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Rollo_the_Ax 20:27:58 CST

Okay.... we can keep going about whatever y'all want... I just want to make an announcement about some posts that I removed from the message boards.... some anon or guest posts about * come see my homepage * and nothing else.... who.. why... did them, I don't know... but rest assured that if they post them again, I will remove them again... just ignore such tripe, and for sure don't go to their addy.... somebody questioned if they were some sort of * hacking/hacker * ???? I don't know for sure... but WHY take the risk ???? Ignore them, and I will remove them as soon as I see them...Okay ??????



 GS Mission Statement

Rollo_the_Ax 19:13:17 CST

Okay folks.... lets get this forum started.... I bit of a difference today.... NO scribing for the next few weeks, so if anybody wants to know what went on here today, they need to show up and take part... or else have a friend take notes like back in school.... LOL..


Rollo_the_Ax 19:16:59 CST

listen... if anybody WANTS to scribe todays forum, they are more than welcome to do so.... they can if they want to... anyway, lets get started.... WELCOME to this weeks GS forum..... if anybody has a topic they wish discussed, PM me with it.... I don't remember any carry over topics from last week, but if I am wrong somebody please tell me so.... okay ??


Rollo_the_Ax 19:21:55 CST

Okay... our first topic or question is as follows.... ** I'd like to understand what we consider the GS "mission" to be ... and suggest that perhaps we establish one and post it ... I think a lot of backbiting and arguing occur as a result of conflicting reasons for being here...** Any comments or ideas on this ?????


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 19:22:39 CST

to co exisit as a gorean community


orli_{GS}~t 19:23:29 CST

orli is here to serve.....laffs 

no other fullfill her own needs 

to be found pleasing 


don't think GS needs a mission statement to define why "i'm" here


Orion-_The_Silent_One 19:24:06 CST

If I may, Rollo..


Penny 19:25:09 CST

I don't know that GS needs a mission statement... that might make people who don't fit in with the "goals" (read that as the clique who writes the mission statement) might not feel welcome any longer.


Zoran 19:26:15 CST

sits back think a mission statement is bs 

I have enough of that in RT


Ramses 19:26:36 CST

orli, I have wandered around a lot lately ... and I have seen quite a few different versions of Gor ... I have seen people in every site looking down their noses at other sites ... I am tired of the words "disney Gor", which seems to apply to everybody except "my site" .... I have seen former members of this site castigating it ...and wonder why?? why were they here to begin with? what were they expecting?? why as that expectation not met? are we here for exclusive RP? are we here to "discuss and advance Gorean culture" why??


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 19:27:32 CST

I think GS needs to just exist as a place. Let those who come here bring in what they want and take away what they learn. 


We need rules to define a way to exist in peace, such as no speed post killings, but not on how we need to think.


Ramses 19:27:45 CST

Penny, but would not a clear statement of goals pre-empt people from coming here and then later feeling disappointed?


Rollo_the_Ax 19:27:47 CST

to tell the truth, I had always concidered the * mission * of Gorean Shores as that of a place where everybody that wanted to interact in a Gorean manner be able to come and take part..... I am also sure that this basic * mission * is the same for any Gorean site.... the only diffenence is that each place sets its OWN details and limits as to just what THEY concider * Gorean * ...... ??????


Orion-_The_NOT_So_Silent_Jarl 19:28:01 CST

The MISSION of Gorean Shores SHOULD be "A place where GOREANS and LIKE minded people can Gather to share their lives and time. A place that they may gather to teach and learn the ways of Gor and above ALL else, ENJOY their ONLINE experience." THAT is what the GOAL and MISSION of GS SHOULD be..


Zoran 19:28:53 CST

agree with the Captians we each bring are own way makes GS special and unique


Penny Penny 19:29:47 CST

I think that what makes GS so nifty is the diversity of the people who have called it home, both past and present. 


