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Rollo_the_Ax 19:11:14 CST

well, folks....shall we get the ball rolling ??? LOL... Greetings to all, and welcome to this weeks GS forum....


galah{RA}t 19:13:07 CST

i would like to take this opportunity to beg everyone to go vote for GS on the gorean top 100, we are falling behind and soon will not be on the top ten anymore and therefore not on the first page, so please go vote, it only takes a moment


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:13:43 CST

okies galah


jasma{LB} 19:13:59 CST

~listening to galah~

do you have the addy sis?


galah{RA}t 19:14:42 CST

for those that don't know, here is where to find the vote button


Korbin 19:18:13 CST 

Rollo may I learn of any GS sites? I lost mine. When my webtv e mail crashed everything that was stored in that name vanished with it


Rollo_the_Ax 19:22:48 CST

Korbin...... if you need addys again, the BEST source would be many of the kajira present....LOL... they often know MORE details than many Masters ......LOL...LOL... try galah, topaz, jasma, amira...... hell almost ANY of them....I am sure that one or many of them can supply you with any/all addys you may wish...... I get lost at times, and am NOT the one to ask about * details * ......LOL...LOL..


Korbin 19:23:48 CST

Thank You Rollo. I will keep this in mind.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:24:35 CST

So ???? still no topics ?????


Xertog 19:24:37 CST

Korbin I should still have your e mail address and can resend the links I have sent you.


Korbin 19:25:54 CST

Here is My address:

Aany are welcome to use it. The slaves must have permission from their Masters first is My only request.



Rollo_the_Ax 19:26:11 CST

Okay, we have a winner......LOL... FIRST topic for today...... go ahead galah and ask your question......


galah{RA}t 19:26:36 CST

gal thinks with it being christmas time, it would be a good time for us to reflect on gorean religion? the heirarchy of gor, how it came to be? who rules it? its something not often discussed, and i would find it of interest and maybe others would too?


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:27:45 CST

very Good topic sis, there are a few inquiring minds and sea has one..LOL


amira{GS} 19:29:53 CST

~rests her head on trystas shoulder~.  a very good topic gal~  amira would love to know more about that


Rollo_the_Ax 19:31:02 CST

In the books, the MAIN * religion * spoken of was that of the Initiates ......They were * supposed * to represent the will of the Priest kings...... but in truth were almost always depicted as a bunch of lying, theiving, bastards......


trysta_A_ 19:32:55 CST

~*~keeps herself against amira...using each other as a seet of book ends...~*~

Aye Master the books, "Tarl Carbot" if against Them


 topaz-{Rast's_girl} 19:33:18 CST

as to religion/heirochy, the only thing that comes to mind is that Gor is ruled by the Priest Kings, and the "Initiates" supposedly speak on their behalf....*chuckles*


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:34:47 CST

although, there were references to other * beliefs * such as in Torvaldsland, many defied the PKs and worshipped the old Norse Wodin and Thor....


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:36:51 CST

so Gor is basically Pagan?


galah{RA}t 19:36:55 CST

was any mention made how torvaldslanders got the knowledge of Wodin and such things? and if torvaldlanders defied the PK's, why would they not get the blue flame?


Kyoto 19:37:17 CST

The Priest Kings ruled over Gor from a base deep in the sardar. They were a race of "omniscient" golden insects that tried to keep humans at a basic technological level for their own good.  Even though the Inititates, the highest caste of all on Gor, ostensibly spoke

their will, they never went through them. Instead they opted to work through specially selected agents... such as Samos of Port Kar, or from time to time, Tarl Cabot.


Rollo_the_Ax 19:37:58 CST

Actually, if the PKs ever DID try to portray themselves as * GODS * it has LONG ago... they more or less lost interest in what or how the general population * worshipped *.. and just as in RT, there was a * group * the Initiates, who were quite happy to move in, and corrupt the system to THEIR personal ends....


topaz-{Rast's_girl} 19:39:18 CST

no, not Pagan at all seafora  *smiles*


Kyoto 19:40:10 CST

What do you mean by pagan, seafora?


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:40:32 CST

well, the old Norse religion is Pagan, as far as the gods Wodin, Freya, and all them go...~shrugs~


galah{RA}t 19:41:21 CST

but if they lost interest, there was still times they struck with the blue flame over some issues? escpecially technology kindda stuff?


