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Rollo the Ax 19:10:22 CST

Well then, folks..... shall we get this show on the road ??? LOL... I would like to thank all here for coming to take part in this weeks forum...same rules as always... PLEASE keep any greetings and personal talk to whispers from here on out to aid the scribes in their work..... and if anybody has a topic they wish to discuss, just whisper it to me and we will see how far we can get with them today.......OKAY ???? everybody ready ??? 1,2,3 GO.....LOL...LOL..


Rollo the Ax 19:13:25 CST

LOL...LOL.. as for the Tattler... LOL...LOL... give any thanks to those that really did work their collective * butts * off to make it happen.....Rollo just gets his name in there for show.....LOL... a couple of jokes and a quick note added little.....LOL.. it was Laroona, and the kajira that did all the REAL work...


Laroona 19:14:04 CST


The New Tattler is OUT and published!! 

A huge thanks to all who contributed *S* 

New contributions are welcomed from all for the next edition.

Tattler can be located through this link and click on the image

The Tattler is newsworthy, thought provoking and most of all fun!!

Enjoy reading.


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:14:24 CST

Making galah's public announcement to VOTE for GS. *S*


galah{GS} 19:14:30 CST

and a giant thank you to Mistress Laroona for doing all the publishing work to get it printed for us all to see


galah{GS} 19:15:41 CST

thank you Slave Master, am sure it comes better from you, more like an order, so everyone has to do it heheheheheee


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:18:56 CST

claps loudly as the tattler has been re-born and the first issue is published!!


Laroona 19:19:26 CST

##@#@@ spaces adding the Page at end 

try this folks LOl

Rollo_the_Ax 19:23:08 CST

Okay...the first issue to deal with is about the * Tattler * I understand it, lady Laroona would like to ask us all a few questions about it.....Please, go ahead, Laroona...


Laroona 19:25:20 CST

Captain Rollo I do? LOL 

It would be great if people could give feedback to the email addy as it is a collective work

also how often would people like it to be published?


Triash's~mischief~ 19:26:42 CST

speaking softly

m's would LOVE questions to be submitted for her so she can have something to chat about in her little corner of the world!

Please Please girls!!! don't leave m's hangin!


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:27:40 CST

What mischief, you can not talk to that other person running around in your head for questions? *wink* LOL


Triash's~mischief~ 19:28:17 CST

Master Paedure, NO she always wins the arguments and she's a tremendous bitch ~nodding big~


Laroona 19:28:21 CST

and finally any people with skills for HTML coding, image making etc... (tassa made all the images on this edition ... *S*)) 

as now there is a template done *S* it will be easier


galah{GS} 19:28:41 CST

mm, can questions be anonymous or do they have to be signed?


Paedur-Slavemaster 19:29:05 CST

Well good thing mischief, WE don't get to see that tremendous bitch. *wink* LOL


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:29:28 CST

topaz loved it Mistress....grins!! 

she has missed it so she always found it so interesting to read!!!

now she thinks every two months would be she knows monthly is too hard...smiles


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 19:29:46 CST

~rubbing her head vigorously~ That is a matter of opinion Master Paedur lol


Laroona 19:29:57 CST

m's that section of yours where do you want ppl to send their agony kajira questions to LOL 

I can give you the address and password if you do not want your own used *S*


Triash's~mischief~ 19:30:55 CST

Master Paedur, yeah sometimes she gets out, can't tell You HOW many time's m's been punished for her deeds!! ~sigh~

galah, actually mischief would PREFER them to be anonymous. she would like the girls to feel that NO question is off limits and there is NO embarrassment or shame or anything!! so please ladies don't sign your name, this is all for the education of all of us and we all can learn and grow from whatever question is given and used!


Laroona 19:31:49 CST

galah and you need to find another victim err Patron to interview LOL


Triash's~mischief~ 19:32:03 CST

Mistress Laroona, m's never thought of it but most people have her email so her's is fine..

You can put that at the bottom with like a "submit a button" kind of question if You desire

galah{GS} 19:32:38 CST

good mm, thought it important that the girls would know that, more likely to ask the hard ones then...questions, that is heheheheee


Triash's~mischief~ 19:33:08 CST

galah, thank you for asking/reminding m's.. it's so important to her that girls feel free to ask ANYTHING!


Laroona 19:33:29 CST

m's I will add that later *S*


Triash's~mischief~ 19:34:37 CST

Mistress, thank You muchly! slave appreciates it!!


galah{GS} 19:34:48 CST

seems the debate about time would be monthly or once every other bout split the difference and go every 6 weeks?


Rollo_the_Ax 19:36:07 CST

Looking to mm..... * I admit that Rollo is NOT the best when it comes to puter stuff.. but how can any kajira send you an email, and make it anonymous  ??? will not their addy show from where it is sent ????


Laroona 19:36:46 CST

maybe on the new board a poll could be set up... thinking this is the paper for GS... *S*


galah{GS} 19:36:58 CST

well mm might know who the question come from Master Rollo, but it wouldn't say in the tattler whom that right mm?


Triash's~mischief~ 19:37:32 CST

Master Rollo...mmmm ~thinking~....OH OH they can use the slave training email address, go in there and send it from there when they go to read about slave classes!!

Is that okay Master??

And "golden one"???


Xertog 19:37:53 CST

Perhaps there name can be with-held if requested


sha'reen{Xg-L} 19:37:57 CST

~listens quietly~


Triash's~mischief~ 19:38:10 CST

No, mischief will always talk about the question from her perspective she will never name names, but she doesn’t want the girl to worry about feeling "exposed"...


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:38:28 CST

mm….perhaps also post on the boards sis...letting them know about your column and it is to be "nameless"...chuckles


blossom 19:39:04 CST

~speaks softly~

would it be so hard to set up an email account similar to the slave Forum.. providing all with the password to access it and send questions anonymously thru it?


Rollo_the_Ax 19:39:26 CST

I was thinking that a * double blind * would need to be made... like the girls send their questions to a new hotmail addy that only ONE person has access to, and it gets forwarded to mm from there ??? that way complete privacy can be done .....


sha'reen{Xg-L} 19:39:27 CST

~looks to mm and topaz~ maybe girls can send the e-mail hotmail that's used for training.


blossom 19:39:40 CST

opps.. the slave email.. ~laughs~


Laroona 19:40:08 CST

blossom the gs-scribe@hotmailcom is available to the reporters *S*


Triash's~mischief~ 19:40:21 CST

sha'reen mmmmm ~giving you a cute look~ what an excellent idea!!!


blossom 19:40:42 CST



galah{GS} 19:41:05 CST

gal would like to see a slave volunteers to do a slave position column for the tattler, for slaves study positions, but many times, Masters don't know the positions to utilize if a slave did one position each time supported by quotes perhaps would be good? what does everyone think of this? and if so, who wants to volunteer for this one?