To say "We'll only take people who think this particular way" seems exclusive to me, cliquish and unnecessary.


orli_{GS}~t 19:30:43 CST

then orli asks again Master Ramses 

why try and fit everyone into a box? 


what if on day A i don't feel like a discussion but this is a discussion site? 

should i leave? 


what if on day B i don't feel like rp but would prefer a discussion but the site is not geared to that? 


no matter what "we" try to define GS as....people will always move on 

to what best fits and suits them 


if i see others talking bad about GS...that is their experience 

who am i to tell them they are wrong?...or they didn't feel that or that way? 


i'm comfortable i stay....*shrugs~ 


no mission statement necessary in my books


Ramses 19:32:25 CST

Penny, I think such a "statement" could be inclusive and should be fact I am aksing the question becasue I find many Gorean sites to be just the opposite .. very NON-inclusive

Penny 19:33:04 CST

I think it is for each to decide what defines Gor for them... to be told that one way is the only way excludes many.


butter{HoPK} 19:33:31 CST

*listens intently to everyone's opinions*


Rollo_the_Ax 19:34:45 CST

That sounds about as close as anything I myself would say, Orion... Listen folks.... I been around the block a couple of times.... and been around on-line Gor for well over 10 years.... the ONLY thing that stays the same is that not EVERYBODY wants stuff to happen the same way..... master A wants this, captain B wants that... hell... LIFE happens... in RT doesn everybody have examples of clubs or groups that you joined THINKING that it was just GREAT, but then down the road, somebody pisses you off or takes over running it, and you get pissed off enough to leave ??? or better yet.... to go and start your OWN club... with better ideas or what ever ???? WHY should Gor be any different ??????


Ramses 19:34:55 CST


I was jsut having the very same private discussion Penny 


and My repsonse is ...EXACTLY ... guess II'd just like to see a public statement to that effect on our homepage


Penny Penny 19:35:02 CST

Ramses, I agree with you, in that many think their way is the only way, and all others can hit the highway. 


I have always thought of GS as welcoming, and would be horribly saddened if that weren't the case.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:40:42 CST

Okay... I know that the GS homepage used to say... somewhere... that * everyone that wants to come and take part is welcome as long as they agree to follow the rules of the Council .... * that should be just about enough of a * mission statement * ..... in * MY * opinion..... LOL...


Penny 19:41:24 CST

Sounds like a plan to me, Rollo. *smiling in agreement*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:06:30 CST

Okay... to finish up with the first topic... how about we all agree that our main * mission * here is to have FUN, and enjoy our time on-line ???? if and when it doesn't work out ???? hey, shit happens, right ??? LOL...LOL...


tayla{GS} 20:08:58 CST

~nods at Jarl Rollo's words~ 


works for me


Ramses 20:11:17 CST

Nods to Rollo



Ramses 19:29:34 CST

tell Me ... what is the definition of "hard-core" Gorean?


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 19:30:16 CST

Grinning at Ramses. 




Ramses 19:31:05 CST

chuckling at Kyoto 

I have learned much watching My Friend


Zoran 19:31:43 CST

but Kyoto there maybe some that think your ways a not true Gorean 

I think the idea of a hard core Gorean is like the quest for the holly grail 

it can not be defined


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 19:34:37 CST

I'm kidding, Zoran. In many ways, I find that my mental focus when I'm in GS is very hard core. But I can't hold myself up as an ideal. 


I am just me, I can only be what I am. I gave up trying to change the world.


Zoran 19:36:35 CST

lol Kyoto that is all I meant Captian 


one opiouin can differ from anothers


Rollo_the_Ax 19:37:19 CST

Ramses... ask 20 ppl that question, and you will get 20 different answers.. and each one will be SURE that theirs is the ONLY correct one.... LOL...


Ramses 19:39:07 CST


thats My point, Rollo


Zoran 19:39:18 CST

I agree Rollo 

that is so true


Ramses 19:41:14 CST

Opionions can be guided though .. by establishing expectations 


and we a a hard-core roleplay site? or most just discussion and interaction?? 

what were the objectives of the first Goreans here?


galah{GS} 19:43:33 CST

but how do we define one or the other when we are kindda both Master Ramses? this one day a week we are into discussions, but most of the other rooms are RP


Zoran 19:43:38 CST

this place is like any home 

we all come here for diffrent reason 

mine was to revive apart of me I had lost 

and to learn Gorean 

who knows why each of us come \but for most in theis room we been here a while now



Rollo_the_Ax 19:44:58 CST

Perhaps the only other way to say it, Ramses is that just like ANY other group.... be it car club, PTA, or political party..... if ANY person that belongs thinks that something is wrong or needs changed, they need to TRY and do so from within.... constructively.... if they just want to give up and move on... ( to start their OWN, more beter, club, etc, ) then they have given up on the first group... and who can or should try to stop them ????


