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Rollo_the_Ax 19:35:02 CST

The only question that has been brought up so far is just who will be the new Slave Master now that Paedur has this time, the Council is deciding and still  needs to vote on the issue, but there is a very good chance that we will try a new  idea...and have more than ONE Captain doing the job..... we will most likely have at  least two Captains sort of * sharing * the load and BOTH being there to help if and  when needed ........


Lord_Grizzly 19:35:55 CST 

Greetings amira,,,Nice to see you again.*S*

Laroona,,,that makes since.I only started in here 3 weeks ago.& Pledged last Night.

Greetings galah & segen.Nice to see you both again.*S*

sagen,,,Just use the Grizzly part.


trysta_A_ 19:36:20 CST 

~*~asks softly~*~

Will there be a fg Master Rollo....


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:37:05 CST

Tal, Grizzly......welcome to the GS forum... we are just getting started..


 Laroona_Scribe 19:37:26 CST

*listening to Captain Rollo* 

that would raise the question of a first girl 

is council considering having one or having several trainers


Lord_Grizzly 19:38:05 CST 

Tal Rollo & Thank you.Thuis is My first time at one.


 amira{GS} 19:39:15 CST

~settles back to listen


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:39:42 CST

trysta......that also is still up in the air for right now, but I feel sure that we  will have at least a temporary fg to help keep all the kajira working together until  a permanent fg is picked/trained......


~ trysta_A_ 19:41:32 CST 


Aye Master, thank You


 roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 19:40:07 CST

~having not wanted to interupt the forum softly offers her greetings to all the  Masters, Mistress, and beauties of GS~



 Rollo_the_Ax 19:40:24 CST

Okay folks......we have our first topic...... ** slaves shortening their given  names... is it proper or is it considered the slave taking liberties *** What do  y'all think ???


 seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:41:39 CST

well Master its easier when the slave is typing in a hurry...~shrugs~


trysta_A_ 19:42:22 CST 

~*~replies quietly~*~

A girl asked her Master's permission before doing so..she thinks it should be asked...if denied, she should use her full name, the Master gifts it to  should be treasured.


  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 19:42:38 CST

if the slave gets permission from her Owner before shortening her name then it is in  my opinion alright for her to do. if she just does it on her own though that is another story but if her Owner never calls on it then doesn't that make it ok?


 ~segen~{Sg} 19:42:48 CST

segen thinks it would be up to the Owner if they allow it or not...segen's will not  permit it but then how sexy would "seg" be *playful smile*


 Kyoto 19:43:51 CST

I think it is an insult to their owner for a slave to do so. She was given a name by her owner... and he gave it to her in that fashion for a reason. She has no other  name but what her owner gives her and does not have the right to another unless told.

Unless her owner approves the "nickname", then it should not be done.


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:46:11 CST

Okay...... Once again we have the difference between the Books and on-line Gor raising its ugly the books any slave was called just what the  Master wanted and it didn't matter if her name was IT, or had 287 letters in

it...... it is/has the will of the OWNER .....but most often they were short names ...easy to remember and call...... here on-line, there are so many slaves that names become not only names but * trade marks * or such.....they define just WHO the girl  is to all........ much like the names of Free persons


roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 19:46:59 CST

what about nicknames that slaves seem to give one another, out of affection?

are those frowned upon as well? even if a girls Owner says nothing about the nick?


 Kyoto 19:47:27 CST

That's part of the reason I give my slaves short names, they are appropriate in my opinion, easy off the tongue and difficult to bastardize.

How would anyone shorten sen or indie after all?


trysta_A_ 19:48:15 CST 

~*~grins to Master KyotoRi and offers a suggestion~*~

s and in...


trysta_A_ 19:48:26 CST 

hehehe, sin..hehehe


 ~segen~{Sg} 19:48:27 CST

~hearing roskva's question~

segen doesn't think the Master's care much of the conversation between slaves. (if there is none around to listen). Master's all not that interested in the dealings  between slaves (she's read)


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:49:38 CST

It is as both Laroona and Kyoto say * MY * opinion...... IF the owner  is okay with his slaves name being shortened, or a * nick name * being used, then  who can argue ?????


