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Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:20:34 pm CDT

Going twice.. if anyone has any topics tonight, please send them via whisper 


Ghost of Lita 19:21:18 pm CDT

Tal and Greetings, All



Tharius 19:22:36 pm CDT

still wet behind the ears for GS and Gor in general...this is My...3rd day I think here so not sure what to bring up


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:25:46 pm CDT

Tal Captain.. good to see you.. if it pleases you I will open Forum in a few moments.... I am still waiting for topics 



Tanthio§~~~ Master of iana 19:26:55 pm CDT

Thank you girl.. Which brings up a mention I should announce..

Gary gave Me inconner rights this day so if any need Icons upped. I am able to do so now. 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:25:46 pm CDT

Tal Captain.. good to see you.. if it pleases you I will open Forum in a few moments.... I am still waiting for topics 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 19:27:32 pm CDT

it pleases me greatly Thadron and 

likewise its a pleasure to be here 


Tanthio§~~~ Master of iana 19:31:05 pm CDT

I'll post it up on the Corks once I get an email set up for upping inara 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:32:47 pm CDT

please, send any topics to me in a whisper.. I am still waiting...


first we are going to have a Festival this week... Se'Kara


There will be a Procession to the Sea at 8pm CDT on Thursday, 29 September...


Dances and a Northern Style Feast all depending on the turnout we have several girls ready to dance that will be Thursday 


nasreen{TH}t 19:33:34 pm CDT

listening knowing she is going to be missing a fun time with her sisters over this weekend 


 Tanthio§~~~ Master of iana 19:33:35 pm CDT

Nice Thadron 


Tharius 19:35:17 pm CDT

*motions for Daughter to join Me* 


Sera 19:35:53 pm CDT

goes to My Father's side and kneels in FW tower 



Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:38:00 pm CDT

I now am caught up and can open Forum....


the first topic is regarding Female Warriors:


I know the rules and such for women as warriors...but could for example a Warrior Head of House name His Daughter as His bodyguard if He had no other children and had trained her with various weapons? 


Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 19:38:32 pm CDT

According to the codes, a woman can not be a warrior 


nasreen{TH}t 19:38:41 pm CDT

listening to the question 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:38:48 pm CDT

As always, once Forum is open, keep all social items in whispers... and all greetings as well it makes it easier for the scribe.


 Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:40:02 pm CDT

We know of Panther Girls.. and there may be some legitimacy to mercenaries in the books... but the Warrior caste holds no females... 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 19:40:34 pm CDT

Are Panther girls looked at as warriors?


 Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 19:40:40 pm CDT

Panther girls were actually hunters, not warriors. 


Tharius 19:40:40 pm CDT

But do they say anything about Bodyguard? Technically would that be considered a Warrior? What better body guard to have than one that would not be expected to be able to...guard said body.


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:40:50 pm CDT

they are not of the caste, Thorrn 


Tharius 19:41:13 pm CDT

and please, I'm not trying to be a troll with this do not think of it as such. 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 19:41:25 pm CDT

I mean besides that they are always good slave material 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:41:34 pm CDT

it's a very good topic, Tharius... 


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 19:41:45 pm CDT

were there body guards in Gor? 


halag 19:42:17 pm CDT

wasn't there a free woman that led a band of raiders in the tahari? 


Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 19:42:36 pm CDT

Yes, there were body guards in Gor.


tiva {Dak} Master's bana 19:43:25 pm CDT

remembers that in the books as well halag, she was enslaved and went missing so that she not be impaled at the stake


 Dak 19:43:27 pm CDT

female bodyguards?


 iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 19:43:28 pm CDT


thank You Master Kyoto


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:43:32 pm CDT

Bodyguards often were from the Warrior caste, but not always.. but there is nothing I have read about any being female


Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 19:43:35 pm CDT

Yes, but she was not of the Warriors. And she could not hold her own against a trained member of that caste. 


 iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 19:43:57 pm CDT



thank You Master Kyoto 



halag 19:44:05 pm CDT

but normally it would be the free woman that would have the bodyguards? although she did have ways to defend herself, like poisonous pins?


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 19:44:42 pm CDT

a bodyguard in Gorean books?

Other than military people as escort for an officer or other high person?

I don´t remember that. 


