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Rollo_the_Ax 19:07:28 CST

To start of we have two items already... one, is that my brother Kyoto will announce the winner of the * opening * of the kajira orli in just a few

minutes... so stay tuned....LOL..LOL..


Rollo_the_Ax 19:08:45 CST

The second issue is basically our first topic.... I will post several postings and then open the floor for discussion...


Rollo_the_Ax 19:09:22 CST

Todays/tonights first topic is going to be about REASON and RESPONSIBILITY…. What should we do as a group… to or about… those that seem intent on repeatedly * pushing the envelope * to the max then dealing with others rooms, sites, and NON Gorean places ????


To put none to fine a point on the matter, there seems to be some folks that * thumb their noses * at rules, good manners, and just plain common sense…… They seem to revel in the act of stirring up SHIT between others……be it one on one, or room against room…. they will… their own personal misconduct, cause trouble between master and slave…. Man and FW…. slave and slave…. And even Non Gorean rooms/ people and Goreans….OUR home, GS, in particular …..


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:09:57 CST

Recently there has been an incident where it got to the point that Gary M felt that he needed to complain about such actions ….. the basics of the incident…as I understand it… was that a * gorean * had been in a room, harassing a NON Gorean to the extent that the non gorean had taken such offence that it changed their mind about buying a membership in Poolside… these are the very basics of the issue…. Be that as it may… The question in MY mind….( and I would hope in others as well…) is * Just what right or reason would ANY sane person have to do such a thing ??? *


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:10:20 CST

We are ALL adults here, and by the simple act of * login on, and entering this site and chat * we are showing that we are NOT feeble minded, or illiterate….. so is it not also reasonable to conclude that every person here KNOWS what is RIGHT and WRONG ???? Why then is it that certain people seem to repeatedly strive to cause as much TROUBLE as they possibly can ??? Do they enjoy chaos ??? Do they revel in causing pain and suffering to others ??? Is it an unconscious act… one rooted deep within a troubled psyche… or is it a conscious act of civil disobedience ???? Is it caused by an outside influence such as alcohol or drugs….??? Or is it caused by internal problems …. Mental instability ????


Rollo_the_Ax 19:10:45 CST

No matter which of the above reasons is correct or applies….. the basic facts of the matter are that when ANYBODY does such, we ALL get to share the blame and shame…. It is only human nature to blame ALL members of any * group * that has even only ONE member commit a crime or act of violence or terror…. Not ALL followers of Islam are terrorists…only a tiny number… yet many blame ALL of them for 9/11 and such…. Just like not ALL cops beat minorities for fun… or like not all Germans were Nazi’s … etc., etc., …… But sadly, many people do NOT see this or think this way…. Let ONE person from a group do wrong, and WHAM… “” Well, you KNOW that they are ALL like that, don’t you ??? “” is often the watch cry ….


Rollo_the_Ax 19:11:06 CST

To TRY and state my case here, I can only say … ** For the sake of ALL * Goreans *…everywhere, not just in GS…. If you can NOT separate your non Gorean activities from your gorean ones, then for Christ sake do NOT use your gorean persona in NON gorean rooms or sites…… If you are going to be an ASSHOLE, at least do NOT be a * Gorean * ASSHOLE !!!!! just be a plain old, run of the mill private ASSHOLE, and don’t make the rest of us deal with the fall out of YOUR actions …….


Rollo_the_Ax 19:15:02 CST

I am done ranting....... the floor is open for comments and replies......


Phen(R) 19:14:46 CST

*Listening to the Captain and thinking My head really is not in the right frame of mood for this but here goes*

I know I was one of such incidences and have apologised to A Captain I will never step into another non Gorean room again however I wanted to change My Name to Lucette and enter the wet bar and pool but I feel that is duelling and will cause trouble once ppl work out who I am....


MDKnight 19:15:41 CST

I do agree there, Rollo.


yalena{Sg}~t 19:16:52 CST

~*~listens as Master speaks, trying to understand, yet feeling very puzzled as\ she can't imagine acting in such a way~*~

a girl really has no idea why people do the things they do, for this one likes her life to be calm and 'drama' free


Laroona 19:17:27 CST

Captain Rolllo well said, we are all adults and should be responsible for out actions/words/deeds and be adult enough to admit when we are wrong or harm others

Phen how can it be dualling?

