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Xertog 19:37:50 pm CDT

First a quick reminder:

The Festival is coming up ~ July 27th & 28th.


I link to the events is here:


The scavenger hunt starts tomorrow at 11:00AM GS time when I will post the list of items on the message board. People may work alone or in twos.


Xertog 19:14:19 pm CDT

Welcome to the Gorean Shores weekly forum.


Lets start the forum. Send me topic suggestions. Please add you name in 'My Settings' So the scribe can grab your name. Once the forum starts keep greetings and out side chat to whispers


Laroona 19:17:30 pm CDT

Can all add their names only on the tag line for the sribes who are cutting and pasting the notes .. thanks 

there is no need for castes etc etc *S*


TO set Name 

Go to MY Settings 

Type in Name on Tag Line 

Try it 

Save it 

And return to chat






Xertog 19:34:17 pm CDT

‘Standing up and stepping in front of the dais.’ Folks, I need to stop the forum for a short time, and take care of some Council business. Let me have your attention.


Zoran 19:35:37 pm CDT

listen to Xertog


Jondalar 19:35:42 pm CDT

Looking to Xertog...


Cavy 19:36:05 pm CDT

looking to Xertog*


sha'reen 19:36:17 pm CDT

~lifting her gaze, tilting her head~


blckrose{Zor} 19:36:18 pm CDT

watching and listening to Master Xertog


Xertog 19:38:37 pm CDT

I raise my right arm, and motion our Advisor, Ulrich to come stand before me on the dais


Ulrich 19:40:04 pm CDT

~rising and walking over to the dais, looking the Captain in the eyes~


Xertog 19:41:57 pm CDT

Speaking with a load and clear voice so that all may hear my words...


Ulrich, you have served well as an adviser to the Council of Captains...and have worked always to make OUR Home a better place for ALL.. By your acts of loyalty, honesty, and honor, you have proved to the Council of Captains that you have earned the right to become a full captain of the Council.


shadow{Ulrich}~t 19:41:59 pm CDT

*a smile touching the lushness of the girls lips sparkling in the embers of her eyes as she watches her Master..*


Zoran 19:42:02 pm CDT

watches a Ulrich walks to the front


daria{GS} 19:42:31 pm CDT

watches quietly


Loki 19:42:52 pm CDT

~watches and listens~


aurora{Ulrich}-t 19:43:44 pm CDT

~feeling the beat of her heart race

her gaze never leaving her Master

fingers curl, holding her chain's hand


Nerius 19:44:10 pm CDT

claps My hands as i listen.....


Ulrich 19:44:25 pm CDT

*standing tall, listening intently, nodding as he speaks*


Laroona 19:45:11 pm CDT

*watching the Captain and Advisor*


Xertog 19:46:06 pm CDT

Reaching behind me, I take from the table a helmet.. with sea sleen fur on the crest, and hand it to Ulrich. My friend from this time on, you are a CAPTAIN of GS.....and will afforded the same rights, privileges, and expectations of one.


‘extending my arm to him’


Welcome, Ulrich.... CAPTAIN of GOREAN SHORES !


jessenia{Rm}~t 19:46:58 pm CDT

~dropping the stick long enough to clap happily with a smile~

congratulations Master Ulrich


blckrose{Zor} 19:47:13 pm CDT

congrats and claps tiny hands


Laroona 19:47:14 pm CDT

Congratulations Captain Ulrich *S


daria{GS} 19:47:24 pm CDT

congratulations Master Ulrich


fidget {Loki} t 19:47:41 pm CDT

~claps for Master Ulrich, even adding a whistle~

congrats Master Ulrich


{Cavy}nassy~r~t~chained to carrieann 19:47:47 pm CDT

drops her stick also

claps congratulations Master Ulrich..


Ulrich 19:47:48 pm CDT

*taking the helmet, looking it over, a smile tugging at the corner of my lips, I grab his arm*


Aye Captain thank you. I am honored to have been chosen. I will do my best, I can assure you that.


Lady Karima 19:47:50 pm CDT

~Smiles at the Men and claps softly~


kallista~o~ 19:47:52 pm CDT

Congratulations Master Ulrich *g*


Zoran 19:47:52 pm CDT

claps his hands


Loki 19:47:59 pm CDT

Well done My Friend, congratulations Captain Ulrich!


Jondalar 19:48:02 pm CDT

Well met Captain Ulrich!