Tharius 19:45:08 pm CDT

yes to both halag and iana's question..per the books FW were escorted by bodyguards, and the free woman did lead the raiders, though she did not last long against males. but that was open combat over a length of time i believe. a bodyguard would not have to necessarily carry a sword to do his..or her job well. 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:45:50 pm CDT

right galah, FW did have ways to protect themselves..


but many Merchants not trained in weapons would hire bodyguards 


 Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 19:46:38 pm CDT

Ok, I was just reading this the other day, took me awhile to find it again. The quote is from the site, World of Gor...


"Goreans within these cultures, are born to a caste, both men and women it is said, belong to the caste of their parents. This would mean that, yes, while a woman may be born to the Caste of Warriors, the practice of the caste's trade is, however, subject to training, and it is not documented anywhere that women of Gor did indeed receive this training." 


nasreen{TH}t 19:46:45 pm CDT



Tharius 19:47:25 pm CDT

To Me, the best bodyguard would be one that had the element of surprise..Picture a slaver/raider/brigand seeing a woman with a lone male. who would suspect that she was capable of defending? would she not be ignored for the most part, until it was too late? 


inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 19:47:37 pm CDT

*listens quietly as is not an expert on the subject.*


Ghost of Lita 19:48:01 pm CDT

The books say no. As someone said, Free Women had guards. I Had some quotes a bit ago from Ubar Luther and the books, but forgot  which  essay they  were in.  And  cannot locate them at the  moment. 


Dak 19:48:19 pm CDT

Thanks Kyoto 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:48:19 pm CDT

but, Thorrn, I don't have any quotes right now about Merchants hiring guards.. I suppose I am thinking of guards for their wagons and ships 


Tharius 19:48:53 pm CDT

Granted, like inara, I'm not an expert. Its been almost 30 years since I read the books, but..*shrugs* it would make sense to have the advantage of surprise 


Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 19:48:59 pm CDT

That might work against an outlaw, Tharius. But one who was of the Warriors would not be so easily duped. 



Ghost of Lita 19:49:23 pm CDT

Tharius, the point is clearly made that the so-called female warrior who led  the Raiders was a mere puppte of the Salt Ubar. 


Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 19:49:57 pm CDT

In the first book, Tarl hires himself on as a guard on a merchant caravan. 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 19:50:53 pm CDT

that is right, Tahdron

in some books it is mentioned that merchants hire mercenaries for protection

And of cause Free Women can do that too though they always take the risk that the mercenaries capture her and enslave her during the journey. as it happens a few times in the books 


Tharius 19:51:31 pm CDT

agreed, it might not work...but it might. just a thought


Ghost of Lita 19:52:02 pm CDT

Thus, we do have an answer for our first prong of the inquiry. Women, due to their lesser strength, have trouble using some of the weapons of the Warriors, especially the sword. Some are capable of using such weapons as the bow and spear. In general, those weapons are often used for hunting. But, these women would not be a match for a male Warrior. In a sword fight, they could not compete on equal grounds. Overall though, it is technically possible that women could use some weapons of the Warriors. As we have answered positively to our first inquiry, we then must consider the second prong of our inquiry, would Gorean society allow female Warriors.


Ghost of Lita 19:53:15 pm CDT

There are examples in the books of women attaining the Red Caste by birth and Free Companionship, but never by skill.


In actuality, women often do not perform the work of their Caste. Women of the Metal Workers do not commonly work at a forge and women of the Builder's do not supervise the construction of fortifications. In general, women do not perform Caste activities that require a degree of strength. But, women do commonly work as Scribes and Merchants. There are even female slavers. Another notable exception is that of the Physician's Caste. But, there is never a mention of any women practicing or learning the skills of the Warrior Caste.


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:53:15 pm CDT

and as such, in GS where all sword play is judged by the Council.. Weight might be given to a Male Warrior in any combat... but that really hasn't come up in here to My knowledge 


Ghost of Lita 19:54:17 pm CDT

Why would the Warrior Caste allow women to risk their lives in combat? First, such women would be less likely to bear children as a pregnancy would inhibit their combat availability. Second, women dying in combat would also lead to fewer births. In addition, dead women could not raise their existing children. Goreans would not want their children to grow up without mothers. Women do most of the raising of children during their formative years. This would serve to diminish the quality of the caste over time. With the welfare of the caste at stake, Warriors would not permit women to engage in combat. In addition, women would not want to endanger the welfare of the caste so they would accept their role in the Caste as noncombatants


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:55:07 pm CDT

a reminder.. whisper any new topics to Me... 


