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Rollo_the_Ax 19:07:46 CST

Shall we begin ?? No time like the present to get things started....


Rollo_the_Ax 19:10:33 CST

I would like to welcome everyone to this weeks GS forum... as everybody here is known and has been to other forums, I think that we need not go thru the rules yet again... lets just try to remember to keep greetings and chit chat in whispers so that the scribes need not work any harder than necessary..... Okay ????


Laroona 19:11:34 CST

anyone like to volunteer to scribe please?


Difference from FW and white silks tower?


Rollo_the_Ax 19:14:08 CST

Okay... our first topic should be a quick one.... ** What is the difference between a FW tower and a white silk tower? ** To tell the truth, I do not know exactly, myself... never having to have worried about it...LOL...LOL... off the top of My head, I would hazzard a guess that CLOTHES would be a safe bet.... LOL... anybody know for sure ???


Ramses 19:15:01 CST

chuckling and nodding in agreemtn with Rollo 

that's all I thought as well


Zoran 19:16:14 CST

lol and Rollo I wondering who cares 

waits for the fire of the FW's 



segen~{HoT} 19:16:23 CST

~segen offers up a quick quote


segen~{HoT} 19:16:30 CST

"The position of the Tower Slave, in which Vika knelt, differs from that of a free woman only in the position of the wrists which are held before her and, when not occupied, crossed as though for binding. A free woman's wrists are never so placed." 

Priest-Kings of Gor: --pg.46


Laroona 19:17:20 CST

FW should be veiled and robes and kneeling with her hands palm down on her lap or thighs... and of course thighs together 

a white silk would be the same 

palms ups means useage


butterfly{Tir} 19:17:32 CST

*was about to post that exact quote too!* very quick on the buzzer segen*smiles*


akeria~ 19:17:44 CST

~listening and taking note~


Laroona 19:20:41 CST

From GS slave pages 

"a slave kneels the same as nadu but with her knees modestly together, this variation is referred to as Tower and is typically reserved for white-silk slavegirls or slavegirls who serve a Mistress, this is a non-sexual position and palms would be down on thighs to signify this, may even cross wrist over her lap to show she is not for sexual use"


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:20:53 CST

~*Slips in quietly, waving to everyone and goes straight 

to her Master's feet with a coughsputterwheeze.*~


butterfly{Tir} 19:21:33 CST

*hugs her chain tenderly, and settles in to listen*


Phen 19:22:05 CST

Ok My understanding was not only in the clothes but the placement of the hands...Up for slave down for FW


Rollo_the_Ax 19:22:20 CST

See.... I knew that somebody would know and be able to back it up with quotes... LOL... not trying to appear too glib or such... but in all truth, most if not all men never worry about such things, so we are usually the wrong ones to ask for direction about * how * it should be done....LOL..


Zoran 19:22:49 CST

lol Phen place your Palms up 

I swear I be nice lol


orli_{GS}~t 19:23:10 CST

Rollo_the_Ax 19:10:33 CST 

I would like to welcome everyone to this weeks GS forum... as everybody here is known and has been to other forums, I think that we need not go thru the rules yet again... lets just try to remember to keep greetings and chit chat in whispers so that the scribes need not work any harder than necessary..... Okay ????


akeria~ 19:23:19 CST

akeria was taught palms down, as a white silk is not to be used sexually


Laroona 19:23:46 CST

I do not recall I have seen any quote on FW 

other than FW kneel in nadu/tower LOL


butterfly{Tir} 19:23:57 CST

*nods in agreement with the quotes given*


Ramses 19:24:29 CST

akeria, that is the way I thought we were training whites silks as well


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 19:25:24 CST

the crossing of the wrists seems to be as important as the placement of hands


butterfly{Tir} 19:25:31 CST

but yet..there is the quote about the wrists of the white silked slave being crossed..a Free Woman's wrists are never to be crossed


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:25:55 CST

~*BOL as her Master and chian repeat her.*~


~segen~{HoT} 19:26:05 CST

~couple quotes on palms~ 


"Position!," I snapped. 

Swiftly she knelt again, as she had been commanded earlier. 

You obey with the alacrity of a slave girl," I observed. If I do not," she said, "I could be punished as one, could I not?" "Yes," I said, "and would be." I walked about her, examining her, She kept her back very straight, and her head up. I was then again before her. I noted that the palm of her hands, so soft, so vulnerable, had turned on her thighs, so that they faced up. Among slave girls this is a common ways of signaling need, helplessness, a desire to please. 


