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Assassins of Gor


Ceredigawn Durst~~~ Alright..lets get this thing rolling...Tonight W/we will be discussing "Assassains of Gor" Gornt..the floor is Yours...I ask that everyone keep their conversations and greetings in quiet from now on...makes things much easier on Our lil scribe...Thanks


Ceredigawn Durst~~~ *Trying this for the second time *He stands and whistles* Attention! the forum will now begin...Gornt...proceed..


Gornt~~~ ~rising from My furs~

Tonight is the first Book Forum

like a fool I volunteered for the first one


I am going to lead a discussion on the Assasin of Gor


Asellus~~~ *sitting silently, still awaiting Gornt to begin*


Gornt~~~ first of all how many have read this scroll, #5 in the series?


Lemuel~~~ ~listening~


Dak~~~ I have !


Lemuel~~~ ~raising My hand at Gornt's question~


SholGar~~~ I have good intentions. ~s~


jasma{GS~FG}~~~ ~raising hand to the Master's question as the rence paper slides off silken thigh~


Markos~~~ aye, I have as well


SabreWolf's heartling~~~ ~raises a hand~


Ceredigawn Durst~~~ *Keeping His hands where they are, not having read that one yet.*


Asellus~~~ *She chuckles* Well, I have it....just haven't gotten around to it....


Gornt~~~ good

I am glad to see so many have read it it ill make discussing it a lot easier if there are more than to talk


shirin{SholGar}~~~ ~*~lift her right arm, wiggling lil fingers~*~ shirin has read Assassin


Gornt~~~ The story briefly is that Tarl Cabot under the gize of Kuurus ~nodding to Him~ is requested to go to Ar to find out what information is being sent to the "Others" and who is leading this treason


SholGar~~~ ~listening~


Seafire~~~ listening


Gornt~~~ The priest Kings have already sent a spy in the form of vella, the Earth Girl, Elizabeth Cardwell


jasma{GS~FG}~~~ ~listening~


Gornt~~~ Misk informed Tarl Cabot that she was in training at the foremost Slave House in Ar, there fore the most powerful Slave House in All Gor


Gornt~~~ I was impressed that none interferred with the Assasin as He strode about the City of Ar, neither City Officials nor Warriors tried to get in His way or stop Him on His appointed mission. This fact really brought home to ME that Gor was totally different from the Earth, and that the society was organized along much different values


Gornt~~~ What was the name of the Owner of the Slave House ?


Dak~~~ Cernus


SabreWolf's heartling~~~ Cernus


Gornt~~~ Thank you, I drew a blank



Gornt~~~ Kuurus ingratiates Himself wit hCernus and is invited to stay and work within the House while carries out His search


Gornt~~~ He meets vella there and Cernus convenietly enough lets Him have her in His quarters as she goes through slave training


Gornt~~~ Now is it arrogance on he part of Tarl Cabot that leads him to believe He has fooled Cernus?


Gornt~~~ anyone?


Lemuel~~~ No, naivette maybe, but not arrogance.


Gornt~~~ ~nodding at the Builder~


Gornt~~~ I would agree, Cabot at times seems to forget He is on Gor and lets His Earthen belief in the general goodwill ofHis fellow Man cloud His judgement


jasma{GS~FG}~~~ one feels that it's not arrogance on Kuurus's (Tarl Cabot's) part.. perhaps more a hopefullness? as well as a girl feels that there was things there He just could never put His finger on.. a *gut* feeling perhaps? till it was too late..


Gornt~~~ While in the House of Cernus, there is somewhat of a Palace coup, with the kidnapping of the High ???'s daughter


Asellus~~~ *musing* Hmmm...well, You've got to think....that since this is only book #5....I'm sure Tarl hasn't quite reached that level of arrogance just yet. Or will I be soon proven wrong?


Gornt~~~ What was His name and her's


Asellus~~~ *Nodding with understanding at Lemuel*


Gornt~~~ aye Lemuel, I do too, and not always is there room for idealism on this planet


Lemuel~~~ ~S~ The kidnapping of Claudia Tentia Hinrabia, daughter of the Administrator (of the Builders, BTW).


Gornt~~~ Thanks Builder

~smiling as He gets in a plug for His caste~


jasma{GS~FG}~~~ Claudia Tentia Hinrabia

and her father was the Administrator of Ar prior


Cernus~~~ looks was she not the Ubar's daughter...later made a slave by Tarl


Gornt~~~ Cernus engineered the kidnapping to look like it was accomplished by His only real competitor Por?????