I and many here use other non gorean names in other chat sites



MDKnight 19:18:45 CST  ut now, Rollo, what if one comes in, a Non-Gorean checking it out, or "invited to visit", and disregards our rules, then, runs off to say, Poolside and then when asked just simply for a name on who invited them to GS, they call it harassment and either say or do report it to Gary M? What then? I fully understand not being a Gorean asshole in Non-Gorean rooms and such, but are we to allow others to blatantly disrespect us, our rules, and our ways for a laugh and not try for at least a simple answer to our questions?


Rollo_the_Ax 19:19:11 CST

Phen...... Gor is GOR and RT is RT...... if ANYBODY wants to be in a non gorean room or site, they have that RIGHT...... if you or anybody else wants to be an elf or a troll or just plain ole * ME * in another room, then do so freely...... the POINT is DON'T go in there trying to play GOREAN when it is NOT a Gorean room or site...... THAT is the kind of SHIT that when it goes BAD, gives us ALL a bad rep....


Phen(R) 19:19:50 CST

*Looking to Laroona* I understand that Laroona but thats is just how I feel about it*S* So Lucette being My real name seems to sit better with Me*S*


Laroona 19:22:10 CST

MDKnight or like one who is banned and insists that it is their dime their time blahha blahhh and can do as they please and then threaten GS patrons of harassment when asked to leave


Phen(R) 19:23:25 CST

*Looking to MDKnight* So true as the incident occured between you and the FW. And then she was rude to Bolt when He went over and asked Her those questions....


MDKnight 19:23:51 CST 

Aye, Laroona. And I have heard that the one I speak of, You also have dealt with. As did Bolt, as it was He that followed the perpetrator to GS to get an answer as to who invited the person, and they made that threat.


MDKnight 19:24:15 CST

Exactly Phen


Rollo_the_Ax 19:24:52 CST

MDK... My answer to that is basically.. * If they are NOT of MY home or a personal FRIEND... Who really gives a RAT'S ASS ????? Hold YOURSELF and other GOREANS to a standard of excellence and ignore trouble makers.... ** If somebody comes into GS and does NOT like the place, FINE Goodbye, and lots of luck...... if they bad mouth GS in a NON Gorean place ??? again who gives a shit ??? when THEY start paying OUR bills, MAYBE then I will listen to them......until then.... they can TAKE A HIKE !!!!!!


MDKnight 19:25:39 CST

Okay Rollo.


Laroona 19:26:08 CST

MDKnight so what do we do deal how do we deal with threats of legal action?

not trying to be difficult here

as I consider when one is banned from GS it is not harrasment asking them to leave


MDKnight 19:27:25 CST

The question he posed her and she called harassment, was simply, WHO invited her to visit GS, if she wasn't even going to attempt to follow the rules of the room.depart


Phen(R) 19:27:42 CST

Can we just put them on ignore?


Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:28:35 CST

Well, on the terms of bad mouthing, someone I've known for a long time, whom I spoke to about GS long ago, finally came over. She was exceedingly surprised about how pleasant her experience here was and is staying.

But the point is, before she'd come over, people in the pool were always telling her this was a terrible place, that we force collared every animal that came through the door and that women were treated horribly.

Luckily, she decided to make up her own mind. But how many others are being talked out of it?


MDKnight 19:28:36 CST 

And it wasn't that she knew nothing of GS. She accused Me of sitting in the wrong seat, as I sat in My seat. Threatening to "tell" Rollo that I sat in a

Captain's seat.


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:29:29 CST

Folks...... I can tell you ALL from EXTENSIVE past, personal experience...... People that ENJOY screwing with your head, can ONLY do so when YOU let them...... nothing bugs a trouble maker worse than to be just plain IGNORED !!! and here it is EASY !!! we have that little ole ignore button over on the right.... tick it, and POOF, the asshole is GONE !!!!