Ramses 19:45:31 CST

galah, I agree we are kinda both 

and I like it that way personally 

and gat tired of people who whine whens it not enough of this or enough of that ... or we allow this or allow that ... 


I happen to be very proud of this place ... I want you have no misunderstandings about that


Deirdre 19:45:32 CST

We are more hardcore than some sites....and less than others. *shrugging* And We change here.......have changed in GS.....just like every other online Gorean site has.


Ramses 19:47:38 CST

nods to Rollo .. have to agree


galah{GS} 19:48:11 CST

what i like about gs, is that are characters are more real than at some other sites, some play at being more hard core by killing slaves, or killing other men and then they come back as a new person....but those here indentify with their character and wouldn't do that sort of RP


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 19:48:45 CST

silks to come back as????


Ramses 19:48:56 CST

nods in TOTAL agreement with galah


butter{HoPK} 19:49:07 CST

*ponders coming back as an animal in her 

new life, hehe*


butter{HoPK} 19:49:33 CST

maybe a tiger, hmmm*


Rollo_the_Ax 19:49:48 CST

Ramses... I can answer that question... the FIRST * goreans * here started GS because the Home that they had before GS changed too much... it did not live up to the ideals they they had started with, and an internal power struggle caused its down fall.... so 3 ppl went looking for a place to start a NEW home... based on THEIR idleas and ideas of how a GOREAN room should be run.... I know this for a FACT.. because 2 of those 3 ppl are sitting right here, right now...


Zoran 19:49:56 CST

if Zoran dies 

I am not here anymore 



galah{GS} 19:50:30 CST

but by us taking our characters to heart, it probably makes for our RP to not be as intense as it is elsewhere....i must admit in the early days of gor, that bit of fear for ones life made for a more interesting RP


Ramses 19:51:29 CST

Rollo, I thought that was the case .. and why I was asking you 



so I guess all I am asking ... what do you want this "baby" of yours to be when it "grows up"? ...*G*


butter{HoPK} 19:51:58 CST

*grins at Master Ramses*


orli_{GS}~t 19:53:10 CST

fear makes people be accountable for their own actions 

orli agrees with you there galah *nodnodnod~


Ramses 19:53:50 CST

Zoran, you can't die! who the hell am I beat up if you do??? *L*


Zoran 19:54:10 CST

I have to admit I have only seen one chalange here for a death match in my time here


Rollo_the_Ax 19:54:32 CST

LIFE is CHANGE !!!!! Nothing lasts forever, nor should it.... if anything losses the ablity to change or grow it withers and dies....


Penny 19:54:53 CST

I like it here, because I'm just myself, and I know that the people I've adored over the years are also just who they are. It isn't a game, it's more than that. 


I think online Gor has changed a LOT on the past ten years... everything changes and grows. *shrugs* 


I have no point to any of this, I suppose, other than I like who I am, who I know, and all the new people that I meet. *smiles*


Zoran 19:55:01 CST

lol Ramses and me to you 

hell you might get soft and fat if I do not keep you on you toes lol


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 19:55:21 CST

Speaking of fights, if anyone wishes to spar, non lethal, just let me know.


Deirdre 19:55:40 CST

*nodding in agreement with galah* 


In those early day, sweetie, being a FW was much more challenging. I walked on did all FW at that time.


Ramses 19:56:21 CST

Kyoto, I'd like to take you up on that 

but tonight will not work for Me


Orion-_The_NOT_So_Silent_Jarl 19:56:57 CST

I could never be ANYTHING except what I am. I have been Orion for 10 years and it is who I am online and in real time. He is me to the core and I have always said, if people do not like him/me; then they can piss off as I do not need them or their grief in my life. Life can give me enough of that without coming online for MORE of it.. But that is just ME though.