Laroona 19:41:31 CST

Captain Rollo a great idea *smiling* .... m's can set it up and I can add it to the current Tattler as soon as she lets me know.. it takes a few minutes to add that *S*


blossom 19:41:37 CST

~sitting on her hands~


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:42:03 CST

lol…golden one speaks up….winking at mm

the slave email addy could be used sis...but topaz personally thinks ,more slave would feel better emailing you directly, as a lot of slaves read the general email account.... 

and only you would see their name and of course keep it confidential if they wish


Laroona 19:42:49 CST

can it be every 2 months... that gives the reporters time to gather information,,,, have a close off date so editors can have it ready for approval by Council >... *S*


Triash's~mischief~ 19:42:49 CST

Okay m's a bit lost (nothing new) just her know what is desired and slave will obey (as she always does *trying not to choke on that one)*


Rollo_the_Ax 19:46:09 CST

Laroona, I meant a completely different person... like say Me... or somebody that everybody would trust to never pass on the name of whom the letter came would be a simple thing to just forward any letters on to mm, and in that way, even she can assure total privacy to any girl wanting to ask a question ..... I can do it if it will work out for y'all.....and swear that I will NOT pass on ANY names......


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:47:00 CST

topaz agrees, every two months...and perhaps to be published the first day of whatever the month is....

and galah, topaz always loved the slave position part of the Tattler...she thinks it would be great to add it...and she is willing to do a position of course...smiles


Laroona 19:47:12 CST

Captain Rollo that would work *S*


Triash's~mischief~ 19:47:43 CST

Master Rollo, m's mmmm means this nicely but could it maybe be someone that girls MAY not be worried about feeling embarrassed?? (not that girls feel that way but You CAN at TIMES be mmmmmm well YOU and that is awesomely deliciously intimidating to new girls and slaves that feel they are loosing their belly)


galah{GS} 19:48:27 CST

you already do the news column miss paz, we need to get more involved, surly someone will volunteer that isn't already doing their fair share? Heheheheheee


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:50:13 CST

of course galah..smiles...


lilley_GS_ 19:50:26 CST 

lilly finds the idea of slave info interesting….but is very tired tonight from the days activities and would like to think about it before a commitment is made...(thinking she has made too many commitments in the heat of the moment…g)


Triash's~mischief~ 19:50:51 CST

Mayhap one of the trainers can do the position? the newest one caitlin mayhap (as belle is already writing a column)???


galah{GS} 19:51:01 CST

gal will chase up someone to do it miss paz but we can always depend on ourselves if we get desperate hehehehehehee hehehehehehehee


Xertog 19:51:47 CST

I think we should make it every 2 months,, Later may be when we get more people working on it we can put it out more often


galah{GS} 19:52:08 CST

caitlin would be a good choice!!! Mistress Laroona, you can volunteer caitlin for the position? heheheheheheheee heheheheheheee


Triash's~mischief~ 19:52:41 CST

~nodding in agreement that caitlin would be a wonderful choice~


galah{GS} 19:52:45 CST

all those in favor of every second month....say aye heheheheheeeeee


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 19:52:49 CST

~ looking at mm~ ok ok caitlin will do the position ..come over here a little closr sis ~giggling~


Rollo_the_Ax 19:53:19 CST

LOL...LOL... I only offered, mm, so as to NOT put such a burden on any other person..... I would pass on everything verbatim, without * looking *.....LOL...LOL... but if it would work better with another person, I will NOT take any offence.....LOL...


Laroona 19:53:27 CST

volunteer caitlin.... I order *BOL*


Triash's~mischief~ 19:53:44 CST

caitlin, not for all the chocolates in the Free's possessions would m's come near you at this moment ~smiling sweetly~


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 19:53:48 CST

sisters you are all so kind ROFL


Triash's~mischief~ 19:54:49 CST

Master Rollo ~blushing hot~ thank You for not being offended, m's was sincerely not meaning it in such a way!

she hopes the council or the Editors can decide and let m's know she will do whatever she can to make it easier for girls to get to her ~warm smile~


Rollo_the_Ax 19:58:43 CST

Every 2 months seems fine to me....... more often might become too great a burden for those doing all the work...


Rollo_the_Ax 20:00:50 CST

Okay, so much for the Tattler issues..... are there ANY other issues/questions/gripes/matters, that y'all wish to bring up and discuss ??




galah{GS} 20:03:11 CST

if no other subjects, perhaps we could review the rooms including the inn so that all know what is what?


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:04:01 CST

good idea galah...smiles...


galah{GS} 20:04:02 CST

are there any changes regarding the gorean inn at poolside? its still gor lite with no serving, an introduction to gor?


galah{GS} 20:04:52 CST

from the inn, a new one would move to the piazza? a place more relaxed to learn in more depth about gor


galah{GS} 20:05:46 CST

and the tavern? hard core consisting of open usage of girls and complete RP, staying in character


Laroona 20:06:16 CST



galah{GS} 20:06:21 CST

FW are not allowed in the training room? not even for special events?


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 20:06:36 CST

should probably go over the rules of the piazza too


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:06:36 CST

Piazza...a room for people to go to as it not harsh, a room for the Free Women to be able to use safely, a room where slaves are modest, wearing camisks, not overtly sexual, a room which is a no kill/no capture zone, a room for new people to learn without fear of reprisal....thinks....did she leave anything out?


galah{GS} 20:07:01 CST

and the bath house for squeaky clean fun? NOT!!!! Heheheheheeee


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:07:14 CST

topaz has still seen no rules posted about Gorean Inn


galah{GS} 20:08:14 CST

that brings to mind a question....if the Piazza is a safe zone, then a FW could get mouthy and still not be collared?


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 20:08:32 CST

that covers it fairly well topaz


Rollo_the_Ax 20:08:33 CST I see it, total newbies would most likely be at the Gorean Inn at Poolside, right ?? then come to GS in the Piazza and continue to learn...then when ready, enter the Tavern proper... LOL..LOL.. that is working on the assumption that they don't get lost in the alcoves where they most likely will TRY to stay.....LOL....LOL..


sha'reen{Xg-L} 20:09:19 CST

~listening quietly~


Laroona 20:09:48 CST

The Piazza is the only safe room for FW..... other than Forum.... IMO Free and slaves should act in deference to the FW... 

