



topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:09:58 CST aye galah, it is appropriate to use OOC here...seeing many have done so or AFK as Mistress Laroona said.. 

even RTI as kath said.... 

this is VT, and when RT intrudes, it does take precedence...shrugs 


galah{RA} 21:10:01 CST rt stuff belongs in whispers between people 


Rollo_the_Ax 21:10:09 CST LOL...Aye...... a simple case of.. * when momma calls you're supposed to go, but when nature calls you HAVE to go....* LOL...LOL... 


Kyota 21:10:13 CST I dislike leet speak but I generally explain followed by a quick ((brb asasp)) 


kath {J} 21:10:35 CST Well Mistress Kayla, kath would have to say that if a person slave or Free has an rti or ooc or whatever is used that those in GS are adult and capable to handle it and not let such a simple thing disrupt the flow. 


Paedur-Captain-Slavemaster 21:10:38 CST Smiles as I need to attend to something elsewhere. 

rising up but speaking allowed and will be posting this to the boards. 

I am restricting tassa from receiving, offering, or answering whispers from Any, Free or slave, until I am fully satisfied with the resolution of a complaint with My girl. 

Anything and everything she need to say will be public knowledge. 

as well as anything that need to be said to her. 

The only time she may whisper is when she is training a slave, or offering assistance in her duties as trainer. 


galah{RA} 21:11:19 CST never seen anyone HERE use OOC, only in other sites.... 


Emerald's~Mariposa~ 21:11:34 CST Paedur, even with old old friends of hers? Ancient ones like myself? 


Rollo_the_Ax 21:13:31 CST Well folks.... I guess that we have flogged this topic well and truly....LOL...LOL.... so I will call this weeks GS forum to a close...... I thank all that attended and hope to see you all again next week........ 


Laroona 21:13:39 CST If people cannot use their imaginations with RT then sorry I cannot sit and listen to RT talk as it does not interest me in other peoples business being aired in public.... 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:13:48 CST blinks….confused as she hears Master Paedur 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:14:47 CST ok.. what does OOC stand for? 

I have seen it.. just not know of its meaning 


galah{RA} 21:15:06 CST OOC out of character 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:15:06 CST galah, i jave has Mistress Kayla upon occasion….trying to remember who else….grins 


Laroona 21:15:14 CST Thank you again Captain Rollo for another informative forum *S* 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 21:15:15 CST blinks hearing Master Paedur....but speaks softly 

yes You wish always... 

reaching over and giving tassa's fiery strands a tug and winks 


Kyota 21:15:17 CST its a standard RP term for Out Of Character 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:15:17 CST ooc.. 

out of character 


Laroona 21:15:49 CST OOC = out of character 


tavelia{MDK}/{Paedur}~t 21:15:51 CST Master Rollo....thank You for hosting another very informative forum this week.... 


Laroona 21:16:40 CST I hear you Captain Paedur and will comply 


kath {J} 21:17:12 CST Thank You Master Rollo for Your wise words and for moderating the forum tonight 


Kyota 21:17:13 CST --nods-- 

Aye My thanks Captain Rollo for allowing Me to attend this forum.. twas a pleasure and learning to see what others feel on issues 


Rollo_the_Ax 21:17:42 CST OOC ??? LOL.. I thought that stood for * Old Ornery Coot * ....LOL...LOL... LMAO.... oh wait, that is just what they say about ME......LOL...LOL.. 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:17:53 CST thank You Master Rollo...*rolls the rence papers carefully and shakes out her fingers* 


Blade~xXx~Advisor~Warrior~ 21:17:58 CST Another job well done Captain 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:18:16 CST LOL.. *feigning back from the barrages of OOC explanations* 

thank ya.. never knew what that meant.. 


Laroona 21:18:48 CST *laughing* Hawk now you have been told so many times heeeeeee 


clover{GS} 21:19:20 CST Thank You Master Rollo ~ 

wishing All well 

~slips out~ 


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:19:54 CST meeting well held Rollo.. *giving a nod*.. MY thanks 


Rollo_the_Ax 21:20:42 CST Well folks...... so ends another forum...... I hope that everybody enjoyed it and perhaps found a few bits of info that they can take away with them...... Be well, all...... 


{Banker}'s_liquid_dreams 21:21:04 CST thank You Master always it is a pleasure to see You 


Laroona 21:21:17 CST geesh topaz almost time you got some new quills LOL 


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:23:02 CST laughs...aye Mistress Laroona....true enough! 


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