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Greeting Rules 

Rollo_the_Ax 19:18:43 CST

Okay folks, lets get this show on the road.... I have an RT appointment that I will have to leave for before the forum is over, but I am sure somebody else will be able to step up and take over when that happens...okay ???


Rollo_the_Ax 19:19:54 CST

Same rules as always... No chit chat, NO open greetings, everybody plays nice and gets to say their piece..


Rollo_the_Ax 19:22:34 CST

First off, let me announce that the way of greeting that we have been  trying, is to be dropped, and we will go back to the old way.... I will post  it on the message board later.... The new way was not truly given a FAIR  chance before MANY started complaining, but hey, shit happens, right ??? So from this point on, the OLD way is the way to do things... Okay ???????


Dualling in GS

Rollo_the_Ax 19:24:30 CST

Okay.. with that out of the way, does anybody have a topic they wish to put before the assembly ???


Grizzly 19:25:11 CST

Rollo,,,I have one.


Grizzly 19:28:56 CST

Rollo,,,when someone is accused of Dueling,,,whats done to confirm if its really them or Not?


Rollo_the_Ax 19:33:54 CST

Well, Grizzly, to be honest, we do whatever we can to TRY and confirm or NOT such accusations... But we always need as much PROOF as we can get...


Rollo_the_Ax 19:35:10 CST

Lerts face facts, there are a MILLION ways for ppl to dick around with stuff here, on-line, to make things either look BAD or GOOD ... lots of tricks that some know and many don't...


Grizzly 19:35:27 CST

Rollo,,,OK,,,,I was concerned about what happened with Lady Anglic,,,,To My Knowlage she never got a chance to defend herself.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:36:44 CST

Even ISP #s no longer provide proof as they once did due to the way those in the know can manipulate them ...


Rollo_the_Ax 19:37:56 CST

In her case, the Council was given copies of emails or conversations where she * outed * herself, Grizzly...


Grizzly 19:38:41 CST

Rollo,,,even a post is'nt proof of anything,,,they can all be changed to make them Look like what you want them too.

 I ran into sefa last Night,,,,& she had no clue who I was,,,,If sefa is Lady Anglic,,,she would have known me On sight.


amira{GS~sg} 19:38:53 CST

~speaks softly~

 bottom line is if everyone is simply honest and being right about who they are.. none of that ever needs to happen

and frankly this girl has to wonder at the mind of anyone who has to go to such lengths to deceive



Ulrich 19:39:21 CST

Kringe I don't know the circumstances, but I'm guessing they had more than isp info.As Rollo said, they can be manipulated, plus, there may be more than one person using a given ISP. AOL for instance.


Laroona 19:39:33 CST

anyone without a static IP number it is difficult to manipulate ... with a dial up service it is easy.. get a couple of different providers.. folks who are members their Ips are hidden in this chat...but then that does not stop them being a member under several names


amira{GS~sg} 19:41:05 CST

Master Grizzly dont You also perhaps believe is she was that good to re-instate herself into Gs as she apparently did she would run up to You with open arms?


 Grizzly 19:41:55 CST

hell,,theres soft ware out there that will give you a different IP every time you Log on.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:42:33 CST

Which brings up a point that perhaps MORE folks should keep in mind.... FRIENDS are GREAT things to have and make.... but do so with OPEN EYES and always remember that * today's friend, is quite often tomorrows enemy * ...

once you tell even just ONE person a * secret * it is no longer a secret...... IF you do so, be aware that it may come back and BITE you square in the ASS !!!!!!!!


Rollo_the_Ax 19:49:07 CST

Do I sound bitter ???? Perhaps, but it is a bitterness born of YEARS of experience.... Why is it so hard for so many to be HONEST ??? and on the other hand why is so easy for so many to be so willing and eager to find fault in others ???? RUMORS have killed MORE people here, on-line, and yes, even in RT than swords, or bombs....


Laroona 19:52:28 CST

carolyn most people are given chances and taken at face value *S*

some do not understand or comprehend honesty, and try to circumnavigate the system so to speak.... and many pple get hurt both RT and VT over their actions


Rollo_the_Ax 19:53:57 CST

In answer to you, carolyn, I can simply say * AGENDA's *.... It seems that everybody and their dog has their OWN agenda or * way THEY think it should be/could be/ought to be.... * and they will move heaven and earth to get their OWN WAY.... no matter how many it hurts or drives away....


