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Rollo the Ax 19:25:47 pm CDT

Well folks, shall we get this weeks forum started ???? Welcome one and all to this weeks GS forum.... same rules and such as always.... anybody with a topic, question, or whatever... PM me with it and we will deal with them as time allows....


Rollo the Ax 19:28:49 pm CDT

salina, I have seen the quotes in question and feel that EVERYBODY would in some way or another benefit from reading them... I think that tey would help many * see * Port Kar in a more clear way.... and even help many with their role play about Port Kar...


galah{GS}fg 19:30:18 pm CDT

gal still needs to read about the weather, she got on overload by the time she got that far down so took a break hehehehehehee


Xertog 19:31:34 pm CDT

We can change the book discussion board to include quotes.


Laroona 19:31:40 pm CDT

I read them and thought them great *S* 

also maybe could add them to the web site... thinks what is there


galah{GS}fg 19:32:29 pm CDT

you find lots of good stuff lina....wasn't it you that found the quote about gorean bathroom or facilities? Heheheheeee


Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 19:32:51 pm CDT

shadow was kinda hoping Master Xertog that we would day pick the book discussion back up?


Xertog 19:32:52 pm CDT

I just started rereading Raiders. I was thinking of collecting quotes on Port Kar as I read it.


galah{GS}fg 19:33:49 pm CDT

alot of lina's quotes are about Port Kar BUT from different books, that was what made it really good


Rollo the Ax 19:34:01 pm CDT

No matter WHERE they were posted first, salina.... I would just like to see them where ever they can and will be seen by all.... that is quite a collection of quotes ...all about Port Kar and how things look and are done here... a wealth of knowledge for folks to partake of...



Xertog 19:34:35 pm CDT

shadow I'd like to start it back up again too. I think early fall might be a good time to try it again.


salina{Sabre} 19:34:38 pm CDT

gal yes it was, found it on the same site the quotes about Port Kar came from. Jarl

Thorfinn turned lina on to that site a few years ago. she loves it, it has tons of info on it.


Laroona 19:35:01 pm CDT

Xertog that is a good idea.. then the quotes could be put there for all *S*....


galah{GS}fg 19:35:26 pm CDT

there was things there that made gal think different than what she thought knowing there was lots of canals, but i didn't know there was hundreds


Laroona 19:36:21 pm CDT

that is why there is oodles of room for my typists to go to LOL


Deirdre ~ Physician & Sandman's Woman 19:36:32 pm CDT

*entering the forum again......blushing beneath the veil


salina{Sabre} 19:38:24 pm CDT

Master Rollo from now on if lina finds any good quotes that might help everyone she'll post them in a better place than on the slave board.


galah{GS}fg 19:39:32 pm CDT

you must of worked hard on those lina, to segregate them into subject matter and deepest thanks sister


Rollo the Ax 19:39:55 pm CDT

Where ever they can be put, just so we do NOT lose them... like I said, I think that MANY could learn a great deal about Port Kar by reading that collection of quotes...


Xertog 19:40:37 pm CDT

I just changed the name of the board. But if somebody has a better name let me know.


Laroona 19:41:11 pm CDT

I will look at the website and if Council agree maybe add a page or two called quotes of Port Kar... that way be in two places.. *S*


salina{Sabre} 19:41:19 pm CDT

gal thank you, but lina can't take credit for that.. luckily for her scatter brain the site had them seperated by subject already.. 

think lina put a link to the site at the end of one section of quotes so others could check the site out and to give credit where it is due


Rollo the Ax 19:41:32 pm CDT

Alright then... does anybody have a question or topic for us to start with ??


najla{GS} 19:43:53 pm CDT

~slips in quietly~ nodding her Greetings to the Masters/ Mistresses and all her sisters that are gathered she blows a sweet kiss~


Maccabeus~Wandering Jew of Gor 19:43:53 pm CDT

..I take a slow sip of paga, sighing pleasurably, and nod to those who have greeted me....


Laroona 19:45:14 pm CDT

Captain Rollo if I may have some time to say a few words about scribing please *S*


Rollo the Ax 19:46:10 pm CDT

Okay our first item to deal with is a bit of business from galah...go ahead galah ....