Lemuel~~~ ~shaking head at Cernus~ No, that's Talena.


Gornt~~~ that was in Scroll One, Cernus


Lemuel~~~ ~scratching head~ Publius, I think.


Cernus~~~ aye then I shall just listen and learn


Cernus~~~ holds head up to listen


Gornt~~~ with almost no competion in the field of Slave Trader in Ar Cernus' posiition and power were cemented to the point where He had Himself raised to the Warrior class and became Ubar, in the meantime Kuurus or Cabot has met with Cernus chief accountant, although He wasn't called that, and let Hime know thePKs had sent Him to help discover how the "Others" knew of the PK's power and technology


Lemuel~~~ ~shaking head~ Nope, just checked, it was Portus.


Gornt~~~ ~chuckling~ I wanted to say Portia I knew that wasn't right


Gornt~~~ Cernus also fancied Himself a player of the Great Game and throughout the story the Game takes on a more and more important role


Gornt~~~ what is the game likened to


Dak~~~ chess !


Lemuel~~~ ~S~ It's similar to chess.


Asellus~~~ I assume You are referring to Kaissa?


Gornt~~~ ~nodding~ right Dak

but with lots moresquares and men and much more seriously followed


Gornt~~~ Yes M'lady


Gornt~~~ On earth the Grand Game is also what is referred to as the intelligence business, and what is Tarl Cabot in Ar for if not for the clandestine gathering of intelligence


Asellus~~~ Right. *Nodding and listening to Gornt speak of the book*


Dak~~~ the restoration of Marlenus to Ubar !


Gornt~~~ so we have only a few characters to introduce, there is the blind player, who refuses Kuurus gold calling it black gold because kuurus is an Assasin

and hup the rolly polly fool that Cabot meets in a paga bar where he killed four Men in combat


Gornt~~~ I don't think that was the ultimate objective of the Priest Kings


Gornt~~~ I think the PKs were more concerned with covering their own asses if they have them, with the "Others"


Dak~~~ it was to find out if Cernus was working for the others


SholGar~~~ ~smiles at Gornt for the Earthen phrase...good analogy~


Gornt~~~ hup and the blind player were introduced fairly early in the book and then for the most part forgotten, A clever trick on the part of Norman to throw the reader off the scent that htese are pivotal characters who will have big impact on the outcome of the story


Gornt~~~ HE also introduced a large Man a Warrior at the killing games or tarn races, and then let Him slip away unnoticed


Cernus~~~ but this blind man is also older then the usual elders of Gor no??


Gornt~~~ younger but HE looked older than sin, and we all know how old sin is


Dak~~~ no, that was Marlenus !


Cernus~~~ aye and Norman mentions somthing about a serum develped by the caste of Phyisicins


SabreWolf's heartling~~~ ~listening~


Gornt~~~ yes it was Dak but No one seemed to recognize the "Ubar of Ubars"


Lemuel~~~ "The Player was a rather old man, extremely unusual on Gor, where the stabilization serums were developed centuries ago by the Caste of Physicians in Ko-ro-ba and Ar, and transmitted to the Physicians of other cities at several of the Sardar Fairs. Age, on Gor, interestingly, was regarded, and still is, by the Castes of Physicians as a disease, not an inevitable natural phenomenon." page 29 - Assassin


Dak~~~ he was well disguised !


Gornt~~~ the stability serums and he also mentions the work on the Disease that sounds like leprosy on earthm that was destoryed by the Initiates


Cernus~~~ aye Lemuel..I thank you


shirin{SholGar}~~~ aye, Marlenua of Ar had been osted and was hinding off somewhere, Kuurus/Cabot thought He saw Him once in town, but thought that would be foolish of Marlenus....but aye, the mysterious Warrior in the games was Marlenus in disguise...Who ended up fighting alongside and saving Cabot's life


Cernus~~~ scroll 5 has always been my favorite


jasma{GS~FG}~~~ ~catching up on the notes as she listens~


aandra{Cernus}~~~ *smiles at the lovely shirin's knowledge*


Gornt~~~ well is it decided? shall We spoil the end of the book for those who have not read it?


SholGar~~~ I'm for it..~S~


Cernus~~~ I vote good of a scroll not to be read


SabreWolf's heartling~~~ agrees with Master Cernus


Lemuel~~~ ~nodding~ Aye, You could leave out the last little bit. The book is pretty easy to get a hold of and is one of the best IMO.


