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Dak 19:25:42 pm CST

if any has a topic whisper to Me, and I will open the forum, *smiles* 


Dak 19:30:17 pm CST

ok, I have a topic, I will open the Forum , same rules keep chit chat and greetings to whispers, to make it easier for the scribe 


Dak 19:31:23 pm CST

1st topic

Gorean Mastery

Quotes For This Week

"But a Gorean Master will know every inch, and care for every inch of one of his slave girls. He will know every hair, every sweet blemish on her. In a way she is nothing to him, for she is only slave. But in another way she is very important to him. She is one of his women. He will want to know her completely, every inch of her body, every inch of her mind. Nothing less will satisfy him. She is his property. He will choose to know his property thoroughly." 

~ Hunters of Gor, page 145

"Honor is important to Goreans, in a way that those of Earth might find it hard to understand; for example, those of Earth find it natural that men should go to war over matters of gold and riches, but not honor; the Gorean, contrariwise, is more willing to submit matters of honor to the adjudication of steel than he is matters of riches and gold; there is a simple explanation for this; honor is more important to him."


"In an elegant, civilized context, one of beauty and music, it makes clear and bespeaks the raw and essential primitives of the ancient, genetic, biological sexual relationship of men and women, the theme of dominance and submission, that man is master by blood and woman is slave by birth. Neither, too, as say the Goreans, will know their fulfillment until they become true to themselves. We can be conquered, but nature cannot. In attempting to conquer nature, we defeat only ourselves. True freedom and happiness, perhaps, lies not in denying and repudiating our nature but in fulfilling it.

~ Rouge of Gor, Page 191


1)Men are the dominant species on Gor. How do you reflect this in your role play?

2)There is more to Gorean Mastery than being a man, yes or no? Why or why not?

3)Men try to lead but don't always succeed. Why is that?

4)Have a favorite quote about Gorean Mastery to share? 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:36:01 pm CST

can't argue with that Mistress..~laughs~ 


Ramses 19:36:11 pm CST

well to answer question #1, that part is easy. I am a man so I behave in a manner befitting a Dominant male 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:38:43 pm CST

As to number 3, she thinks only a Master could answer that...she does not, as a slave, ever presume to think a Master does not succeed..He is a Master, so she submits. 


Lita, Physician 19:39:32 pm CST

Good for You, Ramses. But, have You seen Men in on-line Gor Who do not? 


hayal {GS} 19:39:40 pm CST

for question #1, the ways in which hayal shows it in her rp are things like always greetings and offering service to the Masters before the Mistress's etc.. this does bring a question up for this one tho.. if Men are the dominate sex.. does that mean that a male slave would be above a female slave? Chained and in His collar - freedom to be. 19:40:19 pm CST

with respect, Not all men are Masters, but by definition all Masters must be Men. We are reading of Jason at the moment in Book Club and while He has nether dangly bits, in the beginning he most certainly was not a Master. 


Ramses 19:40:34 pm CST

not all Men truly try to lead

not all Men learn to lead

learn the nuances ...

learn to engender faith .... 


Ramses 19:41:13 pm CST

oh quite often Lita 


Lita, Physician 19:42:10 pm CST

There is a difference, though, snow, in submitting as a slave to a Master, and in that Master being able to lead Others. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:42:25 pm CST

he was a slave...he did not try to lead 


Lita, Physician 19:43:52 pm CST

yes, it would, hayal. In the books, female slaves are sometimes thrown to a male slave for his use as either a reward for the male, or punishment for the female.


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:44:07 pm CST

yes Mistress, she agrees completely with that...she was just giving it from a slave's They measure up leading Free is beyond her frame of reference 


hayal {GS} 19:46:59 pm CST

aye Mistress, thank You.. this one thinks that that gets lost sometimes within online rp.. but one sopose that there arn't really that many male slaves around to see it in action properly..


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:48:02 pm CST

even when sameer and aidan were here, they were greeted before the female slaves 


Bretval, Merchant 19:48:08 pm CST

A big part of leading is simply seeing what needs to be done and see that it is done... either by oneself or be others 


Lita, Physician 19:49:01 pm CST

True, hayal. Some Gorean sites do not even allow male slaves. Not sure why, but they don't. At one point, I understand GS did not permit male slaves. Don't know if tht is still the rule or not. 


