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Jarl Thorrn
















Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 19:58:35 pm CDT

again I didn't get started tonight on time....

I am very lucky to be here at all...

I appreciate the large attendance...

any discussion topics please let me know in whispers...

and we then can get started.. 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:14:27 pm CDT Forum is open...first is an apology on My part

I have had the ability to post notes to the webpage for quite sometime now but have never gotten to it...

the main reason I guess was a stern warning from Laroona not to screw it up...

you have seen how everyone has pulled together and we do finally have names and collars updated.. it appears there are omissions like Sophie's.. so please help me by getting me any omissions or possible deletions .. like double names... it will keep people from getting their feeling hurt, and rightly so


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:20:17 pm CDT

any questions for Me on the webpages?


  Tanthio§ - Master of ~rilee~ 20:21:36 pm CDT

Thadron the email is cleaned up and ready for use.. Wwe just await to hear of further changes to patrons. How far back do You wish to keep them? 


karinda {GS} 20:22:11 pm CDT

girl has no questions on the webpage, Thank You Master Thadron, Master Tanthios, mistress snowrose and rilee for updating it 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:22:47 pm CDT

Tanthios... let's get together soon.. how about tomorrow night and discuss that whole process...

snowrose, are you available tomorrow? 


nasreen{TH}t 20:22:51 pm CDT

girl also thanks each of you for your hard work on the pages...


  thalia {GS} 20:23:03 pm CDT

no,no questions Master Thadron


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:23:53 pm CDT

yes Master...she will be available by 7PM GS time 


Tanthio§ - Master of ~rilee~ 20:24:06 pm CDT

Tomorrow night will be good Thadron


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:26:50 pm CDT

good we will have a little meeting tomorrow on the webpages and scribing...

I will be here by 730 GS time.. does that sound familiar?


Tanthio§ - Master of ~rilee~ 20:27:44 pm CDT

Myself and rilee with be here Thadron. *writes in appt book* 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:29:47 pm CDT

okay for the rest of the Forum....

let's discuss go back to slave rape...

first..again... is everyone aware of the slave rape position?

what is taught in GS for the position?

and examples of the position from the book... especially any that are not exactly like what we teach here 


 thalia {GS} 20:31:05 pm CDT

well this girl knows the position, Master Thadron, but that's about it


nasreen{TH}t 20:33:30 pm CDT

as on our page... "Slave rape position It is a disciplinary position. It is NOT intended for pleasure. It is because a Master has a purpose and intends to put the girl in her place. His sole purpose is for relief. Habitually violent, there is no time wasted. she is orderd to lay on her back, hands to the floor Explorers of Gor page 202"


 nasreen{TH}t 20:33:53 pm CDT

it is taught as punishment here 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:34:23 pm CDT

nasreen,demonstrate for us?... since you are always dressed for the occasion anyway ~I gave the slave girl the order for the slave rape position~


 aziza{MM} 20:34:36 pm CDT

but really is it a punishment?


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:35:05 pm CDT

thank you, nasreen... I think that is good enough... but if you do one anyway, no body will mind


nasreen{TH}t 20:36:03 pm CDT

girl hears the command for her to assume the slave position.. she moves out from Your chair, straightening her legs in front of her spreading them wide open, her hands laying flat at each side of her body


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:36:08 pm CDT

that is correct snowrose.. but in Forum we can discuss deviations from the books.... 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:37:03 pm CDT

this one...

I then released her, and she stood there. I went to the side of the room and picked up my sea bag. I threw it to the center of the room. She looked down at it, puzzled. It was of heavy blue material, canvas, and tied with a white rope.

"Lie down upon it," I told her, "on your back, your head to the floor."

She did so.

"No, please," she said, "not like this." It is a common position for a disciplinary slave rape. In it the woman feels very vulnerable, very helpless.

I then took her.

"No," she wept, in English, "have you no respect for my feelings? Am I nothing to you?" I stood up. I had, by intent, given her no time to respond, other than as a brutalized slave, no time to feel, other than as a girl unilaterally subjected to her master's pleasure. She looked up at me, miserably.

13) Explorers of Gor pg(s) 202-203 | Chapter 14 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:37:25 pm CDT

it is a punishment because you know it is are know you were displeasing, and this hurts you...there is no pleasure's often brutal,'s meant to be.


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:38:05 pm CDT

this one the girls face is to the ground

“Am I a high slave?” I asked.

“Do you wish to be whipped?” he asked.

"No, Master!” I said.

“Turn about,” he said. “Kneel down. Put your head to the ground, clasp your hands together, behind the back of your neck.”

“Yes, Master!” I wept. I hastened to obey. This is a common position for slave rape.


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:39:05 pm CDT

now to answer the punishment question from the books.. here goes....

"You beg slave rape?"