Rollo the Ax 19:46:58 pm CDT

Laroona, galah got in first, but as soon as she is done, then you have the floor....


Zoran 19:47:07 pm CDT

walks in and sits down





galah{GS}fg 19:47:46 pm CDT

gal would just like all to know we now have a new catagory of slave, a kettle slave....this slave does not offer serves, so she wanted all to know so they didn't find the slave as being lazy or such...this slave is a work slave, cleaning and cooking BUT


galah{GS}fg 19:48:36 pm CDT

galah would like all the girls to let the girl help in some way, say you are serving kalana, while you are selecting a vessel and such, you could send her to get a bottle of kalana out of the cold room for you, stuff like that


Deirdre ~ Physician & Sandman's Woman 19:49:00 pm CDT

*listening to galah and nodding*


Laroona 19:49:32 pm CDT

good way to have her interact *nods*


galah{GS}fg 19:50:28 pm CDT

please try to include her still....her internet connection makes her incredibly slow at posting but the girls heart is in the right this was a step to make the girl included without the girl making some Master angry at being so slow to serve


aurora{Ulrich} 19:50:40 pm CDT

aye mistress ~*smiles*


galah{GS}fg 19:51:23 pm CDT

please girls, if you understand how you are to let the girl help, respond please...even give examples would be good


salina{Sabre} 19:51:33 pm CDT

~nods softly at gal's words~


Xertog 19:52:37 pm CDT

Let me ad that her status should not be taken in a negative light.


Zoran 19:52:46 pm CDT

which slave is this or will her name say kennel slave


aurora{Ulrich} 19:53:25 pm CDT

she could assist with cooking 

lifting heavy furs outside to be cleaned 

when a girl needs four hands instead of two


galah{GS}fg 19:53:38 pm CDT

Slave Master, shall we name the slave so everyone knows who to help?


salina{Sabre} 19:54:50 pm CDT

she could help carry in wood for the fire pit.. 

help check the produce in the cold room..


galah{GS}fg 19:55:07 pm CDT

the girl would be perfect for doing a first slave serve of blackwine, gal and shadow and zoya could help her understand what her part of a blackwine serve would be


Xertog 19:55:09 pm CDT

Zoran her name is ulla and her tag says {GS}'kettle slave' as of today.


galah{GS}fg 19:55:39 pm CDT

she could do all those things lina, but how might the girl help other slaves, so she still feels included?


Xertog 19:56:06 pm CDT

galah I'll make a post on the board about it too for the people that aren't here.



Zoran 19:56:18 pm CDT

nods aye captian


galah{GS}fg 19:56:21 pm CDT

the girls internet connection is through a cell phone, and this seems to be very very slow


aurora{Ulrich} 19:56:52 pm CDT

~sounds very nice Master Xertog 

fg and sg ~ aurora looks forward to interacting with her


salina{Sabre} 19:57:55 pm CDT

gal well lina was planning on doing those things with her if a time arose the two were in the tavern alone together..


galah{GS}fg 19:58:54 pm CDT

yes Slave Master, gal just thought it would be good for the girls here to share in the ways we can include the girl in our serves


Zoran 19:58:55 pm CDT

I know this girl for a while now and she does have a good heart and a want to serve.


salina{Sabre} 19:59:34 pm CDT

from a serving stand point.. she could help get all kinds of things.. water, juice, food, ect


galah{GS}fg 20:00:21 pm CDT

she does indeed Master its very important we don't break that precious heart and that desire to please, and she wants so badly to help


Xertog 20:00:51 pm CDT

yes good idea galah.. Zoran I agree she does.


Laroona 20:02:30 pm CDT

My observation and interaction is she has a huge desire to serve and be pleasing..


Zoran 20:02:30 pm CDT

nods yes indeed galah


Maccabeus~Wandering Jew of Gor 20:02:51 pm CDT

...The paga takes effect and I put my head on the table, nodding right doubt everyone at the inn is grateful for the fact that I do not snore...


galah{GS}fg 20:03:04 pm CDT

okay, gal is done now heheheheheee





Rollo the Ax 20:03:01 pm CDT

Alright, it seems that we have cleared up that Laroona, would you care to have your say now ??


