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Rollo_the_Ax 19:12:15 CST is time to begin, so what say we do so ??? LOL.... Welcome one and all to this weeks GS forum... same rules as always... I won't repeat them and hope that everybody just knows them by now... Okay ????


Rollo_the_Ax 19:15:50 CST

So ????? Does anybody have a topic they wish discussed ??? if so, PM it to me and we can begin....if not, I will have to get creative....LOL...LOL... and y'all KNOW you don't want THAT !!!!!! LOL....LOL....LMAO


Rollo_the_Ax 19:19:45 CST

Okay...we have a winner....LOL.. our first topic today/tonight is ** tobacco on Gor ??.. in the last few days some people have been requesting ashtrays... lol.. is this a Gor thing???


Grizzly 19:21:17 CST

Rollo,,,been wondering that Myself,,,I dont smoke though.*LOL*


  ~segen~{Sg} 19:23:51 CST

segen doesn't recall any partiular quotes on tobacco however since they brought chocolate and such, they probably had tobacco as well, but segen would think it would be very expensive like chocolate should be (yet seems to be given out all the time


Laroona 19:24:08 CST

I understand tobacco was smoked in a pipe

there are quotes supporting this... looking for them

cigarettes and ashtrays not that I could find LOL


Akfishman 19:24:54 CST

some tobbaco was smuggled to Gor, by the Kuir.. but it didn't take.. only in one place, looking for it now.. *s


Xertog 19:25:46 CST

I've read 24 of the 26 books and don't recall anything mentioned about smoking in any of them..


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:26:43 CST

Well.... in the books, I personally only remember a few cases of * smoking * being talked about.... 1. by Pipe, I believe.. in the PKs nest...or just outside of it... he smoked a pipe, but he was also a man that came to Gor from earth so he brought the habit with him... once about men that came from earth on slave runs and such...and a time about some FW that was also from earth....????


~segen~{Sg} 19:26:45 CST

Master Xertog, segen can't recall either but it seems to ring a bell in a few of the slave books when the Men from gor were on earth aqiring that they might have...


  dove{GS} 19:27:00 CST

speaks to the issue...

 dove has twice retrieved small jars of clay used for ash...

 she think that not all that come to GS gorean...but supports the idea of letting them be that they may grow strong in its beliefs...


Laroona 19:30:14 CST

Found it folks LOL


"Most was I surprised to find him holding a tiny, round pipe from which curled a bright wisp of smoke. Tobacco is unknown on Gor, though there are certain vices or habits to take its place, in particular the stimulation afforded by chewing on the leaves of the Kanda plant, the roots of which, oddly enough, when ground and dried, constitute an extremely deadly poison."

Priest Kings of Gor (pg 24)


"Cigarette?" asked the man.

I looked at him. "Yes," I whispered.

He produced two cigarettes from a flat, golden case. They were my brand. With a small match, he lit my cigarette for me, and then his. He threw the match into the fire.

I fumbled with the cigarette. My hand shook.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

"Return me to Earth!" I whispered.

"Are you not puzzled as to why you were brought to this world?" he asked.

"Please!" I begged.

He regarded me.

"I will pay you anything," I whispered.

"Money?" he asked.

"Yes!" I said. "Yes!"

"Money is unimportant," he said.

I looked anguished.

"Smoke your cigarette," he said.

I drew on the cigarette. "

Captive of Gor, pages 145-146


"To my amazement a man stepped from the passage, blinking in the sun. He was clad in a white robe, somewhat resembling

those of the Initiates. He wore sandals. His cheeks were red and his head bald. He had long whiskery sideburns which flared merrily from his muffin like face. Small bright eyes twinkled under heavy white eyebrows. Most was I surprised to find him holding a tiny, round pipe from which curled a bright wisp of smoke. Tobacco is unknown on Gor, though there are certain vices or habits to take its place, in particular the stimulation afforded by chewing on the leaves of the Kanda plant, the roots of which, oddly enough, when ground and dried, constitute an extremely deadly poison" - Priest Kings of Gor


