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Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 19:37:02 CST 

Ok, I have a topic now. 


So all standard forum rules apply as I call it to order, please keep all side conversation to whispers. And that do not have their name next to their icon, please put it in place to make life easier for the one scribing. 


Our first topic is about public infighting, I'm going to present it directly as sent to me by the one who sent it... 


"public infighting Master...nodding...tis what adults do...take it private and not disturb and make uncomfortable the rest of the room...and the amount of infighting itself is rather deplorable...grimaces" 


Mariposa_wo_Her_Icon 19:38:41 CST 

well, the opposite of in-fighting is in-loving.. so if you could encourage the slavettes to be more sexual with all you grumpy ornery ole cusses.. the problem would be solved. 

Tit for tat so to speak. 


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 19:39:59 CST 

I suppose this can be summed up by asking what we, as adults, can do to lessen the problems that pop up. Like those of the books, people here in GS are very passionate about most things. Sometimes tempers flare. How can we handle it to help make things less stressful to those around us? Both as a participant and possibly a witness? 


Thorsbane...19:46:48 CST 

And how much of our "opassion" is truly an acade3mic discussion over the books and how much is just shooting off of the mouth to show how big it is? 


Ramses 19:47:33 CST 

*nods in agreement with Thorsbane* 


Deirdre 19:50:36 CST 

*nodding to Thorsbane's comment.......knowing it to be absolutely true* 


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 19:50:47 CST 

Yes, but if it is just brashness showing through or plain anger... how do we help alleviate the tension it brings? 

What can those watching do? 


Deirdre 19:53:34 CST 

*grimacing at Jondalar's poke.....but speaking up* 

Captain.......Without mentioning names......I do believe that the "infighting" can end when a common factor....a common recognized as stirring trouble. That is My opinion. 


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 19:55:34 CST 

Perhaps, Deirdre, but you've been here long enough to know that GS has always had a person or two that tends to stir the dung. 

Most people learn who tends to do that in a short time. 


Thorsbane....19:55:46 CST 

Well said, Deirdre. But how do we discipline a common Person who refuses the traditional disciplining of Master to Master? 


Jondalar 19:56:20 CST 

nodding at Deirdre words and thinking She is a smart FW! ~s~ 


Ramses 19:56:24 CST 

but even if that is the case Deirdre, what would you do with that person


Deirdre 19:57:54 CST 

*nodding to Kyoto* 

Aye Captain. That is very true.....but.....if it is a Free that is causing problems....over and over again.....problems not big enough for removal from the site...but problems that tear at the inner fabric of camaraderie within the site.......HOW can slaves avoid this Person? How can a FW avoid this Person if it is a Male......and Gor is mandated by Males? 


amira 19:58:50 CST 

and as a slave there are times when a beautiful girl can provide enough of a distraction with the offer of a dance or other service. 

tis perhaps a small thing but well done it can lighten the mood of the room 


Deirdre 20:00:11 CST 

*smiling at Ramses* My solution was to stay away from the site for a good while, Friend. And I avoid this Person at all costs.........and only speak in passing.....for example returning a greeting. 


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:00:27 CST 

Gor is run by men, not just males... 

A thrall is a male but he has as much say as a kajira 


Ramses 20:00:31 CST 

a good thought, amira 


20:00:46 CST 

I am sometimes reminded of a nursery rhyme 

"Georgie Piorgie, puddin and pie 

Kissed the girls and made them cry 

But when the boys came out to play 

Georgie Progie ran away 


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:01:20 CST 

Very good, amira. 

Distraction. Who is better at distracting men then women, especially slaves? 


Deirdre 20:01:38 CST 

Thorsbane.......Uhhhhmmmm......well.....I said what I have to do about it. But if I were a strapping FM.....I would find the opportunity to kick His Ass......*shrugging*.......but I'm from Texas, after all. *grinning* 


Ramses 20:02:09 CST 

I understand, Deirdre *S* 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:02:16 CST 

it has been my experience that most trouble makers are attention seekers.. if you don't reward them with the attention they crave,, they tend to just go elsewhere ..bother others 


Deirdre 20:02:32 CST 

*nodding to Kyoto* 

Aye Captain.....I stand corrected. Men.....not Males. 