Laroona 20:04:37 pm CDT

Thank you Captian Rollo 

**the following is prepared in advance* 

I appreciate the time to say a few words about the role of scribes and on behalf of the scribes as often there is more than one who do the C&Ping at forums for GS.


The notes are kept for several reasons, one first being, for those who are unable to attend due to RT commitments, another as a record of topics that people can revisit at their leisure, and often topics raised and discussed so Council have an idea of what the Patrons of GS want or desire the Council to consider as a change to the rules or protocol of GS.


They sit here for at least 2 hours, or at least whilst the forum is in progress, more often than not without a break, C&Ping (hopefully in order of posts) and saving each post individually, to ensure flow of conversations is as close to what is said at the times. 

This requires the scribes to fast and have a high concentration level for the entire forum, especially if the topic being discussed has many people posting very quickly. 

The scribes rarely have time to participate in the discussions, which is wrong as the forums are for all.


Too often people enter late and in middle of a topic start greetings, asking slaves to come to them etc;, that is not acceptable and is clearly defined in the protocols. Try putting yourselves in the situation when you are talking to a group and someone enters and interrupts how would you feel?


It has been noticed many who do this are not new to the Forums and are fully aware of the procedures of what occurs at forums.


Every hand the moderator commences the forums stating “keep to the rules and protocols”


As Captain Rollo stated at the last forum and I consider his words are worthy of repeating:


“Rollo the Ax 19:33:16 pm CDT 

Okay folks... let TRY and remember that just like always, those doing the scribing for these forums are doing a butt load of work with seldom so much as a * thank you * from anybody except the Council.... so lets keep the BULLSHIT * greetings and chit chat * in WHISPERS !!!! I am not accusing any or all here of doing this, but it gets really OLD having to tell everybody over and over and over the RIGHT thing to do and then have so many just keep on screwing up.... in MY humble opinion, those that do this may just as well say * SCREW YOU * to the scribes.... and THAT is just NOT RIGHT !!!!!!”


A little bit of fun is acceptable as it shows others who read the forums we are not solely here to be serious 100% of the time.


Thanks you for your time.



Zoran 20:09:08 pm CDT

Laroona I think we all appricate the scribes and I don't think that such thing ared one a finger in there face 

but this is a site most of come to get a way and to take that all way is taking the rp of Gor away. 

if this sit is only going to be a disccusion site then I say your right but is we are charchters then well I don't agree


galah{GS}fg 20:09:42 pm CDT

like the greetings after forum has started....galah thinks we all understand this, but perhaps the exception to that rule would be if its a visiting person, otherwise, if we do not greet, we look like we aren't very friendly....but for the regulars, this should be kept to whispers


galah{GS}fg 20:11:14 pm CDT

for to greet someone coming in late, is a total distraction to everyone, and a lot of unnecessary work for the scribes


Laroona 20:11:26 pm CDT

galah I agree.. to greet newcomers.. is appropriate...


aurora{Ulrich} 20:11:45 pm CDT

Master Zoran 

its the protocol 

that has been set in place for years


salina{Sabre} 20:12:28 pm CDT

Master Zoran lina has scribed for the forum before and she can tell you it's a royal pain in the ass to have weed through posts to find the ones that pertain to the discussion.. when there greetings here, greetings there, ect.. ect..


Xertog 20:12:35 pm CDT

Zoran it is a RP site not a discussion site but the forum is a discussion night for 2 hours. The forum rules have been the same for years.


Ulrich 20:13:23 pm CDT

Zoran the point is, for 2 ahns every week, we come here for a forum discussion. It's a meeting for all to discuss topics of interest. 

Think of it as a business meeting. If you go into a business meeting after it has already started, and they are discussing the topic of the moment, you would slip in quietly and perhaps whisper something to the person next to you. 