~segen~{Sg} 19:55:25 CST

~speaking softly~

 Well something's wrong/happening as many are leaving, of course most of them are slaves so no notice really seems to be taken of it. But there is definatly something happening


carolyn 19:55:28 CST

Mistress Laroona, as always i respect Your thoughts.


Master Rollo. ~softly spoken and with respect~

 who is capable of judging honesty in another persons mind? what they say may be as true to them as they see things at that moment in time. i know i am unable to judge a person ... some live in a world of fantasy themselves ... and some live in a world that they wished were more real then the one that they live in ...

i've met so many people in chat who are judged by how they talk and what they say ... before they are even given a chance to belong ... fit in ... and perhaps they never will ...isn't the ability to be tolerant of others weaknesses and imperfections what make honor and respect important ...


Grizzly 19:56:49 CST

segen,,,ya,,,That something,,what ever it is concerns me Greatly.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:56:58 CST

LOL...LOL.. Kind of like Satan.... * It is better to RULE in HELL than to serve in Heaven * mentality.... My way or NO way ...... and if y'all don't agree, I will make your life here a living HELL and drive you away...... Sound like folks anybody has seen ?????


Akfishman  19:57:59 CST

people come and go, it is the way.. read into it whatever you want.. I think there is a balanced maintained..


Grizzly 19:58:17 CST

Rollo,,,Im Sure it goes on,,,,I have'nt seen it though,,,,to Bissy flirting with slaves & My Kha.*S*


~segen~{Sg} 19:59:12 CST

Master AKFishman, how would You know? You've not been in GS long enough to know what the balance is or if there is one.


dove{GS} 19:59:40 CST

~slave flesh shivers as she listen to Master Rollo~

 has feelings on both sides..does not know what to think..say


Laroona 19:59:58 CST

segen there are times when some people just need a break *S*


carolyn 20:00:12 CST

~shrugs slowly~

 you know ... its been a very long time since carolyn snuck in here to watch the Masters from the darkest shadows, sneak peeks at the beautiful Mistresses ... and giggle softly with her sisters ...

this girl is not sure why she snuck in here tonight ... except that she had a chance to say hello to those she has missed ... 

but in doing so this girl would like to say that the change in this place was like the brittle canadian wind slapping me in my face ... unfortunately for all the one thing that has not changed is carolyn's inability to hold her tongue ... but please ... she only speaks out of caring ...


Rollo_the_Ax 20:00:26 CST

How many ways can I say it ??? YES * truth * is subjective ... But in any group or society, it is the GROUP that decides what is truth... so by joining that * group * you submit yourself to THEIR definition ....


Akfishman 20:00:30 CST

*laughing at the segen* one does not have to be here 10 years to know what is, or what is not..


amira{GS~sg} 20:00:35 CST

~lifts her gaze from the scrolls for a moment~

 thing is segen those leavings or impending leavings ARE felt deeply, it leaves a hole in GS and weakens the chain, and leaves GS just a bit more empty and bereft of that spirit, but instead of taking the time to fix the issues that cause the leavings it feels as if it is exacerbated by more leavings


Ramses 20:52:29 CST

not sure what you were addressing Rollo, but there is a difference between it being hard to do ... and working hard to do well at it ... *of course, not sure where this is going*


 ~segen~{Sg} 20:52:34 CST

Master Grizzly, i believe in my genetic make up i am incapable of doing so all the time *L*


aurora{Orion} 20:53:14 CST

aye Master Rollo ~ but is it not also a matter of ppl minding their own damn business ~ stop feeding into gossip ~ wondering why decisions are made or what happens to make ppl leave...or...certain slaves deciding they dont like certain Free ~ and avoiding them, or certain Free deciding they dont care for a slave and go out of their way to make things difficult...does it not all boil down to childish behaviour which only acts to destroy the home we all love and want to see thrive?