Kaizer 19:48:02 pm CDT

Congratulations to you Captain Ulrich


desiree {Drusus} 19:48:10 pm CDT

des offers her congratulations to Master Ulrich


Cavy 19:48:12 pm CDT

clapping*...congrats Captain Ulrich


Nerius 19:48:43 pm CDT

continues to clap for the man


shadow{Ulrich}~t 19:49:18 pm CDT

*happy tears clinging to dark lashes.. a small hand squeezing her sisters with other pressed to her full lips.. blowing a kiss His way.. as she calls out with a sweetness to her voice.. *

congratulations my Master.. !


Ulrich 19:49:32 pm CDT

*turning to the room* I thank you all for the congratulations.

*giving a wink to shadow and aurora as I show them my new helmet*


aurora{Ulrich}-t 19:50:21 pm CDT

squirms and smiles through the tears kissing her cheek

her gaze never leaving Him

her voice of sultry sweetness ~congratulations my Master


Deirdre~Physician & Companion of Sandman 19:51:22 pm CDT

*smiling and clapping gloved hands at the Council's decision*


I know You will do well, CAPTAIN Ulrich....


shadow{Ulrich}~t 19:51:25 pm CDT

*giggling watching.. *

shadow sees Master.. !


whooooooooooo hoooooo.. !!!

*hugs her chain and settles back down*


sha'reen 19:51:39 pm CDT

~smiles softly~ congrats Master Ulrich


Nerius 19:53:48 pm CDT

adjusts me seating as my fingers again fraze the girls cheek...lifting her hair but a moment....whispering


Lady Karima 19:55:01 pm CDT

My congratulations to You, Captain Ulrich. Tis pleasing to see a Master who is deserving of such an honour.


daria{GS} 19:55:37 pm CDT

listens quietly from the back, kneeling near the wall


lildove 19:55:45 pm CDT

~just smiles from her spot~ congrats Master!


aurora{Ulrich}-t 20:01:05 pm CDT

~the girl needs to deal with r/t

her lips brush against His cheek

again, congratulations my Master

~smiling...thank You Master Xertog


Xertog 19:54:47 pm CDT

Lets continue with the forum. Send topic suggestions to me.





Xertog 19:23:23 pm CDT

First topic:


There have always been rumors/gossip in chat rooms. I guess is part of human nature to a degree. Recently this stuff has mushroomed. I can think of 3 dopey rumors in the past week and I am sure I don't hear them all. I don't know how much this is a topic for discussion but this silliness needs to stop.


For an example if a person has been banned from GS a post will be made regarding it. There is no need to gossip about it. Shit like this can become destructive and we can't have it.



*well if it is not on the boards then it is a rumor S


Zoran 19:24:56 pm CDT

hmmm gossip i want to here

I must be out of the loop


jessenia{Rm}~t 19:26:44 pm CDT

could the un~necessary posts quieten please.. it's hard for a girl to find what is topic related and not.. thank you


Xertog 19:26:45 pm CDT

You should hear the stuff I tell people about you Zoran.. lol


Laroona 19:27:21 pm CDT

LOL well I heard I was banned for something that never happened as how could I be here or in other poolside sites when I was in bed or hospital

a poor joke'

and time people stopped their nasty little rumors and approached the person direct

we all have emails !!!!!!!!!


Jondalar 19:27:35 pm CDT

Xertog...It would seem rumors etc run wild in GS. I see and hear Free Men talking b/s. I have no use for them if the have no honor or valor. I believe all the back stabbing keeps ppl away from GS. I know it effects Me and I stay away.


Zoran 19:27:54 pm CDT

hmm Xertog rumors will all ways be there hell I been called a spy for another site

there rumors and nothing more and if people are to dum not to see that well you can't stop it


Zoran 19:29:01 pm CDT

lol ahhhhhhhh I new it grins to Xertog


shadow{Ulrich}~t 19:29:05 pm CDT

shadow must not have very good ears

cause she never hears rumors in GS.. *shrugs*

which is ok with shadow..

a rumor can only have the thieve with willing mouths to feed it.. *s*


Laroona 19:29:15 pm CDT

Zoran ohh you should hear what we say LOL



I am sure we can all have fun, but when rumors start to hurt or betray people in a bad light then it is time they stopped and people grew the heck up


lildove 19:29:53 pm CDT

the girl dove takes a bold move and asks

what Makes a Master here on Gor..

she slinks further in her corner


Zoran 19:30:06 pm CDT

shadow were not in the in crowd shrugs


Cavy 19:30:24 pm CDT

nore Me


lildove 19:30:24 pm CDT

or a Mistress for that matter


~zoya~{K}~t 19:30:40 pm CDT

~nods along with shadow~ zoya is so out of the loop, she never hears anything ~wonders if that's a good thing or not, giggles~


Ulrich 19:31:02 pm CDT

The best way to stop a rumor is within ourselves.

