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Dak 20:07:56 pm CST

I have a topic, I will open the forum , same rules, keep chit chat and greetings to whispr, for the convenience of the scribe,


first topic

Feelings, philosophy and fantasy


Quotes For This Week


"Culture decides what is truth, but truth, unfortunately for culture, is unaware of this. Cultures, mad and blind, can die upon the rocks of truth. Why can truth not be the foundation of culture, rather than its nemesis? Can one not build upon the stone cliffs of reality rather than dash ones head against them? But how few human beings can think, how few dare to inquire, how few can honestly question. How can one know the answer to a question which one fears to ask?" - Explorers of Gor


"There are many mythologies having to do with human beings. Many function like ideological garments, designed to conceal or misrepresent reality. The misinterpretations and concealments, of course, are then called "truth." Truth, crushed to earth, is supposed to rise again, but if it didn't, we wouldn't know it. Indeed, if it did have the temerity to show up, it could probably count on being suppressed again as rapidly as possible, in the name, of course, of "truth." The name of truth all prize; the face of truth most fear. Yet I think the nature of truth is not that terrible. It is just that it is different, and more beautiful than lies. The demythologization of a man has yet to take place. His reality exceeds the myths; but it is also more glorious and more real." - Renegades of Gor p100


"Goreans are usually individuals of deep feelings. Their anger tends to be deep and their jealousies are deep; and their friendships and loyalties; and they hate deeply, and they love profoundly. On the whole, Gorean emotion tends to be more open than it is on earth. On Gor, hypocrisy is regarded as a form of lying, unworthy of a man, not as a virtue on which it is prudent to rely.


But on the whole, I think it is fair to say that the average Gorean male is often afraid to show tender feelings, regarding them as somehow inappropriate for a man. Is it not common to fear most deeply that danger that lies closest at hand?" - Guardsman of Gor...... 


.... "We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents, or the country of our birth. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time and conditions of our death. But within the realm of consciousness, we do choose how we live." ~Joseph Epstein


ShadowHawk 20:11:51 pm CST

*finishes reading*... is there a question to follow or just want to know my thoughts and others on what is stated??? 


Lita, Physician 20:14:46 pm CST

There are questions to follow, Shadow Hawk. The topicv was just too long to put all in one post. 


Dak 20:16:06 pm CST

I sometimes think by many it depends on where truth comes from 




1) Gor is often represented as a pure fantasy world, far removed from real life. Is Gor purely an escape from real life or does it offer truths that can tangibly benefit our everyday lives? Please explain your answer.

2) Men on Earth are often taught not to show their feelings and never to cry, whereas Gorean men are openly passionate and cry without shame. Does this show a weakness in Gorean men? Why or why not?

3) Gorean philosophy is often similar to earth's as seen in the first and second quotes. Do you use Gorean philosophy in your role play? Why or why not? 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:19:24 pm CST

*grins and whispers* Patience my Master.....patience. *giggles* 


Dak 20:23:06 pm CST

I think in acuallity, a lot of things in Gor parallel our rt , *smiles


* snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:25:04 pm CST

It was pure escapism for her at first, but she has learned a lot that she takes to r/t, certainly how to please...Because a girl can want to be pleasing, but not really understand men at all when she is young 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:26:05 pm CST

On Gor, hypocrisy is regarded as a form of lying, unworthy of a man, not as a virtue on which it is prudent to rely. This one likes that line. 


Dak 20:27:59 pm CST

believe, snowrose, that many women could learn that here, *smiles* 


ShadowHawk 20:28:06 pm CST

1) Gor is often represented as a pure fantasy world, far removed from real life. Is Gor purely an escape from real life or does it offer truths that can tangibly benefit our everyday lives? Please explain your answer.

Gor in itself is, yes, just fantasy. However each and every culture represented on Gor are from cultures all around Earth. For myself, Gor is both an escape as well as a chance to be that which my forefathers and theirs were before. Honorable men that met on the same ground, not one owning or having more than the other but settled differences hand to hand. Which I would love to do now especially with people who hide behind a laptop to undermine intimidate or outright belittle another here or any chat site. There are two that come to mind I would love meet face to face, see just how bold or yellow they are then.. um, cough cough.. got on tangent there.. apologies.. lol

for any of us, Free and slave alike, I think if we instilled some of the 'codes' that are brought up in Gor and imply them into our every day life, this world would be a far better place 


Lita, Physician 20:30:01 pm CST

Yes, Dak, for your generation, and Mine. However I often wonder about the younger generation coming along. Where are honor, integrity, chivalry and lack of hypocrisy there? 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:30:43 pm CST

Perhaps at the time when the books were written #2 was so, but it doesn't seem that way now to her. To her, she would rather see a man honestly cry, than whine, which she finds singularly unattractive 


Dak 20:30:56 pm CST

I agree with that Hawk ! it is like the world used to benot so long ago, when deals were made on Honor and a handshake 


Lita, Physician 20:31:25 pm CST



Lita, Physician 20:32:07 pm CST

And Goreans could speak out without fear. Nobody had to be "Politically Correct" 


ShadowHawk 20:33:55 pm CST

2) Men on Earth are often taught not to show their feelings and never to cry, whereas Gorean men are openly passionate and cry without shame. Does this show a weakness in Gorean men? Why or why not?