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:41:25 CST

Torvaldsland was populated by humans brought from Earths Viking area.....and as such, kept there OWN beliefs....that they were NOT openly punished by the PKs seems only to prove the fact that the PKs didn't really give a shit...... * in MY opinion *......


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:41:43 CST

Pagan being an alternative religon, that worship mulitple Gods ?Godesses


Jaegers_kath 19:41:53 CST

As in much of John Norman's writings, there are significant gaps of origin or lack of information regarding topics of interest....such as the origins of the Norse Gods in Gor, etc. The lack of knowledge of the Priest Kings in all areas of Gor. The deliberate omission of the initiates except where needed for the stories. kath has never seen anyone roleplay an initiate online...*chuckles*..hmmmm


topaz-{Rast's_girl} 19:42:05 CST

Most peoples seemed to worhsip others as well as the Northen peoples, the Wagon People also did not see the PKs as almighty, and worshiped more the sky, and their ways would be considered soemwhat like the ways of our Pagans here seafora


Kyoto 19:43:02 CST

Ok, hopefully none will think I'm being grumpy, I had a bad seizure today and just woke about 30 ehn ago... so I'm apologizing ahead of time.

seafora, define pagan from your perspective.


galah{RA}t 19:43:34 CST

in my early years on gor kath, i seen an initaiate once, seen one with dar kosis once, and seen a kurr once


topaz-{Rast's_girl} 19:43:41 CST

Pagan doe snot mean worshiping mutiple Godesses, Gods seafora, it is a way of life that they revere all living creatures, and believe in "Mother Earth" and all she gives


Ramses 19:44:14 CST

very interesting dicussion tonight ....


Jaegers_kath 19:45:05 CST

long long ago galah *lol*...hard to "dig in" to the roleplay online. Would imagine that it would be fun to have a Gorean SCA....would translate better.


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:45:34 CST

Paganism, is the belief in more than one God....or to have a creative force and break that down into different aspects of the source, ultimately giving each aspect a name, and they are worshipped individually


topaz-{Rast's_girl} 19:45:44 CST

to a "Pagan", everything has purpose, life, death, birth, renewal, the grass, to the flowers and trees, the winds, the air, the water!


Rollo_the_Ax 19:46:06 CST

LOL...LOL... PAGAN ??? LOL..LOL.. Celts, Druids, any Nature or Elemental based * religion * are only concidered * pagan * by earth jewdao/christian churchs.... LOL..LOL... to those of use that follow the * OLD * gods, it is the Christians that have lost the plot......LOL...LOL...


Laroona_Scribe 19:46:18 CST

Pagans can be a variety depending on where one came from  If memory serves me the English considered anyone who the KIng Queen did not like pagans and put them to death...  so paganism is and can be in the eye of the beholder IMO


galah{RA}t 19:46:27 CST

Christians have many holidays, or holy days, xmas, easter and many others to i am sure, but what about the PK's, is there any holidays to worship them? or even a special event for the highly regarded initiates?


trysta_A_ 19:47:01 CST 

~*~snickers with Master Rollo's last words...~*~

So true Master Rollo...


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:47:03 CST

nods agreeing with Master Rollo



laughs and nods hearing Master Rollo!!!


topaz-{Rast's_girl} 19:48:07 CST

well the Gorean calendar does specify certain times and occassions if topaz remembers right galah


galah{RA}t 19:48:49 CST

was one PK more powerful and reviered more that the others? was the PK's a democracy?


Laroona_Scribe 19:49:42 CST

*looks at galah and the light bulb goes on*

heck no I do not believe we have any celebrating the PK's *S*


Jaegers_kath 19:49:44 CST

That's right topaz.....and isn't there a once a year fair at the foot of the Sardars where the initiates and political leaders all come to show their loyalty to the PK's? Seems kath remembers a blink in her brain about Tarl going to one of those and raising lol


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:49:52 CST

what would be Master Kyoto's interpretation on Pagan?


Kyoto 19:51:13 CST

What you describe to me, seafora sounds like it should be more appropriately called multitheistic.

One unusual aspect of the worship of the Priest Kings is that they are worshiped as a group. Most multitheistic religions worship individuals as part of the group. But the Priest Kings are a shadowy group.


galah{RA}t 19:51:25 CST

aren't all Masters suppose to make that trip to the Sardars sometime in there lifetime? and is that to show devotion to the PK's?