 ~segen~{Sg} 19:49:45 CST

segen often wonders about the names given to slaves. Seems as if Master's have forgotten that the most common slave names on gor were regular earth girl names.

Everything seems to be more and more exotic *shrugging a little big*


  roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 19:50:08 CST

~nodding softly listening to segen~

roskva understands that totally, but she has seen slaves call other slaves by nicknames even in front of thier Masters or other Masters so was just wondering if that is frowned upon as well


 ~segen~{Sg} 19:51:13 CST

roskva, segen would guess it depends upon the Master "listening", if you wish to  make sure you're not offensive she guesses you should use the slaves whole name (ya  know cover your ass kinda thing *soft smile*)


  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 19:51:33 CST

No-one should argue. it's not anyone's business what name a Free allows their  property to be called by


  roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 19:52:22 CST

~grins as segen~ 

ohh roskva is always careful to cover her bootie on such things, but had wondered,  esp since she has seen it done elsewhere


 Sandman,,Builder_ 19:52:37 CST

how would someone know if an owner is ok with the shortened name? .. (speaking as  One who has been guilty of using the shortenned names a girl calls herself before)


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:53:04 CST

roskva and segan......I think you are both basically right.....nick names or * pet * names between friends usualy do NOT worry masters... I ahve seen many of you girls call each other some VERY different things at times......LOL...most often in jest or  humor......


 ~segen~{Sg} 19:53:05 CST

roskva, segen really doesn't know the answer to that. she usually useses a slaves whole name although she's never given thought as to why she did it, maybe just a habit for her name out while in the furs?


 Laroona 19:54:33 CST

If an Owner gives slave the name that is it... but unless it is posted otherwise  then the name should stay IMO... 

to me it is an insult to the Free, often there is a fuller and deep meaning to  slaves names *S*


 Kyoto 19:54:45 CST

Nodding to segen...

Or names like tuka, dina or vella... all short and sweet. some of the names you hear

now are... well...

Anyway, I could never figure out why you'd want to call a piece of slave meat flo'puttina'cha or anything like that.

Who'd ever want to shout that name out while in the furs?


 ~segen~{Sg} 19:55:27 CST

~tilting head, thinking of all the ways mischief maker was shortened~


  roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 19:55:42 CST

~grins and nods~

yes Master Rollo most often in jest or humor ~winks at lina~

another question going along the lines of a nickname, if a girls Master does not have a problem with a shortened name nor a nicknamed yet another Master takes offense, how should a girl handle that ~something else i had observed elsewhere awhile back~


 ~segen~{Sg} 19:56:24 CST

Master Kyoto, slave just thought Master's called out "slut" in the furs as He couldn't remeber which one He had?? ~playful smile~  


 amira{GS} 19:56:29 CST

~tucks her chin to her knees and listens~


 Laroona 19:56:55 CST

heeee I am sure many slaves call each other several names .. some flattering, some not so LOL


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:57:33 CST

In the case of somebody just repeating the name that a slave called herself, it should become the duty of that slave to be sure her owner would NOT take offence..... if I or anybody walked into a room and said * Hi, I am blue.....when the full name is something like *blue bird of happiness flying upside down *... then those there can only assume that the name is proper..... so if a girl is going to use a shortened name, she should make SURE it is okay with her owner...FIRST......


  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 19:57:56 CST

~grins at roskva cuz i always pick crude nicknames for those i adore~


 Sandman,,Builder_ 19:57:58 CST

In My humble opinion,, roskva ,, it should be between the slave and Master in question .. tho I would agree with segen ,, better to CYA than to take a chance on offense


 roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 19:58:52 CST

uh huh, thinking of one *winks to lina


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:00:54 CST

roskva......any Free can take offence at just about Anything THEY WISH TO ........ but the main factor in such is just what the OWNER wishes or allows..... the other guy can be upset all he wants, but the slave MUST abide by the will of her if the other person takes offence, the slave should just refer the free to her owner and let THEM haggle it out


 Kyoto 20:01:11 CST

Thinking on what roskva said...