Ramses 20:02:41 CST 

also a very good point Sandman 


Kringe 20:02:48 CST 

grins at Deidre's words 


Jondalar 20:03:29 CST 

Thinking in the Old days of the tavern, the Warriors would take them to the pit and cut their heads off or at least make their life a living hell! ~grinz~ But that is not always the best way to deal with it. Like they say "You can't fix stupid"


Thorsbane..............20:04:22 CST 

Deirdre, that would be the first reaction of almost all true Gorean Masters, but if that One refuses to fight or makes a challenge to a clearly superior opponent and then later backs out if it. There may be nothing short of a full trial on cowardly and un-gorean behavior to eventually solve the problem. Does A/any know precedents for this? 



MasterWolf_FS_of_JGT_ 20:05:19 CST 

*nodding head agreeing with Sandman* 

have had a few at the site I am from and have warned T/them many of times to clean up T/their act or they will have their handle killed... upon the steel of My blade and the boot out of the Jewel... nodding... 


Kristian 20:05:23 CST 

well said Sandman,.. 


Jondalar 20:06:00 CST 

Thorsbane, I believe that is why We have Captains of GS. 


Kyoto,_First_Sword_of_GS 20:06:41 CST 

I don't think killing is the answer, people. 

I've traveled from site to site over the years, visiting, watching, making friends. I've seen lots of good men die in the pit. And I have to tell you that in most cases, all a death does is deprive someone of a friend. 

And if the troublemaker is determined enough, he just pops back in under a different name ready to start over. 

There has to be a better way. Say... kill him with kindness, perhaps? 


leda{GS} 20:06:47 CST 

seems to this girl if respect is shown at all times, be it slave, FW, or FM there would be no issues or fighting !!! 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:06:56 CST 

nodding in agreement with MasterWolf and Jondalar .. tis important to know the difference between a gnat that annoys and a mosquito that can poison .. one is tolerated .. one snuffed out 


Thorsbane  20:07:40 CST 

Sandman, that is high wisdom also. But some behaviors are too obnoxious to allow. Such as threatening harm to FW or the slaves of others 


MasterWolf_FS_of_JGT_ 20:09:31 CST 

Kyoto... if O/one was found to be disturbing to A/all in the room over and over again... it was brought to a vote to ban their addy from the room... as it would only cause trouble to allow them to come in... 


Kristian 20:09:32 CST 

Captain.. or speak softly to Him, but carry a big stick.. 


vega{AK} 20:11:00 CST 

with all due respect Master Jondalar...seems to this simple mind that the Free might think to conduct Themselves and be able to solve Their problems in a mannerism befitting Gorean behavior of the arguing Master.. Council is quite busy to be bothered by what can be solved by both Parties...not running with an 'I'm telling Father, attitude'...have seen a challenge to the pits and the challengee deciding to send the transcripts to the Captains rather than solve the problem ... her tone is soft and soothing as to not ignite an unknown temper 


Jondalar 20:13:15 CST 

hearing vega's words, considering them, well girl I don't agree! ~s~ 


amira 20:14:18 CST 

thoughts drifted knowing that this issue not only effected the Free but the slaves as well ~ 

not every solution works with all. but the crux of the issue seems to be dealing with the tense atmosphere at a moments notice, 

perhaps one way of dealing with it would be to take the Person or Persons to a private room. there by disallowing any ~Attention ~ One may desire... 

a Refusal perhaps by any that Person may be trying to draw into a scuffle.. to acknowledge a potential argument... 


vega{AK} 20:18:23 CST 

nodding to tresses kissing her form...pridefully high and muscles tensed as her lip twitches and dark gaze narrows....vega concurs amira...seems the Master Jondalar does not...shifts a gaze to Him...finely arched brows raised further 


leda{GS} 20:18:47 CST 

agree's with vega ..way too much 'I'm telling Father, attitude and way too much c&p for grown adults 

seem like amira says Free should take heated issues to private and if not resolves then they should be able to agree to disagree point blank !!! 