 ~segen~{Sg} 20:02:02 CST

amira, because nothing IS changing to make things different. What do you see that has been altered??


 carolyn 20:02:32 CST

amira ... this one so agrees with you

 even in reading the posts, seeing the chain lose link after link ... this girl wonders why it must be that way?


Grizzly 20:03:34 CST

Rollo,,,Ok,,,now thats a Bit harder to argue with.*S*


 carolyn 20:05:57 CST

~smiles sweetly at Master Rollo, dark eyes peircing with fire~  

this girl does not agree with You Master ... there are many documented historical moments where an individual was able to influence a group and correct a burning situation ...

 it is all in what a person believes and defines as truth ...

 a group doesn't define anything but the boundaries and limitations of what some are willing to allow themselves to be controlled by


carolyn 20:06:32 CST


 it is good leadership ...

is it not?


Ramses 20:07:33 CST

well said carolyn


Rollo_the_Ax 20:11:08 CST

What else can I say ??? LIFE is CHANGE... what was, was.. what is, is, and what will be remains to be seen... EVERYTHING changes EVERY day.... you can either stay behind, grab hold and help move it forward, or you can be runover and left in a heap in the dirt....but EACH person decides which course THEY want to take, and once taken, they have to LIVE with the results......


Akfishman 20:12:06 CST

well said Rollo..


 ~segen~{Sg} 20:12:22 CST

Master Rollo, where those words sound good, it is not quite applicable in a world where one side has power and choices and another does not.


dove{GS} 20:14:08 CST


 dove have to say..she think You are right for IP and gamers..

 dove stalked by someone..she scared till she find out how this person know her...and so much about her... so she grateful that Master Rollo keeps eye on her..  manages a soft smile as greens graze Him tenderly


 Grizzly 20:16:36 CST

That Brings up a question for me.

What is GS's defenition of a gamer?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:17:15 CST

You know what * I * see as one MAJOR PROBLEM ???? The position or * mind set * so FAR TOO MANY sem to have... and that is basically * ELITISM *.. " I have been here longer that you, so I am RIGHT, and you are WRONG !!! " MY ideas about how shit should be are RIGHT and yours are wrong because they are NOT the same as MINE " SHIT, folks... I think I would have a HELL of a time finding ONE cup of tolerance around here MOST of the time.... forget a cup, how about a spoon full ????


Ramses 20:18:05 CST

has seen what Rollo describes and has seen some tolerance as well


Ulrich 20:18:43 CST

Rollo, I haven't been here that long, but there does seem to be a rash of people leaving, some of those having been here quite a while.

 Not knowing their reasons for leaving exactly, I think the concern shown here tonight is people looking to see if there is an underlying problem, trying to identify it, and hopefully correct it before everyone is gone.


leda{GS} 20:19:12 CST

well this one is listening and thinking that she has to trust the Captains of GS to make the right decisions about who's right and who's wrong for GS ...and this girl is reassured if They find They have made a mistake They will and have the ability to overturn even deaths !


Akfishman 20:20:47 CST

no kidding Rollo, some think if you haven't been here for years, you know nothing.. *looks at segen as a prime exposed example*..

 I've just finished one book, moving on to another.. in 6 months I'l have read them all. but I will still know nothing, because I haven't put in the time.. *shakes head*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:20:58 CST a degree you may be correct...but never lose sight nor forget that even slaves come here BY CHOICE !!!!! By doing so, they submit or agree to the rules by direct action.... If the life of a kajira is NOT what any girl wants, simply DON'T LOG ON !!!!!! simple yet true to a fault........


~segen~{Sg} 20:21:57 CST

Master Rollo, with the girls leaving, do You NOT see that there is a problem here? Or did You just want a room full of Men?


