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Rollo the Ax 19:25:23 pm CDT

Welcome everybody to this weeks edition of the GS forum.... we will follow the same rules as always... everybody gets to have their say...even slaves, as long as it is done in a respectful manner.. once we start, keep the personal chit chat and greetings and such in WHISPERS so as to take some of the burden off of the scribes... anybody with a topic, question, or anything they wish to discuss, PM it to ME, and I will bring them up as time allows.. Okay ??? lets begin......


Laroona 19:25:38 pm CDT

LOL galah the bosk will moooooooo loudly enough LOL 

I think I go mid/late October this year...


Jarl Thorrn 19:29:32 pm CDT

down under and at the top 

both can be joyful, galah 



Rollo the Ax 19:30:31 pm CDT

LOL.. for those that don't understand galah's references... here in the place in Oz where we live, one old time politician tried to fight daylight savings by telling the people that the cows would get confused and NOT know when to get milked and that the extra sun light would fade the curtains more ... no kidding, he really did... and some numb nuts bought it and voted against it.... ??? real rocket science..... LOL...


Rollo the Ax 19:31:37 pm CDT

ubderstand ??? UNDERSTAND !!!


Jarl Thorrn 19:31:44 pm CDT

Laughs for real here at cows and curtains


Laroona 19:32:01 pm CDT

LOL Captain Rollo they did too.... 

but your daylight is about the same anyway....


Breanna Dar~Shay 19:33:13 pm CDT

No so much the cows, but us, trying to remember if it is the time of year to count back 1 or 2 Ahns...


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 19:33:14 pm CDT

chuckling I was taught in Builder's School a long time ago that a Northern Politician's son had a hard time remembering pi was 3.14 ,, and actually introduced a bill in the state legislature to change it to 3 in that state


Jarl Thorrn 19:34:02 pm CDT

hints Breanna the merchant 

one could sell curtains covers to those numb nuts 



Laroona 19:34:13 pm CDT

I use a world time clock reference 

that makes life easier LOl


Jarl Thorrn 19:35:18 pm CDT

ok, Sandman

and has that bill been accepted? 

*GRINS* one never knows with politicians .... *L*


Rollo the Ax 19:35:34 pm CDT

Our first topic or perhaps just a simple question to all .... this past week, we had a rather poor turn out to both our Jeopardy night and our Happy Ahn night... the question now seems... * Are these STILL things that folks want to keep happening... or does the Council need to come up with something different for these times ????


Breanna Dar~Shay 19:36:02 pm CDT

*grinz at Thorrn* I happen to like My Wagon curtains, all faded and such it gives them such a rustic appeal...*lol*


rhian{GS} 19:36:40 pm CDT

rhian just is not available during those times, Master Rollo *sighs*


nassy{GS} 19:36:43 pm CDT

nassy enjoys both Master Rollo just her real time has yet to settle down...


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 19:36:49 pm CDT

I say keep them going ,, people will attend when they can,, I dont recall hearing anyone they didnt enjoy them


Jarl Thorrn 19:37:57 pm CDT

weren´t many who attended but we still had some fun 

but truely missed galah´s happy ahn game *w*


Kat 19:37:58 pm CDT

I found it enjoyable the other night when I was there a few minutes *S*


Breanna Dar~Shay 19:38:03 pm CDT

It could be the time of year too Rollo, summer up in the NH is just now winding down, and people will be stuck inside soon, perhaps then the turnout will be better...


Laroona 19:38:32 pm CDT

may I suggest if they are going to remain low then maybe have less than once a hand, and maybe every 2 or 4 hands


galah{GS}fg 19:38:35 pm CDT

just a warning if we keep happy ahn, gal is runnin out of ideas for new games for happy ahn, might hafta go back and repeat some of the old ones again


Jarl Thorrn 19:38:36 pm CDT

and one or 2 slaves for serving the paga at happy ahn 



Rollo the Ax 19:39:19 pm CDT

???? Well why Not Sandman ??? what does a silly thing like 2000-3000 years of mathematics matter ???? all those . points ??? LOL...LOL... sounds like the person in question would not know * pi * if it bit him on the ass anyway.... LOL...