 Rollo_the_Ax 19:51:58 CST

as for the blue flame death ??? the ONLY cases of it being used in the books was when the PKs were either retarding technical developement, or when they used it in a political way...... never remember even ONE case of flame death due to * religious misbehavior * ...... No, the Initiates positioned themselves as a POWER by playing on the poor and iliterate.... they provided the * opiate of the

masses * and ppl just fell for their crap ......


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:52:47 CST

the religon as far as seafora understands it, is polytheistic, instead of monotheism


galah{RA}t 19:53:41 CST

did they actually fall for their crap though, or due to their highest position, was they forced to believe it their crap?


Jaegers_kath 19:54:03 CST

kath needs to reread the book about the Priest's the first book i think...talks about all this stuff


Kyoto 19:54:29 CST

All free persons, galah.


topaz-{Rast's_girl} 19:55:02 CST

Gorean Holidays and Festivals


Gorean New Year: On the day of the Vernal equinox (March 21), many northern Gorean cities, including Ar, celebrate the Gorean New Year. Typically upon this day a celebration takes place, doors are painted green, and a city-wide festival is held, lasting for two full Gorean hands (ten days). Every fourth year the New Year is celebrated on the extra day which occurs between the Waiting Hand and

the day of the equinox.


Sardar Fairs: The Gorean equivalent of the World's Fair on Earth, these are four huge trade fairs which are held quarterly in the shadow of the Sardar Mountain Range. Each young person of Gor is expected to make a pilgrimage to the foot of the Sardar Mountains before he or she reaches their 25th birthday. They typically last ten full days (plus at least that long for set up and break down) and are scheduled to coincide with the solstices and equinoxes. Therefore, the four annual Fairs are:


The Fair of En'Kara (March 21st-March 30th)

The Fair of EnVar (June 19th-June 28th)

The Fair of SeKara (September 22nd-October 1st)

The Fair of SeVar (December 21st-December 30th)


the Planting Feast of Sa-Tarna: A complex feast celebrated by most Gorean cities early during the growing season, and believed by many to ensure a plentiful harvest for the year ahead. Numerous rituals are performed during the three days of the feast (April 16th-18th) by members of the caste of Initiates, and members of each of the five high castes perform their own part of the ceremony during

that three-day period. Most of these rituals consist of sacrifices or prayers to the Priest Kings conducted in the presence of the city Home Stone. On the final eve of the feast, the Home Stone is placed beneath the sky, typically atop the tallest cylinder in the city, and sprinkled with sa-tarna grain and ka-la-na wine by a dignitary of the city, often the Administrator, Ubar, or a member of the ruling family.


the Return to Turia: The last day of the Second Hand of En'Kara (March 30th) is traditionally the day which marks the beginning of The Season of Little Grass for the Wagon Peoples, and shortly thereafter they begin the long trek from their winter pastures back to Turia.


Games of Love War: The Wagon Peoples compete against the Warriors of Turia on the Plain of Stakes during the Second Passage Hand (May 15th-19th) in mid-spring, participating in various challenges and ceremonial-combats in order to exchange freewoman for slaves.


Taking fo the Omens: Every tenth year, dating from 10,119 CA (1969 AD), is considered by the Wagon Peoples to be an "Omen Year." Therefore, in 10,129 CA (1979 AD) and in 10,139 CA (1989 AD), the Wagon Peoples halted their annual trek past Turia and various Omens were divined by their haruspexes regarding the future of the tribes and the safety of the bosk. This ceremony typically occurs

in late spring, sometime during the month of Camerius. The next such Omen Year will be 10,149 CA (1999 AD).


Turian New Year: The peoples of Turia and certain other southern regions officially celebrate their own new year on the day of the Summer Solstice (June 21st). A ten day period of revelry follows, similar to the New Year celebrations in northern cities.


