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TOPIC:  Homes at other sites?




Xertog 19:42:45 CST 

lol ..He was plenty confused any way galah. He didn't know what Yiddish was either. OK I somebody sent me a topic: I have a topic..well, opinion question really. How do others feel about Pledged Patrons AND Captains having "homes" at other sites?

{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 19:44:27 CST 

well fast n easy....for silks it does not matter... home here Jag... long as they hold GS first


jessenia{Rm} 19:46:20 CST 

well.. jesse cant speak for Master... but she can say.. she set up rooms over at soi.. which is... "neighbor" to Jag... they are more personal rooms.. like His private holdings... and we actually spend very little time there... He is very devoted to trying to get GS revived again... i personally.. dont understand why others who have "homes" there.. get involved in so much role play.. and yet they do not here at GS


White_Wolf 19:47:08 CST 

I'm kinda finding when your home starts to drive you nuts - It's better to take a break - and play in a different sand box for a bit - when you come back - yur head is clearer -


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 19:48:29 CST 

well JAG can be ecciting because raids n such occur often....GS that does not hapen so they make up charaters to be plan ahead


Chenbar 19:50:16 CST 

Iam looking for a chat to bring my homestone too Iam the Ubar of Tyros on other chat servr


Xertog 19:50:51 CST 

I honestly have never understood why some have their own rooms else where.


jessenia{Rm} 19:54:19 CST 

jesse thinks alot of the attraction to the other site is simply the room format's.. they make it alot easier for role play to continue because posts do not disappear... and one can walk in and pick up where it was left off and build on that.... but.. then the question would be.. if that could be done here at GS.. would people actually do it?? jesse has been here 2 years now and she's never seen role play to the extent of the other site


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 19:55:02 CST 

ya jesse maybe good idea


Marie 19:56:11 CST 

when the "homes" are seeing more r/p and people than GS, I think it's wrong, flat out. if they are pledged to GS, then in GS they should be. and for a Captain to have a Home in another site, well, that's just hmm...almost like they are saying GS isn't good enough..*shrugs*.


Xertog 19:58:04 CST 

Gary M would have to change the format of the chat for posts to be saved longer. I have had trouble getting him to do things like up date the web pages so I'd say changing the rooms format isn't likely to happen.


jessenia{Rm} 19:58:48 CST 

i have already talked to Him about it Master Xertog.. and You're right.. it's not going to happen


Xertog 19:59:10 CST 

I share the feelings you're expressing Marie. It rubs me wrong too


Marie 20:01:52 CST 

so, and I know you can't speak for ALL the Council Xertog, but, I'm asking anyway, if they have a home elsewhere, and are Captains here, isn't that like breach of contract or something? *chuckling, since I"m not sure that's how I wanted to word it, but it works*.


Marie 20:01:52 CST 

so, and I know you can't speak for ALL the Council Xertog, but, I'm asking anyway, if they have a home elsewhere, and are Captains here, isn't that like breach of contract or something? *chuckling, since I"m not sure that's how I wanted to word it, but it works*.


Marie 20:03:11 CST 

*looking at jale* the question wasn't whether to dictate where someone can chat or not chat, or how they spend their time online. I asked for opinions and how it makes others feel to know that pledged patrons and Captains had "homes" elsewhere.


jessenia{Rm} 20:04:34 CST 

i can agree with both sides of the coin... no.. there shouldn't be more role playing going on at one site than the other... especially from someone in a leadership position.... but yet.. i can see some having "personal holdings" elsewhere if that's what they wish for a more closer interaction with their slaves.. away from the Tavern and Piazza and so forth


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 20:05:45 CST 

Mistress it makes me feel has no bearing on why and how and the whats of anyone having another "home" at another site quite frankly....its none of my business whether they do or not However...WHAT is my business is whether or not the individual is looking after their responsibilities to the sites they claim to wish to uphold..... there in lies the issues for me....*shrugs~


deborah{KU}Protected 20:06:08 CST 

agrees jale cannot tell anyone where to chat BUT perhaps if GS had a few CAPTAINS who did chat here more have more interest in chating here more then maybe more would be here no ????? and a change in format would make a big difference as well ....keeping people in role play from day to day would help big time !!!