Kristian.. speak softly, but carry a big stick 19:39:37 pm CDT

Sandman.. you wonder how some people can even live w/their stupidity.. lol..


galah{GS}fg 19:40:16 pm CDT

only problem with that Mistress Laroona is that ppl will have trouble remembering if its an on week or an off week, then even fewer show up?


Laroona 19:40:39 pm CDT

that is true galah ....


Xertog 19:41:31 pm CDT

I missed Jeopardy this week. It was the first week I have missed it. I started a new job last week and my time for GS just cut a whole lot.


Jarl Thorrn 19:41:56 pm CDT

so true galah 

we can remember time change twice a year 

but knowing if it is happy ahn this week or next week and ever .... hard *l*


Kristian.. speak softly, but carry a big stick 19:42:28 pm CDT

I think stupidity is a prereqisit for becoming a politician.. chuckles..


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 19:43:55 pm CDT

congrats Xertog 

in my case I am still in the busy season of my work .. it will hopefully slow down in the near future


galah{GS}fg 19:43:58 pm CDT

i gotta admit, i wasn't at either event this week, i took a week off for R&R...sometimes even a slave needs a break


Jarl Thorrn 19:44:06 pm CDT

they prove it all the time and in all time zones, Kristian


Kristian.. speak softly, but carry a big stick 19:45:11 pm CDT

LT.. lol.. they sure do..


Laroona 19:46:29 pm CDT

the change of Jeopardy was a bit hard as the instigators were not present LOL 

but we managed... I think LOL


Rollo the Ax 19:47:23 pm CDT

Perhaps it is too soon to make drastic changes... all of the mentioned reasons do come into question... the time of year... seasonal changes... just plain * shit happens * .... What we all need to remember is that * on-line * is a fluid situation... each persons abilities and times restraints may well change from week to week/ month to month... plus factor in the basic pendulum theory and we need to NOT worry about short term issues and plan more for the LONG term...... Okay ??????????


Jarl Thorrn 19:47:32 pm CDT

it was GREAT Laroona 

i manged to make a point *L*


Kat 19:47:36 pm CDT

It will be fun for Me learning, soft smiles..


galah{GS}fg 19:48:05 pm CDT

**wonders who the instigators are as she gives a wondering gaze from one to another**


nassy{GS} 19:48:40 pm CDT

not nassy she assures you mistress


Ulrich 19:48:45 pm CDT

We made it work for us anyway Laroona. LOL 

Who knows if it was played as intended


Breanna Dar~Shay 19:49:08 pm CDT

*grinz at Rollo* here here!


Laroona 19:49:11 pm CDT

*winks at galah*


Laroona 19:49:38 pm CDT

Ulrich we sort of tried LOL....


Jarl Thorrn 19:50:18 pm CDT

for me this works, Captain


galah{GS}fg 19:50:21 pm CDT

you winked at me Mistress Laroona, does that mean your an instigator? heheheheheheeeeee eheheheheeee **cracks up**


Ulrich 19:50:23 pm CDT

This week was probably just one of those occasions where several of us had RT obligations to deal with on the same nights.


Xertog 19:50:24 pm CDT

Since we are talking about nights we have things scheduled. I am considering starting up the book discussion night again. We would work our way through the books reading about 50 pages a week and discuss it on Mondays. But I'd want to make sure there is interest in it first.


Rollo the Ax 19:50:46 pm CDT

So then... lets leave things the way they are .... for now... and we can always make changes if need be later on.......


aurora{Ulrich} 19:50:53 pm CDT

wonders what the original intent of happy ahn was? 

~meaning does there have to be games at every one? 

*just a thought*


Laroona 19:51:23 pm CDT

galah you never know LOL


rhian{GS} 19:51:53 pm CDT

rhian would love that, Slave Master


Laroona 19:52:16 pm CDT

a good point aurora..... 

it could be just a gathering and getting to know thingy


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 19:52:34 pm CDT

shadow does Master Xertog, have interest 

but not sure she could get as little as 50 pages read at this time.. *s*


Laroona 19:53:17 pm CDT

Xertog yeah please slow down on how much we need to read LOL....


Ulrich 19:53:26 pm CDT

galah to address your game ideas for happy ahn, I don't think it's absolutely necessary that we play a game at every one. 

Sure an occasional meat toss or whatever could be entertaining to break things up, but I don't see anything wrong with it being a bit of a social event where Free can enjoy the ale, swap a few tales and a few tails


Xertog 19:54:15 pm CDT

We got through the first 3 books when we did it last year so if we start it up again I'd like to start with book 4 Nomads of Gor.


