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Xertog 19:29:26 CST

Well lets get the forum started.. If anybody has a topic to start off with please send me a whisper..


Laroona 19:31:38 CST

*waits for a topic*


Xertog 19:40:51 CST

No one has a topic to discuss tonight? 


galah{GS} 19:42:41 CST

does anyone want to discuss reopening the tattler? 


galah{GS} 19:43:12 CST

also could maybe discuss about the upcoming celebration to say thank you to GC?


tassa{Paedur} 19:43:27 CST

does anyone time for that galah?? something like that takes a lot of time, wouldn't be fair really to put it all on one person..


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:43:52 CST

both good topics galah...*S*


 Xertog 19:44:09 CST

Why don't you tell us about the tattler galah.. Many were not around when it was up and running


Triash's~mischief~ 19:44:44 CST

i for one enjoyed reading the taddler, and i enjoyed feeling connected to the people and happenings of GS when i was on gor much.


galah, i will help you if it is decided to bring it back online


galah{GS} 19:45:05 CST

tassa, gal just thought there is lots of time when she has free time and NO one is around as its the middle of night for those in the wouldn't mind doing it again IF ppl are interested in writing articles and jokes and such to go in it...and if everyone wants to be able to read it again or if they thought it was silly?


 Laroona 19:45:19 CST

if the Tattler is to be put up again... I think many would contribute *S*


I think we may need a new site as no one has the passwords for the Tattler.... *S*


I also envisage teaching a few people HTML and how to upload onto the web site....


Laroona 19:46:16 CST

galah a good idea about the time frames... *S*


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:46:23 CST

topaz also enjoyed reading it a lot!!....she did it once and found it time consuming, but if galah is willing, tis not silly at all it was always interesting!...topaz would contribute stuff....smiles


 galah{GS} 19:46:35 CST

the tattler for those that don't know about it, was our homes gorean newspaper, the happenings, who got collared and whom pledged and articles about anything gorean that ppl wanted to write about, also recipes and jokes and even puzzles


 tassa{Paedur} 19:46:41 CST

nodding at galah..


ahhm, see, tassa wasn't aware that Mmany contributed to it...she thought one person did it all..*L...wouldn't be so bad if people were willing to do so


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:47:34 CST


this is the link to the old tattler


Laroona 19:48:17 CST

galah if you want to be the go to person for people to send articles in, I can work with you on getting it up again *S*


tassa{Paedur} 19:48:27 CST

tassa had heard about the tattler, but never saw it


 galah{GS} 19:48:34 CST

gal don't know html but she does know how to get by with frontpage heheheheeee heheheheheeee for she did many of the first tattlers, it would maybe only be monthly or once every other month?


 Triash's~mischief~ 19:49:25 CST

Mistress Laroona, put m's down, she will be more then happy to help on anyway You and galah decide..


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:49:56 CST

lol...the hardest part tassa, was chasing people who said they would write 

and of course, keeping notes on all the happenings usually easy enough from the boards...kolarings, Pledges, etc


 Laroona 19:50:46 CST

LOL galah with frontpage you are home and hosed almost


so the next question be should we set up a new site and link the old one *S*


Laroona 19:51:12 CST

thanks galah and m's *S*


 galah{GS} 19:51:45 CST

looks like those first ones that gal worked on was on the 50meg site and are gone now...but many editions are still there if ppl want an idea what the tattler was like


 Xertog 19:51:46 CST

The link for the old one didn't work.. Is it gone or just a bad link?


 Triash's~mischief~ 19:52:25 CST

Mistress, ~smile~ she would be pleased to help.


 galah{GS} 19:52:29 CST

when gal brought up that link Master Xertog, there was a p in brackets at the end, gotta take it away then it will work


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:53:00 CST

topaz's only concern about linking the old what happens if it vanishes??...we would loose it all... 

topaz would not mind doing like she did for the Forum notes, and copying the old tattlers, and having them when you are ready for them Mistress


 tassa{Paedur} 19:53:36 CST

Master, you have to remove the extra characters off the end, the p between the arrows, and then it will work, or copy and paste it to a new window.. 

shaking her head at mistress topaz...don't count on tassa to write anything...a scribe she is NOT..*chuckling softly*


 Laroona 19:54:06 CST

sounds like a good plan topaz we will have a few missing as some for some reason were located on the old website and I like a fool never saved those unless others did


 Laroona 19:55:27 CST

also maybe a good place to have people bios on the Tattler pages *S*


 shirin{GS}~t 19:55:51 CST

shirin used to do the cooking column for the tattler, hehehe, not that she's all that great a cook or anything ~smiles~ but she always enjoyed reading it and it was very unique!