"How can one rape a slave, Master?" she asked. "The slave is a property, an animal. She belongs to the master."

"In the legal sense," said Cabot, "you are right. One cannot rape a slave, any more than one can rape a verr or tarsk."

"What if the slave were unwilling?"

"The same," said he. "No more than a verr or tarsk."

"What if she were seized by one not her master?"

"The same," said he. "No more than a verr or tarsk. But in such a case the master might object, and take action, perhaps charging a coin for the girl's use, or perhaps killing the thief."

"The thief?"

"Surely, has he not availed himself of another's property without authorization, has he not stolen a use?"

"But one can rape a free woman?"

"Surely," he said, "and the penalties for that can be grievous, particularly if a Home Stone is shared."

"What is a Home Stone, Master?" she asked.

"You are a slave and may not have one," he said. "Do not concern yourself with the matter."

"Yes, Master."

"Free women may be raped, of course," he said, "by raiders, by warriors of foreign cities, by slavers, and such, for women are generally recognized on Gor as loot. But the rape of such women is usually no more than a prelude to their collaring." Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 322 - 323 


aziza{MM} 20:40:34 pm CDT

being told one is disappointing would be more of a punishemnt to her than a sexual useage act ,just her own thoughts, she knows fully its in the books . she lives closely to Gor as possible in real time , but she does not belive sexual use is a punishment regardless of its brutality behind it as she is His to do with as He sees fit


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:40:50 pm CDT


"There is a broad sense of the term 'slave rape', of course," said Cabot, "in which all usages of a slave, all uses of her, are in a sense slave rape, as her usages are not at her will but solely at the will of the master." Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 324 


Lita, Physician 20:41:12 pm CDT

That is a good question, aziza. Because in the books there are a number of places where slaves beg to be raped. Even dances which are begging to be raped, a fruit that they can give to the Master a a plea to be raped, and a flower they wear that is a plea to be raped. Also incidents where a new slave or a Free Woman is slave raped, and come out of it having found their slave heart and being totally submissive to the Master. So it is hard to see slave rape as punishment 


 thalia {GS} 20:42:25 pm CDT

this girl can't see it as punishment either


 thalia {GS} 20:43:06 pm CDT

lowers her blue eyes quickly,hoping she didn't speak out of her place


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:43:45 pm CDT

I was trying to find the quote, aziza that alluded to a Master having use of his slave without letting her release.. leaving her in a state of heat.... that was a part of the punishment involved...


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:43:56 pm CDT

it is the knowing that the Master uses you with no pleasure that is the punishment for this one....she gives herself willingly to His pleasure....that He takes her coldly that hurts her heart 


nasreen{TH}t 20:44:27 pm CDT

the punishment is to come by how quick and brutal she is used, she is not allowed to get pleasure from it..

more to put it in earth terms...

slam bam it's done ma'am 


 ~zoya~{Thadron} 20:44:40 pm CDT

~*~glances up at Master wondering if He will show thalia what it really feels like~*~ 


 Lita, Physician 20:44:41 pm CDT

Well, we do have to remember that the books are in part based on adolescent male fantasies, therefore it is hard for the males to think that any female might not like being used by them, regardless of the intent or brutalilty. *chuckle*


Tanthio§ - Master of ~rilee~ 20:44:42 pm CDT

I don't call that punishment Thadron. I call that control *s*


 snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:45:12 pm CDT

snowrose kind of likes that have that squirmy itchy feeling all through the day 


aziza{MM} 20:45:34 pm CDT

yes Master Thadron, she knows that well , but her question is this , a slave owns nothing , not her body nor her emotions so how can a slave be raped of something she does not own?


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:45:39 pm CDT

enters and chuckles at the remark of the Lady Lita Hey You, You understand Men *L* 


thalia {GS} 20:45:55 pm CDT

laughs hearing mistress snowrose 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:46:20 pm CDT

as for the use of the position of slave rape in GS...

it is up to the Free how they use it... I assume that if it is being used as punishment the slave should know what she did... but I won't teach the Free here to only use it that way.. it is up the individual Free 


 Lita, Physician 20:47:07 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, When One has lived to be almost 70, one cannot help but learn a few things here and there.


thalia {GS} 20:46:56 pm CDT

may girl please be excused for a moment?rti


 Tanthio§ - Master of ~rilee~ 20:47:50 pm CDT

need not ask in forum thalia. just post brb rt so We know your afk


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:49:09 pm CDT

aziza... did Tarl Cabot's thesis on the subject not answer the question, ...

in the legal sense, a slave cannot be raped...any more than you can rape a verr or tarsk


thalia {GS} 20:49:24 pm CDT

yes Master Tanthios


aziza{MM} 20:52:08 pm CDT

she believes the term is used out of context a lot by many Master Thadron and the books are written for not real world