I oppose RT talk in The Piazza,,, 

I agree that it is a room for learning and welcoming newcomers... which we all should be more relaxed in assisting them *S*


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:10:32 CST

also, adding that FW are allowed in to the Tavern for special occasions, so why not the Training Yard?...curious


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:11:04 CST

and the slave kennels are OFF LIMITS period to all Free except for anyone on the Council now...correct?


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:11:52 CST she hears Mistress Laroona, as topaz believes RT talk should not be done period in any of the Public rooms...smiles softly


Shadowglade-First_Sword 20:12:07 CST

I have always seen the Inn as a porthole to GS, in that it was a place for meeting and greeting, and discussing Gor with newbies, but if they wished to actually EXPERIENCE Gor, that they would have to go to the Piazza....*shrugs*


Laroona 20:12:11 CST

FW in the Tavern .... only before and after Forums or at the invite of a current Captain is my understanding *S*


Laroona 20:13:17 CST

I enter gor to eave RT behind, if I want to discuss it I do so in private *S*


Laroona 20:13:48 CST

Captain Shadowglade I see it that way also *S*


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:15:53 CST

Unfortunately galah, free women can be mouthy anyplace, it's their right as fw.


galah{GS} 20:17:11 CST

galah just don't understand the idea that somewhere is a safe zone, meaning no force collaring, seems that FW could get away with anything then and not have to worry?


Deirdre 20:17:32 CST

*grinning at Kyoto's comment........shaking My head.....thinking, "Some things never change."*


galah{GS} 20:18:56 CST

gal knows from personal experience that many very ungorean conversations happen at the gorean inn...but if one can just adhere to some basics to draw some interest, then some will make the step over to GS


Shadowglade-First_Sword 20:18:59 CST

ALL such things are subject to change, galah. For instance, if a FW was fucking someone openly in the Piazza, she would be face stripped, and enslaved, and told she would either accept those actions or face permanent banning. At least that's what *I* would tell someone....but then I am a Captain, so......*shrugs*


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:19:00 CST

Grinning at D


Laroona 20:19:17 CST

*chuckles* I do not think that any of the GS FW are overly mouthy, I have seen them act with the decorum becoming a FW... 

galah if we are restricted to one room and enter others we face force collaring... 

so knowing our places is good LOL


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:19:20 CST

NO galah, no one can get away with anything they wish.

that Piazza is simply a place where the slave can not be used and so a place a bit more accommodating.

FW still have to know there place with in Gor.

just as the slaves do.


Rollo_the_Ax 20:19:34 CST

YES, topaz.....NO FREE person has the right to enter the slave pens nor kennels without permission of the Council..... Captains and Council members ONLY ...except for slaves....... and even visiting slave for training and such are allowed...but NOT their Masters.....


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:20:00 CST

How about a dropped "incriminating" whisper, SG?


Orion 20:20:23 CST

I understand the question you ask galah and it has been a sore spot with me as well for FW do use the no capt/kill to their point at times to be even more mouthy and disrespectful to FM even to the point of challenging them on the restrictions of their slaves.. I know cause it has happened to me.


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 20:20:26 CST

there is no furring or anything overtly sexual in the piazza either or a slave could be punished


Shadowglade-First_Sword 20:20:36 CST

As for the Inn, galah, the truth is the Council of Captains really has no authority in the Inn, it falls then to Gary to enforce his rules. All WE can do is, as pledged patrons, and slaves, and slaves of patrons of GS is adhere to our own standards, and show by example.....


galah{GS} 20:20:39 CST

so saying safe zone doesn't mean completely safe Master Shadowglade? face stripping could still happen there?


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:21:02 CST

They cannot get away with anything, but by tradition can speak with impunity...

Looks around for a quote


Laroona 20:21:41 CST

It is my understanding even then Council has the final ruling *S*


sha'reen{Xg-L} 20:21:42 CST

~she listens quietly~


Shadowglade-First_Sword 20:21:55 CST

*smirks at Kyoto* Well, my friend, we've all been guilty of dropping less than Gorean whispers over the years, have we not? I tend not to hold those things against someone....what's done in private, even if it becomes apparent publically through some accident, I tend to turn a blind eye to it, as long as it doesn't become a habit...


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:23:18 CST

agrees with Master Shadowglade as He says it quite bluntly...grins...but it is also not allowed for slaves to be sexual in the Piazza!!....tis a place where even slaves are to act with decorum and serve with a bit of heat, if more is wanted, that is what the tavern is for...chuckles


galah{GS} 20:23:38 CST

oooooohhh, remembered a question gal had regarding the piazza, when a slave goes in there, she dons a camisk, is this automatic everytime, or just when fw are present? and what about slave thighs in there when serving a Master, when fw are around, and when fw aren't around, or is it always the same?


Orion 20:24:07 CST

Then if that was the case Laroona, it still gives the FW the right to say what they wish for they could still be brought back in as a FW then


Laroona 20:24:13 CST

I would not want to enter the Piazza and see Tavern like behaviour going on LOL...


Laroona 20:25:48 CST

Orion I would not know that would be for Council to decree 

we all abide by Council decisions when we pledge *S*


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:26:33 CST

Ok, most know I have never been a huge advocate of free women, but I have of the books, so here goes...

"A free woman may often make a man angry with impunity, she being lofty and free, this latitude is seldom extended to the slave." (Blood Brothers of Gor, p.221)


Deirdre 20:26:47 CST

We are Aall subject to the will of the Council, Orion. They are the final Authority on all matters concerning GS.


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:26:48 CST

it is always the same galah, those are the rules... 

a FW COULD enter at any time...


Xertog 20:28:41 CST

I don't think it matters much what the girls have on in the Piazza as long as they keep there displays of affection toned down.. If the Master wants a Cyberscew they have several other option on where to do so.. The Piazza is not the place for it.


shirin{GS}~t 20:28:41 CST

~*~sit quietly, back on flattened feet, listening to the discussions~*~


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:29:18 CST

slaves are not allowed to be sexual in the Piazza period.

they are to serve with no heat or fire thee.

THAT is left for the Tavern, so any Master wishing that need take the girl to the Tavern.

or to an alcove.


galah{GS} 20:29:51 CST

but what is the rule regarding slave thighs in the piazza? gal thought it was to be like what the old tavern was, open to Masters and closed to fw, but just dunno anymore....seems there is also conflict in our own pages about some things miss paz


jade{Dk} 20:30:24 CST

are girls allowed to dance in the Piazza?