MDKnight 19:30:04 CST 

That is a good point, Kyoto. I know, that one time, when I was at FC I defended Gor, and Gorean's, when a few Gorean's came up to the Forest and were being bad mouthed from the moment T/they entered.


alyena_{GS} 19:31:06 CST

alyena has spent alot of time in the pool lately answering questions of those that know she is a slave here... she tries to make sure they understand the

force collarings aren't done to everyone that walks through the door.. tho she does warn them not to enter the Tavern without protection.... 'S'


Ulrich 19:31:43 CST

You took the words out of my mouth Rollo.

Nothing will get to a "shit" stirrer more than finding it so solid it won't stir.  Hit ignore, it doesn't stir, they get bored and go away.


Phen(R) 19:31:50 CST

*Smiling as I hear the Captains words*

Something along the lines of one or two warnings and then tell them they will be placed on ignore and everyone in the room do it?


MDKnight 19:32:04 CST 

Understandable, Rollo. I think I did let her get to Me. But, I do NOT tolerate any besmirching My honour.


Phen(R) 19:33:09 CST

*Smiling to MDK* Its a fine line to trad isnt it*S*


Laroona 19:33:13 CST

Ignore works only if ppl emply it *S*


MDKnight 19:34:05 CST 

That it is, Phen. *Sighs*


Deirdre 19:34:22 CST

*speaking seriously.......and clearly*

You know.....We all know people who seem to thrive on chaos. It seems that their life isn't complete unless there is dramatics........or incidents.......or....I dunno.....just stuff stirred. Those people......though I find this VERY hard to do.....can only be dealt with by taking away the effort of the drama. By simply leaving they spout off............not giving them any feedback...........that is what I have learned lately is the best way to handle one Former Resident B---- of GS. When You don't "spar" with Her......the fun is gone.....because the attention isn't on Her.


Laroona 19:35:35 CST

Captain Kyoto I too have heard those words.. only way is to say come on over and if a female enter and observe in the Piazza  that is one reason it was established to be a learning or observing GS room *S*


Rollo_the_Ax 19:35:39 CST

LOL..but in truth, MDK... don't many here do much the same at times ???? we * make fun * of vampires....or elves... or wolves... or same sex'ers.... WE don't see what THEY like about their crap, and they don't see what we like about OURS .... a simple * Live and let Live long as you stay the hell out of my face attitude goes a LONG WAY......LOL..


Ak_Scribe 19:36:53 CST

excuse Me, I have a question??

possibly a next topic..

should slaves prioritize men over women when offering a serve?


MDKnight 19:37:00 CST

Aye, that is true, Rollo. But still, I've always been the type to try and help people see from both sides and maybe understand and if not agree, at least, let be. Much like how I am, I guess.


Laroona 19:38:00 CST

Dei I did the same asked it to depart got the threats often  asked agian then ignored it

it left LOL


Deirdre 19:39:31 CST

Laroona.....*grinning*......I don't ask........It.......I don't talk to.....It.......I don't acknowlege.....It.........I just leave.....IT......alone



Rollo_the_Ax 19:40:10 CST

One must know what HONOR * IS * before they can besmurch it, MDK....consider the source and then answer the question... * Do THEY show HONOR ???? *


MDKnight 19:41:19 CST 

True. And obviously not. Nor does she have too much knowledge of here. As it seemed the only Captain she knew, was You, Rollo.


Laroona 19:41:58 CST

LOL Dei I spoke once and once only with it LOL  it will not be told by me again LOL


Rollo_the_Ax 19:42:56 CST

??? ME ????? personally, or just by name ????


MDKnight 19:44:18 CST

At least by Name. As she said she'd tell Rollo of Me sitting in a Captain's Chair, when I sat in My seat. Where I always sit.


Laroona 19:46:30 CST

MDKnight I found it very odd that she entered and feigned not knowing the "safe rooms" of GS given she was in the Piazaa and it was explained to her on the Thursday in front of Xertog and other Free  and she could be force collared if she entered the Tavern LOL


Rollo_the_Ax 19:46:33 CST

MDK... would you please whisper the name of this woman to me ??


MDKnight 19:47:56 CST

And she was told again by Me when she came into the Tavern.


alyena_{GS} 19:48:32 CST

not to mention when she was first asked whom told her she could come to the Taverns she replied that the slaves had told her...


Rollo_the_Ax 19:48:47 CST

Okay folks...... have we covered this topic enough ???? shall we move on ???


