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Dak 19:46:08 pm CST I wil open the forum , same rules, keep chit chat and greetings to whispers, 

I have a topic!


Dak 19:47:01 pm CST Duties of a slave 


Quotes For This Week 

"Moreover, even if she is never enslaved, she is familiar with the duties of slaves and what is expected of them; if she should be enslaved she will know, on the whole, what is expected of her, what is permitted her and what is not; moreover, the Gorean girl is literally educated, fortunately or not, to the notion that it is of great importance to know how to please men; accordingly, even girls who will be free companions, and never slaves, learn the preparation and serving of exotic dishes, the arts of walking, and standing and being beautiful, the care of a man's equipment, the love dances of their city, and so on." 

- Nomads of Gor - Page 63 

"A good deal of the training of the slave girl, surprisingly, to my naive mind, was in relatively domestic matters. For example, the Pleasure Slave, if she is trained by a good house, must also be the master of those duties commonly assigned to Tower Slaves. Accordingly, they must know how to cut and sew cloth, to wash garments and clean various types of materials and surfaces, and to cook an extensive variety of foods, from the rough fare of Warriors to concoctions which are exotic almost to the point of being inedible." 

- Assassin of Gor - Page 204 

"Is it a slave girl's first duty to be interesting?" I asked. 

"No," she said. "That is a concern of free women."

"What is the first duty of a slave girl?" I asked. 

"To be pleasing to the master," she said."

- Beasts of Gor - Page 279

"You must, accordingly, strive to understand, relate to, serve and please the unique master in each man. You must bring your own individual personalities and talents to bear on his challenge. Try in your uniqueness to be perfect and special for him in his uniqueness. Read him. Learn him. Become acutely aware of him. Be sensitive to his moods, and his changes. Find out what he wants from you, and then see that he gets it, and more. Find out what he wants you to be and then be it, beyond his wildest dreams. Remember that you are the slave. You exist for his service and pleasure."

- Kajira of Gor - Page 293 

"I wanted to tear at their eyes with my fingernails. But I did not wish to be whipped, or slain. It is not surprising that the Gorean slave girl is obedient. Those who are not obedient are often destroyed. I was terribly afraid then, that I had even felt a momentary impulse to rebellion. I shook with terror. Did I think I was still on Earth? Did I not know I was now on Gor? I shuddered. Rebellion is not permitted to the Gorean slave girl." 

- Slave Girl of Gor - Page 153 


Dak 19:47:24 pm CST


1) As a Free, Man or Woman, or as slave, what are your thoughts on the duties of a slave? 

2) In our roleplay, how do you feel we hold slaves responsible for their duties? 

3) There certain duties one pleads ignorance on, i.e. cooking, gardening, sewing. Why is this not really a feasible behavior in Gor? 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:54:42 pm CST

snowrose would like to hear if a slave who is not brand new pleads ignorance of sewing or cooking...please send her the script...we don't have a garden per se, but she has assigned the chore of tending plants on the piazza 


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:55:08 pm CST

Answering number 3 first, as it is the easiest for flicka. How can a girl plead ignorance of any of the duties a slave would commonly perform? 

If flicka was commanded to do something outside her ambit, say make a fishing net so her Jarl could catch some fish, she would beg time to learn how to do it, and then (OCC. JFGI) and learn quick smart, so that next time she did know how to do it. 


Dak 19:56:06 pm CST

it's roleplay, girls can fake it, online, *smiles* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 19:57:06 pm CST

absolutely Master Dak...girls have to think on their feet sometimes 


flicka-slave of Keeper 19:57:44 pm CST

~whispers~ outside of Gorean Shores, flicka uses a stapling machine to turn up hems, safety pins to replace buttons, but in GS wow, flicka is a seamstress par excellence. 


lilith {GS} 19:58:14 pm CST

lilith agrees with flicka....there is no need for a girl to beg ignorance on such common chores... If this girl was required to do a chore that she had no knowledge of she would ask for a bit of time to learn how to properly do the new chore 


Lita, Physician 19:58:17 pm CST

flicka, if a girl were a slave to One Who dealt with fishing, she surely would have seen nets being made and/or mended often enough to have some idea. Also if she was slave to a fisherman, surely that would have been an important part of her training. 


karinda {GS} 19:58:23 pm CST

girl will answer the frist question simply, thought it is not a simple task 

the duties of a slave......girl feels it should be scrutinized and the Free should really be firm with a slave that is not performing the duties correctly. karinda has had many mistakes, but she likes it more when corrected, than cottled....that is only karinda's humble opinion. 


