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Dak 19:47:48 pm CDT

I have Topic, I will open the forum, same rules keep greetings and chit chat to whispers for the benefit of the scribe, is the scribe ready ? 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 19:51:50 pm CDT

flicka will scribe tonight Master Dak 


Dak 19:52:42 pm CDT

cool, thank you flicka 


Dak 19:53:03 pm CDT

first topic 


If it becomes necessary to get rid of a slave, Should slaves be released? 

sold? killed? 


why to any of these or why not? 

Do you have any quotes to back your reasons? 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 19:55:28 pm CDT

Does that mean tavern slaves, or a personal slave Master Dak? 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 19:56:18 pm CDT

in the books shimmy does not ever remember a slave girl being Freed.. only Males were Freed.. slave girls were always sold or traded like cattle.. if a Free tires of his slave give it to a Master that desires the slave of to the home they belong to. it teaches a slave how good they had it some times or it makes a Master slave and happier.. 


Dak 19:57:23 pm CDT

I would assume any, or discus the possible differences there might be 


Keeper of flicka 19:57:39 pm CDT

Whether a slave is sold, freed or killed would very much depend on the reason the slave is no longer required. 


Bretval, Merchant 19:57:53 pm CDT

Depends on why the slave must be disposed of, I would think 


Lita, Physician 19:58:02 pm CDT

Shimmer, in Priest Kings, the slave who served Tarl while He was in the Nest came out with Him, and He Freed Her so she could go and work with Flaminius and the other Physicians on the cure for Dar Kosis once more. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 19:58:54 pm CDT

Talena was enslaved at one point, so must have been freed somehow 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 19:59:25 pm CDT

yes Mistress smiles softly shimmy is sorry 


Lita, Physician 19:59:57 pm CDT

Also, Shimmer, the books do state that if a Free Woman had once been enslaved, She needed to always keep Her Manumission papers with Her to prove it. Which implies that on some occasions slaves were Freed. 


Dak 20:00:09 pm CDT

well, I don't see any discussing the slave requesting release, and this situation being one that does create a difference between online and the books on Gor ! 


Hunter{aura} 20:01:23 pm CDT

yes but in online gor slaves can make their own choice to become Free...which are we discussing 


Bretval, Merchant 20:01:39 pm CDT

Normally sold or auctioned off in most cases 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:03:05 pm CDT

If we are to be true to Gorean philosophy, flicka does not believe that a slave could beg out of a collar. The condition of a slave is fully a Master's prerogative. 


Lita, Physician 20:03:12 pm CDT

Hunter, if any on-line slave asked Me to release them, I'd refuse. Slaves just don't get that choice. I have also refused to kill a slave because she wanted Me to. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:03:48 pm CDT

if its a run away slave~`~ `~ or tavern slave ~

runaway slave where killed ~ 


Bretval, Merchant 20:04:17 pm CDT

In-line slaves would or should go the Tavern if it is a Gorean Shores slave 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:04:28 pm CDT

guess they should just be listed as runaways if they leave under those circumstances Mistress. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:04:41 pm CDT

have seen it happen many ways.. girls old Master released her even when she held onto his feet begging him not to. she was broken.. it depends on the situation in on line gor. have seen many a slave trades sold killed (yes happens 2x to shimmy early on in her gor life but she learned alot from it) and seen slaves released also. 


Lita, Physician 20:05:23 pm CDT

Kazar, some runaway slaves were merely hamstrung, so they couldn't run away anymore. There would still be work they could do. 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:06:40 pm CDT

this one thinks, however the relinquishment is accomplished...its up to the Free, and or the personally owned slave or thrall Master 


Keeper of flicka 20:06:50 pm CDT

One would have to assume given the philosophy and culture on Gor when slave is released as Lita mentioned, it would have to be for a very good reason, not just that the slave would like a change. 

Which takes us back to one of recurring problems of on-line Gor, that is what is NOT mentioned in the books. 


Dak 20:07:01 pm CDT

well, online if they aren't released, chances are they will just disappear ! 