amira 20:20:18 CST 

however . 

if and when the time does arrive when One or Two Persons be they Free or slave are found to be creating issue after issue.... and constantly disrupting a rooms atmosphere... a girl does believe tis time for Council to take a look at the benefits and consequences of allowing that person to remain a part of the site... 

shoot even in kindergarten they had corners. 


leda{GS} 20:22:16 CST 

*giggling with amira remembering kindergarten * 


Jondalar 20:22:52 CST 

Wondering where the "I'm telling Father" came from. I believe I said that The Captains of GS 


vega{AK} 20:26:14 CST 

nodding...yes Master Jondalar, twas an analogy...plainly and easily understood spoken..."I am cutting/copying this and sending it to Council rather than face You in the pits"....nods with a derisive look upon her finely sculpted aristocratic yet exotic face...pure dark eyes trained upon Him only for a fleeting glance.. 


Deirdre 20:30:05 CST 

vega......*speaking softly......but melodic voice carrying plainly* This is forum. you are allowed to state your opinion without being rebuked as long as you are respectful. your tone and attitude toward Master Jondalar is disrespectful. Stop it now....or leave. 

*emerald eyes finding the black pools.......all business......lifting one delicate eyebrow* 


vega{AK} 20:33:34 CST 

aye Mistress...vega apologizes for any unrealistic or caustic comments made to or about the Master...nodding...tone soothing and rather soft...may vega depart? 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:36:07 CST 

chuckles at Deirdre's words 


leda{GS} 20:37:48 CST 

Sure.....leave......and don't let the door hit you in the butt when you do. 

*eyes cold* 

and this is mutual respect for the Forum as well ?!? 

this girl thinks not !! 


Deirdre 20:37:49 CST 

roni....I don't mind you including My words. I'm not ashamed by what I said or how I said it. *smiling warmly at the pretty one* 


Jondalar 20:38:14 CST 

Damn, I love Gorean Shores! ~grinz~ 


Deirdre 20:38:56 CST 

leda......Are you admonishing Me, child? *chuckling* I am Free. I can say whatever the hell I want to. I don't have to be respectful to a slave. you can leave too. 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:39:07 CST 

grinning at Jondalar .. be it ever so humble..... 


vega{AK} 20:39:15 CST 

flashes her a cold, dark gaze dripping with daggers as she rises with fluid grace and a honey dripped smyle...tipping her a nod...her tone is feral in nature by primal forces within....have a pleasant eve Mistress...pivoting upon ball of foot and stalks out swiftly as her sharp temper begins to meld with her sharper tongue...knowing Whom the discussion was regarding....hissing softly down the hall 


jasma{LB} 20:39:16 CST 

~biting nails to be quiet~ 


Mariposa  20:40:01 CST 

Deirdre, okay this is my single catty remark tonight, I promise, but you know they aren't making vega's any more, so not sure how far she could go, and it wouldn't' be her bottom the door hits, but her bumper 


aurora 20:40:12 CST 

leda...a slave is a slave no matter where she, class, tavern...a slave is not afforded respect...she is nothing...slaves need to remember that... 


Ulrich 20:40:28 CST 

*wondering at what point should amira dance 


Deirdre 20:41:04 CST 

*bursting out laughing at Mariposa's comment* true, Sweet Lady........ 


amira 20:41:34 CST 

~bites down hard enough to draw blood~ 

remembering the very first lesson she ever learned as a white silk. 

above All the Free are to be respected...... in Forum and Outside of Forum 


amira 20:42:27 CST 

~eyes widen~ 

ummmmmm ~whispering to Master Ulrich~ 

perhaps NOW! 


jasma{LB} 20:42:30 CST 

~taking a deep breath~.. my comment.. although it may be forum and perhaps a slave may wish respect.. respect isn't automatically a given.. especially when there's no respect from the slave to the Free.. 