Laroona 19:54:17 pm CDT

Bearing in mind FW may turn up... as it is open for all... *S*


Kat 19:54:18 pm CDT



galah{GS}fg 19:54:23 pm CDT

guess the idea aurora was just to have something different than the everyday sitting around and having a drink...just like the taverns and pubs and bars have events going on to keep ppl coming in....and good practice for some RPing too, in a relaxed atmosphere...galah gets the feeling at times, like some ppl here find it hard to RP?


Jarl Thorrn 19:55:07 pm CDT

murmurs ..... not forgetting to toss some kajiras 

*grins at the dicussion before Forum started*


Xertog 19:55:07 pm CDT

50 pages a week is too many?


Breanna Dar~Shay 19:55:14 pm CDT

*clapps and slightly bounces* NOMADS!! My favorite! *lol after all I am Tuchuk*


Rollo the Ax 19:55:14 pm CDT

Brother Xertog...... if you want to try the book nights once again, then by all means do so.... the issue of who or how many take part will always be a hit and miss issue I am afraid.... but for those that take part, the benefits will more than show themselves...... I am sure....


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 19:55:26 pm CDT

50 pages is a lot! to shadow anyway.. 

so Nomads? hmmm girl best get to reading to keep up


Kristian.. speak softly, but carry a big stick 19:55:32 pm CDT

Rollo the Ax.. I would be interested in how close the scrolls are to the books..


Breanna Dar~Shay 19:56:05 pm CDT

*chuckles at galah* kajira-o-kee..


Laroona 19:56:10 pm CDT

*drags out the old soapbox Moonglow left behind* 

galah I agree... some are only interested in a paga and furring 

that is not what Gor is about


Xertog 19:56:17 pm CDT

I some times do galah but I think the games have been fun.


Jarl Thorrn 19:56:26 pm CDT

a lot too many - when one got no book yet


vina{GS_O} 19:56:47 pm CDT

**smiles ...listening


aurora{Ulrich} 19:56:56 pm CDT

there are more and more new people coming in 

~welcoming and visiting, chatting and having fun 

sometimes just a talk down memory lane is fun


Breanna Dar~Shay 19:57:21 pm CDT

*smiles at Laroona* no, it isn't...but it is up to each of Us to define it..


Laroona 19:57:32 pm CDT

Xertog for some who study or are at colleges in RT 

yes as they have required readings...


vina{GS_O} 19:58:54 pm CDT

this one has required readings, a ton of it,


Laroona 19:59:11 pm CDT

aurora ohh please do not get galah and a few others going down memory lane LOL


aurora{Ulrich} 19:59:24 pm CDT

games are not always r/p so to aurora those are two different things 

its also a good time for slaves to get more comfortable around the Free and serve, get to know each shouldnt be all about games


Xertog 19:59:40 pm CDT

Perhaps the readings could be cut back to 30 - 35 pages a week. Breanna it is my favorite out of the 24 books or Norman I have read too.


vina{GS_O} 19:59:40 pm CDT

but she is still trying to catch up on the conversation..sooooo she doesn't know what is the topic....sorry


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 19:59:49 pm CDT

or just required life.. ~laughs~


nassy{GS} 20:01:07 pm CDT

nodding nassy's life would allow 50 pages a night if she could get ahold of the book


galah{GS}fg 20:01:10 pm CDT

as we play a trivia type game on one night, gal was seeking out interactive games, but perhaps we could do other stuff too, as Mistress Dar~Shay just gave gal a great bout something once in awhile like kajira-o-kee? we take an earthen song and turn it gorean and sing it for others to enjoy during happy ahn?


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:01:51 pm CDT

*smiles at Xertog* It's so fast moving, action, mystery, it just flows so well!


Rollo the Ax 20:02:15 pm CDT

Xertog... are there still links or sites with e-books that those who do NOT have copies can use to read the books ??? there used to be some around, but then legal issues made many close down... how can ppl without books take part ???


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:02:48 pm CDT

why not a dance night during Happy Ahn? 

not that shadow dances well but chain does.. 

and shadow volunteers her, if Master allows.. 