Grizzly 20:22:41 CST 

Ulrich...Thats what Im getting at,,,,Anglic dont really get along anymore. But Its the whole principal of the thing.


amira{GS~sg} 20:23:01 CST

but again amira has to ask WHY are they leaving


~segen~{Sg} 20:24:06 CST

That's a good question amira, any ideas you have come across as to why?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:25:13 CST

To be brutally honest, folks.... ppl come and go ALL THE TIME !!!! I have been here 10 years.... I could NOT count how many * I * have seen come, go, come back, go away again, etc., etc., ....... How do any of YOU suggest that this be changed or corrected ????? I bet I have heard EVERY idea or way of to * FIX * it........


sen{HoK} 20:25:24 CST

Thing is, even if you do find a reason why people are leaving you are going to most likely make a change somewhere throughout different things. People don't like change, it was already proven right? So, if the reason is found out, the "why" of it found out, sen doesn't believe there would possibly be a way to fix it.


Grizzly 20:26:16 CST 

personaly,,,Im here for the women,,,as Most the slaves here will atest too.*LOL*


carolyn 20:26:24 CST

amira ... that is a good question ...

 in my field we know it is more lucrative to entice and maintain an existing customer ... then it is to find new ones ...

 soooo in this place ... how do you maintain the memberships ...

 after all in the Books ... do they not also talk of those who do not conform to the ideal gorean?


~segen~{Sg} 20:26:27 CST

mmmmm ~tilts her head~ that's an interesting concept..


amira{GS~sg} 20:26:55 CST

~amiras opinion~

 personally she gets very tired of the sniping and pointed hits taken on others at someone elses expense, that sort of talk and behavior belongs in jr high school hell even my own teens dont involve themselves in it......  so lack of cohesiveness amira would think has to be one of the problems


Ramses 20:27:12 CST

every site I have visited ...Gorean or non-Gorean has peole coming and going ... a simple fact of life .. chat life or otherwise


Laroona 20:27:36 CST

so true Captain Rollo

one loses count of who has trod the floors of GS over the years *S*


sen{HoK} 20:28:09 CST

so does sen amira, very tired of it.


carolyn 20:28:10 CST

Master Rollo ... listen ... discuss ...

and do not pick sides ... both parties are equally wrong and equally right ... it doesn't matter the numbers who defend each side ... it takes 2 to fight ... and one to bring peace


leda{GS} 20:30:33 CST

but Master Grizzly about Anglic's death we do not know what trouble she may have caused as sefa and we do need to trust the Captains in the decisions they make ....

As for some who leave it maybe due to GS , one individual pissed them off ...several pissed them off.... it maybe entirely personal is most saddening for sure when (and this one points out) mistress galah as we all knew and respected her is sohard to understand but again we must in return respect her wishes to stay away for what ever reason ....this is what leda thinks


Kringe 20:30:44 CST

L* waiting for Grizz to answer that one


Ulrich 20:31:18 CST

Aye Captain I understand that. People come and people go. There is a natural attrition I'm sure, and new people come along. It's just such a small community here, so a small number is a large percentage, and it just seems to be a rash of departures lately. As I stated earlier, I haven't been here long enough to know the averages or tendencies, so perhaps that is normal.  I was just wondering if there was a common thread to those recent departures.


Grizzly 20:31:49 CST

Laroona,,,,,You dont actually exspect me to aggree with that do you?

Your legs may not work,but your tounges do & Kha's coming back sooner or later.*LOL*

& Im the one who has to sleep next to her.


Akfishman 20:32:20 CST

I like discussing the facts of Gorean life, the books, the events in the books, how they relate to online rp.. but it rarely comes up, then usually only if I bring it up..


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:32:30 CST

Listening to segen's words........ Then falling to the floor LAUGHING so hard that I can't stay on my feet.... * What * I * want ???* what difference does THAT make ???? I have not gotten what * I * want here in more years than I can count......LOL...LOL... * I * want ppl to be HONEST..I want ppl to treat others with RESPECT... I want folks to try and see that just maybe the other guy has a valid point.... I want ppl to ENJOY their time in GS and not use it trying to fuck somebody else over... LOL... and you know what ??? I can't remember the last time I saw that HERE !!!!!!!!!!


Grizzly 20:32:58 CST 

leda,,,yes,,,butas far as i Know,,,we dont know that she was sefa either.