Dak 20:00:57 pm CST

that is part of where the creative genius of aslave comes from and is expected of them, *smiles* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:01:11 pm CST

Yes Mistress, that is true, but Jarl Keeper has never fished in His life, He considers it cruel. ~chuckling~ A girl was trying to think of an example which didn't involve a sharp instrument, shearing would, cutting the throat of a bosk would. A girl guesses the point she was making was that she would learn how to do it really fast, so that next time she was not caught flat footed. 


Lita, Physician 20:04:03 pm CST

true, flicka 


Bretval, Merchant 20:05:37 pm CST

I would suggest that if a slave is going to 'fake' a duty... she had better hope the Master knows even less than the slave 


Dak 20:05:59 pm CST

Gor is about creative writing, all, particularly slavesshould understand that, and use their creativity constantly 


Lita, Physician 20:07:45 pm CST

*laughs* Bretval, as most of a slave's duties involves chores normally done by Women, I doubt if most Masters would have a clue as to whether the slave was doing it right or not! *giggle* 


Dak 20:08:17 pm CST

GS has the best Slave Manual I know of, and if the girls are properly taught it, and adhere to it, that should be the main concern, all other things should be between them and their Masters 


karinda {GS} 20:08:39 pm CST

karinda feels that the slaves here would never FAKE a duty. girl does however feel that sometimes the creativity of a duty may get stale. karinda can't speak for all slaves, but karinda would hate to become STALE 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:08:55 pm CST

Lita grins as long as its done seductively 


Lita, Physician 20:09:23 pm CST

You got it, Kazar! *snicker* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:09:42 pm CST

sometimes new girls, while not faking it, are on occasion ad is hoped that the Free will be tolerant for the short run...until she can get caught up 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:10:42 pm CST

~nods to Master Bretval~ Oh yes indeed Master, flicka can just imagine faking building a ship to Master Sandman, but that would be silly. 

Master Dak, flicka agrees with creativity, too often we merely perform the same functions over and over, but flicka feels also a part of showing respect to a Free Person is to have researched fully a deed. Flicka is hoping to make some mead for the upcoming Festival and has started to read how to make it, for it would be an insult to all if she just chucked some honey and water into a bucket and stirred. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:12:07 pm CST

Lita grins 


Bretval, Merchant 20:12:16 pm CST

Then how would He know ... It is the duty of a Master ot control the slave... 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:13:05 pm CST

you know flicka, once a long time ago a Visitor came in who was a beekeeper 


Dak 20:13:48 pm CST

*smiles*, I have drank much alcohol in My life, and really could care less all the procedures of making it, *smiles* and have a general knowledge of cooking , but don't come to Gor get into the details of either one ! 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:14:35 pm CST

aaaaawww mistress snowrose, that would have been awesome, flicka loves bees, they are fascinating. 

Wow flicka could have a wonderful role play with Him, not like with those ~shudders~ spiders. 


Lita, Physician 20:14:39 pm CST

but flicka, would a slave be ALLOWED to brew mead? I know that there was a caste of Bakers, but I don't know if there was a Caate of Brewers, though it would seem logical. If so, slaves would only be permitted to assist. The Castes were very jealous of Thier duties and prerogatives. 


karinda {GS} 20:15:40 pm CST

listens intently 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:16:51 pm CST

Mistress, as You know flicka is from Torvaldsland, and there brewing the mead was the duty of the bondsmaids, in the South it may be different. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:17:43 pm CST

And as flicka is now in the South, ah well, mead is off the agenda. ~chuckling~


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:19:49 pm CST

no, not necessarily flicka...she will bring it to the Slave could be fun for the slaves to gather and learn it...maybe in class anyway 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:21:06 pm CST

we never know...a girl could be sold away to the north and be ahead of the game 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:21:17 pm CST

~smiling at mistress snowrose~ oh my, honey is very very sticky. ~low laugh~ 


karinda {GS} 20:21:33 pm CST

cannot help but lightly giggle 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:21:47 pm CST

flicka what a mind you have ~laughs~ 


Lita, Physician 20:22:31 pm CST

I don't really know on that, flicka. I have just observed that any activity from which money could bed made was reserved for the Free, and slaves could only assist. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:23:13 pm CST

flicka umm just how sticky 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:23:45 pm CST

~indignant!!!!~ mistress snowrose, no, no, flicka's mind is as pure as driven slush, a girl was just thinking how our camisks and your sirik would get awfully messy. 