Gornt~~~ The pieces are all in place, Norman has spun a magnifcent web, just when it seems that Cabot/Kuurus will win the day Cernus snatches victory from His grasp, but wait there are some surprises still in store


Cernus~~~ winces at the possible give away


SholGar~~~ ~thinking I'm going to have to do some reading..or perhaps find a hazel eyed, dark haired slut to fill Me in..looks at the lil one in My kolar...EG~


jasma{GS~FG}~~~ ~listening to the others speak.. not responding as her opinion don't mean anything.. ~


Cernus~~~ laughs at Sholgar


SabreWolf~~~ the end's My favorite part,,grin,,Yall makin Me wanna read it again,,


Gornt~~~ Norman's technique in the book seems to be along the lines of the old serial movies, the hero is winning through most of the reel then at the end there is a cliff hanger, then He brings in some surprise scene that changes the course of things in the nick of time


shirin{SholGar}~~~ ~*~smiles up to Him~*~ the slut would love to be in discussion with her wonderful Master ~*~licking lush ruby lips~*~


Lemuel~~~ ~grins~ I always felt that JN's first few books were very much like ERB's and I heard somewhere that JN too the last name from one of ERB's pen-names.


Gornt~~~ then there is another cliffhanger, this is a feature I noticed in all four of the books i have read so far, but i never felt cheated, becasue the solutions all were logical and in keeping with the characters He created


Gornt~~~ EdgarRice Burroughs?


Cernus~~~ the martian chronicals


Lemuel~~~ ~chuckling and nodding to Gornt~ Aye, Edgar Rice Burroughs.


Gornt~~~ Captain I shall not give away the finish except to say that the between the Tarn race and the Battle Dome

it was most exciting


Cernus~~~ smiles bravo Gornt I am glad you did not give it away.......


Gornt~~~ I throughly enjoyed Assasin, as I enjoyed scrolls 1, 3 & 4

I hope to be able to get My hands on some more they are fast reads with lots of action and much knowledge for Us in Our Gorean Worlds


SabreWolf~~~ the way John decribed the slaves in that book,,He knew a slaves belly,,grins,,ok,,i'll gladly read it again,,laughs,,puttin it in the bathroom tonight,,


SabreWolf's heartling~~~ ~giggles at her Master~


Gornt~~~ yes He did, and He knew that while Gor is not Fair, somehow it seems the Right always triumphs


Lemuel~~~ ~chuckling at the Captain's comments~


Gornt~~~ hopefully We who inhabit these little sites can emmulate the finest in Norman's books and put aside the pettiness of Earth to survive and prosper


Gornt~~~ and now I must conclude, I hope that all have enjoyed the Book Forum and I did not set the reading of the scrolls too far


Gornt~~~ Thank You for attention and participation


Lemuel~~~ ~nodding~ Aye Gornt, One does hope that. ~S~


SabreWolf~~~ I agree Gornt,,smiles,,We should be Gorean,let our r/t influences affect Us as little as possible,,while in here anyway,,We're from Gor and shouldn't know any difference,,


Asellus~~~ Thanks, Gornt, for volunteering to discuss Assassins of Gor tonight. The forum was informative. *smiling softly*


Lemuel~~~ ~S~ Thanks Gornt for a great forum.


Dak~~~ it was interesting, Gornt, thanks !


Cernus~~~ have any of you heard or read Captive of Gor??


jasma{GS~FG}~~~ thank You, Master Gornt for leading the discussion.


SholGar~~~ Thanks Gornt..well done.


shirin{SholGar}~~~ thank You Master Gornt ~*~bright smiles~*~ shirin enjoyed the discussion


Lemuel~~~ ~nodding~ Aye, I've read "Captive"


Cernus~~~ John Talbot is not in this book,


shirin{SholGar}~~~ shirin has read Captive ~*~blushes~*~ twice, it was that good, hehehe


Lemuel~~~ ~chuckles~ Tarl Cabot doesn't write it, but He is in it towards the end. There are a few more books like that, seven to be exact.


Dak~~~ yes, a good book as well !


shirin{SholGar}~~~ ~*~eyes twinkling~*~ aaaa but He was, but shirin didn't know this till she went back and read books 1 thru 6, He's briefly mentioned in the very begining and the very end

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