Laroona 20:30:27 CST

*chuckles* I suppose I could dump a "heated" slave in the fountain to cool down LOL


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:30:34 CST

smiles and nods as she hears Master Paedur and Master Xertog


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:30:53 CST

Adding to My last statement...

that is if the girl is yellow or red silks.

white silks are still not allowed to serve sexually with heat or fire period until they are trained and promoted


galah{GS} 20:31:01 CST

but Slave Master, telling a girl to serve with NO heat or fire is like telling her not to be slave


Shadowglade-First_Sword 20:31:18 CST

Aye it would seem that there are several things unclear galah, however, as *I* see it, a girl would nadu to a Master, and tower to a FW, and tower to any FW and Master couple she might be serving...out of deference to the FW


shirin{GS}~t 20:31:39 CST

~*~nods hearing galah, a bit confused on that one too~*~ 

...tho, if there is to be nothing sexual at all in the Piazza, shirin best keep her thighs closed ~nods nods~ always


Orion 20:32:55 CST

I guess I am now referring MORE to the wishes of a Master when he has a girl in training and others question and tell him that his property should be in the public even if she is training and learning. She MAY appear to be in GC but in reality she COULD be in training with a fg or her Master in IM or other means. What right does ANY FW have to question him or tell him where his property should be..


Laroona 20:34:02 CST

I have yet to see any slave act improperly or serve with parted thighs, while I have been present...

The one occasion it did occur the slave was placed in a chastity belt....


Deirdre 20:34:20 CST

Orion.....Are We not talking in generalities, Sir?


galah{GS} 20:34:26 CST

**deep sigh** we try to clear things up, just to become more heat or fire, that in itself is unslavelike in my opinion....a girl could not control that fire within and might need beg to leave or to beg to go to the tavern, but to say that one simply can't and won't use heat and fire is not gorean, is not slave?


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:34:30 CST

Smiles well now galah, I think that you can then talk to topaz over that, serving with no heat or fire and still showing you to be a slave.

she has had years of practice being restricted and all. LOL


Rollo_the_Ax 20:34:41 CST

Do we not * all * use any rule or point to our OWN advantage when possible ??? Is it not human nature when working within set limits to use them in whatever way works BEST for ourselves ??? FW have MANY rules and limits set out for them on Gor... so how can ANY begrudge then the right to use what rights they HAVE been given ???? LOL...LOL... Hey, men do it also..... I am a BIG, SCARY BASTARD and as such, many folks just stay out of MY way...LOL..LOL... is that wrong ????


Shadowglade-First_Sword 20:34:58 CST

Orion, has there ever been a time, that you can recall, when a FW or ANYONE for that matter ever had the right to tell another person how to handle their private property? As long as it's done by the rules of whichever site the girl might be IN at the moment, I don't see what the issue will be, nor really why it might be a FW telling you as opposed to a Man that I misreading you?


Xertog 20:35:15 CST

Orion why would ours slaves be training in GC? ..confused look


galah{GS} 20:35:27 CST

isn't gor still a mans world, even if he’s in the piazza?


Triash's~mischief~ 20:35:46 CST

Master Paedur, m's respectfully disagrees with that statement completely. topaz DOES show her heat and desire and hunger, she just doesn’t take it to the next level respecting her Master. But she DOES dance, and serve with heat and sexuality, sensuality..,.


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:36:50 CST

That is a very good point mischief, thank you.

Much better stated than I did. *S*


galah{GS} 20:37:14 CST

agrees with mischief


Laroona 20:37:32 CST

so some would like to see the only place a FW has in GS removed to appease slaves?


Laroona 20:38:59 CST

m's well said ... that she does and always demonstrates her heart to serve and be pleasing *S* a very good example 

and I have seen you do the same *S*


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:39:08 CST

I don't think anyone is saying that at all Laroona.

Just trying to clarify a few items


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:39:40 CST

Oh yes mischief is restricted too.

I forgot that. *S*


galah{GS} 20:39:44 CST

its just that the piazza was to be like what our tavern was like when we was limited to the one room....slaves still would serve with desire and such but be taken to an alcove when it got to that point, and slaves would still serve a Master with parted thighs, as with a camisk, nuthing is gonna be showing suddenly the piazza is gonna be no heat and fire whatsoever?


Orion 20:39:53 CST

It was meant as GS Xertog.. And I have had my own girls training with me and the FG's and been questioned as to WHY they were not in rooms serving others.. I have had a LOT of work to do with one or two of them because of their previous handlers.. So the training of them should be a matter that is up to me to oversee and not that of a FW to question.. As one of my girls/former girls will tell you, I am ALWAYS in contact with unless I have an RT Emergency as is going on right now. Albeit via e-mail, chat, phone conversations...


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:40:12 CST

but galah, now a girl is speaking of generalities. being a Man’s world and all 

we were speaking of the Piazza and it's rules

if a Master wants sex or sexual service, then that is what the Tavern is for


Rollo_the_Ax 20:40:16 CST

Okay, how about this analogy to clear this up....... * If you knowing walk into a place that does NOT allow smoking, and light up, who is wrong ?? the smoker or the place with the rule ???* or maybe * If a man has his dog on a leash, and enters a building or store that has CLEARLY marked * NO ANIMALS ALLOWED * on the door, who is at fault ??? the man or the dog ??? Rules is rules folks, some we like and some we don't...but if they are there for all to see before they enter, then you agree by the act of entering to abide by the set rulers..... quite simple to MY thinking.......


Triash's~mischief~ 20:41:01 CST

Mistress ~blushing hotly~ m's would love to say that slavery is bit sexual/sensual...but it is for m. it is a turn on so it leaks out. However girl has been able to even dance in the Piazza without being offensive to You and keeping her clothes on, she does not feel it took away from the sensuality of the dance. she just had to WORK harder at it *soft grin* as she couldn't use blatant sexuality to get some message across


galah{GS} 20:41:16 CST

and the whole point is so that everyone is on the same page, so that the slaves know exactly how they are expected to serve in the piazza, its never been outlined very clearly in my opinion


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:42:22 CST

Originally, I seem to remember the Piazza was where white silks were to serve and be trained with the other girls in the tavern


Shadowglade-First_Sword 20:42:49 CST

Well, Orion, the truth is, it is the RIGHT of ANY Free Person to question anyone about anything, just as it is your right to tell them to fuck off if you don't like being questioned. 