Vagabonds of


leda{P} 19:25:48 CST

leda's palms have been down for almost 8 months !...*giggles*


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:25:55 CST

~*BOL as her Master and chian repeat her.*~


~segen~{HoT} 19:26:50 CST

She knelt in the position of the Pleasure Slave but her hands on her thighs had unconsciously, pleadingly, turned their palms to me, and she no longer knelt quite back on her heels. It was as though she begged to be allowed to lift and open her arms and rise and come to my arms. But as I looked upon her sternly she turned her palms again to her thighs, knelt back on her heels and dropped her head, holding her eyes as if by force of will fixed on the plastic beneath my sandals. 


"Priest Kings of Gor" (pages 234-235)


Phen 19:28:28 CST

Nor are a Free Womens palms ever up...


Phen 19:29:32 CST

So why would a slave be granted the position of palms down


Phen 19:30:18 CST

Im asking this questions on the books not of c7ps that can be doctored...


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 19:30:25 CST

Leda i thinl the palms down /palms up for a slave represents the desire or availablity to be used sexually


~segen~{HoT} 19:31:39 CST

~arching her brow as she hears of C&P's that can be doctored and shrugs~


Rollo_the_Ax 19:28:05 CST

Perhaps I was wrong... we may not be finished with the tower position question......???? LOL...LOL...


Phen 19:34:31 CST

Ok Captain so does a white silk have her palms up?


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 19:35:03 CST

White silks have their palms down.


leda{P} 19:35:14 CST

Yes MAster Tir ...leda cannot be used as she is whitesilk pure virgin girl her palms are always down ...*giggles* 


and further the girl has heard even or read in the Tavern one evening when she was in the sack that a slave should only truly offer her palms up to One Master her Master ...not to All ...she should only truly entirely submit HIM


orli_{GS}~t 19:35:33 CST

as orli was trained and continues to train other white silks slaves 

they do NOT have their palms up as palms up signifies sexual service


shirina_{GS} 19:36:23 CST

~smiles to leda, as she too has heard the same~


butterfly{Tir} 19:36:45 CST

*has heard the same and has been trained the same way years ago*


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 19:37:19 CST

i was in the tavern that night leda thank you for mentioning that part


Phen 19:37:21 CST

I think palms up means subserviance and shows the differance between Free and white ...


leda{P} 19:38:32 CST

*nods and smiles to Master Tit *


butterfly{Tir} 19:38:50 CST

a slave should only have palms up if they are higher than white status...and Free Women should have their palms down, without their wrists crossed


butterfly{Tir} 19:39:11 CST

leda..."tit"?*dies laughing*


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:39:33 CST

"Mistress Phen, it seems, the only difference between 

a Free Woman and white silk, is that a Free Woman's 

wrists should never be crossed. Whereas a white silks 

wrists cross when not in use."


orli_{GS}~t 19:39:45 CST

as a Tavern slave....what does a girl do? 

she serves all.....has no set One Master? 


*looks to leda....looks to butterfly~ 


this is how GS does it....*shrugs and smiles~ 


white silks...palms down....yellow and red...palms up 


personally their Master's Mistress's wish it


butterfly{Tir} 19:40:37 CST



leda{P} 19:43:17 CST

Yes of course orli ...*smiles*


Phen 19:48:48 CST

butterfly so Me being a Free Women decides to cross My arms once or twice is a no no?


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:49:48 CST

~*Gives Her a look.*~ 


"Mistress Phen, can You elaborate on what You're still asking?"


butterfly{Tir} 19:49:59 CST

Mistress, in the eyes of Gor, it would be a no no.. 

though a girl is sure that if a Mistress wished, she could cross her arms over Her chest or whatnot, if Mistress understands what a girl means?


Phen 19:51:28 CST

What I am asking is as a Free Woman am I not allowed to sit in tower with My arms crossed if that makes Me feel comfortable*winks and smiles* I know its petty but I still think its an issue


Phen 19:52:17 CST

Ok what about a Gorean appluase is a Free Woman allowed to do that?


butterfly{Tir} 19:52:43 CST

Mistress, a girl thinks a Mistress should be allowed to rest her arms wherever she wishes..but must be careful not to cross her wrists as that would imply other things...


Rollo_the_Ax 20:00:14 CST

Phen...... How about THIS for an idea ??? if you or any other FW are sitting there, and sitting how ever... palms up, palms down, arms crossed, or hands up beside your head with fingers spead like deer horns... if it AIN'T in an exact * tower * position, then it ain't tower, now is it ??? Do we need a whole set of rules in detail about this hand here that hand there, left ass cheek on the chair, right ass cheek half off, with a feather hanging out of the right ear ?????? details are fine except when they get so bogged down that they screw up everything else........