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:56:13 CST

lol...winks at tassa... 

writing a poem, or a bit about herself, or a small tale...c'mon tassa...grins


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:56:52 CST

ok Mistress..will get to work on copying all the tattler pages as well...she is almost finished allll the old forums


 galah{GS} 19:57:18 CST

speaking of bios, gal remembers back in the tattler when we did interviews, that was sooooooooooo good!!! a slave for the paper would interview a free person, asking them questions


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 19:58:31 CST

likes the idea of the Bios having their own page somewhere Mistress Laroona...only because then they would all be together in one place


 galah{GS} 19:59:08 CST

Mistress Mariposa is excellent with words, surely she would contribute to the tavern tattler? wouldn't ya Mistress? Heheheheheheheheeee


 Laroona 20:00:16 CST

RME at topaz,,, more work for the old scribe huh LOL


 ~Mariposa~ 20:00:42 CST

oh galah, I fear you flatter me too much, but thank you. I'd be pleased to edit. I'm a lovely editor.. can even format and do research to cross-reference. LOL (thanks galah, what can I offer in return I wonder)


 galah{GS} 20:00:45 CST

gal thinks by having interviews, it could teach us more about the caste system and things like that, the one interviewed would tell of the job they do or how they spend their time, that kind of stuff


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:00:48 CST

ayeee...LOL...those interviews were great galah!!


 Laroona 20:01:17 CST

Tal Captain Paedur *S*


topaz maybe on the same site, just in a different section *S*


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:01:32 CST

LOL....hey topaz has to go and get them all...copy them into a folder, and not get confused all at the same time Mistress Laroona...winks


 galah{GS} 20:02:24 CST

maybe we could have a meeting tomorrow at this same time for those interested in helping with the tattler?


 Laroona 20:02:44 CST

*handing topaz some dark dye to cover her blonde locks*


 ~Mariposa~ 20:03:22 CST

I may need a proxy galah, but I would try my best to be here. Not that I can offer much more than silly rhymes that don't always rhyme.


 Laroona 20:03:56 CST

Tal Mariposa and yes you would make a good writer *S*


 galah{GS} 20:04:10 CST

would those interested in working on the tattler, having a column of their own, please email gal and tell her...


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:04:49 CST

grins as she remembers reading the interview of Master Lemuel....winks at galah...aye sis...some great info in those old interviews!


 Laroona 20:05:22 CST

galah sounds fair to me.... I am OK for tomorrow, but not the next day this hand *S*


 galah{GS} 20:05:49 CST

and those that wish to help with the tattler but can't make it to that meeting, then please email and say so


 galah{GS} 20:07:16 CST

should we move to the thank you party topic?


 Laroona 20:07:27 CST

I think we have lost Xertog to some urts


 galah{GS} 20:08:10 CST

make a date for it? come up with ideas?




 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:08:13 CST

Laughs, as galah moves the forum.


OK so what about this thank you party girl? *wink*


Triash's~mischief~ 20:08:25 CST

what party?


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:08:51 CST

tomorrow is fine for topaz...smiles


 galah{GS} 20:09:02 CST

just trying not to use up all the forum for tattler business Slave Master heheheheheheee lots to do with so lil time to do it hehehehehehehe


 galah{GS} 20:09:42 CST

besides Slave Master, gal brought up both subjects at the same time, her mind must be buzzin today heheheheheheeee


 galah{GS} 20:10:26 CST

Slave has alil idea if she may about the thank you party?


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:10:29 CST

topaz will post the old the the people know what it is about and can see history as well...grins


 Laroona 20:10:55 CST

Xertog is lost to the server urts and warned me earlier that this may occur


 galah{GS} 20:11:17 CST

thats a great idea miss paz, to both boards?


 Triash's~mischief~ 20:11:21 CST

~curling up a bit, putting her head down~


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:11:33 CST

Please galah tells Us. *S*


 Laroona 20:13:05 CST

m's I think it is an idea to hold a bit of a celebration and have more people attend...