Zoran 19:57:12 CST

grins any time Kyoto 

sparing is fun 

non leathal that is lol


Zoran 19:57:55 CST

ahh the good old days 

winks to Dierdre


galah{GS} 19:58:15 CST

and to make matters worse, i think that many here are afraid of saying the wrong thing for there have been so many shit stirrers around, and that makes everyone lose trust, and lose that ability to rp fully, for fear that someones feelings might get hurt


Deirdre 19:58:40 CST

*chuckling at Zoran* 


Good for Some.......scary for Others...... 



tayla{GS} 19:59:36 CST

~listens quietly~


Zoran 19:59:49 CST

lol at Dierdre


Rollo_the_Ax 20:00:08 CST

Ramses.... what * I * want it to be when it grows up, is able to stand on its own 2 feet.... to be able to survive.... parents can NOT force their children to be or do anything.... all that you can do is to TRY and guide them down the proper path... it does not always work out that way...... I can tell you that from EXPERIENCE.... kids do not always follow advice, nor do they follow the ways of their parents.... my own RT kids are examples of that.... you do what you THINK is right, and hope like HELL that they learn a few things... if they do not, is it YOUR fault, or is it them exersizing their own * right * to do shit THEIR way ????? can of a Catch 22 isn't it ????


Ramses 20:02:15 CST



Rollo, trust Me, if you knew My daugher, you'd know I understand exactly what you mean , *G* ... but her stubborn and somewhat foolish ways never stopped Me from guiding her ...*G*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:03:53 CST

LOL..LOL... maybe in the end, it is simply a case of * Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know...** LOL....LOL...


galah{GS} 20:04:30 CST

example scenerio, Master A staggers into the tavern and on the way nearly falls over Master B, finally Master A settles after having words with Master B about his clumsiness...then Master A grabs a passing girl and tugs her to his lap but shes on her way to serve Master B his wouldn't this scenerio be more of a rough and tumble port kar tavern? but just think of the problems that would arise, Master B would be having a fit that someone took his slave, and then all hell breaks lose and then NO one is having any fun


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:06:34 CST

I don't know, galah, it depends on the men. 


If I were Master A and Master B were either Bolt or Sabre, then it would be one hell of a good time. 


Laughing as I remember plenty of nights when tables were broken all over the tavern.


Ramses 20:06:36 CST

well I guess, galah, how we all react to that depends on what we think this place is all about .. *L* 


hehehehe .. enough said ...


orli_{GS}~t 20:07:02 CST

*giggles~ but that sounds like awesome fun galah 


*shrugs and grins....cheeks pinking~


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:07:45 CST

well the other nite in Tavern Master Emerald....silks lara.....and leda played tag....was so much fun


Deirdre 20:08:12 CST

*nodding and laughing with what Kyoto said about Bolt and Sabre* 


Aye Captain........and My services as a Physician were in great demand with those Two about.... 


*laughing again at the memories*


Zoran 20:08:55 CST

lol EF and slaves 

does not suprise me lol


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:08:57 CST

wehopped on tables...ran around Tavern....Master Emerald was running around as well...we call it Tavern tag


galah{GS} 20:09:17 CST

yes Master Kyoto, gal remembers that tooo, and thats what i miss sooooooooooo much, the slave toss, the meat toss, the rolling grape chase, the broken tables and the roudiness, but then i have said this sooooooooooo many times **sad sigh**


galah{GS} 20:11:26 CST

how do we bring it back to that fun rp that it use to be?


tayla{GS} 20:12:08 CST

you keep on saying it galah cuz you aren't the only one who misses those kind of fun things


butter{HoPK} 20:12:10 CST

perhaps we can bring it long as everyone 

knows it is all in good FUN and not to make it out to 

be anything negative


Zoran 20:12:26 CST

shoves Ramses I have no ideas 


grins to Ramses


orli_{GS}~t 20:13:59 CST

those who are missing those times....need to come 

into GS and perhaps lead the way.....just an 

observation...*teasing grin at tayla and galah~


galah{GS} 20:14:03 CST

this topic usually leads to someone suggesting Master classes so that the Masters would give ideas on other things to do with slaves besides drinks and furs....but then those Master classes never happen


Rollo_the_Ax 20:15:19 CST

Kyoto.... that is the point... too many ppl take shit WAY too serious.... if I insult somebody by accident, and appologize, that should end it... if I did it on purpose, then they have every right to make a big deal out of it.... WHY do so many want to KILL the other guy over silly shit ??? because they can ??? it makes them feel like * BIG MEN * to push a button on a keyboard and say * BANG, I got you, you'r dead * ???? When DEATH becomes a GAME.... LIFE looses all meaning...... to many folks now adays have NO IDEA about what KILLING IS !!!!! Taking an online life should be the LAST resort... just like an RT life..... and it should haunt you just the same way....