The rules for the forum meeting are simple. Any role play that one feels necessary should keep it in whispers. It's on the website, and has been the policy forever. 

I'm not pointing this to you specifically, just responding to your post.


Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:13:38 pm CDT

why can't new comers be whispered to? 

we greet them this week, wouldn't they think we should next week? 

shadow likes consistency, personally 

cause at times a girl feels rude 

cause she does follow the protocol that has been in place long as a girl remembers..


salina{Sabre} 20:14:21 pm CDT

Maybe if everyone took a turn to scribe then everyone would understand better what a chore it really can be.


galah{GS}fg 20:14:24 pm CDT

no one is saying not to greet, only to keep those greets to whispers...can still greet and talk BS or GS heheheheee in whispers heheheheheee


Zoran 20:14:40 pm CDT

and I never agree with it fully aurora 

as what is consider side talk during discussion? 

and who has the right to enforce the rul as I thin it should only be a captian to tell one to stop no other in this site 

that is my feeling on this 



Kristian.. speak softly, but carry a big stick 20:15:11 pm CDT

rt calls.. c ya later..


Ulrich 20:15:35 pm CDT

For a newcomer, if they enter and greet aloud, I would think a whispered greeting, with an explanation of protocol as an FYI is appropriate.


nese 20:16:00 pm CDT

nese only feels comfortable greeting the slaves in whispers and only if a Free whispers her hello that is it, once forum starts thats the way girl does it, not to be rude to the Free but slaves not suppose to message the Free


Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:16:24 pm CDT

shadow has scribed many forums, its a tough job.


aurora{Ulrich} 20:16:46 pm CDT

a girl does not whisper without permission to a newcomer 

~so she simply keeps quiet 

follows protocol 

and agrees with her chain, feels she is being rude as well in not greeting when others do


Laroona 20:17:29 pm CDT

I sit in RT pain to do this scribing... 

it should not take a Captain to say 

"please greet etc in whispers" 

As I said often the byplay is added... it depends where and when... and usually under the direction of a Captain 

the notes were not kept for a long time..


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:17:33 pm CDT

well not as many as Mistress! but enough to know.. its tough


Deirdre ~ Physician & Sandman's Woman 20:17:41 pm CDT

What Zoran said brings up a good point though. What is a side discussion? Is it considered a side discussion if it is a comment on the topic? I agree about the greetings.....and for the most point I have seen folks following Forum protocol. Am I missing something?


Laroona 20:17:43 pm CDT

sighs and grrrrrrrrrrr


Zoran 20:17:45 pm CDT

LOl Ulrich I conme from a very lay abck company and are meeting always have joke and greeting are made to make one know there late 

I have always abided by this rule 

I just saying is one rule I never agree with 

I also feel only the Captian shoul be the one to enforce it no others


galah{GS}fg 20:18:06 pm CDT

that newcomer issue is a tough one, for we aren't to whisper without permission to a free, but for a free to enter and not even a slave greets, wouldn't be in a hurry to come back to a place like that...newcomers don't know the policy


Xertog 20:18:31 pm CDT

I can play forum protocol cop if that is needed. I think it just easier that it just be followed. It's not that hard is it really?


aurora{Ulrich} 20:18:50 pm CDT


it went on this evening 

after Master Rollo called the forum to attention 

~its basic 

its simple 

and it happens every forum


Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:18:56 pm CDT

and it really sucks not having them.. 

seldom does shadow miss forum but a girl can't tell you how many times she looked back at old forum notes for references, so its great having them.. shadow's thoughts


aurora{Ulrich} 20:19:39 pm CDT

You might feel differently Master Zoran 

if it were You putting hours and hours into 



{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:19:39 pm CDT

was always told during forum we could?