Laroona 20:33:27 CST

LOL Grizzly of course LOL

I am pleased you sleep with her and you hear her snores and not me LOl


aurora{Orion} 20:33:57 CST

peronally ~this girl thinks the hardest role any one has to portray here is a slave...beautiful ~hard working, knowledgeable, respective ~ compliance, submissive ~ and on top of that...take insults, inuendos, childish behavior within a room sometimes ~bite her tongue ..and carry on...not an easy task...and not one learnt easily ~ ....but necessary to survive...

 but more importantly for this girl it is all about maturity ~ not feeding into the nonsense ~ makes life easier for everyone


~segen~{Sg} 20:35:31 CST

~unable to stop a grin curling my lips~

 Well said aurora...~smile~


Grizzly 20:35:50 CST

Laroona,,,I gineraly drowned her out.*LOL*


aurora{Orion} 20:36:20 CST

oh ~ the next most difficult role is the Captains~ for having to deal with the nonsensical behavior


 sen{HoK} 20:36:53 CST

And in counter to that aurora, the Free have to portray a strong Gorean, the perfect FW so they don't get caught in collar, a strong FM because, knowledge just like a slave. sen really thinks that both have it hard. Walk a mile in the other shoe, so to speak.


Laroona 20:38:08 CST

well said sen


segen~{Sg} 20:38:18 CST

sen, although i can see your perspective i'm not sure i agree with it. The free have never been required to be knowledgable and there are all types of Men on gor (even book wise) and they are not always strong (not online either).

 FW i think walk a tenous line.


 amira{GS~sg} 20:38:19 CST

cants her head~

issue being we are each looking at each other and saying why dont YOU change but honestly are we NOT all adults. and if so why the heck are we looking at the other one to change. perhaps the issue is NOT GS but ourselves and the way we react think feel or believe lets face it.. each book is subject to its own interpretation... and within that there really IS no right or wrong so when did it ever become so important to BE right..... isnt there some beauty in individual interpretation as long as the basic principles are in place...... and just because one doent exactly follow my interpretation of something does that make them necessarily WRONG or just more imaginative than i am


aurora{Orion} 20:38:20 CST

aye sen ~smiles...ask a Captain when they have had fun here last ~*smiles softly*


Grizzly 20:38:42 CST

Rollo,,,I reat everyone with respect,,,& Most the slaves will vouch for that. & The whole Point of My inquirey is simply that I suspect Anglic got the shaft without a Fare shake at defending herself.


Ramses 20:39:18 CST

has to agree with aurora on both points


Akfishman 20:39:29 CST

I disagree that slaves have the hardest roll here.. If a Man is a true Goran Master, He has much more to learn than a slave.. He must be able to have a workable opinion on all Gorean politics, including what the life of a slave is like.. now, in actual rp, being a slave is, well, something I could never do... but I can imagine it would be hell, day after day.. no wonder women get tired of it and burn out..


sen{HoK} 20:40:21 CST

segen, all i am saying is...don't judge at first, don't say these people have it harder than these people. i understand what everyone is saying, i do. But the thing is, turn it around walk a mile in someone shoes before you definately go...well these people have these people have it easier. All i am doing, is doing a counter thing.

 ~slight scrunch of nose at aurora~

 sen knows well sen


aurora{Orion} 20:40:59 CST

behind every good Man is a good slave/woman Master Akfishman ~ *grins*


~segen~{Sg} 20:41:18 CST

sen, ~grin~ we're not permitted to walk a mile in shoes....GS has long supported once a slave always a slave.


sen{HoK} 20:41:57 CST

And Master Ak being a Free i could never be. We choose a role online, on Gor for a reason.


sen{HoK} 20:42:27 CST

~laughs, secretly swats segen~

 you know what sen is saying segen.


Akfishman 20:42:39 CST

that is true aurora, very true, may two or three if He is lucky.. *smiling*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:43:20 CST

aurora, I for one have said the same for MANY years... slaves have rules, the free have egos.... the slaves can be punished for misconduct, the free seem to revel in making seems harder to be a bad slave than a good Free for most........ don't get me wrong, I for one would NEVER be a slave.... but then some slaves are never truly slaves either... they are subbie princesses or wannabe FW who want to be able to screw in public......LOL... free acting like slave/slave acting like free........ LOL..LOL.. if it were not so PATHETIC it would be funny........