Dak 20:24:39 pm CST

thingswere pretty free flowing in Torvaldsland, *smiles*, I wasn't aware anyone paid for anything in the great hall, *smiles* 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:25:10 pm CST

A girl suspects You are most correct Mistress Lita, in the North a bondsmaid made the mead, The Jarls drank the mead, um, there was none left over for profit. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:25:21 pm CST

of course flicka...guess it's snow's mind that needs cleaning 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:26:04 pm CST

Master Kazar, You are a Master after flicka's heart. Very sticky. ~laughs~ ~sobering a little, smoothing down her camisk and paying attention to forum~ 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:26:56 pm CST

flicka but of course~~ 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:27:37 pm CST

That is true Master Dak, in The Jarl's Hall all was free, probably something to do with hospitality in a harsh climate, that to turn away a Person could mean Their death. 


Dak 20:29:38 pm CST

Torvaldsland was more like a commune than a society, *smiles* 


Bretval, Merchant 20:29:45 pm CST

I am sure there were Inns somewhere in Torvalson 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:30:34 pm CST

Master Bretval, a girl is not sure, she has never heard of an Inn in the North, perhaps Mistress Lita knows? 


Dak 20:30:48 pm CST

not to My knowledge !


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:32:02 pm CST

Thank You Master Dak. ~warm smile~ 


Lita, Physician 20:32:11 pm CST

Don't recall any mention of any, flicka, but in the books the topic never came up. The episodes all took place in the Halls of the Jarls. 


Bretval, Merchant 20:32:40 pm CST

Possibly not... the Author ignored most of what a whole society requires 


Lita, Physician 20:32:59 pm CST

True, Bretval 


Dak 20:33:00 pm CST

what did they call the leader in each commune, I've forgotten 


karinda {GS} 20:33:06 pm CST

listens closely 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:33:30 pm CST

That too is flicka's understanding Mistress.

~chuckling~ Jarls are very sharing Men, sharing in all things. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:35:09 pm CST

well Svein Blue Tooth was just called "The High Jarl" 


Dak 20:35:35 pm CST

aye, thanks ! 


Bretval, Merchant 20:44:44 pm CST

flicka ... as your Jarl is a scribe would you not be required to know inks and papers and quills... as part of your duties? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:46:59 pm CST

Oh yes Master Bretval, oh most yes. Part of flicka's duties are to make the ink from powder and to trim His quills, for this He allows flicka to use a sharp little knife. Not common practice flicka knows, but He allows it just the same, but only on board The Aquilla. 


Dak 20:47:20 pm CST

well, any further comments on the subject ? 


Lita, Physician 20:47:20 pm CST

she probably would, Bretval, though even as slave to a scribe, she would be illiterate. 


karinda {GS} 20:47:25 pm CST

looks to flicka.....thinking that is quite interesting. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:48:58 pm CST

With respect Mistress, no it pleased The Jarl to train flicka in the reading and the writing, He demands of her that she proof all of His writings, with the aid of a dictionary, and woe-be-tide flicka if she misses a spelling error.


karinda {GS} 20:49:36 pm CST

it makes sense flicka.....the Jarl is a scholar. 


Dak 20:49:44 pm CST

unless she was from a family of scribes like the girl Bosk saved in Raiders 


Lita, Physician 20:50:36 pm CST

then you are a very trusted slave, flicka. Normally the only slaves who were literate had once been free, and learned to read before becoming enslaved. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:51:31 pm CST

Master Dak, perhaps not today for time is drawing along, but another forum, that could be an item of discussion. "How specific Masters require special attributes in Their slaves. A Merchant, perhaps a slave who can count.


Bretval, Merchant 20:51:36 pm CST

that does not follow, Lita... Bosk/Tarl had a female slave who was his bookkeeper and accountant 


karinda {GS} 20:51:56 pm CST

hmmm....that brings up a silly question.....since karinda's mind is a simple slave one..... if karinda may ask? 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 20:51:57 pm CST

snowrose is slave to a Jarl, and is pleasures her Master to have His slave write Him little stories...and a weekly report of her life 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:52:16 pm CST

~shy smile~ Mistress, aye trusted and much loved, flicka is very very lucky. 


Lita, Physician 20:52:58 pm CST

yes, Bretval, there were rare exceptions. And as I said, there were slaves who had once been Free, and carried their skills with them into slavery, and those skills were made use of by their Owners. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:53:06 pm CST

~chuckling~ Master Bretval You are doing a A Jarl on this girl, W/we are mind-reading. 


karinda {GS} 20:53:09 pm CST

karinda thinks mistress snowrose and flicka are lucky slaves, indeed. 


Lita, Physician 20:54:15 pm CST

what is your question, karinda? 


karinda {GS} 20:56:22 pm CST

how does one become a musician? is it all Free Men, Free Women? girl knows it is a lower caste, but how does one get that position? 


karinda {GS} 20:57:31 pm CST

and yes, girl sees this is totally off the topic.....she was thinking of the inks flicka has to fill and wondered who tunes the instruments....or is it just the musicians........ 