Zoran 20:19:43 pm CDT

I don't want you to be a cop Xertog 

I just saying if one does I feel it mean more in a whisper from you guys is all


salina{Sabre} 20:19:51 pm CDT

gal true but if a Captain whispers a new Free and explains the protocol then surely they would understand?


galah{GS}fg 20:20:42 pm CDT

gal has heard ppl come to gs and say we are not friendly and welcoming and that just knocks my socks off....for i thought we all strive to be very welcoming, but then if they come when ppl are here, like at forum and we are discussing stuff and ignoring them, then i could see how come they think we are not friendly to new ppl


Laroona 20:21:30 pm CDT

the post by Kristian demonstrated what I am trying to say 

is what scribes have to sort out


Xertog 20:21:38 pm CDT

Is there something not clear about this? 

The following Protocols and Rules are to be followed in all future forums at soon as the forum is called to order, this is allow a free flowing forum.



1) All greetings and chatting, and other actions is to be held to a minimum. Those can be made in PM's; 

2) Please PM the moderator with any topics you wish discussed; 

3) It is not necessary for any to post an entry or departure to and from the forum; 

4) All persons whether Free or kajirae are ENCOURAGED to speak what is on their mind. All should always be respectful no matter what their station on Gor; 

5) Mutual respect is the only RULE at the forums; 

6) Each topic will be addressed by any that wish to speak on it, but in order to save time, maybe type up your post in a separate text format and then simply cut and paste it into the chat window; 

7) The forums are intended as both a learning experience for all and intended to promote unity amongst all of Gorean Shores and others, so come and listen as well as contribute; 

8) Words/thoughts spoken at the forum are a separate entity from the daily protocols of Gorean Shores. Please remember there is to be no retaliation of any words, including thoughts spoken by any slave during the forums, as it goes against the principles of the forum; 

9) Please keep all other posts to a minimum, your words and thoughts are more important; 

10) Notes are kept for future reference of the forums and many scribes work hard at saving the posts, please keep the work they do behind the scenes in mind.


Zoran 20:21:57 pm CDT

no aurora I would'nt change my feeling as I have done very hard jobs in my life the right way becuse I have said I would 

I counted 3, 000 tires because I said I would only to find out someone moved them behind me I didn't complain I did it again because I said I would


Xertog 20:23:16 pm CDT

If there is something ambiguous about it? If so perhaps it can be reworded so that it isn't.


Ulrich 20:23:51 pm CDT

Byplay would be me calling to shadow and aurora to come to me out in the open. 

Why would I do this in the open? I whisper to them upon entry if I'm late. However, invariably, someone will enter and shout a Tal and greetings, or order a slave to them during forum. 

This puts slaves in an awkward position. On one hand, they are told to abide by the rules of the forum. On the other, their training demands that they do as ordered by the Free, they get confused on how they should react. 

In the meantime, the people that are trying to keep up with and participate in the forum are getting distracted by rp where rp should not be occurring. 

On top of that, the burden put on the scribes is increased because that is just more stuff they have to filter through. 

It's stated clearly on the forum rules. 

There are 168 ahns in an earth week. I would think people could put aside the roleplay for 2 of those ahns during a forum meeting.


Rollo the Ax 20:24:16 pm CDT

Folks... we have two simple options... and BOTH have been done in the past.... One. We do things the way they are now, and do them properly... so that anybody doing the scribe work can do so with a MINIMUM of work and crap post removal.. or Two. We simply STOP scribing the Forums, and anybody that is NOT here for EVERY forum quite simply misses out on anything that is said or discussed... in * MY * opinion, it seems much preferable to have have records of others to see... but if folks can't follow simple rules of conduct and common courtesy to HELP those working their fingers to the bone, then we will simply DO AWAY with scribed transcripts of the forums and let those not here pick shit with the chickens...


salina{Sabre} 20:24:22 pm CDT

well if lina's brain can understand the forum rules then anyone's can ~soft chuckle~


aurora{Ulrich} 20:24:29 pm CDT

Master Zoran 

with all due respect 

She is scribing 

She does it out of the goodness of her heart weekly 

Its painful for her, She said that herself 

She doesnt set the rules 

the Captains do, she simply asks the rules to be respected at forum 

why is this even an issue?


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:24:39 pm CDT

not to be rude.. 

but the work done here is done out of love for our home, not pay..