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:52:58 pm CDT

so what is the basic premise of slave rape from all of the discussion that we heard?.... even though it doesn't really hold up legally? 


aziza{MM} 20:53:42 pm CDT

and you can not rape the willing and slaves are willing regardless , slaves live and breath to please


karinda {GS} 20:54:00 pm CDT

that is suppose to be used for punishment 


nasreen{TH}t 20:54:10 pm CDT

that the Free may use slave rape in any way that He chooses to do so... and that girls often beg to be raped 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:54:14 pm CDT

Nods to Lady Lita

one should learn at least abit when having so much experiences with life, don´t one *wink* 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:55:10 pm CDT

aziza, that's a very interesting comment...

since you live real time in Gor...

I don't have that freedom....

I suppose then you come across many things that do not translate from the books to rt just like in ct we find the same... many things that do not easily translate... 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:55:47 pm CDT

slave rape is a terminus which can simply make clear that a slave is available for the pleasure of a Men and she doesn´t get asked for what she wants

It can also be an expression (and action) to discipline or punish the slave 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:55:55 pm CDT

it is to reenforce in the slave that she is not a person, unless He allows her to be...she is an animal, property...her feelings don't matter and she should not dare to get above herself...sometimes it is used even if she has done nothing's not just rough roughs up her heart 


Lita, Physician 20:56:50 pm CDT

*grins* Agreed. Jarl Thorrn,. even if it be only enough to be dangerous! 



Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:58:30 pm CDT

in some ways slave rape is an alternate expression for slave sport a Master has with a girl 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:58:40 pm CDT

his line from one of the quotes is what I take as the main premise...

it is to teach a woman, her womanhood...."Then," I said, "you will be raped, and taught your womanhood. When you have learned your womanhood, you will be caged. Later you will be sold."

and can be used to remind her.. that her purpose is to please Men


aziza{MM} 20:58:41 pm CDT

many things can not cross over Master Thadron, we follow as close as possible but never lose sight that the books are fantasy based and to make many things practical can not be done, its not an easy way to live by any means and its constantly challenging for all of us


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 20:59:02 pm CDT

grins at the dangerous Lady Lita 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:00:07 pm CDT

please share your experiences as often as you can, aziza and as your Master allows... 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:01:01 pm CDT


I have a question at you because you are living the gorean life as close as possible Did you ever feel that you have been raped? 


aziza{MM} 21:01:09 pm CDT

she never means to sound disrespectful with her thoughts , she just knows from one realm to the other is vastly different


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:03:01 pm CDT

that's what she kept bringing up tonight, Thorrn.. that she doesn't look at it as rape as she owns nothing to be raped of 


Lita, Physician 21:03:04 pm CDT

No one thinks you were being disrespectful, aziza, your opinions here are allowed, and are as legitimate as those of any one else. 


nasreen{TH}t 21:03:07 pm CDT

listening drawing her knees back up 


aziza{MM} 21:03:15 pm CDT

never Jarl Thorrn for to her its His right to use her in which ever way He sees fit , she chose this life she was not forced into it, and she knows its a beautiful and hard way but would not change it for anything , shes proud to be slave


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:03:47 pm CDT

smiles to My slave

Sometimes a Master just wishes to remind a slave that she is property and can be treated in anyway a Master wishes to do with her, that reminds her well that she is slave it IS treated like a slave, not just that she CAN be treated like one

And it is a part of the Domination of the Master and the pleasure He gets from having a slave, treat her like one, not only be able to do so 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:04:33 pm CDT

agrees with Lita~ quite to the contrary, aziza.. please again report back to your Master that you are always respectful in GS, from what I have observed 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:06:36 pm CDT


I don´t doubt your eagerness and willinglingness to be a slave

I was just wondering because sometimes feelings and duty can go astray It is great to hear that you adopted the philosophy so deeply *S* 


aziza{MM} 21:09:02 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn , she has seen many girls come into the Gorean lifestyle thinking its similar to the tv show ...i dream of jeanie , that its about being pretty and running around saying yes Master.. its hard work constantly to ignore modern ways and ideas , its easy work to be in service and know ones purpose.


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:09:04 pm CDT

A good slave rape shows a slave her place ... and reminds her that why she is slave ... for the pleasure of being dominated and being used 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:12:08 pm CDT

nods to aziza

I think you said this very well, when not being handled roughly sometimes a girl may think that being beautiful and willing is what it is about being a slave

Being a slave is more, it means to give up herself and accept the power and the control of another One and still want to be slave

That is easy when it is all nice and fine , the true test comes when things become rough and not so pleasing for the slave

Smiling in sunshine is easy, smiling in winter is harder ... especially for a naked slave *l* 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:13:23 pm CDT


any more discussion on slave rape? 


giani{GS} 21:14:05 pm CDT

laughs softly at Jarl's Thorrns comment and shivers.. 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:14:19 pm CDT

more discussion on that?