We're FREE are we not? Thus, we have the same rights as any other Free, be we Free WOMEN, or Free MEN....we're equal, though, on Gor, Men are just a little MORE equal...that's all. Questioning someone's judgement, and/or actions is not unheard of. We do it all the time in RT with one another, the only ones who should NEVER question are slaves.....


galah{GS} 20:44:18 CST

Master Rollo, rules is rules, but there hasn't been a set rule for serving in the piazza, everyone knows its not for having sex, but beyond that, its all confusion...even here, Mistress Laroona says slave do not serve in piazza with thighs parted and yet Master Shadowglade said they should part thighs when serving a Master


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 20:44:19 CST

belle always knew what the restrictions of the Piazza are... heck its easy, Free Woman means be respectful to Her while serving a Master, no sexual play no finger sticking no wiggling suggestively on a Masters lap, but that’s just belle's point of view

topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:44:47 CST

well said indeed master Rollo....grins


Deirdre 20:45:49 CST

*eyes widen in surprise at Shadowglade's comment....but nodding complete agreement*


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:46:03 CST

My understanding of it galah is just as Shadowglade had stated.

Free Men are served with parted thighs, unless there is a restriction as such on the slave.

Free Women served with thighs closed.


galah{GS} 20:46:12 CST

galah just thinks there needs to be some fine tuning so that its a more clear cut picture


jade{Dk} 20:46:23 CST

now often seeing the tavern empty... this tavern that everyone wanted a harsher gor.. now often stands empty and the Piazza often has anywhere from 3 to 10 in it at any given time


Orion 20:47:45 CST

I understand completely ShadowGlade, I just hope then the FW understand that when they are told to "fuck off" by me or any other FM then


Dakota 20:48:22 CST

I have noticed the same thing the last several evenings...jade and I alone in the Tavern while the Piazza has many...


Deirdre 20:48:43 CST

Orion....I will understand completely.....*smiling* will You when I respond to that.


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:48:45 CST

We'll change it then, jade, I am sure if the men go into the tavern, the slaves will follow


galah{GS} 20:49:02 CST

jade, think what happens there is when ppl look in and see where ppl are, that is where they go, and then the numbers grow....have seen the tavern busy too when a few ppl are there first instead of the piazza...have seen gs sit empty and have 6-10 at the inn also


Shadowglade-First_Sword 20:49:37 CST

*LAUGHS* Orion, show me a woman who understands much of anything a MAN says to her, and I will show you a MAN.....*chuckles* FW don't HAVE to understand, they're free, they have the right to tell you to fuck off right back....of course, if they conduct themselves in a way not befitting a Gorean FW they all know that it means their necks....and if One makes it known that that WILL happen, every single time, it's been my experience all but the stupidest FW will back off


Rollo_the_Ax 20:49:40 CST

Once again, we are ALL discussing HUMAN nature here.... anybody here NOT agree with the fact that we do NOT all see the exact same thing in the same way ???? Like on cop shows ??? 25 of us here, and if asked what we just saw, we would ALL come up with slightly differing stories ... THAT is how we all see GOR !!!! Hell, many even see rules and laws in different lights or ways, so HOW IN THE HELL can we EVER hope to agree on EVERYTHING ????? NO FRIGGEN WAY !!!!!


galah{GS} 20:50:03 CST

ooooooooohhh, in the case of a slave and a Master in the tavern, gal thinks all make an assumption that sex is going on and not wanting to interfere perhaps?


jade{Dk} 20:50:04 CST

smiles softly to Master Kyoto... indeed the slave follow the scent *chuckles*


sha'reen{Xg-L} 20:50:05 CST

~curls up a lil tighter as she listens~


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 20:51:03 CST

if belle can say something, true she just walked in and knows not of the past conversations... but if belle was a FW and suddenly furring, and extreme lapping and other sexual contact was allowed in the one place SHE felt safe? she would leave be it her home or not...


Dakota 20:51:28 CST

galah....that's just wrong.....if it's meant to be private then it would be in an alcove...


Laroona 20:51:45 CST

ya got it belle


Deirdre 20:52:11 CST

Exactly belle.......that's exactly what should happen. I would leave. I wouldn't bellyache or complain. I'd just go....and come back in later. That only makes sense. *smiling at her warmly*


jade{Dk} 20:53:11 CST

and if there is sex going on galah? is that not what FM do with they slaves if they choose... in an open tavern... what people don't seem to understand... is if people wanted to be "alone" then they would go to a Messenger... can a Master not multi-task... fuck, drink, eat and talk all at the same time if they wish it? *chuckles*


galah{GS} 20:53:23 CST

gal knows thats wrong Master Dakota, but gal would guess that is what happens, gal many times has been in the tavern with a Master and seen other names come into the site, only to disappear again, without coming in....and sometimes they come in only to leave saying they wish not to interrupt


Rollo_the_Ax 20:53:35 CST

WHY is it so hard for y'all to accept the fact that * what room * you are playing in makes little difference ???? if I want to go to a strip club, I DON'T enter a school....and if I want a drink and some conversation, I DON'T enter a church ....... Go where YOU want, and if others join you, FINE...if not, enjoy the place all by yourself or change rooms.....


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:53:55 CST

Ok, where would people go if they saw two men were in the training yard?

Hopefully they would not get the same impression, galah. and incidentally, Goreans weren't that hung up about sex with slaves, at least the men weren't. How often were feast slaves used on the floor during a feast?


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:54:35 CST

exactly belle...also what you said before was right on the money sis!! ..:::::


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 20:44:19 CST 

belle always knew what the restrictions of the Piazza are... heck its easy, Free Woman means be respectful to Her while serving a Master, no sexual play no finger sticking no wiggling suggestively on a Masters lap, but that’s just belle's point of view


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 20:55:21 CST

but Master Rollo what other rooms are there that are safe for FW?


galah{GS} 20:55:45 CST

galah agrees completely jade....just saying what i have seen many doesn't make it right but its the way it is....but then think sis, if a slave was to come into the tavern and a Master and slave are busy with each other....what’s the slave to do? sure, she could go do chores, but if there are ppl in the piazza to converse with, that’s where they gonna go


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:55:53 CST

Umm, jade, after my surgery, I'm still working on doing two things at once... four sounds extreme to me


Laroona 20:55:59 CST

Kyoto easy answer I would go to the Piazza LOL


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 20:56:15 CST

belle loves the Mistresses here and would hate to see Them go again and again because there is furring in the Piazza


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:56:20 CST

once again, Master Rollo speaks with wisdom...


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:57:45 CST

chuckling at Laroona

Why does that remind me of the plane crash/bury the survivors joke?