Laroona 20:43:41 CST

AKfishman I disagree with you regarding Free know more than slaves... slaves must learn to serve, dance, postitions, entertain etc etc

I rarely see a FM ever put slaves through anything other than a serve and alcove... or a FM even reading a serve or even posting he is watching it.... that happens far too often ... a slave works hard


~segen~{Sg} 20:43:56 CST

sen, yes i know what you mean, but i don't really agree with it, however that is just my perspective from my own expirences...and that's fine...


dove{GS} 20:44:42 CST

someone who is truly submissive can be nothing but... and the slave belly that burns will burn to be slave..forever... and true that Master AK...a Master should be more knowledgeable to teach slave how to serve Him and others well...and He will do nothing less for Himself or the girls..

 but what should...just well...should does not exist...only what is...


aurora{Orion} 20:44:55 CST

nods ~ agreeing and as always seeing the wisdom in Your words Master Rollo


sen{HoK} 20:45:57 CST

~grins softly~

 and there is nothing wrong with that segen, nothing wrong at all. heck, i would be bored if everyone shared my own perspective.


Akfishman 20:46:15 CST

not ture Laroona.. I read every post, and I beleive most everyone else does.. and once you do something a 100 times, it becomes like the palm of your hand..

 now let Me ask you, did Torm ever brush His teeth?


Grizzly 20:46:22 CST 

I agree with Laroona there.

Except I do see FM watching the serves,,,,Mysef,,,I even read the whole serves.


~segen~{Sg} 20:46:47 CST

sen ~smiling~ that showes the strength of our friendship. we do not have to agree and that's okay with both of us. It is a credit to well, damn it to us ~winking~


sen{HoK} 20:47:57 CST offense. sen doesn't want you to agree with her all the time.  ~laughs~  boring.


 Akfishman 20:48:03 CST

Laroona, speaking as a FREE, I've almost lost My head a couple times, just using imagination around here.. *lol*


Ramses 20:48:19 CST

slaves work VERY hard usually


Laroona 20:48:20 CST

that is pleasing to hear that some do read the serves... at least slaves do not feel they type out the serves for no reason.... *S*


~segen~{Sg} 20:48:51 CST

sen, no offence, but there is no one on earth (or any other planet) she can agree with all the time, not even herself *chuckling with ya*


Laroona 20:49:02 CST

LOL Akfishman last thing I saw you lose was a pile of coins *Laughing*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:49:21 CST

???????? How about THIS idea, folks.... * WHY, if ANY person is portraying their TRUE self, their honest inner being, be it Master, Fw or slave, should it be anything be EASY ????? If it is HARD, it is not honest or true ........ if you are not strong enough to BE a MASTER, you are doomed to fail from the start.... same for a slave...if she is not truly able to SUBMIT she will NEVER be SLAVE....only a subbie playing at slavery......COLD HARD FACTS !!!!!!! as * I * see them....


Grizzly 20:50:46 CST

segen,,,if we all aggreed all the time,,,things would get really Boring,very Fast


~segen~{Sg} 20:52:05 CST

Actually Master Rollo i think that's the difference between gorean slave vs slave....not every girl can submit "as if they're life depended upon it" to every man, and quite frankly just cause they cap their names dosen't mean they always deserve it. That is one of the problems with online vs real time...and those judgements and determnations would also be subjective and perspetive oriented. But that is just my opinion on it.


Ramses 20:52:29 CST

not sure what you were addressing Rollo, but there is a difference between it being hard to do ... and working hard to do well at it ... *of course, not sure where this is going*


Laroona 20:52:34 CST

well said Captain


segen~{Sg} 20:52:34 CST

Master Grizzly, i believe in my genetic make up i am incapable of doing so all the time *L*


Grizzly 20:52:43 CST 

AK,,,I still have that chainmail Pouch for sell.*LOL*


aurora{Orion} 20:53:14 CST

aye Master Rollo ~ but is it not also a matter of ppl minding their own damn business ~ stop feeding into gossip ~ wondering why decisions are made or what happens to make ppl leave...or...certain slaves deciding they dont like certain Free ~ and avoiding them, or certain Free deciding they dont care for a slave and go out of their way to make things difficult...does it not all boil down to childish behaviour which only acts to destroy the home we all love and want to see thrive?


