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flicka-slave of Keeper 19:37:28 pm CDT

Yes Master Dak, flicka is scribing. 


Dak 19:38:33 pm CDT

thanks flicka 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 19:55:54 pm CDT

Time to start the forum of tonight. 

Keep the private chat and the welcomes in whisper now. 

Anybody who has a topic to discuss whisper it to Me please. 


Dak 19:57:01 pm CDT

brb, rti 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:01:39 pm CDT

As i already got some topics forwarded i will start with this one 


We all have heard that a Gorean Free is seldom cruel to his property. That a good Master takes time to listen to his property. We also know that the best teacher a slave can have is herself. It is said that a Master who owns his love slave keeps her under strict disipline, stricter than a normal slave.




1) Are you happier and better at being who you are here when you keep property under strict discipline or not? Slaves are you happier when kept under strict discipline or not? 

2) What are some ways you disipline a slave? 

If a slave how have you been disiplined in the past? 

3) Do you disipline in public or private? Why? 

Slaves to you wish displine to be done in public or private and why? 


Hunter {aura} 20:03:28 pm CDT

Now thats a deeply complex set of questions 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:05:14 pm CDT

It is Hunter but i think those questions fit to each other in one topic and that topic is absic matter between Master and slave. I say thank You to the Mistress of fine topics to provide this one, as so many others already 

*smiles to Lita* 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:05:45 pm CDT

snowrose most definitely does wish to be kept under strict discipline...she needs it ..not that she would be a bad girl without it, but it keeps her focussed. And something else that she can't explain, but feels it 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:06:58 pm CDT

snowrose has been whipped...she has been denied her Master's furs, chained to a ring on the cold tiles. But all of that pales to just knowing that she has displeased her Master 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:07:00 pm CDT


I do not put her in ignore or refuse to talk with her, she may get punished hard and soemtimes she gor but never the cruel way to ignore her. 


Hunter {aura} 20:07:03 pm CDT

Aye agreed Thorrn...and a good topic yes..nods to Lita 


Lita, Physician 20:07:32 pm CDT

*blushes and smiles beneath Her veils* 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:09:32 pm CDT

If her offense was in public, then she thinks a public punishment would be show that girls don't get away with things. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:09:51 pm CDT

Because Jarl Keeper's discipline is strict, for flicka there is a sense of security, of comfort, He takes all the vicissitudes of life under His control, all that flicka has to do is obey. It makes her feel desired, wanted and valued, because if he thought little of flicka's value then He would not be bothered. 


Hunter {aura} 20:12:58 pm CDT

starting at the bottom ..I firmly believe the harshest punishment for a slave is knowing she has let the Master down and that is usually clearly evident both privately and in public...physical punishment is another matter and is something I think is widely misunderstood and often used as a sexual game quite wrongly...not here though to My knowledge...when its necessary which really ought not to be often it should be punishment and not pleasure...and Myself I would do so in private 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:13:21 pm CDT

I enjoy to keep My slave in strict discipline, it is pleasure to command them, have them in the ways i want them and take care that they obey, not letting them get away with silly ideas or flaws.

I enjoy this fight of the mind to bring them un My control and keep them there, so i don´t mind when errors happen and give a good reason to displine them, it shows them and Me who is Master and who is slave. 

It is wonderful game between Men and women, between Masters and slaves 


Keeper of flicka 20:13:22 pm CDT

~Walking in quietly as possible (for a large Jarl with a naked slave in his hand) I not-so-stealthily walk over to the slave furs and gently place maddie~anne upon them. I then hand the slave her silks with an evil, wicked grin, place a kiss on her forehead, before taking My place amongst the furs.~ 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:14:02 pm CDT

~nods to flicka, her words so true~ 


maddie~anne{GS} 20:15:51 pm CDT

~brushing back dark locks, she flushes as Jarl deposits her down amoung the furs and hands her the silks, her naked body shivers a bit as she warms under the flush and takes them to wrap about her, she nods softly and wiggles greetings to A/all as she nestles with downcast eyes among the lovelies about her~ 


Keeper of flicka 20:17:43 pm CDT

It is true, the discipline and control of a good Master can act as a shield from the out-side world. It can be comforting for a slave. You are correct Thorrn, it is also a 'dance' between Master and slave, each with defined steps and a role to play in the 'dance'. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:19:57 pm CDT

As to being punished in public, flicka would be mortified, but as mistress snowrose has said and flicka agrees, sometimes it is necessary to do so, especially if the wrongdoing was public. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:22:16 pm CDT

A dance is a fine picture as description of what the Ttwo play with each other - and both enjoy Ttheir part *smiles to my slave girl* 


Ways to discipline a slave. 