Kristian 20:42:47 CST 

Deirdre.. priceless words.. LOL.. 


leda{GS} 20:43:21 CST 

Yes Mistress Deirdre the whole topic this evening is about respect and the lack of it !....and this slave will leave when she pleases ! 


Thorsbane.......20:45:33 CST 

Good point jasma 


Deirdre 20:45:39 CST 

*looking at leda* 

you are being disrespectful to a Free, little girl. you talk like that to Me or no forum, you will find your ass chained to a pole.......awaiting the Council's pleasure as to your punishment. 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:45:52 CST 

striking my staff harder .. the topic of discussion is closed .. do any have other things to discuss? 


Mariposa 20:45:53 CST 

well okay, maybe just one more thought for the night Deirdre, but please know tis out of character, and I don't know anyone personally so I shouldn't be this way, forgive me.. but you do know what vega translate into English as.. "fertile valley" ..but there are other names too, that make me giggle.. but each time you feel your ire rising think of that.. and just smile a bit.. 


jasma{LB} 20:46:43 CST 

i apologize Master Sandman.. ~lowering dark gems respectfully 


sen{HoK}-t 20:46:46 CST 

~takes a deep breath~ 

People are sitting here talking about respect, for Men to respect Men, for Women to respect Women, for Free to respect Free for slaves to respect slaves and definitely for slaves to respect the Free. It's our duty, so why now. Is everyone not taking what was just the discussion to heart? Why now is everyone trying to not even respect anyone? Respect in earned yes, but it is something that should be given no matter. In sen's eyes, respect is automatically there.. unless someone does it to take it away. 


amira 20:47:05 CST 

her gaze rose... somewhere within the depths sat a near sadness~ 

leda ......... understand that while perhaps a slave may NOT agree with what a Free person says. it is never a slaves to state that in anything other than a respectful way. 

if she has that option at all ever.... 

we may not agree .. but there is never a place for a slave who shows outright disrespect.... or anger towards a Free 


Deirdre 20:47:15 CST 

*nodding to jasma....smiling with warmth* 

Spoken like a true Gorean slave, dearling......a slave whose behavior needs to be studied as an upright example. Thank you. 


Jondalar 20:47:15 CST 

Looking to Sandman, hearing the topic is closed and waiting for the next one! 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:47:35 CST 

tis ok Jasma .. the subject has been covered more than adequately.. time to move on 


Mariposa  20:48:10 CST 

sen, sometimes, at least for me, it is easier to attack when I feel hurt, upset, than to admit something is bothering me, or that I need to be cared for in a loving, parenting sort of way, that is me.. so I say snippy things, or try to be one way or the other, who knows about why other people choose the words they choose. 


Deirdre 20:48:12 CST 

*smiling at Mariposa* 

Isn't the slang translation literally "no go"? 


Mariposa 20:49:09 CST 

Deirdre..that was the NOVA.. another car that isn't manufactured anymore.. 


Deirdre 20:49:52 CST 

*laughing with Mariposa* 

Ahhh.....Dear Lady......I stand corrected. 


tori_{Kringe} 20:49:58 CST 

tori would not disrespect a Free in any way ..only wishes to say though vega did disagree with a Free and handled herself wrong...tori did not hear her attack anyone's character or their person.. she is a little surprised by the insults flying and will say no more.. 


eda{GS} 20:50:31 CST 

this slave was not in any way disrespectful to You Mistress Deirdra ...the slave has a voice and can speak it in Forum as she pleases ...she merely did what is always done here in GS c&p and pointed out the obvious, if the girl's Captain Master's want to punish this girl for that so be it ~!~


Kristian 20:51:04 CST 

sen.. truer words were never spoken.. thank you.. 


Deirdre 20:55:52 CST are being insolent. you are being disrespectful.....which you OBVIOUSLY need a definition for. you do NOT have the right to "dress Me down" in forum or otherwise. you are sitting there arguing. *shaking My head* you need to learn your place, and I hope your Master recognizes that and will deal with it appropriately.


tori_{Kringe} 21:00:53 CST 

well tori no longer wishes to stay in a room 

where people sit and make jokes about another person and laugh at that persons expense...shaking her head in disappointment she stands and follows her Master out please be well Masters Mistresses and slaves 


Mariposa_ 21:02:23 CST 

tori, the fault is mine. Do not blame the room or the participants. 