 "My host did not speak but led the way with a merry stride, an almost constant curl of smoke from his little round pipe

encircling his bald pate and mutton chop whiskers and drifting back down the passage "- Priest Kings of Gor


"Then, smartly, Parp cracked his pipe a few times against the side of the throne, scattering ashes and un-smoked tobacco

about on the floor of the dais." - Priest Kings of Gor


"Then he began to fumble with the wallet which was slung from his belt, and removed a plastic envelope. I watched him closely, following every move. A frown crossed my face as I  saw him take a pinch of tobacco from the bag and refill his  pipe. Then he fumbled about a bit more and emerged with a  narrow cylindrical, silverish obect. For an instant it  seemed to point at me.

 I lifted my shield.

 "Please, Cabot!" said Parp, with something of impatience, and used the silverish object to light his pipe.

I felt foolish.

 Parp began to puff away contentedly on a new supply of  tobacco. He had to turn slightly on the throne to look at  me, as I had not chosen to stand directly where he had suggested." - Priest Kings of Gor  


"Parp chuckled and puffed away.

 I did not speak and he smoked one pipe. Then he cleaned it as before, knocking it against the side of the throne, and refilled it. He lit it again with the small, silverish object, and leaned back against the throne. He gazed up at the dome, so high above, and watched the smoke curl slowly  upward.  I walked before the throne of Priest-Kings.

"Greetings, Cabot," said a voice.

I looked up and saw Parp, puffing on his pipe, sitting calmly on the throne.

"You must not stay here," I said to him, uneasily looking up at the remnants of the dome.

"There is nowhere to go," said Parp, puffing contentedly on the pipe, He leaned back. A puff of smoke emerged from the pipe but instead of drifting up seemed instead almost immediately to pop apart. "I would have like to enjoy a last, proper smoke," said Parp. He looked down at me kindly and in a step or two seemed to float down the steps and stood beside me. He lifted aside the fold of Vika’s robes which I had drawn about her face.


Hurriedly Parp knocked the ashes and sparks from his pipe against the arm of the throne. The ashes and unused tobacco seemed to hang in the air like smoke and then drift apart. Parp thrust the pipe in his pouch. He seemed to float down to the floor and, touching one sandaled foot to the ground only every twenty yards or so, began to leave the chamber in slow dreamlike bounds. "Follow me," he called after him.

Vika in my arms I followed the bounding body of Parp, whose robes seemed to lift and flutter softly about him as he almost floated down the tunnel before me" - Priest Kings of Gor


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:31:46 CST

Okay.... *coffee*, black wine, was a transplant from earth, but the beans were brought and grown on Gor so it became * Gorean * by default..but was VERY expensive... chocolate, the same .... but I do NOT recall tobacco being grown ON was always brought from was as rare as unicorn shit....LOL...


  ~segen~{Sg} 19:33:21 CST

yes, segen would imagine it owuld be rare, and isn't sure that choclate or cocoa beans were grown on gor either (that segen can recall) so it also should be rare as unicorn shit and yet it's all over the place.


{Ruilans_ariel} 19:34:38 CST

Port Kar is full of pirates and thieves. perhaps chocolate is a bit more available when one can steal it. *s*


 ~segen~{Sg} 19:35:45 CST

~chuckling at ariel~ okay it should be as rare as bear shit then not unicorn shit?


 Sandman,,Builder_ 19:37:04 CST

laughing at the former she-urts words certain that self interest is nowhere to be seen in them


 {Ruilans_ariel} 19:38:36 CST

*winks at Master Sandman* gotta get it when Ya can Master.

 i think segen is right. chocolate and that sort of stuff is used probably more frequently than it should be.. *shrugs* but i'm certainly not gonna be the slave to beg for it to stop. ari's tummy is her number one priority.. almost. *s*



Akfishman 19:38:36 CST

Thousands of years ago, a wide variety of people, animals and plants were

taken from Earth by the Priest-Kings to help seed and populate Gor. Yet, within the last few

hundred years, these trips have had only limited goals. The primary goal is the acquisition of

Earth women as slaves. These women may retain their clothes but they normally do not

retain any other personal effects. The Priest-Kings rarely bring Earthmen to Gor. The

Priest-Kings also rarely bring any other items from Earth. Sometimes, a man from the

Sardar who is manning the spaceships may bring back some item but this does not go any

further than the Sardar. For example, one man in the Sardar brought back some tobacco on

an Earth voyage. He grew it in the Sardar but it never spread to anywhere else on Gor.