Kajuralia: "The Festival of Slaves", it is held in most Gorean cities (except Port Kar, where it is not celebrated at all) on the last day of the Twelfth Passage Hand (March 15th). In Ar, it is celebrated on the last day of the fifth month (August 12th), the day which precedes the Love Feast. Upon this day, slaves may take liberties which are otherwise not permitted them during the year, including the drinking of wine and liquor, the freedom to roam at will (provided of course they do not attempt to escape from their owners permanently), the freedom to choose their own sexual partners and to couch with slaves of the opposite sex whom they find attractive, temporary suspension of all work and duties, and even the opportunity to play (minor) tricks and practical jokes upon freepersons. After the twentieth ahn, however, they are expected to be back in their respective kennels and slave quarters to resume the services required by their imbonded status; slaves who "go renegade" during Kajuralia are typically punished severely if recaptured, and are often executed

for such an offense.


Love feast: Five day celebration within Ar, held during the Fifth Passage Hand (August 13th-17th). It is a time wherein many slaves are sold; the fourth day of the Love Feast (August 16th) is typically considered the climax of the festival in regard to the sale of slaves. The fifth day (August 17th) is normally reserved for great contests and spectacles in the Stadium of Blades, grand races in the Stadium of Tarns, great Kaissa championships am


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 19:55:22 CST

Master,polytheistic, More than one God, Monotheistic , the belief in one God


galah{RA}t 19:55:57 CST

so free women tooo Master? was it expected as a way to show devotion to the PK's or is there some other reason for it?


galah{RA}t 19:58:03 CST

thank you topaz, i don't see one mention of PK's in any of those holidays....although many of them are wagon ppls holidays and based on their beliefs


Kyoto 19:58:29 CST

On her nineteenth birthday, members of the Caste of Initiates had appeared at the door of the leather worker's hut.  It had been decided that she should now undertake the journey to the Sardar, which, according to the teachings of the Caste of Initiates, is enjoined on every Gorean by the Priest-Kings, an obligation which is to be fulfilled prior to their attaining their twenty-fifth year.  If a city does not see that her youth undertake this journey then, according to the teachings of the Initiates, misfortunes may befall the city.

It is one of the tasks of the Initiates to keep rolls, and determine that each youth, if capable, discharge this putative obligation to the mysterious Priest-Kings.

"I will go," had said Ute.

"Do you wish the piece of gold?" asked the chief of the delegation of Initiates,

of the Leather Workers and his Companion.

"No," they had said.

"Yes," said Ute. "We will take it."

It is a custom of the Initiates of Teletus, and of certain other islands and cities, it the youth agrees to go to the Sardar when they request it, then his, or her, family or guardians, if they wish it, will receive one tarn disk of gold.  Ute knew that the leather worker, and his companion, could well use this piece of gold.  Besides, she knew well that, some year, prior to her twenty-fifth year, such a journey must be undertaken by her. The Merchants of Teletus, controlling the city, would demand it of her, fearing the effects of the possible displeasure of the Priest-Kings on their trade. If she did not undertake the journey then, she would be simply, prior to her twenty-fifth birthday, removed from the domain of their authority, placed alone outside their jurisdiction, beyond the protection of their soldiers. Such an exile, commonly for a Gorean, is equivalent to enslavement or death. For a girl as beautiful as Ute it would doubtless have

meant prompt reduction to shameful bondage, chains and the collar. Further, on other years, there would be no piece of gold to encourage her to undertake this admittedly dangerous journey. CAPTIVE OF GOR-, (7) Pages 233-234


Rollo_the_Ax 19:58:55 CST

The PKs are a HIVE... of insects.... the Queen ruled....but as she got old, there were others that jockyed for positions of power and leadership within the hive...... so yes, some PKs were * more powerful * than others......but to themselves, they ALL had specific duties or jobs....much like any * any hill * these ant are just 8-10 feet tall, and so smart that make humans look like bugs......LOL..


 topaz-{Rast's_girl} 19:59:11 CST

exactly galah, topaz also remembered there was never a reference of actually worshipping the PKs on a given day or such in all her readings!!.....*grins*


galah{RA}t 20:01:34 CST

so it seems the initiates put the fear of the PK's into the ppl?


galah{RA}t 20:03:51 CST

seems by everything said that the PK's indeed only thought of us as bugs and with lil to no regard cept if we got in there ways, they would stomp on us like a bug heheheheheheee hehehehee


galah{RA}t 20:05:15 CST

the PK's had more technological stuff than goreans did?