Deirdre 21:04:38 CST 

Mariposa.......Dear not apologize. Obviously some of these new girls have no clue about what it is to be a Gorean slave. No concept.......*rolling My eyes* 




Xertog 20:51:32 CST 

I think a reminder of the Forum rules are in order here: 


The following Protocols and Rules are to be followed in all future forums at soon as the forum is called to order, this is allow a free flowing forum. 


1) All greetings and chatting, and other actions is to be held to a minimum. Those can be made in PM's; 

2) Please PM the moderator with any topics you wish discussed; 

3) It is not necessary for any to post an entry to the forum; 

4) All persons whether Free or kajirae are ENCOURAGED to speak what is on their mind. All should always be respectful no matter what our station on Gor; 

5) Mutual respect is the only RULE at the forums, all the rest is normal protocol that exists during the forum; 

6) Each topic will be addressed by any that wish to speak on it, but in order to save time, maybe type up your post in a separate text format and then simply cut and paste it into the chat window; 

7) The forums are intended as both a learning experience for all and intended to promote unity amongst all of Gorean Shores and others, so come and listen as well as contribute; 

8) Words/thoughts spoken at the forum are a separate entity from the daily protocols of Gorean Shores. Please remember there is to be no retaliation of any words, thoughts spoken by any slave during the forums, as it goes against the principles of the forum; 

9) Please keep actions posts to a minimum, your words and thoughts are more important; 

10) Notes are kept for future reference of the forums and many scribes work hard at saving the posts, please keep the work they do behind the scenes in mind. 


Jondalar 20:52:58 CST 

A good reminder Xertog~ 


Kringe 20:53:42 CST 

nods Thank You Xertog I believe that was needed and proves to be good timing


Xertog 20:56:08 CST 

I would have posted it sooner .. But as I said before I'm having PC troubles and can't post or refresh very often



Sandman,,Builder_ 20:50:05 CST 

as no additional topics have been whispered I will toss out for discussion the suggestion that dove has of doing a book club ,,,,, any comments ?


jasma{LB} 20:50:55 CST 

~listening to the topic Master Sandman brings up~ 


Jondalar 20:50:57 CST 

I read dove's comments about a book club. I think it is a good idea. ~s~ 


Kristian 20:53:54 CST 

agreeing with Jondalar.. yes the book club is a great idea 


Mariposa 20:54:51 CST 

absolutely.. it takes the shores to a new level of professional development, I think refocus from the inner foils we all have, to learn more on the area we all propose to follow 


dove{GS} 20:55:14 CST 


reading the corks on where to purchase the books cheap... 


Ulrich 20:56:38 CST 

I think the book club should spark more discussion, and create a better environment for those of us new to Gor to learn the ways 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:56:55 CST 

well said Ulrich 


Sandman,,Builder_ 20:57:33 CST 

leaning over to leda to offer a quiet word,, my expression serious 


amira 20:58:08 CST 

this girl also believes it is a ~novel~ pardon the pun, 


and will give a new life and focus to GS....... 


Jondalar 20:58:23 CST 

I agree Ulrich, I have read several of them and at times I need help understanding the point being made! ~s 


THorsbane 0:59:17 CST 

I have just now read the cork posts about the book club and it sounds like a good way to spend some time. May even help us with some problems over time 


dove{GS} 20:59:32 CST 

the purpose is to find a common thread that links up... 

gives us a common purpose... 

and it is...found in the books~ 

hides her features behind her tresses that tumble forward...offering a reminder to herself of her status~ 


leda{GS} 20:59:54 CST 

*smiles warmly to Master Sandman 


dove{GS} 21:00:20 CST 


laffs..raking her blondes again... 


Sandman,,Builder_ 21:06:47 CST 

looking around the room,, if there are no further topics ..its close enough to the time to bring this to a close .. thank you all for attending.. and see you next week 



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