Hunter{aura} 20:07:02 pm CDT

were you not a slave once Lita? 


Lita, Physician 20:08:10 pm CDT

Agreed there, ruby 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:08:12 pm CDT

or the other big problem many Masters release slaves is they catch slaves dueling. have seen that happen many times 


Lita, Physician 20:08:30 pm CDT

Yes, Hunter, I was. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:08:55 pm CDT

A long time ago flicka knew a slave who was terribly unhappy in her Master's collar, she was a true Gorean and remained in His collar for over a year, faithfully and fully serving as His slave. Eventually He sold her, much to her joy, He sold her to a slaver, Who used her for enticing Patrons to His warehouse, (she was very well trained), that girl was almost broken, but she remained true to her Gorean training, she did not runaway nor did she ever fail to be less than obedient and respectful to all Masters. 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:08:56 pm CDT

or the Free, could send the slave to the street, to beg for crusts of bread 


Lita, Physician 20:10:00 pm CDT

Now that's the kind of slave I like to see, flicka 


Hunter{aura} 20:10:37 pm CDT

then My point stands....and there is nothing is as online does...a confusing paradigm exists 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:11:44 pm CDT

that girl was a true slave flicka...she acted as she should, without thought for herself...snow hopes she found happiness 


Lita, Physician 20:12:07 pm CDT

Hunter, I was properly manumitted. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:12:26 pm CDT

yes in shimmy's opinion you do your best and hope your slave or Master or Mistress does theirs to make it as gorean as possible. 


Keeper of flicka 20:12:45 pm CDT

To call the Gorean paradigm 'confusing' is somewhat of an understatement Hunter! 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:13:29 pm CDT

Master Hunter and my Jarl what You say is so true, online is not reality, shimmer too has said, online a slave can merely disappear and return with a new persona. That was why flicka respected that slave of long ago so much, that girl did not take the easy way out, she had a fire in her belly that would have been extinguished had she done so. 

Aye Mistress Lita, flicka respected that girl muchly. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:14:00 pm CDT

looks at the big words flying past her head and is glad she is a blonde when she does not understand what the words mean. 


Bretval, Merchant 20:14:08 pm CDT

I would think that Forum should be concerned only with in-line Gor and Book club for the books and how slaves are dealt with... horses of different colours 


aura {Hunter} 20:15:03 pm CDT

giggles at shimmer ....tis girl is the same 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:15:34 pm CDT

~nodding~ yes mistress snowrose, she did find happiness eventually, and has remained in her Master's collar for all the years that flicka has known her. 


Lita, Physician 20:16:13 pm CDT

So woulds I. I also remember a time, flicka, when if a Free Person's persona got killed, they left on-line Gor forever, and never returned, even as another character. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:16:24 pm CDT

~smiles to flicka~ snow is a sucker for a happy ending 


Hunter{aura} 20:16:53 pm CDT

grins to kind of means the set of rules is flexible depending on which way its looked at 


Keeper of flicka 20:17:40 pm CDT

I think one of the real problems is that the books do not always agree with themselves, the books omit many important things making it difficult if not impossible to create a pseudo reality known as 'on-line'. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:18:40 pm CDT

yes but if that happened now shimmy would not be here now.. some Free do not take well to slaves that are new and do not know what they are doing.. they are quick to kill if they are not pleased.. shimmy is glad she found herself here... Gor can be an extremely scary place for a slave new to on line gor. 


Dak 20:19:23 pm CDT

well, I hv had many slaves, and have released many, in hopes they would continue in Gor some do some don't, sometimes it is a conflict in the chain, or between Master and slave, I would rather release them and have them go on to be a good slave for someone else, than, leave with bad feelings and then bad mouth Gor ! 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:19:38 pm CDT

Jarl, ~laughing softly~ we are all no doubt aware of the inconsistencies in the books, but You must admit that it makes for lively discussions at times. 


aura {Hunter} 20:20:07 pm CDT

so very true shimmer ....then the question is how do they learn if they are judged so quickly and at times unfairly 


Lita, Physician 20:20:38 pm CDT

Bretval, I don't think it hurts to discuss both on-line and book issues. Because even on-line, there are proper ways of handling things. For example, I knew of a slave who got in S SNIT and said she went out in the garden and picked a kanda leaf and ate it, thus poisoning herself! Now, first off, this was in Schendi, and kanda only grows in arid regions. Secondly, it is the root not the leaf that is poisonous, and thirdly, a slave has no right to suicide. she does not own her own life. Now had she truly cared about Gor, and truly needed to leave for some reason, she could have arranged to do it in a gorean and honorable way, and not made a fool of herself and her home! 