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 20:06:06 CST

other than keeping the City out of Danger...what was the purpose for this trip to the Sardar Mountains


galah{RA}t 20:06:41 CST

would the PK's be the original goreans? and all the human goreans came from urth on ships long ways back? and so where do Kurr come from?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:07:25 CST

It should be fairly obvious to all that John Norman did/does NOT have a very high opinion of organized religion.... his parallel of how the church tried and succeeded in ingraining THEIR will on the everyday lives of the people is obvious......the Initiates demanded the pilgramige to the Sardar NOT the PKs.... to increase trade and put every person at risk of capture during their trip...... the * Church * controled such actions and benifited the MOST from them......


galah{RA}t 20:08:13 CST

guess what i am curious about is the origin of gor, but not sure it ever went back that far, it started with Tarl Cabot and was very established planet then


 Ramses 20:09:14 CST

*wonders if Rollo doesn't agree with Norman? *L*


Kyoto 20:10:36 CST

I read just recently, not sure which book, that Gor was a planet transported to oout solar system from another galaxy... the blue galaxy I believe.  It's almost as if the Priest Kings have it set up as a "wild life" preserve


galah{RA}t 20:11:50 CST

**laughs when she hears Master Kyotos concept** i never thought of it like that Master, very good concept....and humans are the "wildlife"? heheheeee


Ramses 20:12:27 CST

Kyoto, from what little I have read, I thought "wild life preserve" is exactly what it is *G*


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 20:12:33 CST

Somehow Master Kyoto, that makes perfect sense


galah{RA}t 20:13:18 CST

the Kurr use a translator to take with ppl, did the PK's speak the same as what a gorean speaks? or did they have their own language?


amira{GS} 20:13:37 CST

~laughs softly~

well slaves are beasts are they not Master Kyoto   gives a slightly impish grin


elektra_{Harkon}*~ 20:13:56 CST

~*laughing, dark eyes sparkling*~

So, if Gor is a 'wildlife preseve', the forced pilgrimmage to the Sardar could be to promote the intermingling of the species and to encourage free trade, so to speak?


galah{RA}t 20:14:03 CST

it does make perfect sense **Nods enthusiastically as it finally starts painting a picture in her scrambled mind**


 Rollo_the_Ax 20:15:37 CST

Okay....YES, the PKs were the first * Goreans * in that they moved the planet from faraway to this system, and parked it in orbit around our sun....then they seeded it with life from Earth.... dinosaurs( tharlion ) fish, birds, people.... they think in LONG term...... tens of thousnads of years ...not just next week....... and the Kur are another space race...they want to TAKE Gor and Earth for a home and food......the PKs are fighting the Kur for control of BOTH planets.....the Kur live in many HUGE space ships out beyond Saturn or



Kyoto 20:15:43 CST

Exactly, elektra. It is at that festival that the calibration weights are kept for all of gor. Merchants go there to make sure that their scales and such are certified correct.


Kyoto 20:16:31 CST

There are also creatures from other planets, such as the sleen...


galah{RA}t 20:16:43 CST

somehow planet of the apes come to mind suddenly...Masters and warriors are the gorillas? while the initiantes might be the smart orangatan and slaves are the chimps? heheheheeee


~*elektra_{Harkon}*~ 20:21:58 CST

That is true, Master Kyoto. ele forgot about the calibration of weights and measurements. This was of particular importance because as ele recalls, the accuracy of scales were called into question in several instances in the books, notably, those of Svein Blue Tooth and Ivar Forkbeard in Marauders.   ~*she nods, smiling at the handsome Master, dark eyes twinkling*~


Ramses 20:23:50 CST

a festival for scale calibrations seems terribly inefficient ..**G*


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 20:24:34 CST

sure there wasnt some slave trading going on at those festivals?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:29:11 CST

LOL...LOL.. well, has everybody had enough of the PK and such ????? any other topics anybody wants to discuss ????


Rollo_the_Ax 20:32:23 CST

LOL..LOL... Don't everyone speak at once.........LOL...


~*elektra_{Harkon}*~ 20:32:55 CST

ele thinks it would be fun to be a Priest King...and to be able to zap the Blue Flame of Death on people who ride Harleys on Gor, etc. You may laugh, but ele actually saw somebody posting that he was riding a Harley on Gor once. Ai ya.


Jaegers_kath 20:32:55 CST

clears her throat....starts singing.....We Wish You a Merry Christmas....we Wish You a Merry Christmas...we WISSSSH You a MERRRRRY CHRISTMASSS and a Happy New Year!