If someone tells me something, I take it with a grain of salt until I see proof, or can ask the person/people involved.


Zoran 19:31:13 pm CDT

looks to to the new strange slave


A Master is a Man and a slave need to know that

if he a good master well that a nother story LOL


akeria 19:31:15 pm CDT

akeria choses not to listen to the rumors...


Kaizer 19:31:25 pm CDT

What drives these people to hate anyway? Is it jealousy? fear? or just the childish kick of looking impressive in front of others?


Jondalar 19:31:32 pm CDT

Looking around to the People in the Forum..I for one don't like nor can I understand ppl that lie for the sport of it. I wonder how it effects New ppl at GS or visitors?


shadow{Ulrich}~t 19:31:42 pm CDT

you either Master Zoran.. ?

*smiles leaning back against Master.. *

shadow feels better now.. *L*


Zoran 19:31:50 pm CDT

ahh Cavy will start or own crowd


Nerius 19:32:11 pm CDT

lildove....adherence to the philosophies...Truth, respect, honor,Integrity,love of beauty,Reality,The pursuit of excellence, and adherence to the natural order.


Cavy 19:32:17 pm CDT

Your on Zoran...*chuckling*


Laroona 19:32:25 pm CDT

dove as Zoran said it is same for a Mistress *S*


jessenia{Rm}~t 19:33:16 pm CDT

sometimes it is jealousy Master Kaizer.. and something they can not let go of

jesse has someone who's harassed her off and on for months now.. over something that happened years ago.... jesse's moved own and grown..obviously the other hasn't


Deirdre~Physician & Companion of Sandman 19:33:45 pm CDT

*grinning at shadow and zoya* 

I'm out of the loop too. I don't find out about something until everybody else knows it. Even if it is a rumor about Me. *laughing* But I don't give a rat's ass what Folks say about Me. If you are My friend and you want to know if it is true, you will ask Me. *shrugging*


Laroona 19:33:51 pm CDT

Kaizer a good question

I had a few approach me and hence why Xertog posted my RT health issue on the boards

thankfully I am on the road to recovery now....


Jondalar 19:34:09 pm CDT

I agree with You Ulrich. I also will ask the person directly..


Ulrich 19:35:51 pm CDT

Since everyone here seems to be out of the loop... just who is hearing/spreading these rumors. Seems to be people that don't necessarily belong here. *shrug*


~zoya~{K}~t 19:35:59 pm CDT

~*~nodding as she listens to everyone~*~





Xertog 20:01:50 pm CDT

There seems to be a question about slave greeting order. Looks to the trainers in the room. Any of you girls want to post what it is?


lildove 20:03:16 pm CDT

speaking out of place

that would be


Ummm Mistresses

and then subs??


fidget {Loki} t 20:03:18 pm CDT


Captain Emeritis

Pledged FM

Visiting FM

Pledged FW

Visiting FW



jessenia{Rm}~t 20:03:45 pm CDT

jesse believes the correct order would now be..


Master Rollo

Master Xertog

Master Sandman

Jarl Skullsplitter

Master Ulrich...


hopes and prays she's not forgot someone


jessenia{Rm}~t 20:04:17 pm CDT


and then the order that fidget posted... ~grins~


fidget {Loki} t 20:04:41 pm CDT

~giggles and winks at jessenia~


Cavy 20:05:06 pm CDT

but it has been noted that if an Owned slave is allowed entry by their Master that they greet their Master first...just want it cleared for Me


Lady Karima 20:05:12 pm CDT

~Chuckles~ Six of one, half a dozen of the other, jesse.


lildove 20:05:25 pm CDT

how is one to know how one here is pledged..

knowing she should have stayed where she was..that room was difficult enough


Laroona 20:06:06 pm CDT

Cavy is correct

Owners first then the GS order *S*


Zoran 20:06:09 pm CDT

yes I remember the situation Cavy was wanting to know as well


jessenia{Rm}~t 20:06:12 pm CDT

aye.. the go to their Masters feet.. greet and thank Him.. then beg to greet everyone else.. in the proper order


Laroona 20:06:51 pm CDT

dove and for any others


Lady Karima 20:06:52 pm CDT

Zoran, seems you have sticky fingers ~Giggles softly~


jessenia{Rm}~t 20:07:09 pm CDT

and slaves do beg to enter the training yard unless a scheduled spar is taking place....

just as a side note


Cavy 20:07:36 pm CDT

so thats cleared then?


desiree {Drusus} 20:07:58 pm CDT

but if Someone other than the girl's Master granted her entry...should she not thank Him first before moving on to the greetings?