Ramses 20:07:14 CST 

My own opinion is very much the the same as jesse's ... I dont have problem with personal holdings eleswhere, but I do have an issue with those who are leaders here spenid all their time virtually exclusively in those holdings, or in the holdings of friends particularly when said role play is taking place at the same time as this Forum


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 20:07:44 CST 

my Master has private holdings....His home at JAG and not that its anyone's business....but....He does because He cannot always access GS....and almost always cannot access PS.....He can however get into JAG all the time so...if not here....there......but i must say.... Master spends plenty of time here in GS despite having His personal holdings elsewhere and considering how little time He actually has to be online


Marie 20:09:35 CST 

HA, that was my point jale!! we just approached it from two different directions. When they spend more time in their personal holdings, and rp'ing there, and it IS effecting GS, and they are NOT upholding their part in the home they CHOSE to be a leader in, then why are they still leaders? why not just retire?


Ramses 20:10:18 CST 

nodding with Marie a question I'd like answered as well


deborah{KU}Protected 20:10:34 CST 

well Master Ramses role plays over there too and Master Jake as did this one but we all know why this one did .... so many are banned here too is another issue in itself !!!... FORMAT is a BIGGY this one thinks


Marie 20:10:37 CST 

I'm sorry Xertog, you are getting the shit end of the deal on the Captains here, and it's NOT aimed at you, obviously, since you ARE here..*L


Marie 20:11:43 CST 

deborah, if they were banned it was for a reason...I've never known any of the Captains to ban someone on a whim


Ramses 20:12:09 CST 

debbie, yes I do ... but GS always take priority with Me unless I need some private time with My sluts *EG*


Xertog 20:14:26 CST 

No reason to be sorry Marie. I very rarely go to other chat sites but I know I have not been able to spend as much time in GS as I really need to


Ramses 20:15:15 CST 

*G* none of Us can Xertog ... but I too am happy to see you working hard to keep this place alive


Marie 20:15:21 CST 

I chat elsewhere, but, if I'm rping, it's in GS, no where else


jessenia{Rm} 20:15:45 CST 

if jesse can respectfully say... she thinks GS needs some big changes.... if it has any hope of being revived from what it is now


Ulrich 20:17:45 CST 

You're doing all you can Xertog. I see that. You're bringing ideas to draw a crowd. My time online is very limited these days, but when I do get the time, I am here. I don't quite understand r/ping somewhere else, then saying there is no r/p here. If they did the r/p here.. seems that would solve the problem.


Marie 20:18:09 CST 

major changes, yes jesse but honestly, (Xertog aside here), if the Captains dont' give a flying leap, why should anyone else really?


Ramses 20:18:51 CST 

nodding in agreement with Marie taking on he role of Captain means exerting leadership


Marie 20:19:24 CST 

it sure would solve the problem Ulrich.. and it can't all be blamed on the format here...GS was HOT, any time of day or night..


jessenia{Rm} 20:21:25 CST 

~nodding in agreement~ the first time jesse ever came here.. there were over 20 people at least here.. and it stayed very active for a long while... but slowly faded away


blckrose{Zor} 20:21:27 CST 

the girl speaks softly, this one wonders if the time of year has something to do with how many are here, as it is getting warmer for most in the states, there is more to do in RT then when its not warm out


Xertog 20:21:50 CST 

The chat format could be better.. There are certainly a worse being used out there. I see the format as a minor issue.


shadow{Ulrich} 20:23:36 CST 

oh but blckrose when is the time of year?? this same dicussion has been all said before and it was at different times of the year.. *s*


Marie 20:24:08 CST 

no, it doesn't's been declining like this over the past couple of years, slowly but surely


Xertog 20:24:10 CST 

This forum is being scribed. I don't know if the rest of the Council reads the old forums but I'll be directing their attention to it and see what kind of reaction it brings.


blckrose{Zor} 20:24:29 CST 

shadow, this one was just wondering.....nods


Marie 20:25:35 CST 

it's funny, I used to hold a lot of respect for the Captains of GS, and would NEVER have brought up a topic like this, but, that respect has greatly dwindled.