Grizzly 20:54:57 CST 

segen,,,I just like to make up my own Mind,,,Conservitive & Liberal stuff is a bunch of Crap,,,,Oly a fool has there Mind made up before they even hear the issue.*S*


Ak_Scribe 20:55:47 CST

You already sold Me one Grizz.. *chuckling*


segen~{Sg} 20:55:56 CST

Master Grizzly ~confused look~ i don't believe i said anything about You (or anyone else) not making up their own mind.

~Mariposa~ 20:56:59 CST

greetings segen, wishing you well this I hope you don't put too much of a wrench in your back, twisted into that position


Rollo_the_Ax 20:57:05 CST

No segen, basically you have it right as I see it......not all slaves deserve to be called slave... and not all masters deserve to be called master.... it is an imperfect system that we have here, but it is as good as we can make it... 10 million RULES or set limits and actions are worthless unless those bound by them agree to follow them....


~segen~{Sg} 20:57:26 CST

~snickering~ i'm very limber (when i'm two dimentional *L*)


~Mariposa~ 20:59:23 CST

oh segen, I imagine those are talents you hold not only for the world of two dimension, never have I doubted your ability to astound us..


segen~{Sg} 20:59:25 CST

aye Master Rollo, i agree with that. But not all things can stay the same, change does sometimeas need to occur...(the growth concept, in my opinion). We've both seen things change a long, Mistress Laroona, galah etc...maybe change would be a positive step. How to change it all, i'm not sure. But the greeting idea was fantstic if nothing more to see how things would work differently, for the good or the bad.


Grizzly 20:59:38 

AK,,,OK.let me Know if you need an extra. 

segen,,,Just throwing in a random thought,,,,I did'nt mean anything personal.*S*


~segen~{Sg} 21:00:54 CST

Mistress Mariposa ~laughing~ was that Astound ot Confound? *L*


segen~{Sg} 21:01:23 CST

Master Grizzly, ah, i was thinking i had inadverntly said something that i had not meant. Thank you for clarifying ~smile~


Rollo_the_Ax 21:03:20 CST

aurora... you have NO IDEA how many times I have felt like taking the tables and furs out of GS, and replacing them with cribs, playpens, and changing tables.... TOO many and Too often times many ppl around here think this is a PRESCHOOL and NOT an ADULT site...... The Council is NOT here to wipe runny noses and dirty asses......anybody needs a pacifier or blanky, bring it YOURSELF !!!!!!!!! I raised MY kids YEARS ago... I sure as HELL don't need to start over and over again with more KIDS HERE !!!!!!!!!


Grizzly 21:03:25 CST \

segen,,,Im gettng older,,,,& after a Long day of working with steel,,,My Mind wonders Just a Little More then it used too.*LOL*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:05:20 CST

??????? No idea how that happened.... Oh well, about time for me to take off, anyway...


~segen~{Sg} 21:04:53 CST

Okay now it's possible i'm loosing my mind, but didn't we just see that post ~confused~


aurora{Orion} 21:05:57 CST

~perhaps Your words could be placed on the cork Master Rollo instead of tucked away in the minutes where they may not be read by all ~ especially those that may need to read them...


Aleron's_slut 21:06:16 CST

having missed hearing Master Rollo speak, never forgetting His eloquence, she smiles, inwardly as He speaks


Laroona 21:08:20 CST

aurora the forums are posted for all to view it is up to each one to read if they want...


Grizzly 21:08:27 CST 

Rollo,,,,Good Job here as usual.*S*


~segen~{Sg} 21:08:28 CST

va'lian, i think my Master has missed you, but i don't believe it's your eloquence He misses ~playful smile~


Rollo_the_Ax 21:12:56 CST

As I stated at the start, I have an RT appointment I need to go to, I have already stayed later than I should have..... I must go, but is y'all want to stay and keep talking feel free to do so... but I think that the scribe could stop now.... Okay then, folks.... be well, and I will see anybody that is still around next week, I guess...... take care, drive safe, have fun, and if in doubt about something...go and ask the doctor..okay ?????

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