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:00:59 CST

A free woman can cross her wrists if it floats her boat. What determines the meaning is the context of it. If she unconciously crosses her wrists in her lap, it's one thing. 


But if she crosses them and holds them out to a man, it implies submission. 


It's a context issue.


Phen 20:01:48 CST

Captain I agree with You all I asked was a very simple question about palms...Thats all...Up or down...


Phen 20:02:39 CST

Aye Kyoto If I hold them out to You the a Master has to eaither collar Me or Kill Me is that not right?*SS*


Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:04:02 CST

"Hey! It ate my post!!" 


~*Grumbles and looks to Master Rollo with a chuckle.*~ 


"Are we ready to move on?" 




Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:05:04 CST

Per the codes, I believe you are right, Phen.


Phen 20:06:48 CST

*Smiles to the Captain& Aye the Warrior codes but Im willing to bet Most Men of Gor would rather collar than kill*S*


Zoran 20:07:24 CST

depends on the FW LMAO


The_Skullsplitter 20:07:43 CST

Depends on the woman, I know of a few I'd like to get rid of for a bit of peace and quiet. Nag Nag Nag, Shop Shop Shop. 




Phen 20:08:06 CST

We are all beauties Zoran~wink~


Zoran 20:08:52 CST

smiles to Phen



Rollo_the_Ax 19:25:44 CST

Okay then... I would say that we have cleared that issue up.... agreed ???? so on to our next topic..... 

** If someone was travling to another site and was assassinated or killed who to say it was a legal slaining.??? **


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 19:27:24 CST

perhaps c&p of the assassination should be reviewed by the captains


Deirdre 19:28:07 CST

I would assume it would be the "Powers that Be" between the two sites. Possibly the Powers of the Assasined Ones home site, and that of the site He/She was traveling to......or even the site where the so-called Assassin hails from. *shrugging*


~akeria~ 19:28:33 CST

akeria agrees with Master that not what is done if a slave is captured or taken in a place outside of their home?


Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:29:51 CST

"I'd assume that if a girl ass captured and assasinated, 

it would have to be taken under the wings of council here, 

and there, and the assasinatOR should be questioned 

about motives, where it was done and the such...and 

the actual killing should most definiately be reviewed 

to make sure that it was valid."


~segen~{HoT} 19:29:57 CST

segen is not entirly sure it should matter. There is no "exchange of information" if you will between sites and often little good will. 


Some sites, such as JAG people can come and go with a variety of different names. If they have not been leagally killed in GS, should they be held dead here??


orli_{GS}~t 19:33:53 CST

as with most sites 

many require more than one other Pledge Free 

present at any time of any Assassination 


is there such in place at GS? 

orli does not know for sure


Rollo_the_Ax 19:33:54 CST

Okay... we will move on to the second issue... To put it as plainly as I can.... In GS, *WE* decide or set what rules or issues are followed or not... GS has no ties or alliences with any other site to the degeee that we MUST honor their actions or they ours....


Zoran 19:34:14 CST

woule it be his site that he is a pledge or the site he was at


Zoran 19:35:22 CST

ah I see always wondered that


segen~{HoT} 19:36:42 CST be quite realalistic...MANY that we know have "died" or been "killed" at other sites and are either "reborn" or something. 


i would think it would be a bit silly to honor what's done at another site here in GS unless the council rules it valid for here too. 


Otherwise i would guess slaves would stop traveling...Master's would stop sparring, raids would stop happening etc...


Rollo_the_Ax 19:36:43 CST

So.... If somebody gets * killed * in say a JAG room, or Steel dawn, or anyplace other than GS, the Council of GS has nothing to say about it, nor do we have to honor it.... So anybody could get killed in another room or site, and still be alive and welcome HERE in GS...... no matter how big a ration of shit the other site wants to give anybody about it.... Okay ????


~akeria~ 19:38:28 CST

akeria agrees totally with segen...


Phen 19:38:48 CST

Our ruls and laws do not cross over to other sites~shrugs~ My thoughs ok so why should theires dictate ours?


Zoran 19:39:01 CST

nods to Rollo


segen~{HoT} 19:39:37 CST

Jarl Rollo ~winking and giggling~ LOOK we agree on...somethin *impish grin*


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:40:18 CST

"I'd assume the killing would most certainly be reviewed 

by GS's council..."


Rollo_the_Ax 19:43:39 CST

???? WHY, koryne..??? Why would the GS Council need to worry about * reviewing * such an action in another site ???? If the guy is dead there and alive here, what would be the use ??? and why should we waste our time worring about something that we could not possibly do anything about ???