Keeper of flicka 20:20:56 pm CDT

Yes, absolutely flicka, it also allows us to be creative within a structured framework. 


aura {Hunter} 20:22:07 pm CDT

eyes widen as Mistress Lita speaks oh my she mutters ....thats awful.. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:22:38 pm CDT

shimmy learned she had to learn FAST if she was to survive! also she on the third time around found Master to help her... he opened her eyes to Gor and it's Magic when she had all but given up... shimmy did leave gor for about 6 months when he released her... but it called her back and she is glad it did. and she has become much better a slave because of her early slave experience. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:23:14 pm CDT

aura and shimmer, the Gorean Shores way does make it far less likely for a "newbie" slave or Master to be killed due to ignorance of Gorean ways. That is one of the things that flicka likes most of all about our home, the genuine desire to help new people to become knowledgeable in a friendly and safe way. 


Bretval, Merchant 20:25:22 pm CDT

Do you think that twit cared about the books or the proper way out? I think not... she wanted out and left in a stupid way that left people talking about it... in short she got what she wanted ... attention 


Keeper of flicka 20:25:29 pm CDT

shimmer and aura; Just because One can remove a new-to-Gor slave's head for gross incompetency doesn't mean that One should


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:26:58 pm CDT

Master Bretval, flicka thinks You have nailed it! Just like the toddler being naughty, any attention is good attention. 


Lita, Physician 20:27:11 pm CDT

Keeper, there are not quite as man "inconsistencies" as some folks think. There are a number of different cultures represented in the books, and of course customs vary somewhat among them. Also, in over 40 years and 30 books, Norman has had plenty of time and space to put anything in Gor that He wants there. So I usually assume if it isn't in the books, it's because He didn't want it there. And I am glad that We here at GS make a agreat effort to provide proper training for our girls, and leave plenty of leeway for mistakes while learning. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:27:22 pm CDT

..... In some foolish people's eyes. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:28:39 pm CDT

guess what shimmy is trying to say is we all meed to learn our roles then live them to the fullest we know how! 


Keeper of flicka 20:30:23 pm CDT

I agree Lita, the 'leeway' given in training is so important for those new to Gor and it is something Gorean Shores excels at when compared to other places. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:31:44 pm CDT

that is very very true shimmy herself has some issues at times with the training program... but over all it is a well rounded program especially for new slaves. 


Lita, Physician 20:33:16 pm CDT

aura,. I once visited a Gorean site where they insisted that Vampires could have been brought to Gor unknowingly in the Voyages of Acquisition! When I entered the room, they were all discussing their Vampire avatars! *shudder* Needless to say I never went back there! 


Bretval, Merchant 20:33:59 pm CDT

I agree with that, Lita, every cultures has customs that dictate how people are treated ... sometimes they are the same as other cultures sometimes not... 


Keeper of flicka 20:34:21 pm CDT

shimmer; well put. 

Syrma Puteus 

Carpe Diem 

Train Well

Seize the Day 

That could be your motto flicka? 


aura {Hunter} 20:34:49 pm CDT

goodness Mistress Lita sounds like a total game to this girl 


Hunter{aura} 20:35:14 pm CDT

the structure is really what draws us...I am certain of that 


aura {Hunter} 20:35:31 pm CDT

sucks her lip in ...leans against her Masters legs and just listens for some things a girl shouldnt say 


Lita, Physician 20:35:44 pm CDT

Did to Me too, aura. 


aura {Hunter} 20:36:21 pm CDT

can see You Mistress running from that place.....*giggles* 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:36:31 pm CDT

when shimmy was a slave to Master and the wagon people life was different there and she had to r/p different serve different play different.. when she came here she had to learn to play in a tavern .. where ever you go you are constantly learning... 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:37:01 pm CDT

~low chuckle~ How could flicka have any other motto Jarl, being that she is wearing Your collar. 