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 19:55:27 pm CDT

except for the Jarls of Torvasland...They welcome their slaves fighting beside Them.. of course they are slaves and not FW... 


Ghost of Lita 19:55:53 pm CDT

There is no instance in any of the Gorean novels where a woman was trained by the Warrior's Caste to fight in battle or to wield weapons. There are examples of woman who acted as warriors but they did not belong to the Red Caste. Though there is no explicit prohibition in the novels that would prevent women from being such trained, it has yet to happen in the books. Dragons are not specifically excluded from being on Gor anywhere in the books. But, that does not mean that they could exist either. Based on the supporting evidence and arguments in the novels, women would never be trained as Red Caste warriors.


Thadron - Advisor to GS 19:57:55 pm CDT

Thanks once again for bringing in Luther's scrolls, Lita.. they are often very helpful 



OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 19:58:04 pm CDT

nodding well spoken Lita 



Tharius 19:58:20 pm CDT

As Someone Whom I have respect for in the Gorean setting said to Me a bit ago, Logic doesnt necessarily come into it.(paraphrasing) but women throughout history have made the most fierce warriors. I'd rather go against a man protecting his farm than a woman protecting her child..this is obviously a topic that will not be decided (or may be) here, but I thought it was a legitimate topic for the forum.


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 19:59:27 pm CDT

nodding to Tharius I think it was a good topic 


Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 19:59:36 pm CDT

Thank you Lita. 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 19:59:37 pm CDT


that is mostly for male slaves in Torvaldsland that they are expected to fight with weapons.

The female slaves are seldom involved with weapons in fightings 


 Ghost of Lita 20:00:02 pm CDT

I would agree with that, Tharius.


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:00:15 pm CDT

Tharius, I am sure with a show of hands, you will find that most in here have already learned something tonight discussing this topic


inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:00:36 pm CDT

Ah...*nods to Jarl Thorrn.* 


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 20:00:40 pm CDT

oh.. ~smiles warmly..


thank You Jarl Thorrn.. 


Ghost of Lita 20:01:05 pm CDT

Not My words, Sandman. Those of Ubar Luther. He can make a point much better than I can! 


Tharius 20:01:13 pm CDT

so, given the concensus (pardon spelling) of this forum, what would probably happen to the Father and Daughter SHOULD such a circumstance arrive and He did as I asked about? just curious 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:02:03 pm CDT

good point Lita

I think women as warriors (being from that caste) seemed too strange for J.Norman to even discuss that topic, it was just not expected to be considered


Tharius 20:03:08 pm CDT

well, he was a product of his times...You figure in the 60's when He began the books, women were not far removed from "supposed to be in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant"


inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:03:08 pm CDT

*giggles at Jarl Thorrn's comment about Norman.* 


Tharius 20:04:33 pm CDT

the bad thing is He based this off of Roman and Greek history..if you look at the history of the Empire, at one point in their surge into Britain, about 100 celtic women ran off an entire legion..and the Norse women were no pushover either..IMHO he should have read history a bit


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:04:55 pm CDT

Just a conjecture on My part.. is the Father is of Warrior Caste and the Daughter was trained... then that would not be objected to.. nothing has been revealed that it is wrong to train Her... but in combat against a Warrior... weighting on the outcome would be heavy for the Male Warrior... just a thought 


Ghost of Lita 20:05:35 pm CDT

Tharius, if Memory serves, Tarna, the Woman Who led the Raiders and was the puppet of the Salt Ubar eventually succumbed to the wiles the the sexy Tarl Cabot,and became a whimpering slave just like all the other women! *LOL*


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:05:46 pm CDT

if the Father is.. ~correcting typo~ 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:07:04 pm CDT

another call for topics... 