Xertog 20:58:20 CST

I think it is good that people in GS has an option of a room like the Piazza and one like the Tavern.. People will simply vote with there feet


galah{GS} 20:58:24 CST

no one wants furring in the piazza belle....that wasn't even open for discussion, everyone knows that is not allowed and it shouldn't be


Laroona 20:58:58 CST

Kyoto no it should indicate I know what room to enter as a FW and leave as a FW *S*


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 20:59:00 CST

Someone remind me why the Training Yard is off limits to free women? They were allowed to watch fights in the books


es_belle~{T}~t~ 20:59:10 CST

galah i don’t mean just furring, some FW consider it disgusting even at times when a slave sucks seductevly a Masters finger... to Them that is a type of furring a furry foreplay if you would


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 20:59:24 CST

then galah.. what is the open discussion about, since you had brought it up.. *smiling*.. just curious since I usually have a point or two to make..


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 20:59:25 CST

yes it should be .. it is the only place for FW .. there are other rooms for slaves and Masters.. there is no reason anyone has to fuck in there


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:59:26 CST

exactly Master Xertog!! 

also the Piazza serves as a room not only for FW, but for slaves as well to perhaps relax a tiny bit and enjoy some quieter, more softer things now and then....winks at Him


galah{GS} 20:59:35 CST

good question Master wondered that tooo


Shadowglade-First_Sword 20:59:39 CST

To be honest with you Kyoto, I never understood that either


nicole21:00:17 CST

*nodding*... much like us slaves who don't have a collar.. we are safe in the piazza, but not safe in the tavern


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:00:42 CST

My understanding of the Training Room is that FW are allowed there if there is a spar going on, but it being a place of Weapons, they were not permitted there to just hang out.


Deirdre 21:01:04 CST

Kyoto.....I've wondered about that too.....especially since I am a Physician. What should I do if someone is injured while training and there is no one from the Council for Me to ask if I can enter there?


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:01:09 CST

*listening, not sure what is being discussed or debated right now


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:01:15 CST

Just make it a KCZ like the tavern used to be, FW allowed, but they just had to be cautious that they minded their p's and q's.


galah{GS} 21:01:59 CST

now sucking on a finger is going to be to seductive for the piazza? **shakes her head**

greetings Master ShadowHawk, the discussion is about what can and can't happen in the different rooms of gs...and why ppl go to one room over another


Dakota 21:02:02 CST

slaves without collars are a bit of a contradiction. in My mind


Laroona 21:02:18 CST

I also wonder too when there is a spar


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:02:36 CST

well if your sucking it like you would a cock yeah i would consider that seductive


Shadowglade-First_Sword 21:02:53 CST

*chuckles and strokes his neck* I've never known FW to WANT to hang out around weapons......isn't that like saying it's against the rules for FW to drag female slaves off into an alcove? Does that really need to be a rule? I'd say it's nothing a FW would WANT first and foremost, and second, I would think that any Gorean FW would KNOW not to 'touch the weapons' (reliving a fat comedian in RT talking about how his dad always screamed at him not to touch the tools in the garage)


Rollo_the_Ax 21:03:24 CST

LOL...LOL.. at the time of the setting up of the new GS, it has a *concern* of somebody, I don't remember whom, that FW standing around a training yard might get hurt... that and there are no seats and such for them.......but if it is desired to allow FW in the training yard, and it is voted on by Council, then presto-chango we can make it happen.......LOL...


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:03:48 CST

I see galah.. but what ppl.. seems to Me the point of topic is.. the FreeWomen


galah{GS} 21:04:43 CST

but slaves are ALWAYS seductive belle....gggeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz a FW could turn her head if she was worried about a finger getting sucked on?


Laroona 21:05:10 CST

could it not be the same say as for the Tavern.... that a Current Captain invite the FW with impunity to watch and maybe tend to the wounded ... to enhance r/p


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:05:16 CST

ok here is belle's point of view on the Piazza... if its something that can get the slave wet and the Master Horny (unless They are REALLLY easy) then its seductive


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:05:24 CST

I agree Shadow.. I don't see why the rule should be either.. only time I see a FW wishing to go to the training yard, is either to speak with a Man training there.. or watch a spar.. lol.. as it is.. I have never seen the yard used in all times I have been in anyways


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:05:35 CST

Paedur, most women who would come here know that they aren't a match for a trained warrior. If they are dense enough to enter the training yard alone, then their fate is their own.

Just go there if there are people you know.

It's not like the streets of Port Kar were marked "No collaring zone".


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:05:40 CST

im seductive without being... for lack of better word.. whorish


Dakota 21:06:14 CST

belle? presume to know what makes Free Men horny?


shirin{GS}~t 21:06:26 CST

~*~chuckles and raises her hand to belle's comments of being easy~*~


Rollo_the_Ax 21:06:32 CST

Does any FW here REALLY think that sucking a finger is the SAME as sucking a dick ???? it is called FOREPLAY folks, and is done IN THE OPEN ..... if they are trying to seduce the guy, and it happens, THEN they can go to an alcove.....


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:06:32 CST

aye, but was it not also said.. that a slave need wear a kirtle and tone down their sensuality while in the piazza???


Triash's~mischief~ 21:06:58 CST

~whispering to Master ShadowHawk~

a camisk, only m's wears a kirtle in GS


Laroona 21:07:03 CST

Hawk it has been used recently *S* 

the issue is it is currently a banned room even to watch an event *S*


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:07:08 CST

it depends on the Master, Master Dakota... but most men (like my Husband) if you suckle on His finger then yeah something’s going to stir... if you are lapping and wiggle your hips yeah something’s going to poke... if you lick your nipples yeah something’s going to get wet


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:07:10 CST

Laughs hearing Kyoto.

Most Women and some Men. LOL

But I always thought if there were more than One Man in the Training Yard then it was a spar of some sorts.

It is a place for fighting and training not for socializing or serving.


galah{GS} 21:08:05 CST

but belle, you said seductive...not whorish, we gonna need a long list of do's and don't for the piazza then if we gonna say that one can't suck on a finger


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:08:45 CST

i was hoping that people would understand the difference between being seductive and seducing


Laroona 21:09:18 CST

if I suck on my gloved finger is Xertog going to get excited,,, doubt it all I will get is a wet glove from sucking it


Dakota 21:09:25 CST

so now there is a "no hard-on" rules for Free Men in the Piazza belle?


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:09:37 CST

*nodding*.. My thanks Laroona.. now I have a bit more info to go on... *winks, smiling*

*pulling mischief in hug to My leg*

belle, there is much that is considered to foreplay to some.. offensive to others.. and down right boring to another.. so to presume for another.. especially a FM.. is a bit off.. but I do agree with the suckling finger.. it does arouse parts of Me.. and also tells Me the girl wishes more than just a hello or petting.. *eg*


Deirdre 21:09:51 CST

*laughing hard at Laroona*


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:09:51 CST

i walk across my house in a tee-shirt and Hubby says "Damn your sexy" thats being seductive ( i guess) but if i kneel and rub my face between His thighs then im seducing... and then some


galah{GS} 21:10:09 CST

we could just get out the checker boards, or kaissa boards in the piazza and play games, so there is no touching?