Laroona 20:08:16 pm CDT

which is being edited right now to show the Captains as they now stand or sit LOL


Zoran 20:08:28 pm CDT

clear as Mud lol


Laroona 20:08:55 pm CDT

desiree not if it is a FW and that would be only if the Men were busy *S


jessenia{Rm}~t 20:08:59 pm CDT

jesse has always understood in that case des

and someone please correct her if she's wrong


the girl still goes to her Masters feet if He is present.. beg to greet.. then greet in order.. and thank the Master who allowed her when it's his time in the greeting


Cavy 20:09:40 pm CDT

thanks des Im confused again...LOL


jessenia{Rm}~t 20:10:00 pm CDT

Mistress Laroona.. was jesse's order correct?? just so she's sure??'L"


Lady Karima 20:10:51 pm CDT

Does not take much to confuse some, Master Cavy ~Grins at You~


Cavy 20:11:12 pm CDT



Kaizer 20:11:15 pm CDT

~chuckles softly~


Zoran 20:11:21 pm CDT

snikers as I here Karima


Lady Karima 20:12:17 pm CDT

~Lowers lashes at the hint of a snicker from Zoran~


Laroona 20:12:26 pm CDT


it is simple

Owners first

then Council

Captain Emeritis

Pledged Free Men

visiting Free Men

Pledged Free Women

Visiting Free Women



Kaizer 20:13:53 pm CDT

How would it stand if One was prowling around a slave belonging to another and this angered both the FM/FW and the slave?


Xertog 20:14:01 pm CDT

A girl greets her master first then as fidget posted the order:



Captain Emeritis

Pledged FM

Visiting FM

Pledged FW

Visiting FW



This is something that has been in place for 8 years. It's not a big deal to me if a person gets me out of order. It is how it has been done here until/if the Council changes it.


jessenia{Rm}~t 20:14:11 pm CDT

aye Mistress... jesse understands that...

she was meaning the actual order of the Captains she listed tho.. dont they go in like a certain order??


Laroona 20:14:33 pm CDT

Rollo the Ax - Senior Captain

Xertog - Slave Master

Sandman - Builder

Thorfinn the Skullsplitter



Zoran 20:14:49 pm CDT

lol Kaizer are you Prowling again old friend lol


Kaizer 20:16:17 pm CDT

laughs~ no Zoran there is one whom my heart lies with but there is another who is causing them unrest due to constantly pestering them, and It is causing a nuisance to both of U/s


Laroona   20:15:30 pm CDT

Reposting the link for all


lildove  20:15:53 pm CDT

does she post to those that are not present??


Deirdre~Physician & Companion of Sandman   20:16:39 pm CDT

*looking at lildove disapprovingly*

That has no place in forum. Period. This is not a "bash session."


Laroona   20:16:44 pm CDT

dove NO only those present

how many times do I need post a freaking link... book mark it people


Zoran   20:17:07 pm CDT

LOL that what death sparr are for Just kidding


Laroona   20:19:28 pm CDT

I have just updated the Captains/Patrons page so there should be no mistakes


Xertog   20:19:30 pm CDT

lildove bad mouthing people is not what this forum is for. If you have an

issue with Kuurus I suggest you take it up with him.


lildove  20:21:53 pm CDT

well he should to Master Xertog

as dove said nothing and had to endure His whispers


Laroona   20:22:50 pm CDT

dove there is an ignore button use it

it it does not work then mail the site owner


lildove  20:23:35 pm CDT

yeah that works Laroona


will not say another word


Laroona   20:25:41 pm CDT

dove you address a free as Master or Mistress in Gor

slaves are lower case and have nothing but their name


Xertog   20:26:44 pm CDT

lildove there is a 'Ignore' feature. I suggest using it if you don't like what somebody is saying. If you are here to learn I suggest being quiet and respectful and perhaps one of the girls here can help you out to understand things..If you want to learn, great! Welcome to GS, but if you can't be respectful then be gone.