Lita, Physician 20:37:18 pm CDT

I would agree there, Hunter. Trouble is, if one isn't very careful in altering what seem to be details, it is very easy to damage the structure itself. 


Hunter{aura} 20:37:47 pm CDT

the reason we discuss is to clarify the structure the books they dont have forum...nor need it..because the characters all are of one the authors 


Lita, Physician 20:37:56 pm CDT

Exactly, shimmer 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:38:09 pm CDT

Absolutely Master Hunter. That is very true for her 


Keeper of flicka 20:38:56 pm CDT

I really agree with you Hunter, it is the structure that draws people in, it is what W/we do with that structure that keeps them in. 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:39:12 pm CDT

a slave is always learning...matters not how many Homes they have had 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:41:01 pm CDT

Mistress Lita, ~laughing and baring her non existent fangs~ that room was obviously a parody of a Gorean room, flicka has just finished reading Brave New World and there is no mention of pink teddy bears in that book. 

But things can be assumed to be in a "world" even if they are not mentioned in the book/s, flicka is thinking of mundane things like lavatories and towels and for Free Women, sanitary napkins. 


marieve{GS -t} 20:42:10 pm CDT

~laughing at flicka's comment~


ruby~{Randolph} 20:42:55 pm CDT

giggles flicka...winks 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:43:17 pm CDT

flicka assumes that the terrible tasting potion we slaves are forced to drink stops us from menstruating. (there is no mention of that in the books), but because a slave is always available to her Master, flicka construes that we do not have periods. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:43:29 pm CDT

hmmm, never thought of that FW take slave wine to keep from conceiving? 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:44:07 pm CDT

If not, then They would need those products 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:44:25 pm CDT

glad she had her slave wins so no need for the earthen ways of pads grins.


Hunter{aura} 20:44:32 pm CDT

animals dont need lavatories flicka 


In the eyes of goreans, the slave is an animal. She is not a person, but an animal. She has no name, saving what her master might choose to call her. She is without caste. She is without citizenship. She is simply an object, to be bartered, or bought or sold. She is simply an article of property, completely, nothing more. 

Hunters of Gor pg 168 


Lita, Physician 20:44:50 pm CDT

Mot sure if they had indoor plumbing, flicka. Even though they had the baths, there is also mention of latrines and such. And as far as sanitary napkins go, I don't think they would haave been needed, for slaves anyway , as they all took the slave wine. Not sure what the Free Women did. I would love to look up sometime just when sanitary napkins were invented, and what women did before then! *chuckle* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:44:58 pm CDT

~hand to mouth in mock horror~ !!!!! mistress snowrose, surely not, a Free Woman taking slave wine, whatever would the world be coming to? 


Dak 20:45:16 pm CDT

no FW's do not take slave wine, they take one appropriate for FW's and it is much tastier,. *smiles* 


Bretval, Merchant 20:45:26 pm CDT

*LOL* That is the truth of any book, flicka and you know it... 


Hunter{aura} 20:45:26 pm CDT

of course theres the root of all far can we truly go in that mindset? 


Keeper of flicka 20:46:11 pm CDT



flicka that is the 

"The Star Trek principle."

You can get detailed drawings of the design of the Starship Enterprise NCC-1700D. Right down to the Captain's cabin. This fictional Starship holds 1300 people. 

Yet there are no toilets in the design! 

It is what is left out that can be more important than what is put in.