Ghost of Lita 20:07:13 pm CDT

So, in essence, the "Female Warrior" didn't last very long! *chuckle*


Tharius 20:07:29 pm CDT

the Father is of the Warrior Caste, and He did train Her with all weapons She could handle. Being His only child, He wanted Her to have every advantage. She also learned Dance, for grace and agility should She need to use martial skills



Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:08:04 pm CDT


The women of the Cimbry and Teutons were also famous to assist their men in fightings against the romans. No definite info ready right now about other german/celtic tribes like vandales, Gotics, burgundy and more

But in the myths of the north there also female warriors, some even invincible for men (like Brunhild), though usually this is mostly due to magic powers 


Tharius 20:08:35 pm CDT

@Ghost, very true, but I can't help seeing a Celt or Viking woman in the same situation...LOL it may not have been HER whimpering and asking for the collar! LOL


Tharius 20:09:21 pm CDT

very true Thorrn, but there's an old saying, in every myth theres a touch of fact.


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:09:59 pm CDT

if anyone thinks of anymore topics you can whisper and they will either be taken up later or next forum...


for now... ~nods to Captain Sandman on the Dias~


The Captain has some announcements... 


Tharius 20:10:22 pm CDT

again, this topic could go on for sometime...and I truly do not mean for it to become a 'troll' issue. I'll step down from My soapbox and relinquish the floor. :)


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 20:10:47 pm CDT

~sits up in her Master's lap, listening intently... 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:11:01 pm CDT

rising to my feet,, clearing my throat Staff in hand 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:11:16 pm CDT

one more detail about female warriors in the northern myths

the power usually lasts only as long as the women is a virgin



Ghost of Lita 20:11:50 pm CDT

In the books though, the strength of men and women was very different. On Earth, a  woman often does  as heavy a physical labor as a man, and some can  be as strong as  a man. The  books say that on Gor  all women had the strength  of  a  3 year  old boy compared  to the men, and  Luther says at one point they probably couldn't even lift A Sword a Man could wield


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:11:53 pm CDT

I have an number of announcements to make tonight 



Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 20:12:24 pm CDT

*Sits up and listens.* 



Ghost of Lita 20:12:48 pm CDT

*coming to attention*


Tharius 20:13:11 pm CDT

listens to the Captain respectfully and quietly


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:13:33 pm CDT

Raises My staff for silence 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:14:05 pm CDT

first, Senior Captain Ulrich has been gone from us for a great deal of time. I now believe him to be lost at sea and am declaring such... if at such time the sea returns him to us.. he will named Captain Emeritus 


nasreen{TH}t 20:14:33 pm CDT

gulps at the news of Master Ulrich 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:15:02 pm CDT

~silence to those words by the Captain~ 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~t~ 20:15:45 pm CDT

~a tear glistens at the sad news 


Ghost of Lita 20:16:28 pm CDT

*bows her head in respect*


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:16:32 pm CDT

wishes Captain Ulrich to be on safe grounds soon again and to return home


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:17:52 pm CDT

That being said.. I am left to be Senior Captain as the only Captain... however Gorean-Shores has always been ruled by a Council of Captains and not an Ubar,, a title I have NO interest in 


Dak 20:18:05 pm CDT

hearing the news , hmmmm 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:18:59 pm CDT

*hand beats My chest acknowlegding Sandman as Senior Captain~ Serve well, Captain 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:19:26 pm CDT

looking to Kyoto I walk over to him,, and ask that he rise 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:19:40 pm CDT

Hail to the new Senior Captain 


Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 20:19:53 pm CDT

*Striking my fist to my shoulder in applause as Sandman, my old friend, accepts the responsibility of being Senior Captain.* 


Ghost of Lita 20:20:06 pm CDT

*pats Her gloved hands together in pleasure at hearing Sandman is to be Senior Captain*


Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 20:20:29 pm CDT

*Nodding, I pat inara on the thigh and then stand before my old friend.* 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:21:04 pm CDT

hai to the new senior captain Sandman 


inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:22:07 pm CDT

*her eyes on Master Sandman, turn to her Master, as He pats her thigh, turning to watch Him stand, small smile on lips.* 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:24:42 pm CDT

Watches the two Men at the Dais... 