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 19:44:55 CST

i think the point has been made, death in GS is death, death elsewhere is a bad dream, case of gas... nothing of substance


butterfly{Tir} 19:45:31 CST

*grins, hearing Master's way with words*


Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:45:31 CST

~*Turning to Master Rollo.*~ 


"I know that, if I was around JAG, and some wanna~be 

assasin HNG "killed" me, I would certainly hope I 

wouldn't have to stick to that--I would still like to 

travel there and not follow a killing if it was 

done inocrrectly."


Khaled 19:46:14 CST

I agree why review it, if Gs is not going to accept it as a vaild killing?


~akeria~ 19:46:58 CST

it would only be a valid killing in GS is if it took place in GS..correct?


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:47:27 CST

"I suppose one thing, understanding I'd still 

be alive and kicking here, but could it be said that even 

if it was a valid killing there...I could still travel?"


Laroona 19:48:23 CST

It is my understanding that GS Council rules on all killings and even FW force collarings within GS ...


Laroona 19:50:05 CST

can we please keep to one topic 

as I am moving from page to page


Loki 19:50:27 CST

~agreeing with Tir, death in GS is death, death elsewhere is for them to deal with, if You die in Jag you very well cant travel back to the site, but should be welcomed at other sites~


Zoran 19:51:15 CST

lol you can go haunt them after it happens lol


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:51:28 CST

~*Nods to Master Loki.*~ 


"Thank You. That is what I was looking for."


Laroona 19:51:46 CST

LOl like the Ghost of Zoran huh LOL


Rollo_the_Ax 19:52:01 CST

Then in all truth, kornye, you woukld need to get a ruling FROM the folks that run THAT rom or site... as far as GS and the Council are concerned, it doesn't matter if somebody got killed by an HNG or the oldest best known gorean at that site... THEIR room, THEIR rules.... OUR rooms, OUR rules.... if somebody needs a ruling about the death being valid, they need to take it up with the folks that run THAT room... okay ????


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 19:52:30 CST

"Aye, Master ROllo, thank You."


Zoran 19:53:47 CST

start to think Phen is on dail up as she still on the first question LOL


Zoran 19:52:34 CST

lol at Laroona


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 19:52:46 CST

likes Zorans haunting idea


orli_{GS}~t 19:53:18 CST

*cannot sit here with the blatant disregard for rules 

.....rises and quietly slips out~


segen~{HoT} 19:53:27 CST

~crawls quietly to her Jarl's side and curls up to His leg as He sits~


butterfly{Tir} 19:53:29 CST

*grins hearing Master Zoran*


butterfly{Tir} 19:55:02 CST

*thinks she pissed off orli*hmmm


Laroona 19:56:37 CST

butterfly you are pissing me off too 

there are rules 

want to do the C&P?


butterfly{Tir} 19:57:16 CST

apologies..a girl was only answering Mistress Phen's questions..


Zoran 19:58:00 CST

do in whispers next time lilone


butterfly{Tir} 19:58:55 CST

yes Master


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 20:00:39 CST

i think that it was clearly not just butterfly that was answering Phens questions and Phen said she thought it was still a question. singling one out is wrong as all are supposed to have a voice here


butterfly{Tir} 20:00:20 CST

*shakes her head and settles back, keeping 

her mouth shut from this point on*


butterfly{Tir} 20:02:21 CST

*nods* see this girl isnt the only one going back and forth on both issues..but nonetheless, this girl will speak no more of it


butterfly{Tir} 20:04:52 CST

yes please let's move on before people start biting each other's heads off again


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:05:28 CST

so when is next dance for all of GS


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:05:37 CST

segen, did I give you permission to whisper to me?


Zoran 20:05:38 CST

ahhhhhhhhh it is good to be home rubs my lilones head lol


segen~{HoT} 20:06:52 CST

This is forum Master Kyoto, she did not wish to clog up the Scribe with chatter but she will refraine from speaking to You...


akeria~ 20:08:25 CST

~settling back awaiting the next topic~


Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:08:30 CST

~*Guffaws at the outbreak of "unslavelike" things going 

on behind the scenes.*~ 


"Master Rollo, can koryne ask what the next topic is? 

She's feeling pretty quizzative this evening."


butterfly{Tir} 20:10:14 CST

yes please let's move on...*smirks as the topics flop back and forth and yet she was the only one getting reemed out..shakes her head*


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 20:10:44 CST

butterfly hold your tongue until theres a topic




Rollo_the_Ax 20:12:52 CST

Okay... lets move on to another topic...... ** Is it appropriate and permissable for FW to have room icons that show flesh and are suggestively "slave-like?" I am NOT speaking about the presence or lack thereof of veils. I am speaking of icons of Women that are showing an amount of skin that a real Gorean FW would not do.