*winks at chain*


nassy{GS} 20:03:33 pm CDT

shudders at the thought of a dance night...


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:03:55 pm CDT

*grumbles* I used to have at least the first 10 downloaded, but I can't find them now. Ebay is a place to look, and Amazon had used copies a few years ago...


rhian{GS} 20:04:19 pm CDT

that would be good, shadow. it would give us new girls the opportunity to see a dance in action. *grins*


Laroona 20:04:20 pm CDT

that is a good idea dancing, singing


aurora{Ulrich} 20:04:30 pm CDT

laughing and pulling her chains hair!!


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:04:31 pm CDT

nassy those beautiful long legs, bet they could dance away.. *s*


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:04:46 pm CDT

*lets out a hoot of laughter thinking about the last dance night in GC, with Mazah throwing an Axe through the door....*


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:05:05 pm CDT

shadow can sing Mistress! 

well shadow *thinks* she can..


nassy{GS} 20:05:35 pm CDT

no shadow nassy has no ermmmm rythem for dance.. 

now then errmm other things..that these long legs can do....welll errmmmm best not to mention


Laroona 20:05:54 pm CDT

Captain Rollo most of the free sites have been pulled by JN 

there only way to get books and some now is through his site.. 

I think there are some C&P passages from the books through the site... *S*


galah{GS}fg 20:05:56 pm CDT

gal always kindda thought that getting to know each other was every other day of the week when GS isn't doing nuthin though aurora, don't wanna just have happy ahn be another just like any other night of the week? and as for having a dance night, that makes for even less talking and getting to know each other as its considered rude among most ppl to talk while a slave dances?


Rollo the Ax 20:06:35 pm CDT

LOL...LOL... Not * Raiders * which Port Kar and our home is taken from ??? LOL...LOL... BIG surprise that * Marauders * is perhaps MY favorite of the books....LOL.


Jarl Thorrn 20:06:56 pm CDT

just checked on ebay 

all Gor books in german language here and that would not be good to learn the propper words, expressions and such


aurora{Ulrich} 20:07:59 pm CDT

but its not getting to know each other every other day kinda thing mistress because its difficult for people to get here at times 

and happy ahn provides the perfect ambiance for that 

the dance could be shorter, doesnt need to consume the whole ahn


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:08:10 pm CDT

*grinz* But imagine how You can impress Your Friends Thorrn...


Ulrich 20:08:14 pm CDT

A night of dancing sounds like fun. Like I said, we can mix it up a bit here and there. 

It's happy ahn, let's be happy. 

Sometimes a game, sometimes dancing, sometimes just shoot the bosk dung a bit. Who knows an occasional spar may break out. 

It's happy ahn, we should relax and let it become what it becomes. Objective #1 is to get people to come. 

Sure we want to improve r/p, but there are many facets to r/p.


Laroona 20:09:09 pm CDT

also the Forum room being OOC is a good place for ppl to get to know each other *S*


aurora{Ulrich} 20:09:35 pm CDT

aurora used to have a link Master Rollo 

if she can find it she will forward it to her Master and the Council


Jarl Thorrn 20:09:40 pm CDT

With talking german, Breanna? 


for that special english language does better


Xertog 20:09:43 pm CDT

Rollo the free online book web sites have been shut down from what I understand since Norman is selling the books as e books.


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:10:21 pm CDT

well truly when shadow thought Happy Ahn up the idea was a night that others would know others were here.. top hang out and get to know each other.. not that shadow has been able to come for the last long while 

Not meaning like a DANCE night but a girl could dance at a Happy Ahn as the entertainment once in a while.. just a thought


nassy{GS} 20:11:21 pm CDT

nassy would be willing to pay for e-book


Laroona 20:11:37 pm CDT

Happy Ahn was not made for one FM to hog a slave 

and I have found that at the times I have been present to be rude as it detracts from the intent


Rollo the Ax 20:11:39 pm CDT

Okay...Okay... we are getting so far afield here that we are losing our way...... Xertog... if you are going to start book nights again, then by all means do so....just announce the when and where...okay ??? and for now, Jeopardy and Happy Ahn will remain as is.. with some possible slight changes... songs and such .... okay with everybody ???


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:12:25 pm CDT

I agree with Ulrich 

RP gets too stuffy and serious some times, I hated it when I was in Character and Someone came and went before I could even speak. 