Zoran 20:26:21 pm CDT

I sit back


Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:26:52 pm CDT

as shadow said, she goes to the forums and uses the notes many times for reference.. the few months missed is loss enough.. so Master Rollo, a girl homes it don't come to that again


galah{GS}fg 20:27:20 pm CDT

and what about new ppl? do we still stick to protocol and they can just see us as rude and unfriendly?


Zoran 20:27:25 pm CDT

I nod in agreement just so the forum may go on


aurora{Ulrich} 20:27:57 pm CDT

~do GS girls have permission to whisper a greeting to newcomers in forum without first asking permission to do so?


najla{GS} 20:28:21 pm CDT

not sure why this point is being argued n the first place... naj thinks that EVERYONE should abide the rules, whether it be slave or Free and most do... as for new Free that come in, maybe mistress galah has a point of a Captain whisper the new and let them know its not us being rude...


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:28:59 pm CDT

shadow whispers them mistress, and no one has ever complained? she just whispers explanation and a welcome..


Xertog 20:29:15 pm CDT

I know I try to whisper greetings to new people and welcome them to GS at the forums.


Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:29:42 pm CDT

chain.. was shadow understanding they could.. shrugs


galah{GS}fg 20:29:51 pm CDT

there is always the whisper for permission to whisper a free, but thats a rather stupid point, being you already whispered to them


Laroona 20:29:52 pm CDT

I always considered it OK for all to greet in whispers... even to newcomers welcoming them to GS Forum,..... 

it is not rocket science....


Ulrich 20:30:03 pm CDT

I always thought of forum as an exception as far as slaves whispering a greeting. Since the greetings are sent to whispers per rule, then it seems logical that slaves should be able to greet in such a manner to help us look inviting.


aurora{Ulrich} 20:30:31 pm CDT

thank You Master 

thank you chain


Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:30:56 pm CDT

shadow just tells them its forum time and we keep the chatter down and welcome to GS


galah{GS}fg 20:32:10 pm CDT

so the rule will be that we can whisper even new ppl a greeting and a welcome, and should some Master that knows the rules gets angry, the slave won't get in strife for having done so Masters?


Xertog 20:33:49 pm CDT

I'm ok with that galah.


galah{GS}fg 20:33:57 pm CDT

gal KNOWS that if Master Xern happened to come in GS....slaves better not be whispering him even to greet **shrugs softly**


salina{Sabre} 20:34:53 pm CDT

~nods softly agreeing with gal about Master Xern.. had that ass chewing once and that was enough~


galah{GS}fg 20:35:40 pm CDT

that is my concern lina, if Master Xern is like that, there are bound to be others, few and far between though


salina{Sabre} 20:36:52 pm CDT

lina has a met a few in her time gal so she only whispers to Masters known to her and that she knows it's ok to whisper.


Deirdre ~ Physician & Sandman's Woman 20:37:41 pm CDT

Good point, galah.....though I'm sure with explanation it would work itself out.


aurora{Ulrich} 20:38:10 pm CDT

that itself is written in the manual 

all new girls read it


Xertog 20:38:51 pm CDT

We can just leave whispering greetings and welcome to new free to the GS free at the forums too.


Laroona 20:38:54 pm CDT

aurora and boys LOL


Laroona 20:39:45 pm CDT

a suggestion 

if someone gets peeved because they got a whisper... then direct them to a Captain ..


salina{Sabre} 20:42:09 pm CDT

That works for lina Slave Master.


aurora{Ulrich} 20:43:57 pm CDT

~aurora wants to greet Free in whispers 

its a welcoming gesture~


Rollo the Ax 20:44:23 pm CDT

Okay, I just lost a big long posting I will try and say the same thing in a shorter way... it seems like the same folks keep doing the same type of postings ..... like they feel that THEY need not follow the same rules as everybody else.... I am sure that Laroona just used Kristians name as an example just now, and not as some form of insult....


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:44:28 pm CDT

if its not going to be a rule, shadow will continue taking the risk because a girl has touched many ears over the years and can't help but feel it makes us look warmer..


Ulrich 20:46:10 pm CDT

aurora if you do and anyone takes issue with that, send them to me, I'll address it with them. 