I would like to know what men of Earth are taught not to show their feelings. I were always told to let it go, which I never did not because of how I were raised or taught but being native american growing up in white world, first sign of weakness then I were pounced. Fought my way out of my battles, one against 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10. When I hit 20 I finally decided I am living MY life, not anothers, if I felt moment like crying I did, if i felt like laughing I did, I felt like being ridiculous.. I DID... showing feelings is not moment of weakness.. its a moment of strength, strength to tell others, ya know I don't care what ya think, I do what I do because it is what I wish and want to do... like my saying.. I say what I mean and mean what I say... if wrong I apologize for being wrong.. if right, I am thought of as rude crude and over bearing... that just tells me others are weak and cannot see point being made or that there is even one being made 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:34:28 pm CST

This one thinks men, at times, can be just as mystifying to women, as they are to men. *grins* 


Lita, Physician 20:35:02 pm CST

I ran across a quote elsewhere today that relates somewhat tangentally to that. It was by Actor Peter Fry, regarding fearing to seem "offensive:" to some.

It's now very common to hear people say 'I'm rather offended by that'. As if that gives them certain rights. It is actually nothing more...than a whine. 'I find that offensive' has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that". Well so fucking what?" - Peter Fry 


snowrose{JTr}'s pleasure~GS~fg 20:36:52 pm CST

girl does not know Peter Fry, but likes his style. It's almost impossible to speak without someone being offended. 


Dak 20:36:53 pm CST

In My time I have seen both Hawk, but our society has become softer, at My young age, man was thought to soft to show those emotions ! much has change in the last 50 years ! 


ShadowHawk 20:39:02 pm CST

3) Gorean philosophy is often similar to earth's as seen in the first and second quotes. Do you use Gorean philosophy in your role play? Why or why not? Actually, no, I do not. My reason for not using Gorean Philosophy in my role play, is they have changed from Book 1 to Book 25, that could be because in each one a different culture is introduced but the basis of Gorean men were simple and said in the First Book. So instead of instilling philosophies, I work to instill the way of life as presented in the book which represented my character.. for now it is that of the Alars, which I bring to PortKar, I do not will not act like an Outlaw, Gangster, Pirate or anything other than a man of the Alars... 


Lita, Physician 20:39:43 pm CST

I recognized his photograph, snow, but can't for the life of me remember off-hand what roles he is or was known for! Senility setting in. My oldest daughter posted to that quote that she had once pasted it on her locker in the military, and some "anonymous Libtard" wrote on it that they were offended by it! She says she left it up for a week after that, instead of the day she had intended! *LOL* 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:40:31 pm CST

*nods hearing A/all* It is like everything else. We either swing to far one way or far the other way. Middle ground never seems to reached and certainly not easily. *shakes head* 


ShadowHawk 20:41:29 pm CST

Exactly Lita, I need look this man up, think he and I see share to share... "so fucking what"... I usually just shrug when someone tells me that.. lol 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:43:52 pm CST

This one doesn't think people should be rude and demeaning to one another, but also does not think that means that we are never allowed to speak how we feel about something just because someone else degrees. However, she does believe it works both ways, which means if you want people to listen to what you have to say, you have listen to what they have to say as well. 


Dak 20:44:33 pm CST

*smiles*, in today's society offened people usually end up wanting to kill somebody 


Lita, Physician 20:45:38 pm CST

Saw a sign earlier on a business. It said, "What this country needs is a Department of Common Sense!" 


Dak 20:46:02 pm CST

I'll buy that, *smiles* 


ShadowHawk 20:47:12 pm CST

My dad could get on someones ass when that person deserved it, not once cussing swearing or demeaning.. I always thought and wished I could do such... afterwards the one who being reprimanded were humbled and even apologized for letting Dad down as well as "making" him, My Dad, have to reprimand him in first place....

so the one actually being offended were dad, not the one who shodded his work... but in today's society, it would be just opposite thought of and said 


ShadowHawk 20:49:14 pm CST

what this country neeeeeeeeeeeds, is for government and athletes to go back to way it were long ago... a part time job, so becoming rich was not the theme of the day 


Dak 20:50:22 pm CST

I agree with that, *smiles 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 20:52:34 pm CST

Well we have been fed that Capitalism is so great for so long that people started to believe it while Corporations, the rich, and government have done whatever they please. 


Lita, Physician 20:52:40 pm CST

Sorry Made a mistake there. It is Stephen Fry, not Peter *sigh* 


Dak 20:56:40 pm CST

well, all the greed begins wit government, the problem is most of rich and corporations are smarter and figure out how to outsmart the fools in government, that their only answer is to try to regulate absolutely every thing an the more they regulate, the richer the rich get ! regulation is the enemy of Free Enterprise ! 


Lita, Physician 20:59:58 pm CST

Yes, it is, Dak 


Dak 21:01:18 pm CST

well, is there anything further to add to this? 


shuri {ShadowHawk} 21:02:55 pm CST

Well nothing is going to change as long as Americans, as a whole, remain apathetic and continue to let Corporations and the Government continue to defraud us and go against the principles into which they were elected into office. 


Dak 21:03:13 pm CST

if there is nothing else I will close the Forum, and thank all for being here !

thanks shuri for scribing 

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