It's nice to relax and be Bre every once in a while. Most of us are Gorean in and out of Character, once You learn it, it becomes a part of You till there is less and less RP and more of Your personality...


Laroona 20:13:22 pm CDT

Captain Rollo sounds like a plan to me *S


Ulrich 20:15:04 pm CDT

Sounds good to me Rollo. 

I don't really see the discussion as a "change" to happy ahn, other than relieving the pressure of trying to think up a new game every single week. Just allowing it to be a little more fluid.


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:15:50 pm CDT

Fine with me Rollo


vina{GS_O} 20:16:59 pm CDT it possible that libraries would have copies of the series?


Jarl Thorrn 20:17:04 pm CDT

nods too in agreement


Rollo the Ax 20:17:21 pm CDT

That is why the Council made the Forum room an OOC chat room when not in use for official events.... forum, these book nights, etc., then it is business as usual.. other times the forum room may be used to just * hang out * and speak in an out of character manner......


aurora{Ulrich} 20:17:29 pm CDT

~soft nod as she hears Master speak~


rhian{GS} 20:17:33 pm CDT

girl hasn't found any, vina, but check used book stores.


Laroona 20:18:08 pm CDT

vina some may have... also second hand book stores...


vina{GS_O} 20:18:32 pm CDT

thanks rhian, vina will check


vina{GS_O} 20:18:43 pm CDT

yes Mistress


Laroona 20:18:44 pm CDT

hey rhian get off my skirts and reading my mind LOL LOL


rhian{GS} 20:19:49 pm CDT



Rollo the Ax 20:19:58 pm CDT

Ulrich.. the whole time of the Happy ahn need not be used for a game or such.... like you say... the idea is to make or keep EVERYBODY * happy *.... so just do whatever seems right......


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:20:09 pm CDT

not how shadow meant.. hang out 

she meant in role to get know Gor 

at the time we had a lot of new slaves that were afraid of the Tavern 

and Happy Ahn was to encourage them to not be afraid to venture in..


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:21:10 pm CDT

*bursts into laughter at Rollos EVERYBODY* Lord Rollo to do that You're talking free flowing paga and chocolate bars.


Rollo the Ax 20:21:52 pm CDT

a library is a good place to try ... many have at least some of the books.... used book stores MAY have them, but here, they are getting rare to find it seems....


Jarl Thorrn 20:22:02 pm CDT

uurrrrgggggg ... paga with chocolate bars 

*grins* @ Breanna


Laroona 20:22:14 pm CDT

Breanna you could get the drued bosk dung off your clothes and toss them at the slaves heeeeeeee


Laroona 20:22:34 pm CDT

dried even


aurora{Ulrich} 20:23:01 pm CDT

in Ontario, you are not likely to find them in libraries 

or Chapters ~ Barns and Noble maybe, but ebay is the best place


vina{GS_O} 20:23:29 pm CDT

Yes Master Ulrich, this one was not aware that the books were taken offline...she use to have access to all of them


nassy{GS} 20:23:40 pm CDT

this site has the e-books..


Ulrich 20:23:56 pm CDT

Well Rollo, we've established that nothing we do will make EVERYBODY happy, but we try. lol


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:24:08 pm CDT

*lol at Laroona* I rather liked that drued bosk dung, it sounds European...


Rollo the Ax 20:24:12 pm CDT

LOL.. well, how does the old saying go ??? ** You can keep SOME of the people happy, some of the time.. but you will NEVER keep ALL or the people happy ALL of the time .... ** ???? So I say we shoot for as many HAPPY folks as we can, and call it GOOD ENOUGH !!!!!! LOL...


Laroona 20:24:58 pm CDT

nassy great that is the "official" site *S* 

some of the books are being re-written too and covers have been changed


Ulrich 20:25:10 pm CDT

That's about all we can do Rollo. LOL


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:25:27 pm CDT

*lmao and whispers to Laroona* now They will call that a game, shooting Happy Folks...


Xertog 20:25:34 pm CDT

I have gotten all my books off of ebay. Most were pretty cheap. Especially the early books. Magicians use to sell for a lot on ebay. But I have not looked at the prices on e bay for a long time.


nassy{GS} 20:25:52 pm CDT

blushes thank You Mistress Laroona, girl will buy the book later tonight or tomorrow to start reading soon...


