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 Every week we start the forum and I or one of the other Captains asks to keep the greetings, role play and extra chat to whispers once the forum starts. It is written in the forum rules you can find here: 


At the end of the last forum jessenia made this post: 


“jessenia{Rm}~t.. jesse keeps thinking one day she'll perhaps post in detail what all goes into scribing... just to give some food for thought “


I wish she was here I'd ask her to explain it. Let me see if I can sum it up, all the extra posts makes the scribing a pain in the ass. The people that scribe volunteer to do this and when you ignore the forum rules you’re abusing their good will in doing this work. May be I need to repost this every 20 or 30 minutes to remind people. I don't understand why something that is mentioned at every forum is so hard to follow.



No topic suggestions this week? I may have share some more of my pet peeves.. lol



 there You go Xertog.. that would be interesting.. Pet Peeves, instead of topics



 Go ahead Xertog, let em rip. Might be good to get them off your chest.



 I don't think letting them rip would amount to much Ulrich.



Well you never know. It seems no one has anything they wish to discuss tonight. Your first one is one of my favorite pet peeves as well, but all has been said that needs to about that one.



Master Ulrich much has been said about it... many times over... but it seems not the right things because people still ignore it



You know what frustrates the hell out of me. We as a group come to these forums and discuss things that can make GS better but we don't follow through with doing them. I'll give you some examples...



 aye caitlin you are right. There are some that just don't seem to get it.



A few weeks ago it was discussed that having an extra board added for biographies would be a good idea.. The last I looked only one person has used it. 

At a forum the idea of the market place room was brought up. People seemed excited about it . So I wrote Gary a few times and he added the room. The room is never used.

I asked if people were interested in a weekly book discussion a while back it go a good response so I set a to be held weekly... but people weren't really interested in it.



 *but the trouble is Xertog, that nobody knows what the future holds even with doing those things that people agreed on?*



 *but it was followed through at first by the council?*



it was the majority of members present that night Master Emerald Forest who really supported the biographies and seemed very keen



Part of the problem seems to be that people don't show up at the same time. It was discussed somewhat in last weeks forum. It seems almost everybody says they come by, but they don't see anyone else. I don't quite get how that's possible, though I have spent my share of time in an empty room. As far as the board, there were many that thought it sounded great, but those that were so excited haven't bothered to post. Now THAT makes no sense, because you don't need anyone to interact with to do that.



*nods in agreement with Master Forest* shadow agrees RT can get in the way for things that are at a certain time.. *s* but the forum board wouldn't be any time frame just what was convenient for you.. and yes, nothing there from shadow but it wasn't something shadow was interested in to start with.. but as a girl recalls many thought it was a good idea..



 *well the people asked for these things and the council delivered, so it was followed up, but not by the people after it was made?*



 *nodding*.. I was for the Biography, not so much to post, BUT for people to create who they were and follow that, not one day be this person and next that one.. however I agreed Biography board would be good idea for others to see who what and how they got here today.. Altho I yet to get an answer if the board is open to ALL or just GS Members, is why I have not posted there




  personally.. shadow was tied up.. *ahem* the last couple weeks and was sadden to see the book study gone.. but as Master Xertog said there was no interest



 any idea I have supported I have try to use but it seem we like to take the idea that are give and put to many rules around it



 *thinking the same as Master ShadowHawk....silks not of GS*



 shadow recalls the question and the answer.. *s*



 I got this sent in a whisper. The person didn't want to post it: seems to me that everyone shows up on sunday because it usaully a bitch session about GS or someone related to GS with lots of drama and sometimes a fight ... on the other occasions there is supposed to be Gorean roleplay and no drama so they are not as excited to watch..just like a schoolyard kids gather round to watch but really have no interest in real participation



 Exactly EF. The Council, actually Xertog, had Gary add a room. I have yet to see a single visitor, and it's been at least 6 months. Within a day of the forum that the biographies were discussed, he created the board. 1 poster, that's been 2 or 3 hands. Book discussion, he worked hard on that, and no one showed.



 the idea of a book club sorry never entristed me I come in to rp and escape I have enough project in my rt job



 You can post on that board ShadowHawk.



 And yes the boards are open to all that are not banned or dead. There have been many posters that are not pledged to GS, or owned by a GS pledge.



 *Nods*.. I shall do so, My thanks Captain..



 'everyone' is a very broad assumption and hardly fair



 *the only thing the council can do is go ahead with what the people wish but the council can't make them go to each thing?*



 well I must say I used the market till I got pissed off about something else left for a while I not use it since



 use to go to spar night till it be came a training session and it seem I could spar a perfect spar but well I am not going there but crowds were there



 EF I think his point is, people say "If we had this, I'd come", or it would be better if we had that. Xertog has been kind enough to give Council most of the credit, but the man has been busting his ass to make these things happen to encourage growth, and make it the environment that people say they wish GS should be. It gets frustrating doing all this work, and the people just ignore it, and decide they need something else, find another excuse.



 Sparring night was good, but it was always the same 2 opponents. *L* I never saw the growth I hoped that would bring.



 *I know what You are saying Ulrich, but the council or anyone can't make people come, it is up to each person to make the effort*



 Any other topic suggestions??



 You're right EF, which is why my personal refrain when people start bitching about no excitement, no role play has always been. "Just do it" Quit worrying about what others do or don't do, and just do it. We try to set the environment people say they need, but they still don't do it.



 *I know Ulrich, but if the council dosen't do the things the people ask, they whinge and bitch that the council dosen't do anything to pick up the pace here, so it is a catch 22 LOL*



 Aye EF, which is the point of the topic. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.




 it has always been like that Ulrich and nobody can change it no matter what*



 Any other topic suggestions?



 Ok well if there are no other topic suggestions I'll call the forum to a close.. 


Thank you najla for scribing.

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