Rollo_the_Ax 19:53:42 CST

LOL...LOL... CAROLINE ???? I do NOT know anybody online by that handle, that I remember......... The ONLY * person * that I know of that is supposed to use that name is a * person * that seems to not know if they are male OR female as it appears that they change back and forth at will......LOL...LOL.... so I'll bet you can just GUESS how much concern * I * have for ANYTHING that would come from ITS mouth.......LOL..


Laroona 19:53:23 CST

lets say I may not be pleasant and helpful next visit LOL


Deirdre 19:55:51 CST

Captain Rollo......As a full Physician......uhmmmmm.........I can personally guarantee an operation that I can perform that will take care of that "not sure what sex it is" problem. I can just remove it all........regardless.....*chuckling*


Deirdre 19:56:58 CST

I can even stitch up the mouth......and You won't have to listen to it either......*grinning at the burly Captain*


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:58:32 CST

LOL...LOL.. I have one also, Lady is called a * Headinectamy *.....quite simple really...... LOL.. one swipe of an axe, and Poof, problem



Deirdre 20:00:06 CST

*laughing at Rollo's remedy*

Lots less fuss too, can do it then. I bow to the prowess of the Berserker's Axe.



Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 19:59:20 CST

Rollo, mind if I make my announcement before I have to go?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:01:50 CST

The floor is YOURS, brother.......


Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 20:04:46 CST

Thanks, Rollo.


Everyone knows that orli's opening is up for auction, we've done it lottery style and I had our beautiful first girl choose the number...

And so, the winner of the contest is...

Looks around for a drumroll.


Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 20:08:07 CST

Shrugging at the quiet...

Well, the winner is...

Grinning as I look towards the man.




MDKnight 20:08:38 CST

Congratulations Kringe


Ak_Scribe 20:09:13 CST

son of a beast.. congrats Kringe.. you lucky pirate...


Rollo_the_Ax 20:09:21 CST

Congradulations, Kringe ..........


Ulrich 20:09:27 CST

Congratulations Kringe


MDKnight 20:09:37 CST 

And speak of the girl....*Chuckling softly*


 yalena{Sg}~t 20:10:08 CST

~*giggles, grinning*~ congrats Master Kringe, girl hopes You will enjoy orli, ehehe ~thinking how she doesn't even know yet, wondering where she is anyway~ 



*good going Kringe WEG S*


Kringe 20:10:33 CST

Ha! slaps AKFishman on the back  stands and raises his hand with the numbers


yalena{Sg}~t 20:10:44 CST

~lol~ and there she is ~winks to orli a she enters~


Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 20:11:45 CST

Standing, I walk over to him and hold out a rolled up scroll and white ribbon.

Once you have opened her, please sign this. There is also a place upon it for you to mark with her virginal blood. And this ribbon...

Holding it up.  Also stain it with her blood and hang it with the letter, it's staining will signify her change from white to red.


Xertog 20:11:48 CST

Congratulations Kringe


orli{GS}~t~ 20:12:28 CST

Greetings Masters

Greetings Mistresses


congratulations Master Kringe

*blushing with a crimson heat~


galah{GS~fg} 20:13:36 CST

congratulations Master Kringe **sweet smile to him before turning long lashes to orli and just grinning wide**


Kringe 20:14:56 CST

Taking the scroll and ribbon from his hand...nods

Aye Captain ,I shall S* and thank you WG*


Kyoto-GS_Slave_Master 20:15:56 CST

Just wait till after the forum, my friend.

Grinning as I walk out the door.


Kringe 20:16:39 CST

Well, thank you orli.... holding uout a hand to her


orli{GS}~t~ 20:19:03 CST

*placing her hand in Master's as she rises to her feet....her gaze averted as she stands in silence~


Kringe 20:21:49 CST

leaning towrds orli to talk quitly in her ear.



Rollo_the_Ax 20:24:27 CST

Okay folks..... the next topic we have is basically * Multitasking.... Who, when, where, and WHY anybody should be doing it while actually * IN * a Gorean role play site *......