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:46:14 pm CDT

whispers to Mistress be fore pads women ysed lottos of cotton material 


aura {Hunter} 20:46:20 pm CDT

girl thinks thats where a certain slang saying come from Mistress Lita... 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:46:44 pm CDT

snowrose knows, but it's too gruesome to discuss in mixed compant Mistress 


Lita, Physician 20:47:02 pm CDT

snowrose, since it was part of a Free Woman's job to produce heirs, I doubt if They took slave wine. And My best guess is they made pads of rags, and probably burned them after use. 


aura {Hunter} 20:47:14 pm CDT

my Master you will need to send your slaves off to get fixed then no issues *giggles* 


Hunter{aura} 20:47:32 pm CDT

they have portholes on the enterprise Keeper...LOL...and a vacuum sucks always 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:47:41 pm CDT

Master Hunter, eeeuchhhhhh, imagine the stench in a Master's home if a slave just squatted like an animal. Or perhaps they had special "picker upperer slaves" 

Mistress Lita, in medieval times as flicka understands it they used washable cloths, but in some cultures they use moss inside a special thingy. 


Keeper of flicka 20:47:59 pm CDT

Lita I can PM you that answer about napkins, and make you very happy you are living in the 21st Century. 


aura {Hunter} 20:48:29 pm CDT

mistress snowrose girl thinks she knows also and was being polite *S* 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:48:41 pm CDT

ohhh ok can we have a new subject think this one is worn out! 


Lita, Physician 20:48:56 pm CDT

*LOL* O. I. Keeper. I'm alaready happy I'm past menopause! *snicker* 


aura {Hunter} 20:49:21 pm CDT

nips at Masters britches .....bouncing .....girl is excited 


Dak 20:50:16 pm CDT

aye I believe so, too shimmer, if there is nothing else it is pretty late to begin a new topic ! 


Keeper of flicka 20:50:27 pm CDT

~Laughing at Hunter~ 

That would be interesting zero degrees Kelvin!


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:51:31 pm CDT

Master Hunter, flicka is giggling here at the thought of poking one's nether region out into the vacuum of space. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:52:08 pm CDT

flicka might like being sucked lol 


aura {Hunter} 20:52:18 pm CDT

Master Dak maybe someone could give clarification on the greeting order? 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:52:44 pm CDT

oh flicka shimmy loves ya grins as she pounces on ya licking your cheeks then runs back to her furs. 


Dak 20:53:30 pm CDT

I think snowrose did very well on it when she greeted this evening, I don't suppose anyone noticed, huh? 


Hunter{aura} 20:53:37 pm CDT

thats a good topic..I had forgotten 


LionHeart 20:54:23 pm CDT



aura {Hunter} 20:54:25 pm CDT

Master Dak ....aura was held up by real time so missed mistress snowroses greeting....... 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:54:39 pm CDT

~grabs shimmy as she attempts to rush away, pulls her down, so she falls onto Jarl Keeper's lap~ 

ooooh you are in for it now shimmy. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:54:39 pm CDT

shimmy noticed Master smiles brightly Dak 20:57:00 pm CDT

well, since No one is really interested in what I think anyway, maybe you should ask snowrose about greeting orders !!! 


aura {Hunter} 20:57:19 pm CDT

if aura is correct a girl can speak freely in forum if she is showing respect? 


aura {Hunter} 20:58:17 pm CDT

Master Dak aura is asking clarification because you corrected her within 5 seconds of her posting her greetings... 


Lita, Physician 20:58:33 pm CDT

yes, aura 


Dak 20:58:42 pm CDT

I'm glad to hear that, shimmer, and if the Free would observe the greeting orders, I'm quite sure the slaves would follow it religiously, *smiles* 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:59:07 pm CDT

the greeting order is in the first lesson..if anyone has questions, they can always write snowrose..or bring it up in class when she asks for questions, before beginning the topic 


Dak 20:59:56 pm CDT

snowrose would you mind repeating your greeting order this evening, *smiles* 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 20:59:59 pm CDT

greeting Order isyour Owner... the Captains... then Captains Emeritus... then Advisers to the Captains... then Free Men of the home... FRee men guests... Free women of the home ...FRee Women Guests... mistress snow rose.... trainers... slaves of the home ... splaves privately owned of the home... slaves visiting the home... 


aura {Hunter} 21:00:32 pm CDT

sorry this girls Master has been called to real time 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:00:55 pm CDT

no shimmer, Advisors are greeted before Captains Emeritus 


aura {Hunter} 21:01:02 pm CDT

shimmer nods soft that is the order in which aura did greet 


Kazar~infamous pirate 21:01:12 pm CDT

SHimmer yep thier is no order or pledges `~ 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:02:54 pm CDT

smiles to being at the bottom...being a guest slave..winks to mari 


aura {Hunter} 21:03:08 pm CDT

saves it for another time.... 