Hmmm ... a bit more practice would make the topic more clear , i think *grin*


  Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:14:28 pm CDT

nasreen can smile in winter more than summer.... can't you florida girl? 


nasreen{TH}t 21:14:49 pm CDT

aye Master that is true 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:15:36 pm CDT

~smiles ruefully, seeing into her future~ 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:18:16 pm CDT

looks at My slave, nowing that she is not really rueful, she enjoys to be shown her place and being handled with the power of a Master 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:18:42 pm CDT

a good demonstration is a brilliant idea, Thorrn...

and snowrose loves to show her slaves on her chain how to do things right.. ~laughs~ 


thalia {GS} 21:19:06 pm CDT

laughs hearing Jarl Thorrn


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:20:38 pm CDT

Good demonstration of handling slaves firmly should be a permanent action in Port Kar, Captain

I bet the slaves would enjoy that *chuckles* 


giani{GS} 21:21:36 pm CDT

yes Jarl Thorrn her eyes twinkling as they lower in respect 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:22:15 pm CDT

probably some other areas of firmness are appreciated as well 


nasreen{TH}t 21:22:19 pm CDT

her hazel eyes sparkling that is true Master and Jarl Thorrn 


thalia {GS} 21:23:13 pm CDT

lowers her sparkling blue eyes,smiling at the thought of firmness from a Master


karinda {GS} 21:23:42 pm CDT

nods in agreement with the SlaveMaster 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:23:55 pm CDT

winks to nasreen, knowing that she a slave which enjoys a firm hand very much ... may be not just a hand

grins over to giani in lustful anticipation 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:24:02 pm CDT

~laughs at the Slave Master's words 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:25:06 pm CDT

watches the white silk thalia longing to get her yellow silks and feel the hardness of a Master 


nasreen{TH}t 21:25:12 pm CDT

her pink tongue parts her lips getting them wet...a soft blush raising on her cheeks..aye Jarl Thorrn Your words are true 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:25:14 pm CDT

that is all I have for tonight...

we are finishing Beasts of Gor.. Chapters 32-38 on Tuesday.. correct me if I have anything wrong, snowrose

sorcha will be closing the icon auction soon.. go bid if you haven't...

don't forget slave class 


giani{GS} 21:25:22 pm CDT

thinks of a firmness she wouldn't mind appreciating a shimmering smile upon pink cheeks as she then goes quiet... 


aziza{MM} 21:26:29 pm CDT

a firm hand and a good whip is a slaves heaven , just in aziza's humble opinion and anything else thats firm is a wonderful bonus.


giani{GS} 21:26:32 pm CDT

is game night this week or next? 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:27:03 pm CDT

yes Master will be Explorers of Gor...where so many of the quotes came from tonight 


nasreen{TH}t 21:27:28 pm CDT

next week giani...the first Monday of the month..tomorrow is the last Monday of the month.


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:27:37 pm CDT

game night, is not this week but next week... 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:29:28 pm CDT

not all slaves take pleasure from the whip is much harder when it is not heaven for the girl ..more effective 


 Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:29:38 pm CDT

smiles @ aziza mentioning the whip as a slave´s pleasure There are many quotes in the books where slaves express their wish to be whipped, not because they like the pain but because they want to feel the power which comes from it by the Master


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 21:30:38 pm CDT

rises~ rt is pulling Me to the grill in the backyard....

good night everyone...

Winds Dak, Tanthios, Kazar,and Lita

I wish you well sluts.. ~smiles~ 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:31:41 pm CDT

Thank YOu for leading the forum , Thadron An interesting topic i was able to take part in

Thank you for scribing, My snowrose .... and the girl can be sure that the wisdomes of the topic will be practised on her *wg* 


aziza{MM} 21:32:53 pm CDT

smiles to Jarl Thorrn she loves the whip it becomes one with and keeps her well centered


giani{GS} 21:35:48 pm CDT

the whip is intriguing especially when you do desire the kiss of a powerful Master whip at times but must show you have no desire of it... 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:37:02 pm CDT

I enjoy that way of you looking at the whip, aziza

It is a freind of a girl, it keeps her well reminded of being a slave and being totally available for anything a Master may wish to do with her and it makes a Master´s heart sing with joy when He knows that the slave feels like that 


Jarl Thorrn enjoys roses 21:39:12 pm CDT

nods to giani

the whip can be very intriguing and can be so seductive to take a slave deeper into the slavery to points she didn´t think she will go and enjoy to feel the power 


aziza{MM} 21:41:59 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn , to her it is not a weapon its a tool , always being used for reinforcing the way she lives , for the beliefs she has and the rules that keep her world safe.

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