Maybe it could be an open invitation to others ... dancing, spars, guessing games... maybe a round of gorean jeopardy etc...


galah{GS} 20:13:10 CST

if we can get them here Master, the ones we are thanking, then perhaps a bevy of slaves could present could give each slave something in the kennels for the girl to carry to the piazza to lay at their feet?


 topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:13:34 CST

aye both boards...continues to listen


 Triash's~mischief~ 20:14:26 CST

Mistress Laroona, Oh, thank You, girl had not heard of anything...she appreciates it


 Paedur-Slavemaster 20:16:01 CST

Intersting ideas, what else is there.


We want to do something up special.


Laroona and galah those are great ideas. *S*


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:16:05 CST

thinks that sounds great Mistress Laroona...laughing as topaz's gorean Jeopardy is a hit...LOL


also a nice idea galah!!


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:18:04 CST

I think something extra special for Mazah and Cynamoir is in order.


just no idea what as of yet


Laroona 20:18:33 CST

BTW all Forum notes are now up to date for those who are wondering *S*


Triash's~mischief~ 20:19:24 CST

Oh that party....yeah she's heard of that one


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:20:45 CST

well the present idea is something special Master....smiles...they could be...for example...a fabulous new gown for Mistress Cynamoir, a set of swords for Master Napa, new furs....special spices....all sorts of bounty!


Laroona 20:21:18 CST

It maybe an idea to hold some sort of celebration when the Northern winters set in *S*


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:22:29 CST

ohhh...a matching set of snow sleen pups!!...grins


galah{GS} 20:23:04 CST

any ideas for date yet?


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:23:48 CST

Hmmmm great ideas tonight.


Must be that Gorean jeaopardy. LOL


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:24:31 CST



galah{GS} 20:25:50 CST

could play price is right by auctioning off a slave for the night? Heheheheee


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:26:05 CST

I was thinking something in about 3 weeks, that gives us time to advertise and plan it all well. *S*


galah{GS} 20:27:01 CST

gal thinks that would be good tooo Slave Master, for school will be back in by then too?


blossom_{Kuurus} 20:27:31 CST

will it be during the week or a weekend??


jade{Dk} 20:27:36 CST

chuckles and wonders if jade must hold her obligation on the party planning since she has a different name now lol


galah{GS} 20:28:33 CST

you don't get out of it that easy jade heheheheheheee heheheheeeeee not unless your Master said you can't heheheeee


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:28:54 CST

grins at jade... 

doubtful sis...winks


Laroona 20:29:13 CST

3 hands lets see looking at my diary.... yep have some free time


Laroona 20:29:39 CST

LOL @ jade


galah{GS} 20:30:08 CST

will the party be in the tavern with permission for FW to come, or in the Piazza?


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:30:42 CST

Chuckles and simply says YES to jade. *wink* LOL


Triash's~mischief~ 20:31:24 CST

Is this the party thing for GC to thank them for hosting GS?? and is the party HERE or at GC?? or should i shut up and take my medication cause i have NO Idea what i'm talking about?


galah{GS} 20:31:32 CST

jade is really good at making up invitations Slave Master heheheheheeeee


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:31:42 CST

It will be opened of course galah. *S*


Laroona 20:32:04 CST

I understand here m's *S*


galah{GS} 20:32:26 CST

heheheheheheeee **laughs at mm** yes, here and NO heheheheheeee


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:33:09 CST have valid questions sis...smiles...the party will be here at GS for the people of GC to come to


Triash's~mischief~ 20:34:13 CST

~laughing~ AH thank you, however i was looking forward to be ordered to take more meds so..... DAMN IT *L*


was wondering for i am not permitted in GC so i could not offer assistance depending upon the location


jade{Dk} 20:37:08 CST

gigggggl'n and already begins a begging chant... practicing for when she asks Master if she "haz to" lol


galah{GS} 20:38:52 CST

sure did get quiet heheheeee


~Mariposa~ 20:39:13 CST

begging chants always have more mesmerizing power when accentuated with proper amount of jiggling jade.. ~vbs~ Or so I've heard... since never have I jiggled.


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:40:16 CST



Triash's~mischief~ 20:40:33 CST

galah, that's cause you FINALLY stopped talking? ~snickering to you~


jade{Dk} 20:40:37 CST

*chuckles and winks at Mistress Mariposa*


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:42:17 CST

ROTFLMAO @ mm!!!