Hunter{aura} 21:03:16 pm CDT



snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:03:33 pm CDT

Trying to remember Who was here 

Greetings Master Dak 

Greetings Master Bretval 

Greetings Jarl Keeper 

Greetings Master Hunter 

Greetings Mistress Lita 

greetings shimmer, flicka and ruby 


aura {Hunter} 21:03:39 pm CDT

ruby sweets aura is there also *giggles* 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:03:45 pm CDT

sorry shimmy knew that blushes as red as her silks. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 21:03:58 pm CDT

snow missed me 


Keeper of flicka 21:04:15 pm CDT

Since when is there a greeting order for slaves? 

Slaves are like cattle they are not greeted in order! 

Since when is MY flicka greeted after another slave just because she is owned by Me? 

I would really like this brought up as a proper topic next week and discussed fully. 


marieve{GS -t} 21:04:16 pm CDT

~winks then blinks at ruby~ 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:05:29 pm CDT


your Master is pledged..smiles 


marieve{GS -t} 21:05:44 pm CDT

the only slave in the greeting order is the first girl 


Kazar~infamous pirate 21:05:52 pm CDT

Jarl Keeper we had this discussion the other night in the tavern thier is no order other than Captains`~ senior caption first 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:05:58 pm CDT

there has always been a greeting order for slaves Jarl GS slaves are greeted before personal slaves of the pledged, visiting collared slaves after that, freenecks last of all 


Keeper of flicka 21:06:06 pm CDT

Serve well snowrose 


Hunter{aura} 21:06:11 pm CDT

there was nothing wrong with your greeting My fact I admire how hard you have worked both at lessons and in private with Me as we learn the ways of this home better 


Keeper of flicka 21:06:35 pm CDT

Where is that published snowrose? 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:07:36 pm CDT

You were not here yet when snowrose entered Master..she greeted You in private as the meeting had begun 


Keeper of flicka 21:07:47 pm CDT

That was My understanding marieve. 

First girl, fair enough. 

The other order, who decided on that and when? 


aura {Hunter} 21:08:11 pm CDT

Master she is trying very hard .... 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:08:38 pm CDT

looks to mitress snowrose 

girl never read that in the manual...indeed you are greeted before other slaves 



aura {Hunter} 21:09:29 pm CDT

so what is different about how mistress snowrose greeted to how i greeted... i greeted the Masters then Lady Lita then the slaves


Dak 21:10:24 pm CDT

she greeted them in the order of their pledging ! 


Keeper of flicka 21:10:41 pm CDT

~Looking at Dak.~ 

It would be more opportune to take up this discussion next week? 


aura {Hunter} 21:11:04 pm CDT

girl accepts and likes that gor is tough harsh .... 

but speaking freely .... surely ones should be made slightly welcome... 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:11:16 pm CDT

she was taught it in class the former first girl...The webpage needs up dating on many things that have changed over time...snowrose tell the slaves the greeting order, written before her time, but also that the Free don't really care about it, so they usually won't be scolded...she herself doesn't care when she is greeted, but tries to do it properly as an example 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:11:42 pm CDT 

Greeting Order You are expected to greet the Council of Captains first, including Advisors, then Captain Emeritus, if any are present. Next you will greet any Pledged Male Patrons of Gorean Shores then other Free Men, any Pledged Free Women of Gorean Shores present, any other Free Women, the GSfg, and the GSsg. They are to be greeted before you may greet any kajirae/slaves. Do not greet fellow slaves until they have been given permission to enter and are in the room. 