Tanthio§~~~ Master of iana 20:24:45 pm CDT

*busts open My flask and takes a pull as I watch the event taking place* 


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 20:25:29 pm CDT

~feels her Master's movements and she shifts on His lap to accommodate Him... 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:25:30 pm CDT

putting my arm on the shoulder of my brother Kyoto

a Council of Captians needs to have more than one Captain

this man and Captain Emeritus Xertogs were my mentors when I can to GS.


He has agreed to return to active duty as a Captain and be First Sword a position that has been vacant for sometime


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:25:56 pm CDT

grins at Thantios as He serves Himself with a nice drink

Good idea to bring a flask to the forum 


nasreen{TH}t 20:26:22 pm CDT

clapping her tiny hands together.. 


Ghost of Lita 20:27:08 pm CDT

*grinning broadly at the news of Kyoto's re-elevation!, Having great respect for HIs skill and knowledge of Gor*


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:27:13 pm CDT

Smiling boadly welcome back to the Council Brother


May the PK's have mercy on your soul


(for no man here will)


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 20:27:36 pm CDT

~she claps softly, a warm smile upon her face, blue eyes looking to His slave and smiling even more... 



Tanthio§~~~ Master of iana 20:27:51 pm CDT

*pounding chest* Welcome back Kyoto 


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 20:28:27 pm CDT

~leans off to the side of her Master's chest so He may pound away.. grinning


Kyoto- Emeritus of GS 20:28:53 pm CDT

*I smiled at Sandman, my arm on his shoulder.*


And I am proud to be your right hand, Senior Captain. My sword arm is yours if you ever need it.


*I pulled him into a back thumping hug before I turned to the room.* 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:28:57 pm CDT

fist pounds his chest 



Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:28:57 pm CDT

Great choice to have Kyoto back as Captain Kyoto, without the emeritus

Port Kar is blessed to have Him back in the council 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:29:01 pm CDT

kicking my typist into the canal 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:29:32 pm CDT

looking over to Thadron,, come brother Thadron and join me 


inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:30:08 pm CDT

*Head tilted upwards watching the Two, listening to the responses around the room.* 


nasreen{TH}t 20:30:09 pm CDT

moves so that Master doesn't trip over her.. 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:30:13 pm CDT

~I rise and go to stand by my Mentor, the Captain Sandman~ 


galah 20:31:18 pm CDT

**claps lil hands atop thighs in an excited squirm** welcome home Master Kyoto!!! 


~xXx~Blade~ 20:32:45 pm CDT

*Pounds my shoulder with my fist*


Congrats on being Captain in GS once more. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~t~ 20:32:54 pm CDT

~smiles a warm congratulations to Master Kyoto 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:32:58 pm CDT

putting my hand on Thadron's shoulder

you have been a faithful Advisor and have done much for GS between forums, book night, and and many many more things

reaching behind you,, I take out a helmet with the crest of sleen hair,, handing it to the man,, this is for you,, for today,, you are a Captain of GS you may wear the helmet with the honor you have already earned 


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 20:33:45 pm CDT

~smiles warmly.. clapping ..she beams beautiful eyes to the Masters... her gaze turning to nasreen and she smiles ... 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:33:46 pm CDT

pounding my shoulder with a first in salute 


Dak 20:34:17 pm CDT

congrats My Friend Thadron 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:34:22 pm CDT

smotes My left shoulder with My fist

congrats Captain Thadron, You deserved it 


Ghost of Lita 20:34:25 pm CDT

Oh My! *clapping again with delight* 


nasreen{TH}t 20:34:31 pm CDT

listening to the words of Master Sandman...

her lips parting in an even wider smile...

her heart races a little.. 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:34:47 pm CDT

winking to pretty nasreen


 Kyoto- Captain and First Sword of GS 20:34:50 pm CDT

*I pound my fist to my shoulder as I hear of Thadron's elevation.*


Welcome, brother Captain. And as Sandman said, may the Priest Kings have mercy on your soul. 


 inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:34:53 pm CDT

*her blue eyes moving from her Master, to Master Thadron, watching Master Sandman.*


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:35:00 pm CDT

aye pounding fist into shoulder 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:35:05 pm CDT

~nodding to Captain, taking the Helmet from his strong hands~ I pledge to serve and protect GS with My very life, Sandman... ~I turn to stand beside the Senior Captain, My helmet under My arm~