Ramses 19:50:18 pm CST

doing it by oneself is one for of leadership, Bretval but not the strongest unless it leads to a deeper bond between leader and follower 


hayal {GS} 19:50:44 pm CST

this one thinks that sometimes a slave can see and feel the levels of Dominance which a Master is giving out.. which in turn can stimulate how submissive she is in His presence... it has alot to do with how one can affect another..


Dak 19:51:21 pm CST

a good leader is a good manager of people as well 


Kazar~infamous pirate 19:52:53 pm CST

Dak ~~ one leads by example also know how too delegate things out and praise for a job well done ~ 


hayal {GS} 19:53:16 pm CST

that is a bit of a shame Mistress... it makes an interesting point aswell tho.. if Men are sopose to be superior to Women, and a man would prefer to submit and be a slave.. would it not be His right to play a slave?


Dak 19:53:40 pm CST

*smiles*, that is good mangement, too, *smiles* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:55:45 pm CST

sometimes hayal..but sometimes it is more a matter of how a particular Master interacts with the particular slave...she is going to feel something more, want to submit deeper...while a Master who may be aloof to her charms could in fact be the more dominant , masterful man overall...the better leader 


Lita, Physician 19:57:12 pm CST

Not really, hayal. A Man was supposed to choose death over slavery. Men did not "prefer" to sumbit to slavery. They were either captured and enslaved unwillingly, or enslaved for crimes. Tarl never forgave himself for not dying rather than submitting to slavery among the Rencers.


hayal {GS} 19:58:21 pm CST

aye Mistress.. this one meant more like a submissive man in rt, who wants to play a slave on here...


Lita, Physician 19:57:12 pm CST

Not really, hayal. A Man was supposed to choose death over slavery. Men did not "prefer" to sumbit to slavery. They were either captured and enslaved unwillingly, or enslaved for crimes. Tarl never forgave himself for not dying rather than submitting to slavery among the Rencers. 


hayal {GS} 19:58:21 pm CST

aye Mistress.. this one ment more like a submissive man in rt, who wants to play a slave on here...


hayal {GS} 20:00:33 pm CST

aye snowrose ~smiles~ this one just finds it interesting, the kinds of affects a Man can have on a slave, or on another Man, etc


Ramses 20:03:29 pm CST

agrees with snow 


Lita, Physician 20:03:57 pm CST

Well I don't think that would be allowed, hayal. 


natira{GS} 20:04:01 pm CST

agrees mistress 


hayal {GS} 20:06:08 pm CST

aye Mistress.. this girl was just wondering.. she sees it completly understandable that it would not be allowed.. it was just a thought that crossed her mind ~smiles~


Lita, Physician 20:07:20 pm CST

understood, hayal 


Bretval, Merchant 20:07:34 pm CST

Too ways of thinking "Come home with your shield or on it" vs. "the duty of a prisoner is to escape and rejoin the fight" 


Lita, Physician 20:09:39 pm CST

Actually, Bretval, in a way, aren't they the same? Fight until you either win or die, or if imprisoned, escape to re-join the fight, or die trying. 


flicka – slave of Keeper. 20:11:12 pm CST

Master Bretval, a girl knows that the first was said to Spartan Men by Their wives. But what of the second? 


Bretval, Merchant 20:14:03 pm CST

The second is dishonourable in Gor thinking Tarl and the Rencers... the second does have the advantage of keeping the guards out of the fighting... 


Bretval, Merchant 20:16:31 pm CST

Since world war I.... and before...flicka... since they stopped cutting off the heads of prisoners 


flicka – slave of Keeper. 20:18:52 pm CST

ah thank You Master Bretval. 


Dak 20:29:36 pm CST

next topic:

slaves not of this home are permitted to come to class, if they greet and participate..It is a courtesy, not a right and lurking is not permitted 


Bretval, Merchant 20:30:16 pm CST

go, Dak 


Dak 20:44:45 pm CST

well, if there is nothing else to discuss, I will call the forum to a close, thanks all for coming , *smiles* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:45:51 pm CST

Thank You for leading the discussion Master Dak..~smiles warmly to the handsome Master~ 


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