~Mariposa~ 20:42:32 CST

what I would like to know, is what will Paedur wear to the party? ...Does he have a new outfit for the occasion, since he appears to be somewhat hosting the big gala )that was gala, not galah.. smiling)


Triash's~mischief~ 20:42:38 CST

What? ~batting lashes, looking completely innocent~


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:42:50 CST

Laughs hard. LOL


~Mariposa~ 20:44:16 CST

wait, perhaps Master Paedur can speak to jiggling women? Does the proper jiggle help with lifting the spirits toward a more favorable response?


Laroona 20:45:36 CST

LOL @ Mariposa... maybe we could slip him some kanda and sit back and watch the fun ... LOL


tassa{Paedur} 20:45:39 CST

*leaning against Masters knee giggling at the conversation at hand*


galah{GS} 20:46:00 CST

ggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeee thanks Master always says when it gets quiet with nuthin to do, that we can chose up sides and smell armpits heheheheheeee thought that talkin was way better than that hehehehehehee


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:46:01 CST

grins and winks to Mistress Mariposa...perhaps He will come nakkie so He can show All His great warrior's bod


Triash's~mischief~ 20:46:15 CST

~whspering to Mistress Laroona~ You could always slip m's some kanda....perhaps that would keep her out of trouble???


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:46:39 CST

Winks to Lady Mariposa, perhaps I will show up with nothing on but a smile, both a verticle and horizontal one. *WEG*


~Mariposa~ 20:46:51 CST

I think the conversation tassa could take a turn toward what is at hand, so to speak, but I'm waiting for the Great One to speak


I think kanda would be a superb idea Laroona.. how much will we need?


Laroona 20:47:23 CST

LOL m's I spose it is one way LOL


Laroona 20:48:22 CST

**Looks at Mariposa and whispers ** we need to consult with Deidre she would know how much *S*


~Mariposa~ 20:48:48 CST

perhaps He could topaz, but it might make all the other great warriors cow in fear at his massive implements of doom and destruction.. that and the slaves quiver, perhaps not so much in fear, but delight..


who knows what is held beneath the mysteries of the woven cloth


Triash's~mischief~ 20:49:03 CST

~laughing at galah~


well since i've never read about deodorant on Gor....i say, keep talking slut, keep talkin!!


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:49:51 CST

laughing so hard at the conversation


tassa{Paedur} 20:50:17 CST

*raising her hand at Mistress Mariposas question*


tassa knows!!!!!


shirin{GS}~t 20:51:55 CST

~*~grins and chuckles listening~*~


Xertog 20:52:01 CST

I lost my net connection and had some troubles returning.. I'm on the road away from home


~Mariposa~ 20:52:43 CST

We're glad you have returned Xertog, someone is leading the whole conversation astray. We need your guidance!


Laroona 20:52:56 CST

don't stay on the road, you may get run over Xertog and then how would I be able to buy new robes and stuff.... LOL


Laroona 20:54:11 CST

LOL Mariposa I am sure most of the GS slaves would know every inch of the Slave Master LOL


Triash's~mischief~ 20:55:33 CST

~pointing at galah as she hears Mistress Mariposa's words


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 20:55:37 CST

giggles as she hears Mistress Laroona, and winks at the Slave Master, as He does seem to know most of the girls in GS as they do Him.....LOL


Xertog 20:55:39 CST

LOL . . I didn't know the FW here were out of work comedians


Paedur-Slavemaster 20:56:26 CST

Chuckle about knowing every inch.


Smiles as there are still parts of Me YET top be explored. LOL


~Mariposa~ 20:57:56 CST

Laroona, I think some mischievous urts must have caused havoc in the lift of the might Master of slaves, or I am sure, or at least would think, He would be here either defending his honour.. or making the story even more sotted with metaphors


~Mariposa~ 20:58:37 CST

LOL...there is a reason I'm at out of work comedienne Xertog, I suck at it!!!