Kyoto 19:47:39 CST

Might I ask... what is the actual topic?


 telaise_{MDK} 19:47:57 CST

 Rollo_the_Ax 19:19:45 CST

Okay...we have a winner....LOL.. our first topic today/tonight is ** tobacco on Gor ??.. in the last few days some people have been requesting ashtrays... lol.. is this a Gor thing???


Kyoto 19:48:43 CST


 Looking slightly disgusted.


Laroona 19:49:45 CST

Captain Kyoto yes seen one requested myself latest being last night LOl


telaise_{MDK} 19:50:33 CST

tela saw one requested today


Rollo_the_Ax 19:50:42 CST

Okay folks... lets see if we can clear this up.. okay ??? In GS, and most of any other Gor settings.. chocolate is okay in moderation...... coffee/black wine is kind of okay, but try to remember that it is rare and expensive, so you would NOT be in a tavern every morning to get your * eye opener *..... but smoking/tobacco ???? way... Gor is way ahead of * PC * laws.. a * smoke free * zone..... LOL... NOT a * smoke um if you got um situation.... * okay ????


 nassy{Sg} 19:51:01 CST

girl saw a new Master this afternoon serving himself from a bar and smoking...she didn't correct Him she figured that was up to the Free in the room


Kyoto 19:51:05 CST

I assume it is someone new to Gor?


Xertog 19:52:33 CST

So save the Cuban cigars for when you're in Poolsidechat... LOL


telaise_{MDK} 19:53:00 CST

~hearing Master Rollo~

 how are the girls to handle the situation then when it's requested of them?


 Grizzly 19:53:24 CST

is cool,,,I dont smoke or drink coffee anyways....I Invest in chocolot.*S*


 Kyoto 19:53:45 CST

Ok... I seem to remember someone questioning the origin of chocolate, yes?

"This is warmed chocolate," I said, pleased. It was very rich and creamy. "Yes, Mistress," said the girl. "It is very good," I said. "Thank you, Mistress," she said. "Is it from Earth?" I asked. "Not directly," she said. "Many things here, of course, ultimately have an Earth origin. It is not improbable that the beans from which the first cacao trees on this world were grown were brought from Earth." "Do the trees grow near here?" I asked. "No Mistress," she said, "we obtain the beans from which the chocolate is made, from Cosian merchants, who in turn, obtain them in the tropics."

---Kajira of Gor, p 61


 Laroona 19:54:01 CST

Captain Kyoto not that new, one has visited several times from my observation


 {Ruilans_ariel} 19:55:19 CST

you don't have to correct the free. simply tell them that we don't have ashtray's because tobacco is not used on Gor.

 no big deal.


 ~segen~{Sg} 19:55:23 CST

~listening~ would that not mean that chocolate is rare and expensive?


Kyoto 19:55:31 CST

I would suggest saying that you are unfamiliar with the requested item as you have never seen a cigarette before... perhaps you might look perplexed by the act of inhaling smoke.


 Grizzly 19:56:32 CST

Kyoto,,,,I Know what smoking is,& Im still perplexed as to why someone whould want to.*S*




Rollo_the_Ax 19:57:37 CST

and while we are on this basic level... lets also set the record straight about dishes, cups, etc., .... On Gor, there are bowls to drink from, tankards are okay also.. but in a tavern, they would be PLAIN as shit.... clay, wood, and maybe a low grade pewter.... but never gold, silver, crystal, etc... and also never jewel studded... people MIGHT have that sort of thing in a private home or palace... but NOT in a plain ole paga tavern..... if anybody feels that they have to use fancy stuff like that, bring it with y'all when you come in....and say so... LOL...LOL... leave that sort of stuff around here, and even a Captain will be tempted to stick it in his pocket and sell it......LOL...LOL...LMAO


Kyoto 19:58:10 CST

Yes, YOU know what smoking is... but why would the average Gorean know?


