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LadySissy 18:31:01 CST

So who is in control of tonights Forum?? because I have a topic that needs to be discussed yet again


Xertog 18:31:01 CST

Well lets start the forum. Send me topics via the whisper. 

Kristian please add your name by using the 'Console' It makes the scribing easier.


The_Skullsplitter 18:34:43 CST

It is still normal time in the rest of the world, you will find all the non Americans appearing in one hour... 

~Settles in grunting~


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 18:36:48 CST

Master Kristian.....jale does not live in the US...she does not read American newspapers


Laroona 18:38:48 CST

heee exactly why should we 

hard enough keeping up with our own country


Marie 18:38:20 CST

wonders what the hell American newspapers have to do with anything, but sits waiting for the first topic*


Laroona 18:43:01 CST

Kristian please change your font color for the scribe 

if there is one


Kristian 18:45:46 CST

Laroona.. My font color is ok..


Laroona 18:46:39 CST

can anyone else not see Kristians font?


Deirdre 18:47:02 CST

I can't see Your font either, Kris........


Ramses 18:46:57 CST

Larooona ..I can't


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 18:46:51 CST

jale cannot


Kentucky_Artist_Gorean_Shores 18:47:33 CST

neither can I


Marie 18:47:28 CST

*looking to Thorfinn*


Kristian 18:47:25 CST

hows this?



*walking in and going to My chair and sits down*


kelsey_Thorfinn_ 18:47:10 CST 

It's black on a black't the only one Msitress.


Deirdre 18:48:45 CST

Much better, works well in here....*S*


{Ak}'s~leda~ 18:48:10 CST

cannot see Master Kristian's or kelseys' either ?


Marie 18:48:44 CST

kelsey can't change her font leda...the console isonly available to'll have to change your own console to see hers


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 18:48:39 CST

kelsey's is fine for jale


Kristian 18:48:31 CST

ok Laroona?


malia{Jake} 18:48:03 CST

no Mistress Laroona


The_Skullsplitter 18:47:55 CST

~Arches a brow at Marie~


Laroona 18:49:26 CST

Kristian I asked for all not me


kelsey_Thorfinn_ 18:49:17 CST 

Ish sorry..thought the default was grey SORRY *hushes*


{Ak}'s~leda~ 18:49:04 CST

it's good now Master Kristian ...*smiles*


Deirdre 18:48:45 CST

Much better, works well in here....*S*


kelsey_Thorfinn_ 18:49:17 CST 

Ish sorry..thought the default was grey SORRY *hushes*


Xertog 18:49:54 CST

Well I was sent and only this... So here it goes: 


Why do some men find it necessary to roleplay having such large dicks? 


LOL.. Well do any of the well cyber hung here want to reply to this? lol


LadySissy 18:51:02 CST


if they have to brag they don't have a big dick


The_Skullsplitter 18:50:48 CST

Because it makes up for My inadequacies of course.


Ramses 18:51:08 CST

nodding in agreemetn with JT


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 18:50:47 CST

jale has never run into this as an issue 

and is not complaining either if they do 



Ramses 18:50:41 CST


its Gorean genetics


_Skullsplitter 18:52:04 CST

Me, that's why I have so many slaves, to carry the tail behind Me when I walk.


malia{Jake} 18:51:59 CST

~chuckles softly~


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 18:51:52 CST


Jarl has inadequesies? 

say it isn't so?????? 

*teasing wink~


{Ak}'s~leda~ 18:51:31 CST

Who has a large Manhood's, leda wants to know ?..she is not aware ?..


kelsey_Thorfinn_ 18:52:22 CST 

*rolls my eyes*


Marie 18:52:31 CST

chuckling at kelsey


Kristian 18:52:32 CST

Xertog.. only the ones from Torvaldsland have large dicks.. lol


{Ak}'s~leda~ 18:52:50 CST

oppps lol...leda guesses she never ran into Gorean's saying it was overly large ...*giggles*


The_Skullsplitter 18:53:13 CST

Hey come on now, if we are all over 7-8ft tall, what use is a 6 inch weener? Might as well be using My pinky finger.


Deirdre 18:53:17 CST

*LMAO* THAT'S a first for that question in Forum........


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 18:53:52 CST

nothing wrong with a large wanker 



kelsey_Thorfinn_ 18:53:43 CST 

Your height doesn't change the size of the


Laroona 18:54:17 CST

I think it is because they think they are Odin's answer to all and cover RT insecurity LOL


{Ak}'s~leda~ 18:54:07 CST

ohh Jarl has a large one ..hmmmmmm


Deirdre 18:54:48 CST

What use is a big dick if sooner or later You have to talk to 'em and they can't hold a conversation about anything......*shrugging*


The_Skullsplitter 18:55:00 CST

Why do you think Torvaldslanders like meaty slaves? 




Anyway, most of the women seem to like a big dick, so maybe if they started protesting and saying that they are all too big, other people might start chopping an inch or two off? 


What a silly topic and it really warrants these ridiculous responses. 




malia{Jake} 18:55:11 CST

~wrinkling her nose thinking anything more than 81/2 or 9inches is too much wanker for her~


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 18:55:14 CST

*smiles at Mistress Deirdre~ 



Laroona 18:55:59 CST

the old saying 

it is not the size that counts 

but how it is used that matters


{KUURUS}'silks-RESTRICTED 18:56:15 CST

*agress with Jarl...silly*


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 18:56:42 CST

its not the size of the wand its the magic thats in it 

its not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean 



kelsey_Thorfinn_ 18:56:19 CST 

Kinda the same lines of.."Why do most/all girls play hot lil numbers?"