Zoran 20:15:30 CST

what is this furing you talk of galah?


tayla{GS} 20:15:37 CST

fur? what is that? 

~laughing hard~


Ramses 20:16:20 CST

nods in total agreement with Rollo


galah{GS} 20:17:01 CST

i have tried sooooooooooooooooooo many times orli...really i have....this should be fun or why be here at all?


tayla{GS} 20:17:28 CST

orli you are right we should. i have tried in the past but often i find people don't know how to take my humor (not all people but enough) and if i can't just be me then i get uncomfortable


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:17:55 CST

silks have a great time here in GS...but i nada just serve....i like doing many different things in GS


galah{GS} 20:18:25 CST

geeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz, glad i'm not the only one whos forgot what furring is all about hehehehehehehehee hehehehehehehee


Zoran 20:18:47 CST

silk you never seen the furs lol


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:19:30 CST

ha ha Master mostly all a big lie like santa clause....furring...pfft


galah{GS} 20:20:16 CST

ya know, that was the whole idea of the separated tavern from the piazza, the tavern was to be a place where a Master could walk in, grab a girl of his choosing and throw her on the table to use as he wishes, i remember a time when that use to happen also **shrugs** but that was then and this is now


Zoran 20:21:09 CST

grins the tables were use the other night lol


galah{GS} 20:22:12 CST

cause a Master walkin in and using a girl like that was done in the is a gorean thing to do, but then everyone gets caught up on restictions and such and it turns once again into that fear that one might do something to piss off another


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:23:32 CST

a girl cannot help wha her Master wishes for her galah


galah{GS} 20:24:17 CST

was discussed awhile back that Masters could cuff a girl, or give her a kick if she was shown being displeasing by him, but that never happens either


Orion-_The_NOT_So_Silent_Jarl 20:25:26 CST

-listens to the talk about what is or isn't fun, knowing that is why he HAD to leave for a bit as it was NOT fun and FAR to much stress- I agree, it needs to be fun again then we will see our home GROW.. -watches the room as he runs a hand through the girls hair at his side


galah{GS} 20:26:34 CST

you know in the books silk, a restricted slave could go on an errand for her Master, and on the way there she would get used forcefully by someone in a back alley, she is slave so of course she is not strong enough to fight him off so she hurries afterwards to finish her Masters bidding....and if she was late doing so, her Master would beat her for being so slow


tayla{GS} 20:28:03 CST

~glances toward Jarl Rollo~ 


i can't even get raped when i beg year after year for it 




jasma{LB} 20:29:55 CST

~glancing up as tayla's speaks.. liquid pools turning towards Master Rollo as well.. then lowering gems.. grumbling~.. agreed.. lol


galah{GS} 20:30:14 CST

think about it silks, if some Master grabbed you like he was gonna use you, and you begged with all that you are for him not to do so for you are you still think anyone here would still carry on? they would slap your ass and send ya on your way heheheheheeee


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:31:02 CST

well ya ya galah....


galah{GS} 20:31:26 CST

but silks, wouldn't that interaction be exciting? wouldn't that get your heart to pumping? i think it would

{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:33:55 CST

silks to imagine galah


Rollo_the_Ax 20:20:37 CST

Okay... we have spent an hour talking about what is wrong and what may be right with GS.... how some want changes, and others want things to not change... LOL... how about we all just agree to TRY and make stuff work out as best we can, and move on ??? LOL..


Deirdre 20:29:04 CST

Thank You, Captain Rollo.......for removing something so questionable......*S*


tayla{GS} 20:30:00 CST

yes Jarl and thank you


slave to be raffled

Rollo_the_Ax 20:35:52 CST

One other week we will hold a slave auction/raffle for one slave.... Any Master ( men only )that wants to take part ( who is a plegded GS patron, and been so for at least 60 days ) may take part ....