When I first started coming to forums, I got bombarded with whispers from slaves. Knowing the forum rules, I understood that they could not greet me in the open. 

It made me feel welcome, and like I was a part of the forum as well. 

Had they whispered in another room without permission, that's an entirely different matter.


20:46:34 pm CDT

r/t so sorry vet call


Laroona 20:47:56 pm CDT

Captain Rollo exactly an example... 

and the same with nese just now .. 

those are unnecessary.... and take time to filter out 

and it is even harder when a topic is going fast...


najla{GS} 20:48:32 pm CDT

soo is it acceptable for a GS slave to acknowledge 

new Free in whispers or no? and only during forum?


Deirdre ~ Physician & Sandman's Woman 20:48:54 pm CDT

nese's post was a dropped whisper to Me, I think.


Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:49:02 pm CDT

my understanding has always been at forums that slaves could speak out long as it was respectful.. shadow was also told many years ago by a Captain that there was no need to request to whisper during forum because the protocol says side talk is to stay in whispers.. ? 

guess shadow has been doing it all wrong..


Rollo the Ax 20:49:45 pm CDT

If the whisper from a slave is an issue, we can fix that in a simple way... if My brother captains agree... we can vote on it, and make whispers from slaves OK in the forum room... and if anybody takes offence with it, then they will have to do so with the Council and NOT the slave.... does THAT sound like a way to work past this issue ???


aurora{Ulrich} 20:49:49 pm CDT

no chain 

you were probably doing it the right way all along


aurora{Ulrich} 20:50:13 pm CDT

aye, sure does Master Rollo 

thank You


Zoran 20:50:51 pm CDT

makes sense to me Rollo


Ulrich 20:50:55 pm CDT

najla I'll defer that to the Slave Master as far as the GS slaves go. 

I was just stating my thoughts, and telling my girls that I will take care of them if someone takes issue with what I see as a common sense reality.


salina{Sabre} 20:51:02 pm CDT

~nods softly~ 

sounds good Master Rollo


galah{GS}fg 20:51:11 pm CDT

maybe a general new rule, that whispers are allowed in forum room? after all, we hold the forum once a week, and the rest of the time, its an OOC room, we should be able to whisper then too, if we talking about something totally ungorean in nature?


Xertog 20:52:08 pm CDT

That sounds good to me Rollo. You have my vote.


Ulrich 20:52:44 pm CDT

You know my thoughts Rollo, and you nailed it. LOL


Ulrich 20:53:05 pm CDT

You have my vote as well.


galah{GS}fg 20:53:43 pm CDT

**smiles big** that new rule would clear it up for everyone, then there be no debate if it was wrong or right


Ulrich 20:54:01 pm CDT

That's stretching it galah. The purpose of the whispered greetings is because there is a forum going on, and open greetings are discouraged.


Rollo the Ax 20:54:20 pm CDT

Well, see.... we can try as hard as we can, but there will always seem to be * accidents * like a dropped whisper, like nese's just now... so all that we can do is TRY to do things in the proper way as best we can....


galah{GS}fg 20:55:49 pm CDT

but even in the OOC room Master Ulrich, its still to be gorean in nature and context...and sometimes there is no changeover for things in rt that when we speak of our puppies, we refer to them as sleen pups, but what if we talking about some computer problem? there is no way to make it sound gorean, wouldn't whispering be better in that regard?


Laroona 20:56:31 pm CDT

then after the forum there is the added time to make sure everything is in order before uploading.... all done in scribes RT....


salina{Sabre} 20:57:48 pm CDT

not to be a stupid cunt.. but if this room is used for OOC other than forum night, then why would talking about computers in here be wrong?


Rollo the Ax 20:57:50 pm CDT

Well with MY vote, it seems that we have the required majority, so how about we just call it a done deal ??? Whispers from slaves IN the forum... during the forum... are allowed by the GS Council... if any Free has a problem with a slave doing so, they are NOT allowed to punish the slave for doing so, but must take it up with the Council... Let it be known as such from now on....