For personally owned kajira if your Owner is in the room and they are the One that granted entry, greet them first and ask permission to greet the others. After getting permission to greet, use the above order of greeting also. If Your Owner is in Gorean Shores but another Master/Mistress has given you permission to enter, go to your Masters/Mistresses feet, greet Them then beg your Owner to greet the others. Once permission is granted, you may then greet in the order above. If your Master/Mistress is not in the room, please follow the above order 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:12:51 pm CDT

but newer girls can't be expected to know the oder of pledging. ..snowrose has just been here a long time and does it... It is not taught in the lessons 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:12:53 pm CDT

A while ago mistress snowrose stated in slave class that slaves were to be greeted in a particular order, as far as flicka is concerned, other than the respect due to a first girl, all other slaves are equal, ergo flicka greets in order of them having arrived in the room. 


aura {Hunter} 21:13:59 pm CDT

plus ones leave ...some are banned and allowed back .... 


Keeper of flicka 21:14:12 pm CDT

Reading shimmer's post; 

So there is no mention of a greeting order for slaves? 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:15:43 pm CDT

she meant the Free don't care about the slave order... 


Hunter{aura} 21:15:51 pm CDT

Yes ..the web pages do need updating....or these issues will remain 

as far as I am concerened until I read it as a rule it doesnt exist 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:15:51 pm CDT

guess not in the Manuel Jarl 


Keeper of flicka 21:16:01 pm CDT

Oh, flicka? 

I would have thought that kind of change of procedure was the province of the Captains? 


Dak 21:16:21 pm CDT

now really, when greeting a room full of slaves would you greet one in a white silk ahead of one in reds 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:17:03 pm CDT

flicka agrees with her Jarl, this is a topic that should be discussed at the start of forum not the end. 

And no a new girl cannot be expected to know the order of a Master's pledging, flicka needs to refresh herself on the strictures contained within the manual as to the order for Masters, other than Captains, advisors and Captains Emeritus. As far as flicka is concerned if it is not stated explicitly in the manual it does not exist, and that goes for word of mouth teachings of previous first girls. 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:17:25 pm CDT


just indicated to follow the manual..till it can be you still hold that position? 


Keeper of flicka 21:18:43 pm CDT

Dak, do you agree, it might be better to discuss this next week? 


Hunter{aura} 21:19:07 pm CDT

the only way that can be gotten right always is 1 the pages are made up to date very regularly as silks change ..etc..etc...and 2 those entering always read the pages first..same applies with the concept of seniority of pledges 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:19:31 pm CDT

agrees Jarl Keeper..not a slaves place to set the greeting order..its in the hands of the Captains 


aura {Hunter} 21:19:32 pm CDT

aura is sorry for bringing the subject up... she will button her lips in future 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:19:32 pm CDT

yes ruby, she did say that, even though the order is taught in the lessons...not everyone is trained by GS. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 21:19:33 pm CDT

Shimmer yep thier is no order of greetings pledged Masters 


aura {Hunter} 21:20:26 pm CDT

Master trouble is finding someone to do that work ... as Master know if it was set out in an SMF forum style aura would be a whiz *grins* 


Dak 21:21:39 pm CDT

not everything in the manual is completely written as intended , *smiles* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:22:17 pm CDT

Master Dak, ruby is a privately owned red silk, according to mistress snowrose's greeting order ruby would be greeted after the rawest of white silks if that white silk were owned by the Tavern. 

Like her Jarl flicka thinks this should be discussed next week. 


Dak 21:22:33 pm CDT

I believe it is done in HTML form , if I'm not mistaken 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:23:21 pm CDT

shimmy is just an animal but she thinks it should be gone over also. 


Keeper of flicka 21:23:31 pm CDT

I agree Hunter. 

Part of the problem is that only one person has all the passwords, time, and html knowledge to do that. 

Last time I used html it was in Roman numerals! 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:23:37 pm CDT

that is true flicka..GS slaves first 


Dak 21:24:01 pm CDT

aye, becuz she is privately owned can you find it not feasible for the tavern to own red and yellow silk slaves ? 