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:35:16 pm CDT

grinning broadly as Kyoto speaks 


Tanthio§~~~ Master of iana 20:35:29 pm CDT

*pounds shoulder* well deserved Thadron! 


 galah 20:35:57 pm CDT

ooooooooohhh wow, a double hitter heheheheheee congrats to you also 


Master Thadron!!!! **her dark sparkling eyes wide with glee** 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:35:59 pm CDT

Looks at the 3 Men standing´there as the board of Captains

Port Kar is blooming again

Salutes them with smoting My left shoulder with My fist


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:36:21 pm CDT

Captain Thadron has agreed to be our Slavemaster here at GS a position that has also been unfilled for sometime 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:36:38 pm CDT

winks to galah.. there is more girl 


~xXx~Blade~ 20:36:34 pm CDT

*Pounds my shoulder again*


Congrats on becoming Captain Thadron 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:36:40 pm CDT

~a broad smile across My lips~ not so loud Captain Kyoto.. it will be a pleasure to serve GS with you... 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~t~ 20:37:04 pm CDT

~smiles and claps small hands excitedly 


nasreen{TH}t 20:37:08 pm CDT

squeals with delight for Master... 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:37:18 pm CDT

wowww ... there is again a Slavemaster

Good for the slaves *L* 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:37:24 pm CDT

Jarl Thorn aye `~~ yes it is he grins at the three ~

fist pounds his shoulder 


Kyoto- Captain and First Sword of GS 20:37:27 pm CDT

*I thumped him on the shoulder*


It will be my honor to serve with you, Thadron. 


Thadron - Advisor to GS 20:37:41 pm CDT

~nods appreciation to all~ more, Captain? 


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 20:37:42 pm CDT

~grins.. watching.. 


 inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:38:16 pm CDT

*Just smiles thrilled to have active members of the Council again, and so many here in Their home.* 


 ~xXx~Blade~ 20:38:20 pm CDT

I guess the drinks are on Kyoto and Thadron tonight ~LOL~


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:38:21 pm CDT

gala grins


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:38:42 pm CDT

aye Thadron ,, looking into the crowd,, Thorrn can you spare your pretty snowrose for a moment 


inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:38:44 pm CDT

*giggles at nasreen winking* 


inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:39:32 pm CDT

*Grins having suspected what was coming next, her eyes watching snowrose.* 


Kyoto- Captain and First Sword of GS 20:39:54 pm CDT

*Putting my face in my palm as I hear Blade, thinking it will be an expensive night.* 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:39:59 pm CDT

lets My girl go from My arms which hold her to be safe from the boot urts and nods to the Captain

she is at Your service, as a slave should be *g* 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:40:38 pm CDT

nodding to the feet of the assembled Council 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:41:09 pm CDT

watches with interest as snowrose is called to the Dais 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:41:50 pm CDT

~jiggling My full purse and nodding at Blade~ 


~xXx~Blade~ 20:42:27 pm CDT

Should not be to bad I will make sure I only keep one hand with a tankard and not one in each hand ~LOL~ 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~t~ 20:42:35 pm CDT

~the girl squeezes her Master's hand and rises, stepping back before turning, her step light as she goes to the dais, stepping up and kneeling before the Senior Captain, satiny thighs parted wide...golden head is high, eyes lowered in respect, small hand trembling on thighs 



OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of  GS 20:48:17 pm CDT

smiling warmly at the assembled forum


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~t~ 20:48:34  pm CDT

yes Master~


~ His kiss still warm on her brow, the  girl rises and steps back, turning and  skipping down the steps, blowing a kiss  to her Master 



iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 20:48:47 pm  CDT

one would think it would do a girl proud  to receive such a title.. 



galah 20:48:58 pm CDT

triple hitter? that makes it a home run  Master? heheheheheee 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:49:02 pm  CDT

congrats on your new title snowrose 


Kyoto- Captain and First Sword of GS  20:49:11 pm CDT

What about Sabre Wolf? 


20:49:38 pm CDT

nods back to the Captain

indeed, she is an eager and skilled little  beast and enjoys to serve the home of  her Master


Thank You Captain Sandman for  honoring with naming My slave for first  girl

she will surveyed to work hard on her  duties 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of  GS 20:49:41 pm CDT

winks to galah,, I trust this will be a  night to remember .. or perhaps not  after the strong drink that is apt to flow  this night 



nasreen{TH}t 20:49:48 pm CDT

perhaps she did have You confused  Master Blade... 