Then you go by your full name in his presense, in my opinion. And if he is still annoyed, he can go talk to your owner.


  roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 20:03:36 CST

~listening to both Masters~

thank You both for Your thoughts, they have been helpful


  Kyoto 20:05:46 CST

Grinning at lina, having heard of her penchant for those names.


  Rollo_the_Ax 20:08:20 CST

As has been mentioned here already..... a slave needs to ALWAYS CYA..... ( cover  your ass ) when dealing with Free persons..... so if they want your full name, use it... and let your owner sort it out later......


  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 20:09:03 CST

~blinking innocently catching the grin then smiling oh so sweetly to the Master~


  roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 20:12:37 CST

~knows there's nuttin innocent about that blink~


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:13:03 CST

I mean your ACTIONS need to be covered.....not your actual asses.....LOL...LOL... no  use in screwing up the scenery.....LOL...LOL... that would be like going into a field of wild flowers with your nose broken.....LOL...LOL...


  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 20:13:54 CST

~giggling softly at the sexy One's words~


 Laroona 20:14:30 CST

*listening to Captain Rollo* 

I think it is one of the first things any slave should learn is to C&P to CYA or CTA.... LOL


Lord_Grizzly 20:15:32 CST 

Rollo,,,I dont Know,,,,with that nasty Gruel the slaves are stuck with,,,it sometimes makes them a Bit gassy,,,a covering Might be a good thing from time to time.*LOL*


  roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 20:15:37 CST



  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 20:16:32 CST

~falling over in a fit of giggles at gassy slaves~


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:17:05 CST

???? CTA ?? what is that. Laroona ??? I know many different letter combos that mean  things but not CTA.....


 galah{RA}t 20:17:45 CST

ooooooooooohh to see the soft flutter of silk when the girl passes gas?

heheheheheheheee heheheheheeee no hiding who did it that way? heheheheh


Lord_Grizzly 20:18:29 CST 

Well,,,,does'nt Look Like Im in trouble yet.*EG*


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:18:47 CST

LOL..LOL... I don't know, Grizzly..... I was always told that smell was not that important.....LOL... you know, like the old saying * Once you get past the smell, you have it licked ....*


 Laroona 20:18:49 CST

Captain Rollo 

CTA = Cover Their Arse


 Laroona 20:19:36 CST

galah that is why I am glad I am in the windy Piazza most of the time LOL


Lord_Grizzly 20:19:57 CST 

Rollo,,,well,,,,If you can't lick it,,,you should keep verious other body parts away from it.*EG*


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:20:36 CST

and for letters ?? SOP, PDQ, and one of my favorites.. FIGJAM......LOL..


  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 20:21:05 CST

FIGJAM is that like toejam? hehe


 Laroona 20:21:28 CST

LOL LOL Captain Rollo 



 ~segen~{Sg} 20:21:54 CST

~thinking she doesn't even wanna know where Master Jam's His Figs~


 seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 20:22:27 CST



 Rollo_the_Ax 20:22:38 CST

LOL...LOL... You mean like the other old saying .... * if you can't lick them, join them ...* that could go for those other bodiy parts you speak of, Grizzly ........


Lord_Grizzly 20:23:05 CST 



 Rollo_the_Ax 20:23:56 CST

FIGJAM..... F-ck I'm GOOD, just ask Me...... LOL..


 Laroona 20:25:00 CST

I also prefer CRAFT ..... often said with a straight face LOL


  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 20:25:09 CST

lmao at Master Rollo


 Laroona 20:25:57 CST

LOL Captain Rollo 

((Laughing hard in RT))


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:26:38 CST

Okay......anybody else have a Gor related question or topic they wish to discuss ???? Or do we just keep going with " if you can't dazzle them with wisdom, baffle them with bullshit ....." LOL...


Lord_Grizzly 20:26:57 CST



 Laroona 20:28:06 CST

Grizzly ohh that is Can't Remember A Flaming Thing


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:28:19 CST

I have to admit, Laroona.....CRAFT fits my situation more and more these days..... LOL...