Ulrich 20:25:50 CST 

The chat format is what it has been forever. It's just the software used for this site. I wouldn't expect Gary to change it for the few that do hang out in GS. It's always going to be something. People need to quit complaining and start doing. Sure r/t interferes with many. That's my issue. Nothing the site can do to change that. One week, people are complaining that serving fake drinks isn't roleplay. The next week no one ever orders anything is the complaint. I say stop complaining and start doing.


shadow{Ulrich} 20:29:17 CST 

shadow personally likes the old format then what is at poolside now.. *s* and if shadow may say.. she doubts seriously a change in format is what the answer is..


jessenia{Rm} 20:30:11 CST 

i dont think the format is the "major" issue either.. there could still be very creative role play done here with effort


deborah{KU}Protected 20:31:23 CST 

a format that exist in jag one can scroll back so that one can stay up with role play and jump in and follow is what this one was gething at !


Marie 20:33:51 CST 

deborah, I'm pretty sure no one wants to hear how much better you think JAG is than Gorean Shores. Of course, we are all free to speak our opinions here, but, putting the site down because of format is pretty petty. it's the way it is, The Captains/Patrons/slaves can't change it. That's up to the site owner, and he's said NO


jessenia{Rm} 20:35:23 CST 

our issues are much bigger than format....


Marie 20:35:43 CST 

definitely jesse


deborah{KU}Protected 20:36:41 CST 

it's not what I said Mistress Marie not at all ...I have not chat there for a while now ...BUT it would make role playing ongoing is the point I'm making Mistress and yes this one is allowed her opinion !


Marie 20:37:31 CST 

sure it would make role playing ongoing deborah, but, we don't have that feature here, so it's pointless to discuss how much better it would be if we did..*chuckling*


jessenia{Rm} 20:40:04 CST 

jesse believes... that if it seemed changes were being made to make our home better.. it would draw some back here.. with more here.. there's more potential for role play to happen.. and with more people coming more often... it could be carried on.... from one day to the next


jessenia{Rm} 20:40:53 CST 

we can make do the best we can with what we have.. if we have enough that care to do so


Ulrich 20:41:04 CST 

exactly jessenia. a snowball effect.


Marie 20:43:42 CST 

I agree with you jesse, but the only captain that appears to care is Xertog...if the Captains don't take an interest in their home, then no one else is going to either


Xertog 20:45:30 CST 

I think the simple wisdom of the serenity prayer applies here. grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Regarding the things that can be changed. I have heard your words and promise to take what you say here to the rest of the Council and I will do what I can to make the needed changes.


Marie 20:45:37 CST 

let me put it this way... you take a group of senior boys on a basketball team..they know all the rules to the game, they know how to play the game, they've been on the team, but, they don't wanna play without their coach, right?


shadow{Ulrich} 20:47:26 CST 

*nods softly to Mistress Marie's words.. * too true..


jessenia{Rm} 20:47:50 CST 

thinks this is a big part of that quote.... "courage to change the things I can;"


LadySissy 20:56:59 CST 

offering my opinion I've been here for 5+ years and I've watched the same argument over and over...U cannot change what None wanna change...a few do want change but the rest do not...its a shame cause GS could be a Great place


{EF}_~akeria~ 20:58:45 CST 

its seems that GS goes in spurts..


LadySissy 20:59:08 CST 

Aye I agree akeria


{EF}_~akeria~ 20:59:14 CST 

people stray away..then they slowly come back..


jessenia{Rm} 20:59:24 CST 

yes.. but this has been a very long spurt


{EF}_~akeria~ 20:59:49 CST 

this girl has seen this happen every since GS became its own place..and moved from poolside


Marie 20:59:57 CST 

akeria, this spurt has been too long. it used to be that way, yes, few weeks though, this one has been MONTHS


LadySissy 21:00:13 CST 

and then they stray away again akeria but I agree with Marie if the Captains don't seem to care then why should anyone else


{EF}_~akeria~ 21:00:46 CST 

akeria believes there need to be more things happening here to draw people back... 

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