Tanthio§~~~ Master of iana 20:50:00 pm  CDT

*pounding chest* 


~xXx~Blade~ 20:50:08 pm CDT

I think he was the one to toss his  tankard into the sandpit when he was  done with it ~L~


inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:51:06 pm  CDT

*Blue eyes slide upwards, smiling to  her Master.* 


inara {Kyoto of Port Kar} 20:51:06 pm  CDT

*Blue eyes slide upwards, smiling to  her Master.* 


snowrose{JTr}'s  pleasure~fg~ 20:51:28 pm CDT

~enters and returns to her Master,  crawling between His legs, taking up  the scroll and writing stick 


shaina {Rm} 20:51:35 pm CDT

Master Forest tossed them as well...  shaina believes


Kyoto- Captain and First Sword  of GS 20:51:42 pm CDT

*Patting the side of my leg as I look at  inara.* 


~xXx~Blade~ 20:51:44 pm CDT

I think I tossed it once and nailed Bolt in  the head when he walked into the tavern  ~LOL~ 



Thadron - Captain/Slave Master  20:51:49 pm CDT

smiles at Mine patiently kneeling at My  furs 


 OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of  GS 20:52:58 pm CDT

looking to Lita,, the Council has  decided that you are alive ,, the role of  Ghost just doesn't suit you 


Kyoto- Captain and First Sword of GS 20:52:59 pm CDT

*I grinned as I heard them talk of my  brothers long gone.* 



nasreen{TH}t 20:53:09 pm CDT

smiles back at her Master 


Kyoto- Captain and  First Sword of GS 20:53:25 pm CDT

Although, I did like the see through  robes and veils, Lita. 


~xXx~Blade~  20:54:05 pm CDT

Told ya Lita ~LOL~ 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:54:12 pm  CDT

Ghost Of Lita grins i didnt get to give you mouth to mouth ~ 


 iana {T §}~~His lil pet~~ 20:54:25 pm CDT

~laughssss hearing Master Blade..  grinning at His playfulness.. 


Ghost of Lita 20:54:33  pm CDT

I Thank You and the Council most  kindly, Sandman! I know I'm trouble  enough as it is, and I am sure nobody  here wants to think of me as a ghost  and able tp fly! *snicker *



 ~xXx~Blade~ 20:54:36 pm CDT

Beside Lita I do not want a ghost for a  mate ~LMAO~ 



Ghost of Lita 20:55:06 pm CDT

seriously, I do appreciate it, All of  You.


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of  GS 20:55:13 pm CDT

snorts you are most welcome Lita 


 inara {Kyoto of  Port Kar} 20:55:27 pm CDT

*Pushing upwards to her knees, and  leaning foreward, she crawls to her  Master side, kneeling there, spreading  knees open wide, pulling the red  camisk further up her thighs, back  straight, leaning her cheek against His  thigh.* 


iana {T§}~~His lil pet~~ 20:55:30 pm CDT

~grins to Master Blade.. and then looks  to Mistress Lita.. wiggling her brows ...  her lips forming a kiss..


Thadron - Captain/Slave  Master 20:56:09 pm CDT

I saw you all the time, Lita ~snickers~ 


Ghost of Lita 20:56:30 pm CDT

Ulp. Ummm. Blade, do You want a  Woman with a bad case of Tarsk Warts  for a Mate? 


~xXx~Blade~ 20:56:58 pm CDT

*Thinks a bit more about*


Wait stay as a ghost and I will take ya  my mate. That way I will never have to  spend coins on ya ~LMAO~ 


Jarl Thorrn loves His roses 20:57:30 pm CDT

wraps My legs and arms around My lovely girl as she returns in her glory to pick up her duties again

very well done and your Master knows that you will go on working hard to be worth the honour of being first girl

*kisses her* 


OriginalSandman_Builder/Captain of GS 20:58:41 pm CDT

takes my steel measuring stick drives it down against the cold stome at our feet.. I declare forum concluded,, who will join me in the tavern,, for the first round of drinks is on Me 


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