Laroona 20:26:45 CST

Free mutli-tasking in 2 chat sites and getting 2 serves from 2 different slaves at the same time.

is this really fair on the hard working slaves?

in my opinion it is not acceptable

and often their serves are not commented on

also some do not log out and shows up as still being in a site, so also could be mistaken for multi-tasking


Rollo_the_Ax 20:26:51 CST

For Rollo, this is a SIMPLE issue...... I can't multitask for SHIT, so I try VERY hard NOT to do so...... sometimes, I have many folks all wanting to talk to me at the same time, and THIS ole dog gets his ass turned around all which ways......LOL...LOL..


ka'lima_{GS} 20:26:56 CST

~looks to Master Rollo~ Master, ka'lima has a question about multi-tasking. Is it multi-tasking if a girl is in the tavern, no free need served, and she works on tavern business that is off site... say studying, or writing a dance... etc.


Rollo_the_Ax 20:29:18 CST

Okay... from an RT stand point, MOST folks will have more than JUST ONE site open at a time...... y'all may be searching for info or downloading music or such while * chaTting *... that is understandable......


Laroona 20:29:22 CST

slaves are not permitted to multi-task ie be in 2 chat sites  writing dances etc while it is quiet to me in not the same as being in 2 sites *S*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:36:03 CST

To * impose * yourself on more than one slave at a time belittles not only the ideal of * Mastery * it shows just how little you hold the respect of the RT woman behind the screen....


Rollo_the_Ax 20:40:16 CST

I have known men that felt it quite alright to be * cybering * with 2,3,and 4 women at the same time...... ** Shaking my bald head...... to ME... that is

little more than spitting in each and every one of their faces....


Laroona 20:41:45 CST

well said Captain Rollo

the slaves work hard learning the serves and strive to be pleasing

I have a low opinion of Free who multi-task in other chat sites at the same time


 Laroona 20:46:58 CST

Captain would it be proper or in order for a Free

or pray tell if a slave is aware a Free is multi-tasking  have the serve stopped and the Free told why?


Zoran 20:47:40 CST

but I agree to be doing um two thing in to place is wrong

now doing them in the same room that is talent lol


Rollo_the_Ax 20:47:53 CST

LOL..LOL.. okay, I have no idea how to spell french words....* meinaus de twia *

???? but a threesome or more means that EVERYBODY involved KNOWS they are * doing it together ..* NOT one guy with 3 or more women in different places that we is * running between.... LOL.


Rollo_the_Ax 20:55:03 CST

Laroona.... I do not understand just what you were asking......


Laroona 20:56:32 CST

Captain Rollo my apologies

if a GS slave becomes aware a Free is in another chat site and getting served at the same time  would she be permitted to cease the serve  or should another Free step in?


 Ulrich 20:57:22 CST

Rollo, I believe Laroona was saying,

If a Free is multi-tasking, and a slave picks up on that fact in the middle of her serve, would it be proper for her to stop the serve, and I guess "correct" the Free in this particular case


Laroona 20:59:19 CST

*smiles at Ulrich*

or a Free say hey man that is rude LOL


Zoran 20:59:36 CST

I think it not a place to tell them to stop

if a captain there maybe

but as I free I sure I not be told what I could do

I not saying I do

but making a point lol


Ulrich 20:59:48 CST

That works too Laroona *L*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:00:39 CST

Laroona, in truth, the slave would not have the right or ability to refuse a Free person, unless the free was breaking a set rule of GS and the slave knew it.... in other words... the GS slave will hold herself to a higher standard ...... and so it should be...... if such a * Master * is willing to do things

wrong, it will only reflect on HIM... NOT our Home or the slave......


Ulrich 21:00:47 CST

I agree Zoran, I just misunderstood Laroona's question.


Laroona 21:01:17 CST

the slaves of GS are trained to obey and not correct a Free

but I do see this as a problem *S*


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:03:30 CST

The Council owns the GS kajira... WE will set THEIR limits...... if a free person has so little self regard or honor.... it will be seen by everybody

sooner or later......


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:05:35 CST

You are correct, Laroona... it will ALWAYS be a problem...... but I fear that it will be a PROBLEM that we will always have to deal with....... Such is Life......


 Laroona 21:06:57 CST

thank you Captain Rollo *S*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:10:59 CST

Well folks..... the clock on the wall tells me that Mickeys big hand is on the 12, and his little hand in on the....... Oh, lets just say that it is time for

the forum to end.....okay ???? LOL...LOL...

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