Laroona 20:25:54 pm CDT

Breanna well I was close LOL 

heee maybe it could be a new type of bosk dung LOl


rhian{GS} 20:27:40 pm CDT

*raises an eyebrow* there is more than one type of bosk dung, Mistress?


Ulrich 20:28:17 pm CDT

You can also find them on


Laroona 20:28:25 pm CDT

rhian there is now LOL 

Breanna and I have made it so LOL


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:28:43 pm CDT

*g* you might just find out if you participate in Xertog's readings *winks at rhian* I wouldn't want to spoil the fun...


rhian{GS} 20:29:00 pm CDT



Laroona 20:29:34 pm CDT

Breanna that would have the girl searching now LOL


Jarl Thorrn 20:29:40 pm CDT

doesn´t like ebooks for fiction 

can´t run a round everywhere with a laptop for reading 

a book is a book is a book ... made of paper for me 



rhian{GS} 20:30:55 pm CDT

girl agrees, Jarl Thorrn, but when in need....


vina{GS_O} 20:30:58 pm CDT

**smiles to Master Thorrn


Jarl Thorrn 20:31:49 pm CDT

griins @ rhian and in need


Rollo the Ax 20:31:49 pm CDT

Well it may come as no surprise to many, but due to the fact that i have been into the books since they FIRST came out.... ( yes, maybe before some of YOU were even born... LOL.. ) I have had and lost many copies... LOL.. I used to sell them Myself on ebay YEARS ago.... LOL.. and now adays just don't bother.... LOL.. LOL.. ** Looking at the rack with maybe 150-200 books in it.... LOL... LOL... the postage costs from Oz to the USA killed much of My sales.... LOL..


nassy{GS} 20:31:58 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn at the amazon site that Master Ulrich posted You can buy the book


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:32:01 pm CDT

*grins at Laroona* The fun of reading: 

1. enjoying the novel 

2. finding hidden gems of wisdom 

3. driving kajira nuts with "what ifs"


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:33:12 pm CDT

*chuckles* Sounds like You need a local distributor Rollo, someone in the states as sort of a silent partner...


Laroona 20:33:14 pm CDT

*sniggers with Breeanna* 

of course that is why FW are sooooooooooooooooooooo mean LOL


Rollo the Ax 20:33:37 pm CDT

Anyway folks...... we have well and truly flogged these issues... lets try to cover one more.......


Jarl Thorrn 20:33:48 pm CDT

same here Rollo 

i used to buy a lot on Ebay around the world but the payment for postage drove me nuts




Rollo the Ax 20:35:13 pm CDT

the question came up about a kajira kissing the vessel when serving a FW... is it right or wrong ???


vina{GS_O} 20:35:45 pm CDT pondering that question...


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:36:39 pm CDT

*shrugs* depends on a room's definition of right or wrong...strictly by the books, or by the room rules?


Jarl Thorrn 20:37:08 pm CDT

knows what rhian thinks about that: Wrong 

Right : kissing the FW


Laroona 20:37:52 pm CDT

I thought it was part of the serve.... 

as a sign of respect to the Free they serve no matter the status...


rhian{GS} 20:37:55 pm CDT

just the vessel, Jarl Thorrn *giggles*


rhian{GS} 20:38:38 pm CDT

a visiting FreeWoman found it an odd custom


{Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:39:21 pm CDT

shadow agrees with what Mistress Laroona thoughts are, its just the belly of the vessel so unsure why a slave would not?


Laroona 20:39:27 pm CDT

*looks at Thorrn* 

who said kissing a FW? 

it is kissing the side of the vessel


Laroona 20:41:10 pm CDT

I neeed to depart 

I wish to thank Captain Rollo for moderating 

I wish to thank rhian for scribing 

I wish all well 

((I know not permitted in forums but I wanted those acknowledged as it helps me a lot))


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:41:44 pm CDT

Can Anyone remember a passage from the books that mention it?


vina{GS_O} 20:42:37 pm CDT

Mistress Breanna, this girl can not remember of a passage, but then it has been a very long time since she has read them...


Rollo the Ax 20:44:20 pm CDT

It boils down to the simple answer... ** Our room, OUR rules, our way....* far too often, others see only a part of such a thing and condemn it off hand.... without seeing what REALLY is going on..