To Me it mostly depends on in what or which way did the slave fail. 

There is not something like a standrad displine, it should be related to what she did wrong or misbehaved. So disciplinning My slave is for Me a task of finding the fitting way. 

Also it should surprise the slave, tell ehr whyt she did wroing and help her do do better in future. 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:22:52 pm CDT

I have occasionally had to whip GS slaves for wrong doing. It was done publically as the transgression were public,, but I am inclined to follow the theory of public praise and private correction,, esp. for minor offenses 


Hunter {aura} 20:23:56 pm CDT

The question I always ask is what is the discipline for? it to make a weak man seem strong?....sadly that does happen here online an awful lot...and silly women encourage it by thinking punishment is a prelude to orgasm..this place is thankfully a refuge from that 


Keeper of flicka 20:24:27 pm CDT

Personal opinion. 

Generally punish in private. 

Not always. 

Sometime the lesson needs to be given to others. 

I hold back on public punishments because, I tend to think strategically not tactically. 

Public punishment is the little bit extra that I hold in reserve and used only when needed. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:26:31 pm CDT

It would indeed be mortifying flicka..very few things she can think of deserve it...grievous things, like insolance to a Free...baiting other slaves to fight over a Master....things that thankfully we do not see often here. Not for a long time 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:26:53 pm CDT

Hunter that is more of bdsm ~` 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:27:00 pm CDT

Master Hunter that is an interesting thought. We all know that there are girls who seek punishment for the sake of being noticed, a little like the toddler for whom any attention good or bad is still attention and thus to be sought. 

But flicka has never thought of punishment being a prelude to an orgasm, always for flicka punishment has been too humiliating, her sense of failing her Jarl would preclude any sense of "enjoyment". 


Keeper of flicka 20:27:20 pm CDT

Wise words Hunter, I could not agree more. 

A Master should always ask Himself: 

"What am I trying to achieve?" 

Rather than; 

"I'll teach her a lesson."


"I'll show her." 

These are the actions of a person who has already lost control. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:28:11 pm CDT


I think punishement is very different from kinds of erotic arousal. 

Punishement is for intentional or very strongly craeless wrong doing. It is not for sexual delight. 

Of cause using a whip on a slave can have other reasons than punishment, it if is werlcome by both to include the sue of pain in the games, but thta is not punishment. 


Keeper of flicka 20:28:30 pm CDT

Oops unclear expression: 

The last two are actions of a person who has already lost control. 


maddie~anne{GS} 20:29:30 pm CDT

~listens quietly~ 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:29:35 pm CDT

that is a difference between BDSM and Gor,, in BDSM people who desire to give and receive pain find each other,, in Gor any slave who finds themselves punished should be mortified not aroused 


prissy(MV) 20:30:13 pm CDT

*raises her hand if she may* 


Hunter {aura} 20:30:19 pm CDT

that was a metaphor flicka...but you know what I mean 

yes Kazar fair point ..most come to gor from there...rarely the other way around 

Well said Keeper...nods 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:32:27 pm CDT

nods to prissy 

all Free and slave who take part in the forum may talk in here 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:34:48 pm CDT

Keeping a slave in discipline, even strict discipline shows her that the Master cares for her and accepts hert as slave and that is what, as i experienced, slaves want to feel, that is why they are slaves. They need to submit to the pwoer and feel safe and free un this submission to the Man they love. 


ruby~{Randolph} 20:35:01 pm CDT

listens intently 


Keeper of flicka 20:35:18 pm CDT

I agree with Hunter and Sandman. 