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:14:22 CST

~*Can't have much say on this one, but puts some out 

there anyway.*~ 


"It's probably isn't appropriate, but some will do it 

anyways, no?"


Zoran 20:14:24 CST

I think a FW icon she be clthed and covered 

if they want the freedom they need to obey the cover of there body


Laroona 20:14:44 CST

short answer 

should be collared


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 20:15:14 CST

Id say that the books suggest a woman of Free nature are conceiled, veiled etc, and it appropriate fr FW to have at least conservative icons to prevent confusion


Deirdre 20:15:21 CST

*nodding in agreement of Laroona* 


Should be.....but aren't.


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:15:30 CST

I think from an earlier conversation in a forum and subsequent council ruling, as long as her behavior is appropriate, her icon doesn't matter.


segen~{HoT} 20:15:33 CST

segen thinks that FW should be clothed as FW...there should be a difference betweens slaves and FW and it's not like there is a shortage of both icons and/or people that can alter an icon to add the veil..


Zoran 20:15:46 CST

agree a bare neck should be collared


The_Skullsplitter 20:16:22 CST

No it is not appropriate. Free Women do not roam around Gor trying to look sexy or appealing to Men with their flesh unless they are seeking the collar. Why should it be any different online? However, if the amount of flesh might be merely to the shoulder, as long as it is not showing any tits or cleavage, I see no problem with it.


Phen 20:16:37 CST

Well Gor is complex as is the fashions if one is repectable in dress and thought well then should be treated as such if one is wearing barely anything should then be advised that its not quiet acceptable and to adhere to an icon that will serve*SS*


Laroona 20:17:14 CST

I thought a FW of Port Kar had to be be veiled and fully covered as opposed to a FW in Ar 

could be wrong though


Phen 20:17:27 CST

Damn hope My icon is acceptable Hey Im a rich Physician...


Deirdre 20:17:34 CST

*looking over at Captain Kyoto and then asking respectfully* 


Why doesn't it matter, Captain? Isn't the icon an extention of the intent and protocol of a FW?


Phen 20:17:58 CST

Laroona as opposed or the same as one from AR?


~akeria~ 20:18:14 CST

akeria believes that it up to the FW and how She wishes to present Herself.


Rollo_the_Ax 20:18:24 CST

The Council has had this question raised to it, and is looking into the matter at this time.... So * I * can't give y'all an exact answer... I can tell you all *MY * opinion, and that of most of the Council I beleive.... FW Icons should reflect FW values... we do not require veils on the icons, but they sure can be there.... but if a FW wants to show skin like a slave, then maybe she would be better off in a collar instead of robes.... ????? What ??? a FW can still say she is a FW toppless and a g strig as long as she werars a veil ???? GET FRIGGEN REAL !!!!!!!!


Deirdre 20:19:16 CST

*nodding in complete agreement to Captain Rollo*


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 20:19:54 CST



{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:20:07 CST

silks is a slave and is nada permitted to show much flesh.......never permitted a nude or semi nude icon


Zoran 20:20:50 CST

I think I said this in past as a Free we make choices 

but witht he chocies we must be ready for the rections if they are good or bad 

so if a FW want to dress like that they must be ready for the ridcule


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:22:05 CST

Deirdre, if you're asking my opinion, then you might be surprised to know that I think there are no true free women in on-line Gor. 


I think every one is simply a slut-in-waiting. 


It doesn't matter what her icon shows.


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 20:23:15 CST

so Kyoto your saying they are all waiting for a collar ?


Zoran 20:23:26 CST

amirks at Kyoto words


Deirdre 20:23:31 CST

*smiling at Kyoto* 


You are entitled to Your opinion, My Captain. That isn't the point. There ARE FW on online Gor. There are rules and protocols to be followed......and.....just for the record.......I knew You felt that way. *smiling warmly*


Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:23:38 CST

~*In agreement with Master Zoran.*~ 


"Seems that would be logical. As a GROWN person, they 

are going ot make whatever choices they wish to, but if 

they make poor ones, they should be ready for what follows. 


But, like Master Kyoto long as their 

behavior coincides with the appropriateness of a FW, 

it shouldn't/doesn't matter. 


Though--Master Rollo has said, too..just because they wear 

a veil doesn't see their "outfit" fit for a FW. They 

should be clothed in a conservative manner, in my opinion."


leda{P} 20:23:48 CST

OMG ...*hearing MAster Kyoto's words and covering ears now*


Phen 20:23:59 CST

*Bursting out laughing at the Captains words* hey or just a Gorean without hangups?


Phen 20:25:08 CST

So wearing a Veil makes a Free Woman?


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:25:10 CST

In one sense or another, Tir. Whether public or private...