{Cavy}nassy~r~t~chained to carrieann 20:17:33 pm CDT

please stay on topic hard enough to scribe with so Many here...


Laroona 20:20:17 pm CDT

please people no goodbyes

the scribes are having a hard time sorting out the crap posts as it is


jessenia{Rm}~t 20:27:45 pm CDT

jesse believes this will help with the greeting order issue of personal owned girls...


Greeting Order

You are expected to greet the Council of Captains first, including Advisors, then Captain Emeritus, if any are present. Next you will greet any Pledged Male Patrons of Gorean Shores then other Masters, any Pledged Free Women of Gorean Shores present, then any other Free Women. They are to be greeted before you may greet any kajirae. Do not greet fellow slaves until they have been given permission to enter and are in the room.


For personally owned kajira if your Owner is in the room and they are the One that granted entry, greet them first and ask permission to greet the others. After getting permission to greet, use the above order of greeting also. If Your Owner is in Gorean Shores but another Master/Mistress has given you permission to enter, go to your Masters/Mistresses feet, greet Them then beg your Owner to greet the others. Once permission is granted, you may then greet in the order above. If your Master/Mistress is not in the room, please follow the above order


sha'reen 20:27:59 pm CDT

~listens quietly~


Cavy 20:28:57 pm CDT

thankyou jessenia for that


lildove  20:33:40 pm CDT

wasn't given nothing but an attitude from free and a slave!!


jessenia{Rm}~t   20:34:17 pm CDT

you get what you dish out...


Cavy   20:34:30 pm CDT

nassy place lildove on ignore now


Laroona 20:31:10 pm CDT

jessenia thanks

that is on the slave pages and if I am not misunderstood

all new slaves are given that link for the short rules *S*


jessenia{Rm}~t 20:32:11 pm CDT

yes it is Mistress.. and aye the link is given to slaves.. but she thought posting it might solve the issue at hand a lil quicker


Laroona 20:33:06 pm CDT

not arguing with that logic jessenia LOL


Loki 20:38:05 pm CDT

whats the topic?


Laroona 20:39:00 pm CDT

Loki not sure LOL


jessenia{Rm}~t 20:39:03 pm CDT

jesse doesn't think there's another yet Master Loki... not since the greeting order anyway


{Cavy}nassy~r~t~chained to carrieann 20:39:04 pm CDT

Master Loki Master Xertog has had to step out...the last topic was the Greeting order..


Loki 20:39:53 pm CDT

ah, thank you jessenia~nods to her~

~awaits the next topic~


Nerius 20:40:19 pm CDT

looks to Loki...learning how to use the ignore button....laughs


shadow{Ulrich}~t   20:35:06 pm CDT

no.. it's Gor

 in life lildove

you are sometimes given just what you give

and you have been nothing but disrespectful

if you truly wish help, that can be easily goven to you

but shadow doubts that is why you are truly here


Laroona   20:35:17 pm CDT

dove if you want to learn the best avenue for you at this time is to sit and observe, and keep your mouth closed.. unless it is a question about


liten to the slaves with a t next to their name they are trainers....


lildove  20:36:04 pm CDT

sorry to have bothered the room

lildove will be found in the pool at the DM tomorrow ..

shakes her head at the FW..she not trying to be one of You


Lady Karima   20:36:26 pm CDT

listen as well Laroona ~chuckling~


Xertog 20:40:53 pm CDT

I have heard enough from you lildove. It's obvious you came here to stir up shit.

Gary is still working giving us some Admin powers here. Until he does I suggest just placing her on ignore and moving on.


lildove  20:42:52 pm CDT

~shrugs~ as You wish Master Xertog..didn't think my questions were to hard to answer


Laroona 20:41:30 pm CDT

LOL at Nerius


Cavy 20:42:03 pm CDT

Cavy i will tell the one who has accepted me how You protected this girl..


sorry her questions had everyone in a tissy


I can only protect if the reason is valid....if you cant respect My home leave...Im not protecting someone who disrespects My Home


Cavy 20:42:41 pm CDT

thanks to the one that sent that whisper to Me


shadow{Ulrich}~t 20:43:16 pm CDT

works for shadow

*smiles to Master Xertog and clicks the ignore*





Xertog 20:49:13 pm CDT

OK new topic:


shelfing of a name

and exactly what it means?

is this girl thoughts that it means one *can*

decide they no longer wish to be a character

so they shelf the name and start a new role..

if that is true.. how would that play into GS?