{Ak}'s~leda~ 18:56:57 CST

((in r/t leda has not found large manhoods on large men to the contrary thin men have larger manhoods in leda's experience ....giggles)) 


it's not the size of the army it's the fear of the attack ...


malia{Jake} 18:57:43 CST

yep it's sily but didn't seem anyone else had a topic


Ramses 18:58:13 CST


as I watch the discussion "deteriorate"


Khaled 18:58:21 CST

It doesnt matter how deep You fish, its how You wiggle Your worm.


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 18:58:49 CST

*giggles at Master Khaled~


{Ak}'s~leda~ 18:59:24 CST

good one Master Khaled ...leda likes that one ..giggles


lara{Zor} 18:59:57 CST

leans back against Master Ramses wonderin why it matters the size and He is the one to be pleased not her


Kristian 19:00:22 CST

laughs w/Thorfinn..


Laroona 19:02:11 CST

wipes a brow** 

next topic LOL


{KUURUS}'silks-RESTRICTED 19:02:15 CST

silks with Gary now..


The_Skullsplitter 19:03:12 CST

you giving him head silks? Do webmasters have bigger cocks than Goreans?


Xertog 19:03:57 CST

Let me make something clear the forums aren't to used for people to take personal shots at people. If you have an issue with a person take it up with them privately or if you see it as creating a wider problem for GS write the Council.


The_Skullsplitter 19:04:00 CST

Well it is sort of a continuation, isn't it? 

Yes, NEW Topic would be pleasant.


{KUURUS}'silks-RESTRICTED 19:04:09 CST

silks sorry *cocks her head* 

is Jarl speaking to


Kristian 19:04:16 CST

hopeing silks gets an apology..


Khaled 19:04:17 CST

~laughing~at Thorfin


LadySissy 19:05:31 CST

I'm waiting patiently Xertog but this will be discussed tonight


The_Skullsplitter 19:06:09 CST

Sheesh Kristian, chill, I am teasing her.


Xertog 19:06:23 CST

OK a new topic


Laroona 19:07:48 CST

A reminder 



The following Protocols and Rules are to be followed in all future forums at soon as the forum is called to order, this is allow a free flowing forum. 




1) All greetings and chatting, and other actions is to be held to a minimum. Those can be made in PM's; 

2) Please PM the moderator with any topics you wish discussed; 

3) It is not necessary for any to post an entry or departure to and from the forum; 

4) All persons whether Free or kajirae are ENCOURAGED to speak what is on their mind. All should always be respectful no matter what their station on Gor; 

5) Mutual respect is the only RULE at the forums; 

6) Each topic will be addressed by any that wish to speak on it, but in order to save time, maybe type up your post in a separate text format and then simply cut and paste it into the chat window; 

7) The forums are intended as both a learning experience for all and intended to promote unity amongst all of Gorean Shores and others, so come and listen as well as contribute; 

8) Words/thoughts spoken at the forum are a separate entity from the daily protocols of Gorean Shores. Please remember there is to be no retaliation of any words, including thoughts spoken by any slave during the forums, as it goes against the principles of the forum; 

9) Please keep all other posts to a minimum, your words and thoughts are more important; 

10) Notes are kept for future reference of the forums and many scribes work hard at saving the posts, please keep the work they do behind the scenes in mind. 


Most important is to enjoy your time




Xertog 19:08:47 CST

Why does GS get a good turn out for these weekly forums but the numbers in the rooms have been weak on other days?


LadySissy 19:09:29 CST

Laroona we don't need the rules thrown at us but maybe you should go back and read and UNDERSTAND the FW rules & Protocals


kelsey_Thorfinn_ 19:09:42 CST 

Drama, Master? Lol


Deirdre 19:09:43 CST

Because People have lives outside of online that differ from person to person........*shrugging*


LadySissy 19:09:57 CST

I Wonder Xertog


Zoran 19:11:01 CST

smirks as I here Sissy 

I was wondering why it was a Fw that seem to throw rules around my self lol


Kentucky_Artist_Gorean_Shores 19:11:09 CST

*agrees with Deidre*


Kristian 19:11:10 CST

agrees w/Sissy 100 percent about Lsroona..


malia{Jake} 19:11:28 CST

can only answer for myself. i'm not so much into the rp aspect anymore but still love GS so i come to the forums if nothing else


kelsey_Thorfinn_ 19:11:26 CST 

I wish you all well.


Laroona 19:11:55 CST

well dang it all I am here due to a vacation here 

and my RT is such I do not have time to be in GS


Zoran 19:12:01 CST

it seem we only get good number with events 

I know the nights we did have a few spar we had a good amont of people


jale{Jake-fg}_~t 19:12:04 CST

yes Mistress Deirdre....we all do have lives outside 

but even if there was half a dozen of us who could get here 

at least one other night other than forum night 

it would put numbers in the rooms 


if there is a small usually generates more interest 

people WILL come in to see why there are so many already in chat 


i dunno...just a thought


Ak}'s~leda~ 19:12:35 CST

) All persons whether Free or kajirae are ENCOURAGED to speak what is on their mind. All should always be respectful no matter what their station on Gor; 

5) Mutual respect is the only RULE at the forums; 


Master Xertog, seem to leda any issue by this rule could be taken up without attacking one or another long as names are left out ??


LadySissy 19:13:14 CST

but ya have time to visit the Pool 



jale{Jake-fg}_~t 19:13:18 CST

((ok....enough personal attacks....this is one of the reasons i've stayed away...have something against someone else...keep it to yourselves or take it to Council...sheesh people....grow up))


Deirdre 19:14:02 CST

*nodding to jale*

I agree, honey......but......My r/t will always have top priority.....and should. I don't know what would generate more folks coming in......but I do understand how r/t holds sway for most of us.


Laroona 19:14:19 CST

If I am asked to post the rules I will 

and anyone want to scribe 

here is the freaking pen and paper 

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