The_Skullsplitter 20:25:52 CST

Phen, try rereading it....



~akeria~ 20:26:00 CST

akeria does not believe that a veil makes a is just symbol of a FW..


Zoran 20:26:10 CST

smirks down to my slut 

she knows I intice a few FW in to collars lol


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:26:10 CST

"No Mistress Phen, it seems Master Rollo was saying 

quite the opposite...just because they slap a vein on an 

icon doesn't mean anything if they are wearing a 

provacative one."


Rollo_the_Ax 20:26:53 CST

In a way, this issue goes back to the other issue... in GS, the COUNCIL sets the rules, and if anybody is not willing to abide by them and follow them, then don't let the door hit your ass on the way OUT... some icon rules are set by Gary M in accordence with the law... and some are set by the Council in accordence with the way we see Gor and how we feel it should be done IN GS.... So if the Council says NO skin on FW icons, then that is how it WILL be done... quite simple really....


lara{Zor} 20:26:53 CST

smiles to her Master, oh yes, her favorite sis was a FW first...


Phen 20:26:59 CST

Thats bullshit Kyoto how can You state as such when only 3/4 of woem did become slaves on Gor and hey thats because that was the way it was...


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:28:15 CST

"Because He's a Man, and is entitled to what He thinks." 


~*Bursts outlaughing, having known many a Man to think 

all women look better in collars.*~


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 20:28:16 CST

3/4 is a pretty high attrition rate


~akeria~ 20:28:43 CST

if the Council set rules regarding icons then that is what needs to be followed..there is no room for discussion..its is the Council's decision


Deirdre 20:29:18 CST

Captain Rollo......Pending the Council's ruling on this issue, of would it go into effect. If a FW was caught in GS with an inappropriate icon.....what would happen?


Zoran 20:29:28 CST

listen to Phen


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:29:46 CST

I can say such a thing because it's my opinion, Phen. 


And the percentage was a hell of a lot lower in the books, only 2-43% of the total population was enslaved. 


And that includes men. 


But I know from looking at the free women in this room that 2/3 of them have been slaves before. So, the percentages don't translate to on-line.


The_Skullsplitter 20:30:18 CST

Actually, the figure for slaves on Gor was a very small fraction Phen, BUT, I think that would be ANOTHER Topic and NOT the one we are CURRENTLY on. And besides, Kyoto probably aint far from the truth there. 






Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:30:39 CST

That should be 2-3%, not 43%


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:31:40 CST

I think the free women in question, Deirdre, would get a warning, so she knows to make a change.


Phen 20:32:20 CST

3/4 out of 10


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:33:06 CST

3/4 of what, Phen?


Deirdre 20:33:14 CST

Captain Kyoto......A warning by Council? The Council would be privy to the instances of the FW in question using the inappropriate icon?


Phen 20:33:33 CST

Sorry why is it when one quotes figures the phne ring and someone nockes on the door*sorry*


Phen 20:34:22 CST

Basically Kyoto as You suggested a very low number of slaves per Fws on Gor...


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 20:34:47 CST

My we are all in such an argumentative mood tonight


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:35:06 CST

Shrugging as I hear Deirdre 


We get tattles in mail all the time. 


What would you rather see?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:35:07 CST

Deirdre.... the way I would think it would be handled is such.... Once an icon is seen as * wrong * the person would be told such, and told not to use it again... now for some folks, they have only ONE icon, so they would have to be allowed a SHORT time to get another one made for them... but for anybody with MORE than one icon, I myself would see them using the banned icon again as an open defience of the Council and they would need to be dealt with....


The_Skullsplitter 20:35:32 CST

Welcome to the Gorean Springer Show, Tir. 




Phen 20:36:19 CST

Hey Tir it was three full moons the other night maybe its just the after effects...


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:36:21 CST

~*Chuckles at Master Skullsplitter.*~ 


"Amen, Master."


~segen~{HoT} 20:36:34 CST

~segen bites her lip not to chuckle as she ehrs her Jarl~


Deirdre 20:36:40 CST

*hearing Captain Rollo's explanation and nodding* 


That sounds fair. 


Captain Kyoto......I really didn't know. I was asking sincerely. I wanted to know what Council might do.


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:36:49 CST

Exactly, Phen, but as you can see by this very room, that percentage doesn't translate. There are 20 people here and 10 are slaves.


butterfly{Tir} 20:36:50 CST

*grins at Jarl Skullsplitter*


leda{P} 20:38:06 CST

tis the full moon Master Tir ...*wink*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:38:15 CST

Oh yeah ??? well my cousins brothers wifes uncle said it was okay to marry his goat........ oh wait, now that WOULD be a Springer show........LOL....LOL...