A little bit of 'slap and tickle' before a romp in the furs is one thing, and quite enjoyable I might add, but it is NOT what we are talking about today in this place. 


prissy(MV) 20:36:16 pm CDT

*she smiled her thanks to Jarl Thorrn, nodding* 

yes Jarl, priss thanks You... 

there are similarities between bdsm and Gor.. it was mentioned a moment ago that bdsm was more of a pleasure/pain thing while Gor was not.. 

it is true... Gor is not about pleasure/pain interludes.. but rather the role of Man and woman... however, it would be so true within the confines of BDSM... it is more than just receiving pleasure from pain... if it were only thus, it would merely be a fetish... *smiles softly*... 

both concepts... bdsm and Gor.. are about control... who gives it and who takes it... 

*blushes and goes quiet* 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:36:28 pm CDT

well said Thorrn 


Hunter {aura} 20:36:49 pm CDT

Yes indeed Sandman and Thorrn ...and thats what I was saying...its the difference.. but the reality is that the difference is not so cut and dried perhaps in practise as in theory 


Keeper of flicka 20:37:17 pm CDT

It is a two edged sword for a slave. 

One edge offers security, safety and protection. 

The other edge of the metaphoric sword means punishment if they step out of line. 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:38:01 pm CDT

smiling you are correct prissy even in BDSM or D/s it isn't always about giving and receiving pain,, tho for some that is paramount.. the difference is giving and receiving pain to create pleasure/arousal has no place in Gor 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:39:44 pm CDT

Nods to Keeper 

Using power is not what we are talking, to put a slave in one´s power is what they enjoy and that can be done in very different ways. 

Disciplining a slave is very differtent from this. 

btw, there are more ways to disicpline a slave than to use a whip on them. The whip is just one way and as punishment only good in some cases. It is espcially not good when a slave errered without intention. No use to whip her in such case. 


Hunter {aura} 20:40:46 pm CDT

thats an excellent observation prissy *S* 

in fact I was also emphasizing the difference between the roleplay facet in a relationship and a Master and slave as real lovers 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:41:09 pm CDT

~listens to prissy, eager to know more about her thoughts on BDsm, as apposed to Gor~ 

prissy flicka knows little about BDsm, but what little she has read refers to Power Exchange, and for flicka, like you have said, that is Gorean also. People talk of the fact that subs have choices, can negotiate the level of play and Gorean slaves have no choices. But to flicka's mind, that is silly, of course Gorean slaves online have choices, the choice of leaving, and for some slaves the ability to manipulate Masters. Silly girls do not realise what they are missing out on. ~looking fondly at her Jarl with a smile of complicity~ 


prissy(MV) 20:42:23 pm CDT

*she smiled, nodding to Jarl? Hunter... 


Keeper of flicka 20:44:17 pm CDT

I agree Thorrn. 

Power should be multi-faceted. 

So should discipline when needed. 

Only using the whip for discipline shows a lack of imagination, if nothing else. 


Kazar~infamous pirate 20:45:27 pm CDT

flicka whipping in the dm is also used for pleasure 

gor its discipline `` 


Hunter {aura} 20:46:26 pm CDT

Observation suggests that most of online bdsm is nonsense games played by bored people thankful you exist in a place with structure and common sense...the one thing I will say is that D/s can be lived in rt....and I think Keeper and yourself do just that...*S* 


priss(MV) 20:47:27 pm CDT

*blushes profoundly because she fell out of the room, she nodded to flicka and smiled*

priss agrees lovely... one always has a choice... be she sub or slave... however, in a Gorean relationship, there is no contract... in a power exchange there is... guidelines are laid out... 


Keeper of flicka 20:48:30 pm CDT

To state the bl**dly obvious. 

I would think if you find your self needed to discipline your slave on a very regular basis you would have to ask Yourself as a Master; 

What's going on? 

Am I doing something wrong? 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:49:38 pm CDT

Power is one very important part of Gor and of BDSM, and it is mutliple faced hoe Masters, slaves and subs think about it, expect from it and enjoy in it. 

It is bets when MAster and slave talk a lot about this and learn about each othert and from each other in this and othert topics. It helps a lot to keep a relationship stabke and vivid and alive and very enjoyable. 