Hunter{aura} 21:24:21 pm CDT

Lovely race the romans 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:24:57 pm CDT

shimmy knows HTLM coding she use to use it in her old home where she came from 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:25:55 pm CDT

Master Dak, yes it is html format and flicka is able to some extent to update the pages, she has asked for clarification on some aspects but is awaiting a response. Also flicka can and will update pledges and collarings and silks etc. as she is advised to do. 

Regarding forum notes flicka has managed to have the forums from 2010 and 2012 posted up, but does not have many of 2013 and due to real time events flicka has been slow at posting the forums of 2014, the ones that have been sent to her. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:26:10 pm CDT

thinks slaves should be able to be greeted any way they wish no slave so better than another except FG 


Keeper of flicka 21:26:16 pm CDT

My point is who decided GS slaves first and why? 

It is not in keeping with the books, as Hunter mentioned earlier slave are like cattle or livestock. 

When I used to own 8 chickens there was no greeting order for My property. 


Hunter{aura} 21:26:43 pm CDT

Thanks for hosting Dak...smiles to flicka...thank you for scribing 


aura {Hunter} 21:28:07 pm CDT

flicka oohh that means you can put aura on there *grins* 

and and and .....oohh this girl has a secret.. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:28:20 pm CDT

~chuckling ~ But Jarl You named then after Roman Goddesses so surely Hera should have come first? 


Dak 21:29:26 pm CDT

aye, th forum is closed, I think all for coming and participation, 

thanks flicka for scribing 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:29:44 pm CDT

aura, as most know Jarl and flicka have been in the throes of moving to a new property, flicka has been remiss at many things concerning Gorean Shores, but yes she is now back in harness so to speak and will spend all afternoon doing a some "people" updates. 


Keeper of flicka 21:30:14 pm CDT

Yes Indeed. 

Hera was a Greek Goddess. 

Juno was the Roman chief Goddess. 

Do you get a Jarl smack for that?

~Evil laugh~ 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:30:18 pm CDT

Thank You Master Dak for officiating. ~chuckling~ flicka loves big words, thank You Master Dak for leading. 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:30:19 pm CDT

thank you for leading Master Dak smiles 

thank you for scribing flicka smiles 

slips out into the night for a bit. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:30:21 pm CDT

Thank You for leading Master Dak... 

thank you for scribing flicka 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:30:58 pm CDT

Master Dak 

thank for leading a hot topic 

flicka ..thank you for scribing pretty girl 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:31:06 pm CDT

Dang Jarl flicka just took a wild punt on the order of the Goddesses, You know how "wild colonial" she is about things of protocol. 


Bretval, Merchant 21:31:21 pm CDT

Sorry A/all but I greet slaves as they enter or as I choose... except the first girl whom I greet first as respect.. and then trainers if I remember... 


Keeper of flicka 21:31:23 pm CDT

Thank You Dak for leading. 

Thank You do My little one for scribing. 


aura {Hunter} 21:31:38 pm CDT

flicka aura was in no way saying it should be done.... *S* she knows how much work that stuff is 

girl runs a busy forum .... 


Dak 21:32:04 pm CDT

it was not uncommon in the chains for their be ones higher in the order , so I'm not sure your assessment that they were all the same is true , in Gor ! 


Hunter{aura} 21:32:48 pm CDT flicka in harness...does that mean pony rides at your place Keeper?....Grins 



snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:33:17 pm CDT

she tells the slaves that the slave greeting order is not important to the Free, not that they have to adhere to it rigidly. just that it exists, that's all. 

she was taught it. she didn't make it up. 


aura {Hunter} 21:34:28 pm CDT

when aura get a sissy think we will be equal *grins* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:34:51 pm CDT

Master Hunter, ~low delighted laugh~ shhh Mistress Lita would not approve of allusions to pony girl play in a Gorean context, flicka is sure. 


aura {Hunter} 21:34:57 pm CDT

aye to mistress snowroses words 


Bretval, Merchant 21:36:17 pm CDT

Thanks Dak for leading and to you flicka for scribing 

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