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:47:37 pm CDT

Just as online is a liquid environment shouldn't the room rules be also? 

What I mean is, shouldn't the Elders, Council Members, Room Mods, etc review the rules and the meanings every once in a while and ponder if they still apply? 

So it is mentioned in the books; does it HAVE to be that way? 

So it is not mentioned; does that mean You can't do it in Your own Home?


Ulrich 20:49:12 pm CDT

Breanna it's not uncommon for us on the Council to review a rule and change it if necessary, or state that it still fits and should remain the same. 

We do try to stay close to the books, but yes there are some onlineisms that we practice here


Xertog 20:50:17 pm CDT

Breanna the Council does look at the rules and change them from time to time. A lot of that comes from suggestions made at these forums. We had a person taking advantage of a loophole in our rules not that long ago and we fixed it.


FM Breanna Dar~Shay 20:52:25 pm CDT

There You go 

If You feel it is ok for a kajira to kiss the outside of a vessel during a serve, then All in Your Home should respect Your rules....


galah{GS}fg 20:53:20 pm CDT

i always took the kissing the vessel as a sign of devotion for our desire to serve and be found pleasing...its not done in any way to be a sexual thing in any way so i can't see why it wouldn't be done for FW also to show her that our devotion is for all free, not just for the


 {Ulrich's}shadow GS~sg 20:54:10 pm CDT

so well said mistress..


Rollo the Ax 20:54:17 pm CDT

LOL...LOL... NOBODY on the Council ever said that we were PERFECT !!! we try to keep things as close as we can to the books... but when one book contradicts another, and changes what is * normal * from one to the next, it would be impossible to make it ALL match.... so we decide what to follow and what to leave by the way side......


nassy{GS} 20:54:31 pm CDT

nodding her head in agreement with mistress


najla{GS} 20:56:20 pm CDT

~nods~ mistress very well said ~w~


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:56:28 pm CDT

*lmao* Back to shooting Happy Folks again Rollo? 

There will always be Those that want to whine and gripe, because they have nothing better to do then whine and gripe


Ulrich 20:57:14 pm CDT

galah that's the way I always viewed the kissing of the vessel as well. 

Well said


Jarl Thorrn 20:58:34 pm CDT

very well said to understand the kissing of the vessel 

thank you galah 



Rollo the Ax 20:58:47 pm CDT

Does EVERY * kiss * have to have a sexual nature ?????


Breanna Dar~Shay 20:59:12 pm CDT

I did it. 

When I was part of the chain at the BK. 

It was a blessing to the Mistress I served. I didn't do it to all of Them, just Those that were special to me.


nassy{GS} 20:59:18 pm CDT

no Master Rollo they don't have to be...


rhian{GS} 20:59:26 pm CDT

no, Master. it doesn't have to be


najla{GS} 20:59:46 pm CDT

No Master Rollo


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 21:00:02 pm CDT

smiling at the wise fg ,, well said


galah{GS}fg 21:00:46 pm CDT

only the good ones Master Rollo heheheheheheeeee heheheheheheeee those really sloppy ones hehehehehee


Jarl Thorrn 21:01:52 pm CDT

good luck not all are sexual 

thinks of kiss of mafia, kiss of death, kiss to kids, kiss to friends


hazel {GS} 21:01:59 pm CDT

~ with out a sound she slips in and settles next to her chain~


rhian{GS} 21:02:43 pm CDT

yeah. wouldn't want to give grannie the same kinda kiss she would give a Master *laughs*


vina{GS_O} 21:02:48 pm CDT

**smiles at Master Thorrn's words..


Rollo the Ax 21:03:36 pm CDT

then why does kissing the vessel even come into question ??? Somebody... somewhere.. did NOT do it for whatever reason, so they want to make some big fat hairy deal out of it being done HERE ???? Just tell them to kiss MY ..... oh, never mind, they would think THAT had something to do with sex also....... LOL...


Jarl Thorrn 21:04:02 pm CDT



rhian{GS} 21:05:01 pm CDT

*grins* girl will make sure to direct those to You, Master Rollo.


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:05:04 pm CDT

*doubles over in laughter* will that become part of a serve also? paying hommage to Your errr...Backside? That would be the kiss of death!