In the end it is, in all shades of what can be thought of, something both have to feelw el with each other. Especially in online where both can leave so easily and quickly. 


priss(MV) 20:49:45 pm CDT

and also, one must think about consequences in either type of relationship.. while it is more common to live in D/s *thank You Jarl Hunter for the acronym lol* one can live in the Gorean lifestyle to a certain point... well, that's not entirely true either... it can be done... this one thinks anyway 


Thadron - Captain/Slave Master 20:50:00 pm CDT

Let me just come out and say it.... 

I am very pleased with our home.. in many homes and dungeons, this topic is frought with emotion and finger pointing and even name calling... but it can be discussed freely here ~nods~ I applaud you all 


kahleesi-{Dak}- chain of issi 20:50:23 pm CDT

if a girls wanting discipline all the time...she isnt gorean, she's a pain slut in the wrong room 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:50:42 pm CDT

ah and now flicka shows her ignorance, prissy, flicka did not know there was a contract as such, in a BDsm relationship. That is a fundamental difference between Gor and it then, for in Gor there is no contract, one merely surrenders oneself fully and without reservation to a Free Man. 


Keeper of flicka 20:51:40 pm CDT

~Grinning at Hunter~ 


So can Gor be RT. 

But limited. 

24/7 RT Gor may be possible, but not if you have a real life to live and a job to go to. 


Gor in the classroom may be frowned upon by the Education Department! 


priss(MV) 20:51:44 pm CDT

*she smiled with warmth to flicka and nodded, blue eyes sparkling* 


Hunter {aura} 20:53:21 pm CDT

Agreed Keeper....I think I have seriously punished aura a handful of times in truth...over 6 years ..her desire to please and to honour Me is the reason and I am always careful not to punish because I am angry or whatnot....if she doesnt know why she is punished then I fail not her....this is the I always say ..control starts with Myself 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:53:21 pm CDT

~chuckling~ and wearing a filmy camisk and collar while shopping at Woolworths in a small country Australian town also is rather problematic. 


priss(MV) 20:53:31 pm CDT

Gor can be lived to its fullest within the walls of a Ccouple's home... *smiles*...and even outside of Ttheir Home... 


Keeper of flicka 20:54:15 pm CDT

~Nodding to Thadron~ 

That is so true.

It is good that W/we are of one mind is some ways, yet can respect each others differences. 


OriginalSandman_Builder/ Sr. Captain of GS 20:54:49 pm CDT

perhaps on Halloween day flicka 


Hunter {aura} 20:54:54 pm CDT

Gor cant be lived at all in My view...because we live on earth....but I take Your point Keeper...chuckles 


Keeper of flicka 20:54:57 pm CDT

Not to mention cold this time of year! 


priss(MV) 20:55:07 pm CDT

*she grinned to flicka and laughed softly... * 

there are ways of doing such things inconspicuously 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:56:05 pm CDT

Master Thadron and that is why we love and respect and honour our home. As all know, flicka has been around Gor for more years than she cares to mention and so often what tears a home apart is bitchiness and jealousy amongst slaves, and dare flicka say it, Masters being lead around by slaves by their chaq and balls . 


priss(MV) 20:56:08 pm CDT

why do You feel that way Jarl Hunter, what stops a Ccouple from living the Gorean lifestyle? 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 20:56:27 pm CDT

images flicka in said outfit in Wallmart or eslewhere 

Maybe it would become a fasion there? Don´t underestimate Australian Men and Their longings to be Master 

*grins with a deep chuckle* 


Keeper of flicka 20:56:50 pm CDT


Shall W/we say aspects of an interpretation of the imaginary Gorean life-style that some find agreeable? 


Keeper of flicka 20:56:59 pm CDT



Hunter {aura} 20:57:00 pm CDT

oh yes it gets nipply these winter mornings..LOL...and a mans prowess is nowhere to be seen when Jack Frost visits 


Keeper of flicka 20:58:36 pm CDT

Yes I have heard rumour that some things shrink in the cold. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 20:58:47 pm CDT

~chuckling and looking toward Mistress Lita with a sly smile~ 

Aye Master Sandman but there are no vampires on Gor. 


priss(MV) 20:59:26 pm CDT

perhaps Gor can not be lived in its entirety in r/t... *smiles softly*... we have moved into the millennium after all.. *laughs at her little jest* 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:01:22 pm CDT

nods to Jarl Keeper nipples do shrink in the cold think the cold room needs a heater. 