Laroona 20:58:50 CST

Xertog ohh we are women of mystery LOL


Triash's~mischief~ 20:58:55 CST

~hearing the slaveMaster, thinking to herself....mmmmmm hair maybe, back of His head...cause she's sure the "other" hairs have been looked at *giggling*~


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:00:11 CST

Hearing a Free Woman admit that She sucks. LMAO


Laroona 21:00:17 CST

LOL @ Mariposa LOL


galah{GS} 21:00:49 CST

heheheheheheheee heheheheheeee heheheheheee oooooooooooohhh soooooooooooo funny


Laroona 21:01:00 CST

*wiping my brow glad I never admitted to nothing so dramatic***


Mariposa~ 21:01:05 CST

perhaps he speaks of unexplored regions much as a proctologist would speak of such bent over areas of medical discovery


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:01:10 CST

chuckles as she hears mm!!


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:02:42 CST

I am 41 Mariposa, sooooo. LMAO


I have had My first exam. ROFMLAO


Mariposa~ 21:02:48 CST

at the art of oral humor Padeur...wait, that sounds bad too, let me rethink this.. pressing my lips together, firmly closed!!!


Laroona 21:03:03 CST

m's no bald spots LOL


Triash's~mischief~ 21:03:47 CST

~lifting her head almost proudly~


Mistress Laroona, m's doesn’t know...she's never looked, at EITHER sets of His hairs *grinnin*


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:03:50 CST

Laughs more so thinking Mariposa is sucking even more. LOL


Laroona 21:04:22 CST

maybe a closer examination is required m's .... LOL


Mariposa~ 21:04:23 CST

and did you say Doctor, I think that I love you?...or that dear man, you were my first, I'm afraid I may bleed? (really teasing.. becoming quiet again!)


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:05:29 CST

grins at mm....neither has topaz...but the girls all love Him....perhaps tis because we are restricted.....LMAO


~Mariposa~ 21:05:44 CST

before I blush from head to toe.. I bid the room farewell and thank you for a lovely forum, to one and all...


Triash's~mischief~ 21:06:20 CST

Mistress Laroona ~laughing~ girl volunteers to check the hairs on His head...the others she'll leave to the rest of the girl's as m's a restricted type of slut girl *batting lashes more then innocently*


galah{GS} 21:06:44 CST

hey miss paz, gal ain't restricted and she ain't seen nuthin either hehehehehehehee heheheheheheee


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:07:42 CST

Hmmm sounds like some new tasks doesn't it, to examine for ALL my hairs. *WEG*


Triash's~mischief~ 21:07:45 CST

~gasping and looking shocked at Master Paedur~


HOW could You have not let galah explore You!!


galah{GS} 21:08:43 CST

heheheheheheeee heheheheheeee time can be such an enemy mm heheheheheeeee


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:09:02 CST

grins at galah .... 

well sis...He always talks about His list...perhaps you are just not there yet....


Triash's~mischief~ 21:09:14 CST

galah, there's always time for a quick f....errr examination ~nearly forgetting there are FW in the room, being a good girl~


Laroona 21:09:30 CST

galah you have not what yet??? ... oopsey I don't think I need to know the answer to that ...nup nup nup


galah{GS} 21:10:27 CST

quick mm? who wants quick? heheheheheeeee gal needs time enough to get the whole shabang heheheheheheheee hehehehehehe


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:10:40 CST

Simply smiles deep good to be Slavemaster at times. *S*


galah{GS} 21:11:33 CST

galah has not been yet used by MOST of the GS Masters heheheheheheheheee heheheheee see how tactful she can be heheheheheheeee


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:11:43 CST

laughing....amber eyes full of tears....yup...good to be Slave Master indeed!!


Triash's~mischief~ 21:11:53 CST

galah, well ....there is something to be said about a short, hard, dirty, quick little hard....hard....hard (did she say hard) mmmm examination ~nodding big~


galah{GS} 21:12:22 CST

see, and some think gal is just a slut heheheheheheee ehehehehee


Triash's~mischief~ 21:12:27 CST

~listening to galah~


too bad you're so damn shy!!! ~giggling~


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:12:49 CST

Well I am short, hard, Dirty hard. Hard Hard...Soooooo. LOL


galah{GS} 21:13:53 CST

didn't hear no quick in that description Slave Master? heheheheheee heheheheee


Triash's~mischief~ 21:14:07 CST

mmmmmmm maybe gorean "Mastersword" assistance...suction...SOMETHING???


Paedur-Slavemaster 21:14:58 CST

Smiles as it seems a good time to end the forum.


So I will call it to an end.


Thank You Xertog for getting it going. *Nods*


topaz-{Rast's_girl}_GSFG 21:16:33 CST

puts down the writing implement, still chuckling at the banter

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