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:10:24 CST

I think all that's in there is a barrel of water anyway, so the serves would be limited at best


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 21:10:31 CST

Master Dakota that rule has been there for quite some time


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:10:58 CST

I don't see that is what belle said Dakota.. more a point of example.. not what not be done..

and Laroona.. she said if a slave sucks a Mans finger.. not you yours


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:11:02 CST

well Master Dakota if the girl is purposefully doing something to get You a hardon and You do something about it because she basically begged you to.. yeah belle thinks that should be taken to the tavern


galah{GS} 21:11:44 CST

yes Master ShadowHawk, but you would then know that you can't use a girl in the piazza, so if what she did made you horny, you would carry her away to the tavern or an alcove?


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:12:01 CST

Laroona, we need to have a talk to Xertog if that's the case.


Penny says we seem to all have a hard on for rules...


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:12:19 CST


In the Piazza, there is no sex, period.

Not sure how sucking on ones finger is sex, but hell if you define it as such then all those babies sucking on thumbs must be having great sex.

Sex involves some form of touching penetration and or orgasm...

Along with that probably lies grinding one's pussy against a crotch, or diving for tonsils.

Beyond that perhaps one needs to listen to the room and if issues are being raised then they should heed that.


Laroona 21:12:22 CST

geesh lighten up ppl


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:12:27 CST

belle never said no touching, lapping is allowed as far as she knows... petting are allowed as long as its the hair on your head and not the one between your legs, a simple kiss yeah but a tongue twisting hot and horny rip of my clothes and do me now if belle was a FW then id be offended


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:12:34 CST

aye.. tis true.. and galah.. you seen what happened to Blade when He carried someone out of the piazza as well.. didn't you..


Dakota 21:12:39 CST

and I agree with that completely belle...


Laroona 21:13:19 CST

Hawk he tried LOL


Rollo_the_Ax 21:13:30 CST

Y'all wanna know a little secret ????? No matter HOW hard the Council tries, we can NEVER keep everybody happy..... either we are too soft, or too strong..... our rules are not enough, or too Draconion.... maybe we need to make Council members be LAWYERS instead of Captains ????? then we could take EVERY LITTLE case point and dissect it until there is nothing left for FREE WILL and COMMON SENSE to be needed for ???? does THAT sound like the way folks want things run around here ???????


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:13:31 CST

*giggles as she can imagine "no tonsil hockey" in the list of DONTS of the Piazza*


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:13:38 CST

Kyoto.. not rules for rules.. but rules that are not clarified.. this guessing or thinking.. hearing a rule explained, say for example by Laroona.. then seeing it ok for another in her presence.. THAT, My Friend is what needs go


galah{GS} 21:13:45 CST

galah totally agrees that it shouldn't get carried away in the piazza, but should it get heated, then a slave should be carried away, but belle, to say a slave shouldn't be heated...that is just not the case, slaves are slaves, they can't turn the fire off and on


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:14:24 CST

It's not a difficult concept people, Piazza, look at the pretty slaves and take them to the tavern or alcove, 'nuff said.

No forms to fill out, no insurance claims, nothing hard except the man


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 21:14:26 CST

someone owned by another Master and restricted from entering the tavern.... nods to Master Shadowhawk

Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:15:20 CST

nay Rollo.. what need be done.. is keep Uus informed.. simple as that.. not everything is explained for GS.. every time I turn around.. I hear.. that is not to be.. or that is ok.. or... get rid of the OR's..


Xertog 21:15:38 CST

I think some post got lost in here


shirin{GS}~t 21:16:00 CST

~*~listens and whispers~*~ no, Master Rollo, shirin wouldn't like that


Rollo_the_Ax 21:16:15 CST

Aye, for one slave, sucking a finger may be sex, while for others around here, it takes riding a Masters face like a bicycle seat to count as sex.....which out is right and which wrong ?????


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:17:10 CST

once again caitlin.. just adding to the already contradiction and confusion.. which will it be.. Frees here do not say what can or cannot be done to theirs.. slaves do not have a note from their Master saying what can or cannot be done.. so how can anything not be misconstrued???


Laroona 21:17:16 CST

I understand the Council make the rules, which are great, nothing is ever watertight even in law courts there is a loophole, (why lawyers are so prevalent)

GS had different rooms, and each room should be respected by all IMO


caitlin_{Xg-L}t 21:17:16 CST

~looks at the time~


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:17:18 CST

why not ask those who it hinders or helps Master Rollo.. why not let the FW give the Council a list of dos and donts and then You (the council)can decide what is


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:17:56 CST

for a slave.. neither, Rollo.. in the tavern so I understand.. but in piazza.. whose to say now?.. LOL


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:18:09 CST

what is so hard to understand???

Piazza = no sexual usage 

Tavern = fuck away folks!



Xertog 21:18:14 CST

I think common sense is better then the Council having to make a ton of rules..


nassy Errand_Knight's_slut 21:18:52 CST

nods at topaz's words


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:18:53 CST

BOLMAO.. let the Women now run GS with stipulations?.. wasn't that not once done????????????????????


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:19:05 CST

belle, because the free women do not tell the council or any man what to do


Shadowglade-First_Sword 21:19:28 CST

*seeing the forum going in circles, the Warrior stands. He pats Kyoto on the shoulder and gives him a nod, and then snaps his fingers to get sev'rain's attention to heel him out. He nods to those gathered about and heads towards the tavern....


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:19:38 CST

no Master Hawk not that Women run GS we are not repeating kayla... all im saying is let the Council decide what it would be but have the FW give a list of what Tthey consider good or bad.. after all they are Free right?


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:19:55 CST

Laughs Oh yes they do Kyoto. LOL

or try to anyways.


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:19:59 CST

Do you go into the tavern, topaz?


Deirdre 21:20:00 CST

belle.....I don't have a problem with adhering to what the Council decides. *looking at her....puzzled*


Laroona 21:20:06 CST

looks at Hawk and raises an eyebrow since when is that happening...


~es_belle~{T}~t~ 21:20:24 CST

kinda like when a festivel is to come and Eeverone pitches in then the Council decides what we do or dont do


Deirdre 21:21:32 CST

*looking over at Paedur....incredulous at that comment.....shaking My head*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:21:45 CST

Okay...sounds right to Me, topaz..... Piazza= NO SEX      Tavern= fucky, sucky, me love you long time GI, you # 1 big dick, me so horny baby.....