Lita, Physician 20:58:12 pm CST

there was a flute girl in the books, karinda. They don't say how she became one. As far as it being a caste, then I would assume that One had to belong to the caste to become a musician. There is, however, I believe, some difference between Musicians and Entertainers. Not sure of all the details on that. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:58:12 pm CST

~listens with interest to karinda's question~


Bretval, Merchant 20:58:31 pm CST

become slave to a Musician and He may teach you karinda 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:00:00 pm CST

slaves in taverns would sing sometimes...slavegirls have played the kalika, sang for their Masters...she thinks in a tavern, just as some slaves are especially good dancers, so could a slave be a good singer 


karinda {GS} 21:00:16 pm CST

listens to Mistress 

karinda knows she shouldn't....but girl hasa keen interest in it. 


Lita, Physician 21:00:42 pm CST

probably, snowrose. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:01:31 pm CST

Perhaps karinda you could humbly ask the Council if you may be allowed to learn to play an instrument, for the good of the Tavern of course. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:01:40 pm CST

snow meant played the kalika in private of the tavern there are musicians, so she doesn't think a slave could play an instrument 


Dak 21:01:48 pm CST

I had a slave 12 years ago that would write her own songs and sing them often in the tavern, *smiles* 


karinda {GS} 21:02:08 pm CST

perks up at snow's comment. really? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:02:32 pm CST

oh Master Dak, how wonderful. Was that the one You mentioned a few weeks ago? 


Dak 21:02:39 pm CST

well, not necessarily write, but would make them up, *smiles*


karinda {GS} 21:03:34 pm CST

karinda has already made up a few short songs to go with some of girl's dances in the tavern Master Dak. she quite loves it. 


Dak 21:03:46 pm CST

possibly, she was My first Gorean slave, *smiles*, one that I have always missed ! 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:04:25 pm CST

yes, and Master Dak says it has been done before...she thinks these things liven it up 

and at festival there is usually a song and poetry night 


karinda {GS} 21:04:37 pm CST

sounds like girl put the heart into it Master Dak. karinda is sorry she is gone now. 


karinda {GS} 21:05:39 pm CST

smiles.....karinda submitted 2 last an original the other a nice simple slave poem.......karinda loved doing that too! 


Dak 21:06:06 pm CST

shewas a great entertainer and a great dancer as well, she was previously owned by Captain Kyoto 


Dak 21:07:06 pm CST

To Me, slaves are the heart and soul of online Gor 


karinda {GS} 21:07:36 pm CST

karinda smiles tight lipped.....lowering eyes.....karinda quite misses Captain Kyoto. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:08:00 pm CST

that is a lovely thing to say Master Dak...the girls work hard to be pleasing 


Dak 21:08:56 pm CST

but I have known some Masters that were quite entertaining, as well, *smiles* 


Dak 21:09:35 pm CST

online Gor would be a very boring place with out the slaves ! 


karinda {GS} 21:10:15 pm CST

tries to stifle her snicker......with the hand.....and says 

karinda agrees Master Dak.....girl thought Master Kazar's dance one time was VERY amuzingly entertaining. 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:10:35 pm CST

ohhh yes indeed Master...snow came at the tail end of Master Rollo the Axe's time, and while He terrified her if He noticed her, He was so funny 


karinda {GS} 21:10:44 pm CST

thank You, Master Dak for the kind words 


karinda {GS} 21:11:32 pm CST

that Master Rollo must have been terrifying. karinda has heard much about Him. 


Dak 21:11:43 pm CST

aye, He could be, *smiles* if there is nothisn else, I will close the forum, it is getting late, *smiles* 


Dak 21:12:39 pm CST

He was quite different than the Rollo the Axe of Torvaldsland, *smiles* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:13:19 pm CST

Thank You leading this interesting forum Master Dak...and thank you for scribing, and still participating flicka 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:13:24 pm CST

Thank You Master Dak for leading. 


karinda {GS} 21:14:06 pm CST

thank You, Master Dak for leading forum this night 

thank you pretty fun flicka for scribing 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:14:44 pm CST

~laughing~ mistress it would take more than C&Ping a few lines to gag flicka. 


Dak 21:14:58 pm CST

well, I will call the forum to a close, for tonight, thansk to all that came, and participated , it's been interesting, , 

thanks flicka for scribing , *smiles* 


snowrose{JTr}~GS~fg 21:15:05 pm CST

~laughs~ she knows flicka 


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