Kyoto 20:32:44 CST

What do people think about the information I posted on the serving of blackwine, do people understand what the drink is?


Rollo_the_Ax 20:33:04 CST

would y'all rather keep talking about the PKs, Kur, and such ????


~segen~{Sg} 20:34:08 CST

aye Master Kyoto, segen knew that of black wine...


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 20:35:25 CST

yes but what iof the serve Master, is the tavern going to chjange the way we serve it?


Kyoto 20:36:51 CST

I don't think this would be such a radical change.

Looking to galah.

Weren't two slave blackwine serves done in the past here?


~segen~{Sg} 20:37:45 CST

~tilting her head~

Master Kyoto, that is how You wish black wine served from now on in the tavern?? It would not seem praticial to segen (but that's just her)


trysta_A_ 20:38:01 CST 

~*~asks softly~*~

Shouldn't Master Paedur be present with changes to the Gorean Shores kajirae, and kajirus...


Laroona_Scribe 20:38:07 CST

Captain Kyoto not to my knowledge was it done or done often if it was and then would only be if few were to be served *S*


Rollo_the_Ax 20:40:52 CST

Brother Kyoto......... the simple fact of the matter is that yet once again, Earth and Gor have the SAME thing that is done VERY different..... ppl come in NOT knowing that on GOR, blackwine... while it IS NOT the same as coffee on earth...... so most use the earth reference that they know......


Kyoto 20:41:31 CST

So you want to keep up the complex and totally unsupported Bazi tea serve in favor of something that is supported by direct book quotes and yet never done?

Asked of the general room.

I'm not asking for a radical change. But how often has a slut sat in the corner with nothing to do? why not bring in something book "real" that can have slaves being active and useful?


galah{RA}t 20:41:37 CST

no Master Kyoto, only on a very rare occasion...but its a good idea i think hehehehee


Kyoto 20:42:31 CST

Call it espresso then for that is the closest equivilant.


 galah{RA}t 20:42:47 CST

it also makes for a challenge, for its going to be way harder to serve with another girl than it is to serve by oneself


elektra_{Harkon}*~ 20:43:17 CST

ele believes that Gorean blackwine is like espresso or Turkish coffee of earth from the description. ele is a Barista RT.

~*said quietly*~

ele believes that is why it is always served in small clay bowls and ameliorated with creams and sugars.


trysta_A_ 20:43:17 CST 

~*~keeps her tone respectfully~*~

Master, there are many onlineisms...and no matter how Wwe try, Wwe could never have the book exact....but what if there is only one slave..and a Free asks for we reply....

"sorry, can't do it, cause there isn't a second slave about"??


amira{GS} 20:43:44 CST

amira would much rather know the right way to serve  are not all the other serve expected to be Gor  why not then too the blackwine serve.  there has been confusion in the past about first or second slave  it would be nice to have it settled once and for all  and have a serve a slave could sink her teeth into as well  ~figuratively speaking of course~


~segen~{Sg} 20:44:11 CST

~whispering to ele~

small silver cups (it's quite expensive *grin*)


 seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 20:44:14 CST

there absolutely nothing wrong with the serve it self, was just think how practical it would be, with only one slave. thats the way it is generally in the day time


galah{RA}t 20:44:25 CST

girls often worry about the challenge of serving as good as the next girl, and so instead of worrying about being good enough, worry about how to work with each other instead of against one another


Kyoto 20:44:32 CST

So you aren't up for a challenge, galah?

I asked with a grin.

I forget how easy the life of a slave is supposed to be. Good thing I never try to challenge the slaves.


Ramses 20:45:26 CST

I like the way galah is thinking


amira{GS} 20:45:32 CST

~tilts her head~

then perhaps just perhaps a girl would have the chance to get realy really creative.


galah{RA}t 20:46:21 CST

we spoke of this working with each other muchly at last weeks slave class....for the betterment of GS


Laroona_Scribe 20:46:29 CST

I think it would be challenging, but there are drawbacks associated with tying 2 slaves up in one serve or serving one when other Free are unserved as an example


trysta_A_ 20:46:47 CST

~*~speaks softly~*~

A girl is always challenged in RT...but there are positions on VT that are not true to form Wwe rid of all the onlineisms first...


galah{RA}t 20:48:06 CST

challenge can be a good thing Master Kyoto, if aimed in the right direction heheheheheee heheheeeee and if one isn't just to wore to the bone to do so hehehehehee


~*elektra_{Harkon}*~ 20:48:22 CST

ele would like to know how to serve it correctly too. She is usually serving alone, but would like to know how to serve with another.