Zoran 19:59:30 CST

lol if some need nice gold cup and such I have them for a fee LOL


 Kyoto 20:00:04 CST

Laughing as I hear Rollo.

 Especially considering the number of us that make coin by plundering and raiding.


Akfishman 20:00:44 CST

*lol-lol* making no comment..


 telaise_{MDK} 20:00:48 CST

so a girl.. if she's told to fetch a Masters favorite silver jewled goblet tells Him there's not such as that in the servery?


Laroona 20:01:42 CST

laughing* better make sure they take it back out with them with all the rogues around in GS LOL


Kyoto 20:01:58 CST

Or maybe wonder where it might have disappeared to. It might be funny to bring it, noting that the gems had been pried out.


Kyoto 20:04:27 CST

Speaking of drinking vessels, here's an interesting tidbit from "John Norman's World of Gor"...

"NOTE on kantharos (refered to through most of John Norman's writings simply as a 'footed bowl' and much used for the drinking of Paga and wine) : Also spelled Cantharos, drinking cup in Attic Greek pottery from the period of the red-figure and black-figure styles. The kantharos is in the form of a deep cup, with loop-shaped handles arising from the bottom of the body and extending high above the brim. Designed for the drinking of wine, this shape was extremely popular in Etruria and was exported to areas around the Mediterranean in the late 7th and 6th centuries B.C. Usually made of clay or a more expensive metal. Etruscan graves have yielded hundreds of kantheroi, along with many other ceramic vessels intended for eating and drinking, as part of funeral feasts or as tomb offerings.

ref; Encyclopaedia Britannica"


Akfishman 20:06:00 CST

throwing My silver engraved bowl into the canal.. watching it slowly disappear forever..


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:06:31 CST

There are other rooms in Poolside where y'all can have a cup of coffee and a cig ..... ( why anybody would need a VT of either is beyond My limited understanding...) so go there if the need is so great... but plain and simply folks, it just ain't it just AIN'T gonna happen around here... Okay ????


 dove{GS} 20:06:38 CST

well...dove has to say Master...

 the Master of which You speak about the tobacco say He come from a different place is true...

 so why He not be able to bring it with Him..

 ~wonders that she might tell Him she cannot get such item she knows nothing all right?


Xertog 20:08:08 CST

From Luthers web site:

"Most taverns will have ordinary vessels of cheap metal or pottery. They will not have vessels of gold or silver. Only the most expensive of taverns might have such expensive items."


Rollo_the_Ax 20:08:48 CST

LOL...LOL... hell, AK... you should have sold that cup instead of tossing it....LOL... Now I am gonna have to go diving to try and find it....LOL...LOL...


Grizzly 20:10:32 CST

***Watches AK's Bowl sink,& thinks about going swimming.*LOL***


Laroona 20:11:20 CST

Grizzly maybe send george after it and we could weigh him down with rocks LOl


Akfishman  20:11:39 CST

*lol* well Rollo, You probably need the exersize.. *lol*


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:12:38 CST

dove.... he can say whatever he wants to......but in GS, it is HERE and NOW.... * time travel * on Gor ???? Holy Friggen SHIT !!!! ** Oh, I am from the 29th century...we have outgrown your need for fighting.... but we still screw like minks, so come here slave ** ???? GET farking REAL !!!!


Zoran 20:12:57 CST

thinking of a few slaves I know that can hold there breath lol


 Grizzly 20:14:04 CST

Laroona,,,,Likely as not,,,,he wont servive Long annough to have rocks tied to him.*LOL*


  Sandman,,Builder_ 20:14:51 CST

smiles ,, thinking Rollo is on a roll ..o


Xertog 20:15:44 CST

That might be book 27 Time Travelers of Gor.. LOL ..


Laroona 20:17:12 CST

lauging awww Grizzly we wanted to tease it more LOl


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:17:52 CST

LOL..LOL.. not the exercise, AK... the money... the trouble with being a part owner of a place like this is just like owning a brothel..... Captains tend to * eat * up the profits .....LOL...LOL..