Lord_Grizzly 20:28:33 CST 

Laroona,,,I shorten that a Bit to CRS.*S*


 Kyoto 20:29:25 CST



 seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 20:31:03 CST



 galah{RA}t 20:35:14 CST

WOFTAM??? hehehehee


Rollo_the_Ax 20:39:03 CST

LOL...LOL... Too many things now adays are WOFTAM...... * waste of f-cking time and money * ......LOL..




Lord_Grizzly 20:27:58 CST 

Rollo,,,Im Told Changing names in here is a bad thing. 

But I Dont think I need Lord on the end of my name,,,,any querrels about me removing



  Kyoto 20:29:14 CST

None at all, Grizzly... I used to have a "ri" on mine as in KyotoRi... I dropped it a long time ago.


 Lord_Grizzly 20:31:06 CST 

I can sometimes,,,dependig on My Mood.


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:31:54 CST

No, Grizzly..... simply dropping that part of your name would be no big deal..... the * name changing * thing refers more to folks getting a * bad name * is one person, then thinking they can just walk away from their bad rep by simply changing their name..... You are well within your rights to drop the Lord part and none should give you any hard time over it........if they do...... TOUGH shit...LOL..


Lord_Grizzly 20:32:03 CST 

Kyoto,,,,Good,,,Since no were In Gor do they use the Tittle Lord,,,It would'nt help me any.*S*


Lord_Grizzly 20:33:23 CST

Rollo,,,I have a tendecey to have a tuff sh@t attatude about certain things Myself.*S*


Lord_Grizzly 20:36:09 CST 

OK people,,,Try Not to confuse the Poor new guy here.*LOL*


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:37:28 CST

LOL...LOL... aye, Grizzly..... when they pay my bills, or I owe them money, they can tell me what to do to a degree...... other than that, they can take a flying leap at a rolling donut......LOL..


 Laroona 20:37:32 CST

Grizzly it is part of your initiation ceremony *laughing*


Lord_Grizzly 20:39:35 CST 

Laroona,,,I can beleive that.

Rollo,,,galah showed me your pic. 

So,as we are both large bearded people,,,theres very Little anyone can do when we get our tuff sh@t attatudes.*LOL*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:43:20 CST

???? LOL...LOL... Grizzly, is that LARGE and breaded, or have large beards..... ????

LOL...LOL.. In truth there is little many can do to use no matter WHAT mood or attitude we assume......LOL...LOL.. we just push on thru and do things OUR way...... right ????? LOL...


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:46:02 CST

LOL...LOL.. she did ??? maybe it was an OLD picture... I've been sick lately.....LOL.. not quite as big or hairy.....LOL... LOL... hell, I only eat half an ox for dinner any more.....been on a diet ..... LOL...LOL..


Lord_Grizzly 20:47:29 CST 

Rollo,,,been eatting half Boat Loads of shimp at a resterant friday Mights when I get done Pillaging for the week.*S*


  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 20:48:20 CST

~all this talk of food making her crave a large dose of funky spunk


  roskva{Valhalla_Rising} 20:49:26 CST

~holds a finger up to lush lips~

shhh lina now all know where roskva is off to ~grins~

gonna hunt down her Master *w* and fades


 galah{RA}t 20:49:53 CST

more showed up today than what galah would of thought....its wonderful to see you



  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 20:50:32 CST

~chuckling~ see you soon cs


 yalena{Sg}~t 20:50:45 CST

~*~flashing a shy wink to Master Grizzly~*~


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:54:29 CST

Yes..... it shows that folks were right in wanting to still hold forums during the Holiday season.... We will see how many are able to be here next week after New Years eve..... LOL...LOL.. maybe the keyboards will make too much noise for



  ~*lina*~{Harkon} 20:54:44 CST

~rising she blows kisses to all then slips off to rt~

i hope everyone has a wonderful day/evening!


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:02:01 CST

Well, folks...... shall we call it a night/day ????

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