Laroona 20:50:22 pm CDT


would that cover some one taking a break and returning and wanting a fresh start?


Deirdre~Physician & Companion of Sandman 20:50:51 pm CDT

Interesting question. *thinking*

I've seen that happen before in JAG, where a character was "shelved" on the boards, but I have never seen it happen here in GS.


Laroona 20:51:36 pm CDT

but once dead is dead is dead in GS

and once a slave then one returning as a FW must gain approval of Council first

my understanding


Laroona 20:52:29 pm CDT

Deirdre I agree

some of us have returned but after a period away....

but usually under the old name...


shadow{Ulrich}~t 20:53:55 pm CDT

shadow was unaware that shelving of a name was allowed in GS?

she knows after, well a change in the girl's life

she was told she had to return as shadow or if she

chose not to.. not to let it be known who she was..

so she could of just shelved her name and returned as Betty Sue?

ok shadow could never be a FW.. so betty sue? *s*


Xertog 20:54:38 pm CDT

Shelving names is a SOI/JAG thing. I am told some there use more then one name and shift around using names as they like.


We don't do that in GS. Pick a name, one name! That is how we will know you. You can't be multiple people here. I can't shelf Xertog and return tomorrow as Tarl.


Laroona 20:54:45 pm CDT

that is it Deirdre...

like going on a trip to the Sadar Mountains etc


Laroona 20:56:44 pm CDT

and those trying to dupe us in GS eventually slip up and end up being banned


Kaizer 20:56:56 pm CDT

I must offer my sincerest apologies to A/all... however my time is up.. i look forwards to meeting again soon


shadow{Ulrich}~t 20:58:17 pm CDT

*nods with a smile to Master Xertog.. *

but there is a post on the corks about the shelving of a name..

is that not misleading?


Laroona 20:58:39 pm CDT

Xertog even NPC's are frowned upon in GS is that correct?


{Cavy}nassy~r~t~chained to carrieann 20:59:58 pm CDT

Mistress Laroona pardon this girls ignorance but what is NPC's?


Deirdre~Physician & Companion of Sandman 21:00:09 pm CDT

*grinning at Laroona's statement.....and glancing at the name list.....rolling My eyes*

You are right, Lady.....seems that most of the banned ones wish to be discovered by doing something silly and inane that doesn't make sense.


Xertog 21:00:27 pm CDT

There is a post that says that shadow. My understanding is that she is leaving and is not returning in any way, shape or form. I think her choice of words was poorly made.


Xertog 21:01:49 pm CDT

NPCs are what Laroona?


Laroona 21:02:48 pm CDT


non person character

say like have a few guards called by different names

but they never exist


Ulrich 21:02:52 pm CDT

I've always looked at GS like this.

Here we are who we are. If we die, we're dead, if we leave, we're gone. At JAG and I suppose other sites, everyone is a character, so they are nothing but a shell of a person, a name.

That's why I've always liked it here, it's more real.


{Cavy}nassy~r~t~chained to carrieann 21:04:00 pm CDT

thank You Mistress Laroona..


Xertog 21:04:36 pm CDT

OK .. There are no phantom guards either. Otherwise people would come with small armies.. lol


Laroona 21:05:32 pm CDT


I arrive in Piazza

with 2 guards ... guard 1 says

arriving with Laroona

guard 2 says

stands behind the Lady

that is a NPC role play


Laroona 21:06:37 pm CDT

LOL here we can pay for multiple names etc'

but what is the point

I know who I was, and who I am and that is all that matters


Deirdre~Physician & Companion of Sandman 21:06:50 pm CDT

*nodding at Laroona's example....then smiling*

I could never keep up with things, Lady.....because I am so bad at multi-tasking My guards would end up skewering each other or something like that.



Laroona 21:07:51 pm CDT

LOL at Deirdre

as it would mean having multiple browsers open and am sure to stuff it up LOL


Nerius 21:08:57 pm CDT

rising as I grasp my gladius.....its been a pleasure meeting you all.....loki I will get with You over some needed repairs...perhaps Captain Xertog will purchase a few kegs of ale or mead....tomorrow is a new day....well wishes to you all


Xertog 21:09:04 pm CDT

Lets call the forum to close. Thank you for all for coming.


{Cavy}nassy~r~t~chained to carrieann 21:10:06 pm CDT

thank You Master Xertog..


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