Grizzly 20:18:02 CST 

Laroona,,,In that case I will make some special Hooks & Prods.*LOL*


 Laroona 20:18:31 CST

Grizzly thank you kind Sir LOL


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:29:00 CST

Okay folks... I think we have just about beat this topics to death... shall we try another ????



Rollo_the_Ax 20:30:07 CST

the next question brought up is **

WHY if a girl is owned by a Captain or an Emeritus

should she have to beg to enter a GS Room.... ? ** a Good question... WHY ?????


nassy{Sg} 20:31:00 CST

because the girl is still privately owned that is why...she isn't the property of the what nassy thinks


 ~segen~{Sg} 20:31:22 CST


 because she does not live in the tavern?


silken_pleasure_~{KU} 20:32:35 CST

~also thinking.....wondering if apply to her~


dove{GS} 20:32:49 CST

Captain may have different requirement for personal slave than tavern slave

 greens flash then return to the furs


Laroona 20:33:48 CST

I thought this was raised as a topic not long ago and the answer was GS slaves kenneled and GS and slaves of Free begged as they came form holdings etc

also it was a decision made by Council in Jan of this year


amira{GS~sg} 20:34:52 CST

~nods listening~

 but wouldn't a Captain's girl or a Captain Emeritus's girl be afforded the same privileges as a Tavern Owned girl?


~segen~{Sg} 20:35:42 CST

~tilting head, trying to think~ segen knows there's like over 100 ways to enter a room, but did girls aways have to beg entrance in the books?


telaise_{MDK} 20:37:08 CST

telaise was asking just such a question when looking for quotes on entering to support some things in the essay she's having to write.... and she asked a Captain.. who told her begging to enter wasn't in the books **that He knew of**.. it was one onlinism that GS supports


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:40:48 CST

I guess to make it clear.... or perhaps to clear up this question... each captain will have to decide if his kajira live IN the tavern with the GS slaves, or if they stay in private housing.... either that or the wording needs changed to allow for Captains slaves to just be here like GS slaves.... leave it with the Council and we will see if we can get it cleared up.....






Rollo_the_Ax 20:54:44 CST

We have a few more minutes if there is anything else y'all want to discuss ???


telaise_{MDK} 20:55:39 CST

~rises up and moves to Mistress Laroona.. passing her the scribes and heading out the door~ 

tela wishes you all well...


Laroona 20:56:28 CST

thanks telaise *S*


Akfishman 20:56:00 CST

How's the new greet doing?


nassy{Sg} 20:56:59 CST

nassy has been attempting it..


Rollo_the_Ax 20:58:06 CST

LOL...LOL... AK, it is like anything else... those that love it, LOVE it.....those that hate it, hate it and make SURE that everybody hears about it......LOL....LOL...LMAO


~segen~{Sg} 20:58:12 CST

segen has the few times she's been in GS



aye Rollo.. *lmao*


Grizzly 21:00:34 CST 

still there???


Rollo_the_Ax 21:02:06 CST

LOL..LOL.. still WHERE, Grizzly ????? LOL..


Grizzly 21:03:13 CST

Rollo,,,still here,,,watching,,,,,Lurking,,,,flirting with slaves.*LOL*The Norm.*S*


Rollo_the_Ax 21:06:16 CST

Well, seems that we have done our dash yet again... I want to thank everybody who came and took part in the forum this week......and I hope to see everybody again next week.... * Same Gor time, same Gor channel....** * making the old music from Batman.. ** " na, na, na, na, na, na,.... GS.... na, na, na, na, GS......" LOL...LOL..


Rollo_the_Ax 21:11:01 CST

And a special thanks to the scribe yet again for doing a thankless job......


Laroona 21:12:37 CST

telaise does most of the C&Ping she should be the one who deserves the thanks *S* 

without her I would be lost *S*



Kyoto 21:16:11 CST

It's already taken care of, Grizzly, you were the winner. Her first use is yours.

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