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:38:28 CST

"Actually Master Kyoto, I counted 11 slaves, so it 

woudl seem even MROE than half... Which like You stated 

is quite different from the books


Zoran 20:38:51 CST

10 11 soon 

Just kidding lol


Tir_~Merchant_of_Port_Kar~ 20:39:21 CST

* quietly sings I am My own grandpa


galah{GS} 20:39:21 CST

and today could be a changing day in your life....heheheheheeeee heheheheheee


Zoran 20:39:33 CST

goat dam Austrilai is weird LOl


butterfly{Tir} 20:39:47 CST



galah{GS} 20:39:59 CST

ooops, wrong show hehehehehee


Deirdre 20:40:03 CST

*remaining silent on the Springer issue.....though.......remembering that I actually have kinfolk who have tried to GET on the Springer show......and just might make it in the future*


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:40:48 CST

~*Groans at my typos and decides to check better.*~ 


"but anywho. What is being said the overall answer to 

the topic is? 


They should be covered modestly...and if Council 

sees something going against that...they give warning...?"


~segen~{HoT} 20:41:14 CST

~looking to Mistress Deirdre and giggling~ 


Did they get turned down because they were NOT kinky enough to get on, or because they were TOO kinky to get on??


butterfly{Tir} 20:41:15 CST

Mistress Deirdre, might butterfly whisper to You for a moment, please?


Deirdre 20:42:16 CST

*looking at segen* 


Hmmmmm.........good question. I'm really not sure. *grinning* 


*nodding to butterfly*


Phen 20:42:25 CST

Thats Warrioe Phil isnt it galah~winking then looking around the room~ Zoran You have to be kidding We are the sane ones really*SS*


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:43:00 CST

silks with bits n fits feeling forum is really over.....silks to wish all well indeed


Rollo_the_Ax 20:43:16 CST

On line Gor always has been only a shadow of the books... anybody that says differently has had their head so far up their butt they have not seen the sun in a LONG time... just like the number of slaves.... the number or percentage of warriors is way out of line... so ??? do we tell all the new guys for the next few years that they have to become fishermen, or dock workers ??? peasants out in the fields ????


Xertog 20:43:29 CST

A reminder for everyone: 


The following Protocols and Rules are to be followed in all future forums at soon as the forum is called to order, this is allow a free flowing forum. 


1) All greetings and chatting, and other actions is to be held to a minimum. Those can be made in PM's;


Zoran 20:43:41 CST

lol I don't know I saw a spcial you guys are afriad of toads lol


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:44:39 CST

I vote for peasants. 


Or we could have them draw jobs from a hat.


Phen 20:45:03 CST

Not at all Captain just hope the same is noted and Free Women get the same respect...


The_Skullsplitter 20:45:18 CST

I'm happy being a poor Farmer from the North. 




Zoran 20:45:41 CST

lol at the Captian hat idea


{Tir's}koryne~restricted 20:45:55 CST

~*Slips out quietly, per her Master's permission.*~


Phen 20:46:10 CST

Zoran You have to be kidding pnly thing we are afraid about toads is we cant kill them quick enough to save our natural wildlife*wink*


Zoran 20:46:20 CST

ehhhh poor such a harsh word 

the merchant sits back


Laroona 20:47:22 CST

what is the topic again?


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:47:55 CST

I'd be happy to help you guys with the toads.


Rollo_the_Ax 20:49:55 CST

Phen... to put it none to tactfully or maybe just as plainly as it SHOULD be said...... RESPECT is NOT a thing that you get because you are due it..... RESPECT is a thing that you EARN !!!!!! to be due respect, one needs to show it and earn it first...... quite simple My opinion....


segen~{HoT} 20:50:21 CST

~applauds Jarl Rollo's words~


Phen 20:53:19 CST

Well sorry Captain used the wrong word Mybe acceptance is the word I should have used...Again A Man enters and gets respect yet a Free Wman has to fight left right and centre just to be acknoweldge fine...



Rollo_the_Ax 20:52:31 CST

I have one more issue or idea to throw out there, folks....


Rollo_the_Ax 20:56:46 CST

I have always lived by the idea that I would not ask anybody else to do something that I was not willing or able to do MYSELF if possible...... and we have had and will continue to have problems with the forum notes and only a VERY small few folks working on them... So, how about this ????? for the next few weeks, NOBODY will worry about forum notes.... if folks are not willing to put in the effort to BE HERE to take part, they miss out.... then everybody that DOES come, can take part and not need to work their ass off keeping notes ....... Sound like a plan to anybody else ????????