Ulrich 21:05:46 pm CDT



Breanna Dar~Shay 21:06:30 pm CDT

People come and go, when they come, they want to change everything to their game, play it for a while, give up because they loose, then leave. 

You get the joy of cleaning up the mess when they are gone... 

Look at GC...


Rollo the Ax 21:07:08 pm CDT

LOl.. they want to kiss MY * backside * they better wash their mouth with Lysol before hand.... LOL...LOL... LMAO....


rhian{GS} 21:07:46 pm CDT

...and drown their heads in lysol afterwards? *laughs*


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 21:08:11 pm CDT

laughing and slapping my knee .. by the PK's


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:08:41 pm CDT

*rotflmao at rhian* perfect timing sweets


vina{GS_O} 21:10:36 pm CDT

Mistress Breanna? what is GC?


Rollo the Ax 21:11:08 pm CDT

That is it in a nut shell, Breanna.... far too many feel things should change to suit THEM, instead of them conforming to the rules and ways of a new place.... My position is that if they don't like it the WAY it is here already...... find some other place better suited to THEIR way odd doing it.... no great loss if they don't stay.......


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:12:02 pm CDT

*sighs* Gorean Chat vina 

*softly* it was once a beautiful Home, it still is beautiful, just not much of a Home


vina{GS_O} 21:12:34 pm CDT

that is too sad...


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:12:49 pm CDT

*eyes twinkling* And that is Gorean Rollo!!


Rollo the Ax 21:14:03 pm CDT

LOL...LOL.. what they do after is of no concern to Me, rhian..... They may be so taken with the experience that they may NEVER want to wash their mouth again...... LOL...LOL..


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:14:16 pm CDT

*s* aye lil one 

Too Many came at the same time, there were things said, promises made, and no one backed down 

Some good changes, some bad 

Then the glue that held it all together left. 

The people...


rhian{GS} 21:14:43 pm CDT



vina{GS_O} 21:14:53 pm CDT

oh wow, how sad


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:15:02 pm CDT

*sticking My tongue out* bleeeekkk...*lol*


Rollo the Ax 21:16:57 pm CDT

vina.... Gorean Chat was the home of MANY of my old time friends... it was a friendly site to GS and we often visited each other...


rhian{GS} 21:18:33 pm CDT

so would the next topic be the proper way to kiss Master Rollo's butt? *grins*


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:18:39 pm CDT

*smiles* We used to rotate the forums, one week at GC, then Steel Dawn


Rollo the Ax 21:18:55 pm CDT

Well folks.... it seems that our time has once again come to an end...


hazel {GS} 21:19:10 pm CDT

~ giggles softly ~


Jarl Thorrn 21:19:22 pm CDT

LOL @ rhian ... and steps out into the dark


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:19:31 pm CDT

Oh Lordy...*shaking My head at rhian* That book would be longer then the kajira grip points!


rhian{GS} 21:21:12 pm CDT

*smiles innocently, batting her lashes at Mistress Breanna*


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 21:22:36 pm CDT

thank you for running forum once again Rollo


Ulrich 21:23:06 pm CDT

Thanks for running forum Rollo and thanks to the scribes 

I wish you all well


rhian{GS} 21:23:34 pm CDT

thank You again for overseeing the forums, Master Rollo


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:23:40 pm CDT

Yes thank You Rollo, all the discussions were delightful!


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 21:24:17 pm CDT

thank you to the scribes


Rollo the Ax 21:24:18 pm CDT

No, rhian...... there is no proper way to kiss butt...... it shows lack of respect.... for those doing it to themselves.... give me an honest, foreright person ANY day...... ( now if we want to talk about biting butts.... THEN, I can speak.... LOL.. from a whole ass chewing of one that deserves it, to ... shall we say, small nibbles .. LOL..LOL.. LMAO...... once again, Rollo can be the one to talk to...... LOL...LOL...


rhian{GS} 21:25:29 pm CDT

thank You for the clarification, Master Rollo. rhian will keep that in mind *grins*


Breanna Dar~Shay 21:26:05 pm CDT

eeekkk...Ike is on His way...This FW better bid a Hasty goodnight and prepare for a power outage.. 

Thank you all for listening to a Rambling FW *winks and runs*


Rollo the Ax 21:26:22 pm CDT

Thanks to all that took part in todays/tonights forum.... I hope to see everybody again next week.... same time, same place....


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