Keeper of flicka 21:02:48 pm CDT

~Suddenly remembering a fond memory~ 

I know what a strong wind does to your camisk flicka. 

But I digress. 

As Thorrn alluded to earlier, W/we all have a part to play. 

What hold it together is that every knows agrees to their place in our society that W/we have created on line.

Ethereal and imaginary as it is. 


priss(MV) 21:03:16 pm CDT

*she grinned* 

ahhhh a realist ... 

alas.. this one is an idealist... 


Hunter {aura} 21:04:20 pm CDT

As to the actual topic in a nutshell...and pardon Me for widening it..its a bad habit 

I think Gor demands and promotes strict discipline...its the very thing that makes the difference and colours this world....and that discipline is what makes punishment quite rare....the girls here work hard to keep within the rules and so on...and the Free are very fair and tolerant generally 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:05:01 pm CDT

5,6 years ago here in carenval i saw a couple where She lead him at a chain around his neck. Their outfit Very BDSM/style . A real pitty, i was too surprised to make a picture before they passed by. 


Keeper of flicka 21:07:25 pm CDT

In one sense you are right prissy. 

One can live parts of a Gorean life-style. 

To be fully Gorean, would I fear create more problems that it solves. 

With the right partner one can apply that which is possible to their day-to-day life, and still call them selves Gorean. 

But also Hunter and reality is right, if I were to punish flicka publicly for example because W/we enjoy the life-style I could see one or two issue with the local constabulary. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:07:51 pm CDT

nods to Hunter 

So true, it is seldome that girls in here need punishment because they are don´t want to obeye. Usually they need help how to act and waht is expected from them. And the use of ther whip is just another part in the game of power. not used as cruelity but as a symbol of the power. 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 21:08:44 pm CDT

~tring to picture her Dad's face on a domestic call, being told Oh it's ok, we're Gorean 


kahleesi-{Dak}- chain of issi 21:09:12 pm CDT

gor can be lived...kahl has done it 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:09:45 pm CDT

~laughs heartily at mistress snowrose's comment~ 

aye domestic violence is greatly frowned upon here also. 


priss(MV) 21:10:24 pm CDT

*she smiled to Jarl Keeper, nodding* 

yes, You Jarls have a point... *she bows her head, smiling deeply* 


Hunter {aura} 21:10:40 pm CDT

only an amatuer realist priss girl 

professionally I am an idealist to a why not live the Priest Kings why not indeed....sounds like fun reality...*Grinning*....aura and her chain of sisters pulling Me round the shops sitting on a trolley whip in packet of oatmeal for them...all the finest titbits for Me 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:11:18 pm CDT

chcukles at My snowrose

I think a lot of Oour friends and family would be astonished to know what is going on in here and that Wwe are here because Wwe like it 


priss(MV) 21:12:33 pm CDT



flicka-slave of Keeper 21:12:40 pm CDT

~chuckling~ Master Hunter, flicka reckons that You are mixing in a little "pony girl play" with Your Gorean in that imagery of the supermarket trolley being powered by a chain of slaves. 


priss(MV) 21:13:02 pm CDT

*grinning to Jarl Hunter* 

why not indeed...


Hunter {aura} 21:13:25 pm CDT

Now thats a truth Captain Thorrn...astonished for sure 

but You know the real world is far more cruel and unjust than here..theres a sad truth 


priss(MV) 21:13:25 pm CDT

*laughs hearing flicka!* 


Keeper of flicka 21:13:37 pm CDT

I think that Hunter, prissy and kahleesi are all correct. 

Gorean life-style can be lived to varying degrees depending on the situation and those involved. 


Hunter {aura} 21:14:07 pm CDT

not ponies girl...beasts 


priss(MV) 21:14:33 pm CDT



flicka-slave of Keeper 21:14:59 pm CDT

~whispers sotto voce to prissy~ 

Master Hunter hasn't been elevated to Jarl yet. 