Ulrich 20:59:30 pm CDT

Well in that case, then the girl would ask permission to whisper to a Free just as she would in any other room. 

During a forum, the protocols prohibit the open chat, so she can't ask the permission to whisper. 

If there is no meeting in progress, then she can ask permission. If it's granted fine whisper away. If it's not and she whispers, it's on her, but I see no reason for the Council or her owner to protect her in such a case.


galah{GS}fg 21:00:43 pm CDT

cause lina, they agreed to have it as OOC for us to use when we didn't have time to go and do serves, but stated whenever possible, to keep it in gorean context as much as we could


Rollo the Ax 21:01:06 pm CDT

It becomes a simple matter of * timing * salina.... DURING the Forum, the rules of it will be followed... when the room is NOT being used for either the forum or some other GS activity, it can be used for OOC chat.... but NOT used for OOC chat DURING the forum..... okay ??


Xertog 21:01:18 pm CDT

I'd say it was done deal Rollo


salina{Sabre} 21:01:53 pm CDT

oh ok gal.. lina didn't know that.. hmmmm


galah{GS}fg 21:02:17 pm CDT

OOC to GS does not mean it becomes a regular run of the mill chat room lina, or was my understanding of it...if we are wanting to do that, there is always PS


salina{Sabre} 21:03:18 pm CDT

Master Rollo that is what lina thought.. but then gal confused lina which is easy to do these days..


salina{Sabre} 21:04:41 pm CDT

ok gal think lina has it, OOC room but not totally OOC like a normal chat room


galah{GS}fg 21:06:38 pm CDT

thats it lina, was my understanding of it....the idea like i said, was for times when we didn't have the time allowance to be in RP and doing serves, which would also be the slave kennels, but then if a free comes, we are to get there quick...but if we was in forum, the free know we don't have heaps of time to serve


Ulrich 21:06:45 pm CDT

Exactly lina. Perhaps we should have called it Shoot the Bosk Dung rather than OOC. 

It's just a more relaxed Gorean atmosphere, but we don't want it abused to the point GS becomes just another chat site.


galah{GS}fg 21:07:37 pm CDT

the forum room used the rest of the week for OOC gives the free and slaves a chance to be together in just a conversation, not in role play


salina{Sabre} 21:08:13 pm CDT

~nodding softly~ ok gal, lina understands now.. sorry she's a bit dense at times.. she better stop dying her hair. it's obviously seeping into her brain


Rollo the Ax 21:08:19 pm CDT

Well folks... have we covered this issue enough ??? the old clock on te wall tells me that it is time to call it a night/day .... for Me, both of Mickeys hands are pointing straight up... LOL...


Ulrich 21:09:19 pm CDT

I believe we've beat it to death Rollo. 

Thanks for running forum. 

And thanks for scribing Laroona


galah{GS}fg 21:10:14 pm CDT

pppsssssstttt lina, we can't abuse the forum room as OOC, or they will take it away again and won't let us chat there


salina{Sabre} 21:10:32 pm CDT

Thanks for another interesting forum Master Rollo and thank you to the scribe(s) too


Rollo the Ax 21:10:37 pm CDT

I want to thank everybody that came out and took part in this weeks GS forum... we will do it again... same time, same place, next week... and a thanks to those doing the scribing ....


Laroona 21:10:51 pm CDT

Thank you Captain Rollo 

I hope now people have a better understanding of how the scribes work.. that was my intent ,,,not for my own purpose but for the other people who scribe.. *S*


Deirdre ~ Physician & Sandman's Woman 21:10:58 pm CDT

*chuckling at Ulrich's comment* 

Like the proverbial Dead Horse......


Ulrich 21:12:28 pm CDT

~nodding to Deirdre~ Indeed, just as we tend to do in forums. LOL 

We'll beat them till they have died 3 times


salina{Sabre} 21:12:31 pm CDT

gal well we don't want that since there are days that rp just isn't in the cards yet you still want to come in and see people.


Ulrich 21:13:59 pm CDT

And that was the intent behind the room lina. So we can still work on that connection with others so when the cards do fall right rp can be done.


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