Orion 20:37:54 CST

what slave, Rollo?


orli_{GS}~t 20:38:14 CST



tayla{GS} 20:38:47 CST

that sounds like great fun Jarl and maybe some fun rp


Ramses 20:39:26 CST

Orion, you beat me to the question 



Rollo_the_Ax 20:46:01 CST

My brother Captains and myself have not worked out all the details yet of just how we can make this a REAL chance type lottery... an auction, online would be a joke... so we will come up with a way to make it happen.....oh, the slave will be galah......


Deirdre 20:47:38 CST

HOLY MOLEY!!!! galah!!!!!! 


*looking totally shocked........jaw dropping open*


tayla{GS} 20:47:46 CST

woohoo galah, i know you'll bring a pretty penny and make some man very lucky


orli_{GS}~t 20:47:51 CST

*smiles at galah~






orli_{GS}~t 20:48:14 CST

*giggles at Mistress Deirdre's reaction~


Deirdre 20:48:59 CST

*closing My mouth.......looking over at galah.......My mouth dropping back open....*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:48:59 CST

Xertog said that he would post some sort of message on the boards about it.... we may have any Master interested send an email to the GS addy, and pull names out of the hat, or maybe assign each a number ???? who knows yet... but the details will be worked out later...okay ????


galah{GS} 20:49:14 CST

not sure tayla, the poor Master might need condolences when he finds out what a handful hes got heheheheheeee


Ramses 20:49:28 CST

a surprising choice ...*G*


Orion 20:49:48 CST

-looks to galah and grins as he laughs- OOhhh, girl.. I HAVE to get you.. The THINGS that I could do to you and MAKE you do.. -winks- do the dishes.. cleans my furs... make dinner.. polish my boots.. feed the sleens.. Hum, may have to scratch that last one..


tayla{GS} 20:50:22 CST


galah some men like a nice handful of slave


galah{GS} 20:51:56 CST

**she bites at her bottom lip as a sudden lump forms in her throat as she hears the chore list from Master Orion**


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:52:23 CST

and...silks to make clear...Master Kuurus can NOT participate if He was to want?


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:52:58 CST

*galah maybe freak*


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:54:42 CST

did silks stop ta room?


Orion 20:54:57 CST

-winks to galah- But OHHH how you will love the rewarsd you will reap from the chores hun.. -gets his list together including chocolate and chocolate sause, honey, restraints, and his trusty flogger-

Rollo_the_Ax 20:55:45 CST

???? silks, I don't understand your question ??? If your Master has not been a pledged patron for over 60 days, then yes, he will not be able to take part.... the ONE main requirement of the sale/raffle/auction is that ONLY pledged GS patrons may take part.... so that galah STAYS here in GS....


orli_{GS}~t 20:56:19 CST

*perks hearing Jarl has a trusty flogger~


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:56:43 CST

is ok Master Rollo...silks was to joke to galah.....


galah{GS} 20:57:20 CST

**cocks her head sideways and makes a funny contortion to her normally purdy face while letting dark eyes cross, her tongue drooping out the side of her mouth**


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:57:21 CST

no no Jarl freak as to be upset


galah{GS} 20:59:48 CST

gal not gonna freak no matter whom it may be silks, gal is gonna see what its like to be owned by someone not of her own choosing


galah{GS} 21:00:53 CST

see what a slave of the books really had to contend with


{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 21:00:55 CST

wow galah.....well worked for


Rollo_the_Ax 20:58:30 CST

Well.... has everybody had an eventfull forum today/tonight ???? LOL...

{KUURUS}'silks~RESTRICTED 20:59:23 CST

ya ya Master


Orion 21:00:03 CST

I enjoyed myself, Rollo..


Rollo_the_Ax 21:03:12 CST

Well then I will call this weeks forum to a close..... Thanks to all that came and took part.....


tayla{GS} 20:59:10 CST

well wishes Masters and girls 


was a great forum and was nice seeing everyone 


~jumps up and hurries off to rt~


jasma{LB} 21:00:09 CST

Thank you Master for an interesting forum ~w~


leda{P} 21:03:14 CST

Thank You Master Rollo and Yours for another well moderated Forum ... 


leda wishes You and galah well always...*warm smiles*

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