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:22:15 CST

Hands Rollo a five spot... and laughs hard....LMAO


shirin{GS}~t 21:22:54 CST

~*~chuckles hearing Master Rollo~*~


Laroona 21:23:10 CST

*shakes my head* 

I wish all well *S*


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:23:26 CST

Somehow, Rollo, that just sounds wrong coming from you...

Imagining the big, hairy man saying that and shuddering.


Triash's~mischief~ 21:23:45 CST

~giggles as she hears Master Rollo~


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:24:10 CST

aye Paedur.. almost all the time in Piazza.. they seem to run it.. *nods*


Laroona 21:24:19 CST

Thank you Captain Rollo for moderating *S*


galah{GS} 21:24:32 CST

for those that was late and didn't get it, here is where the new released tavern tattler is


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:24:32 CST

yes master Kyoto, topaz enters the Tavern...looks towards Him confused as to what that has to do with the discussion of what is allowed in the Piazza


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:25:05 CST

bursts out laughing as she hears Master Rollo!!


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:25:28 CST

Oh Hell ShadowHawk, I wasn't talking just of here, but everywhere.

and more so referring to Other Free Women long gone than anything.

But take it for what ever it was said. LOL


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:26:22 CST

Just wondering since you said "fuck away, folks" and you being the first girl... seems to be some incongruity here


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:26:34 CST

as am I Paedur.. as am I.. LOL>.

with that.. I need get as well

*leaning down.. lifting mischief up, shouldering her.. heading out the door*

winds Captains, Warriors and Women

serve hotly sluts..

*disappears out the door*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:26:43 CST

play a different bullshit card, ShadowHawk.....that kind of statement don't fly here anymore........ YES !!! Once upon a time a SINGLE FW got WAY out of line because she was about the ONLY one here doing shit.....THAT was THEN, THIS is NOW...... if the way shit is done here NOW is not to your liking, then by ALL MEANS don't let the fucking door hit you in the ass as you LEAVE !!!!!!!!!!!!


Laroona 21:27:47 CST

Hawk that comment was uncalled for IT does NOT happen!!!


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:28:12 CST

*stopping dead in My tracks, turning slowly with back straight, eyes locking on Rollo's* 

never said I did not like the way it is done.. 

just get over the double talk.. tis all Rollo.. 

as for the door?.. I agree.. *nods firmly*


Deirdre 21:28:53 CST

Thank You Captain Rollo for that lovely, eloquent statement to the departing Warrior. It is much appreciated.


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:29:34 CST

Kyoto, I did not know that the first girl was defined by how well she fucked?

More so by her knowledge of GS and Gor and in helping the slaves learn.

Hell if first girl was determined by her time in the furs, not sure anything else would be done to help GS grow? LOL


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:30:21 CST

then You Laroona, need quit correcting a FM in the presence of others.. slaves especially.. aye, I make mistakes, especially since there is no formal rulings there.. but You will not again correct or tell Me to leave one alone in public.. understood!

and Deirdre.. just cuz you dislike Me. does not mean the feeling is mutual.. so spill it all now.. both of You..


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:31:17 CST

Master Kyoto... 

was more an expression...sighs as everyone is so touchy here!!

we have talked forever about the Piazza...simple, it is a room that no sexual ways are allowed in, 

The Tavern is the room that if people wish to fur, or play, of have orgasms, that is the place to go....


Laroona 21:31:45 CST

Hawk and when you stepped way out of line trying to tell a newbie that she could be collared if she stayed in the Piazza YES I did correct you ONCE as you scared her off!!!


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:31:54 CST

I thought it was a contest of sorts, Paedur, you know, sort of counting coup, number of scalps kind of thing.



Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:32:30 CST

fine.. as she should be scared.. this is Gor.. not DisneyLand


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:32:58 CST

*shaking My head.. needing head out for rti*


*then heads out the door*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:33:16 CST

The Gods KNOW I try to keep things calm and not lose MY temper here....... but even Rollo has a limit to the level of BULLSHIT that I can wade thru to TRY and keep a lid on this place..... My problem is that I am just too fucking stupid to give up on GS AND those that call it HOME ( when they feel like it ) .....


Laroona 21:33:33 CST

Hawk yes it is and GS has rules ALL Pledges abide by 

different rooms 

different rules


Deirdre 21:34:02 CST

Shadowhawk....I do not dislike You. I think You are not around enough to be making statements like that. I am entitled to say what I deal with it.


Hawk_Warrior_of_GS 21:34:35 CST

*stopping again.. but not turning around*

then I do apologize.. for upsetting the Captain.. 

but I will say this one more time.. and drop it.. 

but mark My words.. I see another Kayla being born..

simple as that..

*turning to nod to the Captain in salute* 

Winds Captain Rollo


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:34:45 CST

Laughs Well now Kyoto, did You wish topaz to scalp you? *wink* LOL


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:34:46 CST

Hawk, the Piazza was set up so that people could come to GS and learn without pressure. No forced collarings, it doesn't matter how long she is there. If you feel the need to force collar or threaten a slave, wait till she enters a force room. Otherwise, do not bother them


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:36:38 CST

Well, that kind of scalp won't be collected in this case, Paedur.

(My head is still shaved, by the way)


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:37:07 CST

Shadowhawk, I disagree with you My Friend.

as I have on a number of times said no to both Laroona and Deirdre over things.

We will not allow another Kayla to be born here again.


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:37:36 CST

A new scar then Kyoto. LOL


Laroona 21:37:37 CST

Kyoto thank you *S* that explains the collaring rule in the Piazza *S*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:37:50 CST

Why not count coup ??? It seems that for MANY on Gor, it is more about how many beaver pelts they can claim than about how they act or behave themselves .......


Deirdre 21:38:34 CST

Shadowhawk......As if either of Us would WANT to be even closely tied to that bitch. *rolling My eyes*


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:39:18 CST

Here's the scar, if any want to see...

Laroona 21:39:30 CST

LOL Dei I agree, her robes are full of bosk crap LOL


Kyoto,Captain-Emeritus 21:39:56 CST

That is unfortunate, Rollo.


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:40:34 CST

master Forum over?...begging softly, wondering if she should stop scribing


Rollo_the_Ax 21:43:07 CST

LOL...LOL.. I think it finished a while back, topaz...LOL... but yes, it is officially over now.....


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:43:42 CST

thank You Master Rollo...grins at Him


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