Zoran 20:48:51 CST

hmmm so being that a two slave sevrve is harder would a slave begiven leince for a mistake or would one punish her more for not working well with others  grins


trysta_A_ 20:50:33 CST 

~*~ponders...maybe Master Peadur should be present for the issue of changing the way slaves serve...~*~


galah{RA}t 20:51:33 CST

i have found that the free are very reasonable for new things, such as new slaves serving for the first few times even when they make mistakes....i think most all the free would be entertained by watching two slaves working together to make it work heheheheheee


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 20:52:01 CST

well the slave would have to be clear on who was get what and not bumping into each other...or then again that might be fun...LOL


Kyoto 20:52:41 CST

If you are alone and it is ordered, serve it by yourself.

I issued the challenge to see if slaves could handle such a thing and I am being told that they do not wish it. So, I will work with my slaves on it as I wish them to work as a unit. If anyone else wishes my help, then I will work with them. All others may simply forget about it.  After all, I am not the slave Master, so it would be inconcievable of me as a Captain to try and improve the kajira of my home.


amira{GS} 20:53:10 CST

it could turn out to be very fun. as long as the first and second slave parts were determined befoer the serve starts  that could be done between the slaves in PM's before the serve starts


Zoran 20:53:26 CST

I be entertain watching them trip over each other LOl  wonder how much more Blacwine will need to be bought for the tavern lol


~segen~{Sg} 20:53:54 CST

aye, but that also could make the serve quite lengthly...*shrugs*


seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST} 20:54:30 CST

seaforas always up for a challenge, Master Kyoto...



Rollo_the_Ax 20:47:30 CST

Before we lose our time, I have a subject that we need to discuss...... The next 2 forums ......they would be on the American Christmas and New Year holiday dates...... so the question is, are there that many folks that are still going to attend, or should we free up the time for everybody to spend with their families and NOT hold forums for the next 2 weeks ?????? a simple vote please.... everybody can have a say...slaves also...... vote YES for still holding a forum, or NO for having a 2 week break ...... okay ????


amira{GS} 20:48:13 CST



Laroona_Scribe 20:48:29 CST

I vote a 2 hand break *S*


jessenia_{Ra} 20:48:32 CST


as it'll be the day after and no particular problem for jesse


Xertog 20:49:07 CST

They would fall on December 26 and Jan 2 .. .. I don't think they should be a problem for most people.


trysta_A_ 20:49:15 CST



Kyoto 20:49:26 CST



Ramses 20:49:32 CST

would have to vote NO as I will not be able to be here myself  at least on Christmas


Zoran 20:50:13 CST

yes if not would be 2 more i miss lol


Ramses 20:50:27 CST

wait ..Xertog is correct  it is the the day afer each holiday  I;ll change to YES


galah{RA}t 20:52:26 CST

we are a day ahead of ya'll in the usa, and the day after xmas is a holiday here called boxing day hehehehehe


Rollo_the_Ax 20:52:44 CST

I know about which day it falls on, but the Monday would be the * legal * day off for most, so many might want to make it a 3 day weekend, and be rushed to be back to attend forum, was my main concern...... LOL..LOL... y'all forget that for Rollo and us Aussies, it is tuesday midday ..... it does NOT effect US as much as Y'all.........


Laroona_Scribe 20:56:22 CST

LOL the poor scribes need some vacation time


Rollo_the_Ax 21:05:43 CST

Well, I guess that the will of the majority still wants to hold the be it...... we will just have to see what kind of attencence we get....LOL... ( BTW, sorry but I had a short RTI for a small emergancy with my dogs..)


  topaz-{Rast's_girl} 21:05:14 CST

sorry....agrees and claps for jesse, knowing how it can get week after week scribing..chuckles


 Rollo_the_Ax 21:11:30 CST

Okay again next week......same time, same place.... and I hope that the fat man brings y'all everything you wanted on your lists......LOL...LOL... HO, Ho, Ho.... ( and that was a LAUGH, not name calling ...... I want to be PC so I won't get sued......LOL...LOL.. )


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