~wicked little grin at Master Hunter~ 


Hunter {aura} 21:16:16 pm CDT

technically a Hunter of the Northern forests would be Jarl...and aura has elevated Me there often 


priss(MV) 21:16:18 pm CDT



flicka-slave of Keeper 21:16:51 pm CDT

~snorting with laughter~ Indeed Master Hunter, flicka is sure she has. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:17:22 pm CDT

nods to hunter 

The real world is much more cruel and mean than anything of the books of Gor but you know people love to cheat themselves and ignore what they do´t want to see or to know. 


priss(MV) 21:17:26 pm CDT

prissy is of the North... *smiles* 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:17:29 pm CDT

laughs yes Jarl Hunter 


Keeper of flicka 21:18:19 pm CDT

I often wonder what people's reaction might be if flicka was in her camisk and chains RT when the people next door arrive for a cup of tea. 

~Evil grin at flicka~ I am sure it would get a reaction. 


Keeper of flicka 21:19:36 pm CDT

Mmm, flicka, you are familiar with My elevator? 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:19:41 pm CDT

well some peoples dresses r/t are shorter than camisk's and their tops almost doop that low 


Keeper of flicka 21:20:31 pm CDT

True shimmer, very true, and I personally I think that is a good thing! 


priss(MV) 21:20:57 pm CDT

in r/t.. that is what parties are for... *smiles wide* 


shimmer{GS}~t~ 21:21:25 pm CDT

laughs you would Jarl grins sheepishly. 


Hunter {aura} 21:22:06 pm CDT

not as great perhaps as the reaction to the bazi tea and sliced bosk she serves up Keeper...grins 


Keeper of flicka 21:22:16 pm CDT

~Looking at flicka~ 

We are going to the next party at prissy's place. 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:23:30 pm CDT

Well luckily Jarl Keeper we have a padlock on the front gate and the 10 acres is heavily wooded affording us quite a lot of privacy. People must ring first to gain admittance, as to a cup of tea in a camisk and cuffs and collar, well, they are quite elderly and flicka would not like to be the cause of one of them having an apoplectic fit. 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:26:05 pm CDT

I take from all those chatters leaving that it is time to end forum for tonight. 

If anybody still got to say soemthing post it now as last statement 



Keeper of flicka 21:26:39 pm CDT

~Lifting an arm and smelling My armpit.~ 

Looks like My "Old Jarl" after shave is not working any more, people are dropping like flies. 


Hunter {aura} 21:26:53 pm CDT

Well Led Thorrn....thanks flicka 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:27:30 pm CDT

Thank You Jarl Thorrn for leading a great forum, and thanks also must be given to Mistress Lita for raising such an interesting topic.


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:28:15 pm CDT


Maybe You should switch to YOUNG Jarl after shave? 



Keeper of flicka 21:28:21 pm CDT

Thank You for leading Thorrn 

Thank My little ink-stained girl for scribing. 


kahleesi-{Dak}- chain of issi 21:28:25 pm CDT

yes thanks Jarl Thorrn for leadingf tonight...and um...flicka? for scribing? 


ruby~{Randolph} 21:28:41 pm CDT

thank You leading Jarl Thorrn 

thank you dear flicka..for scribing 


Dak 21:29:34 pm CDT

Thanks for leading Captain, 

thanks for scribing flicka 


Jarl Thorrn - Captain 21:29:34 pm CDT

Thanks to Mistress Lita for so often supplying Uus with interesting topics 

Thanks to flicka for scribing 

*squeezes the scribe with a tight bear hug* 


Keeper of flicka 21:29:46 pm CDT

Oh, that's what it is. 

Maybe I should try "Max Factor Jarl Lacquer" next time? 


flicka-slave of Keeper 21:29:47 pm CDT

Jarl Thorrn, flicka reckons He uses essence of rutting goat at times. 


Hunter {aura} 21:30:13 pm CDT

I think the bathhouse could be used for forum at least once...but not just because of Keepers Gorean odour....LOL 


Keeper of flicka 21:31:21 pm CDT

Essence of rutting bosk actually flicka! 


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