Deirdre 20:59:03 CST

Captain Rollo.......I think that is a VERY good plan. Very good indeed.


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:59:12 CST

Sounds like a plan. And if anyone finds a point is particularly relevent to themselves, they can save it on their own.


segen~{HoT} 20:59:42 CST

Jarl be quite honest not everyone is ABLE to be here, not just an issue of willingness to attend. It has been easier since it was Sundays, on Mondays i was working or at school all day..i couldn't come. 


Although i can understand the sentiment...


Laroona 21:00:28 CST

Captain Rollo 

I do not mind doing the notes 

'but I have been C&Ping for a few weeks now 

I think even some sharing and hour each week say 2 people 

is not impossible 

BUT I am getting angry at having to sift and sort through actions and greetings 

no matter how many times people are asked openly and in whispers it is the same shit every week


galah{GS} 21:00:40 CST

or have a friend save the highpoints for someone if they can't be here?


Phen 21:00:53 CST

I agree too Captain*SS*


leda{P} 21:03:18 CST

if someone would show the girl to c&p and have it all in order leda would take notes in Forum ..


galah{GS} 21:03:24 CST

i for one found the joking about the Springer show was a good thing to lighten the mood in here, was getting abit stiffling and a few ppl had already left.....even though it was abit off topic, we should be able to make the forum a good time? imo **shrugs softly**


Rollo_the_Ax 21:04:34 CST

That is EXACTLY the point, Laroona.... nobody else has to DO all of that work, so that don't give a DAMN.... so let them make their OWN arrangements.... just like back in school... if you are going to miss a lecture, you either get a FRIEND to take notes for you, or you miss out.... So LET THEM miss out for a while, and see if you end up getting some help ???? if not... STUFF UM !!!!


Laroona 21:05:56 CST

well it will be a welcome break 

as my RT could change so yes let ppl do it for themselves


Phen 21:07:19 CST

Exactly galah if we cant joke and laugh what is left for this family...sorry I dont even understand why some one has to c&p it all any way to me thats negative is placing too much on one person and stopping discussions at another level...No one needs to ask hey waht happened at the forum and if they do their told well go and read it....


Rollo_the_Ax 21:09:11 CST

and I understand and except that segen...... but in the end, is it fair to always expect Laroona and maybe a couple other girls to do ALL of the work, ALL of the time ???? If at forum, some new rule is made, it is posted on the message board on home page... so everybody gets to see it anyway.... so if anybody misses the forum, it is like any other thing.... if you can't be there, you can't be there


The_Skullsplitter 21:10:49 CST

Well thankyou for the Forum Rollo and for Scribing Laroona, I have a brief RT to attend to, be well all.


Laroona 21:11:24 CST

For information purposes 

the average C&P ends up after any editing of Ip addresses etc is 20 plus pages


Rollo_the_Ax 21:11:54 CST

EXACTLY, Laroona...... anybody wants to piss and whinge about no forum notes ???? LET THEM.... it is a sad commentary on human behavior, but it is TRUE.... the more you do for others, the more they EXPECT you to do for them... and the LESS they appreciate it also....


segen~{HoT} 21:12:13 CST

Jarl, i don't believe it's comment honestly was just to the fact that it's not always something we can help that keeps us from the forum. In truth i think Your idea is fine. When i didn't come it was because i couldn't but i've also been around and left when i thought i couldn't handle being in a Forum and handle myself well and if i couldn't be here, then it was my problem, no one elses to deal with ~nodding~


galah{GS} 21:12:42 CST

**claps enthusiastically for Master Rollo's words before she scoots out to fix him some food**


Phen 21:13:59 CST

Hey look Im hard up even posting in a room let alone copying My skills and I suppose others lay elswhere too where i will help to know end just dont like feeling singled out cause I cant c&p pages...


Laroona 21:15:03 CST

Phen every post as humanly possible is saved in time stamp order


Phen 21:16:13 CST

Laroona as I just said Lady I have no idea and have no idea what time stamp order means at all...So Im to be condemend for not helping out here?


Rollo_the_Ax 21:17:20 CST

LOL...LOL... and she said the MAGIC word also...... ** FOOD ** LOL...LOL.. y'all can call me most anything... except late for dinner....LOL....LOL.... So I think it time to call this weeks forum to a close.... Thanks to all for taking part... and Laroona, please take you time and DON'T worry about these last notes too much... okay ???


Laroona 21:18:22 CST

No one is condemning anyone


Deirdre 21:18:20 CST

Thank You for moderating again, Captain Rollo. Thank You Laroona for scribing. *S*


Phen 21:18:28 CST

Be well Captain and thank You for holding the forum... 


Be well galah*SS*


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